Propose a change management plan: The steps of the proposed change management plan MUST all be clearly explained and supported by a change ??model. ?- Identify at least three key performanc
Please see the attached files and pay attention to the RUBRICS:
– Propose a change management plan: The steps of the proposed change management plan MUST all be clearly explained and supported by a change model.
- Identify at least three key performance indicators: At least three KPIs MUST be identified that are clearly related to the change initiative.
– Identify metrics that measure the KPIs: Each KPI MUST have a related metric that is observable and quantifiable.
– Communicates information clearly and professionally with appropriate supporting evidence, formatting, and grammar: The information MUST be clearly and professionally presented, without errors in grammar or mechanics. Citations MUST be used appropriately, and the formatting MUST be correct for APA style.
Other Recommended Class Materials
· 7 Fundamental Change Management Models:
· Descriptive Statistics:
· Descriptive Statistics | Definitions, Types, Examples:
2 pages
Introduction to Organization
During this course, you will be analyzing case studies for a fictional organization, ParlaTech. As we move through the course, you will learn more about the organization, its employees, and the issues that arise related to HR.
ParlaTech is a technology company that specializes in machine to machine (M2M) communication. They offer solutions that allow a remote set of machines to send data back to a central hub, where the data can be measured and analyzed. ParlaTech's headquarters are in Maryland, but they have clients all over the world. Most of their engineers and R&D employees work in the US, but they also have a call center in Bangalore, India.
Mini Case Study 4 Instructions
You have been called to a meeting with the CEO, Jacob Zielinski, and the COO, Sofia Morales.
For this assignment, review the survey results on change readiness and then do the following:
· analyze the survey results and write a summary of your findings
· recommend a plan for change based on a change model
· suggest at least three KPIs and explain how you can track and measure them
You may need to research how to collect metrics around KPIs in order to make informed suggestions.
Transcript from the Memo Instruction-video:
CEO: Good morning! We are here today to talk about the change initiative that we are planning for our Bangalore call center. Based on recommendations from last month, we are going to change the work hours in our call center to 40 hours a week. However, this is going to involve a shift in the working hours for most of our employees, since we still need to maintain 24/7 service. So, we are hiring new employees who will be shadowing our current customer service employees. The current employees will be training the new employees on the job.
COO: Yes, I've heard from the managers that some of the employees are concerned about this. They're saying that their work hours went down but their workload went up because they need to train the new employees! They are afraid that the new employees will just be a burden on them.
CEO: It's very frustrating because we are trying to improve the working conditions while maintaining quality customer service. We'd like to hear what your role can be in this change and how you can help us overcome employee resistance.
COO: You know I am big on data, so I've collected some data on change readiness among the employees. I would like you to analyze this data and write up a summary of what you find. Also, I am concerned about performance, so I would like to see some key performance indicators tracked and measured after we increase the number of employees.
CEO: Overall, this is a three-part task: We need a plan for what HR can do to help prepare for this change, a summary of what we know about change readiness among the employees, and at least three KPIs you suggest tracking and measuring. Since today is Monday, I am hoping you could have something for us by the end of the week.
Criteria |
Exceeds Standard 37.5 points |
Propose a change management plan. |
The steps of the proposed change management plan MUST be all clearly explained and supported by a change model. |
Identify at least three key performance indicators. |
At least three KPIs MUST be identified that are clearly related to the change initiative. |
Identify metrics that measure the KPIs. |
Each KPI MUST have a related metric that is observable and quantifiable. |
Communicates information clearly and professionally with appropriate supporting evidence, formatting, and grammar. |
The information MUST be clearly and professionally presented, without errors in grammar or mechanics. Citations MUST be used appropriately, and the formatting MUST be correct for APA style. |
Learning Topic
Metrics For managers to effectively carry out their management functions, they
need to set and monitor objectives. Well‐defined objectives tell the
organization's people what they should achieve, and by measuring the
achievement of objectives, managers can determine whether changes are
To be useful, objectives must be measurable. A contracted manufacturer,
for example, can know whether it is meeting the objective of no more
than one defect per 10,000 parts made. In contrast, "maintain high
quality" is vague; it can't be measured objectively. A measurable
performance objective is often called a metric (Cheng, 2014; Dykes,
2010; Magalhães, 2014). When describing a metric, we refer to the units
of measure, such as defects per 10,000 parts, profit margin, or percent of
customers who would recommend the company to a friend.
Other terms for metrics are performance metrics and performance
indicators. When managers use metrics to evaluate how well someone is
performing a job, they may call the metrics accountability measures
because that person is accountable for achieving the specified results.
Measurability alone does not ensure that a metric is related to the
organization's success. For example, a manager could perfectly measure
the number of hours each salesperson spends on the telephone yet learn
nothing about what contributes to revenue growth. Recognizing this,
many organizations establish and monitor key performance indicators
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(KPIs)—performance metrics that contribute to achievement of an
organization's overall strategic objectives (Magalhães, 2014; Kestrel
Management, 2016). For a business, KPIs support profitability and long‐
term value creation. For a nonprofit organization or government agency,
KPIs support success in carrying out its mission.
