Define advertising campaign management What factors influence the decision of whether to use an in-house advertising group or an external advertising agency? What is crowdsourcing? Wha
Answer the following questions
From the textbook Chapter 5
1.Define advertising campaign management.
2.What factors influence the decision of whether to use an in-house advertising group or an external advertising agency?
3.What is crowdsourcing? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
From the textbook Chapter 6
1.What is a message strategy?
2.What are the seven most common types of advertising appeals?
3.What four types of sources or spokespersons can be used by advertisers?
Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications
Eighth Edition
Chapter 5
Advertising Campaign Management
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Advertising is still an important component of most integrated marketing communications plans. This chapter addresses issues involved in managing the advertising component of the IMC plan.
Chapter Objectives (1 of 2)
5.1 Why is an understanding of advertising theories important in the advertising management process?
5.2 What is the relationship of advertising expenditures to advertising effectiveness?
5.3 When should a company employ an external advertising agency rather than completing the work in-house?
5.4 How do companies choose advertising agencies?
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These are the objectives for Chapter 5.
Chapter Objectives (2 of 2)
5.5 What are the primary job functions within an advertising agency?
5.6 What are the advertising campaign parameters that should be considered?
5.7 How does a creative brief facilitate effective advertising?
5.8 What are the implications of advertising management in the global arena?
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Additional objectives for Chapter 5.
Zhender Communications
Full-service agency
Challenges traditional thinking
Campaign integration
Best place to work
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Zhender Communications is a full-service agency that offers strategic planning as well as advertising services. The agency serves a number of clients whose ads appear in this textbook. The goal is to remain at the forefront of innovation to develop new ways to reach consumers. The agency believes in campaign integration as a way to connect with a client’s audience. In addition to its advertising expertise, Zhender has been recognized as a “best place to work.”
Figure 5.1 Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications
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Section 2 deals with advertising issues. Chapter 5 examines advertising management, Chapter 6 looks at designing advertisements, and Chapter 7 discusses traditional media.
2, which is emphasized: advertising management, advertising design, traditional media. 3, digital marketing, social media, alternative channels. 4, database, direct reporting, and personal selling; sales promotions; public relations and sponsorships. 5, regulation and ethics, evaluation.
Chapter Overview
Advertising management
Advertising theory
Relationship of advertising expenditures to success
Choosing an advertising agency
Advertising parameters
Creative brief
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This chapter presents an overview of managing the advertising function. Advertising theory lays the groundwork as does an understanding of the relationship between advertising expenditures and success. The chapter then provides information on how to select an advertising agency. Advertising parameters are discussed followed by the components of a creative brief.
Hierarchy of Effects Model (1 of 3)
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The hierarchy of effects model consists of these six steps.
Hierarchy of Effects Model (2 of 3)
Steps are sequential
Some experts question if sequential
Consumers spend time at each step
Brand loyalty involves all six steps
Similar to attitude formation
Cognitive – awareness, knowledge
Affective – liking, preference, conviction
Conative – actual purchase
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The six steps are sequential, although some experts question if they are really sequential. But, the basic model says they are sequential and that consumers spend some time at each step. For instance, before a consumer can like a brand, they first must be aware of it and develop some knowledge of it. To develop brand loyalty, consumers must go through all six steps. It is similar to attitude formation and the cognitive-affective-conative sequence. Awareness and knowledge are the cognitive component of attitude. Liking, preference, and conviction are the affective component. The conative component of attitude is the purchase.
Hierarchy of Effects Model (3 of 3)
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This model shows the relationship between the hierarchy of effects model and the attitude sequence formation.
The first set descends in the following order: cognitive, affective, conative. The second set, as it relates to the first, descends in the following order. Cognitive: awareness, knowledge. Affective: liking, preference, conviction. Conative: purchase.
Figure 5.2 Personal Values
Comfortable life
Fun, exciting life
Inner peace
Mature love
Personal accomplishment
Sense of belonging
Social acceptance
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In designing ads, it is important to remember people have values, and much of their consumption behavior is motivated by a desire to fulfill these values in their lives.
