What is Computer?
A computer is an electronic device that processes and stores data. It can perform various tasks, such as calculations, data manipulation, and running software programs. Computers consist of hardware components like a central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, input/output devices (keyboard, monitor, mouse), and software that controls their operations. They come in various forms, including personal computers, laptops, servers, and mobile devices, and are used for a wide range of applications in business, education, entertainment, and more.
What is Computer? A computer is an electronic device that accepts data as input, stores it and processes it and produce the result as output. It renders output just after performing mathematical and logical operations and can save the output for future use. The term “computer” is derived from the Latin word “compute” which means to calculate. The full form of COMPUTER is Common Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical and Educational Research. Characteristics of a computer: Speed A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds and nanoseconds. Accuracy
Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Diligence A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Versatility Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency. Reliability A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result. Automation Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual intervention. Storage: A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data.
Functional Components of a Computer • Input Unit: The input unit consists of input devices that are attached to the computer. With the help of an input devices a computer can accept data or instruction given by the user. Some of the common input devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner etc. • Central Processing Unit (CPU) : CPU or processor or microprocessor is also known as brain of the computer system. The primary of function of CPU is to execute the instruction or data given by the user and also control the data transfer between CPU and other devices. Once the information is entered into the computer by the input device, the processor processes it. Parts of a CPU: Main memory (RAM): Main memory is a type of temporary memory. It means that it stores data as long as system is switched on, when system is switched OFF, the data stored in RAM is lost. ALU(Arithmetic logic Unit): ALU is the most important part of the CPU, that performs arithmetic and
logical operation. Arithmetical operations include addition, subtraction, Multiplication and division and logical operation include comparison of data like less than, greater than, equal, etc. CU (Control Unit): CU is also a part of the CPU that controls the data transfer between CPU and other devices. Output Unit: output unit means set of output devices attached to a computer system. Computer uses these devices to display the processed information or output. Memory Unit: Memory is one of the most important part of the computer system which is used to store the data. The data stored in memory is temporary or permanently. Types of Computer 1) Analog Computer Analog computers are designed to process analog data. Analog data is continuous data that changes continuously and cannot have discrete values. We can say that analogue computers are used where we don’t need exact values always such as speed, temperature,
pressure and current. Speedometer and mercury thermometer are examples of analog computers. 2) Digital Computer Digital computer is designed to perform calculations and logical operations at high speed. It accepts the raw data as input in the form of binary digits or binary numbers (0 and 1) and processes it with programs stored in its memory to produce the output. All modern computers like laptops, desktops including smartphones that we use at home or office are digital computers. 3) Hybrid Computer Hybrid computer has features of both analogue and digital computer. It is fast like an analogue computer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers. Notepad: Notepad is an application software which is used for simple text writing. It is also known as text editing software.
Shortcut key Ctrl+N:-open a New file Ctrl+O:- open an existing file. Ctrl+S:- To save a file Ctrl+Shift+S:- Save as Ctrl+Shift+N:- To open a new window Navigation key Right arrow: – Move one character right Left arrow: – Move one character left Up arrow: Move one line up Down arrow: – Move one line down Ctrl+right arrow- Move one word right Ctrl+left arrow- Move one word left Ctrl+down arrow- Move one paragraph down Ctrl+Up arrow- Move one paragraph up
Home key- To go beginning of the line from the cursor End key- To go end of the line from the cursor. Ctrl+Home: To go beginning of the document from the cursor Ctrl+End: To go end of the document from the cursor. How to select data Shift+Right arrow: – select one character right Shift +Left arrow: – Select one character left Shift +Up arrow: Select one line up Shift +Down arrow: – Select one line down Shift +Ctrl+right arrow- Select one word right Ctrl+Shift+left arrow- Select one word left Ctrl+shift+down arrow- Select one paragraph down Ctrl+shift+Up arrow- Select one paragraph up
Shift+Home key- Select all text from the curser To beginning of the line. Shfit+End key- Select all text from the curser to end of the line. Ctrl+shift+Home: Select all text from the curser To beginning of the document. Ctrl+shift+End: Select all text from the curser To the end of the document.
