Create a MySQL script to create the ‘orderentrysystem’ database used by the CapestraApp application.
To integrate the functionality between the database and the application, you need to create the connection using JDBC. The JDBC API allows Java to connect to MySQL 5.7 using the MySQL Driver on any platform. The JDBC API allows Java to connect to the database, create and execute queries, and view and modify resulting records. Be sure to view the videos to guide you through the database creation and connection. You will need to create a MySQL script to create the ‘orderentrysystem’ database used by the CapestraApp application. The script must not only create all appropriate tables but also must load some sample data into each table. Note that just creating the database within MySQL Workbench does not satisfy the requirements of this assignment—you must create the database using a MySQL script file.
This week’s assignment also includes a small programming assignment: You will create the semantics behind your revised Login scene. Currently your Login scene only provides the employee with a field for entering a username. Checking the SRS, you will see that the Login scene must provide for both a username and a password. A successful login takes place only if both are provided to the system and they match what is in the orderentrysystem Employee table. You need to modify the Login scene to provide for a correctly functioning password field, as well as using MySQL to determine whether the username-password combination matches an employee in the database. If a match is found, an appropriate message (including the employee’s first name, last name, and employee ID) should be displayed to the user. If no match is found, an appropriate message should be displayed.
In this assignment, you will create the database tables in MySQL 5.7 for the CapestraApp application. In addition, you will create and check the functionality to connect to the database from the application through a connector using JDBC. Use CapestraApp code provided to check that the database connection is correctly implemented. You need to ensure that exception handling is done correctly in case the database does not exist or if the connection fails.
Check the SRS to see precisely what the Login action must do. Examine what is implemented in the CapestraApp template code to see what it does and how it does it. You’ll need to think about how to modify the existing code to meet the SRS requirements.
Capestra Furniture SRS [PDF].
Clarification for Week 5 Deliverable [DOCX].
Successfully Designing and Building Software Systems [DOCX].
ITEC5020 – Week 5 sample code.Links to an external site. | Transcript
Week 5 Sample Code [ZIP].
Assignment Instructions
Complete the following steps for this assignment:
Create a MySQL script that creates the tables in the database with the appropriate primary and foreign keys.
Your script must add data into the database tables. Every table must be loaded with at least two rows of data.
Create screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table.
Check and implement the database connectivity using JDBC.
Check and implement exception handling for the database connectivity.
Implement the Login action in your CapestraApp project, checking for the specified username and password in the database and reporting a successful or unsuccessful login.
Run your CapestraApp program and do screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
Do not capture your entire desktop—just capture the individual screens.
Paste all screen shots into a single MS Word document.
Your name should appear at the top of the MS Word document.
Name your document, following this pattern: LastName_Week5.docx.
8. Create a .zip file containing your MySQL script file, your MS Word document, and a .zip of your CapestraApp project.
Rename your .zip file, following this pattern:
Submit a single .zip file including your CapestraApp project, MySQL script, and MS Word document by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of this week. Do not submit multiple files.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Apply the logical constructs of programming to the design and coding of application programs using a modern scripting or programming language.
Implement the complete Login functionality as specified in the SRS.
Provide screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
Competency 2: Implement an engaging user interface using modern technology to connect the interface to a back-end database that supports user requirements.
Package a cleaned project in an appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file.
Competency 4: Create structured query language statements to store and retrieve data for use in an application program.
Write a single MySQL script that (re-)creates the ‘orderentrysystem’ database, including all necessary tables with appropriate primary and foreign Keys.
Write a script that adds data into every database table.
Provide screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table.
Confirm database connectivity using JDBC and exception handling for the database connectivity.
View Rubric
Week 5 Assignment: SQL: Create All Tables in Database; Load Data Into Database
Week 5 Assignment: SQL: Create All Tables in Database; Load Data Into Database
Criteria Ratings Pts
Write a single MySQL script that (re-)creates the ‘orderentrysystem’ database, including all necessary tables with appropriate primary and foreign Keys.
view longer description
12.8 to >10.88 pts
Creates a single MySQL script that (re-)creates the ‘orderentrysystem’ database including all necessary tables with appropriate primary and foreign Keys with concise commenting for the development team.
10.88 to >8.96 pts
Creates a single MySQL script that (re-)creates the ‘orderentrysystem’ database including all necessary tables with appropriate primary and foreign Keys.
8.96 to >0 pts
Creates a single MySQL script that (re-)creates the ‘orderentrysystem’ database including all necessary tables with appropriate primary and foreign Keys, but does not include concise commenting for the development team.
