Create graphic representations of four evaluation models. Use MS Word to create your graphic. Your graphic should include:
Create graphic representations of four evaluation models. Use MS Word to create your graphic. Your graphic should include:
- Descriptions of each overall model
- Key components of each overall model
- An important figure or figures in the development of each model
- Significant ways each model has been used
- Potential uses of each model in health informatics
These representations will be for your use in your upcoming course project, so the greater the detail, the more useful these representations will be to you.
Potential formats could include but are not limited to, tables, mind maps, Venn diagrams, or concept maps.
References attached.
11 Overview of Assessment Methods
In principle all aspects o f a system are candidates for assessment in all phases o f the system's development. In practice, some aspects are more prominent in some o f the phases than in others. During its life cycle, the assessment m a y change in nature from being prognostic (during planning), to screening and diagnosing (prior to switching over to daily operation), to treating (in the handling o f known error situations or shortcomings). Be aware, therefore, that even if a method is not listed under a specific phase, an information need may arise that requires inspiration from the methods listed under other phases.
Note that few o f the references given include a discussion o f the weaknesses, perils, and pitfalls o f the method described.
6.1 Overview of Assessment Methods" Explorative Phase
The methods included in this section are particularly relevant to the assessment o f issues raised during the establishment o f a User Re- quirements Specification, such as objectives, requirements, and expectations.
Analysis of Work Procedures
Assessment of Bids
Balanced Scorecard
Areas of application
Elucidation of how things are actually carried out within an organization.
Comparative assessment of a number of offers from one or more bidders/vendors.
, . .
Ongoing optimization of the outcome of a development project by balancing focus areas by means of a set of indicators for a set of strategic objectives.
. .
Critical, subjective assessment of an existing practice.
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Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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FieM Study
Focus Group Interview
Future Workshop
Grounded Theory
Heuristic Evaluation
Interview (no ns tandardiz ed)
Logical Framework Approach
Organizational Readiness
�9 (Qualitative) assessment o f an e f f e c t – for instance, where the solution space is otherwise too big to handle
�9 Exploration o f development trends �9 Elucidation o f a problem a r e a – for instance,
prior to strategic planning.
Observation o f an organization to identify its practice and to clarify mechanisms controlling change.
This is in principle used for the same purposes as other interview methods. In practice, the method is most relevant during the early Explorative P h a s e – for instance, where attitudes or problems o f social groups need elucidation or when a model solution is being established.
Evaluation and analysis o f an (existing) situation in order to identify and focus on areas for change – that is, aiming at designing future practices.
Supportive analytical method for data acquisition methods that generate textual data, such as some open questionnaire methods and interviews (individual and group interviews).
This is used when no other realizable possibilities e x i s t – for instance, when:
�9 The organization does not have the necessary time or expertise
�9 There are no formalized methods �9 There is nothing tangible to assess yet.
This is particularly suited for elucidation o f individuals' opinions, attitudes, and perceptions regarding phenomena and observations.
Optimization of the outcome o f a long-term development project, based on a set o f user or customer/client-defined value norms and objectives.
Situation analysis to support the choice o f focus for a development but at the same time a simple technique for incorporation o f risk handling within project planning.
Assessment o f the readiness o f a healthcare organization for a clinical information system.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Questionnaire (no ns tandardiz ed)
Requirements Assessment
Risk Assessment
Social Network Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
WHO: Framework for Assessment of Strategies
Preparation of future scenarios.
Questionnaires are used to answer a wide range of questions, but its main area of application is (qualitative) investigations of subjective aspects requiting a high level of accuracy.
Within the European culture the User Requirements Specification is the basis for purchasing an IT-based solution or engaging in a development project. Consequently, the User Requirements Specification is a highly significant legal document that needs thorough assessment.
Identification and subsequent monitoring of risk factors, making it possible to take preemptive action.
Assessment of relations between elements within an organization (such as individuals, professions, departments or other organizations), which influence the acceptance and use of an IT-based solution.
Assessment of stakeholder features and their inner dynamics, aiming to identify participants for the completion of a given task, problem-solving activity, or project.
Situation analysis: establishment of a holistic view of a situation or a model solution.
Assessment of user friendliness in terms of ergonomic and cognitive aspects of the interaction (dialogue) between an IT system and its users. In this phase the concern is a planning or purchasing situation.
Monitoring and documenting as a means of analysis of what/how the work procedures or the users' activities are actually carried out or for investigation of complex patterns of interaction.