Means-End Theory
Means-end chain
Message (means) lead to end state (personal values)
Means-End Conceptualization of Components of Advertising Strategy (M E C C A S)
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The second theory that is important to consider is the means-end theory. The basic concept is that a means, the message, leads to an end-state, or personal value. The actual name of the theory is “Means-End Conceptualization of Components of Advertising Strategy”, or MECCAS. The model suggests that product attributes lead to consumer benefits, which in turn connect to personal values.
Figure 5.3 Means-End Chain for Milk (1 of 2)
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This figure illustrates a means-end chain for milk. An attribute of milk, being low fat, provides the benefit of health. The personal values consumers receive from good health are self-respect and wisdom. Another attribute, calcium, provides the benefit of healthy bones, which in turn leads to a comfortable life and shows wisdom on the part of the consumer. The key to a means-end chain is looking at the benefits each attribute generates then connecting those benefits to various personal values.
Attribute, low fat; benefit, healthy; personal values, self-respect, wisdom. Attribute, calcium; benefit, healthy bones; personal values, comfortable life, wisdom. Attribute, ingredients; benefits, good taste; personal values, pleasure, happiness. Attribute, vitamins; benefit, enhanced sexual ability; personal values, excitement, fun, pleasure.
Figure 5.3 Means-End Chain for Milk (2 of 2)
Means-End Chain
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This advertisement for milk illustrates the last means-end chain. The specific message is that milk has calcium, which is important in bone development for both the mother and her baby.
Figure 5.4 B-to-B Means-End Chain for Greenfield Online (1 of 2)
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This is a means-end chain for a marketing research firm, such as ReRez. The company is promoting marketing research. The first attribute is that Rerez does marketing research using the Internet which provides the benefit of robust samples. For a marketing person in a company, using robust samples can provide job security. Another aspect of the service, speed, leads to quicker results. This can provide the benefit of self-fulfillment since the information needed is provided quickly. Other personal values that are tapped through the benefits suggested include social acceptance and wisdom.
The following list provides attribute, then benefit, then personal values: internet, robust samples, job security; speed, quicker results, self-fulfillment; expertise, actionable information, wisdom and social acceptance; experience, reliability, job security.
Figure 5.4 B-to-B Means-End Chain for Greenfield Online (2 of 2)
Means-End Chain
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This is the ad for ReRez based on the previous means-end chain.
The title reads, Re Rez takes responsibility for making sure the project gets done; what a great idea. The ad copy includes the following: methodology and online panel specialists; multi partner solution with a single point of contact; offering internet surveys, online panel, C Ay T I interviews, I V R, focus groups. If we cannot do it, it cannot be done.
Verbal and Visual Elements
Balance between visual and verbal
Visual processing
Easier to recall
Stored both as pictures and words
Concrete versus abstract
Radio visual imagery
Visual esperanto
International ads
B-to-B advertisements
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Most ads seek to have a balance between visual and verbal, but usually one will be more dominant than the other. In recent years, advertisers have seen a move to more visuals and less emphasis on verbal content. One reason for the change is that visual processing is easier for consumers to recall. Visuals are stored in the brain both as pictures and as words. Concrete images tend to be remembered better than abstract visuals. If consumers can create a mental image or picture, it actually is superior to seeing the visual in terms of recall. So radio ads that can make listeners use their imagination and picture the product work very well. Visual esperanto is the ability of a visual to transcend cultures and languages by conveying the same meaning. It is especially beneficial in international ads where advertisers want to convey the same message to every market in the world. Business-to-business ads in the past emphasized verbal content, but in recent years B-to-B ads have moved to more visuals.
Factors Impacting Relationship Between Promotions and Sales
The goal of the promotion
Threshold effects
Diminishing returns
Carryover effects
Wear-out effects
Decay effects
Random events
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A number of factors influence the relationship between promotions and sales. The goal of the promotion may be to increase brand awareness or build brand image. If so, there will be less impact on sales than with some of the other objectives. Threshold effects are present at the point where the advertising or communication begins to affect consumer responses in a positive direction. Carryover effects refer to an ad’s message being remembered or carried over to the time when the product is needed and the consumer is thinking about the purchase. Wear-out effects occur when an ad or message becomes old and stale and the consumer no longer pays attention to it. Decay effects occur when a company quits advertising, and the brand name begins to fade in people’s memories. Sales can also be impacted by just random events, such as a major snow storm.
