For this activity, imagine that you have a completed a SWOT analysis and have determined there is an opportunity to receive funding for your criminal justice agency. In order to meet th
For this activity, imagine that you have a completed a SWOT analysis and have determined there is an opportunity to receive funding for your criminal justice agency. In order to meet the requirements for funding, your agency must use a new piece of hardware. You must compose a one-minute audio transmission informing members of your criminal justice organization of the directive amendment. In your audio recording, you do not have to explain the technical intricacies of, for example, how to use an electronic ticket writer to members of your organization; instead, you must explain to members of your agency why the change was made and motivate them to be adaptable to change.
CJ 550 Module Six Activity Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to use proper communication skills to relay information reliably. In this activity, you will communicate a new directive using verbal communication.
Prompt: For this activity, imagine that you have a completed a SWOT analysis and have determined there is an opportunity to receive funding for your criminal justice agency. In order to meet the requirements for funding, your agency must use a new piece of hardware. You must compose a one-minute audio transmission informing members of your criminal justice organization of the directive amendment. In your audio recording, you do not have to explain the technical intricacies of, for example, how to use an electronic ticket writer to members of your organization; instead, you must explain to members of your agency why the change was made and motivate them to be adaptable to change.
Be clear in your recorded message to your subordinates. Explain the need for this new policy and how it was developed. Finally , list reasons why this policy change is a positive change that will promote organizational success.
You may use the free recording and editing software Audacity to record your message in MP3 format. Help with Audacity can be found in the tutorial here.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Records a message that clearly explains need for new policy and how it was developed
Message explains reasons for policy change
Message retains positivetone and promotes organizational success
Guidelines forSubmission: Your audio recording should be approximately 1 to 1 ½ minutes in length. You should submit your recording in MP3format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value New Policy Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recorded message is clear and of professional quality
Records a message that clearly explains need for new policy and how it developed
Records a message that explains need for new policy and how it developed, but message lacks clarity
Does not record a message that clearly explains need for new policy and how it developed
Reasons Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides exceptional details for explaining reasons for policy change
Message explains reasons for
policy change Message explains reasons for
policy change but has some gaps in reasoning
Message does not explain
reasons for policy change 30
Success Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides exceptional details for
retaining positive tone and promoting organizational success
Message retains positive tone and promotes organizational
Message retains a positive tone but message lacks information
about organizational success
Message does not retain positive tone nor promote organizational
Recording Recording is clear and message is between 1 and ½ minutes in length
Recording is clear and message is around 1 to 1 ½ minutes in length
Recording is not clear and message is either too short or too long
Total 100%
- CJ 550 Module Six Activity Guidelines and Rubric
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Running head: CJ 550-2 Milestone 1
CJ 550-2 Milestone 5
Southern New Hampshire University
Destiny Nance
September 25th, 2022
Ultimately, the purpose of this paper is to offer an evaluation of the Florida Re-entry program ( Recovery, Treatment, and Rehabilitation). In this case, "factors" refers to both internal and external influences on the facility's operation, both of which might have good and bad effects. At last, the facility's internal environment, including its strengths and weaknesses, would be analysed. The facility's capacity to make the most of opportunities and reduce risks posed by external sources would also be evaluated.
Internal factors
There are several internal factors that affect the performance of the subdivision. The first factor is human resources which refers to the members of the organization. The major internal factors affecting Florida Re-Entry Subdivision include strength of employees, strategic risks and the level of innovation. There is no more important internal business component than the quality of the company's personnel. It is important to assess whether or not staff members are enthusiastic, committed, and skilled. Effectiveness and efficiency can also be increased by adjusting the procedures and connections between and within departments. Strategic risks faced by the corporation are another internal factor influencing the organization. As a result, these factors influence how well your company performs relative to its business plan. This may be the result of the effects of new technologies or shifts in consumer preferences. These elements may be dangerous since they have the potential to affect consumers' opinions of the services offered by the organization (Nayer et al, 2021). Thirdly, the extent to which the company innovates has an impact. Staying ahead of the game is crucial. The marketing industry is a potential source of innovation. In addition, advertising strategy, employee development, and care could all play a role. The greatest approach to keep up with technological developments is to embrace new technology.
External factors
Florida Re-Entry Subdivision is affected by several factors in the external environment. One of the factors that have been affecting the organization is legislation. The facility is affected by the state and federal laws that are adopted and implemented in the state of Georgia. Another factor that affect the organization is the high level of inflation in the economy. This has contributed to increased prices of commodities needed in the operation of the organization. As a result of the increased prices, the overall expenditure of the organization has increased thus making it challenging for the management of the organization to run the organization within the allocated budget.
Strengths and weaknesses
There has been certain internal factors that contributes to the strength of the organization. One of the internal factors that contribute to the strength of the organization is the strong internal control. The presence of strong internal control in the management of the organization ensures the programs adopted in the organization are effective enough. Another strength of the organization is positive brand popularity where the organization has been associated with value creation in the society which in turn contribute to a greater number of members of the community supporting the programs proposed by the facility.
However, Florida Re-entry Subdivision is also affected by a major weakness of a lengthy decision-making process. This is contributed by presence of very many stakeholders who are involved in the planning and decision-making process.
Opportunities and Threats
One of the opportunities that are exposed to the facility is the development of awareness creation on the importance of re-entry programs. This has created a sense of importance on the role of re-entry programs and facilities in the community. With such attention, it becomes easier for the elected leaders to advocate the allocation of funds to the divisions (Butts, 2021).
However, the Florida Re-Entry program is faced by a threat of negative reputation in relation to the challenges involved in the re-entry process. According to critics, the division lacks effective framework and system to protect the needs of the clients during the re-entry program.
Butts, C. P. (2021). The Successful Road of Reentry After Conviction (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).
Nayer, G., Perez-Feliciano, L., & Adams, M. (2021). Got Faith?-An in-depth analysis and review of five faith-based prisoner reentry programs in Florida. An in-Depth Analysis and Review of Five Faith-Based Prisoner Reentry Programs in Florida (October 30, 2021). Plagiarism Free Papers
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