0 pts
Does not creates a single MySQL script that (re-)creates the ‘orderentrysystem’ database including all necessary tables with appropriate primary and foreign Keys.
/ 12.8 pts
Write a script that adds data into every database table.
view longer description
11.2 to >9.52 pts
Writes a script that adds data into every database table, and the data is complete without errors.
9.52 to >7.84 pts
Writes a script that adds data into every database table.
7.84 to >0 pts
Writes a script that adds data into every database table, but the data is incomplete or has errors.
0 pts
Does not write a script that adds data into every database table.
/ 11.2 pts
Provide screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table.
view longer description
11.2 to >9.52 pts
Provides screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table that are clearly legible.
9.52 to >7.84 pts
Provides screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table.
7.84 to >0 pts
Provides screen captures showing the creation and contents of some of the tables.
0 pts
Does not provide screen captures showing the creation and contents of each table.
/ 11.2 pts
Confirm database connectivity using JDBC and exception handling for the database connectivity.
view longer description
11.2 to >9.52 pts
Confirms database connectivity using JDBC and exception handling for the database connectivity that is efficient and free from error.
9.52 to >7.84 pts
Confirms database connectivity using JDBC and exception handling for the database connectivity.
7.84 to >0 pts
Confirms database connectivity using JDBC and exception handling for the database connectivity, but it is inefficient or contains errors.
0 pts
Does not confirm database connectivity using JDBC and exception handling for the database connectivity.
/ 11.2 pts
Implement the complete Login functionality as specified in the SRS.
view longer description
11.2 to >9.52 pts
Implements the complete Login functionality with complete and concise specifications from the SRS.
9.52 to >7.84 pts
Implements the complete Login functionality as specified in the SRS.
7.84 to >0 pts
Implements the complete Login functionality with partial specifications from the SRS.
0 pts
Does not implement the complete Login functionality as specified in the SRS.
/ 11.2 pts
Provide screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
view longer description
11.2 to >9.52 pts
Provides screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful login attempts that are clearly legible.
9.52 to >7.84 pts
Provides screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
7.84 to >0 pts
Provides screen captures of some successful or some unsuccessful login attempts.
0 pts
Does not provide screen captures of both successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
/ 11.2 pts
Package a cleaned project in an appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file.
view longer description
11.2 to >9.52 pts
Packages a cleaned project in an appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file that is error free.
9.52 to >7.84 pts
Packages a cleaned project in an appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file.
7.84 to >0 pts
Packages a cleaned project in a somewhat appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file.
0 pts
Does not package a cleaned project in an appropriately constructed and correctly named .zip file.
/ 11.2 pts
Total Points: 0
2. By now you should have finished the unit lab and saved your screenshots to a Word document.
Effective penetration testing consists of fine main steps: reconnaissance, scanning, vulnerability analysis (enumeration), exploitation (the actual attack), and post-attack activities, including remediation of the vulnerabilities. Before attacking a system, the pen tester first typically utilizes automated tools to scan for and identify the various vulnerabilities that can be exploited.
Consider your lab work and other studies to address each of the following in the Word document that contains your lab screenshots. Clearly label each section.
Describe briefly what you learned or observed in the lab and include it in the section with your screenshots. Be specific.
Compare and contrast three security tools that enable a penetration tester to configure unauthorized tunnels through an enterprise firewall. Make sure to identify specific features that distinguish them from one another.
Imagine that you are a security consultant working to identify vulnerabilities of a firewall security solution in a small enterprise network. Write a firewall penetration testing plan that (make and state assumptions as required to support your choices):
Explains the specific tests to be run.
Explains the test methodology.
Lists 3 deliverables that would be a part of a post penetration test technical report. For example, one might include the success rate of deployed social-engineering methods.
Describes the hardware and software tools to be deployed and why they are appropriate.
Submission Instructions
Submit your assignment in a Word document with well-labeled responses.
View Rubric
Week 5 Assignment – Penetration Tools and Testing
Week 5 Assignment – Penetration Tools and Testing
Criteria Ratings Pts
Perform penetration testing on a firewall as specified in a lab and evidenced in screenshots.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Performs penetration testing on a firewall as specified in a lab and evidenced in screenshots and includes a description of what was learned from or observed in the lab.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Performs penetration testing on a firewall as specified in a lab and evidenced in screenshots.
11.2 to >0 pts
Performs penetration testing on a firewall in a lab incompletely or in an unspecified way, or does not complete the lab.
0 pts
Does not perform penetration testing on a firewall.