Metrics and Organizational Success
If an organization's managers have chosen metrics that drive strategic
success, measuring activity in terms of those metrics will give the
managers objective information about whether the organization is
accomplishing what matters (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 2016).
Likewise, when managers focus on the KPIs when leading and evaluating
employees, they make it likely that everyone will be directing the most
energy and attention to the activities that contribute to success.
According to management experts Kaplan and Norton (1992, p. 71–79),
"What you measure is what you get."
Indeed, there is evidence that in organizations using KPIs, performance is
stronger. A telecommunications company improved its growth by getting
objectives and managers' incentive pay aligned on KPIs that drive
customer experiences (Bhattacharjee, Müller, & Roggenhofer, 2016).
Mintz and Currim (2013) found an association between the use of
financial metrics and successful performance of marketing mixes.
Any given manager and team should have only a few KPIs to focus on. A
reasonable number would be four to ten KPIs (Yarwood, 2015). Each team
should know its KPIs and how each is linked to achieving broader
objectives. If a team has too many metrics, they probably are not all key
performance indicators, and it may be hard for the manager to unify the
team in an understanding of what they are trying to achieve.
2 of 4 3/26/2023, 6:11 PM
Balanced Scorecard Institute. (n.d.). What is a key performance indicator
(KPI)? Retrieved from
Bhattacharjee, D., Müller, L. H., & Roggenhofer, S. (2016, March). Leading
and governing the customercentric organization. Retrieved
Cheng, J. (2014, April 8). Five tips for defining key performance
indicators. Online Marketing Institute. [Blog post]. Retrieved from‐
Dykes, B. (2010, June 17). Metrics and dimensions and reports—oh my!
[Blog post]. Retrieved from
EY. (2014, May). Key performance indicators: Winning tips and common
challenges. Retrieved from
General Motors Company. (2015). 2015 annual report. Retrieved from
Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (1992, January–February). The balanced
scorecard: Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business
Review, 70(1), 71–79.
Kestrel Management & dynaQ. (2016, April 22). Pull vs. push reporting:
Leading KPI development. [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Magalhães, I. L. (2014, December 31). Metrics versus key performance
3 of 4 3/26/2023, 6:11 PM
indicators. [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Minghini, J. (2015, January). Measuring what matters. Material Handling
& Logistics, 70, 18–20.
Mintz, O., & Currim, I. S. (2013). What drives managerial use of marketing
and financial metrics and does metric use affect performance of
marketing mix activities? Journal of Marketing 77, 17–40.
Strategies for KPI success in patient access. (2015, July). Healthcare
Registration, 24, 6–10.
Yarwood, P. (2015, November). KPIs that really perform. Accounting
Today, 29, 26–27.
Yuan, J., Wang, C., Skibniewski, M., & Li, Q. (2012). Developing key
performance indicators for publicprivate partnership projects:
Questionnaire survey and analysis. Journal of Management in
Engineering, 28(3), 252–264.
© 2023 University of Maryland Global Campus
All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the
validity or integrity of information located at external sites.
4 of 4 3/26/2023, 6:11 PM
Change Readiness Survey Results
Employee Impression of the Change and its Personal Impact
Agree Disagree
The change will help me progress in my career. 12 48
The change will improve my salary and/or
0 60
The change will not affect my hours or schedule. 0 60
The change will not hurt my job stability. 28 32
The change will benefit my health. 16 44
Learning Resource
Change Readiness Survey Results…
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Agree Disagree
The change will make my work environment
more enjoyable.
26 34
Employee Impression of Change Readiness at Parlatech
Agree Disagree
Parlatech has a good track record for
implementing change successfully.
19 41
Parlatech takes care of employees who
experience negative effects from organizational
23 37
Parlatech rewards employees who innovate and
support change.
42 18
My colleagues are receptive to change. 31 29
My management team is receptive to feedback
during change efforts.
25 35
Change Readiness Survey Results…
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Creasey, T. (n.d.). When should you use a change management readiness
© 2023 University of Maryland Global Campus
All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the
validity or integrity of information located at external sites.
Change Readiness Survey Results…
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ADKAR Model of Change Management
The ADKAR model is a change management model that can be used by
anyone—individual or organization. The model can also help organizations
identify gaps in their change management processes. It was invented by
Prosci founder Jeff Hiatt.
People are the ones who implement change in organizations, even if the
change is largely technical. The ADKAR model is designed to mitigate the
fact that organizations often ignore the individuals involved in making
change a success. For a change to be successful, it's important that all
individuals involved understand the need for the change and how to
implement it.