On the basis of size, the computer can be of four types: 1) Supercomputer Supercomputers are the biggest and fastest computers. They are designed to process huge amount of data. A supercomputer can process trillions of instructions in a second. It has thousands of interconnected processors. Supercomputers are particularly used in scientific and engineering applications such as weather forecasting, scientific simulations and nuclear energy research. The first supercomputer was developed by Roger Cray in 1976. 2) Mainframe computer Mainframe computers are designed to support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. They can support multiple programs at the same time. It means they can execute different processes simultaneously. These features of mainframe computers make them ideal for big organizations like banking and telecom sectors,
which need to manage and process high volume of data. 3) Minicomputer It is a midsize multiprocessing computer. It consists of two or more processors and can support 4 to 200 users at one time. Mini computers are used in institutes and departments for tasks such as billing, accounting and inventory management. 4) Microcomputer Microcomputer is also known as a personal computer. It is a general-purpose computer that is designed for individual use. Laptops and desktop computers are examples of microcomputers. Input Devices Input device enables the user to send data, information, or control signals to a computer. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer receives the input and processes it to produce the output.
1) Keyboard The keyboard is a basic input device that is used to enter data into a computer or any other electronic device by pressing keys. It has different sets of keys for letters, numbers, characters, and functions. Keyboards are connected to a computer through USB or a Bluetooth device for wireless communication. 2) Mouse The mouse is a hand-held input device which is used to move cursor or pointer across the
screen. It is designed to be used on a flat surface and generally has left and right button and a scroll wheel between them. Laptop computers come with a touchpad that works as a mouse. 3) Scanner The scanner uses the pictures and pages of text as input. It scans the picture or a document. The scanned picture or document then converted into a digital format or file and is displayed on the screen as an output. Types of Scanner: i) Flatbed Scanner:
The light moves across the glass pane and scans the document and thus produces its digital copy. ii) Handheld Scanner: It is a small manual scanning device which is held by hand and is rolled over a flat image that is to be scanned. The drawback in using this device is that the hand should be steady while scanning; otherwise, it may distort the image. iii) Sheetfed Scanner:
In this scanner, the document is inserted into the slot provided in the scanner. The main components of this scanner include the sheet-feeder, scanning module, and calibration sheet. The light does not move in this scanner. Instead, the document moves through the scanner. It is suitable for scanning single page documents, not for thick objects like books, magazines, etc. 4) Joystick
A joystick is also a pointing input device like a mouse. It is made up of a stick with a spherical base. The base is fitted in a socket that allows free movement of the stick. The movement of stick controls the cursor or pointer on the screen. 5) Light Pen A light pen is a computer input device that looks like a pen. The tip of the light pen contains a
light-sensitive detector that enables the user to point to or select objects on the display screen. 6) Digitizer Digitizer is a computer input device that has a flat surface and usually comes with a stylus. It enables the user to draw images and graphics using the stylus as we draw on paper with a pencil. The images or graphics drawn on the digitizer appear on the computer monitor or display screen.
7) Microphone The microphone is a computer input device that is used to input the sound. It receives the sound vibrations and converts them into audio signals or sends to a recording medium. The audio signals are converted into digital data and stored in the computer. 8) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition/Reader (MICR) MICR computer input device is designed to read the text printed with magnetic ink. MICR is a character recognition technology that makes use of special magnetized ink which is sensitive to magnetic fields. It is widely used in bank industry for processing of cheques. It can
process three hundred cheques in a minute with hundred-percent accuracy. 9) Optical Character Reader (OCR) OCR computer input device is designed to convert the scanned images of handwritten, typed or printed text into digital text. It is widely used in offices and libraries to convert documents and books into electronic files. 10) Digital camera: It is a digital device as it captures images and records videos digitally and then stores them on a memory card. It is provided with an image sensor chip to capture images, as opposed to film used by traditional cameras. Besides this, a
camera that is connected to your computer can also be called a digital camera. 11) Webcam: Any camera which is connected to a computer is called a webcam. The in-built camera provided on a computer can also be considered a webcam. It is an input device as it can take pictures, and can be used to record videos if required. 12) Biometric Devices: It refers to a process in which a person is identified through his or her biological features such as fingerprints, eye cornea, face structure, etc. It is done by using biometric devices, which can be of different types based on their scanning features and abilities, such as: Face Scanner, Hand Scanner, Fingerprint Scanner.
