Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning,
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 4 Issue 4, June 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31368 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1333
Overview of Data Mining
Rupashi Koul
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram, Haryana, India
Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving
methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database
systems.[1] Data mining is an interdisciplinary sub field of computer science
and statistics with an overall goal to extract from a data set and transform the
information into a comprehensible structure for further use.[1][2][3][4] The
process of digging through data to discover hidden connections and predict
future trends has a long history. Sometimes referred to as ‘knowledge
discovery’ in databases, the term data mining wasn’t coined until the 1990s.
What was old is new again, as data mining technology keeps evolving to keep
pace with the limitless potential of big data and affordable computing power.
Over the last decade, advances in processing power and speed have enabled us
to move beyond manual, tedious and time-consuming practices to quick, easy
and automated data analysis. The more complex the data sets collected, the
more potential there is to uncover relevant insights.
KEYWORDS: database, data mining, techniques
How to cite this paper: Rupashi Koul
"Overview of Data Mining" Published in
International Journal
of Trend in Scientific
Research and
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-4 |
Issue-4, June 2020,
pp.1333-1336, URL:
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
I. INTRODUCTION The manual extraction of patterns from data has occurred
for centuries. Early methods of identifying patterns in data
include Bayes' theorem (1700s) and regression analysis
(1800s). The proliferation, ubiquity and increasing power of
computer technology have dramatically increased data
collection, storage, and manipulation ability. As data sets
have grown in size and complexity, direct data analysis has
increasingly been augmented with indirect, automated data
processing, aided by other discoveries in computer science,
specially in the field of machine learning, such as neural
networks, cluster analysis, genetic algorithms (1950s),
decision trees and decision rules (1960s), and support
vector machines (1990s). Data mining is the process of
applying these methods with the intention of uncovering
hidden patterns[5] in large data sets. It bridges the gap from
applied statistics and artificial intelligence to database
management by exploiting the way data is stored and
indexed in databases to execute the actual learning and
discovery algorithms more efficiently, allowing such
methods to be applied to ever-larger data sets. mining is
widely used in diverse areas. There are a number of
commercial data mining system available today and yet
there are many challenges in this field. Some of the areas in
which data mining is used is as follows:
A. Retail Industry Data Mining has its great application in Retail Industry
because it collects large amount of data from on sales,
customer purchasing history, goods transportation,
consumption and services. It is natural that the quantity of
data collected will continue to expand rapidly because of the
increasing ease, availability and popularity of the web. Data
mining in retail industry helps in identifying customer
buying patterns and trends that lead to improved quality of
customer service and good customer retention and
B. Telecommunication Industry Today the telecommunication industry is one of the most
emerging industries providing various services such as fax,
pager, cellular phone, internet messenger, images, e-mail,
web data transmission, etc. Due to the development of new
computer and communication technologies, the
telecommunication industry is rapidly expanding. This is the
reason why data mining is become very important to help
and understand the business. Data mining in
telecommunication industry helps in identifying the
telecommunication patterns, catch fraudulent activities,
make better use of resource, and improve quality of service.
C. Education There is a new emerging field, called Educational Data
Mining, concerns with developing methods that discover
knowledge from data originating from educational
Environments. The goals of EDM are identified as predicting
students’ future learning , studying the effects of educational
support, and advancing scientific knowledge about learning.
Data mining can be used by an institution to take accurate
decisions and also to predict the results of the student. With
the results the institution can focus on what to teach and
how to teach. Learning of the students can be captured and
used to develop techniques to teach them.
D. CRM Customer Relationship Management is all about acquiring
and retaining customers, also improving customers’ loyalty
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31368 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1334
and implementing customer focused strategies. To maintain
a proper relationship with a customer a business need to
collect data and the information. This is where data mining
plays its part. With data mining technologies the collected
data can be used for analysis. Instead of being confused
where to focus to retain customer, the seekers for the
solution get filtered results.
E. Fraud Detection Billions of dollars have been lost to the action of frauds.
Traditional methods of fraud detection are and complex.
Data mining aids in providing meaningful patterns and
turning data into information. Any information that is valid
and useful is knowledge. A perfect fraud detection system
should protect information of all the users. A supervised
method includes collection of sample records. These records
are classified fraudulent or non-fraudulent. A model is built
using this data and the algorithm is made to identify whether
the record is fraudulent or not.
