This project will be based on the 2 previous assignment done. Therefore, answers must be based on the 2 assignments. Assignment 1 (20%) Combined your 2 assignments from Research Methodolo
This project will be based on the 2 previous assignment done. Therefore, answers must be based on the 2 assignments.
Assignment 1 (20%)
Combined your 2 assignments from Research Methodology and convert it into final report format (follow the outlines as I sent earlier)
In this submission, you can add on any new sources, materials or writing based on the suggestion I have provided
The assignment 1 should consist of Chapter 1 -3 and questionnaires as appendix.
Chapter 1 Introduction
– Introduction – what are the issues of the topic? In Malaysia and the rest of the world macro view.
– Problem statement
– Purpose of study
– Research objectives: make sure your RO match with RQ, if you have 5 RO, then match with 5 RQ, eventually develop 5 hypotheses
– Research questions : make sure all RO, RQ, and hypotheses use the same keywords to show consistency, likewise for your IV/DV
– Definition of key variables – standardized definition for your research on the key words, especially those IV/DV, otherwise reader will have their own understanding. For example, hot – weather, hot – spicy, hot – sexy… so which one is you try to mean.
(b) Chapter 2 Literature Review
– Background study – This is related to the industry background, if you research about F&B, then show all the data, graph, tables about F&B in Malaysia then only zoom to particular state or city within Malaysia,
– Related theory/model ( need to find a supporting theory for every research)
– Discussion of recent findings ( these are findings from other researchers on the same topic of your research, what are them? Can quote and support with a few journals, can be counter checked in chapter 5 if your findings same like other?)
– Research framework ( show and explain/define all your IV/DV)
– Hypotheses
(c) Chapter 3 Research Methodology
– Variables and measurement
– Population, sample, sampling technique
– Data collection technique
– Techniques of analysis that may be used
– Questionnaire
(d) Bibliography
(e) Appendices
– Variables and measurement
– Population, sample, sampling technique
– Data collection technique
– Techniques of analysis that may be used
– Questionnaire
The research should cover a business phenomenon. You are expected to enhance the content into a researchable form. The Project Proposal contributes 30% to the total marks of the course.
The Project Proposal should be word-processed and should be 3,000 thousand covering the following suggested topics.
1 BLC322/04 Updated 29 Sept 2021
BLC322/04 Final Year Project Outline
(For Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Assignment 1 (Proposal)
Due Date: 11 Feb 2023 11:59:59 PM
Assignment 2 (Presentation)
Due Date: 4 Mar 2023 11:59:59 PM
Assignment 3 (Final Project Report) Due Date: 27 Mar 2023 11:59:59 PM
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3 BLC322/04 Updated 29 Sept 2021
1.0 Introduction
The Final Year Project Course is a capstone course of the BBLC programmes and is essentially an independent study to be undertaken by a student on an organisational or management issue or problem either in the business context or improving business performance
As the Project Course carries 4 credits, a workload of 160 hours is expected to be undertaken by you for this course. Your project proposal should be derived from the assignment of BMG318/03 Research Methods
There is NO formal class for this course. Once you have enrolled in the Business Project Course, you are expected to work closely with the lecturer/supervisor during the period of your preparation of the Project Report.
Assessment Percentage
Assignment 1 (Proposal) 20%
Assignment 2 (Presentation) 20%
Assignment 3 (Final Report) 60%
2.0 Goal and Objectives of the Project Course
The main goal of the Business Project Course is to provide an opportunity for you either to achieve a better understanding of an applied ‘research’ problem or to solve/resolve an organisational problem(s) or improve the business performance in your proposed research. When you have successfully written the Project Report, you would have achieved the following two objectives:
(a) Have the ability to synthesize and apply various substantive knowledge from some or
all the courses you have taken to address the ‘research’ problem which is relevant and interesting to you; and,
(b) Have developed and demonstrated soft skills in the area of communication, analytical and critical thinking which you have acquired through all the courses you have taken.
You are strongly encouraged to undertake a study in the area of your specialization.
3.0 Requirements for Enrolling in the Project Course
You are allowed to enroll for the Course provided you have studied BMG318/03 Research Methods.
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4.0 Type of Research for Your Project
Your research project may be from any one of the following major types of study:
• A comprehensive case study (covering problem formulation, analysis and recommendations in a single organisation/multifunctional area).
