Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used Explain why you think it was poorly used Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was correc
Prompt: Your memorandum should include the following critical elements: 1. Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used. Explain why you think it was poorly used. 2. Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was correctly used. Explain why you think it was correctly used. 3. Reflect on how discretion was used and should have been used in your selected case study using the appropriate guiding questions listed below:
The Flawed Emergency Response to 1992 LA Riots (SELECTED CASE STUDY)
Discuss some of the mistakes that were made in the police response that may have led to further unrest. Explain how you believe discretion should have been used in this situation and what law enforcement can learn from this event in order to build trust between the community and law enforcement.
CJ 510 Module Five Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In a journal assignment, reflect on discretion in discrimination, criminal investigation, and use of force. Refer to this week’s reading for information on discretion.
First, give an example of an actual event where you believe discretion was poorly used by the police or corrections officer and give an example of when you believed discretion was used correctly. Please back up your evidence from the text or outside sources.
Next you will reflect on the use of discretion in your selected case study. Consider the guiding bullet points related to your case study as you reflect on the use of discretion.
The purpose of this journal assignment is for you to reflect on your selected case study and the use of discretion. This will help you analyze the actions of the case study and begin to think about recommendations to improve leadership in your selected case study. Journals are private between the student and the instructor.
Prompt: Your memorandum should include the following critical elements:
1. Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used. Explain why you think it was poorly used. 2. Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was correctly used. Explain why you think it was correctly used. 3. Reflect on how discretion was used and should have been used in your selected case study using the appropriate guiding questions listed below:
The Flawed Emergency Response to 1992 LA Riots
Discuss some of the mistakes that were made in the police response that may have led to further unrest. Explain how you believe discretion should have been used in this situation and what law enforcement can learn from this event in order to build trust
between the community and law enforcement.
Explain how you believe discretion should have been used in this case study and what law enforcement can learn from this event in order to build trust between the community and law enforcement.
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a 4–6 paragraph Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and use appropriate APA citations.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (80%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Poorly Used Describes an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used and explains why it was poorly used
Describes an actual event involving discretion but there are gaps in the explanation for why discretion was poorly used
Does not describe an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used and does not explain why it was poorly used
Correctly Used Describes an example of an actual event where discretion was correctly used and explains why it was correctly used
Describes an actual event involving use of discretion but there are gaps in the explanation for why discretion was correctly used
Does not describe an example of an actual event where discretion was correctly used and does not explain why it was correctly used
Discretion Reflects on how discretion was used and should have been used in selected case study
Reflects either on how discretion was used or should have been used in selected case study, but not both
Does not reflect on how discretion was used and should have been used in selected case study
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%
- CJ 510 Module Five Journal Guidelines and Rubric
- Rubric
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