Differentiate between the marketing of services versus tangible goods to providesolutions addressing the challenges associated with the marketing of services
D028_MKTG1053_A2group report-“Background of the company” section 700 words include tables
Requirements: 700
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:1/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370Assessment Task 2: New service proposal companyreport (Group)Due 1 Oct by 23:59 Points 50 Submitting a file uploadAvailable 17 Jul at 9:00 – 31 Oct at 23:59Start AssignmentAssessment Task 2: New Service proposal company report (Group)Weighting50%Length of the report: 3000 words (+-10% for the main body of thereport only)Due date end Week 10 Sunday 1st October 23.59pm (AEDT) Overview The purpose: The aim of this New Service Proposal is to develop a new service for the companyyou studied in Assessment 1. You are to analyse the feasibility of introducing your proposedservice into Australia. Your recommendations for the service will be based on in-depth research,critical thinking, the utilisation of relevant theoretical concepts and tools learnt during this course. Itwill also explore the new service ideaÕs feasibility based on existing/potentialperformance/capabilities and the environmental trends/conditions relevant to theexisting/envisioned organisation. You will demonstrate an ability to identify creative opportunities inroutine marketing contexts and demonstrate a professional ability to collaborate with your teamand communicate relevant services marketing concepts in personal, group and/or mass
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:2/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370communication contexts. The project will build on the teamwork, leadership, verbal and writtenskills you developed in Assessment 1. These generic skills are important for your futureemploymentExample assignment (but follow OUR rubric as this example hasfollowed a different rubric)Example New Service Proposal.docx (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/files/32343785?wrap=1) (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/files/32343785/download?download_frd=1) Learning OutcomesThe targeted Course Learning Outcomes for this assessment are:CLO1Apply key concepts of service marketing and practices in managing servicebusinesses CLO2Differentiate between the marketing of services versus tangible goods to providesolutions addressing the challenges associated with the marketing of servicesCLO3Develop effective and innovative marketing plans and strategies in relation to theÔexpanded marketing mix for servicesCLO4Examine consumer behaviours within a diverse range of service contexts to informmarketing decisionsCLO5Evaluate the service quality of an organisation and recommend solutions for qualityimprovementCLO6Interact and collaborate with others effectively in a variety of professional settings. The targeted Program Learning Outcomes for this assessment are:
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:3/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370PLO3Analyse complex challenges and formulate innovative solutions in real-world contextsPLO4Reflect on and continuously progress their own professional development, enhancingtheir intellectual agility and adaptability as tools for success in ever-changing businesscontextsExample assignment 2Example New Service Proposal.docx (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/files/32343784?wrap=1) (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/files/32343784/download?download_frd=1) The Task: In the same group as Assignment 1, you are to adopt the role of consultant andprepare a New Service Proposal for a new service that could be introduced into Australia. Itscaffolds from the work you completed in Assignment 1. This means you are enlarging the workyou did on the company you used in Assignment 1. You are to apply relevant services marketingtheories and concepts learnt in class and online in the analysis of the company and makerecommendations. You are to prepare a report covering your in-depth analysis and recommendations. It must followthe sections from the rubric, which can be found below. The word limit is 3,000 words (+-10%, forthe main body of the report only). You are required to use the Harvard referencing style at alltimes. The word count does not include the executive summary, ToC, appendices, diagrams,tables, headings, in-text citations, reference list, and photos. Additional information can be found inthe General Information section on the Canvas site.Rubric: The rubric can be found below. This assessment will also measure your ability tocollaborate with other students in your group, manage your own time and work with others toarrange meetings, develop your written and verbal skills, complete in-depth research, synthesisematerial from many sources, write a formal report taking on the role of consultants, use theHarvard referencing system correctly. Feedback: The time frame for returning the video feedback to students is normally 10 workingdays after the deadline for submission of the assessment work or if a student is granted anextension within 10 working days of the date when the student’s group submitted their work.Feedback will be provided using myRMIT Studies/Canvas tools.Equal work by group members: Your tutor will allocate times during the semester for groupdiscussions about the assignment, and individual feedback will be provided to group members atyour request. Each group member will receive the same mark unless your group has evidence
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:4/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370that a group member/s did not contribute equally. Equal work is what the group declares and allgroup members are responsible for completing the section/s agreed by the group. If you believethat someone in your group has not contributed equally, please discuss this with your tutor PRIORto submission as the semester continues. Please send an email and evidence to your tutor in thefirst instance during the semester. They will then contact the student to discuss the situation. Ifgroup member/s complete an unequal share of the workload, they may not receive the samegrade as other group members. It is at the discretion of your tutor and course coordinator to awarddifferent marks to students. Ongoing group issues that are only raised on the final submission areunlikely to be actioned.Please be aware that ALL group members are collectively responsible for the group videoassignment. You, therefore should ensure that you have had an opportunity to view the video, aswell as the Turnitin report, prior to the final submission.Referencing guidelines Use the RMIT Harvard (https://www.rmit.edu.au/library/study/referencing/referencing-guides-for-printing) referencing style for this assessment. You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite (https://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/easy-cite/) referencing tool for examplesand tips on referencing in the appropriate style. You can also refer to the library referencing pagefor more tools, such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing. Please note: you are not expected to visit your chosen company.Please complete this Peer Assessment form and submit it as a separate submission immediatelyafter you have submitted your report on Canvas. If your group has issues, please discuss themwith your tutor during the semester. If you have issues with a team member/s, you must haveevidence.Peer Assessment for the Company Report.docx(https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/files/32343756?wrap=1) (https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/files/32343756/download?download_frd=1)(https://miro.com/signup/) Submission instructions
