Discuss how assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data
NR 443 DeVry Week 2 Milestone 1 Latest
Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey
Please refer to the Milestone 1: Community Windshield Survey Guidelines and grading rubric for specific instructions in order to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 150 points.
Type your name, date, and observations directly on this form. Click Save as and save the file with the assignment name and your last name; for example, NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith. When you are finished, submit the form to the Week 2 Caring for Populations: Windshield Survey Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines.
Your Name: Date:
Criteria | Your response |
1. Introduction of Community (20 points)
Identify the city and state of your community and briefly describe the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting but must include a residential area. Demographic data are not needed. |
2. Windshield Survey (100 points)
a. Vitality: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the community vitality. |
b. Indicators of social and economic conditions: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the social and economic conditions. | |
c. Health Resources: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the health resources. | |
d. Environmental conditions related to health: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the environmental conditions. | |
e. Social functioning: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the social functioning. | |
f. Attitude toward healthcare: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the attitudes toward healthcare. | |
3. Conclusion: (20 pts)
Provide a summary of your findings and your conclusion. What problems did you identify? |
4. References:
optional: List in APA format any referencesthat you used. If you include any references here, you must also include an in-text citation (author, year). DEVRY NR 443 ALL WEEK MILESTONES LATEST |
Milestone 2: Vulnerable Population Assessment
The purpose of this paper is to identify and assess a vulnerable population in your community. You will also describe one community health problem that impacts this vulnerable group. This problem must be one that a community health nurse could positively impact.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
Assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify population health risks. (PO 4)
6. Utilize a systems-based and collaborative approach to address factors that influence the health of a community and population health problems. (PO 2)
Due Date
Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.
Points:225 points
Watch the Milestone 2 tutorial (click this link or copy and paste it into your browser):.brainshark.com/devry/Milestone2_2016″>
This APA paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper. Please use the following categories as the first level headings on your paper. APA formatting helps you to format your paper in a professional manner and provides consistent methods for citing your sources within the paper and providing the complete reference on the reference page. See the documents in the APA category in Doc Sharing for assistance with APA formatting. There is an APA template that you can use to type on and this will help with APA formatting. The Student Success Strategies resource has a great sections on writing scholarly papers and APA formatting (to find resource watch:
Based on your community assessment, including your windshield survey and the assessment information from your discussions, identify one aggregate or vulnerable population in your community that faces a community health problem.See units five (5) and six (6) in your Nies and McEwen textfor examples of vulnerable populations and aggregates. Your community must be the area where you live or work.
A. Introduction (one paragraph):
- The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader’s attention.
- Provide a brief description ofyour community including the city name and state and key features.
- Briefly introduce one vulnerable population that you identified in your assessment.
- Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to assessing this vulnerable population in your community.
B. Vulnerable Population Overview (one to two paragraphs):
- Describe one vulnerable group in your community in greater detail.
- Include your observations about this group from the windshield survey.
- Discuss events or trends that have affected this vulnerable group such as economic conditions, trends in health related behaviors or disease rates, etc.
C. Strengths, Risk Factors, and/or Barriers (two to three paragraphs):
· Discuss the strengths, risk factors, and/or barriers that impact this vulnerable population’s health.
· Include support from at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article in this discussion. Go to the Chamberlain library at.chamberlain.edu/”>. Search peer reviewed journals to find a scholarly article that discuss the strengths, risk factors, and/or barriers faced by this vulnerable group. Summarize what you learned from this article and cite the source in the text and reference page (Author, year).For this section, you must choose at least one scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal. The article must be less than 10 years old (less than 5 years is best). You may include and cite your textbook or other scholarly sources as well, but they do not count as the scholarly journal article.
D. Community Resources (one to two paragraphs):
Search your local public health department website, the internet, the local newspaper and/or telephone book for health resources available in your community for this vulnerable group.
- Briefly describe the resources in your community that are available for this group.
- Are these resources adequate? Discuss gaps in services that you identified.
E. Community Health Problem Diagnosis (one to two paragraphs):
- Based on your assessment and the Healthy People 2020 objectives, identify and discuss one priority community health problem that a community health nurse could positively impact. Examples include an increase in teen pregnancies, prevalence of cancer, high incidence of tobacco use, above average infant mortality etc. The problem must relate to the vulnerable population you identified.
- Go to the Healthy People topic areas at Find a topic area that relates to your vulnerable population. Click on the topic area and then click on the green “Objectives” tab. Find and state the Healthy People 2020specific numbered objective (not just a goal) that describes your problem (ex. for teen pregnancy, the topic area Family Planning is relevant, click the green objectives tab and you might chooseFP-8.1 “Reduce pregnancies among adolescent females aged 15 to 17 years” (US Department of Health and Human Services: Healthy People 2020, 2016, Objectives: Family Planning, para 8).
F. Summary (one paragraph):
· Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the vulnerable group you identified and key factors that you discussed above that affect the health of this group.
