Select two maverick stories (attached) a) analyze the digital ethics pitfalls associated with these stories- explain in detail by mapping the statements of the story to the eth
Select two maverick stories (attached)
a) analyze the digital ethics pitfalls associated with these stories- explain in detail by mapping the statements of the story to the ethical implications;
b) how is the word of God (from the Bible) placed in these specific scenarios?
600 words, APA, due 3/23/2023
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Maverick Stories: Brave New Worlds Episode 6 — What Could Go Wrong? Published 9 March 2023 – ID G00781892 – 7 min read
By Analyst(s): Bill Menezes, Marty Resnick, Marko Sillanpaa
Initiatives: Digital Future
Robert, the head of Earth operations for 2B Enterprises, is not
pleased at losing the coveted Titan project to Avery. Plans are
afoot, and Robert will use his talents for malinformation to use the
evolving multinational — and soon, interplanetary — rules and
power structures to get what he wants.
Maverick Research
Gartner Maverick research delivers breakthrough, disruptive and sometimes contradictory
ideas that challenge conventional thinking. Part of the Gartner Futures Lab, it is designed
to explore alternative opportunities and risks that could influence your strategy.
Maverick Caution: This research breaks new ground by introducing a new type of
organization that is multiversal, operating not only in our world but also in the brave new
worlds we are creating (the metaverse) and expanding into (space).
Stories are a powerful means of communication. When done well, they heighten
engagement, assist with recall and distill complexity to its essence. Effective leaders use
stories as a shortcut to audience understanding — a necessary step before action.
Gartner is experimenting with telling stories to achieve precisely these things. We
encourage you to leave a star rating at the bottom of your screen, or email us here, to let us
know if you valued this.
Brave New Worlds
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This story is part of a series that takes readers on a journey inspired by the trends
presented in Brave New Worlds: Tapestry of Trends 2022 by Gartner Futures Lab. Each
episode shows how a challenge or opportunity could present itself in your organization
in the (nearer than you think) future, conveyed in a moral at the story’s end.
See all the episodes in Maverick Stories: Brave New Worlds.
Episode 6: What Could Go Wrong?
“You know, we don’t really need to maintain this conference room,” Joanna said, briskly
entering the physical space where Robert — standing alone at a huge, rectangular
mahogany table identical to the one in the recently terminated virtual meeting room —
bent over several multitouch projected interfaces, frowning and swiping. “Isn’t it a bit
much of a throwback?”
Robert ignored the advice, which he’d heard before. “Did they really think I’d be satisfied —
on this world or any other — with restoring some rock in the middle of the Gulf of
Mexico?” Robert said, evenly. “I don’t care if the place becomes a new underwater reef. I
deserve to expand my reach to include Titan. And it’s what you know I’ll get.”
“Caribbean,” Joanna replied, while opening and swiping through two of her own interfaces
projected over the meeting table “It’s actually a pretty nice place, potentially very lush. The
island I mean. Titan’s a hole. Tell me again why it’s not rational for you to successfully
execute on your new acquisition to at least maintain the illusion of a good corporate
“Only my usual desire to focus on one thing — getting Avery out of the picture, in this
case. To do it well and move on,” Robert said, in what Joanna privately called his ‘Harvard
voice.’ “You know that will set up everything else. It only begins with Titan. I suppose given
Earth Ops now owns it, we can accommodate the island, if we must. Damn thing’s almost
finished anyway.”
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Joanna smirked, musing how Robert’s overwhelming sense of entitlement was exceeded
only by his vision and his brilliance in creating and executing an epically disruptive
shadow strategy for himself and for 2B. She enjoyed her position. Robert was that rarity at
2B who afforded themselves the luxury of a physical chief of staff. He still didn’t believe
he could sync mentally or emotionally enough with a virtual aide de camp like that weirdo
AVA who served Emily. And while he liked working with D, he needed more out of his right
hand. So, for the past 15 years he’d had Joanna as his fixer.
