In your own words, explain the reason for performing the experiment and give a concise summary of the theory involved, including any mathematical detail relevant to later discussion in the
A brief description of the experiment. The abstract should not exceed four or five sentences.
In your own words, explain the reason for performing the experiment and give a concise summary of the theory involved, including any mathematical detail relevant to later discussion in the report.
This section should reflect your understanding of the experiment. Important points to include are a brief discussion of your final results, an interpretation of the actual experimental results as they apply to the objectives of the experiment set out in the introduction should be given
School of Engineering Technology 2021
EET130 Week 2 Lab
Logic Gates
Instructor: Dr. Ali Setoodehnia
Date: 11/16/2022
Online EET Department
ECPI University
I pledge to support the Honor System of ECPI. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the honor code. I understand that any failure on my part to support the Honor System will be turned over to a Judicial Review Board for determination. I will report to a Judicial Review Board hearing if summoned.
XSTUDENT 11/16/2022
School of Engineering Technology 2021
I Abstract: Abstract The abstract should not exceed four or five sentences. The abstract should be self-
contained and meaningful on its own with the intent that any reader can understand the primary
purpose of the paper and/or findings of the lab at a very high summary level.
For example: Sample copy of past X-student
This lab report demonstrates Multisim simulation analysis of constructing different Logic Gates.
I have constructed six logic gate circuits, and with the aid of the supplied control sheets, I
have recorded my predicted values and measurements outputs for each Multisim Logic
Gate circuit using truth table. Also, I have compared some of logic circuits and
determined their similarities.
II Parts List:
Circuit 1
• 1 – OR gate
• 2 – 1 KOhm resistors
• 2 – SPDT switches
• 1 – Digital probe
• 2 – VCC (5V)
• 2 – GND
Circuit 2
• 1 – AND gate
• 2 – 1 KOhm resistors
• 2 – SPDT switches
• 1 – Digital probe
• 2 – VCC (5V)
• 2 – GND
Circuit 3
• 1 – 74LS32N (OR gate IC)
• 1 – 74LS04N (Hex Inverter IC)
• 1 – 1KOhm resistor
• 2 – SPDT switches
• 1 – Digital probe
• 1 – VCC (5V)
• 1 – GND
Circuit 4
• 1 – 74LS08N (AND gate IC)
• 1 – 74LS04N (Hex Inverter IC)
• 1 – 1KOhm resistor
• 2 – SPDT switches
• 1 – Digital probe
• 1 – VCC (5V)
School of Engineering Technology 2021
• 1 – GND
Circuit 5
• Same as circuit 4
Circuit 6
• Same as circuit 3
II. Introduction:
Sample copy of past X-student Throughout this lab I have constructed and demonstrated different logic gates using Multisim
simulation software. I have built 6 different circuits using a different gate for each circuit and
record the measurements data, then compare the results to my predicted values. Using Multisim
to build these circuits is a great hands-on experiment to see from the ground up how these gates
work and how they are utilized in circuits that are used in real world scenarios. This lab is
designed to demonstrate the properties of very basic logic gates and illustrate some of the
applications of Universal gates to implement functioning of other logic gates.
III. Procedures:
1. Write down “predicted output” values for Circuit 1 in Table 1 for given inputs.
2. Construct Circuit 1 shown in Figure 1 using components listed in parts list for Circuit 1.
3. For Circuit 1, change inputs A and B using SPDT switches and observe output using digital
probe connected to output. Write down “measured output” values in Table 1. If there are any
differences between “predicted” and “measured” output, find the error, and correct the
Figure 1: Circuit 1
Table 1: Circuit 1 results
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Input A Input B Predicted Output Measured Output
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
Multisim Circuit 1 Timestamp:
4. Write down “predicted output” values for Circuit 2 in Table 2 for given inputs.
5. Construct Circuit 2 shown in Figure 2 using components listed in parts list for Circuit 2.
6. For Circuit 2, change inputs A and B using SPDT switches and observe output using digital
probe connected to output. Write down “measured output” values in Table 2. If there are any
differences between “predicted” and “measured” output, find the error, and correct the
7. Sketch the
8. For Circuit 2, change inputs A, B, and C using SPDT switches and observe output using
digital probe connected to output. Write down “measured output” values in Table 2. These
values should be same as predicted values. If there are any differences between predicted and
measured values, find the error and correct the problem.
