Identification of Research and Investigative Issues and Questions: From the situational report, comprise a list of concerns and i
See attached. This is a 5 part assignment. Identification of Research and Investigative Issues and Questions: From the situational report, comprise a list of concerns and issues that are relative to your position. Hint: There are a least a half dozen issues and concerns for each position. You must articulate why your issue is a concern and not simply list it without explanation. For example: Do not simply list “Ticket Quotas”. If you feel this is an issue, explain why you feel ticket quotas may be problematic for the city. List those issues very specifically as this will be the launch pad for your over-all inquiry.
As Special Prosecutor, duties include the examination of legal concerns, discriminatory practices, issues of evidence handling, and enforcement actions. Ethical boundaries have been dismissed, with a lack of accountability amongst the individuals who are entrusted in upholding the law. There is a duty to the city of Courtelaney Pass to bring forth justice to a racially biased community. All issues are presented to resolve citizen unrest, possibly.
Missing Children
The disappearance of minority youth has been a prevalent issue that has provoked limited concern. Kayla's case was mishandled as a result of failed police procedures. Kayla's disappearance was downplayed as a probable runaway by the responding officer from Courtelaney Pass Police Department. Insufficient investigative measures were conducted throughout the case. Reporting of her disappearance went undocumented, in conjunction with careless evidence gathering at the crime scene and obsolete autopsy findings.
The African-American community was outraged by the insufficient investigation of Kayla. Despite the history of child abduction, the connection failed to be acknowledged. During the past seven years, six children were discovered "missing" from their bedrooms, subsequent to their bodies being found in wooded areas. The lack of interest by the reporting officer resulted in him leaving without documenting the incident. His duties were not sufficiently fulfilled, which will prompt further investigation.
Evidence Handling
The victim's autopsy was poorly conducted. Sexual assault suspensions were dismissed by visible small puncture type wounds on the backside of Kayla's right thigh. Even though this may have contributed to her death, the concluded cause of death was premature. Exhumation of the corpse could potentially lead to unresolved answers.
Identified Suspect
In connection with the missing children, a suspect was identified. Following through with the information will provide justice to the families. Investigating the accusations of Officer Iozzi will require probable cause that he committed a crime. Officer Iozzi is protected by the Fourth Amendment, which restricts the issuance of warrants without probable cause. The use of a subpoena for officers who are aware of Iozzi's actions will mandate public information to be brought forth. (Standards on Prosecutorial Investigation,n.d)
Lack of Minority Reporting
Minorities are deprived of constitutional rights as evidently by the blatant dismissal of complaints. Many Hispanic residents are reluctant to seek aid due to possible deportation. Immigrants are likely to become victimized by street crimes because of their lack of citizenship. a white city councilman stated, "I couldn't care less what happens to those people…. they don't vote!"
Local police must uphold the Constitutional and civil rights of persons regardless of their immigration status. The New Haven Police Department created a general order on verification of immigration status. The new procedures prohibited police officers from inquiring about their immigration status unless they were investigating criminal activity. The systems did not prohibit cooperation with federal authorities investigating or apprehending illegal immigrants suspected of criminal activity. Still, it did prevent detention based on the belief of unlawful presence or a civil immigration violation. (Griswol, McFadden, Murph, & Hoffmaster, 2010)
Excessive Use of Force
Reports from residents states, "policing is biased against them, and that unnecessary and excessive force is commonplace." After speed trap enforcement, African-American residents are twice as likely as whites to be ticketed for intersection violations. Additionally, the CP Police Narcotics Unit was implemented in response to increased violent crime rates. As a result, a drug dealer shot at an undercover officer who returned fatal fire.
Courtelaney Pass enforcement tactics are not extraordinary measures in reducing crime rates. However, protocols have to be within constitutional laws. Unless there are witnesses to attest to the officer's side, the case is one-sided. Subpoena of surveillance equipment will offer further detail of the fatal incident. Furthermore, access to the internal affairs investigation, which cleared the office will reflect the officer's self-defense claim.
Hiring Practices
Courtelaney Pass Police Department lacks diversity among its staff. The demographics of the agency is an incongruent reflection of the community, with 94% of the department is white—minorities within the agency work in non-sworn support roles. Minorities rarely pass the entrance exam while qualifying applicants pursue employment with State Police.