• A comparative study aimed at inter-organisational comparison/ validation of theory / survey of management or developmental practices.
• A survey research (either a descriptive or a pilot study).
You are encouraged to continue from your research project topic from BMG318/03 Research Methods Your lecturer/supervisor has to agree to your proposal before you can undertake/continue the study.
5.0 Project Topics
The scope and depth of the business project is not expected to be extensive given the limited time you are given to complete the research project. Acceptable project titles that will meet the course objective cover a wide range of topics. The chosen topic should be relevant to theyour specialization or to the Bachelor of Business’s programme. Please conduct your research in the area of your specialization:
Research in the area of Logistics and Supply Chain Management: 1. Research on Digital Transformation: Digitization of the supply chain, encompassing all efforts to integrate corporate systems into a unified whole as well as implementing new digital technologies, will continue to be a priority. Transforming old concepts with technological disruption, there are new trends to look out for logistics and supply chain management Under this area, at least following aspects are covered:
i. Digital Transformation Key Attributes; Challenges; enablers & Success Factors ii. Smart Government Initiatives: How Governments are Driving Digital Change iii. Digital Leadership linking to Virtual Teams or Self Organised Teams iv. COVID 19 impacted the implementation of Digital Transformation v. Cross-functional collaboration in the decision-making process vi. The value of data and interdependencies in decision-making vii. Machine learning techniques in supply chain management
2. Research on Industry 4.0 and Big Data: The digitization of the supply chain, the growth in IoT, and the greater availability of customer data. Companies today have access to enormous amounts of data and are using this to generate business intelligence ranging from understanding past performances to predicting future trends.
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By using Big Data, it's possible to determine customer preferences and market trends, as well as redefine the supply chain. Various aspects covered under this head may be listed as below:
i. Big data and the impact in logistics and supply chain management ii. Evaluation of technology use in modern supply chain management. iii. The extension of supply chain resilience through Industry 4.0 iv. The Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain management. v. Implementation of E-logistics in Supply Chain Operations
3. Research on Operations and Supply Chain Management: The supply chain systems of today are more likely to see massive changes technologically in the coming years. As companies respond to the conflicting demands of supply chains, especially with regard to the need for flexibility and agility, many are turning to robotics to speed up labor- intensive tasks. This branch covers:
i. Risk Evaluation and Management involved in a supply chain ii. Partnerships Perspective in Supply Chain Management iii. Assessing Supply Chain Risk Management Capabilities iv. Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices v. Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Performance Effectiveness vi. The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Overall Performance of the
org vii. The Influence of Environmental Management Practices and Supply Chain Integration on
Technological Innovation Performance viii. The Relationship between Total Quality Management Practices and their Effects on
Firm Performance ix. Level of Commitment to Top Management regarding the TQM Implementation x. Impact of Mobility Solutions (transportation / latest technologies) on logistics. xi. Study on the roles of supply chain management in corporate outsourcing. xii. Evaluating strategies for cost reduction in SCM relating to exports and imports
However, you should consider the following factors before you make the final choice of your topic:
• The extent of your interest in and familiarity with the topic
• Availability and accessibility of adequate information or data on the topic
• Limited time frame (11 weeks) to conduct your project successfully
• Resource (e.g. financial, expertise, etc.) requirements to undertake the research project
You may need the assistance of the lecturer/supervisor to help you in the choice of a suitable topic.
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6.0 Project Administration
The School will appoint a lecturers / supervisor who will be overseeing the organisation and management of the Business Project course, as well as providing support for academic related matters for the Course.
Throughout the duration of the Business Project Course, students are encouraged to meet the supervisor at least 5 times or more. Additional online support will be provided via Wawasan-iWawasan-i. It is important that you check Wawasn-i regularly for any updates/information about the course during the semester.
7.0 Timeline or Schedule of Project Work
All students registered for the Project course are required to complete their research work and submit their Project Report within the period of one semester period (normally 11 weeks). There will be no extension given (under normal circumstances) to complete the Project Report beyond the stipulated submission deadline. Deadlines are indicated on the front page of this outline.
8.0 Project Proposal (Assignment 1) [20%]
The Project Proposal comprises chapter 1 to chapter 3 of your project report. You should have the document from your previous BMG318/03 course. The research should cover a business phenomenon. You are expected to enhance the content into a researchable form. The Project Proposal contributes 30% to the total marks of the course.
