The student will develop, create, and present a business proposal during the capstone course.? Students may use a current business; a business the student wants to create or a fi
The student will develop, create, and present a business proposal during the capstone course. Students may use a current business; a business the student wants to create or a fictitious business organization. The important key is for the student to critically think and research the business which will be used to develop a business plan in its entirety. The student will need to think about all the facets of a business for the duration of the Program Portfolio (Capstone) Project.
Each BASBOL core course is an active part of students developing, creating, and completing a segment of the Program Portfolio (Capstone) Project. The BASBOL core program courses learning objectives all align with students developing, creating, and completing the Program Portfolio (Capstone) Project. Students will apply the knowledge, skills and abilities learned from each BASBOL core program course(s) toward the development, creation, and completion of the Program Portfolio Project.
Project Details and Instructions:
Program Portfolio Project Instructions – Course MAR 3023: Create a business marketing plan that has an emphasis on the following:
- Market research.
- Target market. A well-designed target market description identifies your most likely buyers. …
- Positioning. …
- Competitive analysis. …
- Market strategy. …
- Budget. …
- Metrics.
for a business organization of your choice (this may include an established business or one you are planning to open).
You are required to submit a minimum of 3-Pages (3 Pages of Content), an APA formatted marketing plan with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. The deliverable length of your posting responses must be at least 3-page (3 Pages of Content), APA format. Please review your paper for grammar and punctuation errors.
Submission must be the student's original thoughts based on the topics from the "Open Educational Resource" (OER) Course Textbook and/or other referenced sources. Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words. Please review for sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation errors.
Plagiarized submissions may result in a "0" for the submission of this assignment.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
For academic purposes, at least 1 APA formatted reference is required pertaining to the topic(s).
eMarketing The essential guide to marketing
in a digital world
5th Edition
Rob Stokes
and the Minds of Quirk
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eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world
Fifth Edition
By Rob Stokes and the Minds of Quirk
Fifth Edition
eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world By Rob Stokes and the Minds of Quirk
First published 2008 by Quirk eMarketing (Pty) Ltd.
© Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Quirk Education Pty (Ltd).
This book is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence. This means that you can share and distribute this
work and you can even modify it, as long as you do not use it for commercial gain,
you share all modifications and you credit Quirk (Pty) Ltd. For more information,
you can visit: or
ISBN: 978-0-620-56515-8
Book design and typesetting by Solveig Bosch from SolDesign (
Cover illustration inspired by Craig Raw and designed by Anka Joubert.
This book is typeset in DIN and it is printed by Creda Printers (
Trademarks All terms or names used in this book that are known to be trademarks or service
marks have been appropriately capitalised. Quirk (Pty) Ltd cannot attest to the
accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as
affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
We have also made every effort to obtain permission for and to acknowledge
copyright material. Should any copyright infringement have occurred, please
contact us and we will make every effort to rectify the omission or error in the
event of a reprint or new edition. You can contact us on [email protected]
Warning and disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and accurate as possible,
but no warranties regarding its contents, whether fact, speculation or opinion,
are made, nor is fitness for any use implied. This information provided is on an
“as is” basis. The author, compiler and Quirk (Pty) Ltd shall have neither liability
nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages
arising from the information contained in this book. Full details of Quirk (Pty) Ltd
may be obtained via its website ( or may be requested directly at
i. P
re fa
I am immensely proud to present the 5th Edition of the Quirk marketing textbook.
It is now 6 years since we began work on the first edition, and it’s quite amazing
to see how much it has grown. Not only in line with the changes in our industry,
but also through very important input from our passionate and kind community of
learners and educators.
The evolution of the discipline of marketing is best represented by the change in
the subtitle of our book. When we started, this book was called eMarketing: the
essential guide to digital marketing. Today as you will see, we have adjusted this
to eMarketing: the essential guide to marketing in a digital world. This change
has been an easy and natural one. It underlines an important shift in the way we
think about and engage with digital. Digital is not a channel in the same way that
a marketer might view television or radio as a channel. Instead digital is a way of
life. It is the experiential glue which binds previously separated media together.
Because of this, digital enables a cohesive brand experience that wasn’t previously
on offer. In fact, it’s highly likely that within the next edition or two, we will need
to acknowledge this shift in the role of digital by ditching the “e” in eMarketing. At
best it is quickly becoming passé, at worst it will become completely redundant.
