You work in the Ethics Department for ABC Company (ABC). Your department is dedicated to advising its employees about their ethical obligations in the corporate setting.
Writing Assignment. Combine 1st and 2nd assignment properly and re-write conclusion. PLEASE MAKE SURE IT'S IN CORRECT FORMAT AND READ INSTRUCTIONS PROPERLY.
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Assignment 3
You work in the Ethics Department for ABC Company (ABC). Your department is dedicated to advising its employees about their ethical obligations in the corporate setting. All communications you receive in this capacity are confidential.
Luke, an employee of ABC, comes to you with the following scenario and asks for your advice. He wants to fully consider the situation. Your task is to advise him on all perspectives on the situation. Below are the facts that Luke provides to you.
Luke has been asked to work on a project that involves developing land recently purchased by ABC to build an adult entertainment retail store. According to the plan, the land is located on the corner of the neighborhood where Owen, Luke’s brother, lives.
Luke knows that as soon as the plans for the store are made public, property values for the surrounding neighborhood will decrease significantly. ABC plans to publicly announce the project one month from today.
Luke is concerned about his obligations of confidentiality to his company. However, Luke is also very close to Owen, who recently told Luke that he received an offer to sell his house at an “okay” price given the current real estate market. Owen is considering selling but hasn’t made any final decision yet. He wonders if he might get a better offer a few years from now when the real estate market improves.
What is the ethical issue, why is this an issue, and what should Luke do about it?
For assignment 3, prepare a memo to the Ethics Department file that considers the following four theories that are discussed in the ethics videos provided in Blackboard – Utilitarianism, Universal Ethics (i.e., Kant’s categorical imperative), The Golden Rule and Virtue Ethics.
You may consider any of the resources provided in Blackboard. However, it is advised that you DO NOT consult the internet. Your papers will be graded based on the required resources for BUSI 4350. Additionally, most of the accidental plagiarism cases have arisen from students using internet sources and failing to properly cite the work used.
Finally, remember that Assignments 1 and 2 are considered “drafts” for Assignment 3. So you will combine your writings in Assignments 1 and 2 to create Assignment 3.
General Assignment Instructions
1. Format
a. Use Microsoft Word, 12 point font, times new roman, single spacing.
b. Use the format demonstrated in the sample paper called “Excerpts from A
papers ..” provided under Writing Resources in Blackboard for Assignments 1 through 3. This format incorporates the use of headers that distinguish the different areas of thought within the memo.
c. Where using headers in Assignments 1 through 3, you must include these:
1. Facts 2. Issue
3. Analysis (note- this is where you may want to use additional headers to further organize your thoughts)
4. Recommendation
d. Assignments 1 and 2 should be between 750 and 1000 words. Lastly assignment 3 should amount to 1400 – 2000 words. This is merely a guide. The purpose of the guide is to help you understand whether you have thought deeply enough about the topic. Your grade does not depend on the number of words written. However, your grade will be affected by whether or not you have fully analyzed the issue and fully supported your conclusion/decision. If you find that you are significantly over this range of words, you should edit your paper so that your ideas and words are conveyed in the most concise manner. This does not mean eliminating key arguments. It just means editing your wording so that it is more concisely written.
e. Inside your document – DO NOT include any personal information inside your document (such as name, CougarNet ID, etc). We will not remove this information before submitting it for assessment.
f. Naming your document as follows: "Assignment [number]_last name_first name"
2. Submitting your assignment into the link in BB
a. Be sure your Word document is properly named first.
b. Upload your Word document into the Turnitin link provided in Blackboard.
c. You will be asked to provide a name for your document. Use the same assignment title as your Word file name.
All assignments must be submitted using the assigned link in Blackboard. We will not accept papers sent via email or delivered by hand.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your paper has been submitted properly AND on time. When you properly submit your paper, you will receive an email confirmation from Turnitin confirming your submission. If you don’t get this you haven’t completed the submission process and you will not receive credit for your work.
3. Feedback and grades
Feedback is provided with help from RichFeedback (as discussed in the syllabus.) You may access your feedback via Blackboard 10-12 days after the due date (give or take a day or so). Your grade will be posted into the grade book thereafter. Your paper with feedback will be returned to you in the same Weekly Folder where you submitted your paper.
4. Academic honesty (discussing the papers, cheating, and plagiarism)
All assignments, including this one, are individual assignments. This means that you are prohibited from discussing any part of the assignment with other people. Your analysis and work must be original. This means that you must use proper citations (and quotations, where necessary) throughout your paper and may not submit a paper that you used in a prior class.