Assessment of different (development) strategies either individually or as a comparative analysis.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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6.2 Overview of Assessment Methods" Technical Development Phase
The m e t h o d s listed in this section are particularly suited to user activities during the d e v e l o p m e n t and installation o f an IT-based solution and m a y be used to provide feed-back for the technical development.
A s s e s s m e n t in this phase is typically carried out under experimental conditions and not during real operation. The phase is usually completed with a technical verification to make certain that all necessary functions and features are present and work properly in compliance with the established agreement.
Balanced Scorecard
Clinical~Diagnostic Performance
Cognitive Assessment
Cognitive Walkthrough
Areas of application
Ongoing optimization of the outcome of a development project by balancing focus areas by means of a set of indicators for a set of strategic objectives.
Measurement of diagnostic 'correctness' (for instance, measures of accuracy and precision) of IT-based expert systems and decision-support systems. '
Assessment of cognitive aspects of the interaction between an IT system and its u s e r s – for instance:
�9 Identification of where and why operational errors occur
�9 Identification of areas to be focused on for improvement in user friendliness.
Assessment of user 'friendliness' on the basis of system design, from specifications, muck-ups, or prototypes, aimed at judging how well the system complies with the users' way of thinking for instance:
�9 Identification of where and why operational errors occur
�9 Identification of causes behind problems with respect to user friendliness and consequently identification of areas for improvement.
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Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Heuristic Evaluation
Risk Assessment
Technical Verification
Think Aloud
This is used when no other realizable possibilities e x i s t – for instance, when:
�9 The organization does not have the necessary time or expertise
�9 There are no formalized methods �9 There is not something tangible to assess yet.
Identification and subsequent monitoring of risk factors, making it possible to take preemptive action.
Situation analysis: establishment of a holistic view of a situation or a model solution.
Verification that the agreed functions are present, and work correctly and in compliance with the agreement. This may take place, for instance, in connection with delivery of an IT system or prior to daily operations and at any subsequent change of the IT system (releases, versions, and patches).
An instrument for gaining insight into the cognitive processes as feed-back to the implementation and adaptation of IT-based systems.
Assessment of user friendliness in terms of ergonomic and cognitive aspects of the interaction (dialogue) between an IT system and its users.
6.3 Overview of Assessment Methods" Adaptation Phase
In this phase, evaluation has the purpose o f providing support for the modification or refinement o f the IT-based solution, work procedures, and functions implemented within the IT system to make them work optimally as a whole during daily operations. This phase should be fairly short, provided that the implemented solution is functioning well from the beginning.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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N o w that real operational a s s e s s m e n t can take place, e r g o n o m i c , cognitive, and functionality a s s e s s m e n t will gain m u c h m o r e focus, as potential i n a d e q u a c i e s or s h o r t c o m i n g s will s h o w t h e m s e l v e s as operational errors, misuse, or the like.
Analysis of Work Procedures
Clinical~Diagnostic Performance
Cognitive Assessment
Cognitive Walkthrough
Equity Implementation Model
Field Study
Focus Group Interview
Areas of appfication
Elucidation of how things are actually carried out, in comparison with the expected. This includes the actual use of the IT system in relation to its anticipated use.
Critical, subjective assessment of an existing practice.
Measurement of diagnostic ' correctness' (for instance, measures of accuracy and precision) in IT-based expert systems and decision-support systems.
Assessment of cognitive aspects of the interaction between an IT system and its u s e r s – for instance:
�9 Identification of where and why operational errors occur
�9 Identification of areas to be focused on for improvement in user friendliness.
Assessment of user 'friendliness' on the basis of system design, from specifications, muck-ups, or prototypes, aimed at judging how well the system complies with the users' way of t h i n k i n g – for instance:
�9 Identification of where and why operational errors occur
�9 Identification of causes behind problems with respect to user friendliness and consequently identification of areas for improvement.
Examine users' reaction to the implementation of a new system, focusing on the impact of the changes such a system brings about for the users.
Observation of an organization to identify its practices and to expose mechanisms that control change.
This is in principle used for the same purposes as other interview methods. In practice, the method is most relevant during the early Explorative P h a s e – for instance, where the attitudes or problems of social groups need elucidation or when a model solution is being established.
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Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Functionality Assessment
Grounded Theory
Heuristic Evaluation
Interview (nonstandardized)
Prospective Time Series
Questionnaire (nonstandardized)
RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk Assessment
Root Causes Analysis
1. Validation of fulfillment of objectives (realization of objectives) – that is, the degree of compliance between the desired effect and the actual solution
2. Impact Assessment (also called effect assessment) 3. Identification of problems in the relationship
between work procedures and the IT system's functional solution
The method will expose severe ergonomic and cognitive problems, but it is not dedicated to capture details of this type.
