Part 3: Developing Your Team: Draft Team Charter In Weeks 4 and 5 of Module 2, you conducted a simulated one-on-one coaching conversation with an employee to promote individual development.
Part 3: Developing Your Team: Draft Team Charter
In Weeks 4 and 5 of Module 2, you conducted a simulated one-on-one coaching conversation with an employee to promote individual development. This week, for Part 3 of this Assignment, you will turn your focus from developing individuals and will now focus on developing teams. You will research the team charter, often used as a way to quickly build team cohesion and commitment, and will then develop a team charter for a team you know well—either one you are currently part of or one you have been part of in the past.
As you prepare your Draft Team Charter, be sure not only to cover all items outlined, but incorporate appropriate examples, where applicable, as well as citations for relevant academic sources, such as those found in the Learning Resources or those in the Walden Library.
To prepare for this Assignment:
- Do some research to locate two team charter examples and consider their effectiveness in helping a team organize quickly for success and avoid derailment.
- Identify a team you know well (either one you are currently a part of, or one you have been a part of in the past) to serve as the team you are leading (for the purpose of this exercise) and for which you will be developing the first draft of a team charter that will be shared with the team and finalized at a later date with team input and buy-in. Additionally, as part of the documentation you will share with your manager, you will identify strategies to help your team develop and will evaluate the effectiveness of the charter to meet that goal.
- As you develop your Draft Team Charter, be sure to disguise the names of the organization and of any team members to protect privacy.
Submit your 4- to 5-page (excluding references) Draft Team Charter. To complete this task, address the following:
- Analyze the two team charters you located for their effectiveness in helping a team organize quickly for success and avoid derailment. Based on your analysis, provide details on how the charters would contribute to a team’s success. Be sure to include a copy of the team charter examples you located. Note: These examples will not count toward your total page count.
- Design your own first draft of a team charter for your chosen team, being sure to address the following:
- Describe the mission or purpose of the team.
- Identify three to five specific and measurable goals or outcomes that collectively define success for the team in terms of fulfilling its mission.
- Provide the names (disguised) of team members, describe their official team roles (if any), and indicate the key strengths of each team member in terms of their functional skills and knowledge, as well as their work style and approach.
- List specific and behavioral ground rules that team members are expected to abide by in their work together and explain how violation of any of these ground rules will be handled within the team.
- Outline the team’s approach to resolving conflicts that may arise as the team works together.
- As a final part of the Draft Team Charter, include an Appendix (to be provided only to your manager) that includes the following:
- Based on your assessment of the members of the team and their strengths, skills, and work styles/approach, explain two or three strategies you plan to use to further develop the team and its members.
- In addition, because your manager is also concerned with ensuring a strong and viable leadership pipeline—or overall “bench strength” in the succession plan—propose three specific actions you will take in the next 2–3 months as first steps in choosing and mentoring your successor as leader of this team.
- Consider how you will choose the individual (what qualities will you look for?), how you will first propose the mentoring relationship, and what that first mentoring meeting might look like.
- Defend your rationale for selecting the specific goals, ground rules, and approaches to conflict resolution you drafted for the team, including how these guidelines will help the team develop and meet those goals. As part of your response, note any potential risks or challenges you may face as you implement the team charter, as well as what approach you will take to manage those challenges.
Refer to the Week 6 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
Week 4 Assignment: Developing Individuals and Teams
Part 1: Coaching for Performance: Coaching Conversation Preparation and Strategy
Prepared by: Yaina Delgado
Date: October 1st, 2023
Walden University
WMBA 6010: Managing People and Promoting Collaboration
The PERLA Coaching & Consulting (n.d.) article in Week 4 provides a useful framework for preparing for a coaching conversation. You will use the same framework, based on the acronym FUEL, to prepare for—and serve as a roadmap during—your simulation. To complete this Assignment, review the situation as well as the simulation challenges/objectives, and then fill out the Coaching Conversation Checklist (starting on page 3 of this document) as indicated to ensure you are properly prepared for the conversation. You will then want to have this document—and the Checklist in particular—available to reference as you work through the simulation.
