The study of ethics is a very practical endeavor. By using critical thinking skills and applying sound ethical reasoning, you will not only be better equipped to address ethical issues but also better prepared to articulate your reasoning to others.
The study of ethics is a very practical endeavor. By using critical thinking skills and applying sound ethical reasoning, you will not only be better equipped to address ethical issues but also better prepared to articulate your reasoning to others. The Discussion Board allows for an opportunity to share ideas with your peers on the subjects and issues you will address.
To make the most out of your learning experience and earn a good Discussion grade, you must respond substantially to at least two classmates’ postings for each topic. You should write at least 200 words in the original post; then you should post with content and detail on the posts to your peers. Aim for at least four sentences in each post to your peers, building the Discussion with references to the reading, application in your life, or other information to help share your perspective. With the original reply and two posts to your peers, this means you will post three times total to each Discussion topic.
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responding to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Taking a concept from the reading and applying it to life, to the reading itself, to your work, or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Helping a peer understand a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
Explaining why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Discuss your views on ethics. How do you determine if something is ethical and do you believe that ethics are relative? Explain your views with examples.
B: Consider the consequentialist theories of utilitarianism and ethical egoism. Provide an example from your own experience of someone using utilitarianism and an example of someone using ethical egoism. Were they being ethical? Explain why or why not.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 2 Discussion
In this week’s Discussion, you will explore the major groups of ethical theories we call nonconsequentialist (deontological) and virtue theories. There are multiple theories in each category that you will be able to address in this week’s Discussion. These theories will serve as the foundation for all future Discussions and Assignments for the course. Having an opportunity to discuss these with your instructor and peers will help you understand how to use them to address ethical issues and questions.
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Which of the nonconsequentialist theories (Kantian Ethics, Divine Command Theory, Prima Facie Duties, etc.) do you find to be most logical? Discuss the merits of the theory and weaknesses.
B: Provide an example of who you believe is the “ideal virtuous person.” Describe their character and what virtues they possess that makes them “ideal.”
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 3 Discussion
In this week’s Discussion, you will explore how ethics applies to issues in medicine. Bioethics is a distinct subject that takes medical and biological issues and analyzes them using ethical reasoning and theory. The topics discussed in bioethics are varied but these issues impact your lives directly.
Confidentiality is both common sense and professional convention, per the Hippocratic Oath, in the sense “I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know” (Lasagna, 1964). It is an obligation not only of those who are called up to take the oath as a matter of course, but all healthcare professionals.
Lasagna, L. (1964). “Hippocratic Oath — Modern Version.” WGGH Educational Foundation for PBS and NOVA Online. Retrieved June 2, 2015 from the NOVA site:
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Are there instances in which private medical information should be revealed to others in order to protect individuals or the public from harm? Please explain your position using ethical reasoning and theories.
B: Compare the original Hippocratic Oath and the modern version created by Dr. Louis Lasagna in 1948. What difference do you find to be most drastic? Which version do you believe better reflects your own view of ethics?
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 4 Discussion
In this week’s discussion, you and your peers will discuss issues related to the end of life. As technology advances, society faces new challenges as the ability to artificially prolong life creates new ethical issues. You and your peers will discuss some of these issues and discuss what rights people have or should have when it comes to ending their lives and how these choices impact society.
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Consider passive euthanasia (allowing someone to die) and active euthanasia (administering drugs that cause death). Is one more ethical than the other? Explain your reasoning with ethical theory.
B: Consider the practice of physician assisted suicide. Explain whether or not this practice is ethical and why. If you believe it is, explain what requirements should be met before such a request be granted (age, terminal diagnosis, level of pain, etc.)
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 5 Discussion
In this week’s Discussion, you and your peers will discuss justice. Justice is concerned with the fair use of rewards and punishments. You and your peers will discuss some of these issues and discuss which theory of justice is most logical and ethical.
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: To what extent do you feel the purpose of punishment is to (a) protect society, (b) punish criminals, or (c) rehabilitate criminals? Explain your position using ethical theory and/or reasoning.
B: Provide an example of one occupation or profession that you feel is underpaid in our society and one that you feel is overpaid. Explain your reasons for selecting your examples by applying ethical theory and/or reasoning. How could this injustice be corrected?
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 6 Discussion
In the Unit 6 Discussion, you will explore issues that relate to the death penalty. The death penalty, which remains a highly controversial topic. Ethical issues that are controversial tend to be so because they usually have several strong but opposing points. You and your peers will explore some of these reasons and explore this difficult topic in light of ethical theory and reasoning.
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: What are some of the arguments used for and against capital punishment? (You may want to complete some additional research to add to your knowledge). In your response, apply ethical theory to your position.
B: When is it ethical for a nation to go to war? Provide an example from history of what you believe represents a “just” war. Explain your answers using ethical theory and/or reasoning.
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 7 Discussion
In Unit 7 you will explore ethical issues that arise in the business setting. Business ethics is a field that is in constant change as society responds to issues with changing legal and ethical expectations. One of the challenges of business ethics is understanding the distinction between what is legal and what is ethical. You will explore this dynamic in this week’s discussion.
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Do you believe affirmative action policies can result in reverse discrimination? If yes, is such discrimination justified? Explain your position with ethical theory.
B: What can organizations do to prevent sexual harassment? Does the current legal environment place unfair burdens on organizations to prevent harassment? Explain why or why not using ethical reasoning and/or theory.
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 8 Discussion
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Consider a situation where an employee posted negative comments about their employer on social media. If the company considered this an act of disloyalty, would firing the employee violate their Constitutional rights? In your response, consider the ethical perspective as well as the legal.
B: Cheating is a form of dishonesty. Why do people cheat in education, business, and relationships? What are some of the harms that come from these acts? In your answer explain why you feel the actions are unethical using ethical theory and/or reasoning.
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 9 Discussion
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: Do you believe animals have rights and do you believe people have an obligation to protect those rights?
If you believe animals have rights, what are these rights? If you do not believe animals have rights, are there reasons people should protect them from abuse? Explain your position using ethical reasoning and/or theory.
B: Consider the practice of factory farming. What are some of the economic, environmental, and ethical issues related to the modern system of meat production? Should the government increase regulation of factory farming for the benefit of animals?
In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:
Responses to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
Application of a concept from the reading to life or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
Assistance for a peer in understanding a concept from the reading.
Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
An explanation of why you answered a question in a specific way.
Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.
HU245 Ethics
Unit 10 Discussion
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:
A: At a lumber mill workers were being injured when the band saw was knocked off the pulleys by metal spikes driven into the trees. Local ecological activists had driven these metal spikes into the trees to make the lumber company stop logging in a specific area. In response, the company ran the trees past a scanner to look for metal. This prevented the men from being injured. So, the activists drilled holes in the live trees and poured concrete into them. The scanners could not pick up the concrete and men began getting hurt again.
Were the actions of the environmental activists ethical? Why or why not?
What would you do if you were the owner and why?
B: Explain the concept of “sustainability.” Do you believe that this is the most ethical approach to environmental issues? If not, which approach do you believe is more ethical? Explain your answer with course concepts and terms. Plagiarism Free Papers
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