At Quirk, we no longer see ourselves as a digital marketing agency, but rather as
a marketing agency born digital. We still consider ourselves to be experts in the
digital realm and as digital natives we still have bits and bytes coursing through
our veins. However it is because of our understanding of brands and how to build
them in a digital world that our clients are turning to us for far more than just a
website or some SEO. Today we find ourselves as lead agency on a number of
prestigious brands. These brands see that their customers are living in a digital
world and therefore trust a partner like Quirk to lead them in that world.
Our textbook is now used in almost 1000 academic institutions globally. This is
largely due to brave and forward thinking educators to whom we owe a huge debt
of gratitude. They have walked a journey with us, embraced a book published
by an agency (a fact which hasn’t gained easy acceptance by the very traditional
academic community), and have provided us with tremendous encouragement and
invaluable feedback to ensure that this book keeps pace not only with a fast moving
industry, but with their evolving needs as well.
We believe in education. Educated people make better decisions and have more
potential for an improved life. We also believe that particularly for tertiary education
to have an effective future a partnership between the private and academic sectors
is vital. It ensures the very best education is as accessible as it can be to as many
people as possible. By making our textbook available for free online we hope to
propel this dream forward. In fact, less than 10% of the many institutions who use
our book actually pay for it and we are thrilled by this. At Quirk we want to make a
dent in the world and this is an important part of us achieving that.
vi vii
Another important change for this edition has been the appointment of our
academic partner, Red & Yellow, who have helped us improve the pedagogy and
academic rigour of the textbook. Founded twenty years ago in 1994, Red & Yellow
is one of South Africa’s leading marketing colleges. Last year Quirk Education
merged with Red & Yellow to form an academic institution which we believe
will serve its students very well into the future. This new entity combines Red
& Yellow’s tremendous experience in marketing’s academic space with Quirk’s
digital skills and online training expertise. Relevant and practical content can
thus be delivered through the methodology best suited for the student – online,
contact or a hybrid of both. In order to effectively join forces, we must see the end
of the Quirk Education brand. This is slightly sad for me, but is part of an important
evolution and I am immensely excited about the high quality of students Red &
Yellow is already producing at this early stage of their combined adventure. The
future holds great promise indeed.
From a content perspective, this book is a real step up from the previous edition. As
with the 4th Edition, we’ve maintained Quirk’s Think, Create, Engage and Optimise structure. We have, however, worked much harder to acknowledge the useful
links between disciplines throughout the book. The lines between disciplines
in the media landscape can be blurry, but we find the TCEO structure gives us
an effective way of tackling the big picture explanation for comprehension. This
foundation then enables us to focus on the nuance where the rubber hits the road.
Apart from a general update of facts, stats and case studies, we’ve made a few
other important changes. Firstly the Think section has been expanded, with a
much improved market research chapter and the addition of content strategy
chapter as well. The section is better equipped as a platform for approaching
the rest of the book and the marketing process in general. In the Create section
we’ve added a chapter on User experience design and in the Engage section the
Video Marketing and Mobile chapters have been greatly expanded to reflect their
growing importance in the marketing landscape.
The last update is a valuable one for readers of the printed edition. Because the
book is available for free download we wanted to give you extra reason to part
with your hard earned cash when buying a printed copy. To achieve this, we’ve
partnered with many great vendors to provide a wide array of useful vouchers that
will help you get started with what you learn from this book.
I started Quirk almost 15 years ago. Whilst we’ve grown successfully as a business
over that time this textbook remains my proudest achievement even though I didn’t
write it. I may have had the original idea, but it’s a team effort and I wouldn’t want
to take that away from the people who have worked so hard to make it a reality.
Putting each edition together takes a huge amount of work by many people. My
name is on the front purely because someone’s name has to be on the front.
Thankfully the font gets smaller and smaller every year.
In particular I want to recognise Kat Scholtz who has overseen the production of
this 5th Edition. I have worked with Kat for over 5 years now and you just couldn’t
find a better qualified person to lead such an effort. I mean this both from a skills
and experience perspective as well as the deep passion and excitement Kat has for
producing a great resource which we know will help many hundreds of thousands
of people. Kat has also surrounded herself with a phenomenal knowledge team
whose job it has been to synthesize the knowledge of our agency into an easy to
use guide which is accessible to all. To Kat and her team, from the bottom of my
heart I thank you so very much for your incredibly hard work in making this dream
a reality. You deserve all the credit for this fantastic book.
I’m proud of the book because it genuinely is good and it is genuinely free. To
have brought Quirk to a place where it can afford to make this contribution to our
industry and community is an incredible feeling.
We hope you enjoy our book and remember, the most important thing any human
can do is teach, even if you’re not a teacher. Share your knowledge and make the
world a better place.
Onwards and upwards!
