The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the play SWEAT by Lynn No

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This paper is for a freshman so please make sure you use simple wording and that the paper is cohesive. Follow all instructions and see the rubric for guidance.
Introduction to Theatre Art THEA A161 Analysis Essay #1 Learning Objectives Analyze a play from an actors point of view. (CO4, CO5) Assignment Description The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the play SWEAT by Lynn Nottage from an actors point of view, and write a 2-3 page essay based on the essay format below. After reading the entire play, select one of the 8 main characters (not Evan) to analyze. I would suggest selecting a character that has the same gender identity, and, ideally, the same racial identity. The age of the character is less important. I think the temptation in an exercise like this is that you want to pick your favorite character. Once you read the play, I think you will find that all the characters are flawed, and it is better to follow the above instructions. Chances are, you will be analyzing a character that you do not always agree or identify with, and that is good. The actors job is to step in the shoes of another person, and to try to see the world from their point of view. This play is a real challenge for most actors in that regard! Directions FORMAT FOR ESSAY #1 All essays must be in paragraph form as stand-alone assignments. Spelling and grammar are considered, so it is important to take time to write a paper that flows. I suggest you group these Essays into the 3 sections listed below. The essay must be typed using double-spaced 12-inch font. You must include the USCA Honor Statement at the end of the paper. Please submit the paper in one of the following formats: pdf, doc, docx. Analyzing the Play What is this play about? Describe the major themes and the human change in a few sentences. Which character did you choose to analyze? Why did you make that decision? What is the location (city/state) and time period of the play? What type of research would you need to do to better inform the vocal and physical choices an actor must make? Who IS Your Character? Discuss the following: Physical Traits (such as the characters age, body type and any special physical traits or skills)? Social Traits (such as his or her culture and historical period, social and economic class, educational background, and family background)? Psychological Traits (such as intelligence, quickness, sensitivities, obsessions or phobias)? Moral Traits (such as beliefs and values, including religious and political views)? What is your characters super objective? What do they want more than anything? What Choices Would You Make? Answer all of these as choices you would make as an actor, if you were hired to play the part. You are not referring to the choices the character makes. What type of specific physical choices would you make? Why?
What type of specific vocal choices would you make, and why? What kind of human change does your character experience? Track their attitudes and outlook throughout the play. How do they change? What are some things you can do to illustrate that change? Rubric Developing Competent Exemplary Quality of writing The written text demonstrates a confusing arrangement of paragraphs, a lack of transitions between paragraphs, or a confusing arrangement of ideas within paragraphs. The disorganization makes it difficult for a reader to understand the texts ideas. There are spelling and grammatical errors. The written text demonstrates a generally clear arrangement of paragraphs, a generally clear use of transitions between paragraphs, and a generally clear organization of ideas within paragraphs. The organizational logic assists a readers understanding of the texts ideas. There are few spelling and/or grammatical errors. The written text demonstrates a logical arrangement of paragraphs, a logical use of transitions between paragraphs, and a logical organization of ideas within paragraphs. The organizational logic enhances a readers understanding of the texts ideas. There are no obvious spelling or grammatical errors. 15-20 points 20-25 points 25-30 points Analyzing the Play Missing multiple Exemplary criteria. Not all questions are considered. Missing 1-2 Exemplary criteria. The written text effectively expresses; Major themes and human change. Character analysis and justification. Location and research. All questions are given detailed consideration. 5-9 points 9-12 points 12-15 points Who is your Character? Missing multiple Exemplary criteria. Not all questions are considered. Missing 1-2 Exemplary criteria. The written text effectively expresses the Physical, Social, Psychological and Moral Traits of the character. All answers are well supported. 5-9 points 9-12 points 12-15 points What choices would you make? The written vaguely addresses articulate the acting choices they would make. Answers are not supported. The written text attempts to articulate the acting choices they would make. Answers are somewhat supported. The written text effectively articulates the acting choices they would make All answers are well supported. 5-9 points 9-12 points 12-15 points Plagiarism Free Papers

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