She was as brilliant as Robert, expertly helping shape and execute his corporate strategy
while remaining loyal to a fault. Joanna remained willing to challenge Robert — or even at
times undermine him — to keep advancing their shared goals. Whereas good old “Dad”
didn’t seem to have much of a vision beyond the achievement of winning the Titan
project, Robert saw that in the future, space efforts would position companies with a
political power that is usually reserved for governments. A prospect he found quite
appetizing. Of course, he couldn’t do that while bound only to Earth Operations; adding
Titan would give him the physical and virtual position and assets to use the colony as the
foothold toward real colonization. He and Joanna already had gamed out the risks of
toothless sanctions and fines that could accrue as they pushed or broke the boundaries of
the emerging rule-making framework that, if followed, would unduly hamstring 2B’s rise as
a corporate nation once the Titan enterprise had rapidly expanded outward.
“The 2B Way is the Future Way” was the mantra he and Joanna had shared as they had
gone about the often ugly business of quietly ripping up and replacing old 2B systems
and power structures, creating shadow operations supported by false fronts and active
disinformation in the metaverse. Their enterprises had always been productive. Here, a
deep-sea mining operation to grab terrestrial raw materials while developing the tech
needed for ultra-high-pressure infrastructure on Titan. There, a franchise licensing
apparatus generating cash, credits and political power everywhere that humans and bots
had ventured so far. Behind them always were operating structures answering to Robert’s
corporate domain, his control reaching deep into 2B’s systems, largely hidden from even
the most stringent auditing with the help of arcane accounting, cryptoledgers and a far-
flung brigade of toadies. Not the least of whom would eventually be that imbecile
Blanche, Robert mused.
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But now, Avery’s elevation to head of the Titan operation was already causing problems
beyond the ego bruises. Robert knew intuitively that Jane was convinced Avery would
succeed with Titan without any expansive personal agenda. The meeting to nominally
discuss, then act on Avery’s promotion had been a joke, but only a slight surprise. Robert
was used to Tony shunting him aside now and then; old “Dad” had made it clear that he
believed it kept Robert honest and striving. Going for the gold instead of settling for the
silver. But Tony’s choice of Avery, with Jane’s smiling assent, was troubling, especially as it
gutted the confidential deals Robert had arranged to benefit 2B once he headed Titan
construction. The more deeply Avery became embedded in the project, the more likely they
could connect the dots that led back to Robert as they navigated the huge scope of 2B
businesses, resources and alliances needed to colonize Titan.
Robert also knew Avery’s personal connection with Emily created risks. If Emily figured out
the threads among all the deep-space brushfires she kept encountering on her little test
run trip, it wouldn’t take long for that pair to start unraveling his fabric. Joanna, as usual,
was already gaming out what could happen and how to prevent it.
“Think we overdid it with the Interlink7 team?” she asked, looking up from her displays.
“That’s likely to get a full-bore response from our noble CIO. We’ve shielded the causes
pretty well, but…”
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“At this point they’re backtracing activity logs, combing source code, examining new
engineering specs,” Robert replied. “Checking residences. That’s what we would do. It’s
what we made sure AVA would do, at least initially.”
“They’ll burn days trying to find that team before they figure out our anomalies and
deepfakes that ‘accidentally’ sent them to an entirely different sector. Even when they
figure it out, the breadcrumbs will only lead them to Blanche. That will give us time to deal
with Avery. If we can’t dig up anything to use from their time on the island so far, it will at
least be easy enough to make them look like financial malefactors.”
Joanna gazed at him blankly.
“You realize that all these resources you’ve lined up, all of the leveraging you want to do of
the trust that 2B has built, trust that legacy governments could never build… if you directed
all that effort toward a different agenda, you could create something, not just bigger, but
better than 2B?” she asked. “Just saying…”
“Yes, yes, we’ve discussed this before,” Robert sighed. “And you’re right as usual, of course
there are a lot of other directions we could go with this. For now, though, the plan is
working, and we are at the right level of control.”