The Project Proposal should be word-processed and should be 3,000 thousand covering the following suggested topics.
(a) Abstract, Chapter 1 Introduction
– Problem statement – Purpose of study – Research objectives – Research questions – Definition of key variables
(b) Chapter 2 Literature Review
– Background study – Related theory/model – Discussion of recent findings – Research framework – Hypotheses
(c) Chapter 3 Research Methodology
– Variables and measurement – Population, sample, sampling technique
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– Data collection technique – Techniques of analysis that may be used – Questionnaire
(d) Bibliography (e) Appendices
The format should be as follows:
• Times New Roman, 12pt, un-Justify, double spacing
• Cover page, title page: (As shown in the Appendix)
• Content page with correct page number listed • APA referencing style is expected
Your lecturer/supervisor is expected to provide guidance and the clarifications of research objectives and content related matters, and on how to improve the writing style and other presentational aspects (such as acknowledgement of sources and display of summary data). He/she is also expected to provide assistance to data analysis whenever possible.
The Project proposal should be submitted as per the date in the course outline. The feedback that you receive from your assignment 1 is in addition to other feedbacks that you may receive from your lecturer during the face-to-face meetings and forum discussions. The marking rubric for project proposal is shown in Appendix K.
Project Proposal:
i) Abstract and Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study (30%) ii) Chapter 2: Review of the Literature (30%) iii) Chapter 3: Research Methodology (30%) iv) Format & Overall Impression (10%)
9.0 Final Project Report (Assignment 2) [60%]
Your Project Proposal will provide a focus for conducting the rest of the study. The project report should contain Abstract, Chapter 1 to Chapter 5, Bibliography and Appendices. The length of the report should be to a maximum of 10,000 words (excluding abstract, appendices and exhibits).
9.1 Writing the Project Report Each Project Report must adequately describe the research problem and objectives, review the relevant literature, justify the research approach and methods adopted, explain the research findings, indicate what has been learnt or propose relevant recommendations and suggest how you would improve the research in future efforts.
Your lecturer/supervisor is expected to provide guidance towards the clarifications of research objectives and content related matters, and on how to improve the writing style and other presentational aspects (such as acknowledgement of sources and display of summary data). He/she is also expected to provide assistance to data analysis whenever possible.
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9.2 Submission of Project Report
You are to submit your project report as per the deadline indicated in the course outline. This is according to the schedule given by the University. You have to ensure that your report has been submitted to Turnitin and the percentage of similarity is within acceptable range.
The Project Report should be word-processed and should to a maximum of 10,000 (excluding abstract, appendices and exhibits) words covering the following suggested topics.
(a) Cover page, Acknowledgement, Table of Content, Abstract, List of Tables and List of
Figures. (b) Chapter 1 Introduction
– Problem statement – Purpose of study – Research objectives – Research questions – Definition of key variables
(c) Chapter 2 Literature Review – Background study – Related theory/model – Discussion of recent findings – Research framework – Hypotheses
(d) Chapter 3 Research Methodology
– Variables and measurement – Population, sample, sampling technique – Data collection technique – Techniques of analysis that may be used – Questionnaire
(e) Chapter 4 Analysis of Results
– Data Analysis – Tables, summary statistics – Result of hypothesis testing, meeting research objectives and questions
(f) Chapter 5 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
– Comment on the results – Managerial implications – Limitation of the research – Future research opportunities
(g) Bibliography (h) Appendices
– Survey questionnaire – Statistical data
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9.3 Project Report Examination
The examination of the Project Report shall be carried out by the lecturer/supervisor and moderated by another lecturer in the SBA school.
9.4 Indicative Marking Scheme for Project Report
The marks for the Project Report are based on the indicative marking rubric shown below. The quality of the research work or originality of your work will play an important factor in the mark of the Project Report.
Abstract and Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study (15%) Chapter 2: Review of the Literature (20%) Chapter 3: Research Methodology (20%) Chapter 4: Analysis of Results (20%) Chapter 5: Findings, Conclusions & Recommendations (15%) Format, References and Style of Presentation: (10%)
Marking rubric and marksheet for BMG322/04 Business Project report are shown in Appendix L.
