For each scenario (4), See attachment ?for detailed instructions ?you are to write a short paragraph that will: ? Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma, ? Cite the standard of professional b
For each scenario (4), “See attachment for detailed instructions you are to write a short paragraph that will:
· Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma,
· Cite the standard of professional behavior from the Code of Ethics See attachment for the action violates using the number and letter,
· Provide justification for your selection of the standard, and
· Describe an alternate behavior that is detailed and appropriate to take in that situation.
· Paper is professionally written, evaluated for structure, organization, and mechanics
· No Plagiarism
Responding to Ethical Dilemmas
This project is designed to evaluate your knowledge of The Teacher. You will apply your knowledge of the role and expectations of the professional educator to the characteristics and ethical behaviors learned in the coursework.
Project 700.1 The Teacher: Responding to Ethical Dilemmas – See Attachment
As you have learned in this course, teachers serve as role models and your conduct, both on and off the job, can significantly impact your professional image. In this project, you are to read each scenario and answer the questions that follow. Your answers should be written in paragraph form and the overall project should be at least two pages
Refences provided for assignment “See attachment”:
· Code of Ethics
· Grade Rubics
For each scenario (4), “See attachment titled – 700.1P Elementary Ethics Dilemmas” you are to write a short paragraph that will:
· Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma,
· Cite the standard of professional behavior from the Code of Ethics See attachment for the action violates using the number and letter,
· Provide justification for your selection of the standard, and
· Describe an alternate behavior that is detailed and appropriate to take in that situation.
· Paper is professionally written, evaluated for structure, organization, and mechanics
· No Plagiarism
You are expected to use professional language, spelling, and grammar.
SCENARIO 1: Andrea Miles is the GT teacher at Meridian Elementary school. As part of her duties, she is to screen,
identify, and assess students who exhibit characteristics of gifted and talented students. The GT program in her school
district is well known for being rigorous and enriching for students, and many times families will move into the district in
hopes of getting their child identified for the program. Ms. Meridian recently found out that her close friend’s niece,
Stefanie, has enrolled at her school. Stefanie was identified as GT in her previous district, but – because GT identification
has different criteria for each school district in the state – being GT in one school district does not always mean a student
will be GT in a new school district.
Meridian ISD has very rigorous criteria for the GT program, and oftentimes students who were GT in a previous district
will no longer qualify for the GT program once they move to Meridian. Unfortunately, this was the case for Stefanie. Her
test scores, at the 95th percentile, were just shy of the qualifying 97th percentile score, set by district policy. Admission
into the GT program requires a committee of at least 3 GT certified teachers as per the state plan. The committee has
the authority to qualify students whose scores, like Stefanie’s, are close to qualifying on the basis of a “preponderance
of evidence.” The last couple of students with almost qualifying scores that were brought to the committee, in hopes of
a “yes” decision based on the “preponderance of evidence,” were not admitted into the program. Because Stefanie was
related to her good friend, and because she truly felt that she was a great candidate for the program, Ms. Miles did not
want risk her not being admitted. In preparing the paperwork for the committee admission meeting, Ms. Miles changed
Stefanie’s score from a 95th to a 97th percentile. With the information Ms. Miles provided, the committee admitted
Stefanie into the program as it appeared she met the Meridian school district requirements.
1. Identify the behaviors that you believe violate standards in the Educator Code of Ethics.
2. Which standards do you think were violated? Explain your reasoning.
3. What different choices or actions could Ms. Miles have made in order to act in accordance with the code of
SCENARIO 2: Mr. Armstrong is a 3rd grade Language Arts teacher at Cold Creek Elementary. He shares students with his
teaching partner, Mrs. Long, who teaches Math, Science and Social Studies. These two teachers have been teaching
partners for several years, and have shared personal information with each other as it pertains to their work and home
life. Recently, Mrs. Long confided in Mr. Armstrong about difficulties she is having with medication she takes for anxiety,
and she let him know that she would be missing school to go to a doctor’s appointment for help with the issue.
While Mrs. Long was out for her appointment, Mr. Armstrong told the substitute, who is also a parent of a student who
attends Cold Creek Elementary, that Mrs. Long would probably be needing her several more times in the upcoming
weeks, saying specifically that she would be visiting the doctor until she gets her anxiety controlled by her medications.
Mr. Armstrong’s purpose in speaking to the substitute was only to secure her for upcoming days because he prefers to
have consistency for the students.