The Situation
You took over as manager of your team approximately 6 months ago. For the first 3 months, one of your employees, Chase, exhibited great engagement and motivation. For example, they would often volunteer suggestions for improving processes, initiate team get-togethers and celebrations, and consistently greet you and team members warmly and with a smile.
Over the last 2 months, however, you have noticed a change. Chase is now completing their assigned tasks competently (though they have missed a couple of deadlines) but has ceased to participate in team brainstorming sessions or generate new ideas for improving team processes. They have been self-isolating lately and have even asked to be excused from opportunities outside of work hours to socialize with the team—something for which they previously showed great enthusiasm. You have asked them several times if something is bothering them, but each time, they stated that things were fine and ended the conversation as soon as possible. You are concerned that if these warning signs are not attended to, Chase’s performance may slip further.
You have asked Chase to meet with you today to discuss your observations and concerns. To prepare for this conversation, your senior leader has asked you to complete and use the Coaching Conversation Checklist to ensure your conversation is productive. The checklist will guide you through the steps to a successful conversation and will provide space for you to write out key statements (such as the purpose of the conversation) or specific questions you want to be prepared to ask during your meeting.
You have also taken the step of consulting HR to ensure you are fully prepared for the conversation. They reminded you that the company has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) available to all employees at no cost to them. The EAP is a workplace benefit that confidentially provides a range of services to employees to assist with personal problems that may be impacting work performance. Issues they can help with include substance abuse, social service referrals, and short-term counseling, to name a few. HR provided you with contact information and materials you can share with Chase if it seems appropriate. You are also prepared to make appropriate adjustments to Chase’s work schedule and workload if it will be helpful, such as providing a more flexible work schedule, making arrangements for Chase’s workload to be covered so they can use some accumulated paid time off (PTO), or making some adjustments to Chase’s current workload and deadlines. While you are prepared to work with Chase using any of these resources that seem appropriate, you do not want to pry unnecessarily into their personal affairs. You also want to make clear that the primary purpose of the conversation is to discuss performance-related observations and concerns and come away with a clear plan for performance improvement and monitoring. Specifically, you want to ensure there are no more missed deadlines (indicating work progress will need to be tracked and monitored before the deadlines occur) and that Chase both attends and actively participates in team brainstorming and process improvement sessions.
Simulation Challenges and Objectives
· Challenge/Objective 1: Frame the content and process for the coaching conversation and set a tone of mutual exploration and problem solving.
· Challenge/Objective 2: Share behavioral observations and ask for employee’s point of view.
· Challenge/Objective 3: Explore solutions and strategies and reach mutual agreement.
· Challenge/Objective 4: Review next steps with the employee, including timelines and follow-up actions to be taken.
Important Note: In the simulation experience, you will not be notified when you have met or not met a challenge and its objective. However, the avatar will respond positively when you “hit” the challenge and will react in a more negative manner if you “miss” the challenge. Please consult the Simulation Preparation document (found in the Week 4 Learning Resources) for more information about the avatars.
Coaching Conversation Checklist
Instructions: For each item on the checklist, write out a script or detailed notes that you will use when completing your live, online simulation experience. You will submit this as your Week 4 Assignment and will then use this document to guide your coaching conversation simulation experience.
Frame the Conversation
_____ Welcome Chase warmly and thank them for meeting with you today.
"Hey Chase, I appreciate you coming in for our meeting today. Thank you for it. So far, how is your day going? I wanted to catch up and make sure everything is moving along by having a brief conversation with you about a few topics. I'm excited about our talk since I value your point of view.
_____ State the purpose of the conversation in one sentence, followed by your suggestion for how the conversation will proceed and a clear statement of the desired outcome (Remember that you want to provide appropriate support for any issues Chase may be facing, but your primary goal is to ensure their performance does not continue to deteriorate.):
We are having this chat today, Chase, to talk about some observations I have made about the changes in your performance and level of engagement over the last few months. I would like to get your thoughts on the changes you have noticed in your engagement in team activities and the few missed deadlines. Along with addressing any issues you may be having; my objective is to work with you to find solutions that will enhance both your performance and general well-being. As much as I would like to help you with any personal issues that are interfering with your career, the major priorities are keeping you doing well and working together to create an improvement plan.