- Include a statement about the priority problem you identified.
- End with a concluding statement. DEVRY NR 443 ALL WEEK MILESTONES LATEST
G. Reference Page:
The Reference Page should start on a new page (insert a page break).All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference. See the APA Guidelines in Doc Sharing for examples of properly formatted references.
- Application: Use Microsoft Word 2010™ to create this assignment.
- Scholarly Writing: APA format is required. Review APA documents in the Doc Sharing and use the free resources of Smart Thinking for writing tutors · Use the categories above as APA headings for the sections of your paper.
- Length: This paper is expected to be no more than 4 pages in length (not including the title page and reference list).
- Quotations should be minimal – please paraphrase your sources. A maximum of one quotation should be used for this paper.
- Submission: Submit your file via the basket in the Dropbox: Caring for Populations: Milestone 2 Vulnerable Population Assessment, by 11:59 p.m.MT Sunday of Week 4.
- Save your paper with your last name in the document title (e.g., “Smith Vulnerable Population Assessment”).
- Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions.
Best Practices in Preparing the Paper
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
- Use the assessment information that you collected in your windshield survey and weekly discussions to identify the vulnerable group of interest.
- Choose one nursing problem specific to your community that this vulnerable group faces.
- Find one article about this vulnerable group from the Chamberlain library from a peer reviewed journal.
- Visit the Chamberlain Care Student Success Strategies resource for help with writing a scholarly paper, APA formatting, and library navigation
- Make sure all elements of the paper are addressed and headings for each category are included.
- Review directions thoroughly.
- Cite all sources within the paper as well as on the Reference page.
- Proofread prior to final submission.
- Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
- Use the “A” column of the rubric below to ensure that you have included all the needed elements.
Week 6 Milestone 3 Latest
Milestone 3: Intervention and Evaluation
The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide an opportunity to develop a community health nursing intervention and evaluation plan for a community health problem that you identified in your community (described in Milestone 2: Vulnerable Population Assessment). You will apply the components of the nursing process to assist this vulnerable population and develop a proposal that could be presented to community leaders.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO1: Apply principles of nursing theory to the public health system by analyzing determinants of health and the public health intervention wheel. (PO 1)
CO3: Plan prevention and population-focused interventions for vulnerable populations using professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice. (PO 4, 8)
CO4: Evaluate the delivery of care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)
Due Date: Submit your assignment to the appropriate basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 6.
Points: 225 points
You are a community public health nurse (C/PHN) working with the vulnerable population you identified in Milestone 2. You will choose a specific community health role that would serve this population. You have analyzed the data collected from your windshield survey and vulnerable population assignments (the first two milestones) and identified one community health problem that a nurse can impact. Now, review the scholarly literature or scholarly websites listed below and identify one specific evidence-based nursing intervention that has the potential to improve the health of this group. Then develop a proposal to implement this intervention and a plan to evaluate the outcomes of this intervention. Create a PowerPoint that you could use to present to an organization in your community to request approval for funding and support for this intervention. (You are not required to implement the intervention or present your PowerPoint, though you may want to consider implementing your project in the future).
Watch the Milestone 3 tutorial by clicking this
This tutorial is also available on Course Project page under Course Home as well as Week 6 Assignments page.
A. Introduction: (average of 2-3 slides)
· Describe the identified problem
o Include at least two important findings that demonstrate that this is a problem in your community.
· Describe your specific community health role: Some examples of roles are school nurse, parish nurse, home health nurse, occupational nurse, health department nurse etc.
· Identify the purpose of the presentation which is related to proposing a community health intervention and evaluation plan.
B. Identify an evidence based intervention average of 2–3 slides).
· Find an evidence-based nursing intervention from a peer-reviewed journal article OR one of the following databases.
These databases evaluate research evidence about community health interventions. Be sure that your intervention is one that is recommended. Cite your source on the slide.
o Use at least one of the following to identify an evidence based intervention:
§ A peer reviewed journal article demonstrating that your intervention has been successful
§ The Community Guide
§ The CDC Community Health Improvement Navigator
click on that topic area and then click on the “Interventions and Resources” tab to see the evidence-based interventions list for that topic area
· Provide a brief overview of your intervention.
· Discuss why this intervention is a good fit for your community (why you expect it to be effective in your community).
C. Intervention Implementation: (average of 3–4 slides).
Describe how you would implement your community health nursing intervention in your community
· Discuss the actions will you take as the community health nurse to accomplish this intervention.
o Relate your actions to the public health intervention wheel (Nies& McEwen, 2015, p. 14, Figure 1-3)
· Identify your target population.
· Describe how you will reach out to your target population.
o Include strategies to engage your target population.
· Describe where the intervention will take place.
· Identify when your intervention will take place
o Will it take place once or multiple times?
· Identify those in the community that you will collaborate with (e.g., physician’s office, church, local resources, etc.).