1. Identify the behaviors that you believe violate standards in the Educator Code of Ethics.
2. Which standards do you think were violated? Explain your reasoning.
3. What different choices or actions could Mr. Armstrong have made to act in accordance with the code of
SCENARIO 3: Ms. Olsen and Mr. Parker both teach physical education at Putnam Grove Elementary school, and have –
after assessing the need for their students to have more opportunities for physical activity – decided to start an after
school run club. The afterschool clubs and programs at PGE are typically very popular with the students, so Ms. Olsen
and Mr. Parker have decided to cap run club membership at 100 students for the first year, until they can determine
how many more students they can safely accommodate in the program. This will depend on parent volunteers, the
number of students who attend regularly, and the behavior of students while they are participating.
When they announce the run club and begin taking applications, they are excited to find out that over 200 students are
interested in participating, which means they will need to set the criteria for choosing which students will be admitted.
The criteria they choose include:
1. Did the student submit the application by the specified deadline?
2. Parents or guardians must sign a letter acknowledging that they are able to come pick their child up when
they stay after school on run club days.
3. Students must not have any office referrals for behavior.
4. Is the child a sibling of another student that has been accepted into the run club?
In speaking to their colleagues, they are aware of certain families who sign their children up for these afterschool
programs, but often fail to pick them up on time on meeting days. Before they begin the selection process, they have
already determined a list of students who will not get in to the run club, even if they meet all of the above criteria, due
to a history of late pick-ups by the parents. Mr. Parker notices that most of the students being excluded qualify for free
or reduced lunch (the low SES category), but he doesn’t mention this because he does not want to get stuck waiting at
the school when parents don’t show up on time. Ms. Olsen accepts a few late applications because they are students
who are good friends with her daughter, and she wanted them to be able to participate together. Finally, a student with
autism, who is an avid runner, was denied entry because he is known to have behavior issues (though he does not have
office referrals since his behavior issues are addressed through his IEP). Mr. Parker and Ms. Olsen are the only ones who
were present during the selection process, so no one knows why any of the students were not admitted, only that they
had to cap the membership at 100.
1. Identify the behaviors (if any) that you believe violate standards in the Educator Code of Ethics.
2. Which standards do you think were violated? Explain your reasoning. If you feel that no standards were
violated, explain your reasoning.
3. Should Mr. Parker and/or Ms. Olsen have handled this situation differently so as not to violate the Code of
Ethics, or (if you feel that there was no violation) to avoid their actions being called into question? Explain.
SCENARIO 4: Mrs. Nelson is a 5th grade teacher at Xander Elementary School. Mrs. Nelson is very tech-savvy and uses
many forms of social media to communicate with her parents and students. At the beginning of the year she asks
parents to follow her on a communication app, Remind, so that they can receive important text reminders about
upcoming events. Remind is typically used for group communication. For example, Mrs. Nelson might send out a
reminder to the class that they have a field trip and will need to remember to bring their lunch. After receiving a group
text, parents then have the option to respond individually to Mrs. Nelson and they can then carry on a conversation in a
private environment if they need to discuss more student-specific information.
Many of her students have their own cell phones and have also begun following Mrs. Nelson on the Remind app. While
Mrs. Nelson does not encourage this, she doesn’t remove them when they do. It has never been an issue in the past,
and she assumes it might help them to know about upcoming and important events too.
Mrs. Nelson is a very loved and respected teacher, and she is known for providing a very safe and nurturing
environment in her classroom. Whenever a student is struggling with an issue, he or she knows that Mrs. Nelson will
listen and support them. Because of the precarious nature of 5th grade, students often come to Mrs. Nelson with all
kinds of problems. After sending out a Remind text about the upcoming early dismissal day, a student, Maddie,
responded with a private message to Mrs. Nelson telling her that she needed to talk to her about a problem. Mrs.
Nelson tells her to come to her first thing in the morning, so they can talk before class begins. The next morning,
Maddie shows up early to class as instructed and tells Mrs. Nelson that she thinks something is wrong with her because
she doesn’t like boys the way her friends do, but she really doesn’t want to be gay. She is afraid of what her parents and
friends would say if she never likes boys the way she thinks she is supposed to. Though she was a little taken aback by
this confession, Mrs. Nelson assures her that she will be ok, and that it is ok that she doesn’t have the answers to those
questions right now. Thinking about it later that evening, Mrs. Nelson was concerned that she hadn’t been supportive
enough in talking with Maddie, so she sends her a private Remind text saying, “I want you to know that you are a very
smart and beautiful young lady, and that won’t change if you like boys or girls. I won’t say anything to anyone about
our conversation.”
1. Identify the behaviors (if any) that you believe violate standards in the Educator Code of Ethics.
2. Which standards do you think were violated? Explain your reasoning. If you feel that no standards were
violated, explain your reasoning.
3. Should Mrs. Nelson have handled this situation differently so as not to violate the Code of Ethics, or (if you
feel that there was no violation) to avoid her actions being called into question?
. AAE Code of Ethics for Educators .