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Figure 2: Circuit 2
Table 2: Circuit 2 results
Input A Input B Predicted Output Measured Output
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Multisim Circuit 2 Timestamp:
9. Place 74LS32N and 74LS04N as shown in Figure 3 and make sure VCC (pin14) and GND
(pin 7) pins of both ICs are connected to 5V and ground, respectively.
10. Refer to data sheet for both ICs for pin layout. Connect pins 1 and 2 for 74LS32N to SPDT
switches (to change inputs to high or low).
11. Connect pin 3 of 74LS32N to pin 1 of the 74LS04N. Next, connect digital probe to pin 2 of
12. For Circuit 3, change inputs using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe.
Write down “measured output” values in Table 3.
Figure 3: Circuit 3
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Table 3: Circuit 3 results
Input A Input B Measured Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
Multisim Circuit 3 Timestamp:
13. Place 74LS04N and 74LS08N as shown in Figure 4 and make sure VCC (pin14) and GND
(pin 7) pins of both ICs are connected to 5V and ground, respectively.
14. Refer to data sheet for both ICs for pin layout. Connect pins 1 and 3 for 74LS04N to SPDT
switches (to change inputs to high or low).
15. Connect pin 2 of 74LS04N to pin 1 of the 74LS08N. Next, connect pin 4 of the 74LS04N to
pin 2 of the 74LS08N. Observe output by connecting digital probe to pin 3 of 74LS08N.
16. For Circuit 4, change inputs using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe.
Write down “measured output” values in Table 4.
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Figure 4: Circuit 4
Table 4: Circuit 4 results
Input A Input B Measured Output
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
17. Compare measured output in tables 3 and 4 and indicate the relationship between the two
gates shown below.
From a logic perspective, the NOR gate is logically equivalent to an inverted input AND gate.
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Multisim Circuit 4 Timestamp:
18. Place 74LS08N and 74LS04N as shown in Figure 5 and make sure VCC (pin14) and GND
(pin 7) pins of both ICs are connected to 5V and ground, respectively.
19. Refer to data sheet for both ICs for pin layout. Connect pins 1 and 2 for 74LS08N to SPDT
switches (to change inputs to high or low).
20. Connect pin 3 of 74LS08N to pin 1 of the 74LS04N. Next, observe output by connecting
digital probe to pin 2 of 74LS04N.
21. For Circuit 5, change inputs using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe.
Write down “measured output” values in Table 5.
Figure 5: Circuit 5
School of Engineering Technology 2021
Table 5: Circuit 5 results
Input A Input B Measured Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
Multisim Circuit 5 Timestamp:
22. Connect 74LS04N and 74LS32N as shown in Figure 6 and make sure VCC (pin14) and GND
(pin 7) pins of both ICs are connected to 5V and ground, respectively.
23. Refer to data sheet for both ICs for pin layout. Connect pins 1 and 3 for 74LS04N to SPDT
switches (to change inputs to high or low).
24. Connect pin 2 of 74LS04N to pin 1 of the 74LS32N. Next, connect pin 4 of 74LS04N to pin
2 of 74LS32N. Observe output by connecting digital probe to pin 3 of 74LS32N.
25. For Circuit 6, change inputs using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe.
Write down “measured output” values in Table 6.
26. Compare measured output in tables 5 and 6 and indicate the relationship between the two
gates shown below.
School of Engineering Technology 2021
From a logic perspective, the NAND gate is logically equivalent to an inverted input OR gate.
Figure 6: Circuit 6
Table 6: Circuit 6 results
Input A Input B Measured Output
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
School of Engineering Technology 2021
IV. Conclusion:
This section should reflect your understanding of the paper / experiment. Important points to
include are a brief discussion of your final results, an interpretation of the actual experimental
results as they apply to the objectives of the experiment set out in the introduction should be
given. Also discuss any problems encountered and how they were resolved
Sample Copy of past X-Student:
Using Multisim, we can construct and test logic circuits to verify the truth table for the basic logic gates.
We were able to verify that from a logic perspective, the NOR gate is logically equivalent to an inverted
input AND gate, and that the NAND gate is logically equivalent to an inverted input OR gate.