Output Devices The output device displays the result of the processing of raw data that is entered in the computer through an input device. There are a number of output devices that display output in different ways such as text, images, hard copies, and audio or video. Some of the popular output devices are: 1) Monitor The monitor is the display unit or screen of the computer. It is the main output device that displays the processed data or information as text, images, audio or video. What is Printer and Different Types of Printers They are well-known Output devices that are used and utilized for printing output on paper and are called HARDCOPY. The Output produced from them is almost permanent. Users can produce and create output such as text or pictures and images. The output produced on display devices such as monitor are called as SOFTCOPY.
They come in different sizes, speed, and capabilities the speed of various printers are measured in CPS- Character Per Second, LPS-Lines Per Second, PPS-Pages Per Seconds. There are mainly two types of printers:: • Impact • Non-Impact Impact printer: The prime examples of impact printers are Dot-matrix, Daisywheel, Drum printer, or line printers. They are fairly similar to the old typewriters used earlier. The printouts were acquired such as graphics or content on a piece of paper by striking a component against an inked ribbon that physically and
straightforwardly contacts the paper. They are cheap, slow, and loud. DOT MATRIX PRINTERS: They create images when the wire pins on the print head instrument strike the ink ribbon or strip later the ink is exchanged on the paper when there is an impact in the form of series of dots or matrix form. Their Speed is measured in CPS –Character per Second. Their speed is 30 to 1100 characters per second depending on the printer capability and quality of the printouts. Advantages of a dot matrix printer • Dot matrix printer uses continuous paper rather than requiring individual sheet. • Dot matrix printer is fast and cheep. • Dot matrix printer can print charts and graphics. Disadvantages of a dot matrix printer • Dot matrix printers are noisy. • Dot matrix printers do not produce high quality. Daisy wheel printer
A daisy wheel printer is an early type of invented in by David S. Lee at Diablo Data Systems. The printer uses a metal or plastic disk containing each of the letters, numbers, and other characters it supports. When printing, the printer rotates the disk to each character and, using a hammer, strikes each character into an ink ribbon to create characters on paper. They are very high-speed printers where the whole line is printed at once. Advantages of a Daisy-Wheel Printer • Can print letter quality characters. • Gives fine quality output. Disadvantages of a Daisy-Wheel Printer • Printing speed is very slow • Noisy • Cannot print Graphics • They are very costly. 2. NON -IMPACT PRINTER These printer uses ink and special electrical machines for producing outputs. Non – impact printers are all
those printers whose printing heads do not touch paper. A non- impact printer forms characters and image on a piece of paper without actually striking the paper. Types of Non -Impact Printers 1. Laser printer 2. Inkjet printer 3. Thermal printer 1) LASER PRINTERS They print one page at a time thus laser printer is also referred as Page Printer. A laser printer uses electronics, lasers, xerography and other techniques, which is called electro photographic technique. Advantages of Laser Printers 1. Very high speed. 2. Low noise level 3. Low maintenance requirement. 4. Very high-quality output on ordinary paper. 5. Good graphics quality (300 dpi to 1200 dpi) and excellent graphics capabilities.
6. Supports many fonts and different character size. 7. Colour printing possible Disadvantages of Laser Printers • Very Expensive. • Require periodic maintenance. 2) INKJET PRINTERS Inkjet printer is non-impact character printer. It uses the dot matrix approach to print text and graphics. However, the dots are formed by tiny droplets of ink. They print characters by spraying small drops of ink onto paper. For spraying drops nozzles are used. Special type of ink having high iron content is used for forming drops. Advantages of Ink jet Printers • High quality text and graphics. • Produces no noise Thermal printer: A thermal printer is a printer that makes use of heat in order to produce the image on paper. Due to quality of print, speed and
technological advances it has become increasingly popular and is mostly used in Airline, banking, retail, etc. Advantages of Thermal printer: 1. No involvement of cartridges or ribbons and thus organizations can save investment by using thermal printers. 2. Easier to use as there are less buttons and use of software involved. 3. Largely inexpensive and come in various models and sizes. Disadvantages of Thermal Printers • Its speed is slow than other impact printer and no- impact printers. • Its image quality is also lower than other printer [low dpi (dot per inch) , bout 180 dpi]. • Ink cartridge is costly. 4. Memory
Memory is the most essential element of a computing system which is used by the computer to store the data. The data stored in memory is temporarily or permanently. Types of memory: 1. Primary memory (Internal Memory) 2. RAM 3. ROM 4. Secondary Memory (External Memory) SRAM DRAM SRAM has lower access time, which is faster compared to DRAM. DRAM has a higher access time. It is slower than SRAM. SRAM is costlier than DRAM. DRAM cost is lesser compared to SRAM. SRAM needs a constant power supply, but it consumes less power. DRAM requires more power consumption as the information is stored in the capacitor. L2 and L3 CPU cache units are some general application of an The DRAM is mostly found as the main memory in computers.