The selection of qualified law enforcement candidates presents challenges to find quality candidates of any ethnicity. However, discriminatory employment practices remain a prevalent concern. An assessment of the department's hiring process will ensure adherence to the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOC), which subjects all hiring procedures regarding entry and promotion selection to include application forms, written tests, etc. for EEOC review. Hiring applicants from different backgrounds contribute to improved community relations. (Dempsey, 2019)
Too often, law enforcement can surpass ethical standards. It appears that legal issues have been swept under the rug for years throughout Courtlancey Pass. Subsequently, racial tensions have arisen. I must present justice to these unresolved issues. With further investigation, an arrest can be made, and peace can be restored among the community.
Dempsey, J. S. (2019). An introduction to policing. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage Learning.
Griswold, M., McFadden, S., Murphy, G., & Hoffmaster, D. A. (2010). Police and Immigration:
How Chiefs Are Leading their Communities through the Challenges.
Standards on Prosecutorial Investigations (Table of Contents). (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2020, from
After analyzing the Courtelaney Pass situational report, I have decided to assume the role of Captain of Investigations. There are numerous issues in the report that can be suspected to be linked to the rise in criminal activity in Courtelaney pass. As part of the investigatory role, it is critical to outline the reasons why something has happened to reduce the risk of such events happening again. The community of Courtelaney Pass is plagued by racism, drugs, and poor investigatory as well law enforcement tactics. As acting investigator over this situational report, I would like to announce these six issues based upon my findings:
Drug Activity and Police Tactics
One of the most notable problems involving Courtelaney Pass is the large number of drug related crimes and the tactics the officers of Courtelaney Pass operate with. The “crackdown” with law enforcement efforts to reduce crime may have enticed customers to willingly purchase drugs from them possibly being associated with entrapment. The events following the shooting including the rioting, damage to businesses and individuals stemmed from the biased and racial actions from the law enforcement agency. The views and actions of law enforcement officers acting unethically suggest that this is a social behavior among groups or members of an agency and can be expressed in various patterns or behaviors (Punch, 2000).
Illegal immigrants and undocumented crime
My second issue regards the illegal migrant workers in Courtelaney Pass and the criminal activity that they are not protected from. The lack of protection for immigrant related crime is linked to biased feelings directed towards those communities is unethical in proper police procedure. Regardless of immigration status or fears of deportation, it is the duty of law enforcement to protect individuals from targeted crime and the duty of the public to support their mission. The objection to the sergeant from the white council man further confirms the racially divided community in Courtelaney Pass. Studies conducted at the University of Wisconsin, concluded that the rise of illegal immigrants did not rise the rates of crimes despite the stigma associated crime and illegal immigrants (Light & Miller, 2018).
Racially enforced speed traps
The third issue that I noticed from the report was the use of speed traps in Courtelaney Pass to ticket unexpecting motorist due to an immediate drop of the speed limit within a fifty-yard stretch of highway. My first concern with the speed trap issue is whether the portion of highway in which the officers utilize for their enforcement efforts has been justified by a traffic survey within the last five years. My other concern is with the admission of several officers that have stated they are given a “strict” quota to fulfill each day. The reports documents that a source has revealed that out of town minorities make up a staggering 87% of the speeding tickets issued. Statistics have shown that minorities are more than twice as likely as “white” people to have negative interactions from law enforcement in communities with a lower income rate (Connor, 2016).
The investigation into the Kayla Williams disappearance
The investigation into the Kayla Williams disappearance is a clear example of poorly executed police investigatory methods in a possible homicide case. Being a minority, Kayla’s murder was not given a second look or thought as confirmed through the acting agencies procedures. In fact, it was documented that the responding officers in the initial report of Kayla’s disappearance stated that they could not help the parents locate their daughter because they were the “wrong” color and that it wasn’t their responsibility to help them. It is plausible that the findings in this case were subject to racist and biased actions as well as numerous other murders of minorities in Courtelaney Pass. Interviews conducted with different officers found that majority of the officers felt that racial profiling was acceptable and considered “normal” in police work rather than being unethical (Chan, 2011).