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:5/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370Submission instructions: Electronic submission via Canvas. Please ensure you have checkedyou have submitted the correct report. This can be done by checking on your page that you havedone so. If you do not submit the correct report, it will be penalised at 10% per day.Please remember that for each group assessment ALL group members are collectivelyresponsible for the group assignment. You therefore should ensure that you have had anopportunity to view the final assignment, as well as the Turnitin report, prior to the final submission.Submission format: The report bust be submitted via Canvas as a file upload in either .doc,.docx ONLY. Each group must create a title page of their own for the assessment piece submitted, together with all student numbers and official names (registered in the RMIT database). All detailsof which student completed each section must be listed on this front page. The word count alsoneeds to be on this title page. Places via canvas to find extra help:1. Peer Mentoring2. Library3. StudiosityThese places are ON TOP of working with your tutor (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/it-services-for-students/canvas/turnitin)Referencing guidelines Use RMIT Harvard (https://www.rmit.edu.au/library/study/referencing/referencing-guides-for-printing) referencing style for this assessment. You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite (https://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/easy-cite/) referencing tool to seeexamples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the libraryreferencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides forprinting. Assessment declaration When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.(https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and-exams/assessment/assessment-declaration)
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:6/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370For more information on using Turnitin, please see (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/it-services-for-students/canvas/turnitin)https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/it-services-for-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/it-services-for-students/canvas/turnitin)students/canvas/turnitin (https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/support-and-facilities/it-services-for-students/canvas/turnitin)Academic Integrity and MisconductAcademic Integrity and Misconduct Please refer to the following link for information on sharing files andsites. https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/service-connect/compliance-https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/service-connect/compliance-process/legal-copyright-privacy/copyright/copyright-takedown-process/legal-copyright-privacy/copyright/copyright-takedown-requestsrequests (https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/service-connect/compliance- (https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/service-connect/compliance-process/legal-copyright-privacy/copyright/copyright-takedown-requests)process/legal-copyright-privacy/copyright/copyright-takedown-requests)Students demonstrate academic integrity in their assessment practicesby: engaging with assessment activities in an honest way; providing accountability for the authorship and originality of worksubmitted; acknowledging the work of others and the re-use of original work. Academic misconduct is addressed in accordance with the StudentStudentconductconduct (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and- (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/student-conduct-policy) management/policies/student-conduct-policy) (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/student-conduct-policy) management/policies/student-conduct-policy) policypolicy (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/student-conduct-policy) management/policies/student-conduct-policy) (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/student-conduct-policy) management/policies/student-conduct-policy) For more information on Academic Integrity please see: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:7/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370and-results/academic-integrityand-results/academic-integrity(https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and-results/academic-integrity)results/academic-integrity)Assessment involving research with human participants, their informationor their tissue, or animal subjects is carried out in accordance withthe StaffStaff (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and- (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) ethics and integrityethics and integritypolicypolicy (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and- (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) .. (https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/about/governance-and-management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) management/policies/staff-ethics-integrity-policy) https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/research/research-and-innovation-https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/research/research-and-innovation-service-directory/conduct-responsible-researchservice-directory/conduct-responsible-research(https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/research/research-and-innovation-service-(https://www.rmit.edu.au/staff/research/research-and-innovation-service-directory/conduct-responsible-research)directory/conduct-responsible-research)Academic integrity and plagiarism Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledgingthe work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have: Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you havequoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in yourassessment through the appropriate referencing methods Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source ifnecessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarismbecause you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriatereferencing, as if they were your own.
