You will develop an annotated compilation of fifteen (15) literature, databases, and other resources appropriate for teaching social studies to young (birth through age 8) children.
You will compile a variety of 15 resources to teach the topic of social studies.
Attach is the rubric, template and an example.
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CHS252 – Social Studies in Early Childhood
Unit 6 Assignment: Resource File Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 6 Points: 100 Overview: As you start your career teaching children, you will begin to build a repository of materials that you can refer to when teaching specific topics/lessons. For this assignment, you will be compiling a variety 15 of resources to teach the topic of social studies. Instructions: You will develop an annotated compilation of fifteen (15) literature, databases, and other resources appropriate for teaching social studies to young (birth through age 8) children. Please refer to the resource file template and student example for specific details on what is required for each of your 15 resources. The annotation will include the following components:
• Title, author, illustrator, publisher, publication year
• Appropriate ages and grades of children
• Format (picture book, pop-up)
• Genre
• Identification of matching social studies thematic strand (1. culture; 2. time, continuity, change; 3. people, places, and environment; 4. individual development and identity; 5. individuals, groups, and institutions; 6. power, authority, and governance; 7. production, distribution, and consumption; 8. science, technology, and society; 9. global connections; 10. civic ideals and practices)
• Description of the source
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15 Required Resources:
• 2 Read-Aloud Books Representing Two Different Countries • 2 Social Studies Strand-Related Books • Two (2) Toys from Around the World • 1 Alphabet Book Representing a Non-English Linguistic Group • 1 Counting Book Representing a Non-English Linguistic Group • 1 Outdoor Game from a Different Culture • 2 Musical Recordings Representing Music from 2 Different Countries • 2 Databases Appropriate for Social Studies Content Areas • 1 Biography of a President from the United States • 1 Biography of a President from a Different Country)
• Clear and professional writing is required.
• Complete and submit the Resource Template located in Unit 6.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 6 Assignment
CRITERIA: Outstanding Good Fair Needs Improvement
ECTC Standards
36-40 Points 32-35 Points 24-31 Points 0-23 Points
Content and Pedagogy Teacher understands the central concepts and skills, tools of inquiry and structures of the disciplines they teach.
Assignment is complete with explicit details. 1) New knowledge is evident. 2) All required components are presented.
Assignment is complete with substantive details. 1) New knowledge is evident. 2) Mostly all of the required components are presented.
Assignment is complete with clear details. 1) New knowledge is evident. 2) Some of the required components are presented.
Assignment is attempted. Simple listing of resources and/or required information without any clarification. Writing is vague.
41-45 Points 36-40 Points 27-35 Points 0-26 Points Intentional Collection: Student
15 annotated resources are researched
10-14 annotated resources are
6-9 annotated resources are researched
1-5 annotated resources are researched
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researched and reported required items.
and presented following the categories.
researched and presented following the categories.
and presented following the categories.
and presented following the categories.
14-15 Points 12-13 Points 9-11 Points 0-8 Points Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence Structure: Student is proficient in reading and writing.
Resource File is highly polished. No grammar or spelling errors.
Resource File is good. Maximum of two grammar or spelling errors.
Resource File is adequate. Maximum of three grammar and/or spelling errors.
Resource File is poorly written. Four or more grammar and/or spelling errors.
- Overview:
- Instructions:
- Requirements:
CHS252- Social Studies in Early Childhood Social Studies Resource File Example: Student K. Comerford
Social Studies Resource File
K. Comerford – Student Example
Post University
CHS252: Social Studies in the Early Childhood Education Classroom
Assistant Professor Elsa Jones
December 2019
2 Read-Aloud Books Representing Two Different Countries 1. Identify two books from two different countries. Specify the country. 2. Provide complete titles, authors, illustrators, publishers and publication date. 3. Write a one-sentence description for each book. 1 The Big Boasting Battle
German-American Author and Illustrator: Hans Wilhelm Publisher: Scholastic, 1995 Storybook: This book is about an argument that occurs between the two main characters, a lion and a snake, over which animal is superior to the other animal. However, consequences arise and the two animals have to work together instead of against each other. Reference: ICDL – International Children's Digital Library. (n.d.).