Figure 5.5 Relationship Between Advertising and Marketing Expenditures and Sales and Profit Margins
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The straight line is an unrealistic assumption about the relationship between expenditures and sales. The bottom curve is more indicative of what happens. Advertising dollars are spent and for awhile nothing happens. Then consumers begin to pay attention and start purchasing the product, the threshold effect. As more advertising dollars are spent, diminishing returns occur. With each additional dollar in advertising, the impact is less and less. This is the concave downward response curve.
the plot shows a generalized linear relationship., which is an unrealistic assumption about the relationship between promotional expenditures and sales. The second graph plots dollars versus advertising and promotional expenditures, with two plots, for sales and profits. The first plot rises through threshold effects, and then rises more slowly through diminishing returns, before peaking, showing a concave downward response curve. The profits plot begins at a plateau, then drops slightly before rising to a peak; it then drops steadily, showing the marginal analysis curve.
Threshold Effects
Ad designed to encourage action.
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This ad for Cub Cadet features a $50 appreciation bonus designed to encourage action.
Figure 5.6 A Decay Effects Model
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This curve illustrates decay effect. During the advertising campaign, sales often continue to climb. Then the campaign ends and consumers begin to forget the brand name, thus it starts decaying.
Figure 5.7 Advantages of In-House versus Outside Agency
Advantages of In-House
Lower costs
Consistent brand message
Better understanding of product and mission
Faster ad production
Work closer with C E O
Lower turnover rate in the creative team
Advantages of Outside Agency
Reduce costs
Greater expertise
Outsider’s perspective
Access to top talent
Source: Adapted from Rupal Parekh, “Thinking of Pulling a CareerBuilder? Pros and Cons of Bringing an Account
In-House,” Advertising Age,
, May 18, 2009
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Companies have to decide whether they will perform the advertising work in-house or obtain an outside advertising agency. Each has advantages. With an in-house staff, normally costs are lower. It is easier to ensure a consistent brand message across campaigns and across various products within the company. In-house staff have a better understanding of the product and the mission of the company. They usually will work closer with the CEO. With in-house, moving from creative to production is normally faster since the company has direct control of the employees. There is also a lower turnover in the creative team, which provides greater consistency across campaigns. Outside agencies also offer some advantages. Costs may be lower if the in-house team lacks the expertise and a lot of time and effort is wasted in doing the work. Outside agencies have greater expertise and an outsider’s perspective, which can be extremely valuable in generating fresh ideas and creating effective campaigns. With agencies, firms may have access to some of the top talent. While it may cost more to use an agency, the superior work produced is normally worth the price.
Figure 5.8 Services Provided by Full-Service Agencies
Advice about how to develop target markets
Specialized services for business markets
Company image and theme guidance
Selecting logos and taglines
Advertising planning
Planning and purchasing of media
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Full-service agencies provide a wide array of services for clients, everything from strategy development to actual ad preparation. Full-service agencies can offer advice and guidance on developing target markets, a brand’s image, logo and tagline development. Most full-service agencies can provide guidance on business markets as well as consumer markets. Media planning and buying is also done with a full-service agency, or one of its subsidiaries.
External Advertising Agencies
Advertising agencies
Media service companies
Direct marketing agencies
Consumer and trade promotion specialists
Online and digital agencies
Social media agencies
Public relations agencies
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Advertising agencies come in all sizes and shapes. They range from boutiques that offer only one type of service or serve one type of client to full-service agencies that offer the full spectrum of services. Advertising agencies will often provide other marketing services. Media services companies provide media planning and media buying services. Direct marketing agencies work with all types of direct response marketing campaigns. Some agencies specialize in consumer or trade promotions, or even focus on a specific type of promotion, such as couponing. Public relations firms handle both positive and negative publicity events. A growing number of agencies handle only online or social media.
A recent phenomenon that has occurred is the whole-egg theory, first mentioned by Young & Rubicam Agency. The idea of the whole-egg is that an advertising agency should provide full marketing services for a company and assist in integrating every aspect of the company’s marketing effort.
Budget Allocation Considerations: In-House versus Advertising Agency
Size of account should match size of agency
75-15-10 Rule
75% – Media buys
15% – Creative work (agency)
10% – Ad production
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Costs are a major consideration in selecting an outside agency. The size of the account should match the size of the agency. Smaller accounts may be lost with a large agency and a large account would overwhelm a small agency. The 75-15-10 is a good guide to use. When looking at the total cost of an advertising campaign, 75% of the money should be spent on media buys, 15% on creative work by the agency, and 10% on production of the ads.
