Describe at least one specific way that early
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This Competency includes a Short-Answer and Extended-Answer Assessment. Write your response to each prompt below in the space provided. Beneath the prompts is the Rubric, which will be used by the Competency Assessor to evaluate your responses. Carefully review the Rubric rows associated with each prompt to prepare a complete response.
When writing your response, begin typing where it reads “Enter your response here.”
Save this file as LD003_firstinitial_lastname (for example, LD003_J_Smith).
Read the following scenarios and respond according to the length requirement indicated.
Short Answer 1
Describe at least one specific way that early childhood professionals can facilitate collegiality in early childhood settings (Length requirement: 2–3 sentences)
Your Response
Enter your response here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 1: Apply knowledge of the characteristics of positive work environments to build effective organizational culture.
Learning Objective 1.1:
Describe how collegiality can be facilitated in an early childhood setting. Description is missing.
Response vaguely or partially describes how to facilitate collegiality in an early childhood setting.
Response clearly describes one way to facilitate collegiality in an early childhood setting.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response describes at least two ways to facilitate collegiality in an early childhood setting.
Short Answer 2
Explain at least one way that early childhood professionals can make decisions that promote a positive work environment. Describe the strategy and include a specific example. (Length requirement: 2–3 sentences)
Your Response
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Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 1: Apply knowledge of the characteristics of positive work environments to build effective organizational culture.
Learning Objective 1.2:
Explain appropriate decision-making processes that promote a positive work environment in an early childhood setting.
Explanation is missing. Response vaguely or partially describes an appropriate decision-making process in an early childhood setting.
Response clearly describes an appropriate decision-making process in an early childhood setting that promotes a positive work environment, using relevant examples.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response describes more than one way early childhood professionals can make decisions that promote a positive work environment.
Short Answer 3
Explain at least one strategy that early childhood professionals can use to ensure that staff clearly understand and adhere to policies, procedures, and job responsibilities. (Length requirement: 2–3 sentences)
Your Response
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Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 1: Apply knowledge of the characteristics of positive work environments to build effective organizational culture.
Learning Objective 1.3:
Explain appropriate strategies to promote clarity about policies, procedures, and responsibilities within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting.
Explanation is missing. Response vaguely or partially explains appropriate strategies for promoting clarity about policies, procedures, and responsibilities within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting. Response clearly explains an appropriate strategy for promoting clarity about policies, procedures, and responsibilities within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting, using relevant examples.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response clearly explains more than one appropriate strategy.
Short Answer 4
Explain at least one strategy that supervisors can use to foster an atmosphere of support and encouragement in early childhood settings.
(Length requirement: 2–3 sentences)
Your Response
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Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 1: Apply knowledge of the characteristics of positive work environments to build effective organizational culture.
Learning Objective 1.4:
Explain appropriate strategies to provide supervisor support within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting.
Explanation is missing. Response vaguely or partially explains an appropriate strategy supervisors can use to foster an atmosphere of support and encouragement within an early childhood setting, using relevant examples.
Response clearly explains an appropriate strategy supervisors can use to foster an atmosphere of support and encouragement within an early childhood setting, using relevant examples.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response clearly explains more than one appropriate strategy.
Short Answer 5
Explain at least one strategy that early childhood professionals can use to support positive professional growth and development.
(Length requirement: 2–3 sentences.)
Your Response
Enter your response here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 1: Apply knowledge of the characteristics of positive work environments to build effective organizational culture.
Learning Objective 1.5:
Explain appropriate strategies to support professional growth and development within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting.
Explanation is missing. Response vaguely or partially explains an appropriate strategy for supporting professional growth and development within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting.
Response clearly explains an appropriate strategy for supporting professional growth and development within a positive work environment in an early childhood setting, using relevant examples.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response clearly explains more than one appropriate strategy.
Short Answer 6
Explain at least one way that early childhood professionals can assess organizational culture. In addition, explain why assessing organizational culture is important in early childhood settings. (Length requirement: 1–2 paragraphs)
Your Response
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Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 2: Understand the importance of assessing the culture of early childhood organizations.
Resource: “Early Childhood Work Environment Survey” from the McCormick Center
Learning Objective 2.1:
Explain how the organizational culture of an early childhood setting can be assessed.
Explanation is missing. Response provides a vague or partial explanation of how to assess organizational culture in an early childhood setting.
Response provides a clear explanation of one way to assess organizational culture in an early childhood setting.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response explains more than one way to assess organizational culture in an early childhood setting.
Learning Objective 2.2:
Explain why assessing organizational culture is an important responsibility of effective early childhood leaders. Explanation is missing. Response vaguely or partially explains the importance of assessing organizational culture in an early childhood setting.
Response clearly explains the importance of assessing organizational culture in an early childhood setting.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response uses examples from personal or professional experience.
Short Answer 7
Scenario: Your assistant director has a tendency to send out e-mails with important information at the end of the day—when many teachers are in a hurry to get home and are unlikely to check their e-mail until the next morning. Several teachers have complained that this leads them to miss e-mails that contain relevant information. What would you suggest to your assistant director as a better way to convey information, including alternate modes of communication? (Length requirement: 2–3 paragraphs.)
Your Response
Enter your response here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 3: Analyze the role of administrators in creating positive organizational culture.
Learning Objective 3.1:
Describe intentional administrative approaches to intra-staff communication that supports positive organizational culture. Description is missing. Response describes a vague or inappropriate plan for intra-staff communication that is relevant to the scenario.
Response clearly describes an appropriate plan for intra-staff communication that is relevant to the scenario.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response provides a compelling rationale to support the plan.
