Create an innovation plan proposal using the attached Evidence-B
Create an innovation plan proposal using the attached “Evidence-Based Innovation Plan Template.”
A. Introduce your innovation proposal by doing the following:
1. Explain the role of an innovative nurse leader.
2. Summarize the community of practice (CoP) established during your CPE, including the following points:
a. organizational characteristics, services provided, and size of the service area
b. demographic characteristics of the population served
c. team member roles—formal and informal
d. shared team values
3. Focusing on the organization identified in your CPE, discuss the internal and external factors that prompted this proposal.
4. Assess how your proposed innovation aligns to other professional, regulatory, and/or governmental strategic initiatives.
5. Construct a purpose statement for your proposed innovation.
6. Create a goal of the proposed innovation in SMART+C format (i.e., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed, and Challenging).
B. Complete a review of relevant sources by doing the following:
1. Identify five scholarly peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years that are relevant to your innovation proposal.
2. Complete the Relevant Sources Summary Table in the attached “Evidence-Based Innovation Plan Template.””
3. Identify the evidence strength and the hierarchy of each source, as outlined in the attached “WGU Levels of Evidence” document.
NOTE: Use the WGU Evidence Leveling Navigation Tool in the Supporting Documents to identify the evidence strength and hierarchy for each source.
4. Synthesize your findings by identifying patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature as they relate to the proposed innovation.
5. Develop recommendations for the proposed innovation based on the literature.
C. Discuss the data-collection methods and technology used to identify and support the proposed innovation by doing the following:
1. Explain the process you used to generate ideas for an innovation from the CoP.
2. Provide examples of big and small data within your current healthcare setting.
3. Discuss how big data could be used to support the proposed innovation.
4. Describe technology enhancements required for the proposed innovation.
NOTE: A technology enhancement could be the development of a new technology or enhanced application of an existing technology.
D. Discuss how to support interprofessional collaboration in the midst of disruptive innovation by doing the following:
1. Analyze how disruption from the proposed innovation could impact individuals, processes, and organizations.
2. Develop strategies to mitigate the challenges of disruption for individuals, processes, and organizations.
3. Discuss how the proposed innovation can leverage benefits of disruptive innovation for cost-effective, quality healthcare outcomes.
E. Discuss your pre-implementation plan by doing the following:
1. Discuss diffusion of innovation as it relates to the implementation of your plan.
NOTE: Refer to the COS for Roger’s Theory.
2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of team members needed to implement your proposal using the Innovation Action Plan table in the attached “Evidence-Based Innovation Plan Template” including information that is practical, accurate, and relevant to the proposed innovation. ”
3. Discuss the financial implications of implementing the proposed innovation.
4. Develop an interprofessional communication plan accounting for the logistics (i.e., the who, what, when, and where) of facilitating the innovation and its usability.
5. Discuss how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed innovation.
F. Conclude your innovation proposal by doing the following:
1. Reiterate the purpose and rationale for your proposed innovation.
2. Reflect on your experience identifying an innovation for your setting.
3. Discuss the strengths and challenges of the process used for developing this innovation plan.
4. Discuss how you will apply what you have learned for future initiatives.
WGU Levels of Evidence 7 Level Model for Rating Evidence |
Strength of Evidence |
Evidence Hierarchy |
Types of Studies |
Level I |
· Meta-analysis · Systematic Review · Integrative Review · National Practice Guideline |
· Meta-analyses · Systematic Reviews · Integrative Reviews · National Practice Guidelines |
This level includes research designs of Meta-Analyses, Systematic Reviews, Integrative Reviews, National Practice Guidelines (Evidence-based practice guidelines housed in national repositories that were developed from systematic reviews). |
Level II |
· Randomized Controlled Trial · Experimental |
· Randomized Controlled Trials · Experimental studies |
This level represents evidence from studies using a true experimental design. |
Level III |
· Quasi-experimental |
· Quasi-experimental studies (experiments without randomization) |
This level represents evidence obtained from experimental studies without randomization. |
Level IV |
· Non-experimental |
· Retrospective · Case control · Cross-sectional · Cohort-comparison · Prospective · Descriptive · Correlational single studies |
This level represents evidence from well-designed non-experimental studies such as retrospective, case-control, cross-sectional, cohort comparison, prospective, descriptive, and correlational single studies. |
Level V |
· Meta-synthesis |
· Meta-syntheses |
This level represents evidence from systematic reviews of studies using qualitative methods. |
Level VI |
· Single Qualitative Study |
· Qualitative studies |
This level represents single studies using a qualitative research method. |
Level VII |
· Expert Opinion |
· Narrative Reviews · Quality Improvement Projects · Case Studies · Reports from expert committees · Opinions from experts · Specialist opinions · Editorials · Scoping Reviews |
This level represents a variety of non-research-based evidence and generally includes reports from expert committees and/or opinions of authorities on the subject. The evidence in this level includes specialists’ opinions, case studies, practice guidelines, narrative reviews, editorials, regulations, legislation, program outcome data, quality improvement projects, and scoping reviews. |
For additional information refer to D031: Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice Course of Study, Unit 3. –
Revised Oct2021
Is it Research?