Crowd Sourcing: In-House versus Advertising Agency
New alternative
Outsource creative
Harley Davidson
Overall cost not lower
Involves consumers
Generates buzz
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Crowdsourcing is a recent alternative to choosing an advertising agency. Crowdsourcing involves seeking ideas from the public and even videos of ad productions. Two companies that have successfully used crowdsourcing are Harley Davidson and Doritos. Unilever used it for its meat snack product, Peparami. Doritos has used it in the Super Bowl. While it would appear the costs would be much lower, they are not. Most crowdsourcing involves a contest and a website. Then the entries have to be judged, and in most cases, the ad is professionally produced once the idea has been selected. But, the advantages of crowdsourcing include getting consumers involved and generating buzz among individuals as the entries are posted and passed along to other people.
Figure 5.9 Steps in Selecting an Advertising Agency
Set goals
Select process and criteria
Screen initial list of applicants
Reduce list to two or three viable agencies
Request creative pitch
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Choosing an agency requires time and effort. While companies can shortcut the process, such an approach often results in the best agency not being hired. The first step is to select goals. Then the company should decide on a process and criteria before contacting any agencies. Once proposals have been received, the list can be narrowed down to two or three viable agencies. A creative pitch is then requested from each of the agencies to determine the best choice.
Choosing an Agency
Goal Setting
Set before contacting agencies
Provides direction
Reduces biases
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Goal setting should occur before contacting any agencies. Doing so will prevent any biases towards a particular agency. Also, the goals provide direction. It will help the company understand what it wants from an agency and where the company wants to go.
Figure 5.10 Evaluation Criteria in Choosing an Ad Agency
Size of the agency
Relevant experience of the agency
Conflicts of interest
Creative reputation and capabilities
Production capabilities
Media purchasing capabilities
Other services available
Client retention rates
Personal chemistry
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The second step in the process is setting the evaluation criteria. Again, this should be done prior to talking to any agencies. As has already been discussed, the size of the agency is important. The agency should have experience in the industry, but not be representing a direct competitor. This would be a conflict of interest. Creative reputation and capabilities should be considered since the primary role of the agency is to generate creative ideas. The product and media purchasing capabilities are not essential. Some agencies do this, while others use subsidiaries or contract the tasks out to boutique shops. Client retention rates may be important, but with the turnover among agencies today, it has lost a lot of importance. Personal chemistry is important because individuals from the two companies must work together and generate ideas that will move the brand forward and accomplish objectives that have been set.
Creative Pitch
2 to 3 finalists
Formal presentation
Specific problem/situation
Expensive for agencies
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Once the list has been narrowed down to two or three finalists, it is time to ask for a creative pitch (or shootout). Agencies are given a specific problem to address. Creative pitches are expensive for agencies, so companies need to be serious about an agency when requesting a pitch. From the creative pitches, the company should select the agency that offers the best plan.
Key Advertising Personnel
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In the advertising agency, there are some key individuals. The account executive is the liaison between the company and the agency. The account executive represents the client within the agency. Account planners are the voice of the consumer and assist in overall planning and strategic direction of the campaign. Their role is to see the total picture. The creative director is responsible for the creative aspect of the campaign and works with the agency’s creative staff. The traffic manager’s role is to manage the campaign scheduling to ensure the campaign is finished on time. As with the Oscar Mayer campaign, multiple components mean juggling numerous deadlines and schedules. Media buyers and planners are involved in the selection and purchase of media.
The account executive is the liaison between client marketing managers and individuals within the agency, which include the account planner, creative director, and traffic manager. The creative director oversees creative staff, and works with the traffic manager, who oversees media buyers and planners.
Figure 5.12 Advertising Campaign Parameters
Advertising goals
Media selection
Campaign duration
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Effective advertising campaigns require careful planning and attention to these parameters. Advertising goals have to be set based on communication and marketing objectives. Media selection not only must fit with the advertising goals but has a big influence on advertising design. A tagline needs to be developed, if not already in place. Consistency across campaigns and within a campaign is important to ensure the target audience is hearing th Plagiarism Free Papers
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