2 The Emperor’s New Clothes Danish Author: Hans Christian Andersen Publisher: C. A. Reitzel, 1837 Storybook: This book is about telling the truth, which is an important concept for children to know and learn about. The story also shows that some people may be unwilling to speak the truth but it is important to tell the truth when others do not want to. Reference: ICDL – International Children's Digital Library. (n.d.).
2 Social Studies Strand-Related Books 1. Select 2 books from the four CT ELDS strands. *Early learning experiences will support children to:
Strand A: Understand self, family and a diverse community. Strand B: Learn about people and the environment. Strand C: Develop an understanding of the economic systems and resources. Strand D: Understand change over time.
2. Succinctly evaluate books based on two (2) of the anti-bias criteria: illustrations, storyline, authenticity, relationships between people, heroines/heroes, omissions(s) effects on a child’s self-image, author’s or illustrator’s backgrounds and/or perspectives, language, copyright date. 3 Book: The Lorax
Author: Dr. Seuss Strand B: Learn about people and the environment This is a great book that was written by Dr. Seuss. This book is authentic and current even today. This book definitely makes us think about changes that we should make before it is too late. Anti-Bias Criteria 1. Illustrations: The illustrations in this book are really engaging and children will enjoy looking at all of the brightly colored images on the pages. Anti-Bias Criteria 2. Storyline: This book has such an important message behind it that is really prominent. Humans are taking more resources than we actually need to. We are using the environment in a way that is not caring for it. We are not caring for what we have and are mindlessly consuming and buying these products not thinking about the damage that is being done to our Earth. The perspective is that we need to be more careful about what we are buying and saying that it is a “need,” rather than just a “want.” Reference: Brightly Storytime. (2018, April 18). The lorax – Read aloud picture book.
4 Book: Lemonade in Winter Authors: Emily Jenkins and G. Brian Karas Strand C: Develop an understanding of the economic systems and resources. This is a simple but effective book for explaining the concept of money, sales, and spending more than the person made. The illustrations are also interesting. Since they are having the lemonade sale in the middle of winter the colors are all muted except for a few images like the lemonade and limeade which stand out against the muted background. Anti-Bias Criteria 1. Authenticity: This book helps to explain the concept of money in a unique way: by having a lemonade sale in the middle of a snowstorm.
Anti-Bias Criteria 2. Relationships between people: There is a positive relationship shown between Pauline and John-John who are sister and brother. Pauline is very patient and explains to John-John about the money that they get and how much it is. Reference: Storytime Bunnies. (2018, March 21). Lemonade in winter – A book about two kids. Counting Money – Read Along with Me.