YES NO, choose Level VII, Expert Opinion
Is it a Single Study or some type of review?
Single Study
Is it Quantitative?
YES, it is Quantitative
Is it some type of Experimental Study?
Experimental vs. Non-experimental
YES, it is Experimental
Does it have the 3 Hallmarks? Random Sample, Control Group & Intervention
Group present?
YES, choose Level II, RCT, True Experimental
NO, choose Level III, Quasi-experimental
Choose Level VI, Qualitative
Is it Level I or a Level V?
D031 Resource_Updated April2022
NO, choose Level IV, Non-experimental
NO, it is Qualitative
WGU Evidence Leveling Navigation Tool
D031- Advancing Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing Practice Task Tips
Task Aspect Rubric Criteria – Competent Comments & Tips
A1. Explanation of Role
The explanation of the innovative nurse leader role contains accurate characteristics of the nurse innovator and behaviors of innovation leadership. The explanation is well-supported by a scholarly reference and includes examples relevant to the role.
This section must include at least one reference citation from a peer-reviewed Evidence- Based book or article. PA task must include at least one reference citation from a peer-reviewed Evidence- Based book or article. Role of Nurse Innovator Resources:
▪ Cianelli, R., Clipper, B., Freeman, R., Goldstein, J., & Wyatt, T. H. (2016). The innovation road map: A guide for nurse leaders. ▪ Cusson, R. M., Meehan, C., Bourgault, A., & Kelley, T. (2020). Educating the next generation of nurses to be innovators and change agents. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(2), 13-19. ▪ Weberg, D., Davidson, S., Porter-O'Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2019). Leadership for evidence-based innovation in nursing and health professions. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. P. 13. ▪ (Weberg et al., 2019, Chapter 2, Innovative Leadership Behaviors)!/4/2/[email protected]:0.00 COS Unit 3
STARTING TIPS: Remember to remove template original text as you complete each section. Paste the task instruction points into each section of the template where they best fit. Then remove as you write about each rubric point.
A2a. Organizational Characteristics
The summary includes an accurate description of organizational characteristics of the CoP, including type, setting, and structure. The summary accurately describes the services provided and size of the service area and offers in-
When describing the Community of Practice [CoP] cite references including the website of the organization. If you use data from different areas of the organization’s website review the rules for citing websites with the same name and date “APA Twins.” Organizational structure includes the leaders of the facility possibly from an organizational chart. You’ll want to include a description of the organizational structure – who reports to whom – the “pecking order” so to speak. See if you can get a copy of an organizational chart for your facility – that will give you a lot of good information – then write it up as a narrative – don’t just insert the chart into your paper.
Task Aspect Rubric Criteria – Competent Comments & Tips
depth details about the services provided.
Organizational structure includes the leaders of the facility possibly from an organizational chart. Organizational Structure Resources: structure-examples/
The summary of the demographic characteristics of the population served is effectively supported with quantitative and qualitative data. The characteristics described are plausible and appropriate to the population served.
They’ll want to see the specific demographic data/breakdown (by age and ethnicity etc. that
you will obtain from the US census bureau). This section must include both quantitative
(percentage of) and qualitative (age/gender/ethnicity) data. Cite references for this
information such as
A2c. Team
Member Roles
The team members are accurately identified and their respective roles are relevant to the proposed change. The summary encompass informal and formal roles.
List each team member as well as both the formal and informal roles. Formal roles could include the team member’s job description. Informal roles are activities that are performed but are not a part of the person’s job description. Include yourself on the team! Swensen S., Pugh M., McMullan C., Kabcenell A. (2013). High-impact leadership: Improve care, improve the health of populations, and reduce costs. [IHI White Paper]. Please note: In order to download this whitepaper, asks that you create a free account, then the PDF will download to your computer. Eggenberger et al. (2014). Creating high-performance interprofessional teams. Retrieved from teams/
Task Aspect Rubric Criteria – Competent Comments & Tips
Brickman, J. (2016). How to get health care employees onboard with change. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from COS Unit 3 Module One; Topics 1 and 2; Unit 5, Module 1, Topic 3
A2d. Shared Team Values
A summary is provided of the shared goals of the organization and the team. The discussion is supported by real examples.
