Cultural competence and cultural humility require lifelong learning and critical self-reflection. To be both culturally competent and humble, soc
Cultural competence and cultural humility require lifelong learning and critical self-reflection. To be both culturally competent and humble, social workers must continue to learn about oppressed populations and challenge their normal way of thinking and viewing the world, to absorb others’ experiences and cultures. Recall the Week 2 Journal in which you identified a population of interest to you—perhaps one that you knew little about, or one that sparked discomfort.
For this Assignment, you enhance your knowledge of and exposure to that group by participating in a related cultural event, activity, or interview. You then create a PowerPoint presentation about this experience in which you reflect and analyze related concepts in the course.
- Recall Week 2, in which you identified a population that prompted discomfort or a desire to learn more. Select one of the following activities related to that population: attend a cultural event, conduct an interview with a member of this population, attend a social work diversity discussion, or engage in safe zone training. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and participate respectfully.
- Afterward, reflect on the activity and to what extent the experience has influenced your perceptions of the population and diversity in general.
· Recall Week 2, in which you identified a population that prompted discomfort or a desire to learn more. Select one of the following activities related to that population: attend a cultural event, conduct an interview with a member of this population, attend a social work diversity discussion, or engage in safe zone training. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and participate respectfully.
· Afterward, reflect on the activity and to what extent the experience has influenced your perceptions of the population and diversity in general.
Prepare a narrated PowerPoint presentation on the diversity activity in which you participated. The presentation should be 5–7 slides in length (including the title and reference slides). In the presentation, be sure to:
· Describe the activity and the associated population.
· Explain how the activity has influenced your understanding, bias, or comfort level in working with the identified population.
· More generally, explain how the activity has influenced your perceptions of diversity and difference.
· Analyze at least three key concepts from this course in relation to this experience.
The PowerPoint should present bulleted text on the slides with a full transcript of the presentation in the notes section. Please use the Learning Resources to support your presentation. Include citations and a Reference slide to document the sources you have used.
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Course Schedule
SOCW 6051: Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice
This Course Schedule outlines the assignments and due dates for the course. For full assignment details and directions, refer to the corresponding area in the course.
Week 1 Who I Am
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 1: Cultural Diversity and Implications for Multicultural Social Work Practice (pp. 3–28)
o Chapter 2: Theoretical Foundations for Multicultural Social Work Practice (pp. 29–58)
o Chapter 3: Becoming Culturally Competent in Social Work Practice (pp. 59–85)
• Tatum, B. D. (2003). The complexity of identity: Who am I? In Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? (Rev. ed., pp. 33–39). Basic Books.
• Document: Diversity Portfolio Guide (PDF) Required Media
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Diversity, human rights, and social justice: Core concepts [Interactive media].
Discussion Who I Am Video By Day 3 Record and post a 4- to 5-minute video sharing your personal story with your colleagues. In the video, answer the following questions:
• When you think of yourself as a cultural being, what do you want others to know?
• How does your own cultural story influence your ability to work in cross-cultural situations? What are you bringing to the social work profession?
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Week 1 Who I Am
• How does this connect to your desire to become a culturally competent social worker?
• Why do diversity, equity, and inclusion in social work matter to you?
Note: To upload your media to this Discussion thread, use the Kaltura Media option from the mashup tool drop-down menu. Refer to the Kaltura Media Uploader area in the course navigation menu for more information about how to upload media to the course. Include a transcript and/or edit closed captioning on your video to ensure that your presentation is accessible to colleagues of differing abilities. By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues:
• Identify something that resonates with your own story.
• Ask one additional question you would like to know about their experience.
Note: The Who I Am video is a required Portfolio item. It should also be uploaded to your Diversity Portfolio.
Knowledge Check
Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice By Day 7 Navigate through the Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice: Core Concepts interactive media, linked in the Learning Resources. After exploring the content, complete the associated Knowledge Check that is housed within the media. Take a screenshot of your results and submit the screenshot here as your Assignment.
Looking Ahead Diversity Portfolio
Week 2 Dimensions of Diversity
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
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Week 2 Dimensions of Diversity
o Chapter 4: Understanding the Sociopolitical Implications of Oppression and Power in Social Work Practice (pp. 89–115)
o Chapter 5: Microaggressions in Social Work Practice (pp. 117–148)
• Harvard University Project Implicit. (2011). Project implicit social attitudes.
• Hays, P. A. (2016). The new reality: Diversity and complexity. In Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapy (3rd ed., pp. 3–13). American Psychological Association.
Required Media
• Center for Prevention MN. (2021, February 21). What is implicit bias? [Video]. YouTube.
• Graduate School of Social Work—DU. (2018, March 26). Power privilege and oppression [Video]. YouTube.
