consider more specifics that are related to the course and analysis. The discussion guide is good for qualitative.? But what will you expect to
consider more specifics that are related to the course and analysis. The discussion guide is good for qualitative. But what will you expect to hear in the interviews that will lead to a survey that can be quantified? What will the survey look like? What questions will be asked in what manner will lead to your ability to run statistics? What are the sampling techniques (cite from the book). Refer to the book and course often. Research questions: What are the leadership techniques that Nestle Philippines promotes for its employees?
What does Nestle do to keep its initiatives fresh in order to remain a leading brand? 3. What methods does the organization use to keep its leadership in place so that it can be successful in all of the initiatives it runs
Each of these are questions that are good, but they are informational. What are the relationships you expect or hypothesize? What leads to what? Which divisions / demos / other variables will be analyzed against each other with a t-test or anova?
MGT 603 – Individual Research Design and Analysis Plan
The learning objective / purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the readings, PPTS, and class discussions. An “A” paper will utilize the terms from the books in an applied setting and exhibit an understanding of how all the methods and the process fits together in a single organizational change project. By writing down your thoughts about the entire process, you can begin to see how each of the decisions is interrelated – e.g., the research question should inform the design and sampling, and the methods and questions asked (format) affects the method of analysis (e.g., categorical data vs. Likert scales), and finally the entire process alters what you can do with the data (i.e., the recommendations you can or cannot make). Each of you will identify a question or issue in your own organization and design a hypothetical study to diagnose the issue—including qualitative, sampling, and quantitative data collection methods that you would suggest. You will then discuss the analytical methods you could use to analyze your (hypothetical) data and provide recommendations based on your potential or hypothetical findings (i.e., you do not have to perform actual analysis here but rather you are describing fake data that you anticipate you might find). The final paper submission will include a discussion of problem/issue; research design (sampling and method); analytical methods; hypothetical findings; and recommendations. This paper should be written as a proposal and a narrative of the alternatives that you chose (e.g., a rating and/or a sorting/ranking question; online vs. paper and pencil, etc.). Put a stake in the ground in the body of the proposal, and then use the recommendations and learnings to further discuss the pros and cons of the approaches you chose. No single study is perfect! It is ok. The limitations are an opportunity to inform your reader, and your client, of the boundary conditions. The following is a sample outline of major sections to include in your proposal:
1. Background / Topic / Research Question a. Company background – context that is relevant to your problem being diagnosed b. State the *research question, *hypotheses, and why you want to study the question
i. Why it is relevant to you (i.e., what benefits would the study bring to you professionally or to your organization)?
ii. Include sub-questions (or hypotheses) that are secondary to your primary research question.
c. In the background information, focus primarily on the relevant details related to the research, not an exhaustive background of the company per se.
2. Method
a. Describe the sample (subjects in the study as well as the organization you are studying), sample size, sampling technique, and data collection method (how will you collect the data, what methods—surveys, interviews, online, paper, etc.—you will use to collect the data). Much of this is in Fink but also Salkind.
i. You may include some secondary data analysis in your plan, but also describe a primary research project – qualitative and quantitative and how they flow from one to the other.
1. If you use secondary data, it might be the first step that actually points you toward qualitative then quantitative. For example, turnover data or absenteeism might be the first step, review of exit interview data (existing secondary), and then your own qualitative interviews to seek more insights as to why they did or might leave. The survey or primary / quantitative data is usually designed based on what you hear in the qualitative.
MGT 603 – Individual Research Design and Analysis Plan ii. This is where you will utilize a number of notes/quotes from the textbooks. What
are the pros and cons of each method you use and why are they important? Again, the disadvantages of the methods you choose can also be discussed in the conclusions / learning section, since no single study is ever perfect.