The investigation into the forensic analysis of Kayla Williams
The forensic investigation into the discovery of Kayla’s body as well as the handling of evidence grabbed my attention due to the lack of investigation based upon the victim being black. The problems arose starting with the single investigator being called to the seen. The footprints that were discovered were not casted and therefore ceased any potential suspect leads. The discovery of Kayla’s panties was also not treated as “potential” evidence as well as Dr. Clausen’s claim that Kayla’s panties were ripped due to a tree branch that was backed by a scratch located on her leg. In today’s era forensic testing is almost 99% accurate with the use of technology. Proper and strict procedures are routine to prevent the further destruction of potential evidence, which wasn’t the case in this matter (Hunter, 2006).
The investigation into Dr. Elmer Clausen
The investigation into Dr. Elmer Clausen stems from his findings and methods for the examination and listed causes of death of the previous bodies found in Courtelaney Pass, including Kayla Williams. Doctor’s take an oath to protect and treat patients equally regardless of discriminating factors (Tello, 2017). The actions taken by Dr. Clausen including not performing an autopsy or a sexual assault examination as well as “surmising” that Kayla had died from a snake bite, raise suspicion to the possibility that the doctor might be trying to cover something up to possibly help aid an association with a racial hate group, such as the KKK.
In conclusion, the issues listed are the most problematic regarding the impact between Courtelaney Pass and the community. It is vital for law enforcement agencies to maintain healthy relations with the community they are present to help aid in local support. The actions and questions in matter regarding Courtelaney Pass demonstrate racial and biased operations upon the minorities in this community. In my opinion the issues that plague Courtelaney Pass are caused by racially motivated actions and poor alliance with the community. Without the support of a community it is inevitable that law enforcement agencies will show an increase in crime compared to a community where relations with the public are fair and perform their job with integrity.
Chan, J. (2011). Racial profiling and police subculture. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice/la Revue Canadienne De Criminologie Et De Justice Pénale, 53(1), 75-78. doi:10.3138/cjccj.53.1.75
Conner, M. (2016, March 09). Racial Inequity in Traffic Enforcement. Retrieved from
Hunter, P. (2006, April). Retrieved from
Light, M. T., & Miller, T. (2018). Does Undocumented Immigration Increase Violent Crime? Criminology, 56(2), 370-401. doi:10.1111/1745-9125.12175
Punch, M. (2000). Police corruption and its prevention. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 8(3), 301-324. doi:10.1023/A:1008777013115
Tello, M. (2017, January 12). Racism and discrimination in health care: Providers and patients. Retrieved from
A situation report is an effective tool to inform citizens and management of issues in order to foster forward progress. It is not intended to place fault, blame or guilt. A Situation Report is not an audit; the report gathers information in order to identify issues relevant to the questions presented. Ultimately, it is the stakeholders of the entity’s responsibility to address the issues. This report is a tool to improve effectiveness and efficiency. “If we improve government performance we will improve the lives of Vermonters.”
– State Auditor Thomas M. Salmon, CPA The Event: On August 28, 2011, tropical storm Irene hit Vermont causing severe flooding and extensive damage. Damage to roads, bridges and property in our town consisted of:
1. Roads – including culverts: 3.2 miles of route 3A was partially washed away with a 200-yard section completely washed out when the culvert was blocked and the stream backed-up and then broke free.
2. Bridges: The supports under both sides of the bridge over North Creek on Main Street were partially washed out threatening the stability of the bridge. The road is closed until the damage can be assessed.
3. Homes and other structures: Three homes along North Creek were severely damaged by the flood waters – estimated damage is approximately $900,000.
4. Injuries: Two town office employees were slightly injured while moving the town records from the basement to the second floor of the town offices.
5. Other: The car of one of the office staff was washed away while she was moving town records from the basement to the second floor. Also, the flood waters washed away approximately 10 tons of salt and 20 tons of sand from the town garage complex.
The Current Situation: 1. Financial:
We estimated a short-term need for $200,000 to make emergency repairs to the road and the bridge to insure the safety of our citizens. Willy’s Bank gave us a $200,000 six-month loan at 3% to cover our current needs. We expect much of the repairs will be covered by FEMA assistance. The paperwork requesting FEMA assistance was submitted on September 4. We are assessing our longer term cash needs at present and plan to submit a plan for approval by Town Meeting Day.
2. Material:
We have purchased over 150 tons of boulders and rock of various sizes to repair the road bed. A new 4-foot culvert was purchased to replace the damaged one under the washed out section of road 3A. Reinforcement work under the bridge is in progress with considerable amounts of concrete being used. Total material costs may exceed $100,000.