Short Answer 8
Scenario: Your center is located in a mid-sized town where median incomes are fairly low. You have several competitors in the area. Given these factors, you try to keep your tuition rates as low as possible. Of course, the salaries of your teachers are also fairly low, though you have given small raises in each of the last 3 years to ensure that your salaries are slightly above the going rate in your community.
Your teachers are extremely dedicated, and you know that they are the heart and soul of your program. You would like to provide them with greater rewards, but your budget for the coming year does not have room for pay increases.
Explain your plan for providing staff recognition and rewards in the coming year and how you will communicate this plan to your staff. Explain how your plan might impact staff morale and organizational culture. (Length requirement: 2–3 paragraphs.)
Your Response
Enter your response here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 3: Analyze the role of administrators in creating positive organizational culture.
Learning Objective 3.2:
Describe an intentional administrative approach to the reward system that supports positive organizational culture. Description is missing. Response provides a vague or incomplete plan for staff recognition that is relevant to the scenario. Response clearly describes an appropriate plan for staff recognition and rewards that is relevant to the scenario.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response provides a compelling rationale to support the plan.
Sub-Competency 4: Explain the impact of organizational culture on staff morale.
Learning Objective 4.1:
Explain the impact of organizational culture on staff morale. Explanation is missing. Response provides a vague or partial explanation of the logical connections between organizational culture and staff morale. Response clearly explains logical connections between organizational culture and staff morale.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response addresses challenges related to positively impacting staff morale.
Short Answer 9
Scenario: Teachers in your center often come to you with ideas about how the center can apply research-based strategies to improve the curriculum. How do you remain open to innovations in your center and create an atmosphere where new ideas can be introduced and experimented with? Describe your plan for encouraging innovation in this center, and explain how this plan can contribute to staff morale and a positive organizational culture. (Length requirement: 2–3 paragraphs.)
Your Response
Enter Your Response Here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 3: Analyze the role of administrators in creating positive organizational culture.
Learning Objective 3.3:
Describe an intentional administrative approach to encouraging innovations that supports positive organizational culture. Description is missing. Response describes a vague or partial plan for encouraging innovations that is relevant to the scenario. Response describes a clear plan for encouraging innovations that is relevant to the scenario.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response provides a compelling rationale to support the plan.
Sub-Competency 4: Explain the impact of organizational culture on staff morale.
Learning Objective 4.2:
Explain the impact of a culture of innovation on organizational culture and staff morale. Response is incoherent or missing. Response vaguely explains how a culture of innovation can improve organizational culture and boost staff morale.
Response clearly explains how a culture of innovation can improve organizational culture and boost staff morale.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response addresses the challenges administrators face in improving organizational culture and staff morale.
Short Answer 10
Scenario: Your center has hired five new teachers in the last 2 years, and the number of children you care for has increased as well. Several teachers have come to you to discuss the lack of personal space in the center—there is a small lounge for teachers next to your office, and 10 teachers must share a small closet for their personal possessions. Teachers have also expressed a need for additional work space where they can prepare materials for their classrooms. Tensions have risen over the issue, as teachers vie for the limited available space. One veteran teacher has been loudly voicing her displeasure and the negativity seems to be spreading.
Explain how this situation illustrates the impact of organizational culture on staff morale. Why is it important for you to address the situation promptly and effectively? Describe at least one strategy might you use to improve the situation, keeping in mind that expanding the facility is not an option. (Length requirement: 2–3 paragraphs.)
Your Response
Enter Your Response Here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 4: Explain the impact of organizational culture on staff morale.
Learning Objective 4.1:
Explain the impact of organizational culture on staff morale.
Explanation is missing.
Response vaguely or partially explains logical connections between organizational culture and staff morale. Response clearly explains logical connections between organizational culture and staff morale.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response analyzes the challenges in creating a positive organizational culture.
Learning Objective 4.3:
Explain strategies to improve organizational culture to positively impact staff morale. Response is incoherent or missing. Response vaguely or partially explains a logical strategy for improving organizational culture to boost staff morale in ways that are relevant to the scenario. Response clearly explains a logical strategy for improving organizational culture to boost staff morale in ways that are relevant to the scenario.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response explains more than one logical strategy.
Short Answer 11
Scenario: Your small center has been operating for almost 10 years. Most of your teachers have been together since the beginning, and they get along well and are supportive of each other. The teachers follow a well-established curriculum and classroom routine. Your policies and procedures haven’t changed in years. Things are going well.
Although things are stable, you notice that there is a definite lack of enthusiasm among the staff. Classrooms are looking a bit run down and, too often, it appears that teachers are just “going through the motions,” doing the same lessons and activities year after year.
As you approach your 10-year anniversary, your thoughts turn to the future. What concerns do you have about the organizational climate at your center? What impacts might the current climate have on the children and families that you serve?
Describe at least one strategy you would use to improve the climate and why these are necessary to meet your responsibilities to children and families. (Length requirement: 2–3 paragraphs.)
Your Response
Enter Your Response Here
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations Score Feedback
Sub-Competency 5: Explain the impact of organizational culture on children and families.
Learning Objective 5.1:
Explain the impact of organizational culture on children and families.
Explanation is missing. Response partially or vaguely explains the impacts of organizational culture on children and families.
Response clearly explains logical impacts of organizational culture on children and families.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response addresses challenges administrators face in addressing organizational culture and the impact on children and families.
Learning Objectives
Explain strategies to improve organizational culture to positively impact children and families. Explanation is missing. Response vaguely or partially explains a logical strategy for improving organizational culture to positively impact children and families in ways relevant to the scenario. Response clearly explains a logical strategy for improving organizational culture to positively impact children and families in ways relevant to the scenario.
Response is supported by logical connections to the professional knowledge base.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response explains more than one logical strategy. Plagiarism Free Papers
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