3. Analysis
a. Describe the analysis plan. b. How would you go about analyzing the data? What types of questions would you
analyze? i. Provide a few example questions from the in-depth interviews, focus groups,
and survey/questionnaire so that you can then describe the analysis methods as they relate to the types of questions you ask.
ii. Keep in mind the variety of types of questions. An entire survey of all rating question on 1-5 or 1-7 scales would limit your analysis options.
1. That is, use more than scales. Show me you understand the variety of questions you can use and why you need the variety.
c. What analysis tools or methods will you use and why? What techniques are most appropriate for particular types of questions (e.g., rating, ranking, demographics, etc.)? What type of graphic depiction of the data would be most appropriate for particular types of questions?
i. Provide some examples / visual representations of the fake data. ii. The tricky part of the analysis and the flow of your paper is that you will need to
describe how secondary and open-ended / qualitative led to quantitative survey question design. There is no right answer. It is all about how you make the paper flow.
4. Results
a. State the results of the hypothetical study. b. What are the anticipated results from the qualitative and the quantitative? What would
be sample themes? i. How did the themes inform the survey, or, how did the secondary data inform the
survey? c. What are the implications (e.g., East Wing is more likely to be dissatisfied than West
Wing)? You know this because of what statistical test described above? d. How would you know if it was significant? (This applies to the quantitative analysis and
descriptions in Salkind.) i. Talk yourself through the book and show me you understand the textbooks.
Maybe even present some sample output / descriptions of that output.
5. Recommendations a. State your recommendations. b. What are your recommendations and their implications? In other words, are there
consequences to your recommendations? c. How feasible are they, and do you anticipate any obstacles? d. As always, there are tradeoffs. Why did you select certain data collection methods
over others? What would be the pros and cons of each? e. What are the limitations of your research? What will it NOT be able to answer?
What would future research look like? *Note: See the “Parallelism in Research Questions and Hypotheses” document in BB.
Nestle Company
Cecelia Braima
Cleveland State University
MGT 603
Dr. Gallagher
March 30, 2022
Utilizing Unique Approaches to Leadership Programs
Purpose. Since its inception, the Nestle Company has been devising and executing several
adjustments to meet the evolving demands and preferences of its consumers and the market in
general. Each of the Company's past adjustments was deliberately adopted in order to meet the
organization's current problem. Nestle has regular intervals aimed to create a conducive working
environment for the employees and other stakeholders explicitly or implicitly affiliated with the
Company in order to maintain its status as one of the leading global companies in the production
of the product in the health, nutrition, and wellness industry (Nestlé Global, 2022). One of the
Company's business objectives is to maintain strong staff retention rates. By doing so, the
company avoids the problem of losing experienced staff to competitors, as well as the cost of
hiring and training new employees in vital production areas.
The company has maintained a strong focus on information exchange and utilization both within
and beyond the company. The Company is built on an efficient communication policy between
its workers and stakeholders, which is critical for enhanced interactions and skill sharing among
its personnel. Other rules and procedures, such as the Company's manufacturing processes, have
been implemented over time and have been updated from time to time. The usage of GLOBE,
which is generally defined by a system codification-based strategy in the company's information
exchange and use, has been a more recent shift in the organization.
Organization structure: Nestle is a worldwide corporation that was founded in 1905. The
company is established in Switzerland, and its headquarters are there as well. Nestlé operates in
about 187 countries throughout the world, employing over 308,000 people across all of its
divisions (Nestlé Global, 2022). The Company has been subjected to numerous market shifts for
a long time, forcing it to make certain modifications in order to sustain and increase its market
Referral Issue: Nestlé's business continues to be successful, allowing them to grow into new
regions and territories throughout the world, allowing them to become the world's largest food
and beverage corporation. In addition to increasing the scale of the Nestle Company, Nestle has
also grown the range of items they sell. Nestlé encourages product expansion via innovation and
refurbishment as part of their business strategy. Nestle has been able to produce a wide range of
products, including infant meals, dairy products, breakfast cereals, ice creams, chocolates and
confectionary, prepared foods, drinks, food services, bottled water, and pet care, thanks to this
approach. Nestle maintains a high level of brand quality, which has a significant influence on
sales. Nestle keeps its stores in premium areas such as malls and retail complexes to attract
people, mostly as an undifferentiated tactic to target clients by delivering diverse meal menus.