Two (2) Toys from Around the World 1. Identify the country. 2. Provide the complete name of the toy, ages for whom the toy is appropriate, and a one-sentence description. 5 “Daruma Otoshi” from Japan
This traditional toy is made from wooden blocks. The doll has a specific design of either a “Buddhist priest of a Samurai” (Anand, 2016). The game is to knock the center blocks from the doll without letting the doll fall. It can be a fun and enjoyable game for children to play while learning about how other children play around the world. The toy is appropriate for young children. Reference: Anand, T. (2016, August 17). 8 traditional toys you should try collecting on your travels around the world. collecting-on-your-travels-around-the-world-259472.html
6 “Timber Toys” from Denmark and Sweden The timber toys are described by Anand as being wooden carved toys that look like little birds. They were created in 1959 by Kristian Vedel (Anand, 2016). This would be a good toy for children to see and to learn about how the children played with them as well. Appropriate for Preschoolers and up; inappropriate for infants and toddlers Reference: Anand, T. (2016, August 17). 8 traditional toys you should try collecting on your travels around the world. collecting-on-your-travels-around-the-world-259472.html
1 Alphabet Book Representing a Non-English Linguistic Group 1. Provide complete title, author, illustrator, publishers and publication date, and ages for whom the book is appropriate. 2. Write a one-sentence description for the book. 7 Little Concepts: ABC French
Author & Illustrator: Daniel Roode Ages 2-4 Picture Board Book; Nonfiction book Culture/dual language: French and English This book is about teaching children the alphabet, and pairing each letter in the alphabet with a French word that comes with an English translation underneath. This is also a good book because the pictures are fun to look at and are engaging for children. The pictures correspond with the word that is being shown, so if children were to look at this book at a glance then they will be able to figure out what the word was based on the picture that is on the page. Reference: Roode, D. (2018). Little concepts: ABC French. french/9781633224124
1 Counting Book Representing a Non-English Linguistic Group 1. Provide complete title, author, illustrator, publishers and publication date, and ages for whom the book is appropriate. 2. Write a one-sentence description for the book. 8 Gordon & Li Li Count in Mandarin
Author: Michele Wong McSween; Illustrator: Nam Doan Ages 5-6 Picture Board Book; Nonfiction Book Dual Language: Mandarin and English
This book helps children learn to count in both English and Mandarin. The characters “teach each other numbers in English and Mandarin” (McSween, 2018). So, this will help children have a better understanding of numbers while learning a new language. It is described that the “Mandarin is simplified for readers with every page written in English and pinyin – along with the Chinese character and the phonetic pronunciation to say the number in Mandarin” (McSween, 2018). Reference: McSween, M. W., & Doan, N. (2018). Gordon & Li Li count in Mandarin.
1 Outdoor Game from a Different Culture 1. Identify culture. 2. Provide complete title, author, inventor, and ages for whom the game is appropriate. 3. Write a one-sentence description for the game. 9 Ghana: A game called “Pilolo”
This is a game where one child, the leader, hides an object. in the article the objects were sticks, stones, or pennies. When the person shouts “Pilolo, which means “time to search for,” the other children try to find the object and then rush to the finish line to get awarded a point (Bordessa, n.d.). This will be a fun game for children to play, while also getting to experience a common game that many children in Ghana play often. So, this is a good cultural experience for young children to learn and engage in. Reference: Bordessa, K. (n.d.). 10 fun games from around the world.
2 Musical Recordings Representing Music from 2 Different Countries 1. Identify each country. 2. Provide complete title, author, and ages for whom each musical recording is appropriate. 3. Write a one-sentence description for each recording.
10 France: “Petit Papa Noel” This is a French, Christmas holiday song. The article describes the song presents the perspective of a young child that is waiting for Santa Claus. The article also mentions that throughout the song the child is “very concerned about making sure Santa stays warm” (“15 Holiday Songs from Other Countries to Sing this Year,” n.d.). This will be a good song for young children to learn because it will allow the children to learn a cultural song that children sing during the holidays. I understand that not all children celebrate Christmas and they may celebrate a different holiday. However, it is still important that children be exposed to different cultural songs. Of course, if a parent was really against it, then we would work together to develop a plan. Reference: 15 holiday songs from other countries to sing this year. (n.d.).
11 Venezuela: “Mi Burrito Sabenero” This is another holiday song; however, this song is about a donkey that is traveling to Bethlehem (“15 Holiday Songs from Other Countries to Sing this Year,” n.d.). The song is upbeat and it would be a lot of fun for children to sing and learn about. This is another cultural song so I would make sure that parents know before hand and work out a plan with parents that don’t want their child to learn about Christmas since they don’t celebrate it. Reference: 15 holiday songs from other countries to sing this year. (n.d.).