/ 16 pts
Compare penetration testing tools to accurately reveal their similarities and differences.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Compares penetration testing tools in detail to accurately reveal their similarities and differences in application and features.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Compares penetration testing tools to accurately reveal their similarities and differences.
11.2 to >0 pts
Compares penetration testing tools but does little to accurately reveal their similarities and differences.
0 pts
Does not compare penetration testing tools.
/ 16 pts
Write an effective firewall penetration testing plan that explains the test methodology.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Writes an effective firewall penetration testing plan that explains an ideally suited test methodology in great detail.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Writes an effective firewall penetration testing plan that explains the test methodology.
11.2 to >0 pts
Writes a firewall penetration testing plan that is inappropriate or does not explain test methodology.
0 pts
Does not write a firewall penetration testing plan.
/ 16 pts
Write an effective firewall penetration testing plan that lists appropriate penetration test report deliverables.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Writes a detailed and effective firewall penetration testing plan that explains appropriate penetration test report deliverables.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Writes an effective firewall penetration testing plan that lists appropriate penetration test report deliverables.
11.2 to >0 pts
Writes a firewall an ineffective penetration testing plan or does not list appropriate penetration test report deliverables.
0 pts
Does not write a firewall penetration testing plan.
/ 16 pts
Explain the appropriateness of hardware and software tools for firewall penetration testing.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Explains the appropriateness of hardware and software tools in great detail that demonstrates a deep understanding of the issues associated with firewall penetration testing.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Explains the appropriateness of hardware and software tools for firewall penetration testing.
11.2 to >0 pts
Lists reasons why hardware and software tools are appropriate for firewall penetration testing, or offers an explanation that is unclear or unfounded.
0 pts
Does not list reasons why hardware and software tools are appropriate for firewall penetration testing.
/ 16 pts
Total Points: 0
Assignment Overview
For the Week 5 assignment, watch the corresponding video IPv6 Network Setup with EIGRP Routing and use the IPv6 with EIGRP Packet Tracer File Download IPv6 with EIGRP Packet Tracer Fileto create a basic IPv6 lab and advertise routes using EIGRP. Before completing this assignment, watch the “Introduction to IPv6” video located in the week 5 study, and read all other material provided in this assignment.
Assignment Instructions
Follow the step-by-step instructions in the video and upload your completed packet tracer assignment.
Submit your packet tracer file to the assignment area by 11:59 on Sunday of this week.
Assignment Criteria
Your assignment must meet this criteria, please refer to the rubric for this assignment.
Create an IPv6 network and advertise IPv6 routes.
Test to network to verify connectivity and routing.
Determine the requirements for implementing the new technology.
Determine limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
Define the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
Identify needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
View Rubric
Week 5 Assignment – IPv6 Network Setup and EIGRP Routing: Packet Tracer Activity
Week 5 Assignment – IPv6 Network Setup and EIGRP Routing: Packet Tracer Activity
Criteria Ratings Pts
Create an IPv6 network and advertise IPv6 routes
view longer description
20 to >17 pts
Creates an IPv6 network and advertises IPv6 routes with no errors.
17 to >14 pts
Creates an IPv6 network and advertises IPv6 routes.
14 to >0 pts
Creates an IPv6 network and advertises IPv6 routes with significant errors.
0 pts
Does not create an IPv6 network and advertise IPv6 routes.
/ 20 pts
Test the network to verify connectivity and routing.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Tests and verifies connectivity and routing with no errors.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Tests and verifies connectivity and routing.
11.2 to >0 pts
Tests and verifies connectivity and routing with significant errors.
0 pts
Does not test and verify connectivity and routing.
/ 16 pts
Determine the requirements for implementing the new technology.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Determines the requirements for implementing the new technology with no errors.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Determines the requirements for implementing the new technology.
11.2 to >0 pts
Determines the requirements for implementing the new technology with significant errors.
0 pts
Does not determine the requirements for implementing the new technology.
/ 16 pts
Determine limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Determines limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology with no errors.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Determines limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
11.2 to >0 pts
Determines limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology with significant errors.
0 pts
Does not determine limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
/ 16 pts
Define the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Defines the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes with no errors.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Defines the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
11.2 to >0 pts
Defines the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes with significant errors.
0 pts
Does not define the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
/ 16 pts
Identify needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
view longer description
16 to >13.6 pts
Identifies needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology with no errors.
13.6 to >11.2 pts
Identifies needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
11.2 to >0 pts
Identifies needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology with significant errors.