1. What are the leadership techniques that Nestle Philippines promotes for its employees?
2. What does Nestle do to keep its initiatives fresh in order to remain a leading brand?
3. What methods does the organization use to keep its leadership in place so that it can be
successful in all of the initiatives it runs?
Assessment of Organizational Change at Nestle
According to By (2005), organization change:
• Refers to steps taken by a firm or business to modify a key aspect of its operations,
such as its culture, underlying technology or infrastructure, or internal processes
The failure of the topdown organizational structure in terms of communication flow
prompted Nestlé’s adoption of the GLOBE as an organizational reform. Nestle has maintained a
top-down communication and management strategy for a long time. The method is commonly
connected with many obstacles, according to Burnes (2017), as seen in the Company. The
strategy inhibited possible connection among the personnel and impeded the possibilities of
exchanging information among the staff. Employee participation and engagement decreased as a
result, and the company's competitive advantage in the market was lost. It was due to such an
occurrence that the company was obliged to make a change. Multiple variables compel
businesses to begin and implement prospective changes within their operations, as highlighted by
By (2005), which can be internal or externally motivated. Both external and internal variables
impacting the corporation spurred the GLOBE project.
GLOBE was founded on a number of change management ideas, including the nudge
hypothesis, which states that people should recognize the need to change for themselves. It was
also based on the McKinsey 7-S change model, which highlights the relevance of organizational
structural changes in starting and executing changes (Galli, 2018). Nestle made significant
structural adjustments as part of the process of executing the organization's shift, which
prompted several additional cultural changes, such as changes in communication between
management and junior staff. The company limited itself to accept these changes because its
major goal was to raise staff productivity and efficiency while also improving the quality of
customer service. Among the other changes made possible by the GLOBE effort were
technology advancements that are critical to improving successful product quality and quantity
Critical Assessment of Change at Nestle
Nestle had to use a number of techniques at various stages of production in order to
achieve the organizational shift. The management team was to implement the change and
properly explain it to the rest of the company's personnel (Burnes, 2017). The initial step in the
reform process was to alter the Company's culture in terms of management approach. Nestle had
a top-down management culture prior to the shift, with all communication and direction coming
from management to the rest of the staff, not the other way around. This approach might have a
negative impact on organizational performance since it restricts staff relationships (Nestlé
Global, 2022). However, the Company has been able to embrace a more flexible leadership style
as a result of GLOBE, which is founded on the contingency theory, which states that no one
management style exists in an organization (Galli, 2018). Senior managers were divided into
numerous teams and committees to drive the organization's transition using a systemic approach
as a change management method. Information was also made available to all employees inside
the company, reversing the prior practice of junior staff having to seek information from
management teams. As a result, the focus of the change was shifted to customer service, product
quality, manufacturing efficiency, and a geographic reference point.
Nestle had several hurdles in implementing the transformation, which came from a
variety of sources within the company. Some managers expressed greater opposition to the shift,
believing that it was too much for the management team to handle (Nestlé Global, 2022). Slower
growth in several sectors, as well as a sluggish implementation of the program, was the
outcomes. Furthermore, the management team's refusal to share their expertise with colleagues
from other areas, resulting in an uneven program execution.
To describe the major events of the transition and assure successful change management,
Lewin's Model of Change will be employed in the current circumstance. There are several
advantages and benefits to Lewin's change model that cannot be refuted at any time. It's a
straightforward concept that Nestle can readily prepare for and implement. It will also allow
Nestle to deal with any opposition groups that are opposed to the present regional shift by
addressing all issues in advance.
Leadership: The managers of Nestle Organization who performed leadership training both
within and outside the company are the participants or respondents in this research.
