Theology and discussion around existence of God

Does God Exist? Argument

Does God Exist? Argument

1-2 minutes

Does God Exist? Which argument on the existence/none existence of God you think is the most convincing in chapter 6? Pick one movie to discuss this argument. Analyze one specific scene in the movie where spectators can clearly see this argument on the existence/none existence of God. The essay must be done in MLA format with a minimum of 500 words

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Theology and discussion around existence of God


The existence of God is a question that has been asked for centuries. The word “God” is derived from the Latin term deus and means “the one who exists”, but what does it mean to say that God exists? Do we mean to say that there is an entity called God, or do we mean by that phrase something else entirely? The answer to this question depends on what definition of “God” you are using.

What is theology?

Theology is the study of God and His existence. It is considered a branch of philosophy, but it also has its own unique perspective on the world. Theology is not a science because it involves an objective investigation into something that cannot be proven or disproven by empirical evidence alone; thus, while theology cannot be entirely dismissed as merely opinion (because opinions can also be based on hard evidence), it cannot be defined as a purely subjective exercise in speculation either.

Theological thought stems from many different sources across history from ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle who argued over whether there was one god or many gods; onward through Augustine’s work on how humans should understand their relationship with God; all the way up to modern thinkers such as C.S Lewis who argue for faith over logic when examining questions about life after death or questions about what happens after our physical lives end–but whatever path you choose when exploring your faith or questioning why things happen as they do may eventually lead you back again where we started: asking questions about why there exists anything at all!

Existence of God in history

The first place to look for evidence of the existence of God is in history. But what do we mean by history? History as we know it is a relatively new concept, dating back only to the 18th century when Jean-Jacques Rousseau coined it in his book “Du Contrat Social” (1762). Before this time, most people believed that societies existed only for their own time period and did not survive beyond its end. For example: if you lived through World War II, then you would not have any idea about what happened under Hitler or Stalin because these events were still taking place while you were alive!

Nowadays we view history as being more than just an event it’s also an accumulation of knowledge and experiences which can be studied by scholars like yourself when they’re looking into topics such as religion or philosophy. You might think “history” sounds boring but don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to make learning fun! One way which always works well with kids is role playing games like “Dungeons & Dragons” where players take on different roles such as fighter/mage etcetera (and yes…have fun!).

Chapter 1. Arguments to prove that God exists

There are several arguments that can be used to prove the existence of God. Some of these arguments include:

  • The Argument from the Existence of the Universe: This argument states that if there is no God, then everything must have come about naturally by chance and therefore nothing can be called necessarily good or evil. However, if we assume that there is a creator who gave us life on Earth and guided us through this process (which would mean giving us free will), then we can infer that even though things may look chaotic at times due to outside influences such as natural disasters or wars; there must also exist some order behind them all which allows them to continue moving forward towards their ultimate goal – perfection!

  • Argument from Fine Tuning (or “The Anthropic Principle”): According to this theory which was first proposed by Brandon Carter back in 1974 at Oxford University England; it holds true because humans would not exist if certain physical constants weren’t just right according to our current understanding because they wouldn’t allow lifeforms like ours (i.e., carbon-based organisms) ever existed! For example: If all hydrogen atoms were slightly heavier than helium ones instead then stars wouldn’t burn brightly enough nor could planets survive long enough before being swallowed up into nearby stars’ gravitational pull which causes them either evaporate completely away into space dust particles or become so hot inside due friction caused by rotation around themselves too quickly causing severe atmospheric pressure changes leading up toward supernova explosions happening too quickly before anything could escape safely again.”

Chapter 2. Arguments against existence of God

The first argument against the existence of God is based on evil. It argues that if there were a God, He would have prevented all evil and suffering. This is an appealing thought, but it ignores the fact that we live in a world where violence and death are common occurrences. In addition to this, there are many people who die without ever being able to experience happiness or suffering because they never had children or were not born into a family with the means necessary to care for them.

Another argument against the existence of God is based on nonbelief: if you don’t believe in Him/Her/It, then why should we bother trying? This question raises another one – why should anyone bother believing at all? Why not just live life as though nothing exists except yourself? However, even if someone were fully convinced by these arguments (which they probably won’t be), it doesn’t mean they’ll stop believing wholeheartedly in their religion; instead they’ll simply find some other way of incorporating their faith into everyday life without relying heavily upon logic or evidence from science (which could show us exactly how miraculous things really happen).


In this essay, I have attempted to define God and explain how he can be known. My argument is that God should be considered a real being whose existence we can know for certain. Theology is an important part of religion because it helps us understand our beliefs about God and who he is. It also provides evidence for why belief in the existence of God has led humanity through many trials and tribulations throughout history, as well as into the future.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article!

Whether god exists or not is a matter of personal belief

Whether or not God exists is a matter of personal belief. No one can prove that He does, and many people choose to believe otherwise. It’s a matter of faith, not proof; you simply have to choose to accept the idea as true at some point in your life.

This idea is often misunderstood by people who don’t understand how we can make decisions based on our beliefs rather than scientific evidence alone. For example: If someone told you they saw Bigfoot (a large hairy man-like creature) roaming around in their backyard last week, would you believe it? Of course! It’s possible because there are so many things out there that could be considered “the truth” and this includes things like aliens visiting Earth or ghosts haunting houses throughout history but even though these theories exist as facts among us today (especially with regard to Bigfoot), they don’t mean anything unless another person confirms them first hand through independent research or observation themselves.*


In conclusion, theology is a subject that has been discussed many times in history. People have come to their own conclusions on the existence of God. If you believe in God, it doesn’t matter what other people say about it because you can’t prove those arguments against existence of God with logic alone; only revelation from God can do that. Plagiarism Free Papers

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