Students are expected to submit a draft and a final paper which consists of a literature review. In this paper, you will comprehensively review, syn
Hello I need a 10 PAGE research paper done within 24 hours from now. It is a lot but I am willing to pay respectively to whomever can get the assignment done.
Paper Overview:
Students are expected to submit a draft and a final paper which consists of a literature review. In this paper, you will comprehensively review, synthesize, and apply academic knowledge, and critical thinking. To help you identify a topic for your paper, I will provide a list of potential topics that the students may be interested. Alternatively, students may propose their self-identified topic (this topic should be approved by me).
Final papers must be in APA format and should include at least ten sources, of which at least four should be articles from scholarly journals. Selecting the appropriate sources for your research topic will be critical to your paper’s success. You may have to go through a lot of material before you find the relevant sources for your topic. Be patient. Invest the time in the NJCU remote library databases (, Google Scholar, and email me with questions. You should include at least ten sources, of which at least four should be articles from scholarly journals. Please follow the format explained in the “Writing A Paper” PDF. This PDF is a CRITICAL component relating to the structure of your paper.
Submitting your draft is not optional. I will provide feedback and help you move forward or improve your paper.
Paper Topics:
I created a list (not exhaustive) of both broad and narrow topics:
· earnings quality / earnings management
· corporate scandals/ accounting fraud
· board of directors/audit committee
· corporate governance
· internal controls
· accounting/auditing profession
· Political pressure in accounting standard setting process
· international accounting standards and financial reporting quality
· internal controls and earnings quality
· auditor independence and audit quality
· collusion in auditing
· accounting firms' culture and ethics
· CEO personality and earnings management
· CEO narcissism and financial reporting quality
· CEO overconfidence and corporate governance
· Artificial intelligence in accounting
· Female on board and earnings quality
· ESG/CSR and female on board
· ESG/CSR and investors' attention
· attracting students (millennials) in accounting firms
· being a successful professional in the Big 4
· impact of covid-19 in accounting firms
If you're interested in one of the broad topics, please narrow down this topic in your final paper: in your introduction, state a specific question you want to focus on.
Helpful videos:
APA Style 7th Edition: In-Text Citations, Quotations, and Plagiarism
How to Write a Paper Using APA Format
School of Business Undergraduate Core Curriculum Rubric |
SLO # 1: Students will compose clear, concise forms of written communication to effectively convey ideas and information associated with business topics. |
Excellent (4) |
Proficient (3) |
Developing (2) |
Unsatisfactory (1) |
Organization |
Organization is excellent and exceeds expectations; clear and well stated introduction; main points are identified and argued, with a structure that flows logically from point to point; clear summary and conclusion. |
Organization is proficient and meets expectations; introduction and main points are identified, even if some transitions are somewhat sudden; summary and conclusion are clear. |
Attempts to create an organized structure; abrupt jumps; some of the main points and conclusion are unclear. |
Unable to demonstrate clear organization with no main points; unclear transition and weak conclusion. |
Mechanics |
Grammar and spelling are correct; conforms to prescribed style and format; uses language, terminology, graphics, or other means of communication that is sophisticated, accurate and clear for the business environment. |
Grammar or spelling errors minimal; prescribed style and format is followed; uses language and/or terminology that satisfies all aspects of the message requirements but does not show mastery of business language / terminology. |
Several instances of improper grammar, spelling and punctuation; uses language / terminology that is adequate but sometimes vague and / or inappropriate for the business environment. |
Writing is unclear; improper use of grammar, spelling and punctuation; unable to incorporate business terminology and is inadequate for the business environment. |
Quality of Writing |
Articulates ideas clearly; presented neatly and professionally; demonstrates mastery use of professional style for the business environment. |
Articulates ideas; presented neatly; uses a professional style to satisfy requirements of the message for the business environment |
Ideas are somewhat unclear; attempts to address the message but occasionally detracts from it; sometimes vague and seemingly inappropriate for the business environment. |
Ideas are not clear; unable to identify and / or address the message; does not meet basic standards for the business environment. |
Sources and Evidence |
Demonstrates skillful use and identification of various high-quality, credible, relevant sources; (primary, secondary applied and scholarly research); aligns findings directly to message; where appropriate-attributes sources completely. |
Demonstrates consistent use and reference of credible relevant sources; (primary, secondary applied and scholarly); links findings to message; where appropriate – attributes sources. |
Demonstrates an attempt to use credible sources; (primary, secondary applied and scholarly); alignment between findings and general message somewhat unclear; where appropriate – inconsistencies with attributing sources. |
Demonstrates very little attempt to use sources; (primary, secondary applied and scholarly); insufficient findings to support message; where appropriate – lacks attributes to sources. |
TOTAL MINIMUM SCORE of (12) required with a minimum score of (3) in each category |
Academic paper
• Review and discuss the scholarly literature • Present critical analysis, research and scholarly insight in an objective
manner • Formatted according to APA standards (6th or 7 edition) – particular
attention to the APA citation format. • Your paper should be written in the scholarly voice: unbiased, high-
level and evidence-based writing.