Some thoughts on Marketing from Seth Godin.
I don’t think you’ll learn much from this textbook. It’s nothing specific–I actually
don’t think you can learn how to market from any textbook. As marketing textbooks
go, this is a very good one, but still, it’s not going to work.
It’s not going to work because marketing is about nuance, experience,
experimentation and passion. And I don’t have a clue how you could start from
scratch and learn that from a textbook, no matter how good.
So, what to do?
The first thing you should do is obsess about the terms in this book. Vocabulary
is the first step to understanding, and if you don’t know what something means,
figure it out. Don’t turn the page until you do.
Second, get out of the book. Go online. Go market.
There are very few endeavors that are as open to newcomers, as cheap and as easy
to play with. You can’t learn marketing without doing marketing. Go find a charity
or a cause or a business you believe in and start marketing. Build pages. Run ads.
Write a blog. Engage. Experiment.
If you don’t learn marketing from this process (the book for vocabulary, the web
for practicing) then you have no one to blame but yourself. You’ve already made the
first step, don’t blow it now.
We need you. Market what matters.
Seth Godin
Author Purple Cow, Permission Marketing and Linchpin ii
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iii . R
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w sReviews for eMarketing:
The essential guide to marketing in a digital world Fifth Edition
Most people are looking for definitive answers in the digital space and you will find
there are not many. It is all about an approach and finding the solution that best
suits your company, strategy and organisational needs. The insights and approach
provide a well structured guide to the channels and approaches that you will need
to consider as you navigate the digital highway. A great companion to help you in
your journey.
Richard Mullins, Managing Director MEA, Acceleration
For a comprehensive source of digital marketing information, the eMarketing
textbook provides an insightful guide to the digital world with this ever changing
and dynamic environment. Having had invaluable input from the top minds in the
SA digital industry, the publication renders credible content which can be put to
task in the real time digital industry.
Nic van den Bergh, Founder & Director of Macula
Reviews for previous editions
I found eMarketing: The essential guide to digital marketing to be an excellent
guide on digital marketing. The book covers all the essentials that someone
would need on digital marketing.Rob Stokes and the Minds of Quirk provide an
excellent approach with their think, create, engage, and optimize framework.
This framework allows the reader to think carefully about their overall strategy,
the web assets that they need to create, and how to effectively engage with their
audience through multiple digital vehicles. Additionally, Rob Stokes and team
provide a great overview on how to measure and optimize one’s activities in digital
via web analytics and conversion optimization. This book provided me with a
solid background on all aspects of digital marketing. It allowed me to build and
accelerate on my foundation in digital marketing. I still use the book as a handy
guide, especially for its glossary of terms. This book is a great one stop place for
everything important to know about digital marketing.
Phillip Leacock,Digital Marketing Director, Sears Home Services
eMarketing is comprehensive and a ‘must have’ for anyone wanting to gain a more thorough understand of digital marketing. It’s ‘required reading’ for people
working in the digital space, and ‘recommended’ for those involved in advertising,
PR, social media and other areas that are ‘touched’ by digital. Having this book on
your desk as a reference tool will keep you ahead of the game.
I have found myself dipping in and out of it over the past few months, reaching for
it when I needed more information on a particular area of digital marketing, or
clarification of a technical term or phrase.
Trevor Young, Director of strategy and innovation, Edelman Australia
If you aren’t a marketer, this is a must have book; if you know a marketer, do him
or her a favour and get it for them; if you are just interested in eMarketing and want
to expand your general business knowledge, buy two copies – someone will want
to borrow them from you.
Jaco Meiring, Digital – Investec
Quirk’s eMarketing handbook covers all the most important concepts which
are necessary for eMarketing excellence today. I would highly recommend it as
both a study guide and a practitioner’s reference manual. Congratulations to the
QuirkStars on all the thought, research and work that has obviously gone into this.
Dave Duarte, founder and director of Nomadic Marketing, UCT Graduate School of Business
I found Quirk’s eMarketing textbook for my New Media Marketing class while
searching for a low cost alternative to keep textbook costs down for my students
… I found Quirk’s eMarketing textbook to be very well written, concise and to the
point regarding what people should know about internet marketing, as well as
being fairly comprehensive in the topics covered.
Karl Kasca Instructor at UCLA Extension
iv . A
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on sThe Cape Town Open Education Declaration is the product of a meeting in
the Cape Town of a coalition of educators, foundations, and Internet pioneers
in September 2007. The meeting was organised by the Open Society Institute
and the Shuttleworth Foundation. Linux entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth said,
“Open sourcing education doesn’t just make learning more accessible, it makes
it more collaborative, flexible and locally relevant.” The Declaration’s principles
of openness in education and knowledge sharing resonate strongly with us.