3. Manpower:
The town received many volunteer hours in the recovery effort, however we had to hire contractor to handle the major portion of the repair effort. We have no good estimate of manpower costs at present.
4. Planning and management:
The select board chair is acting as the town emergency services coordinator and along with the town highway foreman are managing the recovery and repair efforts.
5. Other:
Our local legislators have been regular visitors to the town offices and work sites to follow our recovery efforts and to offer assistance as needed.
Action Steps:
1. Financial: a. Utilize early release of state highway funds to reduce or repay short-term loan. b. Gather final figures ASAP on the total cost for restoring town infrastructure to pre
storm (at a minimum) conditions. Get all invoices in promptly. c. Prepare in time for town meeting any borrowing needs.
2. Operational:
a. Assess project status to insure that all potential repairs/improvements have been considered and plans are prepared for implementation.
b. Determine how to be as well prepared as possible for future similar events.
3. Documentation: a. Insure that the proper FEMA tracking forms are used to minimize potential issues
concerning reimbursements of costs. b. Insure that all costs are recorded in the manner requested by FEMA – the
Inspector General’s office will review the paperwork years from now and may disallow items not correctly documented.
c. Be sure to include the time and value of volunteer labor and equipment – check with FEMA if necessary to make sure the format for documenting those figures is correct.
4. Future needed assistance – short- and long-term:
a. Prepare a financial plan and present it at town meeting.
After carefully reading and studying the complete situational report, contemplate which of the three roles/tracks you wish to assume for your term project.
In this module, you have reviewed a great example of an issues paper. Now you are to construct one based upon at least six issues that you have identified from the situational report. You will be attacking these issues from the position of an attorney, a police administrator, or a criminal investigator, so choose issues wherein your chosen discipline will be required. For instance, the criminal investigator would not choose to deal with the legality of an alleged speed trap or intersection cameras. Also, in your issues paper, address the type of research (library, Lexus-Nexus, other online sources, textbooks, etc.) you plan to undertake to inform your positions.
Your job is to make sure that your readers see EACH of your minimum of six issues very clearly and they do NOT have to fish or look for each issue. Identify one, why is it an issue? Explain? Did you identify it clearly? How did you make it clear so your readers have no problems knowing it’s an issue? Did you use subtitle? Paragraph? See PART TWO SAMPLE ATTACHMENT.
Be sure to discuss EACH pertinent issue you select in a separate paragraph … or number each or use a subtitle for each issue BUT YOU MUST NOT LET YOUR READERS GET CONFUSED BY NOT KNOWING WHERE ONE ISSUE STARTS AND WHERE IT ENDS …. Please see the samples. Discuss clearly why each issue you select is an issue. Then after you do this for one issue, you then select another issue and be sure to identify (at least six).
You must cite at least one source in this issues identification assignment (must cite at least one source in EACH assignment in this class)…. Why is any particular circumstance an issue or a problem? What makes that issue a problem? Has it been held to be a problem/concern in the literature or in a court case? Does it sound to you to be an issue the government needs to respond to? Is quota ticket an issue? Why? To what an extent? ….
All you are doing NOW is selecting the issues and why they are issues. You are not necessarily solving the issues at this time.
Of course, please do not forget to give your work a TITLE.
As stated in several of our major requirements, please note that you must support your work at all times even when the instructions do not explicitly state so. If you fail or neglect to support your work (cite your sources), some of your readers may think that you are speculating or guessing. Please note carefully:
You do not want your readers to think that you are speculating or guessing. When you identify an issue, why is it an issue? Have any of the six or so issues you identified been dealt with in the literature? Can you cite any case law, any studies? Also, can you relate it to any vivid or contemporary event in the real world? Any prior studies dealing with police traffic ticket or any of the actions of the other two major actors? Citing your sources increases the integrity of your work. Among other things, it shows you consulted other research and then factored in your own views … You cannot afford to "hide" or sandwich each issue … you need to make each issue visible. You can use a subtitle or subheading for each issue. It is always a great idea to use subheadings or subtitles to organize your work and help make your points more visible. Some people just want to scan your subheadings only and move forward and you must take such readers into account …. Also, you need to say why you consider such an issue … must support your work!!!!!