10.0 Presentation (Assignment 3) [20%]
The student’s presentation will be assessed by at least two lecturers from the School and it is normally will be held one (1) week after the due date of the Project report submission. The tentative date of the presentation will be published on Wawasn-i. Each student will be given a period of ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes for the presentation and ten (10) minutes for questions and answers (Q&A). Assessment of the student’s presentation will be mainly based on the contents, style of the presentation and also the ability to answer questions.
11.0 Presentation of Written Project Report
All Project Reports need to comply with the following report writing requirements.
Length • A maximum of 10,000words (excluding abstract, appendices and exhibits). • Approximately 25 pages.
Page set up • The standard margins for the general text, tables and diagrams are as follows:
Top: 2.5 cm Right: 2.5 cm Left: 4.0 cm
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Bottom: 2.5 cm
• The right margin should be unjustified (i.e. leave right margin ragged) for readability. • Headers and footers (apart from page numbers) should not be used. • All text, figures and tables must be within this area. • The paragraphs should not be indented.
Paper size and printing • Use only good quality plain white paper (80 g/m²) of A4 size (210 × 297 mm) for printing. • The report should only be printed only one side of the paper using a ‘laser printer’.
Font type • The body of the report should be in font size 12, Times New Roman.
Line spacing • Double spacing between lines.
Format for headings • The chapter headings must be centered, regular type and bold (Example: Chapter 1) • The sections and sub-section in the report must follow the numbering format below:
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.0 Main heading 1.1 Second level heading
1.1.1 Third level heading
Page number • The page number should be at the bottom of the page, right hand corner.
Tables and figures • These should be numbered in sequence by chapter, e.g. Table 3.1 is the first table in • Chapter 3; Figure 4.1 is the first figure in Chapter 4. • Each table and figure should be properly referenced in the text and accompanied by a
descriptive title which clearly explains the contents of the table or figure. • All the figures and diagrams must be properly inserted at the relevant sections of the
report. • The title of the Table/Figure must be on top of the Table/Figure, in italic and justified. • The Table/Figure and Table/Figure number must not be in italic. Example:
Figure 3.1 Annual Sales of ABC Company Table 4.1 Sales Details of ABC Company
Decimal • Keep the results to 2 decimal points.
• Example: Mean, =0.86, Standard Deviation, =0.32
Symbols • All algebraic/statistical symbols should be written in italics except Greek symbols (e.g.:
α and β).
• The source of information or references should be placed at the end of the report in
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numbered order. • References should be cited using the Wawasan Open University Citation Guide (refer to
the Student Handbook, Wawasan-i, and the E-library resources).
Sections of the report • Every report comprises four major parts: Introduction, Chapter 1-5, Reference and
Appendix. • Every part has sections that have to be organised in a specific order.
Part 1: Introduction • The Introduction is made up of a number of sections in the following order:
Title Page (as shown in Appendix B) Acknowledgment (as shown in Appendix C) Certificate of Originality (as shown in Appendix D) Plagiarism Statement (as shown in Appendix E) Table of Contents (as shown in Appendix F) List of Tables (if any) List of Figures (if any) List of Symbols (if any) Abbreviations (if any) Abstract (as shown in Appendix G)
• All pages in the Introduction are numbered using lower case Roman numerals (i,
ii, iii, etc). • The Title Page of the report is considered as page i, but the number is not printed on
the page. • The Abstract is a summary of the entire Project Report and should provide a brief
exposition of the research problems and aims, approaches taken to solve the problems and a summary of findings in the context of the whole area of study.
• Subsequent research proposals may be incorporated. • The length of The Abstract should not exceed 400 words. • The Abstract should be placed immediately before the Chapter 1 of the Project Report.
Part 2: Chapter 1-5 • The Text is made up of five chapters. • Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study • Chapter 2: Review of the Literature • Chapter 3: Research Methodology • Chapter 4: Analysis of Results • Chapter 5: Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations • The length of the text (Chapters 1 ~ 5) should be to a maximum of 10,000 words.
Part 3: Reference • The Reference is the section after the Text that begins on a fresh page bearing the
heading in capital letters, centralised without any punctuation marks. • The list of references are double-spaced between entries but single-spaced within each
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• References must be presented according to the Wawasan Open University Citation Guide.
Part 4: Appendix • The Appendix is a section that is separated from the preceding material by a cover
sheet bearing the heading APPENDICES in capital letters (or, if there is only one, APPENDIX), centralised without any punctuation marks.
