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35789This Paper needs 15 scholarly and peer reviewed references
Project Three: 21st Century Challenges
The saga of Global Delivery Direct (GDD) continues in assignment 3. Students evaluate 21st century leadership challenges and relate them to the issues GDD has been experiencing.
Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment
use leadership theories, assessment tools, and an understanding of the role of ethics, values, and attitudes to evaluate and enhance personal leadership skills
develop and implement methods for establishing a constructive organizational structure and culture that fosters positive employee and employer relationships
evaluate the culture and policies of an organization to recommend and implement improvements that support its vision, success, and sustainability
assess the interactions between the external environment and the organization to foster responsible and effective leadership and organizational practices
NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy, and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only).
Step 1: Preparation for Writing the Assignment
Before you begin writing the paper, you will read the following requirements that will help you meet the writing and APA requirements. Not reading this information will lead to a lower grade:
Review “How to Analyze a Case Study” under Week 8 Content. You are expected to use the facts from the case scenario focusing on using this information to determine opportunities and to solve problems.
Read the grading rubric for the assignment. Use the grading rubric while writing the paper to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
In writing this assignment, you will read and following these tasks:
Task 1: Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person.
Task 2: Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment.
Task 3: You are expected to paraphrase and are NOT to use direct quotes. You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing this link: https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html.
Task 4: You are responsible for APA only for in-text citations and a reference list.
Task 5: You are expected to use the facts from the case scenario paired with the weekly courses readings to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. No more than three (3) external resources can be used in completing the assignment. The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings. If any material is used from a source document, it must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. View the sample APA paper and the How to Cite and Reference file located under Week 4 content.
Step 2: How to Set Up the Paper
Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is single-spaced, single-spaced between paragraphs, 12-point font in Times New Roman. The final product will be between 3-5 pages in length excluding the title and reference pages. You may not exceed five (5) pages. Write clearly and concisely.
Follow a Memorandum format.
Students will also create a title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name; date.
Note: Students are not writing an essay paper so the assignment should reflect a memo format that is appropriate for the workplace.
Step 3: Read and use the Global Delivery Direct (GDD) Company Profile.
Step 4: Read critically and analyze the following scenario:
An emergency meeting was called in London by John Smythe Heathering, the Executive Director of Corporate Services, when the 2015 numbers came out for the business. Sales dropped 7% overall in a quarterly downward spiral with the largest portion of decline having been in the American division at 3.8%. The move to “Business First” in America prevented the loss from being as great as 6.5%. This change helped but not enough to overcome the full 6.5%. The competition continues to make inroads into the business not just in America but Asia as well.
The purpose of the emergency meeting is to discuss the decline in sales and make whatever decisions necessary to reverse the trend with immediate implementation. The question before the group is how do we reverse the downward trend? A competitive edge is necessary. As 21st century leaders, the Executive Directors realize that five challenges have to be examined if they are to find ways keep the company running at a profit. Further, they know that as company leaders they will have to lead the change required to make the recommendations work.
In the emergency meeting, the Directors decided that they needed professional help. They turn to you, a leadership consultant to help them discover ways in which they can improve sales of the company and set the company up for long-term financial health.
Step 5: Explain each leadership challenge facing the 21st century leader: adaptability, sustainability, innovation, knowledge management, and globalization and the relationship each has to developing a competitive edge in business today.
Task 1: Read the course readings on leadership challenges in the 21st century.
Task 2: Read the course readings on competitive advantage
Task 3: For each of the identified challenges, discuss the relationship each has to the 21st century businesses competitive edge.
Step 6: Evaluate GDD’s status regarding each of these challenges.
Task 1: Analyze GDD’s current business status in terms of each of the leadership challenges. Note that an analysis goes beyond making statements or regurgitating facts.
Task 2: Discuss GDD’s current business status in terms of each of the leadership challenges. Be specific in evaluating the status against each challenge. Do not expect that any one response is correct, as what is presented has to be reasonable and fit with GDD’s vision, mission and goals. Support the reasoning with rigorous, focused thinking that demonstrates the analytical skills GDD is looking from you.
Step 7: Make at least two practical recommendations for each leadership challenge that will put GDD on the path to financial success and sustainability and explain the reasoning for doing so.
Task 1: Provide a minimum of two practical recommendations for each leadership challenge. Recommendations should integrate the facts from the scenario and from the company profile and be specific to the GDD business. Do not take information from outside sources and present as though it fits the scenario.
Task 2: Make sure to use the grading rubric to complete this step.
Step 8: Select one of the challenges for which you made recommendations and explain how the Executive Directors, as change agents, will go about implementing the recommendations.