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:8/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370New Service Proposal 2023CriteriaRatingsPts5 pts4 pts4 pts4 ptsRMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including: Failure to properly document a source Copyright material from the internet or databases Collusion between students For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.(https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/rights-and-responsibilities/academic-integrity) Executive Summary (not in the word count)1 Ð 2 page summary of the proposal.This should be a complete summary of the whole report and should beable to be read by anyone and they would understand your whole report.CLO65 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksIntroduction to your new service proposalDescribe the history and background of your company. Then introducethe proposed new service in response to the main challenge(s) of thecompany in 2023 (these should scaffold from Assessment 1).CLO2, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksSegmentsIdentify & analyse the new serviceÕs target market (what are itscharacteristics, why is it targeted?). In particular, what are thedemographic, geographic, psychographic & behavioural segmentationdata related to the target market?CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksService ProductDescribe what new service product/s your company will be offering bydiscussing in detail the core product offerings and then using the Flowerof Service Model or the Three Layers Model (circles) to discuss how the”enhancing” and “facilitating” supplementary services will help to4 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarks
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:9/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/8473704 pts4 pts4 pts4 pts4 pts4 ptsenhance the experience for their customers.CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO6Pricing and Revenue ManagementDevelop a pricing strategy for the proposed new service and justify whythis strategy will maximise revenue and sales for this new service in thefirst 12 months after implementationCLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksPlaceHow will the new service be distributed? Describe and justify any brick and mortar channel/s and/or electronic channels of distribution youwould recommend.CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksPhysical evidenceProvide details of the service environment dimensions you recommendas a result of the introduction of the proposed new service in yourphysical service environment and/or your online platforms.CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksPromotion and EducationUse the Service Marketing Communication Mix to develop a promotionand education plan for the first 3 months of your New Service.CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksPeopleProvide a detailed explanation how people / personnel could affect the service. CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4. CLO5, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksProcessProvide a detailed explanation and/or Blueprint on how the new servicewill be experienced by their customers.CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4. CLO5, CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarks
2023/9/19 23(30Assessment Task 2: New service proposal company report (Group)⻚页码:10/10https://rmit.instructure.com/courses/110581/assignments/847370Total points: 504 pts5 ptsConclusionSummarise the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed newservice, and its feasibility or likelihood of success. CLO1, CLO3, CLO5,CLO64 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarksOverall Quality of ProposalClear expression, structure, grammar, spelling, presentation of report(including appendices), and evidence of relevant and extensive/in-depthresearch. The flow of the report: reads as if one person wrote it all notthe individual group membersCLO65 to >0.0 PtsFull marks0 PtsNomarks
Executive Summary
Awesome Pawsome (AP) aims to address the key demands of pet owners who greatly regard the well-being of their beloved pets with utmost care. The premium tailored service enabled Awesome Pawsome to acquire many loyal customers over its competitors. The proposed new idea further enhances the services offered by Awesome Pawsome by not limiting it to specific location, enhancing and offering a fresh customer experience that has yet to be explored in Singapore.
With the new integrated service, Awesome Pawsome is able to meet the demands of a broader spectrum of customers, gaining competitive advantage over its competitors in the Singapore market. Awesome Pawsome’s target market with integrated new service cannot be determined by age group, but rather the significance and the quality-of-service customers demand in the market.