1. Random Access Memory (RAM) – • It is also called read-write memory or the main memory or the primary memory. • The programs and data that the CPU requires during the execution of a program are stored in this memory. • It is a volatile memory as the data lost when the power is turned off. • RAM is further classified into two types- SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) and DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory). SRAM. The storage capacity of SRAM is 1MB to 16MB. The storage capacity of DRAM is 1 GB to 16GB. The SRAM is widely used on the processor or lodged between the main memory and processor of your computer. The DRAM is placed on the motherboard. SRAM is of a smaller size. DRAM is available in larger storage capacity. This type of RAM works on the principle of changing the direction of current through switches. This type of RAM works on holding the charges.
Difference between SRAM and DRAM Here, are differences between SRAM vs. DRAM Advantages of SRAM Here, are pros/benefits of using SRAM: • SRAM performance is better than DRAM in terms of speed. It means it is faster in operation. • SRAM is used to create a speed-sensitive cache. • It has medium power consumption. Advantages of DRAM Here, are pros/benefits of DRAM: • Cheaper compared to SRAM. • It has a higher storage capacity. Hence it is used to create a larger RAM space system. • Offers simple structure. • It doesn’t require to refresh the memory contents. • You don’t need to refresh the memory contents and its access time is faster. • Logic or circuitry is needed, so the memory module itself is simpler. Disadvantages of SRAM Here are the cons/drawbacks of using SRAM:
• It is costlier compared to DRAM. • It is volatile, so you will lose the data when memory is not powered. • SRAM does not offer to refresh programs. • It has a low storage capacity. • SRAM offers a more complex design. • Reduces the memory density. Disadvantages of DRAM Here are the drawbacks/cons of using DRAM: • It is comparatively slower than SRAM, so it takes more time for accessing data or information. • You will lose data when power is OFF. • It has higher power consumption compared to SRAM. • 2. Read Only Memory (ROM) – • Stores crucial information essential to operate the system, like the program essential to boot the computer. • It is not volatile. • Always retains its data. • Used in embedded systems or where the programming needs no change. • Used in calculators and peripheral devices. • ROM is further classified into 3 types- PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM.
Types of Read Only Memory (ROM) – 1. PROM (Programmable read-only memory) – It can be programmed by the user. Once programmed, the data and instructions in it cannot be changed. 2. EPROM (Erasable Programmable read only memory) – It can be reprogrammed. To erase data from it, expose it to ultraviolet light. To reprogram it, erase all the previous data. 3. EEPROM (Electrically erasable programmable read only memory) – The data can be erased by applying an electric field, with no need for ultraviolet light. We can erase only portions of the chip. Secondary Memory
The secondary storage devices which are built into the computer or connected to the computer are known as a secondary memory of the computer. It is also known as external memory or auxiliary storage. The secondary memory is accessed indirectly via input/output operations. It is non-volatile, so permanently stores the data even when the computer is turned off or until this data is overwritten or deleted. The CPU can’t directly access the secondary memory. First, the secondary memory data is transferred to primary memory then the CPU can access it. Floppy disks: Floppy disk is a type of secondary memory which used to take backup of any important information or data of a computer. Floppies are available in various storage capacity such as 1.44MB or 2.88 MB. Hard disk: It is a rigid magnetic disc that is used to store data. It permanently stores data and is located within a drive unit. The hard disk is also known as a hard drive. It is a rigid magnetic disc that stores data permanently,
as it is a non-volatile storage device. The data stored on a computer’s hard drive generally includes the operating system, installed software, and the user’s files and programs, including pictures, music, videos, text documents, etc. 2) Solid-state Drive: SSD (Solid State Drive) is also a non-volatile storage medium that is used to hold and access data. Unlike a hard drive, it does not have moving components, so it offers many advantages over SSD, such as faster
access time, noiseless operation, less power consumption, and more. 3) Pen drive: Pen drive is a compact secondary storage device. It is also known as a USB flash drive, thumb drive or a jump drive. It connects to a computer via a USB port. It is commonly used to store and transfer data between computers. 4) SD Card: SD Card stands for Secure Digital Card. It is most often used in portable and mobile devices such as smartphones and digital cameras. You can remove it from your device and see the things stored in it using a computer with a card reader. 5) Compact Disk (CD): What Does Microsoft Word Mean? Microsoft Word is a widely used commercial word processor designed by Microsoft. It is also known as word processing software. Microsoft Word is a