Task 1: Select one of the challenges discussed in Step 7. Explain how the Executive Directors will implement the recommendation. Make sure the explanation is well thought out and does not present what the Executive Directors should do but how they will do it. In doing so, be specific and support the reasoning with examples and be sure to use the Company information and the course readings.
Step 9: Review the Paper
Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.
Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.
Read the paper aloud as a first measure;
Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure;
Have someone who has excellent English skills to proof the paper;
Consider submitting the paper to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.
Step 10: Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder on Sunday, October 15 by 11:59pp.m. NO EXTENSIONS ACCEPTED.
Start Date
Aug 21, 2017 9:29 AM
Due Date
Oct 15, 2017 11:59 PM
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Assignment #3
Criteria Outstanding Superior Good Substandard Failure
Content: Memo – Leadership Challenges 3 points
Demonstrates an exceptional ability to discuss each leadership challenge facing the 21st century leader and the relationship each has to developing a competitive edge in business today providing powerful connections between challenge and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(2.7 – 3.0)
2.55 points
Demonstrates an excellent ability to discuss each leadership challenge facing the 21st century leader and the relationship each has to developing a competitive edge in business today providing appropriate connections between challenge and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(2.4 – 2.69)
2.25 points
Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to discuss each leadership challenge facing the 21st century leader and the relationship each has to developing a competitive edge in business today providing connections between challenge and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(2.1 – 2.39)
1.95 points
Demonstrates a limited ability to discuss each leadership challenge facing the 21st century leader and the relationship each has to developing a competitive edge in business today providing some connections between challenge and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern; presents discussion on challenges, or discusses relationship to competitive edge but not both; may be missing key information.
(1.8 – 2.09)
0 points
Fails to discuss each leadership challenge facing the 21st century leader and the relationship each has to developing a competitive edge in business today.
Content: Memo – Evaluates GDD Current Status 3 points
Demonstrates an exceptional ability to evaluate GDD’s current status regarding each of the challenges; provides detailed explanation and powerful connections between identified issues/problems and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(2.7 – 3.0)
2.55 points
Demonstrates an excellent ability to evaluate GDD’s current status regarding each of the challenges; provides detailed explanation and appropriate connections between identified issues/problems and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(2.4 – 2.69)
2.25 points
Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to evaluate GDD’s current status regarding each of the challenges; provides explanations between identified challenges but could provide more appropriate connections to the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(2.1 – 2.39)
1.95 points
Demonstrates a limited ability to evaluate GDD’s current status regarding each of the challenges; provides little to no explanation or connections between identified challenges and the concepts studied in the course readings and case study fact pattern.
(1.8 – 2.09)
0 points
Fails to evaluate GDD’s current status regarding each of the challenges.
Content: Memo – Recommendations 2.7 points
Makes four (4) practical recommendations for each leadership challenge that will put GDD on the path to financial success.
(2.43 – 2.7)
2.295 points
Makes three (3) practical recommendations for each leadership challenge that will put GDD on the path to financial success.
(2.16 – 2.42)
2.025 points
Makes two (2) practical recommendations for each leadership challenge that will put GDD on the path to financial success.
(1.89 – 2.15)
1.755 points
Makes one (1) practical recommendation for each leadership challenge that will put GDD on the path to financial success.
(1.62 – 1.88)
0 points
Fails to makes practical recommendations for each leadership challenge that will put GDD on the path to financial success.
Content: Memo – Select One Recommendations 3 points
Selects one of the challenges for which you made recommendations and explain how the Executive Directors, as change agents, will go about implementing the recommendation demonstrating an exceptional ability to discuss clearly, accurately providing detailed explanations.
(2.7 – 3)
2.55 points
Selects one of the challenges for which you made recommendations and explain how the Executive Directors, as change agents, will go about implementing the recommendation demonstrating an excellent ability to discuss clearly, accurately providing detailed explanations.
(2.4 – 2.69)
2.25 points
Selects one of the challenges for which you made recommendations and explain how the Executive Directors, as change agents, will go about implementing the recommendation demonstrating a satisfactory ability to discuss accurately providing detailed explanations.
(2.1 – 2.39)
1.95 points
Selects one of the challenges for which you made recommendations and explain how the Executive Directors, as change agents, will go about implementing the recommendation demonstrating a limited ability to discuss accurately and fails to provide detailed examples or miscommunicates information; presents recommendation but fails to discuss further.
(1.8 – 2.09)
0 points
Fails to select one of the challenges and does not explain how the Executive Directors, as change agents, will go about implementing the recommendation.
Content: Memo Formatting 0.9 points
Each part of the memo is correctly presented; The writer briefly states the purpose of the memo. The body exceptionally contains courteous, formal language and contains all of the details that the audience will need. There are no extraneous details.