• This sheet is not numbered and also not included in the total number of pages. • Appendices present materials that are referred to in the Text. It contains supplementary
illustrative material, notes on the interview/questionnaires, data or quotations too long for inclusion in the text or long explanations about a particular method/experiment.
• Appendices may be divided into Appendix A, Appendix B, etc., such divisions being treated as first order subdivisions. Each appendix with its title, if it has one, should be listed separately in the Table of Contents as a first order subdivision under the heading APPENDICES.
• Tables and figures in the Appendices must be numbered and have captions and also listed in the List of Tables and List of Figures in the Introduction.
12.0 Plagiarism Plagiarism, that is, the willful representation of another person’s work, without the acknowledgement or the deliberate and unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work of material derived from the work (published or otherwise) of another, is UNACCEPTABLE and will incur the penalty of outright failure.
13.0 Declaration and Embargo Request The following are some guidelines provided by the WOU Library regarding project declaration and embargo request.
Submission • The School may deposit in the Library one electronic copy submitted in partial fulfillment
of requirements for a degree at Wawasan Open University.
Declaration of Project Report and Copyright Form (Appendix H) • Download this form from Wawasan-i for this course. • Complete the form in duplicate. • Please ensure that your project supervisor and you sign in black ink.
Copyright Once the student authorizes the copyright of the project report to the University, it will be published as open access material. The aim is to promote information sharing for the
common good. Appropriate metadata will be added to your work, before it gets posted on the Library’s Website.
Embargo • You may apply for a delay in the release of your Final Project Report for a specified
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• The University permits the embargo of Final Project Reports under the following conditions :- – Your work has potential commercial value – You intend to publish your work – You need to protect intellectual property rights associated with your work – You need to protect individual’s rights of privacy or sensitivities, mentioned in your work
• The Embargo Request Form (Appendix J) is obtainable from the Library’s Website. • The signed and completed Embargo Request Form must accompany the project paper
upon submission to the Library. • Please note that the bibliographic information (author, title, subject, other necessary
metadata) of the copy held in the Library will be made accessible to the public on the Library’s online catalogue.
14.0 Presentation (Assessment 3)
The student’s presentation will be assessed by at least two lecturers from the School and it is normally will be held one (1) week after the due date of the Project report submission. The tentative date of the presentation will be published on Wawasan-i. Each student will be given a period of ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes for the presentation and ten (10) minutes for questions and answers (Q&A). Assessment of the student’s presentation will be mainly based on the contents, style of the presentation and also the ability to answer questions.
The Marking Rubric for Presentation is in Appendix M
15. Final Grade
The Final total mark is a combination of the Project Proposal (Assignment 1) [20%], the Project Report (Assignment 2) [60%] and a presentation of your report [20%], and it will contribute to your student’s grade point average.
The final grade of the Project course will be categorised according to examination guidelines.
Those who failed will have re-take the Project Course in the next or following semester; in this case, you will have to pay the full cost of the BLC322/04 Final Year Project Outline (For Logistics and Supply Chain Management).
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Appendix A: Sample Final Project Report Front Cover
Appendix B: Sample Title Page
Appendix C: Sample Acknowledgements
Appendix D: Sample Certificate Of Originality
Appendix E: Sample Plagiarism Statement
Appendix F: Sample Table Of Contents
Appendix G: Sample Abstract
Appendix H: Declaration Of Project Report And Copyright Form
Appendix J: Declaration Of Project Report And Copyright Form
Appendix K: Project Proposal Marking Rubric
Appendix K(a): Project Proposal Marksheet
Appendix L: Project Report Marking Rubric
Appendix L(a): Project Report Marksheet
Appendix M: Marking Rubric For Presentation
Appendix M (a): Presentation Marksheet
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Appendix A. Sample Final Project Report Front Cover
HOME IN PENANG [Note: Project title in full, Font Arial size 18, Bold, Capital Letters]
Tan Hooi Hooi [Note: Student’s Name as stated in NRIC/Passport, Font Arial size 18, Bold, Capital Letters]
WAWASAN OPEN UNIVERSITY [Font Arial size 12, Bold, Capital Letters]
2018 [Note: Project Report submission year, Font Arial size 12]
17 BLC322/04 Updated 29 Sept 2021
Appendix B. Sample Title Page
NAME Tan Hooi Hooi
DEGREE Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Plagiarism Free Papers
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