The Do’s
Use proper syntax to ensure clarity
• Incorrect syntax often results in sentences and paragraphs that do not make sense.
• There are a number of things that you should think about when editing for syntax:
• 1. Is the meaning of the sentence clear? When editing a document, you need to look beyond the grammar alone and consider how your reader may interpret your writing.
• 2. Does the sentence contain repetition? Look for repetitious words or phrases during the editing phase.
• 3. How does the sentence/paragraph end? A paragraph should contain one idea or encapsulate one part of the action and the sentences contained within this paragraph should help to build this idea.
Follow the rules of punctuation
• Using appropriate punctuation is one of the vital rules you should follow when writing academic papers. The most frequently used options are commas, full stops, dashes, and colons.
• The crucial point to keep in mind is that you should always strive to write concise and clear sentences
• When using commas, pay attention whether you could split the sentence into two shorter ones instead of dividing it with a comma.
• Aim to avoid exclamation marks in an academic assignment. • Colons can be useful to optimize the structure of your assignment. You can
place them before lists for example. • Common errors include incorrect placement of quotation marks. As an
example, note that quotation marks follow periods and commas, (“The sky is blue.”)
Include references, citations and/or footnotes
• Taking the time to locate sources that substantiate your statements demonstrate your proficiency
• Citations are required in your papers. • You should include at least ten sources, of which at least four should
be articles from scholarly journals. • Selecting the appropriate sources for your research topic is critical to
your paper’s success. You may have to go through a lot of material before you find the relevant sources. Invest the time in the NJCU remote library databases and/or Google Scholar.
Proofread and edit your work
• Many errors are missed during the first proofread; be prepared to review your work multiple times.
State the goal of your paper explicitly and state it early • Do not test the patience of your readers by letting them know what
you are up to only at the very end of the introduction. • Students tend to write lengthy introductions and forget to state
whether the paper contains experiments, a literature review, a formal model, a new statistical method,….
Use concrete examples
• In general, abstract theoretical concepts need to be clarified with concrete examples.
• Phrases “for instance” and “for example” seem to attract attention almost automatically.
Add structure through consistent constructions • First example: When you state in the abstract that you will discuss
topics A, B, and C, retain this order throughout the entire paper. • In general, academic writing is clear when it delivers information in
accordance with what the readers expect.
Add structure through transitional phrases
• In a clearly written article, several paragraphs will start with transitional phrases such as “However”, “In contrast to”, “To this end,” or “In sum,” connecting what has been presented earlier to what will be presented next.
• Transitional phrases provide structure by setting up strong expectations.
Follow a logical flow
• Start with a sentence that summarizes your argument in the next sentence
• When a sequence of sentences has flow, one sentence seamlessly transitions to the next. Each sentence provides information that the next sentence elaborates on, so that the reader is never confronted with unexpected changes in topic.
The Don’t
Combat wordiness
• Keep your writing concise by avoiding padding words.
Do not express more than one or two ideas in a single sentence • Sentences can be too long also because the writer wanted to express
multiple ideas in a single sentence. • Sometimes, the sentence needs to be broken apart and replaced by
two or more shorter sentences.
Don’t write in the second person narrative
• According to, “writing from the second person point of view can weaken the effectiveness of the writing in research and argument papers. Using second person can make the work sound as if the writer is giving directions or offering advice to his or her readers, rather than informing [them].”
• Excerpt from students’ papers: • “I am sure that many have lost faith in the law because you barely see, any senior
management or CEO, get a sentence that they deserve but it’s the employees at the lower levels taking a harsher punishment and paying high fines.”
• “Instead of trying to look at corporate governance as a bad thing, think of it as a guideline that can help successfully lead a corporation to a great and beneficial future”.
Paper structure
• Title page • Abstract • Introduction • Main body – different sections (and subsections if needed) • Discussion and conclusions • References
Title page
• Title in bold, Capitalize All of the Major Words • The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author's
name, and the institutional affiliation • A student paper should also include the course number and name,
instructor name, and assignment due date all on separate lines • The title should be centered and written in boldface. • All text on the title page, and throughout your paper, should be
How to write an abstract (APA 7th)?