Through analysing the benefits sought by different age groups, the proposed new idea will address the needs of customers and streamlines Awesome Pawsome operations. The adoption of Value-based pricing for its new services will also be beneficial to Awesome Pawsome price positioning in the industry. Taking into consideration cost reduction and rate fences to strengthen their pricing structure, Awesome Pawsome will have better management over their financial resources to generate revenue for the business.
The physical environment will also be a key factor in Awesome Pawsome operation set-up. From the overview of the mobile van floor plan to the detailed professionalism of the staff outfit, every careful consideration of the physical aspect will determine how the business will be perceived by the customers. Having a well consolidated integrated marketing communication plan will also help to build a strong relationship with existing customers and attract prospective customers, through the implementation of relevant marketing strategies which will effectively increase brand awareness of Awesome Pawsome.
Finally, the inclusion of the service blueprint will highlight the service process that customers will experience with the new service of Awesome Pawsome. Valuable feedback will be obtained with improvements to be made by identifying fail points and poka-yokes, which Awesome Pawsome can use to meet the expectation of customers and increase overall satisfaction level customers have towards the brand.
Introduction and Business Overview
1.1 Background of Awesome Pawsome
Awesome Pawsome (AP) is a mobile house-call pet grooming service provider, established in 2012 by Ian. The business focuses on the well-being of pets, providing services while minimising stressing inducing and health risk factors (Awesome Pawsome n.d.).
The price range of packages provided ranges from $90 to $160, depending on the size of the pet and the quality of the package. There are various add-on services available for customers based on their pet’s needs such as pest treatment or removal, nail clipping, bath, and drying. The target market is pet owners who care greatly about their pet’s physical and mental well-being.
AP has positioned itself to be a service provider, promising its customers the top-quality care for their pets’ well-being.
1.2 Proposed New Idea: One-Stop Pet Care
One-Stop Pet Care falls under the category of service processing where consumers are not required to be present physically while the specialists tend to their pets. One-Stop Pet Care provides most necessary services a pet requires such as grooming, vet attendance, and pet products readily available for purchase at the doorstep or any specified location in convenience of the consumer on a van.
Consumers can be creative and not only request for service in their residential area, but anywhere such as national parks, beaches, or even photoshoot studios.
1.3 Positioning
In Singapore, owning a personal vehicle is not a necessity with sophisticated public transport available at ease of use. The Inconvenience of commuting with pets is a common issue faced by pet owners without private vehicles as public transport prohibits accompanying pets for owners without special needs such as a guide dog. Consumers without a personal vehicle will find attending to their pet’s needs inconvenient.
Attending to a pet’s needs is tedious, where the owner has to accompany the pet to a specific location, queue for their turn, and return to bring the pets back which may consume 2 to 3 hours on average.
One-Stop Pet Care’s purpose is to solve the mentioned issues, and cater to owners who are looking to provide care for their pets whenever and wherever deemed necessary. The target customers are millennials and generation x. According to research conducted by Statista in 2022, the ownership of pets by the age group is evenly spreaded out at an average of 34% for people under 55 (Statista 2022).
Figure 1: Pet Ownership in Singapore by Age Group
1.3.1 Target Market
1.3.2 Competitive Advantage
Figure 2: Awesome Pawsome Positioning Map
Some key competitors identified are Pawpy Kisses, Hanis the Groomer, Likeable Pets and Doggylicious Studio. Each competitor has its unique speciality service such as pet delivery service, pet bubble bath, and oral care.
In comparison to the competitors, AP, with its integrated new service, will be the first of its kind where the customers are offered a full grooming and veterinary service at any preferred location. Variety of pet goods such as pet food and snacks made available for purchase. The new service, One-Stop Pet Care, does not only provide pet well-being focused service, but also enhances the customer experience and makes the time-consuming service adjustable to their daily routine.
1.3.3 Unique Selling Point
The key unique selling point of AP will be the convenience of available service. Resources such as water and electricity will be drawn for use from the fully equipped van, and no mess for cleaning will be left in the residence after the service. Furthermore, AP will be the only pet grooming service in Singapore that offers a full-flexible service to its customers, not limited to locations unlike traditional grooming service.
1.3.4 New Service’s Pitch/Appeal
Service with a ‘fully’ mobile concept has not been introduced in Singapore, making AP the pioneer mobile service provider. While the traditional attraction of service was focused on the pet’s well-being, the enhanced service offered by AP goes further by satisfying the convenience of customers on top of the pet’s well-being.