2 Databases Appropriate for Social Studies Content Areas 10 Content Areas: 1. Individual Development & Identity; 2. Culture; 3. Power, Authority & Government; 4. People, Places & Environments; 5. Civil Ideals & Practices; 6. Individuals, Groups & Institutions; 7. Production, Distribution & Consumption; 8. Science, Technology & Society; 9. Time, Continuity & Change; 10. Global Connections
1. Select two content areas. 2. Find a database for each content area. 3. Provide the complete title of each database, organization and website link. 4. Write a one-sentence description for each database.
12 Abdo Digital Bookshelf Content Area: 9. Time, Continuity & Change In order to access the database, the following username and password need to be entered, kokomo and kokomo. This database is a good place for children to go to learn about Presidents. The background of the database looks historic, like a worn piece of paper or documentation. So, the appearance is appealing. This database also has an image of the President as well as a lot of information about the person that is useful to learn about. I think that children will really enjoy learning about the Presidents through this site and there are a lot of fun activities that the teacher can do to connect to the Presidents. This would be good for children to learn about around President’s day because the connection with the activities will be apparent for the children. Reference: Welcome to the Abdo Digital Bookshelf. (2019).
13 PebbleGo Content Areas: 7. Production, Distribution & Consumption; 9. Time, Continuity & Change In order to access this database, the following username and password need to be entered, lucy and robbins. This database is colorful and easy to navigate. When hovering over a tab, a person speaks the topic heading, so a child can easily navigate this database with maybe some assistance from an adult. There is a lot of information that is available within the subject of Social Studies. For instance, some of the tabs that can be clicked on under Social Studies are “All About Money,” “Countries,” and “Long Ago and Today” (Ash, 2019). There is then information that they can select within that topic. At the bottom of the page there are printable activities that the teacher or parents can print for their child to do. So, this is definitely a really good database for children to be exposed to. Reference: Ash, A. (2019). PebbleGo by Capstone.
1 Biography of a President from the United States 1. Write a 3-4 sentence biography of the president. Be sure to include: full name, date and place of birth, family history, education, dates when president, and significant achievements, challenges and contributions to the United States. 2. Reference source. 14 National Geographic Readers: Barack Obama
Author: Caroline Gilpin Age Range: 5-8 Paperback Book: Nonfiction This book is an informative book for children to read. This book will teach children about Barack Obama as one of the United States Presidents’. This book is age appropriate so the information will be told in a way that children will be able to read and understand. There are interesting facts that the children can also read about which will add to their interest. The book is also colorful with pictures so it will be enjoyable for children to look at. Reference: Gilpin Gilpin, C. C. (2014). National Geographic Readers: Barack Obama.
1 Biography of a President from a Different Country 1. Write a 3-4 sentence biography of the president. Be sure to include: full name, date and place of birth, family history, education, dates when president, and significant achievements, challenges and contributions to the country. 2. Reference source. 15 Mudpuppy’s Little Feminist Board Book Set
Author: Emily Kleinman; Illustrator: Lydia Ortiz Age Range: Baby-5 Board Book; Nonfiction This book set is great featuring real women throughout history who have made and difference and helped to change the world. There are multiple stories in this set of four board books which is really convenient for children because they have more than one story that goes along with one category at their fingertips. The
four categories are: Pioneers, Activists, Leaders, and Artists (Ortiz & Mudpuppy, 2017). The “Leaders” stories include Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth, Indira Gandhi and many other women. This will encourage all children to believe and know that anything is possible. Reference: Ortiz, L., & Mudpuppy. (2017). Little feminist book set. Feminist-Board-Book Set/dp/0735353816/ref=zg_bs_3564974011_5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3R3FP1DC9AKZZ3ZH7WG2
CHS 252- Social Studies in Early Childhood
Cultural Study Paper Template
Cultural Study Paper
First Name Last Name
Post University
CHS252: Social Studies in the Early Childhood Education Classroom
Instructor’s Name
Due Date for Assignment
1. Personal/Family History
2. Relationships with Others
3. Venn Diagram
4. Personal Beliefs
5. Teaching Practices
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