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). ADDRESSING-GSA self- assessment [Interactive media]. https://mym.cdn.laureate-
Discussion Power, Privilege, and Social Work By Day 3 Post a reflection on the ADDRESSING-GSA Self-Assessment and apply what you learned to social work practice. Specifically, answer the following questions:
• What insights did you gain from the activity in terms of your identities and aspects of power and privilege?
• In what ways do you envision your diverse identities and associated power, privilege, or oppression influencing the social worker–client relationship? Provide an example.
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues:
• Compare your experiences completing the activity.
• Suggest ways in which your colleagues may address the influence of power, privilege, and oppression in the example they provided.
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Week 2 Dimensions of Diversity
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Journal Bias and Self-Awareness By Day 7 Submit a 1- to 2-page written journal or 4- to 5-minute video or audio journal focusing on themes of bias and self-awareness. Address the following:
• What was your experience of completing the implicit bias test? Which test did you choose, and why?
• What self-awareness themes have emerged so far in Week 1’s Discussion and this week’s activities?
• Identify a population that you are not comfortable with or would like to know more about; this could be a population represented by the implicit bias test you took, but it does not have to be.
• Why might you feel discomfort or want to know more about this population? Consider your origins of thought, socialization into your culture and family, and any biases you may have.
If you integrate the Learning Resources, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Checkpoint Diversity Portfolio By the end of this week, choose the platform you will use for your Portfolio and set up the following required pages. The Diversity Portfolio Guide (found in the Week 1 Resources) can support you.
• Welcome
• My Work
• Contact Me
• Resources
Week 3 Race and Ethnicity I
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 6: Racial/Cultural Minority Identity Development (pp. 151–177)
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Week 3 Race and Ethnicity I
o Chapter 7: White Racial Identity Development (pp. 179– 206)
o Chapter 12: Multicultural Organizational Change: Antiracist Practice and Social Justice (“Antiracist Practice and Social Justice” section, pp. 359–368 only)
• National Association of Social Workers. (2020, June 10). Anti- racism now and forever more. Releases/ID/2187/Anti-Racism-Now-and-Forever-More
• Walden University. (2021, March 18). A message on anti- Asian racism. events/walden-news/2021/3-18-a-message-on-anti-asian- racism
Required Media
• Center for Prevention MN. (2021, January 26). What is structural racism? [Video]. YouTube.
• Science Animated. (2021, March 16). Navigating white privilege – the key to achieving anti-racism in social work [Video]. YouTube.
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Voices of diversity: Race and ethnicity [Video]. Walden University Blackboard.
Discussion 1 Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity By Day 3 Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity. Specifically:
• What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
• What is one strategy described in the video that you will apply toward your self-awareness and/or cultural competence? How might this strategy help when working with a client who is racially or ethnically different from you?
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues:
• Share an insight gained from reading their post.
• Ask a probing question that will help you gain a deeper understanding of their response.
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Week 3 Race and Ethnicity I
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Discussion 2 Anti-Racist Social Work Practice By Day 4 Post a 150- to 200-word personal statement that reflects your anti- racist social work practice. Also record and post a 1- to 2-minute video to explain the choices made in your statement. Specifically:
• Why did you choose the wording you did?
• In what ways does the statement express your beliefs and commitment to anti-racist practice?
• How does your statement address the principles of anti-racist practice, as described in the textbook?
Note: To upload your media to this Discussion thread, use the Kaltura Media option from the mashup tool drop-down menu. Refer to the Kaltura Media Uploader area in the course navigation menu for more information about how to upload media to the course. Include a transcript and/or edit closed captioning on your video to ensure that your presentation is accessible to colleagues of differing abilities. By Day 7 Respond to two colleagues by providing feedback on their anti-racist statements. If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list. Note: The Anti-Racist Statement is a required Portfolio item. It should also be uploaded to your Diversity Portfolio.
Week 4 Race and Ethnicity II
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based
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Week 4 Race and Ethnicity II
approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 14: Profiles of Diverse Populations (pp. 405– 492)
▪ Note: This week, read the sections on African Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, and biracial/multiracial persons.
• American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Cultural formulation. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
Required Media
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Social work case studies [Interactive media].
o Navigate to Aaron.
• BBC Newsround. (2020, August 26). What is the Windrush generation? | Finding my family: A Windrush special | Newsround [Video]. YouTube.
Discussion 1 Race, Ethnicity, and Social Work Practice By Day 3 Post an explanation of the skills and considerations needed to conduct an initial assessment with Aaron. Specifically:
• What does Aaron need, and why?
• What questions would you, as the social worker, ask to provide him with support and better understand his story?
Then, analyze Aaron’s experience as a marginalized ethnic group in the United States.