My goal in our chat is to establish a free and open environment where you feel comfortable sharing your ideas and emotions. I will start by presenting my observations, and then I would like to know what you think could be causing these changes. Together, we will investigate various approaches and tactics, taking into account any modifications to your workload or work schedule that may be helpful. To guarantee that your performance stays at the top and that you feel supported in your work, a well-defined plan for improvement with precise activities and deadlines is the intended result (Knight, 2021). Together, we can identify solutions that will be advantageous to you and the team.
_____ Get Chase’s agreement to proceed as outlined, or else agree with specific changes to the process:
Chase, I want to make sure you are comfortable with the suggested method before we get started with our talk. Do you think the method as it is now presented makes sense, or would you like some changes made? Your viewpoint is really important in this situation; therefore, I want to make sure that our conversation is positive and helpful. Please let me know if there is anything specific you would like to change about how we proceed so that we can adjust our dialogue.
Understand the Current Situation
_____ Open the discussion by sharing one or two specific behavioral observations of the shift in behavior that you have noticed. Attend carefully to tone of voice as well as wording to ensure your observations are clear, behavioral, and non-judgmental:
Hi Chase, please be aware that throughout the last two months, there has been a noticeable change in your contributions and level of engagement. Up until now, you have been actively involved in team events, contributing insightful ideas for process enhancements, and cultivating a collaborative atmosphere. But things appear to have changed recently. There has been a reduction in your involvement in ideation meetings, a lack of fresh concepts for improving procedures, and a minor tardiness in fulfilling a few due dates. I am trying to figure out what might be causing these changes from your point of view because these observations are important for us to discuss together.
I want you to know that these are my concerns for your success and well-being as a member of the team. Thank you. To jointly explore any problems, you may be having and come up with answers is the goal of bringing them up, not to cast judgment. I am interested in hearing your thoughts on these modifications and how we can collaborate to uphold the high-performance standards that the team expects from you while making sure you feel supported in your role.
_____ State your concern and/or possible interpretation of the behavior change and ask for more information, using an open-ended question:
Chase I am truly concerned about the change I have witnessed in your performance and level of interest lately. From your initial high level of enthusiasm and active participation in team activities, it appears that you have adopted a more restrained approach. I have noticed a decrease in your involvement in brainstorming meetings as well as a few missed deadlines. Based on my understanding, there could be a problem affecting your professional or personal life, and my purpose in being here is to learn more about it.
I want you to know that my main objective is to help you, and I am coming into this discussion with an open mind. Could you comment on what you think these changes might be caused by? It could be anything else entirely, personal or work-related. Your wisdom will guide us as we work through this together to determine the best course of action.
_____ Be prepared with at least three additional, open-ended questions to elicit more information:
I will be posing open-ended questions to you, Chase, to get a deeper understanding of the current circumstances and to encourage you to share more of your experiences and viewpoints. Initially, I would like to discuss with you what you think about the most recent adjustments to your level of team engagement. Could you elaborate on any particular elements or occasions that might have had a part in this change? Knowing the background will enable us to spot possible areas for development. I would also like to know how you feel about the deadlines that were missed. Do you have any special concerns about what might be impeding your capacity to fulfill these deadlines? Your advice will be helpful in taking preventative measures for any problems.
Let us talk about your recent inclination toward self-isolation and your decreased involvement in group activities going forward. Could you tell us what might be causing this behavior change? It's critical that I understand the variables involved so that together, we can come up with solutions that promote and take your wellbeing into account. And lastly, I want to know what you think about the team's collaboration procedures. Is there anything that you find difficult or places where you believe there is room for improvement? Your suggestions will direct our discussion toward doable tactics to improve performance and team chemistry. The success of our talk and our shared understanding will be greatly enhanced by your willingness to be transparent in revealing these details.