Floyd, T. L. (2014). Digital Fundamentals (11th ed.). Pearson Education (US).
School of Engineering Technology |
2021 |
Digital Systems I
Lab: Logic Gates
I. Objective:
· Verify the truth table for the basic logic gates.
· Construct and test logic circuits
II. Parts List:
Circuit 1
· 1 – OR gate
· 2 – 1 KOhm resistors
· 2 – SPDT switches
· 1 – Digital probe
· 2 – VCC (5V)
· 2 – GND
Circuit 2
· 1 – AND gate
· 2 – 1 KOhm resistors
· 2 – SPDT switches
· 1 – Digital probe
· 2 – VCC (5V)
· 2 – GND
Circuit 3
· 1 – 74LS32N (OR gate IC)
· 1 – 74LS04N (Hex Inverter IC)
· 1 – 1KOhm resistor
· 2 – SPDT switches
· 1 – Digital probe
· 1 – VCC (5V)
· 1 – GND
Circuit 4
· 1 – 74LS08N (AND gate IC)
· 1 – 74LS04N (Hex Inverter IC)
· 1 – 1KOhm resistor
· 2 – SPDT switches
· 1 – Digital probe
· 1 – VCC (5V)
· 1 – GND
Circuit 5
· Same as circuit 4
Circuit 6
· Same as circuit 3
III. Introduction:
This lab will demonstrate the properties of basic logic gates. It will also illustrate some of applications of Universal gates to implement functioning of other logic gates.
IV. Procedures:
1. Write down “predicted output” values for Circuit 1 in Table 1 for given inputs.
2. Construct Circuit 1 shown in Figure 1 using components listed in parts list for Circuit 1.
3. For Circuit 1, change inputs A and B using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe connected to output. Write down “measured output” values in Table 1. If there are any differences between “predicted” and “measured” output, find the error, and correct the problem.
Figure 1: Circuit 1
Table 1: Circuit 1 results
Input A |
Input B |
Predicted Output |
Measured Output |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4. Write down “predicted output” values for Circuit 2 in Table 2 for given inputs.
5. Construct Circuit 2 shown in Figure 2 using components listed in parts list for Circuit 2.
6. For Circuit 2, change inputs A and B using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe connected to output. Write down “measured output” values in Table 2. If there are any differences between “predicted” and “measured” output, find the error, and correct the problem.
7. Sketch the
8. For Circuit 2, change inputs A, B, and C using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe connected to output. Write down “measured output” values in Table 2. These values should be same as predicted values. If there are any differences between predicted and measured values, find the error and correct the problem.
Figure 2: Circuit 2
Table 2: Circuit 2 results
Input A |
Input B |
Predicted Output |
Measured Output |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
9. Place 74LS32N and 74LS04N as shown in Figure 3 and make sure VCC (pin14) and GND (pin 7) pins of both ICs are connected to 5V and ground, respectively.
10. Refer to data sheet for both ICs for pin layout. Connect pins 1 and 2 for 74LS32N to SPDT switches (to change inputs to high or low).
11. Connect pin 3 of 74LS32N to pin 1 of the 74LS04N. Next, connect digital probe to pin 2 of 74LS04N.
12. For Circuit 3, change inputs using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe. Write down “measured output” values in Table 3.
Figure 3: Circuit 3
Table 3: Circuit 3 results
Input A |
Input B |
Measured Output |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
13. Place 74LS04N and 74LS08N as shown in Figure 4 and make sure VCC (pin14) and GND (pin 7) pins of both ICs are connected to 5V and ground, respectively.
14. Refer to data sheet for both ICs for pin layout. Connect pins 1 and 3 for 74LS04N to SPDT switches (to change inputs to high or low).
15. Connect pin 2 of 74LS04N to pin 1 of the 74LS08N. Next, connect pin 4 of the 74LS04N to pin 2 of the 74LS08N. Observe output by connecting digital probe to pin 3 of 74LS08N.
16. For Circuit 4, change inputs using SPDT switches and observe output using digital probe. Write down “measured output” values in Table 4.
Figure 4: Circuit 4
Table 4: Circuit 4 results
Input A |
Input B |
Measured Output |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
17. Compare measured output in tables 3 and 4 and indicate the relationship between the two gates shown below.
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