Name of the company : (Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Name of the company : (Lowe's Companies, Inc.LOW). mutual fund : (Oakmark International Fund Investor ClassOAKIX)Requirements: example of report is showing below and please follow the order of what is asking for also the screen shot is the rest of whats asking for this report
• The report’s cover page must include:
o name
o class
o Name of the company and mutual fund being analyzed with their respective
ticker symbols. Name of the company : (Lowe's Companies, Inc. LOW). mutual fund : (Oakmark International Fund Investor ClassOAKIX)
• The report must be formatted as follows:
o Typewritten
o Double space
o 12-point Arial font
o One inch margin on all four sides
Sources of Data:
Students may find sources of data on various websites including but not limited to: Bloomberg
terminal,,,,,,,,,,, or the company’s website, etc. You must cite the sources of data in the report.
Hello this type of project needs to be like a question and answer to each number that is requested on the screenshot
*please leave them in the same order
*in the middle of the project when it comes to ratio please provide the number and the calculation of the company that selected in this project
*on the commentary side please do not just give the meaning explain for example why or why not prices are up or low
* the uploaded file below will be an example of how it needs to be
Student Name
Finance 135 – Spring 2021
Analysis of:
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Vanguard Equity-Income Fund Investor Shares (VEIPX)
Stock Report
1.Provide the name and ticker symbol of a publicly listed company
(“Company”)with at least 5yearsof historical data
o Company name: Johnson & Johnson
o Company Ticker (JNJ)
2.Provide a brief description of the Company1
o Johnson & Johnson is an American multinational corporation that is the largest
healthcare company in the world and has developed and manufacturing
pharmaceutical and consumer good as well as conducting research and
development on medical devices. Johnson & Johnson was founded in 1886 by
three brother named James, Edward Mead and Robert Johnson who created the
first commercial first aid kits that revolutionized wound care and is today known
as the world most valuable companies and has over 250 subsidiary companies
with operation in over 60 countries and sell their product to over 175 countries
around the world. The company operate in three different segments in the market
which are Consumer Health, Medical Devices and pharmaceuticals. Johnson &
Johnson is also a major company that is distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to
American and people around the world.
3.Describe the Company’s key products and/or services
1 Information found on:
Consumer Health products:2
o Johnson& Johnson has developed and created unique personal health by
delivering a majority of their product being rooted to science and is the leading
healthcare company that has created close partnerships with dermatologist and
skin care expert to work on the next generation science to create high performing
product for healthy skin. According to their website their “Innovations include:
personalized skin health assessments, treatments for acne and eczema, gentle
skin-loving cleansers, moisturizers that repair the skin barrier and rebalance the
skin’s microbiome, and sunscreens that protect and defend against inflammation,
premature aging, 3and skin cancer.” Their commitment is to use quality
ingredients that is safe and efficient Some of their top selling company in this
segment are NEUTROGENA ®, AVEENO® which are skin care brands. As well
as self-care products that offers their patients the power to take their health into
their own hands with natural healthy and wellness product that range between
medical and non-medical solution. The most well-known company that
incorporates with Johnson and Johnson is BENADRYL® and TYLENOL® which
provide solution to health symptoms brought by sicknesses. Johnson & Johnson
also has sells essential health products for every stage of their consumer’s daily
routine such as wound care and oral care. The most well-known essential health
product is LISTERINE® and BAND-AID®.
2 Information was found at : 3 Data was found on johnson-in-1886 &on
Medical Devices:
o Johnson & Johnson have used their scale and experience to reimagine the way
that they can help people live longer and healthier lives in this troubling time.
According to their website”4 As pioneers in medical devices, we continually focus
on elevating the standard of care—working to expand patient access, improve
outcomes, reduce health system costs and drive value.” Johnson & Johnson are
making medical devices by connecting science and technology to have expertise
in surgery and other departments like vision, orthopedics and interventional
solutions. Their medical devices help Orthopedics by helping patient that have
suffered from trauma and spine damage and helping their 56consumers to return
to living active and healthy lives. Johnson& Johnson devices are used in the
surgical field by providing biosurgery technology to minimize complications as
well creating wound closure material call Ethicon that is the leading advancement
in closing comprehensive wounds.