(0.81 – 0.90)
0.765 points
Each part of the memo is correctly presented; The writer briefly states the purpose of the memo. The body exceptionally contains polite language and contains most of the details that the audience will need. One or two extraneous details exist.
(0.72 – 0.80)
0.675 points
Each part of the memo is correctly presented; The writer briefly states the purpose The body satisfactorily contains formal language and contains all of the details that the audience will need. Several extraneous details exists.
(0.63 – 0.71)
0.585 points
Writer shows a vague understanding of correct format for a memorandum; header of memo may lack one of its lines; the writer does not state the purpose The body contains limited details that the audience will need. Many extraneous details exists and there are missing elements.
(0.54 – 0.62)
0 points
Fails to write the memo in memo format, omits major elements.
Critical Thinking/Reasoning 5.4 points
Comments reflect a highly accomplished level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurate, thorough, and soundly reasoned conclusions.
(4.86 – 5.4)
4.59 points
Comments reflect an excellent level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in accurately reasoned conclusions.
(4.32 – 4.85 )
4.05 points
Comments reflect a satisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts resulting in partially correct conclusions that lack development or detail that demonstrates insight into reasoning.
(3.78 – 4.31)
3.51 points
Comments reflect an unsatisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts, resulting in conclusions that are underdeveloped or lack soundly reasoned conclusions.
(3.24 – 3.77)
0 points
Comments reflect an unsatisfactory level of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reasoning of the case material and case study facts, resulting in failure to draw little to no conclusions.
(0 – 3.23)
Application of Resources 4.5 points
Presents exceptionally well-supported arguments or positions with evidence from the readings/experience; ideas go beyond the course material and recognize implications and extensions of the material and concepts.
(4.05 – 4.5)
3.825 points
Presents excellent arguments or positions that are mostly supported by evidence from the readings and course content; ideas presented demonstrate understanding of the material and concepts.
(3.6 – 4.04)
3.375 points
Satisfactory arguments or positions are presented but there is a mix of opinion or unclear view with supported arguments using course readings. Case study facts are occasionally used but arguments would be much stronger with use of facts.
(3.15 – 3.59)
2.925 points
Arguments are frequently illogical and unsubstantiated; Limited use of facts in case study and essential information presented in course readings.
(2.7 – 3.14)
0 points
Arguments lack meaningful explanation or support of ideas. Does not provide facts presented in case study.
(0 – 2.69)
Attention to Instructions 3 points
Demonstrates exceptional understanding of requirements responding completely to each aspect of assignment including minor aspects of the assignment such as using third person writing, required use of course readings, and assignment format.
(2.7 – 3.0)
2.55 points
Demonstrates excellent understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment.
(2.4 – 2.69)
2.25 points
Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of requirements; missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment.
(2.1 – 2.39)
1.95 points
Fails to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment.
(1.8 – 2.09)
0 points
Fails to demonstrate understanding of assignment requirements.
(0 – 1.79)
Writing Mechanics 3 points
Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of written English using paragraphs and sentence rather than bullets, including but not limited to capitalization, punctuation, run-on sentences, missing or extra words, stylistic errors, spelling and grammatical errors. No contractions or jargon used. Zero to two errors noted.
(2.7 – 3)
2.55 points
Excellently adheres to standard usage of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Three to six errors noted.
(2.4 – 2.69)
2.25 points
Satisfactorily adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Seven to 10 errors noted.
(2.1 – 2.39)
1.95 points
Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English, including capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. More than 10 errors found.
(1.8 – 2.09)
0 points
Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: conventions of written English largely incomprehensible; or errors are too plentiful to count.
(0 – 1.79)
APA Style (6th ed.) 1.5 points
No APA style or usage errors; Proper citation of source material is used throughout paper; Reference titles follow APA with only the first word, the first word after a colon and proper nouns capitalized.
(1.35 – 1.5)
1.275 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference list but one or two APA style errors noted or fails to use APA citations when appropriate 1-2 times.
(1.2 – 1.34)
1.125 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; APA style errors are noted throughout document; Fails to use APA citations when appropriate 3 times in document.
(1.05 – 1.19)
0.975 points
Attempts in-text citations and reference lists; Fails to use APA citation when appropriate 4-5 times; or presents only 1-2 in-text citations and reference list in a paper that requires APA citations throughout the document.
(0.9 – 1.04)
0 points
No attempt at APA style; or attempts either in-text citations or reference list but omits the other.
(0 – 0.89)
Overall Score Outstanding
27 or more Superior
24 or more Good
21 or more Substandard
18 or more Failure
0 or more
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