component of the Microsoft Office suite which is used to create a document. Features of MS-word: Format painter Change case Find, replace and select Table Hyperlink Bookmark Cross reference Header and footer Word Watermark Page colour Page border Spelling and grammar check Footnotes and Endnotes Mail-merge Components of MS-word Components of MS word 1. Title bar
2. Control bar 3. Ribbon display options 4. Quick access toolbar 5. Menu bar (just below the title bar) 6. Ribbon (just below the menu bar) 7. Group (is a part of the ribbon):- is a collection of commands. 8. Commands (is an instruction that is given to the computer system to perform operations on specific tasks. 9. Ruler 10. scroll bar 11. Status bar Auto text function: rand() is used to insert text automatically in your document. 1. Home tab a. Clipboard group i. Cut ii. Copy iii. Paste iv. Format painter Formatting Features: Formatting means to beautify the looks and appearance of your documents.
Format painter: The format painter lets you copy all of the formatting from one object and apply it to another one. Home>clipboard>format painter Or Shortcut key: ctrl+shift+C, ctrl+shift+v Open the main font dialogue box-: ctrl+D ❖ Home Tab ➢ Font group ▪ Font na me(Ctrl+shift+F) ▪ Font size (ctrl+shift+P) ▪ Bold (ctrl+B) ▪ Italic (ctrl+i) ▪ Underline (ctrl+U) ▪ Strike through ▪ Subscript (ctrl+=) ▪ Super script (ctrl+shift++) ▪ Grow font
(Increase font size)[ctrl+shft+>] ▪ Shrink font (Decrease font size) [ctrl+shft+<] ▪ Change case ▪ Text effect and typography ▪ Text highlight colour ▪ Font colour ▪ Clear formatting Alignment: Alignment is used to specify the position of object in your document. ❖ Home tab ➢ Paragraph group ▪ Left (Ctrl+L) ▪ Centre (Ctrl+E) ▪ Right (Ctrl+R) ▪ Justify (Ctrl+J) Line spacing: Line spacing is used to manage the space between lines. Home tab>paragraph group>line spacing Margin: The margin is the distance from the text to the paper’s edge.
Types of Margins: Left margin Right margin Top margin Bottom margin Indentation: The distance between text boundaries and page margins is called indent. There Are three types of indents 1. Left Indent: – The text is little inward from the margins. 2. Right Indent: – The text is little outward from the margins. 3. First line Indent: – The text with the hanging indent is little inward from the first line of text. 4. Hanging indent: List: List is a collection of items. Types of list: Single level list Bulleted list or unordered list Home>Paragraph>Bullets Mouse Keyboard
Joystick Scanner Numbered list or ordered list Home>Paragraph>Numbering 1. India 2. China 3. Pakistan 4. Bangladesh Multilevel list : list with in list Home>Paragraph>Multilevel list 1) India a) Uttar Pradesh i) Lucknow b) Bihar i) Patna c) West Bengal d) Delhi 2) Pakistan a) Balochistan b) Sindh
3) China 4) Australia Create a document to create the following list: Sort feature in word: This feature is used to arrange paragraph in Ascending (A to Z) or descending order (Z to A). Line and paragraph spacing: This is one of the most important features of Microsoft word used to mange the distance between the lines. Home tab>paragraph group> Line spacing
What is meant by indentation? Indent: The distance between text boundaries and page margins is called indent. Types of indentation ❖ Positive or increase ❖ Negative or decrease ❖ First line indentation ❖ Hanging indentation Style in word: Built-in styles are combinations of formatting characteristics that you can apply to text to quickly change its appearance. For example, applying the Heading 1 style might make text bold, Arial, and 16 points, and applying the Heading 2 style makes text bold, italic, Arial, and 14 points. Home tab> styles group Find and Replace features in MS word: Find and replace is a helpful tool in Microsoft word that searches your document for a specific word or phrase. You can use the tool to replace one word with another, which can be helpful in situations
where you need to go back to change the spelling of a word. Find Home tab> Editing group> Find tool Or Ctrl+F Replace: Home>Editing>Replace Or Ctrl+H Go to Home >Editing>Advanced Find>Go to Or Ctrl+G Cover page Insert tab> pages group> cover page. Blank Page Insert tab> pages group> blank page. Page break: Word automatically adds a break at the end of each page. You can also insert a manual page break
anytime you want to start a new page in your document. Insert tab > pages group > page break Table: Table is one of the important features of MS- word which is used to represent data in a tabular form. Table is made up of rows and columns. Various methods to insert a table in a document ➢ By placing the cursor over the grid to insert a table. ➢ Insert tab> tables group>insert table ➢ Insert tab> tables group>Draw table How to insert a new row in a table: ➢ Place the cursor on which row above which or below which a new row will be inserted. ➢ Layout tab>row & column group> insert above/insert below How to insert a new column in a table: ➢ Place the cursor on a cell from left of which or right of which a new column will be inserted.