The Purpose of an Abstract
• The purpose of an abstract is to summarize the major aspects of the entire paper
• The abstract provides readers with the main points of the paper so that they can decide whether or not to read the whole article in its entirety
• Many people decide whether to read a paper based on the title and the abstract
• Library databases use the keywords to generate search results so readers can find your study using relevant search terms.
The content
• The following information should be included (1 sentence for each): • The overall purpose of the study and the research questions being
examined • The basic design of the study: the method being used (literature review) • Major findings or trends found in the analysis • Include the possible implications of the findings
• Keywords are not required • The abstract usually does not include references unless they are significant. • Use complete sentence.
The format of an Abstract in APA 7th Edition
• No more than 250 words (typically 150 words) • The abstract is on its own page after the title page and before the
body of the paper begins • The word “Abstract” should be centered at the top of the page and in
bold • Do not indent the paragraph
Qualities of a Good Abstract
• Accurate: only include information that is explained in the body of the paper
• Nonevaluative: report the information rather than evaluate it • Coherent and readable: use clear and deliberate information • Concise: be brief yet informative
Example of Abstract
Abstract This paper examines the effective ways to prevent and detect financial fraud. After defining the concept of financial fraud, this paper provides a view about the different responses and mechanisms to prevent and detect fraud. This paper shows that the SOX legislation implemented in 2002 was passed in response to several corporate accounting scandals. This Act brought changes into the accounting world for organizations and auditing firms. In addition to SOX, this paper develops other measures that companies use to prevent and detect financial frauds such as whistleblowing program or codes of conduct. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the importance of planning, preparing, and implementing programs to prevent financial fraud.
How to write an introduction?
Opening sentence • Work on your opening sentence! Avoid generic opening sentences.
• Rather than “Financial frauds have been around since the 1800s”, I would prefer “As the competition and pressure increase upon managers and directors to reach profits, there are more opportunities to commit different types of fraud”.
• A good introduction can make an intriguing assertion that your paper will then address.
• Payoffs from innovative activities are difficult to estimate because innovation is a long-term, multi-stage, unpredictable process (Brown and Martinsson 2018). Prior literature primarily focuses on large public firms and finds that financial reporting helps reduce agency costs (Healy and Palepu 2001, Kothari 2001, Nanda and Rhodes-Kropf 2016). However, little is known about the role that financial reporting plays for innovative small cap firms. In this study, we examine investors’ preferences for accounting performance measures from innovative small cap firms.
• Or you can start your introduction with questions:
• “What causes managers to misstate their financial statements? How best can investors, auditors, financial analysts and regulators detect misstatements? Addressing these questions is of critical importance to the efficient functioning of capital markets. For an investor it can lead to improved returns, for an auditor it can mean avoiding costly litigation, for an analyst it can mean avoiding a damaged reputation, and for a regulator it can lead to enhanced investor protection and fewer investment debacles. Our research question is twofold:…..“
Introduction structure
• The introduction presents the problem that the paper addresses and explain its significance.
• Define your topic; Add definitions. • What is your research question? That is crucial! • Establish your motivations to study the issue • State the scope of the paper – i.e., what is included and what is not –
especially if the research question is broad. • Add a short overview of your findings • Explain the organization (i.e., sequence) of the paper.
• Example: The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses the SOX act. Section 3 provides an overview of…Section 4 concludes.
Main Body
• Organize the literature according to common themes • Your main body should contain two (or three) sections that respond
to your research question.
Paper headings
• Use headings in your paper to distinguish between main sections and sub-sections. • Format for the Five Levels of Headings in APA Style Level • 1 Centered, Bold, Capitalize Major Words Text begins as a new indented paragraph.
MAIN SECTIONS • 2 Left Align, Bold, Capitalize Major Words Text begins as a new indented paragraph. • 3 Left Align, Bold Italic, Capitalize Major Words Text begins as a new indented paragraph. • 4 Indented, Bold, Capitalize Major Words. After a period, text begins on the same line
and continues. • 5 Indented, Bold Italic, Capitalize Major Words. After a period, text begins on the same
line and continues
• I believe only level 1 and level 2 headings is necessary for your paper.
Discussion and conclusions
• The conclusion of your paper is the final paragraph where you restate your thesis and tie together supporting ideas you have referenced, spelled out and argued for in earlier paragraphs.
• Summarize the important aspects of your paper • Identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge • Don't just restate the information. Instead put it into logical order in the
body of your paper like a series of steps the reader can climb, illustrating the connections between each piece that reinforce your thesis.