• What systems does Aaron interact with?
• In what ways might the dominant ethnic group be impacting Aaron’s experience?
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues with a respectful critique of their analysis. In your critique:
• Explain the extent to which the colleague’s response adheres to the NASW Code of Ethics.
• Identify any potential biases or assumptions in the analysis.
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Week 4 Race and Ethnicity II
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Discussion 2 Race and Ethnicity Today By Day 4 Post a description of a current issue or event that speaks to race and ethnicity. Then explain the following:
• How the event connects to race or ethnicity, and to your current understanding of power, privilege, and oppression
• How you, as a social worker, would approach the population affected. How would you provide culturally competent practice?
• How your approach aligns with and illuminates your personal statement on anti-racist social work practice
By Day 7 Respond to two colleagues:
• Share your thoughts on the current event.
• Provide at least one evidence-based practice or intervention that could inform your colleague’s approach with this population.
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Week 5 Immigration, Nationality, and Language
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 8: Barriers to Effective Multicultural Clinical Practice (pp. 209–239)
o Chapter 14: Profiles of Diverse Populations (pp. 405– 492)
▪ Note: This week, read the section on immigrants and refugees only.
• American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Cultural formulation. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
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Week 5 Immigration, Nationality, and Language
• National Association of Social Workers. (2019). Social justice brief: Challenges of refugee resettlement: Policy and psychosocial factors. NfEuJUk%3D&portalid=0
Required Media
• Think Cultural Health. (2019, May 1). Using the cultural formulation interview [Video]. YouTube.
Discussion A Case of a New Immigrant By Day 3 Post your original case scenario involving a new immigrant to the United States. In your scenario:
• Identify the country of origin, language(s) spoken, and any employment, housing, legal, or family concerns of the individual.
• Describe strengths and challenges related to their arrival and experience of American culture.
By Day 6 Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ scenarios. Select a scenario that has not yet received a response.
• Explain your approach for working with the new immigrant as a social worker.
• Consider how you might adapt the cultural formulation interview for the particular case.
• Address what you would do if the client does not speak a language in which you are fluent.
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Journal A Global Perspective By Day 7 Submit a 1- to 2-page written journal or 4- to 5-minute video or audio journal in which you:
• Identify the population you have selected.
• Based on the two peer-reviewed research articles you found, identify and explain two principles to guide ongoing practice with this population.
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Week 5 Immigration, Nationality, and Language
• Describe how your research into this population has informed you as a culturally competent social worker.
Use the Learning Resources and at least two peer-reviewed research articles to support your thinking. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Checkpoint Diversity Portfolio By the end of this week, write your short welcome and include an optional photo on the Welcome page of your Portfolio.
Week 6 Gender and Sexuality
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 14: Profiles of Diverse Populations (pp. 405– 492)
▪ Note: This week, read the sections on women and LGBT individuals only.
• Document: Privilege for Sale (PDF)
Required Media
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Voices of diversity: Gender and sexuality [Video]. Walden University Blackboard.
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Allyship in social work [Video]. Walden University Blackboard.
Discussion Voices of Diversity: Gender and Sexuality By Day 3 Write a post in which you:
• Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences of gender and sexuality. What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
• Then, describe your approach to the Privilege for Sale activity and any challenges you encountered in selecting privileges. Describe at least one insight you gained from the activity.
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Week 6 Gender and Sexuality
• Apply your learning to social work practice with the LGBTQ population and to allyship.
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues:
• Compare your approaches and insights related to the Privilege for Sale activity.
• Ask a probing question that will help you gain a deeper understanding of their response to the video and/or activity.
If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Journal Gender and Gender Roles By Day 7 Submit a 1- to 2-page written journal or 4- to 5-minute video or audio journal in which you reflect on the messages you have received from your family or cultural group, the media, and others regarding gender and gender roles. Be sure to:
• Analyze how these messages have influenced your experience with gender and how they may influence you as a practitioner.
• Explain how you would address issues related to sexism and diverse beliefs about gender and gender roles in your social work practice.
• Explain the importance of separating personal and professional values. Provide an example to illustrate this importance.
If you integrate the Learning Resources, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Week 7 Socioeconomic Status, Class, and Education
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 8: Barriers to Effective Multicultural Clinical Practice
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Week 7 Socioeconomic Status, Class, and Education
▪ Note: Review the section on Class-Bound Values (pp. 226–232)
• American Psychological Association. (2017, July). Education and socioeconomic status.
Required Media
• The Advocate. (2018, January 25). What is intersectionality? | Queer 101 | The Advocate [Video]. YouTube.
• NPR. (2018, April 11). Housing segregation and redlining in America: A short history | Code Switch | NPR [Video]. YouTube.