➢ Layout tab>row & column group> insert left/insert right Deletion of a row or column or cell form a table: Layout tab>row & column group select delete a cell, delete a row or delete a column or delete a table. Merge cells: Merging of cells means to combine more than one cells into a single cell. How to merge cells in a table: Select the all cells that you want to merge in a single cell. Layout tab>merge group>merge cells Splitting of a cell: splitting of a cell means to divide a cell into number of rows and columns. Layout tab>merge group>split cells. Q1. Draw a table of 5 row and 3 columns in your document using draw table option. 1) Insert tab a) Illustration group i) Picture
ii) Shape iii) Icons iv) Chart v) Header & Footer: Header & Footer is one of the most important features of MS word which is used to insert the repeated information at the top or bottom of each page respectively. The basic difference between Header and Footer is that Header is appear at the top while footer is appeared at the bottom of the page. Types of Header and footers ➢ All page: insert tab>header and footer group>header /Footer> edit header> type text in the header /Footer box> close header /Footer option (Header and footer tab) ➢ Different first page and remaining are same : header and footer tab> option group> Different first page> type text in the first page header> close header and footer (close group) ➢ Even page and odd page header /footer: header and footer tab> option group> click on different
even and odd pages > type header/footer on even page header/ Footer or ➢ Different first page with even and odd ➢ Different headers and footers on pages How to insert Header & Footer in MS word: Insert tab>Header & Footer group> Header/Footer/Page number Q1. Create the below mentioned smart art in page 5 Q2. Open another document and Insert 5 pages in your document. Put header as “My Exam Paper _ Your Student Code” in first two pages and for last three pages’ header would be “BCA Exam”. Insert page numbers in footer section. Save the file in your folder with name header MS Word MS Excel MS PowerPoint MS Outlook
Bookmark: A bookmark in Word works like a bookmark you might place in a book: it marks a place that you want to find again easily. You can enter as many bookmarks as you want in your document or Outlook message, and you can give each one a unique name so they’re easy to identify. How to add bookmark in MS-word Insert tab>link group>bookmark Hyperlink: Hyperlink is one of the most important features of word which is used to link the text contained in your document to any other page or file or location. How to insert a hyperlink Insert tab>link group>Hyperlink Press Alt+F9 to toggle all the fields the display if there is an underlying hyperlink code. Cross reference: A cross-reference allows you to link to other parts of the same document. For example, you
might use a cross-reference to link to a chart or graphic that appears elsewhere in the document. The cross-reference appears as a link that takes the reader to the referenced item. Foot notes and End notes: Foot notes and End notes is used to provide additional information about the text contained in your document. The basic difference between footnotes and Endnotes is that footnotes is appear at the bottom of the page while Endnotes is appeared at the End of your documents. How to insert footnotes and Endnotes ➢ Place the cursor on which word which meaning that you want to provide. ➢ Reference tab>footnotes group> insert footnotes>insert endnotes ➢ Or Press Alt+ctrl+F key to insert footnotes and Press Alt+ctrl+D
Gutter margin A gutter margin adds extra space to the side margin, top margin, or inside margins of a document that you plan to bind. Mail Merge: Mail merge is one of the most important features of MS-word which is used when you want to send a similar type of documents to large number of peoples.
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