“I mean… what could go wrong?”
In an increasingly multipolar world, the evolution of global
institutional trust may give rise to unscrupulous operators who,
armed with sophisticated technological means for creating their
own “truth,” create the potential for wreaking commercial havoc in
achieving their ends.
Evidence Tapestry trends this story refers to:
Global institution trust transformation■
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Recommended by the Authors Some documents may not be available as part of your current Gartner subscription.
Brave New Worlds: Tapestry of Trends 2022 by Gartner Futures Lab
Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023: Metaverse
CIO New Year’s Resolutions for 2023
Infographic: Impact Map of the Metaverse
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Emergence of decision-making systems■
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Maverick Stories: Brave New Worlds Episode 5 — Challenged by Digital Triplets Published 16 February 2023 – ID G00781891 – 7 min read
By Analyst(s): Adam Preset, Marty Resnick, Marko Sillanpaa
Initiatives: Digital Future
Leading from the front takes on new meaning as Emily, multiversal
CIO of 2B Enterprises, takes her job to the next level by remote
working from space. When her day-to-day activities are interrupted
by an emergency, she calls on the advisors she trusts the most:
digital versions of herself!
Maverick Research
Gartner Maverick research delivers breakthrough, disruptive and sometimes contradictory
ideas that challenge conventional thinking. Part of the Gartner Futures Lab, it is designed
to explore alternative opportunities and risks that could influence your strategy.
Maverick Caution: This research breaks new ground by introducing a new type of
organization that is multiversal, operating not only in our world but also in the brave new
worlds we are creating (the metaverse) and expanding into (space).
Stories are a powerful means of communication. When done well, they heighten
engagement, assist with recall and distill complexity to its essence. Effective leaders use
stories as a shortcut to audience understanding — a necessary step before action.
Gartner is experimenting with telling stories to achieve precisely these things. We
encourage you to leave a star rating at the bottom of your screen, or email us here, to let us
know if you valued this.
Brave New Worlds
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This story is part of a series that takes readers on a journey inspired by the trends
presented in Brave New Worlds: Tapestry of Trends 2022 by Gartner Futures Lab. Each
episode shows how a challenge or opportunity could present itself in your organization
in the (nearer than you think) future, conveyed in a moral at the story’s end.
See all the episodes in Maverick Stories: Brave New Worlds.
Episode 5: Challenged by Digital Triplets
A crisis was waiting for Emily. The lights came up gently just as a faint digital chirp
sounded, then a smooth artificial voice chimed in.
Good morning, boss. Welcome to day 37 of your commute. Priority alert.
“AVA, I thought it would be funny, but you can stop saying that now. Wait, what?” AVA, her
ambient virtual assistant, complied, and would greet Emily differently from now on. The
morning briefing started while Emily readied for the day. V, her exact twin in the mirror,
spoke while Emily brushed her teeth.
“Hi, Prime. An entire dev team is unaccounted for.”
“Which one? Earth or Verse? For how long? And how does that even happen?” Emily
asked, taken aback at the news.
“The Interlink7 team. Blended, including some bots. A little over 24 hours. No signals from
any of them. It’s unprecedented.” V, Emily’s AI digital twin, imprinted with most of her
strengths, was delegated CIO control of the 2B metaverse office. They had agreed that
“Emily Verse” was too long a name, weirdly impersonal, and dumb.
“V, what are we doing?”
“Sending drones to residences. Backtracing the activity logs. Combing the source code
and any new engineering specs.”
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“That’s what I would do. What do you think? Corporate espionage? Negligence?
Kidnapping and ransoming? Is it possible that UbiquiBuild is up to something?”
“Varying probabilities,” said V. “Countermeasures are mostly the same. Firewalling and
forensics. Should AVA conference in Emily Titan for consultation or a tabletop exercise?”