To show our commitment to the Open Education Declaration, all of the contents
of the textbook are freely available online, as are supporting materials for
lecturers and for students. We know how quickly things change when it comes
to the Internet, so we are committed to regularly updating this resource. A free
download of the textbook and further materials and resources are available at
For more information on the Open Education Declaration, and to add to
your name to the list of individuals committed to this cause, you can go to
Creative Commons recognises that content can be freely shared and distributed
without negating the rights of the author of the work. It’s an exciting charitable
organisation that is helping creators around the world to share their work
while still being recognised for their authorship. We have chosen a Creative
Commons licence for this work: that means the contents may be freely shared
and modified, as long the source material is acknowledged and it is not used for
commercial gain.
For more information on Creative Commons, please visit
C o
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n ts
i. Preface ……………………………………………… v
ii. Some thoughts on Marketing from Seth Godin ……………………………………………………… ix
iii. Reviews ……………………………………………… x
iv. About the Open Education Declaration and the Creative Commons …………………… xiii
v. Vouchers ……………………………………………. xv
vi. First words …………………………………………. 1
1. Situating digital in marketing ………………. 3 1.1 Introduction ………………………………………. 4
1.2 Understanding marketing …………………… 4
1.3 Understanding digital marketing …………. 5
1.4 Accounting for change and how to use
this book ………………………………………………. 10
1.5 References ………………………………………. 11
Part 1. Think ……………………………… 13 Introduction to Think ……………………………… 14
2. Digital Marketing Strategy …………………15 2.1 Introduction …………………………………….. 16
2.2 Key terms and concepts ……………………. 16
2.3 What is marketing? ………………………….. 17
2.4 What is digital marketing? ………………… 18
2.5 Understanding marketing strategy …….. 19
2.6 The building blocks of marketing
strategy ………………………………………………… 23
2.7 Crafting a digital marketing strategy ….. 26
2.8 Case study: Nike digital strategy………… 32
2.9 The bigger picture ……………………………. 34
2.10 Summary ………………………………………. 34
2.11 Case study questions ………………………. 35
2.12 Chapter questions ………………………….. 35
2.13 Further reading ……………………………… 35
2.14 References …………………………………….. 36
3. Market Research ………………………………39 3.1 Introduction …………………………………….. 40
3.2 Key terms and concepts ……………………. 40
3.3 The importance of market research …… 41
3.4 Key concepts in market research ……….. 43
3.5 Online research methodologies …………. 48
3.6 Justifying the cost of research …………… 59
3.7 Tools of the trade ……………………………… 60
3.8 Advantages and challenges ……………….. 61
3.9 Rocking the Daisies – 2011 & 2012 –
Case Study ……………………………………………. 61
3.10 The Bigger Picture ………………………….. 66
3.11 Summary ………………………………………. 66
3.12 Case study questions ………………………. 67
3.13 Chapter questions ………………………….. 67
3.14 Further reading ……………………………… 67
3.15 References …………………………………….. 67
4. Content Marketing Strategy ……………….69 4.1 Introduction …………………………………….. 70
4.2 Key terms and concepts ……………………. 70
4.3 Defining Content marketing ………………. 71
4.4 Strategic building blocks …………………… 72
4.5 Content creation ………………………………. 78
4.6 Content channel distribution ……………… 81
4.7 Tools of the trade ……………………………… 81
4.8 Advantages and challenges ……………….. 82
4.9 Case study – Coca-Cola Company ……… 83
4.10 The Bigger Picture ………………………….. 85
4.11 Summary ………………………………………. 85
4.12 Case study questions ………………………. 85
4.13 Chapter questions ………………………….. 86
4.14 Further reading ……………………………… 86
4.15 References …………………………………….. 86
Part 2. Create…………………………….. 89 introduction to create ………………………..90
5. User Experience Design …………………….93 5.1 Introduction …………………………………….. 94
5.2 Key terms and concepts ……………………. 94
5.3 Understanding UX design ………………….. 96
5.4 Core principles of UX design ……………… 98
5.5 Mobile UX ………………………………………. 103
5.6 Step-by-step guide to UX design ………. 106
5.7 Tools of the trade ……………………………. 124
5.8 Case study: Rail Europe ………………….. 125
5.9 The bigger picture ………………………….. 127
5.10 Summary …………………………………….. 127