Provide specific examples of shared team member goals and values that drew the team together to create this innovation. Connect the shared team values with a specific mission or vision from the organization [CoP].
Weberg, D., Davidson, S., Porter-O'Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2019). Leadership for evidence- based innovation in nursing and health professions. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Weberg et al., (2019). Chapter 2, p. 29- 30!/4/190/2/[email protected]:18.3
A3. Discussion of Internal and External Factors
The submission discusses internal and external factors that prompted the innovation proposal, and the factors discussed are plausible.
Include internal and external factors that prompted this proposal by the CoP. The discussion must be grounded in evidence [cite references]. Include internal and external factors that prompted this proposal by the innovation team. Internal and external factors could be either positive or negative that led to the need for this innovation.
Weberg et al., (2019). Chapter 1, p. 26 You are essentially being asked to analyze the health care organization that you are
examining (the CoP) and for which you are proposing an innovation ….you might want to
perform something called a SWOT Analysis.
Evaluate the Community of Practice ( CoP)
SWOT Analysis is a method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats that exist in the area in which the CoP functions. In this context, it is used to assess
the environment in which the CoP functions as well as resources and needs that add to the
picture. SWOT analysis uses both internal and external factors that may impact the CoP.
Internal factors, including strengths and weaknesses, reside within the CoP and its members,
while external factors, opportunities and threats, are external to the CoP. Once these critical
Task Aspect Rubric Criteria – Competent Comments & Tips
factors are identified, they are used to create the goals that members of your CoP would like
to achieve.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths: internal positive attributes of the CoP that can facilitate activities
Weaknesses: internal attributes of the CoP that may hinder achievement of its activities and
Opportunities: external conditions that may facilitate activities of the CoP
Threats: external conditions that may stand in the way of CoP activities
A4. Alignment to Strategic Initiatives
The assessment of the
alignment of the proposed
innovation with other
professional, regulatory, or
governmental strategic
initiatives is accurate and
relevant to the proposed
Strategic initiatives are the means through which an organization translates its goals and visions into practice. This material will come from the student’s outside research.
Cite references within the body of the paper and reference list. This may include personal communication, if applicable. Personal communication is only cited in the body of the paper, not in the reference list.
Professional, regulatory, or governmental strategic initiatives include CDC, Healthy People 2020, Joint Commission, Professional Organizations like nurse practitioner organizations, ANCC, etc.
A5. Purpose Statement
The purpose statement is clear, relevant to the proposal, meaningful, applicable, realistic, and specific. It is clear how the purpose statement supports the success of the proposed innovation.
Include one statement that describes the overall direction or focus for the proposed innovation. For example The [ “purpose,” “intent,” or “objective”] of this proposed innovation is to [“Improve,” “expand,””increase”]____.
Task Aspect Rubric Criteria – Competent Comments & Tips
A6. Innovation Goal
The goal statement for the innovation uses the SMART+C format and is relevant to the proposed innovation.
The SMART-C goal is more specific and measurable than a purpose statement [A5]. SMART-C [Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound, and Challenging]. Challenging =They stretch the group to set its aims on significant improvements that are important to members of the community.
B1. Scholarly Sources
5 sources from scholarly peer- reviewed journals are accurately identified and were published within the past 5 years. All of them are relevant to the proposed innovation.
Prior to writing this section, search the WGU library and Internet to identify credible sources that contain relevant information on your innovation topic. Select the top five sources that are most relevant to your innovation plan. In this section, you will present the results of your search by completing the Relevant Sources Summary Table, which will list key findings from your sources.
B2. Presentations
of Findings
The Relevant Sources Summary Table is complete and includes a detailed summary of each source identified in part B1. Each summary is appropriately related to the proposed innovation.
In this section, you will present the results of your search by completing the Relevant Sources Summary Table, which will list key findings from your sources in correct APA formatting. Describe in detail specific aspects of the study or article.
B3. Evidence Strength and Hierarchy
The evidence strength and evidence hierarchy of each chosen source in the evidence critique table is accurately identified, using the Strength of Evidence information in the study plan.
List the level of evidence in the Relevant Sources Summary Table. Follow Levels of Evidence document in COS. List the level of evidence in the Relevant Sources Summary Table. Follow the WGU Levels of Evidence document located under “Assessments” under the “Supporting Documents” tab in the course of study. You do not have to name the exact hierarchy category, just the general title. Level I: Meta-analysis, Systematic Reviews, Integrative Reviews, National Practice Guidelines Level II: Randomized Controlled Plagiarism Free Papers
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