Product Analysis
2.1 Core Service
The primary service provided by AP consists of professional grooming, basic veterinary service at preferred locations by groomers. The specified groomers would be able to tend to the pets while minimising the stress induced. One-Stop Pet Care improves the initial core service provided by AP by bringing the service to customer’s preferred location to further enhance customer experience. In addition to expanding the availability of service, pet products such as food, snacks, and medications will also be available for purchase on the van to ensure the needs of the customers are satisfied with every visit.
2.2 Enhancing Supplementary Service
Looking at Figure 2, AP would be able to design their services and meet customers’ needs and add value to the services that they provide.
Figure 2: Flower of Service Concept
Pricing and Revenue Management
3.1 Pricing Strategies
Figure 3: Pricing Tripod
3.1.1 Pricing Tripod
AP will be adopting value-based pricing under the pricing tripod (Figure 3) as the pricing strategy for the launch of new add-on services and products, pricing them in correlation with the perception of value and benefits that consumers are willing to pay for. The value-based pricing will be vital in AP price positioning in the industry, allowing them to increase brand exposure and further expand their mobile pet services.
The One-stop-mobile pet services that AP are launching are goods and services that are currently not new to the industry, specifically designed to meet customer needs and ease their convenience. The inclusion of a new application allows customers to choose the services they would like to bundle on top of the existing system, enhancing the service and creating opportunities to attract potential customers. This unique service in the market is viable for AP to set the prices of their goods and services at a relatively higher price.
3.1.2 Cost Reduction (Monetary and Non-Monetary)
3.1.3 Rate Fences (Physical and Non-Physical)
3.1.4 Pricing Structure
AP will be pricing the new One-Stop Pet Care services based on bundle prices of combinations of core services offered. Customers are given customization to bundle the services they would like for the appointment, which generates rate fences that consumers might find more value for money if they choose to do. Bundle combinations allows flexibility in the services, giving consumers cost-effective price choices and differentiating themselves from similar services offered by their competitors. Rate fences are also used to segment pet owners and justify why they pay differently for using similar services of the business.
Figure 4: One-Stop Pet Care New Customizable Options
3.2 Revenue Management
Figure 5: Awesome Pawsome Monthly Profit and Loss Statement of One-Stop Pet Care
The inclusion of One-Stop Pet Care combination of core services on top of its existing mobile house-call service has created revenue from different options that customers have purchased, including Pets goods, Add-ons, and Ala Carte services. Clear cost measurement of the operating expenses has also helped the business to determine its expenditure, which allows AP to determine its net profits and forecast its future demand while adjusting costs accordingly.
Place / Physical Service Environment
4.1 Place
The service will be distributed through a mobile van to any preferred location of the customers. Customers will be offered a unique experience with exceptional service by professionals, equipped with elegant, first-class equipment for full grooming, veterinary service, and retail supplies available for purchase by competently trained personnel for a satisfactory customer experience.
4.1.1 Brick and Mortar Channel
The new service will be operated in a van equipped with a generator, water source, and drainage system to cater to all the necessary grooming and veterinary services. Professionally equipped vans and expertise of the staff is crucial for satisfactory service provided to the customers and the safety of their pets. Additional conducive space for pets can also be established for customers who may consider delaying the collection of their pets.
Figure 6: Mobile Van Floor Plan
4.1.2 App
Within such a niche market targeted to customers with pets, the competitive environment requires AP to continuously improve its services. With technology advancements and changing consumer lifestyles, companies are starting to adapt and further upgrade themselves to cater to the consumers to remain successful within the industry. An approach that can be seen, would be to understand consumer needs and to differentiate themselves from their competitors. For AP to improve, we had proposed to incorporate an application to improve customer interaction and convenience.
Figure 7: Awesome Pawsome Application
Figure 8: Awesome Pawsome application and service booking
Through the use of the application, reservations and payments can be made faster, easier, and more efficiently. Customers could book their sessions based on what services would cater best to their pets through the application.