5.11 Case study questions …………………….. 128
5.12 Chapter questions ………………………… 128
5.13 Further reading ……………………………. 128
5.14 References …………………………………… 128
6. Web Development and Design ………….. 131 6.1 Introduction …………………………………… 132
6.2 Key terms and concepts ………………….. 132
6.3 Web design ……………………………………. 134
6.4 Web development …………………………… 143
6.5 Mobile development ……………………….. 148
6.6 Step-by-step guide to building
a website…………………………………………….. 154
6.7 Case study – The Boston Globe ………… 157
6.8 The bigger picture ………………………….. 162
6.9 Summary ………………………………………. 162
6.10 Case study questions …………………….. 162
6.11 Chapter questions ………………………… 163
6.12 Further reading ……………………………. 163
6.13 References …………………………………… 163
7. Writing for Digital ………………………….. 165 7.1 Introduction ………………………………….. 166
7.2 Key terms and concepts ………………….. 166
7.3 Writing for your audience ………………… 167
7.4 Types of web copy …………………………… 170
7.5 HTML for formatting ……………………….. 181
7.6 SEO copywriting ……………………………… 182
7.7 Best practices for online copywriting .. 185
7.8 Tools of the trade ……………………………. 190
7.9 Case study: Encyclopaedia
Britannica Online …………………………………. 191
7.10 The bigger picture ………………………… 192
7.11 Chapter summary …………………………. 193
7.12 Case Study questions ……………………. 193
7.13 Chapter questions ………………………… 193
7.14 Further reading ……………………………. 194
7.15 References …………………………………… 194
Part 3. Engage …………………………..197 introduction to engage …………………………. 198
8. Customer Relationship Management … 201 8.1 Introduction …………………………………… 202
8.2 Key terms and concepts ………………….. 203
8.3 A CRM model …………………………………. 203
8.4 Understanding customers ……………….. 204
8.5 CRM and data ………………………………… 206
8.6 The benefits of CRM ……………………….. 214
8.7 Social CRM…………………………………….. 217
8.8 Step-by-step guide to implementing
a CRM strategy ……………………………………. 220
8.9 Tools of the trade ……………………………. 222
8.10 Case study: Fuji Xerox ………………….. 223
8.11 The bigger picture ………………………… 225
8.12 Summary …………………………………….. 226
8.13 Case study questions …………………….. 227
8.14 Chapter questions ………………………… 227
8.15 Further reading ……………………………. 227
8.16 References …………………………………… 227
9. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) ……. 229 9.1 Introduction …………………………………… 230
9.2 Key terms and concepts ………………….. 231
9.3 Understanding SEO ………………………… 233
9.4 Search engine friendly website
structure …………………………………………….. 234
9.5 SEO and key phrases ………………………. 235
9.6 Link popularity ……………………………….. 241
9.7 User insights …………………………………. 246
9.8 What not to do ………………………………… 251
9.9 Tools of the trade ……………………………. 252
9.10 Benefits and challenges ………………… 253
9.11 Case study: and the
Panda update………………………………………. 254
9.12 The bigger picture ………………………… 256
9.13 Summary …………………………………….. 257
9.14 Case study questions …………………….. 257
9.15 Chapter questions ………………………… 258
9.16 Further reading ……………………………. 258
9.17 References …………………………………… 258
10. Search Advertising ……………………….. 263 10.1 Introduction …………………………………. 264 10.2 Key terms and concepts ………………… 265
10.3 Advertising in search …………………….. 266
10.4 The elements of a search ad ………….. 268
10.5 Targeting options ………………………….. 276
10.6 Bidding and ranking for search ads … 278
10.7 Tracking ………………………………………. 282
10.8 Planning and setting up a search
advertising campaign …………………………… 283
10.9 Tools of the trade ………………………….. 284
10.10 Advantages and challenges ………….. 285
10.11 Case study – ‘Sister Act’ on
Broadway ……………………………………………. 287
10.12 The bigger picture ………………………. 288
10.13 Summary …………………………………… 289
10.14 Case study questions …………………… 289
10.15 Chapter questions ………………………. 289
10.16 Further reading…………………………… 289
10.17 References …………………………………. 290
11. Online Advertising ……………………….. 293 11.1 Introduction …………………………………. 294
11.2 Key terms and concepts ………………… 294
11.3 Online advertising objectives …………. 296
11.4 The key differentiator ……………………. 298
11.5 Types of display adverts ………………… 298
11.6 Payment models for display
advertising ………………………………………….. 301
11.7 Getting your ads online …………………. 303
11.8 Targeting and optimising ……………….. 309
11.9 Tracking ………………………………………. 311
11.10 Step-by-step guide to online
advertising ………………………………………….. 311
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