F. Intrusion Detection Any action that will compromise the integrity and
confidentiality of a resource is an intrusion. The defensive
measures to avoid an intrusion includes user authentication,
avoid programming errors, and information protection. Data
mining can help improve intrusion detection by adding a
level of focus to anomaly detection. It helps an analyst to
distinguish an activity from common everyday network
activity. Data mining also helps extract data which is more
relevant to the problem.
II. PROCESS OF DATA MINING The data mining process is divided into two parts i.e. Data
and Data Mining. Data involves data cleaning, data
integration, data reduction, and data transformation. The
data mining part performs data mining, pattern evaluation
and knowledge representation of data.
A. Data Cleaning Data cleaning is the first step in data mining. It holds
importance as dirty data if used directly in mining can cause
confusion in procedures and produce inaccurate results.
Basically, this step involves the removal of noisy or
incomplete data from the collection. Many methods that
generally clean data by itself are they are not robust.
B. Data Integration When multiple heterogeneous data sources such as
databases, data cubes or files are combined for analysis, this
process is called data integration. This can help in improving
the accuracy and speed of the data mining process. Different
databases have different naming conventions of variables, by
causing redundancies in the databases. Additional Data
Cleaning can be performed to remove the redundancies and
inconsistencies from the data integration without affecting
the reliability of data.
C. Data Reduction This technique is applied to obtain relevant data for analysis
from the collection of data. The size of the representation is
much smaller in volume while maintaining integrity. Data
Reduction is performed using methods such as Naive Bayes,
Decision Trees, Neural network, etc.
D. Data Transformation In this process, data is transformed into a form suitable for
the data mining process. Data is consolidated so that the
mining process is more efficient and the patterns are easier
to understand. Data Transformation involves Data Mapping
and code generation process.
E. Data Mining Data Mining is a process to identify interesting patterns and
knowledge from a large amount of data. In these steps,
intelligent patterns are applied to extract the data patterns.
The data is represented in the form of patterns and models
are structured using classification and clustering techniques.
F. Pattern Evaluation This step involves identifying interesting patterns
representing the knowledge based on measures. Data and
visualization methods are used to make the data
understandable by the user.
G. Knowledge Representation Knowledge representation is a step where data visualization
and knowledge representation tools are used to represent
the mined data. Data is visualized in the form of reports,
tables, etc.
III. TYPES OF DATA MINED A. Flat files: Flat files is defined as data files in text form or binary form
with a structure that can be easily extracted by data mining
algorithms. Data stored in flat files have no relationship or
path among themselves, like if a relational database is stored
on flat file, then there will be no relations between the tables.
Flat files are represented by data dictionary.
B. Relational Database: A Relational database is defined as the collection of data
organized in tables with rows and columns. Physical schema
in Relational databases is a schema which defines the
structure of tables. Logical schema in Relational databases is
a schema which defines the relationship among tables.
C. Data Warehouses: A is defined as the collection of data integrated from multiple
sources that will and There are three types of: Enterprise,
Data Mart and Virtual Warehouse. Two approaches can be
used to update data in Data Warehouse: Query-driven
Approach and Update-driven Approach.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31368 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1335
D. Databases: databases is a collection of data organized by time stamps,
date, etc to represent transaction in databases. This type of
database has the capability to roll back or undo its operation
when a transaction is not completed or committed. It is
highly flexible system where users can modify information
without changing any sensitive information.
E. Multimedia databases: Multimedia databases consists audio, video, images and text
media. They can be stored on Object-Oriented Databases.
They are complex information in a formats.
F. Spatial Databases: Spatial databases store geographical information. can store
data in the form of coordinates, topology, lines, polygons, etc.
G. Time Series Databases: Time series databases contains stock exchange data and user
logged activities. handle array of numbers indexed by time,
date, etc. It requires real-time analysis.
H. WWW: WWW refers to World wide web which is a collection of
documents and resources like audio, video, text, etc which
are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) through
web browsers, linked by HTML pages, and accessible via the
Internet network. It is the most heterogeneous repository as
it collects data from multiple resources. It is dynamic in
nature as volume of data is continuously increasing and
IV. DATA MINING TECHNIQUES Data mining is highly effective and some techniques used for
data mining are as follows:
A. CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS This analysis is used to retrieve important and relevant
information about data, and metadata. It is used to classify
different data in different classes. Classification is similar to
clustering in a way that it also segments data records into
different segments called classes. But unlike clustering, here
the data analysts would have the knowledge of different
classes or cluster. So, in classification analysis you would
apply algorithms to decide how new data should be
B. ASSOCIATION RULE LEARNING It refers to the method that can help you identify some
interesting relations (dependency modeling) between
different variables in large databases. This technique can
help you unpack some hidden patterns in the data that can
be used to identify variables within the data and the
concurrence of different variables that appear very
frequently in the . rules are useful for examining and
forecasting customer behavior. It is highly recommended in
the retail industry analysis. This technique is used to
determine shopping basket data analysis, product clustering,
catalog design and store layout. In IT, programmers use
association rules to build programs capable of machine
C. ANOMALY OR OUTLIER DETECTION This refers to the observation for data items in a that do not
match an expected pattern or an expected behavior.