Pharmaceutical Products:
o Johnson& Johnson has been actively developing treatments for six different
therapeutic area: Cardiovascular & Metabolism, Immunology, Infectious
Diseases & Vaccines, Neuroscience, Oncology and Pulmonary Hypertension and
have decided to redefine treatment for patients with autoimmune disorders
According to their website “Through our ongoing efforts in discovery, biomarkers,
4 Information was found on
clinical research and external innovation, we are poised for continued leadership
and growth, bringing transformational medicines to patients and healthcare
professionals around the world.” The company mission plan is be as transparent
to their client as possible with the help of medicine and science. Johnson &
Johnson is working on creating vaccine to cure infectious disease worldwide and
make the world free of life threating diseases. So far Johnson& Johnson has
developed therapies and vaccine for diseases like HIV and Ebola and currently
Covid-19. The pharmaceutical company also has a mission to reduce
neuropsychiatric diseases and studies in oncology so that their scientist can
create a cure to reduce the number of people who are diagnosed to have cancer.
4.Provide current market cap, current price per share, 1-year target price, average
volume, and beta
As of Date of 5/13/20217
o Current market cap: $447.57 Billion
o Current price per share: $169.96
o 1-year Target price: 187.00
o Average Volume: 7,662,827
o Beta: 0.71
7 Data was found on:
5.Discuss current and forward-looking macroeconomic environment and assess
Political influence8
o The concept of political influence a concept that can go both way the outcome
can be positive or can have a negative impact on the macroeconomic
environment. Political influence is important because it help make decision for
company on the way they trade with other countries in the trade market and
global market. The way that Johnson & Johnson is a global company that works
with different governments and providers and stakeholder worldwide to ensure
that their consumers are able to get affordable and safe health care. They are
informed and actively supporting participation in policy making and political
processes. The global government affair teams on Johnson & Johnson team is
responsible for helping with advocacy activities within the government. According
to their website “In the interest of advancing sound public policy, we support
those persons who serve the public by seeking elected office. Where permitted
8Information was found on :
by law in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Japan, our Company makes corporate
political contributions, primarily to the electoral campaigns of individual
candidates.” Johnson & Johnson have said that when it comes to interaction with
government candidate and officials that they conduct legal and ethical manner
when it comes to company policy’s and applicable laws to follow government
ethic laws, the Foreign corrupt practices act and the U.S anti-kickback statues.
o GDP is a good indication of the economy total production of good and services is
the statistics used to describe the macroeconomic environment. The concept of
GDP is important because investor use it to make decision on whether it’s a good
time to invest their money into the market. When there is an increase in the GDP
there is a rise in interest rate and helps expansionary fiscal policy which
stimulates the market. Johnson& Johnson has had a solid financial record from
the year 2014 and continue to make investment to make higher growth in long-
term investment which will help the GDP to go higher. The company Johnson &
Johnson reinvest their money to have a strong and consistent business plan that
allows them to creates more opportunity for growth in every segment they
operate and have enough money to put into programs like research and
developing new product and vaccines.
Fiscal Policy:
o This is the use of government spending ad tax policies that have a direct impact
on the macroeconomic environment and the economic conditions. Fiscal policy
includes the economic growth of the business to earn more money and
aggregate demand for goods and service, inflation and new employments. Many
would argue that the government is in charge because they can help business
stabilize and can keep the economic growth to be regulated. The way that this
would impact the company Johnson& Johnson is that they can open up more
broader advantages if they decide to partner up the government and help keep
the economy strong by providing hundred of new job to people as Johnson &
Johnson expand their reach and start to get connection to partner with more
public health organization as well as creating expediential opportunities to help
the government earn more money by keeping more jobs here in America then
sending job to foreign country. The way that Covid crisis has affect the U.S is that
the government had to figure out way that they were going to fight the pandemic
and allowed the company Johnson & Johnson to sell more of their product that
are used to fight of disease and the government had to ask for help on getting
PPE for hospital so they had to turn to company like Johnson & Johnson to help
supply hospital with available equipment and help with the increase of
unemployment in the U.S the last year.
Creating a better Future
o The goals of Johnson & Johnson is to create a world were everyone has equal
acess to medicine and healthcare. They want their patients to live longer and
healthier lives and they want to create vaccine and cure for diseases that have
plagued the world like HIV and Covid-19 and slow killing diseases like cancer.
Johnson & Johnson want to help people live longer and healthier lives and
remain transparent with their science and the use of their expertise’s. They want
to rid the world of disease that have killed thousand in the past they want to use
their research and development to make vaccine that can be use worldwide and
help create a more healthier future.
6. Name at least two key competitors
o Eli Lilly and Co (LLY)
o Merck & C. Inc. (MRK)
o Pfizer (PFE)
7.Provide a chart of 5-year trend analysis on key valuation metrics such as P/E,
P/Book, P/Sales, P/Cash flow ratios and compare with at least two key
competitors. Provide commentary about the chart regarding relative valuation of
your Company versus key competitors. As of 5/12/2021
9Data taken from 10Data taken from 11Data taken from 12Data taken from
Johnson& Johnson
Eli Lilly and Co
Merck & Co Inc.