Figure 9: SMS Alert for booking confirmation and online feedback interface
Additionally, customers would also be able to view the availability of their preferred groomers to reduce overbooking and avoid miscommunications that may occur. This would also shorten the old booking system where AP from a 3 to 7 days confirmation to a fast 1-day SMS and Email confirmation.
4.1.3 Russell’s Model of Affect
Figure 10: Russell’s Model of Affect
4.2 Physical Service Environment
4.2.1 Ambient Condition
The interior of the van will dominantly be metallic white for a professional and clean impression with minimal scent of disinfectants used for keeping the area hygienic.
Figure 11: Example of Mobile Van
4.2.2 Signs and Symbol
Signs and symbols can assist the customers to find the van in a parking lot with convenience. AP’s logo will be printed on the van for a clear indication for customers to spot the van.
4.2.3 Appearance of Awesome Pawsome Staff
Overall credibility of the service may differ depending on customers’ first impression (Hirshleifer et al. 2021). Clean black aprons, neat uniforms, and refined looks of AP staff will improve the brand image.
Figure 12: Mock Up of Staff Apron
Promotion and Education
5.1 5Ws Table
5.2 IMC Message
AP’s IMC message “One-Stop Pawtastic experience” aims to provide convenience to customers by offering a wide range of services with no location constraints.
5.3 IMC Objectives
Increasing Brand awareness by 15% in the first quarter of 2023 by increasing marketing efforts.
Boost loyalty among existing customers and build relationships with prospective customers.
5.4 Communication Challenges
Consumers may not be able to differentiate AP from competitors such as Pawpy Kisses, Hanis the Groomer, Likeable Pets and Doggylicious Studio. AP will incorporate a function on their website where customers will be able to see a live count of the number of orders AP has fulfilled up until the present day.
Customers may have reservations about the effectiveness of one-stop pet care since its concept is relatively new. In order to tackle the challenge, AP’s website and app will include a review section. Customers will be able to post their reviews upon completion of the service. By doing so, they will be able to reduce uncertainty for potential customers. Their website also includes certifications obtained by the groomers.
AP will be showcasing the before and after photos of the pets on their social media platforms and website. When permitted, they will also post photos of satisfied customers with their freshly groomed pets.
Mental impalpability
As one-stop pet care is a new concept, customers may not be familiar with it. Therefore, AP will be uploading a step-by-step video guiding the customers through the booking and grooming process to help customers better understand our service and grasp the idea of our concept.
5.5 Media Plan
The Media Plan is constructed to increase customer loyalty and brand visibility of AP.
The launch of Mobile Pet Care, pet food, and AP App will launch on 1st December 2022, 1PM. Marketing efforts will begin 3 months before the launch to establish sufficient exposure.
Figure 13: Media Plan
5.6 Online Platforms
5.6.1 Company Website
According to the State of Marketing Trends Report (2022), websites are reported to be the second most used channel for B2B and B2C brands. Majority of website traffic comes from direct traffic, which accounts for 22% of website traffic sources. This indicates that customers tend to visit the brand’s website to gain more information on the products or services offered. Therefore, we will be utilising our official website to provide sufficient information to customers.
Search Engine Optimisation will be utilised during the promotional period to increase the website’s visibility and generate more web traffic. Research has shown that 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results (Lieberman 2020). Utilising the right keyword and headlines will help AP appear higher in search engine results, increasing conversion rates.
Figure 14: Keywords Suggestion
5.6.2 Social Media
The usage of social media has increased exponentially over the past few years, with over 5.30 million users in Singapore (Kemp 2022). Among all marketing channels, social media dominates with 44% (Hubspot 2022). The use of social media allows brands to reach out to their existing and potential customers and develop top-of-mind awareness. AP will also be collaborating with Pet Influencers. An influencer’s engagement rate can tell you how well their content attracts their followers and how engaged they are with them.
Instagram & Facebook
According to research, 51.5% and 67.2% of people living in Singapore uses Instagram and Facebook respectively (Kemp 2022). 85% of the users on Instagram are of age 16 to 24 (Tan 2021). As for Facebook, majority of their users are of age 25 to 34 (Tan 2021). Hence, Facebook will be a better platform to reach our target market compared to Instagram. AP’s Instagram feed posts and stories will be posted once every two days while our Facebook posts will be posted once daily. We will also be utilizing the ‘Boost’ function on both platforms to reach a larger audience and increase the engagement rates.