0 pts
Does not identify needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
/ 16 pts
Total Points: 0
4.Assignment Overview
You have been working with your team on the project so far. In the next week, your team lead will be meeting with the client to provide an update on your team’s progress (along with the other teams). Your team will be providing a status update to your faculty member so that they can provide feedback to your team.
Assignment Instructions
Write a 1–2 page summary of your team’s status. This can be a team submission although each member should have an individual submission (all submissions can be the same). As part of the summary, you should include any questions, clarifications, or concerns that you have for the client. You should identify which member of your team will be the team lead representing your team at the client meeting. Be sure to focus on detailing your progress on the emerging technologies for the client.
Submit your paper to the assignment area by 11:59 on Sunday of this week.
Assignment Criteria
Your assignment must meet this criteria, please refer to the rubric for this assignment.
Describe the potential of implementing emerging technologies in the workplace.
Articulate the requirements for implementing the new technology.
Articulate limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
Articulate the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
Articulate needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
Demonstrates professional tone in writing with credit to external sources that meet the expectations of chief technology officers, IT managers, and other stakeholders.
Assignment Requirements
Communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful, and consistent with expectations for professional practice in education. Original work and critical thinking are required regarding your assessment and scholarly writing. Your writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Paper length: Minimum of 1–2 pages, not including the reference page.
Resources: At least three scholarly resources. Include a reference page at the end of the paper.
APA guidelines: Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current Evidence and APA.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 11 pt.
View Rubric
Week 5 Assignment – Project Status Submission and Faculty Feedback
Week 5 Assignment – Project Status Submission and Faculty Feedback
Criteria Ratings Pts
Describe the potential of implementing emerging technologies in the workplace.
view longer description
10 to >8.5 pts
Describes the potential of implementing emerging technologies in the workplace using appropriate context.
8.5 to >7 pts
Describes the potential of implementing emerging technologies in the workplace.
7 to >0 pts
Describes the potential of implementing emerging technologies in the workplace using inappropriate context.
0 pts
Does not describe the potential of implementing emerging technologies in the workplace.
/ 10 pts
Articulate the requirements for implementing the new technology.
view longer description
8 to >6.8 pts
Articulates the requirements for implementing the new technology using appropriate context.
6.8 to >5.6 pts
Articulates the requirements for implementing the new technology.
5.6 to >0 pts
Articulates the requirements for implementing the new technology using inappropriate context.
0 pts
Does not articulate the requirements for implementing the new technology.
/ 8 pts
Articulate limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
view longer description
8 to >6.8 pts
Articulates limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology using appropriate context.
6.8 to >5.6 pts
Articulates limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
5.6 to >0 pts
Articulates limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology using inappropriate context.
0 pts
Does not articulate limitations of existing infrastructure and processes to accommodate new technology.
/ 8 pts
Articulate the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
view longer description
8 to >6.8 pts
Articulates the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes using appropriate context.
6.8 to >5.6 pts
Articulates the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
5.6 to >0 pts
Articulates the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes using inappropriate context.
0 pts
Does not articulate the gaps between the needs of new technology and current infrastructure and processes.
/ 8 pts
Articulate needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
view longer description
8 to >6.8 pts
Articulates needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology using appropriate context.
6.8 to >5.6 pts
Articulates needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
5.6 to >0 pts
Articulates needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology using inappropriate context.
0 pts
Does not articulate needed changes to infrastructure and processes for implementation of the new technology.
/ 8 pts
Demonstrate professional tone in writing with credit to external sources that meets the expectations of chief technology officers, IT managers, and other stakeholders.
view longer description
8 to >6.8 pts
Demonstrates professional tone in writing with credit to external sources that meets the expectations of chief technology officers, IT managers, and other stakeholders. Provides a unique perspective through examples.
6.8 to >5.6 pts
Demonstrates professional tone in writing with credit to external sources that meets the expectations of chief technology officers, IT managers, and other stakeholders.
5.6 to >0 pts
Mostly demonstrates a professional tone. Does not always give credit to external sources.
0 pts
Does not demonstrate professional tone in writing with credit to external sources that meets the expectations of chief technology officers, IT managers, and other stakeholders.
/ 8 pts
Total Points: 0
Unit X Assignment
Lab Screenshots and Narrative
Insert and title all lab screenshot(s) in the order they were taken.
[Screenshot Section, Step]
[Screenshot Section, Step]
[Screenshot Section, Step]
[Add more as necessary]
Briefly describe what you learned or observed in the lab and include it in the section with your screenshots. Be specific.
[Add your assignment responses here.] Plagiarism Free Papers
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