Explore Desired Outcomes
_____ Ask what possible strategies or resources have been considered:
Chase, as we move through this discussion, I really want to know how you see the most recent shifts in your performance and level of engagement. I would like to know what approaches or resources you have thought about using to solve the problems you might be having before we go into possible answers. Your advice is invaluable in helping us to refine our strategy going forward. Have you given any particular tactics or tools any thought as to how they can improve your drive and output on the team?
Our objective is to cooperatively investigate workable solutions to make things better. I think we can find customized solutions that suit your needs and tastes if we understand your perspective and any methods you may already be considering. Kindly express your ideas, and together we can identify practical tactics that support your health and continued excellence in the team.
_____ Clarify what’s important to the coachee, while being clear about success factors that must be met on your end:
Chase, as we proceed with this discussion, I want to make sure that we both have a common idea of what success looks like. I think it is imperative that we talk about the recent adjustments you made to your performance and level of participation. I would really like to see you participate more actively in team events, miss fewer deadlines, and take back the proactive, upbeat attitude you shown in the first few months. These elements support not only your own achievement but also our team's collective success and cohesiveness.
I want to hear from you right now. What results from today's conversation are significant to you? It can have to do with your job, your personal health, or any particular goals you have for your position. Together, let's identify the success elements that correspond with your objectives and dreams so that our future strategy will not only effectively address your worries but also be relevant and satisfying for you. Your advice is really helpful in determining the course of our discussion and the goals we share.
_____ Suggest possible resources or strategies, allowing multiple options ( Important Reminder: From your discussions with HR, you know that there are things that can be offered if Chase is experiencing some kind of personal issues affecting their performance. For example, the company has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), providing free, confidential counseling and referral to resources; Chase has some accumulated paid time off (PTO) that can be used if desired, and the company does allow managers to provide flexible schedules if warranted. You want to make sure that no further deadlines are missed, so it’s important that progress be clearly tracked and measured along the way.):
Chase, while we talk about how to deal with the difficulties you are having, I would want to recommend some tools and techniques that you might find useful. Taking into account the shifts in your involvement, the organization first offers a confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that offers guidance and help for personal difficulties that may be impacting your performance. It is an invaluable resource that you may use for free. Furthermore, you have accrued paid time off (PTO) that you can use if you feel the need for a break to attend to personal problems.
We can look at flexible options to better meet your demands and maintain a work-life balance in terms of your workload and schedule. We must keep a careful eye on your progress in order to prevent any further missed deadlines. I want to be clear that our goal is to work together to identify solutions that meet your needs and uphold a high quality of performance while resolving any issues you may be having. Your health and happiness are my top priorities, and I am here to help you reach your goals.
Lay Out a Success Plan
_____ Reach clear, mutual agreement on the plan for success, including:
Based on our conversation, Chase, let us create a success strategy that takes into account your objectives as well as the issues we've found. We will first and foremost clearly define your role's requirements, especially those related to team participation and deadlines. Together, we will make sure the workload is reasonable and that any necessary adjustments are put into practice. To monitor our success, we will establish clear, quantifiable objectives like regularly meeting deadlines and actively contributing to team projects.
I also wish to promote candid dialogue between us. I am here to help you whenever problems come up, whether it's making changes to your work schedule or making use of the Employee Assistance Program. You must have the confidence to ask for help when you need it. Since the success plan is a team effort, your participation is essential to its success. Our goal is to establish a work atmosphere that fosters your professional and personal growth, and I'm dedicated to providing you with all the assistance you need to succeed.
_____ Action items and owners of the actions:
We have specific actions in our success strategy to deal with the developments we have seen. Initially, we will work together to pinpoint particular issues that are causing your involvement to change. You will be responsible for freely expressing your viewpoint. After that, we will work together to brainstorm possible solutions, taking into account any changes to your workload or schedule that might be helpful. It is essential that you take an active part in this process. Following the selection of the best solutions, we will clearly define a schedule for implementation and provide regular feedback and monitoring. There will be shared ownership of these actions, guaranteeing a cooperative effort toward successful results. Together, let us make sure you succeed and are happy.