Figure 15: IG Story Figure 16: Facebook Post Figure 17: Instagram Post
Taking into account the target audience of AP, Lomodoggies, a pet influencer, will be considered for collaboration. The account has been featured in multiple articles due to its rapid growth during the pandemic. In addition, they have collaborated with several other creators and endorsed various pet brands. Considering their content, pet lovers or owners would make up the majority of their audience.
Based on an analysis of Lomodoggies’ Instagram page, they do have a relatively good engagement rate of 1.61% (Figure 18) as compared to other accounts. They have 25.1k followers and an average of 429 likes and 17 comments per post. It is likely that many people will trust their recommendations due to their online presence.
Figure 18: Engagement rate of Lomodoggies
5.6.3 Public Relations
As part of AP’s PR campaign, they will engage a PR agency to invite journalists with Pet Care Industry presence. It is crucial to ensure that their audience aligns with our target segment.
TheSmartLocal and Mothership.sg are two of the media publishers AP would like to work with. One reason is that several articles about the Pet Industry have been posted on their website. In addition, TheSmartLocal website receives 1.8 million visits but has a bounce rate of 66.68% (SimilarWeb, 2022). The Mothership.sg website receives 8.7M visits and has a bounce rate of 66.20% (SimilarWeb, 2022). Both of their audience mainly consists of 25 – 34 year old, which aligns with AP’s target segment. Due to their reputation, they will be considered a reliable source to seek recommendations from by many. They will be provided with Press Kits that will be emailed to them before the launch.
5.7 Traditional
5.7.1 Loyalty programmes
In order to build long term relationships with customers and increase customer retention rate, AP will be implementing a tiered loyalty programme. As seen in Figure 19, customers will be eligible for Silver, Gold, or Platinum membership based on spending. The loyalty programme will be trackable from the App. Customers will be registered for the silver membership upon purchasing our service and to be upgraded as their spending increases. For every dollar spent under AP, 1 point will be accumulated, and customers will be able to redeem various rewards as seen in Figure 20.
Figure 19: Loyalty Programme
Figure 20: Point redemption system
5.7.2 Out-Of-Home
AP will be advertising in MRT stations such as Yishun, Ang Mo Kio, and Dhoby Ghaut as these are few of the MRT stations with the most traffic (Zerlina 2016). This will provide visibility for their new services offered as it reaches a wide range of potential customers. The ads will not be placed for a long period, as commuters who see them frequently will stop paying attention to them.
Figure 21: Transit Ad
6. Process
6.1 Service Blueprint
A detailed process of the customer using the Mobile One-Stop Pet Care service will provide AP with a comprehensive understanding of the services that they can improve to ensure the flow of the service is executed properly. The service blueprint will be organised into the following three acts.
6.1.1 Act 1: Introductory Scenes
Figure 22: Act I Frontstage of Service Blueprint
Figure 23: Act I Backstage of Service Blueprint
6.1.2 Act 2: Delivery of Core Product
Figure 24: Act II Frontstage of Service Blueprint
Figure 25: Act II Backstage of Service Blueprint
6.1.3 Act 3: The Drama Concludes
Figure 26: Act III Frontstage of Service Blueprint
Figure 27: Act III Backstage of Service Blueprint
6.2 Fall Points and Poka-Yokes
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, the purpose of the new Mobile One-Stop Pet Care service will add definite value to the existing service that AP has been offering. The new service that has been introduced will create a brand new service environment the pet service industry has never experienced, ensuring AP provides their customer with a convenient platform for their pets.
The new service will generate favourable profits for AP, and increase brand awareness while attracting more customers to try out the service. An enhanced loyalty program will also improve customer retention, with social media platforms and campaigns to ensure ample communication and updates with customers. The Mobile One-Stop Pet Care service will prove to be the best selection that customer needs and wants for their pets are met, bringing value to the overall experience with AP.
(Figure 2) Saxena R (2015) SM: session5 service product, richaprof website, accessed 4 September 2022.
(Figure 6) Dog grooming trailer design – mobile grooming trailers floor plans (n.d.), Mobile Dog Grooming Trailers For Sale website, accessed 16 September 2022.
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