Each letter of ADKAR represents one of five milestones that an individual
involved in a change process must meet: awareness, desire, knowledge,
ability, and reinforcement. These milestones must be achieved in order:
• A—awareness of the need for change;
• D—desire to support the change;
• K—knowledge of how to change;
• A—ability to demonstrate skills and behaviors; and
• R—reinforcement to make the change stick.
Learning Resource
ADKAR Model of Change Management
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UMGC (n.d.). ADKAR Model of Change Management. Retrieved from msc630/learning-resource-list/adkar-model-of-change-management.html?ou=693701#
Continue reading for more information on each milestone.
It's natural for people to resist change, and they can be even more
inclined to resist change when they don't understand the reason change
is needed. All individuals involved in a change effort should understand
why change will benefit them and their organization.
Even when an employee understands logical reasons behind a change, it
might not be enough to make them an enthusiastic participant in the
change. Managers and direct supervisors can help employees with low
desire work through the change.
Employees should only be given practical training and preparation for a
change once they have completed the first two steps. This is often an
area where organizations make a mistake by initiating trainings too soon.
Even though employees may be trained in new technologies and
processes, they might still not have the ability to use or complete them.
Employees should be given the opportunity to practice or experiment
with their new knowledge before full implementation.
It's natural for people to revert to what feels comfortable, even after
they've gone through all the steps of the ADKAR process. Reinforcement
ADKAR Model of Change Management…
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helps cement change. What's positive about the change? What's working
well? Highlighting any benefits or wins can help employees feel good
about the change. If employees continue to revert to old ways, managers
and change leaders should investigate what's causing the reversion.
Prosci. (n.d.). The Prosci ADKAR model. Retrieved from‐model
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All links to external sites were verified at the time of publication. UMGC is not responsible for the
validity or integrity of information located at external sites.
ADKAR Model of Change Management…
3 of 3 3/26/2023, 6:15 PM
Learning Topic
Change Management Why Do Organizations Change
Organizational change is the movement of an organization from one state
of affairs to another. A change in the environment often necessitates
change within organizations operating within that environment. Change
in almost any aspect of a company's operation can be met with resistance,
and different cultures can have different reactions both to the change and
to the way change is promoted.
Several steps can be taken to lower the anxiety of employees and ease
the transformation process. Often, the simple act of including employees
in the change process can drastically reduce opposition to new methods.
In some organizations, this level of inclusion is not possible, and instead
organizations can recruit a small number of opinion leaders to promote
the benefits of coming changes.
Organizational change can take many forms. It may involve a change in a
company's structure, strategy, policies, procedures, technology, or culture.
The change may be planned years in advance or may be forced on an
organization because of a shift in the environment. Organizational change
can be radical and swiftly alter the way an organization operates, or it
may be incremental and slow. In any case, regardless of the type, change
involves letting go of the old ways in which work is done and adjusting to
new ways. Therefore, fundamentally, it is a process that involves effective
Change Management
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UMGC (n.d.): Change Management. Retrieved from list/change-management.html#
people management.
Managers carrying out any of the P‐O‐L‐C functions (planning, organizing,
leading, and controlling) often find themselves faced with the need to
manage organizational change effectively. Often, the planning process
reveals the need for a new or improved strategy, which is then reflected
in changes to tactical and operational plans. Creating a new organizational
design (the organizing function) or altering the existing design entails
changes that may affect from a single employee up to the entire
organization, depending on the scope of the changes.
Effective decision making—a leadership task—takes into account the
change‐management implications of decisions, planning for the need to
manage the implementation of decisions. Finally, any updates to
controlling systems and processes will potentially involve changes to
employees' assigned tasks and performance assessments, which will
require astute change management skills to implement. In short, change
management is an important leadership skill that spans the entire range of
P‐O‐L‐C functions.
Workplace Demographics
Organizational change is often a response to changes to the environment.
For example, agencies that monitor workplace demographics such as the
US Department of Labor and the international Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development have reported that the average age of the
US workforce will increase as the Baby Boom generation nears retirement
age and the numbers of younger workers are insufficient to fill the gap
(Lerman & Schmidt, 2006). What does this mean for companies?
Organizations may realize that as the workforce gets older, the types of
benefits workers prefer may change. Work arrangements such as flexible
work hours and job sharing may become more popular as employees
remain in the workforce even after retirement. It is also possible that
employees who are unhappy with their current work situation will choose
Change Management…
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to retire, resulting in a sudden loss of valuable knowledge and expertise in
organizations. Therefore, organizations will have to devise strategies to
retain these employees and plan for their retirement. Finally, a critical
issue is finding ways of dealing with age‐related stereotypes which act as
barriers in the retention of these employees.
Moore's Law, The Fifth Paradigm (‐
/1/ChangeManagement_Introduction_Category:Moore's_law) by Ray Kurzweil and
Kurzweil Technologies, Inc., is licensed
under CC BY 1.0 (
Sometimes change is motivated by rapid developments in technology.
Moore's law (a prediction by Gordon Moore, cofounder of Intel) dictates
Change Management…
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