week 7 ppt presentation feedback
Give a positive feedbac to each of this post. Use propper reference and citations
Post#1Jessica: My name is Jessica,I’ll be doing a presentationon health policy analysis. The purpose ofthis presentation is to identifya local health care problem in the state ofFlorida and then create a policy analysis.
How do we fixthe healthcare provider shortagein the State of Florida?
How do we how dothe Floridian fix thehealthcare shortagethat is currently a problem?
What can I do to fix the problem?What will happen to the patients?There’s not a, ifthere is not a large increasein healthcare providers?Background. As of 2021,supply of doctors will only be able tosatisfy 71% of demand.Demand for healthcare servicesin 2030 will increase by 14%.Demand for healthcare services in2050 will increase by 29%.According to Cannon, The current supplyof family medicine,general internal medicine, andpediatric physicians in Florida meet only 62,65 76% of the demand.By 2030, an additional 22,000physicians will be requiredto bridge the gap.The supply of physicians will be impacted bythe aging by the agingof the state population,nearly one tenth of the participantsphysicians plan to retirewithin the next five years.
According to Cannon in 2030,the Florida supplyof family medicine physicians,general internal medicine physicians,and pediatric physicians isexpected to meet only 62,65 75% of the demand.GAPs are also anticipated inspecialized fields of medicine as well.This large gap falls second to California.
Background: The shortage willcreate a huge gap in patient care.The essential for growth ofthe elder adult is in the state of Florida.Number one state out of Florida pardonof the United States to retire.The patient care gap will continue toincrease as the aging population ages.It will cause disparitiesin the State of Florida whenit comes to healthcare patients.According to Shaw, Florida isthe number one state toretire in in the United States.
Landscaping; The patient is the stakeholder.The patient is concerned that therewill not be enough providersto care for them.The medical staff is also a stakeholder.The patients are ultimatelythe primary stakeholder in this dilemma.Along with the patients, the medical staffis also a stakeholder.According to Cannon, 22,000 vacant positionsby 2030 will be available.With this type of shortage the physician willbecome burnt out andoverwhelmed with the demand of patients,pardon me, which could lead tothe physicians leavingthe medical field altogether.Options.Expanding graduate medical education,telehealth,APRN partnerships with other states.According to Canon, thereare more applicants applyingto be matched withthe residency position thanreside physicians available.According to the Associationof American Medical Colleges,65% of medical residentsstay in the state to practice medicine.More than two thirds roughly67.5% of the physiciansthat completed both medical school andresidency in Florida remainedin the state to practice.The pro to this would be theincreased physicians in the state.I do not see any cons in this situation.Telehealth would increase the allowance ofphysicians in other states to see patients.The P would be the decrease in demand forthe physicians that arecurrently in the state of Florida.The con of this isthe elderly patients may notfeel comfortable using technologyto see a doctor.APRN would allow for some of the demandto be relieved fromthe doctors in the State of Florida.I do not see any cons to this either.I as stated earlier,partnership in the other states woulddecrease the workload ofdoctors in the State of Florida.The P would decreasethe workload of thephysicians in the State of Florida.The con to this again,is that the elderly populationmay not feel comfortablein seeing physicians in another stateand not in a physical office.
Recommendations, ARNP would bemy first choice of recommendation.Expanding graduate medicaleducation opportunitieswould be my second choice.My first recommendation would bemore scope of practicefor APRN in the State of Florida,allowing for more growth of the APRN field.This would relieve some demandfrom the current physicians and make,relieve some of the demand forthe current physicians andthe upcoming physicians as well.Secondly, I would like to choose expandingthe graduate medical education opportunities.Like stated before, itwould increase the opportunities.This would create more residencypositions for them to fill.In conclusion currently the point pardon.In conclusion at this time and point,there is not enough physiciansfrom the State of Floridato properly take careof the number of patients.If we are to implement one ofthe propositions I have discussed,we could possibly alleviate someof the high demands onthe current physicians.Next slide is my references.Thank you very much for your time.Have a wonderful evening.