Being multiversal CIO of 2B Enterprises had perks. The Interlink that connected Earth, the
Verse, and Emily’s flight path was solid. Her traffic was prioritized. The cabin was
luxurious. Her home office was state-of-the-art. At the moment, home for her, along with a
few hundred others, was this cruiser in space. When 2B said “work from anywhere,” it
meant it.
A condition of Emily’s multiyear contract had required face-to-face time in 2B’s physical
domains. The CEO was old-fashioned. Emily was only 45, but to accomplish anything
across three worlds meant being in it for the long haul. It might mean going to Titan. If
someone had to pilot leading from space, she was the natural fit. It took surprisingly long
for the joke about the commute to get old, but Emily was over it. The weeks in Earth’s orbit
were blurring together. In about 25 more days they would land, having completed an
unparalleled test of the distributed tech they would use on the journey to Titan.
Emily was always spread too thin and taking on too much. The organization was getting
too large, the technology too complex, and competition for human talent unconscionably
aggressive. But space was strangely serene. The residential tech included timed
aromatherapy. Citrus lingered in the air. Everything was clean and calm like a spa, and
Emily’s burnout was fading. But she was still working, and her best answer was to lean on
the tech. She could trust more human lieutenants if she could find them, but she trusted
herself more. Her way of managing time better was to neuro-map and make more Emilies.
Emily Prime walked to a hologram wall. T, Emily Titan, an experiment, appeared as a
bluish-green translucent three-dimensional image, identical in features but with
insubstantial physicality. It was a cultural thing. Psychological profiling data was starting
to indicate that humans were uneasy about artificial supervisors looking too real. People
weren’t wired to respond positively to neuro-algorithmic clusters that pretended to be
something else.
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V and T were in sync in a few microseconds, including a transmission of the conversation
from the last few minutes. T spoke aloud for Emily’s benefit after a short burst of static.
“Interlink6 is working pretty well. My understanding was that Interlink7 was just an
optimization. Could the team have gone offline for testing?”
Emily paused. “Anything is possible. An entity would probably have logged that. I’m
worried. The new stuff is not designed from scratch, so any new code contains a lot of 2B
legacy IP. You can’t be a multiversal org without data fabric connection protocols like
ours. Even if we can’t always do real-time, our asynchronous is faster than anybody’s.”
She was restating what all three of them knew. The Interlink was foundational to
multiversal collaboration. One day, conditions on Titan would be replicated in near-infinite
models in the Verse, and Earth analysts would be able to validate the most promising
refinements or alterations to strategy and ops.
But what would happen if a competitor got hold of the Interlink? It would be a long game
to try to outpace 2B. Decades. But even just disrupting the fabric would stop work in three
Emily talked to herself for a few minutes while drinking coffee. The artificials were a good
sounding board. They knew her patterns — they were her patterns — and they could
challenge her. The three of them made a plan of action. They held off on activating Emily
Earth, E, a fail-safe that could go online if the Interlink went offline.
V asked, “Should one of us notify Earth Ops and Space Ops?”
“Notify Earth Ops through your Verse counterpart, please, and I’ll handle Space,” said
Emily. It would be an excuse to talk to her best friend, Avery, head of Space Ops. “I’m
awake now and we know what we’re doing. AVA, I realize we didn’t go beyond the priority
alert. Anything else I should know?”
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Routine activities. Some team reorgs to rebalance human and artificial ratios. A support
swarm to respond to an unannounced vendor code update. Termination of a supplier due
to unmet XLA. Tripwire signal on minor perimeter attack, yellow flag, contained.
“What? An ineffective denial of service?”
Attempted access of employee records.
“More detail, please. Any action required from me at this time?”
InfoSec and Entity Resources report containment of attempted hack and investigation in
progress. Specific personnel files were targeted. Subject: Avery, Head of Space Ops.
“AVA, let’s make that call. Right now.”
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