Papers will be analyzed using This website checks your paper to determine the similarity of your paper to other students’ papers, internet or book resources, and papers found commercially on the internet. If your paper is sufficiently similar to another student's paper or other resource, you will be reported for violating the academic honesty code. This may result in receiving a "0" grade for the assignment, points being deducted from your final points calculation, and/or earning an F in the class or expulsion from the university.
Citations MUST BE provided for any information used or relied upon that is not your original idea. There are plagiarism presentations posted on the course website. It is your responsibility to review this to be sure you fully understand what constitutes plagiarism, how to properly paraphrase and cite, and when to use quotations. If this information is not sufficient for you to understand how to provide a proper citation, you may want to visit the following website: http://
You may use MLA or APA or any other format as long as (1) you clearly identify that the work is attributable to another source, AND (2) the original source can be easily located.
5. Grading rubric/chart
Assignments are worth either 50 (Assignments 1 and 2) or 100 points (Assignment 3.) Please review each assignment’s grading rubric as each assignment may be different.
Written communication 50% Critical thinking and knowledge application 50%
Written communication Written communication Written communication Written communication Written communication
Clearly arranged and organized;
Professional tone (i.e., appropriate choice of words for business writing);
Sentences are easily understood, concise, direct, and effective;
No noticeable editing errors; AND Paper follows required format.
For the most part…
Clearly arranged and organized;
Professional tone;
Sentences are functional;
Very few editing errors.
In many places…
Confusing due to unclear sentences or paragraphs, and/or lack of organization;
Many sentences are overly simple or needlessly complicated;
Several editing errors.
In most places…
Confusing due to unclear sentences or paragraphs, and/or lack of organization;
Most sentences are overly simple or needlessly complicated;
So many editing errors that paper is difficult to read.
Wholly ignores assignment instructions;
Sentences are incoherent or nonsensical;
Paper is difficult to read, careless, irresponsible.
Critical thinking and knowledge application
Critical thinking and knowledge application
Critical thinking and knowledge application
Critical thinking and knowledge application
Critical thinking and knowledge application
Event discussed represents most pressing ethical issue;
Full understanding of the ethical theories discussed (including appropriate discussion of criticisms or disadvantages of each ethical lens applied);
Full consideration of the issues and application of the facts to the theories;
Arguments and sentences are well supported and rational;
Logical flow of arguments;
Conclusion follows rationally from the arguments presented;
Paper presents mostly original thought (with use of occasional quotes, if appropriate).
For the most part…
Full understanding of the ethical theories discussed;
Full consideration of the issues;
Demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical theories applied;
Arguments and sentences are well supported and rational;
Logical flow of arguments;
Conclusion follows rationally from the arguments presented;
Paper presents mostly original thought (with use of occasional quotes, if appropriate).
In many places…
Lacks full understanding of the ethical theories discussed;
Lacks full consideration of the issues;
Arguments and sentences are not rational or well-supported;
Arguments may not be presented in a logical order;
Conclusion may not follow rationally from the arguments presented;
Paper has little original thought because most of the analysis is from quoted sources.
In most places…
Lacks full understanding of the ethical theories discussed;
Lacks full consideration of the issues;
Arguments or sentences are not rational or well supported;
Arguments may not be presented in a logical order;
Conclusion may not follow rationally from the arguments presented;
Paper has very little original thought because most of the analysis is from quoted sources.
Most of the paper remains unfinished;
Rambles incoherently;
Paper has very little original thought because most of the analysis is from quoted sources.
6. Rubric interpretation
a. Most pressing ethical issue – You must describe the issue in 1-2 succinct sentences, and then explain what makes the issue an ethical one. In other words, what makes the issue an ethical one (as opposed to just a regular business decision)? Considering this will help you determine the most pressing ethical issue to be discussed (and provide a context for your arguments).
b. Arguments are well-supported and rational – You should fully define the ethical lens/theory used, discuss it, tell how it will apply in the case, then apply the facts to the lens/theory. Definition and introductory discussion of the theories should be brief (approximately ¼ of your paper).
1. Application of the facts to the theories – This is the most critical part of your paper and should consist of approximately ¾ of your paper. You must consider criticisms to applying the theories. For example, what is a disadvantage to using theory “x”? This is where making an outline can really help to organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all of the topics necessary.
2. You should include a brief conclusion after each lens/theory analysis. This will provide the reader closure on your analysis for each lens.
c. Writing directly and concisely – If you feel that you are well over the suggested number of words, eliminate what is not necessary to argue your points. Most papers can cut out at least 100 words by eliminating unnecessary words/phrases/sentence and still retain all of the arguments required to support your conclusion.
d. Conclusion – This should directly answer the question you asked AND make sense given your analysis. You should not restate any arguments here. This is where you tell us your final conclusion, after considering the different lenses.