Anomalies are also known as outliers, novelties, noise,
deviations and exceptions. Often they provide critical and
actionable information. An anomaly is an item that deviates
considerably from the common average within a or a
combination of data. These types of items are statistically
aloof as compared to the rest of the data and hence, it
indicates that something out of the ordinary has happened
and requires additional attention. technique can be used in a
variety of domains, such as intrusion detection, system
health monitoring, fraud detection, fault detection, event
detection in sensor networks, and detecting disturbances.
Analysts often remove the anomalous data from the top
discover results with an increased accuracy.
D. CLUSTERING ANALYSIS The cluster is actually a collection of data objects; those
objects are similar within the same cluster. That means the
objects are similar to one another within the same they are
rather they are dissimilar or unrelated to the objects in other
groups or in other clusters. Clustering analysis is the process
of discovering groups and clusters in the data in such a way
that the degree of association between two objects is highest
if they belong to the same group and lowest otherwise. result
of this analysis can be used to create customer profiling.
E. REGRESSION ANALYSIS In statistical terms, a regression analysis is the process of
identifying and analyzing the relationship among variables.
It can help you understand the characteristic value of the
dependent variable changes, if any one of the independent
variables is varied. This means one variable is dependent on
another, but it is not vice versa. is generally used for
prediction and forecasting.
There are several types of benefits and advantages of data
mining systems. Some of them are as follows:
� One of the common benefits that can be derived with these data mining systems is that they can be helpful
while predicting future trends. And that is quite possible
with the help of technology and behavioral changes
adopted by the people.
� Data mining helps organizations to make the profitable adjustments in operation and production.
� The data mining is a cost-effective and efficient solution compared to other statistical data applications.
� Most parts of the data mining process is basically from information gathered with the help of marketing
analysis. With the help of such marketing analysis, one
can also find out those fraudulent acts and products
available in the market. Moreover, with the help of it one
can understand the importance of accurate information.
� It can be implemented in new systems as well as existing platforms. is the speedy process which makes it easy for
the users to analyze huge amount of data in less time.
Data mining technology is something that helps one person
in their and that is a process wherein which all the factors of
mining is involved precisely and while the involvement of
these mining systems, one can come across several
disadvantages of data they are as follows:
� There are chances of companies may sell useful information of their customers to other companies for
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31368 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2020 Page 1336
� Many data mining analytics software is difficult to operate and requires advance training to work on.
� Different data mining tools work in different manners due to different algorithms employed in their design.
Therefore, the selection of correct data mining tool is a
very difficult task.
� The data mining techniques are not accurate, and so it can cause serious consequences in certain conditions.
VI. CONCLUSION Data Mining is an iterative process where the mining process
can be refined, and new data can be integrated to get more
efficient results. Data Mining meets the requirement of
effective, and flexible data analysis. It can be considered as a
natural evaluation of information technology. As a
knowledge discovery process, data preparation and data
mining tasks complete the data mining process. Data mining
processes can be performed on any kind of data discussed in
the above section. Finally, the bottom line is that all the
techniques help in the discovery of new creative things. At
the end of this paper about data mining, one can clearly
understand the areas of applications, types of source data,
process, techniques, and benefits with its own limitations.
Therefore, after reading all the above-mentioned
information about data mining one can determine its
credibility and feasibility even better.
[1] “Data Mining Curriculum”. ACM SIGKDD. 2006-04-30. Retrieved 2014-01-27.
[2] ^ Clifton, Christopher (2010). "Encyclopædia Britannica: Definition of Data Mining". Retrieved 2010-
[3] ^ Hastie, Trevor; Tibshirani, Robert; Friedman, Jerome (2009). "The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data
Mining, Inference, and Prediction". Archived from the
original on 2009-11-10. Retrieved 2012-08-07
[4] ^ Han, Kamber, Pei, Jaiwei, Micheline, Jian (June 9, 2011). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (3rd
ed.). Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 978-0-12-381479-1.
[5] Kantardzic, Mehmed (2003). Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 978-0-471-22852-3. OCLC 50055336.
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