Post#2:Good morning. My name is Kaitlyn Bradley,and I’m going to be addressingsubstance abuse in Palm Beach County.I’m going to be talkingabout basically what’s been going onand things that we can doas nurse practitioners to help the communityand things that we cando to help addressthe problem in our own practice.The purpose of this presentationis to delve intothe pressing issue of substanceabuse within Palm Beach County,Florida, and to explore the role ofnurse practitioners in addressingthis local health care crisis.From my problem statement, I wrote,how has substance abuseimpacted Palm Beach County andwhat role can nurse practitionersplay in mitigating its effects?Why is this important?Substance abuse inPalm County is declaredas a public health emergency.The opioid epidemic has beendeclared a public healthemergency by the state.Immediate action is necessary toprevent further loss of life.It’s also important because of mental health.Unfortunately, COVID 19 was very rampant inthis part of Florida andwe did see a lot of um,hospitalizations and a lot of issuesthat arose post pandemic,that has definitely led to an uptickin substance abuse issuesthat we have been seeing.Also, we want to be increasing awareness.We want to evolve attitudes towardsaddiction as a diseaserequiring medical interventions.A lot of times people turnto drugs because they don’t haveanywhere else to go and they don’thave any other resources.They turn tosubstances that are illegal or even legalthat they use to hopefully numb the pain andum whatever they are feeling.Some key points that we need to lookat regarding substance abuse is first,what is substance abuse?Pretty much substance abuseencompasses the misuse of alcohol,prescription medication, and illegal drugs.It has far reachedconsequences on individual health,public safety, and economic stability.Um, in Palm Beach County,the rising opioid epidemicand alcohol related incidentssignify a growing crisis.The urgency of this matter is underscored bythe increasing rates ofoverdose deaths and substancerelated hospital admissions.In Palm Beach County, who is affected,on average, the average age ofsomeone who is overdose is the age of 42.And this was taken directlyfrom data that wascollected bythe health department of the county.In 2023, lookingat recent hospitalizations andrecent emergency departmentadmissions that wererelated to overdoses or to misuse of drugs.In Palm Beach County,males compromised 65.5% of the overdoses.57.1% of overdoses were of single individualscompared to 16.1 overdoseswere compared to married individuals.And regarding employment,42.4% of people who were overdosewere employed compared to15.3% of people I’m sorry,42.4% of people who wereunemployed and 15.3%of people who were employed.Also with the data, they tended tofind that the peak day of overdoses,like where the emergency departmentswere seeing the most were on Sundays,and the peak hourswere between 2:00 and 4:00 P.M.Okay.Just a little bit of background data.This was also taken directly fromthe Florida Department of Healthabout the overdose andopioid epidemic in the area.They found that the most common substancethat they were suspecting was opioids.It seems to be the easiestto get out in the area.And then also, there’s beena very huge rise of carfentanil which isa derivative of fentanyl thatpeople are bringing into the streets,and they are lacing it with other items.In this in this graphic here on the right,it’s basically showing thatin Palm Beach County,52% of the overdose or the deaths due tooverdose were due to carfentanyl and only 8% were from other drugs.Um. Key stakeholders tothis problem include healthcare providers,local government officials, andthen the patients and families.Healthcare providers are concernedwith the treatment andthe recovery of individuals.They are the first people thatthese overdose individuals will see,such as the nurses, the doctors,the texts that they see in the ER,even the EMS orProfessionals that they see out in the field.Law enforcement andother local government officialsfocus on reducing the supply of drugs.And they also are someof the people who are the firstto arrive on scene.And then that also includes social services.Those are people who are out inthe field who do go to the communities wheredrug abuse and drugs aremore prominent and I know thereare programs where they go out there andthey provide needle exchangesand just education tohopefully get to these peoplethat even if they’re going to do drugs,there are some safer optionsto help prevent issues.Then obviously,the patients and the families arethe ones who are directlyimpacted by the drug use.It disrupts families andcontributes tohigher crime rates in the area.Some key factors thatmust be considered includethe availability of evidence-based treatment options,the need for increased access to care,especially for those underserved populationsand the implementation ofcommunity wide prevention strategies.Having health insurance isa strong indicator ofa person’s ability and willingnessto access and stay in care,considering a lot of these rehab facilitiesand these other agencies thatprovide these types of servicesheavily rely on theseinsurance patients because most of the time,otherwise they would notbe able to afford it.Um, also, people who are uninsured,especially nonelderly adults andchildren are less likely to havehad a usual source of health care ora recent health care visitthan people who are insured.The availability ofqualified nurse practitionersand mental health resourcesthat can provide evidence-based treatmentfor substance abuse is a critical factor.The importance of educational initiativesin the community and addressingthe stigma associated withmental health and substance abusecan influence public perceptionand willingness to seek help.The effectiveness of existing policiesand the need fornew legislation that supportstreatment and prevention strategiesmust be evaluated.Um, the presence of supported policies andlegislation such asthe Florida prescriptiondrug monitoring program oralso known as EFS plays a crucial role inmonitoring prescription drugdispensing to prevent abuse.Some ways that we can address the issueare by community-based outreach programs,drug monitoring programs,and medication assistedtreatments in regards tothe community based outreach programs.Some of the pros are it helps increaseawareness andearly intervention in the community.And