• End with a suggestion to your reader that encourages further study or action.
• I suggest you to use online bibliography and citation tools: andcitation-tool
APA citation common mistakes
In-text citations
• Narrative citation style Graham and Harris (1997) have shown that an academic style of writing is slowly learned, and is not often intuitive.
• Parenthetical citation style Often, the rules of academic English, and American academic English in particular, are presented as assumptions rather than with explicit guidance (Graham & Harris, 1997).
• Never add the title of the cited article in your paper. The in-text citation is enough. • All sources used in in-text citations must also be included in the reference page at the
end of the paper. • If there’s no author found, use a shortened version of the title instead. • If there’s no
date found, use “n.d.”
Multiple authors
• Sometimes, students don’t include all names, or they forget the comma or they put the year in the wrong place.
• TWO AUTHORS • In the sentence, name both authors in the signal phrase, using “and”
between the name; end with the year: Reports by Smith and Doe (2017) state….
• In the parentheses at the end of the sentence, use last names separated by “&“; end with a comma and the year: …the report stated (Smith & Doe, 2017).
• MORE THAN TWO AUTHORS • In these cases, use the first author’s last name, followed by “et al.” (Smith
et al., 2017)
• Cite the specific page number of direct quotes. In general, the style guide recommends paraphrasing sources rather than using too many direct quotes, “because paraphrasing allows you to fit material to the context of your paper and writing style” (APA, 2019, p. 270).
• Avoid too long quotations (more than 40 words)
• Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when a person represents someone else’s words, ideas, phrases, sentences or data as one’s own work. When a student submits work that includes such material, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete and accurate references. All verbatim statements must be acknowledged by means of quotation marks.
• academic_integrity_policy_final_2-04.pdf (
Example paper
• APA-7-Writing-in-APA-7th-Ed-Example-Paper.pdf (
Group work in breakout room or class
• When you enter the breakout room, write your email in the chat • Send your abstract to your assigned classmate’s email
• 2. Read the abstract and give feedback/comments to your classmate • 3. Can you determine the research question from reading the
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and
Their Effects on Relationship Research
Elizabeth L. Angeli
State University
Author Note
Elizabeth L. Angeli, Department of Psychology, State University.
Elizabeth Angeli is now at Department of English, Purdue University.
This research was supported in part by a grant from the Sample Grant
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Elizabeth
Angeli, Department of English, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 55555.
Contact: [email protected]
The running head cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The running head’s title should be in capital letters. The running head should be flush left, and page numbers should be flush right. On the title page, the running head should include the words “Running head.” For pages following the title page, repeat the running head in all caps without “Running head.”
The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12- point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized.
The author’s name and institution should be double- spaced and centered.
The running head is a shortened version of the paper’s full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head).
The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and identify the variables under discussion and the relationship between them.
Green text boxes contain explanations of APA style guidelines.
Blue boxes contain directions for writing and citing in APA style.
The author note should appear on printed articles and identifies each author’s department and institution affiliation and any changes in affiliation, contains acknowledgements and any financial support received, and provides contact information. For more information, see the APA manual, 2.03, page 24-25. Note: An author note is optional for students writing class papers, theses, and dissertations.. An author note should appear as follows: First paragraph: Complete departmental and institutional affiliation Second paragraph: Changes in affiliation (if any) Third paragraph: Acknowledgments, funding sources, special circumstances Fourth paragraph: Contact information (mailing address and e-mail)
This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted
on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and their relationship to
computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles, however, vary in their
definitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF)
interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as “email,” in creating
feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC differently and, therefore,
offer different results. This paper examines Cummings, Butler, and Kraut’s (2002)
research in relation to three other research articles to suggest that all forms of CMC
should be studied in order to fully understand how CMC influences online and offline
Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face communication
The abstract should be between 150-250 words. Abbre- viations and acronyms used in the paper should be defined in the abstract.
The abstract is a brief summary of the paper, allowing readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the paper.
The word “Abstract” should be centered and typed in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the first line of the abstract paragraph. All other paragraphs in the paper should be indented.
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and
Their Effects on Relationship Research
Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships,
focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and
the frequency of use of computer-mediated communication (CMC). However,
contradictory results are suggested within this research because only certain aspects of
CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002)
suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) in
creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. To
understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected
by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s
research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to
better understand how online communication affects relationships.
Literature Review
In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on
online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially email, was less effective
than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three
reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships
mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s
use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et
al., 2002). The strength of the relationship was predicted best by FtF and phone
In-text citations that are direct quotes should include the author’s/ auth Plagiarism Free Papers
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