Employees: The researcher will ask Nestle employees to fill out the survey which will therefore
be made up of Nestle managers or employees ranging in age from 20 to 60 years old.
Staff Survey: Random sampling is used to select randomly samples from the study participants
in order to gather data and ascertain the approaches of leadership programs in Nestle Company.
Random sampling is a subcategory of the statistical population and the objective of the subset
has an equal probability of being selected. As a result, the researchers will have a total of 50
people to survey. The study will employ a questionnaire instrument, which will be sent as a word
document to the respondents' e-mail addresses. A letter from the research will be included with
the questionnaire, explaining the goal of the survey and study, as well as how they would treat
the responses with complete secrecy.
Since leadership programs have the possibility to simply explain the quantitative variable,
the research study employs a quantitative technique with a survey design on the applying distinct
methods to leadership programs. The goal of quantitative research is to learn more about the
nature of a variable in the actual world and to explain it. A quantitative approach to leadership
research has a long history, and it is still the most often utilized technique among leadership
scholars. The descriptive research, on the other hand, was created to analyze and learn about
Nestlé’s leadership initiatives. As a result, this research examines the fundamental features of
leadership. A wide range of leadership techniques are presented to assist underline how the
application has previously been implemented and where future study may be directed.
In the questionnaire, the organization change interviews were included. The questions elicited
the motivations for change as well as the importance of leadership.
Males make up the majority of the responders. The bulk of the participants are in their
40s and 50s, with prior leadership and organizational transformation experience. Gender, age,
level of education, leadership and organizational change programs, nature of employment (part-
time or full-time), means of ongoing development of the Nestle company's change strategy, and
means of sustaining leadership for successful organizational change were all factors in the
survey. Individuals at Nestle welcome change since it is the most crucial aspect of enabling the
organization operate in a highly dynamic and competitive environment, according to the study.
The research looks at the link between leadership style and organizational performance at
Nestle, with the goal of highlighting the impact of good leadership on subordinate productivity
throughout organizational transition. Impact collaborated with Nestlé to help middle managers
strengthen their leadership skills. Training may be focused on coaching and matched with
Nestlé's leadership paradigm. . Additionally, to have a deeper understanding of Nestlé’s ideas,
the organization should focus on adapting and advocating for its employees.
Though the change management implemented by Nestle Company was successful in
resolving some of the gaps that harmed the company's performance, additional organizational
research to discover the differing employee demands in different locations would have been
more beneficial. The focus of the study should be on how employees can operate under various
settings. The majority of the adjustments were limited to the most powerful regions, such as the
United States and Switzerland, leaving some new workers unable to adapt to change without
opposition. An effective organizational transformation should address all of the organization's
essential adjustments. Returning to the execution of change, Nestle should conduct thorough
study on workers, including their needs and abilities to adapt to change.
The most successful strategy to manage change is to ensure that the company transitions
from its present stage to the new one as quickly as possible, according to senior management's
wishes. Nestle's executives should ensure that they are capable of doing so. At this stage, how
they handle change is critical. During the first step of unfreezing, executives must explain the
change process to workers in such a way that they are satisfied and believe it is critical for the
firm to do so for their personal and organizational progress. During this stage, executives should
inform employees on the present state of the firm and inform them about the challenges that the
company is facing by giving a level of priority to each problem. Employees will feel a feeling of
urgency as a result of this. A leader may also effectively manage change if he or she can
skillfully foresee and set out the stages of the ideal future for his or her staff. Employees will
experience less anxiety as a result of this. Nestle's executives must carry out the transformation
in a systematic manner. This will assist them in efficiently managing the shift. Finally, while
refreezing, management must ensure that old and new staff are enthusiastic about helping the
firm establish its new location and embrace new methods and practices.