then Some ofthe cons are sometimes it canlack engagement from high-risk population,prescription drug monitoring.Apologies.For prescription drug monitoring programs.Some pros, they enhance drug monitoring.So when patients areprescribed opioids or other medicationslike that, it is universal.All the pharmacies can see that the patientrecently had that typeof prescription filled.So can the providers.This also helps improvingprescription practices and ithelps reduce drug diversion.One of the cons is that it may increasedeaths related to illegal opioid abuse.Prescription drug monitoring programs makeprescription opioids more difficultto access from the pharmacy.These programs may have unintendedconsequence of increasing deathsrelated to illicit opioidsthat people are now goingto the streets to find.Another way is wecan use medication assisted treatments.Um, so medication assisted treatments,otherwise known as Matt.They combine medications with counseling andbehavioral therapiesto treat substance use disorders.An example of this would be like how they usemethadone or suboxone to helppeople going through medication withdrawals,because it’s easier, they can taper it down.A P of this is it provides an opportunity toimprove family relationships andincrease positive social support.This is an evidence based treatment,and it has been provento improve recovery outcomes.Medication assisted therapies, like I said,such as methadone maintenance,provide an opportunity to improvefamily relationships and increasepositive social support.Although a con to this is sometimes thereis limited availability in certain areas.Then there’s also a stigmaassociated with using these medicationsjust mostly due toeducation out in the communityabout what these medications are truly doing.So my recommendation, personally,I believe medication assistedtreatment is very effective.It is recognized for its effectivenessin treating opioid use.It can be integrated intoprimary care settings,and it can also help reducestigmas through education andalso will help provideopportunities for health andlifestyle stabilization.I know in my area in Palm Beach County,we do have a state run rehab facility.It’s called DAF, it’sthe Drug Abuse Foundation.They do providethis medication assisted treatmentwith methadone and suboxone to patients.It is monitored.They have to show up at a certain timeevery day to receive their medications.It is monitored, I believe bya nurse practitioner in aphysician that oversees it,and we have seen great success out inthe community with these types of patients.So in conclusion, substanceabuse in Palm Beach Countypresents a challenge withsignificant implicationsfor the community health.Nurse practitioners are well positioned.Nurse practitioners are wellpositioned to contribute tothe resolution of this crisisthrough direct patient care,advocacy, and participatingin multi-disciplinary approaches.By implementing medication assisted treatmentand community outreach programs,it is possible to make meaningful progressin combating substance abuse atthe local level.
Post#3 Jose
Hello, this is my presentation.It’s about reducinguninsured residents in Florida.Introduction problem, high insured rate inFlorida backgroundof health insurance coverage in Florida.Stakeholders on key factors to beconsidered options to address the problem.In smarts and references.Okay. Okay. Problem statement?If there is a high rateof uninsured people inFlorida in11.2% reference Sounders three.Problem.How can Florida reduceits high uninsured rate andincrease insurancecoverage for its residents?About. Okay. Current situation.Florida has an uninsured rate abovethe national average costby the economies prevalenceof low paying jobs withoutemployer sponsored coverage and underinvestment in health and services.Reference rocky 2022.It translates to millions ofresidents lacking health coverage.Background. Lack of insurance coveragecauses delayed medical care,worse health outcomes,and increased health care costs.Uninsured individualsare more likely to experiencepoor health outcomes comparedto those with insurance coverage,such as receiving less preventive carerelating to undiagnosedor untreated health conditions.Addressing these healthcare issuescan promote equitable access to health care.Landscape stakeholdersinsured resident reckings of health coverage.Employers offer health insurance.Health care providers requirepatients withinsurance to cover treatment costs.Government address high uninsured rate.Landscape key factors Medicaid expansionshould cover more residentsto increase access to health care coverage.Socioeconomic disparities.Education and support programscan help peoplewith low-income levels toaccess the health care coverage.Affordability of insurance.High payius make it hard formany people to afford health insurance.Okay.Medicaid expansion impacts eligibilityof low-income individuals’affordability ofinsurance affects people’s ability toobtain and maintainco socioeconomic disparities,low educational attainment or income levelsaffect people’s ability to acquire insurance.Options to address the issue.Expand Medicaid eligibility tocover more low-income adults.For increases access toaffordable health care reduces andinsured rates and proves health outcomes,reference Simpson and an 102024.Potential financial burden onthe state budget, administrative challenges.Implementing state tax credits and subsidy toensure insurance is moreaffordable to more residents.Reference, Brook 2020.P help people to affordinsurance may face political opposition.Okay. Options to address the issue oflow cost or free health care centersacross Florida to offerhealth care services to the residents.Increases access to primary care services.Es high capital.Best option and mitigating strides.Best option, Medicaid expansion willminimize uninsured rates andimprove access to care in the state.Mitigate and strikehow cost sharing mechanismsto reduce high costs of insurance.Seek federal funding to cater forthe expenses of free or low-cost health care services.Conclusion. There is a high rateof uninsured people in Florida.It can lead toworse health outcomes andincreased health care costs.It can be handled throughMedicaid expansion affordability ofinsurance and offeringlow health care services.The best option is medicaid expansion.Okay. Here’s the page of my references.And this is.
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