Please remember that there is always a place in your work where you appraise the work, where you offer your own views or opinion of the work, where you evaluate, synthesize, and often compare and reconcile the work with other works on the subject … etc. This is where you cite your sources. FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF ANY DOUBTS, YOU MUST SUPPORT YOUR WORK AT ALL TIMES EVEN WHEN THE QUESTION ASKS FOR YOUR VIEWS because your views are expected to be reasonable and in line with the literature on the subject or justified by other means or explanations … This is the accepted standard at college level all over the world especially in social sciences like criminal justice …
Please remember that SLU expects us to conduct some research beyond what we already know on the subject. If this is correct, then all you need to do is cite the research conducted. Please do NOT post an unsupported work – except response discussion posts. Please do not post unsupported works because I do not want you to lose points. If you do not support your work, your readers may think that you are speculating or even guessing or … some may even think about that word … academic dishonesty. Any unsupported work has no place at college level – especially in social sciences including criminal justice.
Again, for the avoidance of any doubts, please note that ALL assignments must be supported at all times even when this is not explicitly stated. As you know, you can always borrow ideas or information from any source but must (1) summarize in your own words, AND (2) cite your sources. SLU requires us to conduct a little research beyond what we already know. If this is so, then all you need to do is cite your research – that is, the literature you consulted. Please cite at least one source or cite more to enhance the integrity of your work. You want to show your instructor that your work consists of your views but also is not baseless as your work has been reconciled with the literature.
Please note that you are advised to use A SUBHEADING FOR EACH ISSUE along the lines posted on the announcement page or the Course Material Folder. Please use subheadings as appropriate to help organize your thoughts and also to help make your work more reader-friendly. For the avoidance of any doubts, YOU CANNOT DO JUSTICE IN YOUR MAIN RESPONSE IN JUST one PARAGRAPH – YOU MUST USE PARAGRAPHS TO ORGANIZE YOUR POINTS IN YOUR MAIN POST!
Saint Leo University
CRM 499 Senior Seminar in Criminology
Course Description: This capstone course is designed to synthesize the information and insights from the other courses in the Criminology curriculum. It includes computer-based research in crime trends and causes; a research project that evaluates criminal justice policy-making, leadership, legal issues, administrative functions, investigative tactics, and civic engagement; and an assessment of each senior criminology major’s knowledge level through the administration of a nationally based criminology achievement examination. Prerequisite: POL 123 and CRM 220 Senior standing in Criminal Justice Textbook: American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th
ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN-13: 978-1-4338-0561-5 Learning Outcomes: Specific objectives are:
1. Criminal justice information gathering and analysis: The student must demonstrate the ability to use the library, to network, and to conduct computer-based research to gather sufficient information to successfully complete a capstone criminal justice related project.
2. Project Organization and Presentation: The student must demonstrate the ability to organize and
present a coherent public administration, community service, and policy-making initiative. This outcome connects with the Core Value of Community.
3. Core Curriculum: The student must demonstrate a mastery of the essential content of the Criminology
core curriculum. 4. Theoretical Integration and Application: The student must demonstrate the ability to integrate
theoretical knowledge with concrete information and to apply the strategies that result to the evaluation and presentation of criminal justice related initiatives.
Core Value: Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve. Evaluation: Grades will be computed on the following basis:
Item Points Each Points Total
Percent Each
Percent Total
Identification of Research and Investigative Issues and Questions 100 100 5% 5%
Annotated Bibliography 100 100 10% 10% Literature Review 100 100 15% 15% Discussion (8) 100 800 2% 16% Preliminary Report – Executive Summary 100 100 24% 24% Formal Presentation 100 100 30% 30%
Discussions: The discussions involve each student responding to a question or prompt posted by the instructor no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of each module. Additionally, each student will respond in a collegial manner to at least two other classmates’ initial responses no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. Identification of Research and Investigative Issues and Questions: From the situational report, comprise a list of concerns and issues that are relative to your position. Hint: There are a least a half dozen issues and concerns for each position. You must articulate why your issue is a concern and not simply list it without explanation. For example: Do not simply list “Ticket Quotas”. If you feel this is an issue, explain why you feel ticket quotas may be problematic for the city. List those issues very specifically as this will be the launch pad for your over-all inquiry. Annotated Bibliography: Utilizing the Saint Leo Library and any other supplemental resources, locate at least ten (10) peer reviewed articles regarding your inquiry. During this assignment you will have the opportunity to examine what the experts have researched, studied, and written about in your specific discipline. There is a plethora of articles related to civil and criminal law, as well as case law, leadership issues Plagiarism Free Papers
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