College Pals
Academic Papers Writing Company
Our Services

Quality Papers
We offer high quality papers written by experienced tutors.

Affordable prices
We offer the most competitive prices in the industry. Our prices starts at $10 per page.

All Subjects
We have experienced tutors in all academic disciplines such us accounting, business, chemistry, engineering e.t.c

Qualified Tutors
We outsource the very best tutors from English speaking countries

Plagiarism Free Papers
All our papers are checked fro plagiarize using turnitin. We also forward a copy of turnitin in report to our clients

Recommended by Students
According to a recent survey, 9 out of 10 students who have used our services recommends us to their colleagues.

Money Back Guarantee
We guarantee a full refund if you are not satisfied with the quality of our work.

24/7 Support
We have a very vibrant support team. Our agents responds to queries within a minute