Pfizer (PFE)12
P/E Ratio: 30.0 P/E Ratio: 29.15 P/E Ratio: 28.41 P/E Ratio: 26.88
6.80 P/Book
27.10 P/Book
7.40 P/Book
5.39 P/Sales
6.98 P/Sales
4.16 P/Sales
18.73 P/Cash
22.78 P/Cash
17.64 P/Cash
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Stock Report 5 Year Trend Analysis Charts. ( As of
Eli Lilly and Co (LLY) Stock Report 5 Year Trend Analysis Charts. ( As of
Merck & Co Inc (MRK) Stock Report 5 Year Trend Analysis Charts. (As of
Pfizer (PFE)Stock Report 5 Year Trend Analysis Charts. (As of 5/12/2021)16
16Data was found on :
Price- to -earnings Ratio:
o Company might have a negative P/E ration are company that are losing a heavy
amount of money and have negative earnings per share. Since Johnson &
Johnson has the highest price per earnings ratio when you are comparing them
to their competitor such as Elli lily company and Pfizer and Merck Company. The
price to earnings ratio for Johnson and Johnson is 30.0 overall compared the
lowest company that was Pfizer that ratio was in low 26.88. The ratio is the value
that a company measure it current share price and divides it from the per share
earnings. If the P/E ratio is high than that means that company stock is being
considered be overvalued and the investor in the company are expecting a
higher growth rate. When the company has a low P/E ratio then the stock is
being undervalued and is losing money. The Johnson & Jonson has a higher
ratio when comparing the stock to Elli Lilly company by a small portion that is.85
point away from each other and is 1.59 point away from it next competitor Merck
Company. The ratio that Johnson & Johnson has is a good one because it
means that it doing very well when it to price per earning.
Price-to-Book Ratio
o Price/Book ratio very useful if a company has negative or unstable earning
like Elli Lilly company. The P/Book ratio can be uses to compare a firm
market capital to its book value. The way that it is calculated is that it
divided the company price per stock by the book value per share. The book
value is found on the balance sheet and companies use it to net their asset
against accumulated depreciation found with in the company. The book
value is the gross of expense and trading cost that it cost the company to
sell it at in the stock market. A lower price/Book ratio mean that the stock is
being undervalued this is found in the company of Pfizer that has a 3.54%
when it comes to price /Book ratio compared to the highest Price/book
ratio which is The Elli Lilly Company that has a 27.10 % when comparing all
four-company found on the chart. The Price/Book ratio reflects the value
that the market is when it come the company equity to the book value. For
Company like Johnson & Johnson they must expense the part of company
that has to do with research and development cost and that causes them to
reduce the company book value. The Johnson and Johnson company has
a higher Price/Book value when you compare it to the lowest which is
Pfizer currently, But Johnson& Johnson has less book value than Merck by
.6 which is small difference. When You see the ratio of Johnson & Johnson
and Elli Lilly company there is a difference of 20.3 Because the Elli Lilly
company has more investor that bid up the price of a the Elli Lilly company
and they get better return on their equity. During the last 12 months of
Johnson& Johnson has had the book value of 7.40 per year and rank lower
because of the covid 19 problem that have come into the new recently
about how their vaccine was put on pause because of complication and
that had dropped their rating when compared to other company that have
more book value than Johnson& Johnson.
Price-to-sales Ratio
o Price/Sales ratio is the value ratio that compares a company selling price to
it revenues. It is the price that the financial market has placed on each
dollar the company makes in sales and revenues. The ratio show how
much a investor is willing to pay for that particular stock. The Calculation
on how to get the price-to sale-ration is calculated by dividing the stock
selling price by the company sales per share.The price-to sale ration also
help see whether a company will make money or no earn any earning in the
year. A low ratio would imply that a stock is being undervalued and a high
ratio would mean that a stock is being overvalued in the financial market.
When looking at the 5 year chart it show the different variation between
each company .When comparing the company Johnson & Johnson has a
ratio of 5.39 over the past 5year which is higher than their competitor Pfizer
and Merck Company that had 4.16 and Pfizer that had a ratio of 5.09. But
that ratio is taken when their calculations of the stock selling price to its
revenue over the last 5 years. The company that has a value that is being
over valued is the company Elli Lilly company that has a ration of 6.98.