· Explain what level(s) of prevention is your intervention addressing (primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention)? DEVRY NR 443 ALL WEEK MILESTONES LATEST
D. Proposed Evaluation Methods: (average of 2–3 slides)
Your presentation must include at least one proposed quantitative or qualitative evaluation method that you would use to determine whether your intervention is effective. Outcome measurement is a crucial piece when implementing interventions.
· Describe the method you would use to evaluate whether your intervention was effective. (There is a helpful tool found in Doc Sharing to assist you with understanding qualitative and quantitative methods of evaluation).
· Identify the outcomes you would track to show whether your intervention works (eg. BMI would be one outcome you could track for a weight loss intervention).
· When would you measure these outcomes?
· Describe the short-term and long-term impact on your community if the intervention is successful.
E. Summary: (average 1 slide)
The summary should reiterate the main points of the presentation and conclude with what you are asking to be accomplished; for example, “Based on ABC, it is imperative our community has XYZ. Can we count on your support? Thank you for your consideration.”
F. In addition to the slides described above, your presentation should include a title slide with your name and role and a reference slide. Cite all sources used with (Author, year) on the PowerPoint slide.
G. The slides should include the most important points in short bullet pointed phrases. Do not include full sentences or paragraphs on the PowerPoint slides. You may add additional comments in the notes section to clarify information for your instructor.
H. The slides should be visually appealing and not overcrowded. Use an interesting template and include some clipart or graphics for interest.
- Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (or later).
- Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be no more than 20slidesin length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).
- Submission: Submit your files via the basket in the Dropbox: Milestone 3 Intervention and Evaluation by 11:59 p.m. Sunday of Week 6.
- Save the assignment with your last name in the file title: example: “Smith Intervention and Evaluation.”
- Late Submission: Seethe course policy on late submissions.
- Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.
Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
- Be creative but realistic with your intervention and evaluation tool.
- Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
- Slides should be easy to read with short bullet points and large font.
- Review directions thoroughly.
- Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the reference page.
- Proofread prior to final submission.
- Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
- Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy.
Discuss how assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data
Family and community health nurses assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data. The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of individuals and their families. The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of aggregates and communities. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events that help nurses better understand why certain groups are at risk for certain health problems.
Family and community health nurses assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data.
Family and community health nurses use demographic and epidemiological data to assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of individuals and their families. These include:
Demographic information such as age range
Epidemiological information about risk factors for disease or injury
The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of individuals and their families
The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of individuals and their families. These include:
Demographics (population characteristics)
Family history (family health history)
Family structure and dynamics, including family support system and finances.
The nurse also considers factors such as culture, ethnicity, religion, immigration status and language proficiency when assessing a patient’s physical or mental health needs based on demographic data gathered during the initial assessment interview.
The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of aggregates and communities.
The nurse uses a variety of assessment tools to help address the needs of aggregates and communities.
The nurse uses demographic data, including age and sex, to determine if a population is at risk for certain health problems. For example, some individuals might have high blood pressure or diabetes because they are overweight or do not get enough exercise. Assessment tools can also be used for groups such as children with developmental delays or pregnant women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy.
Using epidemiology helps nurses better understand why certain groups are at risk for certain health problems. Epidemiological studies collect information about people’s behaviors (e.g., diet), environment (e.g., air quality), biological characteristics such as genes that play a role in disease development; environmental factors like socioeconomic status; social relationships between people living in different areas; community structure (such as family size); and other factors related to an individual’s health status
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events that help nurses better understand why certain groups are at risk for certain health problems.
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events that help nurses better understand why certain groups are at risk for certain health problems. Epidemic diseases, such as influenza, measles, and tuberculosis (TB), can spread quickly among populations due to basic human behavior such as traveling or visiting friends and social factors like poverty. Nurses use epidemiology to assess current health needs by identifying those who may be at greatest risk for developing an epidemic disease; this information helps guide prevention efforts so they focus on those most affected by an outbreak rather than just trying to contain it once it happens.
Epidemiological data can also be used in conjunction with demographic data to assess current health needs. For example: if you have been working on a project about how many people in your community are overweight but have not looked at their BMI scores yet…
Family and community health nurses use epidemiological data in conjunction with demographic data to assess current health needs in a variety of settings.
Family and community health nurses use epidemiological data in conjunction with demographic data to assess current health needs in a variety of settings. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events, such as disease prevalence, incidence rates, survival probabilities, etc., across populations at different stages of an epidemic. Examples include:
The burden on public health services due to bacterial infections;
The effectiveness of interventions for preventable diseases such as measles;
How well individuals respond to treatment for certain cancers (e.g., Hodgkin’s lymphoma), heart conditions (e.g., coronary artery disease)
Understanding the data that is generated through epidemiological research is essential for family and community health nurses, who use this information to assess current health needs in a variety of settings. This article has provided an overview of the types of data that are generated from epidemiological studies and how they can be used by nurses in order to understand their patients’ needs better. The next step would be discussing how assess these needs using demographic and epidemiological data.
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