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Social work case studies [Interactive media].
o Navigate to Crystal.
Discussion Social Class By Day 3 Write a post in which you:
• Describe your own experiences with social class and classism. Provide an example to illustrate.
• Then, after reviewing your Week 1 Who I Am video, explain whether you referred to social class in your video. Why or why not?
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues by explaining one way in which your colleagues’ experiences could inform and/or influence their social work practice. If you integrate the Learning Resources in your posts, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Assignment Intersectionality Case Analysis By Day 7 Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you address the following:
• Identify the dimensions of identity present in the case.
• Explain how these dimensions overlap and intersect to compound experiences of oppression.
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Week 7 Socioeconomic Status, Class, and Education
• Explain how you would approach the case as a social worker. How would you intervene or empower the client?
• Would you explore social class as a contributor to the client’s experience—why or why not? Does class matter?
Use the Learning Resources to support your case analysis. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list. Note: The paper should also be uploaded to your Diversity Portfolio.
Week 8 Spirituality and Religious Identity
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 11: Religion, Spirituality, and Indigenous Methods of Healing (pp. 301–339)
• Pew Research Center. (n.d.). Religious landscape study.
o Note: Scroll down to the map and click on your state or city to reveal religious affiliation statistics.
• Wienclaw, R. A. (2021). World religions. In Salem Press encyclopedia. Salem Press.
Required Media
• The Social Work Podcast. (2020, August 22). Religion and spirituality in social work: Interview with Holly Oxhandler, PhD [Audio podcast episode]. In The Social Work Podcast. ml
Discussion Religion and Privilege By Day 3 Write a post in which you:
• Explain the connection between privilege and religion.
• Describe a situation in which members of a religion experience privilege.
• Then, describe a situation in which members of a different religion experience religious oppression.
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Week 8 Spirituality and Religious Identity
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues:
• Select one of their examples to review further.
• Research and report on a situation in which that group experienced treatment on the other end of the spectrum of oppression or privilege, either in the present day or during an earlier historical period.
Use the Learning Resources to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Journal Incorporating Religion and Spirituality in Practice By Day 7 Submit a 1- to 2-page written journal or 4- to 5-minute video or audio journal in which you:
• Describe your approach for discussing religion with a client in your community, including at least two questions you would ask. Justify your approach using the Learning Resources.
• Reflect on your comfort and familiarity with religion and spirituality in general. In what ways might you develop to better serve the specific religious and spiritual populations in your community?
Use the Learning Resources to support your thinking. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Checkpoint Diversity Portfolio By the end of this week, build your Contact Me page and store any resources that resonate with you on the Resources page.
Week 9 Ability
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 14: Profiles of Diverse Populations (pp. 405– 492)
▪ Note: This week, read the section on persons with disabilities only.
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Week 9 Ability
• Kattari, S. K., Lavery, A., & Hasche, L. (2017). Applying a social model of disability across the life span. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 27(8), 865–880.
Required Media
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Invisible disabilities [Video].
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Social work case studies [Interactive media].
o Navigate to Ramon.
• Walden University, LLC. (2021). Voices of diversity: Ability and disability [Video]. Walden University Blackboard.
Discussion Voices of Diversity: Ability and Disability By Day 3 Write a post in which you:
• Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences related to ability and disability.
• Then, summarize your findings from at least one professional or scholarly resource focusing on themes of ability and disability.
• How do your findings apply to social work practice with clients with varying abilities?
By Day 6 Respond to two colleagues:
• Share an insight gained from reading their post.
• Ask a probing question that will help you gain a deeper understanding of their response.
Use the Learning Resources and your selected professional or scholarly resource to support your posts. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Assignment Invisible Disabilities Case Analysis By Day 7 Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you address the following:
• What are invisible disabilities?
• Explain Ramon’s experience of invisible disabilities.
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Week 9 Ability
• What other identities may be intersecting with ability to contribute to further oppression for Ramon?
• Explain how you would approach Ramon’s case as a social worker. How would you intervene or empower the client?
Use the Learning Resources to support your case analysis. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
Looking Ahead Week 10 Assignment: Diversity Activity For the Week 10 Assignment, you will participate in an activity to deepen your understanding of and engagement with diversity. Recall Week 2 in which you identified a population that prompted discomfort or a desire to learn more. Select one of the following activities related to that population: attend a cultural event, conduct an interview with a member of this population, attend a social work diversity discussion, or engage in safe zone training. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and participate respectfully.
Week 10 Age
Resources Required Readings
• Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey- Bass.
o Chapter 14: Profiles of Diverse Populations (pp. 405– 492)
▪ Note: This week, read the section on older adults only.
• Cox, C., & Pardasani, M. (2017). Aging and human rights: A Plagiarism Free Papers
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