Johnson & Johnson has been the recent year been put their money back
into their company and investing in more research and developments
project their competitor Pfizer and Merck company. But Elli lilly has been
selling more pharmaceutical drug to the market which allow them to have a
higher selling price than compared to the stock of Johnson & Johnson. I
believe that in the next few year their will be a bigger price-to sales ratio for
Johnson& Johnson because they have release some new vaccination that
are hitting the health market and are continual coming out with products.
Price-To cash flow ratio-
The price to cash flow ratio is the comparision of the company market value and their
operating flow per share.The companies have large non cash expesnes that are called
depreciations and a low Price to cash flow mean that a stockis being undervalued and if
the stock has a higher price to cash flow than it is being over valued . When comparing
Johnson& Johnson stocks It has a moderate ratio when it comes to its key competitors.
When you look at the key competitor and Johnson & johnson it is clear that Elli lilly
company has a higher cash flow then johnson& johnson that a diferenc of 4.05 . But
Johnson& Johnson has a higher cash flow than Merck that has a ratio of 17.84 which is
a difference of 4.94 when looking at the ash value that these company provide. I would
say that Johnson & Johnson is doing very well and is being valued fairly .
Mutual Fund Report:
1.Providethe name and ticker symbol of a mutual fund (“fund”)with at least10
years of historical data
o Mutual Fund Name: Vanguard Equity-Income Fund Investor Shares
o Ticker symbol :(VEIPX)
2.Providefund category, fund family name, net assets, YTD return, Morningstar
rating, inception date, and NAV per share1718
o Fund Category: Large Value
o Fund Family Name: Vanguard Group
o Net asset: 47.23 Billion
o Year to date ( YTD) returns: 16.38%
o Morningstar Rating ★★★★★
o Inception date: Mar 21,19988
o NAV per share(of 5/13/2021):$43.73
o NAV change( 5/13/2021) : +$0.63(1.46%)19
3.Provide fund strategy (i.e., fund summary )and its associated benchmark20
17–Johnson 18 Date was found on this website : 19 Information was also gathered form : equity-income-fund-investor-shares 20 Fund summary information found on :
o Fund Summary: The fund normally invests at least 80% of its assets in equity
securities. That fund is used to multiply for the investment advisors and is
invested mainly in common stock in large companies as well as mid-size
companies. These stocks usually pay above average level of dividend and get a
reasonable long-term capital appreciation.
o Benchmark21- The benchmark for VEIPX is based on is Spliced Equity Income
Index*and Lipper lease is part of The NASDAQ which is the growth of a
hypothetical $10,000 investment in this fund with the growth.
21 The benchmark is found:
5.Provide fund’s expense ratio, 12b-1 fee, front-end load, and back-end load
Expense ratio:
o Gross expense ratio:.28%
o Net expense ratio:.28%
o 12b-1 fee:None
o Front-end load-None
o Back-end load:None
6.22Provide overall portfolio composition sand sector weightings
22 Chart can be found on
7.Provide names of top 10 holdings and the aggregate percentage of Total Assets
8.Provide performance data of 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year returns and
compare with its benchmark / category and discuss how did this mutual fund
performed relative to its category23
Performance Data : As of 5/13/2021
1 year return:49.12%
Category: 46.33%
3-year return:12.43%
Category: 11.71%
5-year return: 11.21%
10-year return: 12.27%
o The performance for the mutual fund VEIPX is found on the chart above and it
shows the 2,3,5,and 10 years of the company performance data. The company
1-year performance It was above the benchmark of its competitor and has a
higher return performance out of all the 10 year that are shown on the graph. The
3 year performance was very good as well because it stayed in the positive
position and the Vanguard Equity-income Fund investor share did very well in the
financial and healthcare services that they provide and and had a small change
when looking at the 5 year return chart that showed a return of 11.21 which is
23 The chart information was found on
decrease of 1.22 % when comparing the two years of difference between them.
The chart also show that the 10 year return it did very well also staying in the
positive mark when it came to return and good sign for a mutual fund
performance. The best yield when looking at these chart is the 1 year return
which is more than triple the amount of return from the last ten years . The lost
return when looking at the chart is found on year 5 were it is performing very well
but not as well at 1 year of returns. But looking at 1 year return it has out
performed when compared to other mutual fund.
9.Provide 5-year risk statistics data: alpha, beta, R-squared, standard deviation,
Sharpe ratio, and Treynor ratio24
VEIPX 5-year risk statistic data; As of
Alpha -2.93
Beta 0.90
R square 91.22
Standard deviation 14.17
Sharpe ratio 0.82
24 Information for Chart was found on: risk.action?t=RPBAX®ion=usa&culture=en-US www
Treynor Ratio 12.49
10.Discuss merits and concerns regarding this mutual fund
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