OVERVIEW The professional educator strives to create a learning environment that nurtures to fulfillment the potential of all students. The professional educator acts with conscientious effort to exemplify the highest ethical standards. The professional educator responsibly accepts that every child has a right to an uninterrupted education free from strikes or any other work stoppage tactics.
PRINCIPLE I: Ethical Conduct toward Students The professional educator accepts personal responsibility for teaching students character qualities that will help them evaluate the consequences of and accept the responsibility for their actions and choices. We strongly affirm parents as the primary moral educators of their children. Nevertheless, we believe all educators are obligated to help foster civic virtues such as integrity, diligence, responsibility, cooperation, loyalty, fidelity, and respect-for the law, for human life, for others, and for self. The professional educator, in accepting his or her position of public trust, measures success not only by the progress of each student toward realization of his or her personal potential, but also as a citizen of the greater community of the republic.
1. The professional educator deals considerately and justly with each student, and seeks to resolve problems, including discipline, according to law and school policy. 2. The professional educator does not intentionally expose the student to disparagement. 3. The professional educator does not reveal confidential information concerning students, unless required by law. 4. The professional educator makes a constructive effort to protect the student from conditions detrimental to learning, health, or safety. 5. The professional educator endeavors to present facts without distortion, bias, or personal prejudice.
PRINCIPLE II: Ethical Conduct toward Practices and Performance The professional educator assumes responsibility and accountability for his or her performance and continually strives to demonstrate competence. The professional educator endeavors to maintain the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying the law, and by demonstrating personal integrity.
1. The professional educator applies for, accepts, or assigns a position or a responsibility on the basis of professional qualifications, and adheres to the terms of a contract or appointment. 2. The professional educator maintains sound mental health, physical stamina, and social prudence necessary to perform the duties of any professional assignment. 3. The professional educator continues professional growth. 4. The professional educator complies with written local school policies and applicable laws and regulations that are not in conflict with this code of ethics. 5. The professional educator does not intentionally misrepresent official policies of the school or educational organizations, and clearly distinguishes those views from his or her own personal opinions. 6. The professional educator honestly accounts for all funds committed to his or her charge. 7. The professional educator does not use institutional or professional privileges for personal or partisan advantage.
PRINCIPLE III: Ethical Conduct toward Professional Colleagues The professional educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, accords just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession.
1. The professional educator does not reveal confidential information concerning colleagues unless required by law. 2. The professional educator does not willfully make false statements about a colleague or the school system. 3. The professional educator does not interfere with a colleague's freedom of choice, and works to eliminate coercion that forces educators to support actions and ideologies that violate individual professional integrity.
PRINCIPLE IV: Ethical Conduct toward Parents and Community The professional educator pledges to protect public sovereignty over public education and private control of private education. The professional educator recognizes that quality education is the common goal of the public, boards of education, and educators, and that a cooperative effort is essential among these groups to attain that goal.
1. The professional educator makes concerted efforts to communicate to parents all information that should be revealed in the interest of the student. 2. The professional educator endeavors to understand and respect the values and traditions of the diverse cultures represented in the community and in his or her classroom. 3. The professional educator manifests a positive and active role in school/community relations. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Association of American Educators is the largest national nonunion professional educators association.
“AAE Code of Ethics for Educators” was developed by the Advisory Board and Executive Committee of AAE. Find out more about AAE, including how to become a member, at
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing
Identification of Behavior
Behavior that is or could be an issue is explicitly identified from each scenario. 8 pts.
Behavior that is or could be an issue is generally identified from each scenario. 6 pts.
Behavior that is or could be an issue is too vague or not identified for each scenario. 4 – 0 pts.
Standard(s) Cited Standards are explicitly cited by Number, letter, and roman numeral. 8 pts.
Standards are cited by a general description. 6 pts.
Standards are not correctly cited for most of the scenarios. 4 – 0 pts.
Justification A coherent and cogent statement is provided that explicitly and clearly aligns and connects the behavior to the standard believed to be violated. 8 pts.
Justification is provided but it doesn’t explicitly align and connect the behavior to the standard believed to be violated. 6 pts.
Justification is not provided, or it doesn’t align and connect the behavior to the standard believed to be violated. 4 – 0 pts.
Alternative behavior Intern provides a detailed and appropriate approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated. 8 pts.
Intern provides a general description of an alternative approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated. 6 pts.
Intern does not provide a different approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated. 4 – 0 pts.
Spelling and Grammar Writing is professional quality, with fewer than 2 spelling or grammar mistakes. 8 pts.
There are 3 to 6 issues with grammar and spelling, but the writing is still up to an adequate professional standard. 6 pts.
There are more than 6 issues with spelling and/or grammar, or the quality of the writing is not up to a professional standard. 4 – 0 pts. Plagiarism Free Papers
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