_____ Due dates for each action item:
We will give each action item a deadline in order to guarantee an organized approach. First, our goal is to finish identifying obstacles and exchanging viewpoints in the upcoming week. By the end of the second week, we will be working together to jointly explore various approaches and solutions. Our success strategy will be finalized, implementation dates will be clearly defined, and tasks will be assigned within the third week (Milner, 2018). Our routine check-ins will incorporate ongoing monitoring and feedback. These deadlines give us a reasonable structure within which to collaborate methodically and create an atmosphere that is conducive to your success. Your adherence to these deadlines will support our group's efforts to produce favorable results.
_____ Dates for follow-up check-ins to measure progress and define what, if any, next steps need to be taken:
Regular follow-up check-ins are part of our success plan, which helps us track our progress and make any necessary corrections. In two weeks, we will set up the first check-in to evaluate the progress of our strategies. After then, check-ins will take place every two weeks to monitor further development. We will talk about your experiences with the changes you have implemented, deal with any new issues that may arise, and tweak our plan as needed at these meetings. These regular follow-ups provide us a chance to assess the success of our tactics and make sure we are still focused on the same goals. Your candor throughout these check-ins will be essential to improving our strategy and promoting long-term progress.
_____ End the conversation by summarizing the agreed-to plan, asking for additional comments or concerns, thanking the coachee, and expressing confidence:
As we come to an end of our discussion, Chase, let us review the plan we decided upon. We've provided detailed instructions on how to tackle the difficulties, such as pinpointing the main problems, working together to find answers, and creating an implementation schedule. The success of this initiative depends on your willingness to actively participate and share your viewpoint. I want to make sure there are no last questions or remarks you would like to address before we wrap up. Throughout this process, I am here to support you, and your opinion is greatly appreciated. We appreciate your candor and readiness to collaborate with us on these enhancements. I have faith that by working together, we can overcome obstacles and observe improvements in your performance and general wellbeing. Please feel free to express anything else that's on your mind, and we can discuss it together.
Knight, J. (2021). The definitive guide to instructional coaching: Seven factors for success. ASCD.
Milner, J., & Milner, T. (2018, August 14). Most Managers Don’t Know How to Coach People. But They Can Learn. Harvard Business Review.
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Week 5 Assignment: Developing Individuals and Teams
Part 2: Coaching for Performance: Coaching Reflection and Action Plan
Prepared by: Yaina Delgado
Date: October 6th, 2023
Walden University
WMBA 6010: Managing People and Promoting Collaboration
Coaching Reflection and Action Plan.
Accomplished the Objectives.
The coaching session with Chase was quite successful in reaching the predetermined goals. My initial goal was to deal with Chase's performance and engagement that had been noticed to be declining. Even though it required some time to build rapport and get beyond some initial reluctance, the discussion eventually turned into a genuine exchange of ideas. After I persuaded Chase that my main objective was to promote his success and well-being on the team, his initial defensiveness became openness.
Finding out what was causing Chase's recent behavioral changes was the main goal. As the discussion went on, it became clear that his career was being significantly impacted by personal stress, specifically from taking care of his ailing mother. Thus, the goal of finding the underlying cause was accomplished, illuminating an outside element influencing his performance.
In addition, the discussion produced a detailed action plan. I gave information on paid time off options and offered the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) as a resource for counseling. Offering concrete ways to reduce Chase's stress was the goal that was accomplished. Creating a routine check-in schedule and guaranteeing continued assistance were also in line with the original objective of raising performance and engagement (Inbar-Furst et al., 2020).
After all, the simulation was a useful learning tool that reflected difficulties encountered in the actual world. It emphasized the value of flexibility, empathy, and a more approachable style in coaching dialogues. The need of addressing personal issues that affect professional performance and creating customized action plans for employee support were also emphasized by the simulation (Passmore, 2018). All things considered, the goals were accomplished, opening the door for a more involved and helpful team member.