Luke is an employee of ABC Company. ABC wants to build an adult entertainment store near where Owen, Luke's brother, has his piece of property. Luke knows that if ABC makes the store, land prices will decrease. Own wanted to sell his house and had gotten a fair price from a dealer. Luke is in a dilemma about whether to tell Owen Company's plan, save him from potential loss, and risk breaking the company's confidentiality policy.
The key ethical issue is whether you should inform Owen that ABC plans to build an adult entertainment store near his property. He should sell his property before the prices go down and risk violating the company policy. Or be discreet about the company plans and betray Owen by failing to tell him the prospects of land prices going down.
Introduction of theories
Golden Rule
Golden rule theory, also known as the ethic of reciprocity, In its simplest sense this theory posits that one is obliged to do to other people what they would also want to be done to them. The second tenet of the Golden rule is empathy, which in its simplest terms, refers to 'putting yourself in another person's shoes.' (Putnam) The Golden rule has been the subject of many criticisms. The first criticism is that it is ideal for it to be practicable. Another complaint is that one cannot fully know and understand the other person's desires and wishes; therefore, Luke cannot assume that how one prefers to be treated is the same as how the other person likes to be treated.
Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics supposes that a virtuous person is morally upright and, therefore, what they do is moral. (Greene,2016) For example, honesty is expected to be honest in all situations. The actions of that honest person are, therefore, moral. However, living up to the ideals of virtue is challenging because doing so would mean going against the very virtue. For example, a compassionate person may decide to lie to protect the person's feelings. So in some situations, virtues can be faults if one does not apply practical wisdom. Virtue ethics have different branches. Some virtue ethicists believe being virtuous is sufficient to bring eudaimonia(happiness). Others, like Aristotle, believed that material goods were also necessary. (Greene,2016)
Application of theories
Beginning with the golden rule, one is not to harm, do to other people what they expect to be done to them, and empathize with others. This rule would mean that Luke has to ask himself what he would want if he were in Owen's shoes. Luke should ensure that Owen gets a reasonable price for his property as soon as possible. Going by the empathy rule, Luke, against all odds, ensures that he sells his house reasonably. Secondly, if one is supposed to treat others as they would want others to, Luke must ask himself several questions. If Owen was working at ABC and knew about the land prices going down, and he also knew Luke wanted to sell land within the exact location, and yet he did not tell Luke, how would Luke react? Would he be happy that Owen was very confidential about the company plans, or would he feel that Owen had betrayed him yet knew of your plans? If you think he would feel betrayed by Owen, he needs to tell Owen about the likelihood of the land prices going down and why they need to sell Owen's house within that month. Luke can be discreet if he supposes that Owen would support him in obeying company laws.
The disadvantage of this theory is that one may need to understand another person's desires and wishes fully. This is unless they ask them. This theory is based on the assumption that one person's desired treatment is the same as another person's desired treatment which may only be the case sometimes.
Therefore, using this theory, one needs to apply empathy and ask about the other person's wishes before applying the theory.
Virtue Ethics application
Virtue ethics, as stated earlier, argues a virtuous person is moral. The application of virtues is more likely to bring happiness. In this scenario, the question is what virtues Luke upholds. The fact that Luke is concerned about his obligation to be confidential about the company's decisions reveals that you are discreet. On the other hand, Luke also wants to help Owen find reasonable prices for his house. Virtue ethics demands that to effectively apply their virtues without risking them becoming vices, one has to exercise practical wisdom. Using practical wisdom, Luke should convince Owen to sell his house without telling him the company plans to build an adult entertainment store. One way of doing it is promising to tell Owen his reasons later if you want to avoid lying to him about why h needs to sell his land. By doing this, Luke will be both honest and discreet. This will help in finding a solution for Owen while at the same time upholding Luke's virtues.
The demerit of virtue ethics is based on its central assumption that a virtuous person performs a moral action. Critics have pointed out that a virtuous person can commit an immoral action by connecting it with their virtue. A person can also do a virtuous action without being virtuous. This means that virtue is loosely associated with morality. Another problem is the conflicting virtues. Like in this scenario, Luke is conflicted on whether to be discreet with company information or be honest and risk being indiscreet with company information.
In applying virtue ethics, one should consider their virtues. Using practical wisdom ensures that applying their virtues does not lead to other problems.
Given the two theories, Luke should fulfill his obligations to the company and his brother. To do this, he needs to enquire further about his needs and desires of Owen. Luke will use the information to advise him to sell the house within a month, either to the person who had proposed an OK price or to seek another buyer. Luke can convince his brother using other data or by promising to tell him his reasons once the house has been sold and the store has been built. This will remove Luke's need to divulge information about the company to Owen.
Putnam M.S. Reflections on the Golden Rule.
Greene H. (2016) Aristotle & Virtue Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #38. PBS Studios. Plagiarism Free Papers
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