The transition change is the second stage. This is the most crucial and significant event
since that is when the actual transformation will occur. Many staff should be offered early
retirement at this stage, but others will be kept because of their valuable contributions to the
organization. It is critical to compensate employees who are given early retirement. This will be
a severe issue, and many employees will be demotivated as a result. It is critical for Nestle's
corporate image to adequately compensate them in order for them to remain content and depart
the firm gladly. To keep employees engaged and on board with the company's choice, better
compensation and relocation allowances should be provided to those whom upper management
believes are valuable enough to be transferred to the new factory. Installing a plant at a new site
is likewise a costly and time-consuming aspect of the process. It will require government
permission as well as other legal issues, which the corporation must consider in order to carry
out the strategy. Effective execution of the change might arise from thousands of personnel
currently engaged at various plants. The remaining staff should be offered early retirement, while
some will voluntarily quit. Nestle should also hire new personnel for the facility, train them, and
guarantee that the change is implemented effectively throughout the company.
The study's goal was to cover Nestle Company personnel in order to learn more about the
topics that the research would explore. The report, on the other hand, fails to include the tactics
and approaches that Nestle may use in their leadership programs to help employees build skills,
adapt to change, and deal with the diverse personalities that affect effective organizational
Burnes, B. (2017). Managing Change (7th ed). UK: Pearson Education Limited.
By, R. T. (2005). Organizational Change Management: A Critical Review. Journal of Change
Management, 5(4), 369-380
Galli, B. J. (2018). Change management models: A comparative analysis and concerns. IEEE
Engineering Management Review, 46(3), 124-132.
The Nestlé company history. (2022). Nestlé Global.
“Utilizing Unique Approaches to Leadership Programs at Nestle Company”
Introduction: My name is (Name). Thank you so much for taking your time to this interview. I
am interviewing you, as well as other coworkers of your leadership team, to learn more about
your organization. Your responses in this interview will be confidential. Notably, a summary of
the themes that result from the interview will be provided. I will take notes to help me accurately
remember what you responded to. The meeting will last for less than one hour. Before we begin,
do you have any questions?
1. Introduction
a) What is your role at Nestle and how long have you worked her
b) Why did you choose to work here?
c) What is your preferable aspect about working here
2. General questions about Nestle
a) Can you give me a brief history of the organization
b) What is the primary purpose of the organization
c) How does the organization go about achieving this purpose
3. Staff issues
a) What is the role of different leaders in various departments?
b) What are the strengths of the leaders
c) What are your concerns about leadership at Nestle?
4. Organization performance
a) What are the strengths of Nestle?
b) What are the biggest challenges that the organization has encountered?
c) How did the leadership manage the challenges?
5. How has the management influenced employee’ effective performance?
6. What instruments are used to evaluate employees’ performance
Discussion Guide
1) [INTRODUCTIONS] Hi, my name is…
a) My role is to make sure we cover a number of different topics in this 1-hour timeframe
i) I am completely impartial – I don’t have any preconceived notions and hope to make sure I understand all perspectives
ii) I have been helping companies to improve for over 20 years
iii) I have degrees in organizational behavior, management, and organizational psychology, and I specialize in organizational development and organizational change.
b) Your company is sincerely interested in helping to improve…
c) Let me walk you through our promise of confidentiality (forms)
i) As noted, audio is important and helpful so I don’t have to write frantically – we don’t have a court reporter
d) There are no right or wrong answers – best way to improve is through transparency
2) Tell me a little bit about yourself. What is your role? What do you do and who do you interact with?
3) What do you like most about working here (the organization)?
4) What do you like most about the leadership?
5) What is your biggest frustration?
a) To what do you attribute this to? What may be the cause of it?
6) What would you suggest as a solution to this?
7) What do you like most about your immediate colleagues or work-group?
8) What are some of your biggest frustrations with your immediate work-group?
a) To what do you attribute this to? What may be the cause of it?
9) What do you like most about your role / job / position?
a) What would help you to be more successful in your role?
b) [PROBE] What resources, training, or other solutions would help you in your immediate job?
10) Is there anything else you would like to share with me? Plagiarism Free Papers
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