Positive and Negative Impacts.
My preparation was essential to the coaching simulation's successful conclusion in the dialogue with employee Chase. Prior to the simulation, I had a well-defined plan with specific goals, which helped me stay on task and effectively lead the conversation. I was able to have a more focused and fruitful conversation with Chase because I was prepared to address specific issues regarding his decreasing performance and involvement. My approach also made sure that the chat didn't go over the allotted 15 minutes, which helped me keep on schedule with the time limits. The favorable conclusion was facilitated by the adherence to a well-thought-out plan, which allowed for a disciplined and useful coaching session.
However, there were times when Chase thought my first approach was robotic since it was scripted, which shows the possible drawbacks of relying too much on pre-written material. To produce a more genuine and sympathetic coaching experience, the input that was obtained through the simulation highlighted the significance of striking a balance between spontaneity and preparation (Grant, 2022). I understand that to build a true relationship with my employees, I will need to improve my communication approach going forward by adding a more personal touch and paying attention to their cues. The feedback emphasizes the value of flexibility and genuine communication in coaching sessions, but overall, the benefits of preparation rested in offering a road map for the discussion.
Improvements to Take.
I think I did a great job in the coaching session of setting up a sympathetic and encouraging environment with the worker, Chase. My ability to establish a safe space for Chase to talk about issues outside of work helped us identify the main reason for his performance decline. I was able to move the discussion past the professional issues at hand and address the underlying personal difficulties harming Chase's wellbeing by actively listening and giving empathy in return. This gave me the opportunity to propose doable alternatives, such pointing out the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and recommending a flexible schedule to take care of his caregiver responsibilities.
I do realize that I need to work on my delivery and communication approach, though, after giving the session some thought. I see the value of encouraging a more organic and genuine dialogue after Chase said that I sounded like I was reading from a script. I would strive to be more impulsive and engaged in order to improve my coaching style and make sure the employee feels valued and heard. In order to facilitate a more natural and honest conversation that promotes openness and trust, I would also try to reduce any apparent stage fear. Although the session's goals were met overall, I still think I can improve my communication abilities to provide future coaching sessions that are more relaxed and approachable.
Employer Response.
Chase, the employee, first displayed a guarded and somewhat dismissive attitude toward the manager's observations regarding changes in performance and involvement during the coaching session. But as the talk went on, the worker opened up about personal struggles, bringing up the strain of taking care of their ailing mother in particular. By introducing the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), expressing empathy, and recommending that the employee utilize available paid time off, the manager skillfully managed the topic. The worker's attitude changed from one of opposition to one of thankfulness, showing thanks for the help and understanding provided.
Based on the employee's conduct after the coaching session, it is probable that the engagement and performance will improve. Increased job satisfaction and a sense of value could result from the manager's proactive attitude to assistance and acknowledgement of personal issues. The manager's dedication to frequent check-ins and the implementation of the EAP show that the workplace is supportive (Inbar-Furst et al., 2020). It will be imperative to strike a balance in future coaching sessions between discussing performance objectives and demonstrating empathy. The knowledge acquired highlights the significance of getting to know the person behind the employee, seeing how personal life affects work performance, and developing coaching tactics that successfully handle both.
It's clear from thinking back on the coaching session with Chase that the original goal was accomplished. The worker disclosed pressures from outside the office, particularly those associated with taking care of a sick family member, and talked candidly about how personal issues have an impact on performance at work. The subject of work-related concerns was skillfully changed to a more sympathetic examination of Chase's personal circumstances. In spite of initial resistance and an apparently robotic demeanor, the manager was able to build rapport and provide valuable assistance.
I would specifically work on my communication style going future to improve my coaching abilities. Chase emphasized the necessity for an interaction that is less scripted and more real. This realization points to a place where coaching conversations could be more comfortably and authentically set up. I'll devote time to improving my capacity to communicate empathy and understanding in order to address this, making sure that staff members feel heard and supported and creating a more sincere relationship in subsequent coaching sessions. By c Plagiarism Free Papers
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