Supportive analytical method for data acquisition methods that generate textual data, such as some open questionnaire methods and interviews (individual and group interviews).
This is used when no other realizable possibilities e x i s t – for instance, when:
�9 The organization does not have the necessary time or expertise
�9 There are no formalized methods �9 There is not something tangible to assess yet.
Is in particular suited for the elucidation of individual opinions, attitudes, and perceptions regarding phenomena and observations.
Measurement of development trends, including the effect of an intervention.
Questionnaires are used to answer a wide range of questions, but its main area of application is (qualitative) investigations of subjective aspects requiting a high level of accuracy.
Verification of efficacy – that is, that the IT system – under ideal conditions – makes a difference to patient care. Particularly used in studies of decision-support systems and expert systems.
Identification and subsequent monitoring of risk factors, making it possible to take preemptive action.
Exploration of what, how, and why a given incident occurred to identify the root cause of undesirable events.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Social Network Analysis
Technical Verification
Think Aloud
User Acceptance and Satisfaction
Assessment of relations between elements within an organization (such as individuals, professions, departments, or other organizations), which influence the acceptance and use of an IT-based solution.
Situation analysis: establishing a holistic view of a situation or a model solution.
Verification that the agreed functions are present, and work correctly and in compliance with the agreement. This may take place, for instance, in connection with delivery of an IT system or prior to daily operations and at any subsequent change of the IT system (releases, versions, and patches).
An instrument for gaining insight into the cognitive processes as feed-back to the implementation and adaptation of IT-based systems.
Assessment of user friendliness in terms of ergonomic and cognitive aspects of the interaction (dialogue) between an IT system and its users.
Assessment of user opinion, attitudes, and perception of an IT system during daily operation.
Monitoring and documenting as a means of analyzing how work procedures and user activities, respectively, are actually carried out or for investigation of complex patterns of interaction.
6.4 Overview of Assessment Methods" Evolution Phase
The starting point in time o f this phase is usually considered to be when the entire IT-based solution has reached a state o f sufficient stability with respect to bugs and corrections and w h e n evolutionary activities are started. Consequently, the shi~ be twe e n this and the previous phase m a y be fluid.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Analysis of Work Procedures
Balanced Scorecard
Clin&al/Diagnostic Performance
Cognitive Assessment
Cognitive Walkthrough
Equity Implementation Model
FieM Study
Areas of application
Elucidation of how things are actually carried out, in comparison with the expected. This includes its use in relation to measures of effect.
Ongoing optimization of the outcome of a development project by balancing focus areas by means of a set of indicators for a set of strategic objectives.
Critical, subjective assessment of an existing practice.
Measurement of diagnostic ' correctness' (for instance, measures of accuracy and precision) of IT-based expert systems and decision-support systems.
Assessment of the cognitive aspects of the interaction between an IT system and its u s e r s – for instance:
�9 Identification of where and why operational errors occur
�9 Identification of areas to be focused on for improvement in user friendliness.
Assessment of the user 'friendliness' on the basis of system design, from specifications, muck-ups, or prototypes of the system, aimed at judging how well the system complies with the users' way of t h i n k i n g – for instance:
�9 Identification of where and why operational errors occur
�9 Identification of causes behind problems with respect to user friendliness and consequently identification of areas for improvement.
1. (Qualitative) assessment of an e f f e c t – for instance, where the solution space is otherwise too big to handle
2. Exploration of development trends 3. Elucidation of a problem a r e a – for instance, prior
to strategic planning.
Examine users' reaction to the implementation of a new system, focusing on the impact of the changes such a system brings about for the users.
Observation of an organization to identify its practices and to expose mechanisms that control change.
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Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Focus Group Interview
Functionality Assessment
Grounded Theory
Heuristic Evaluation
Impact Assessment
Interview (nonstandardized)
Prospective Time Series
It is in principle used for the same purposes as other interview methods. In practice, the method is most relevant during the early analysis s t a g e – for instance, where attitudes or problems o f social groups need clarification or elucidation or when a model solution is being established.
1. Validation o f fulfillment o f objectives (realization o f objectives) – that is, the degree o f compliance between the desired effect and the actual solution
2. Impact Assessment (also called effect assessment) 3. Identification o f problems in the relationship
between work procedures and the IT system's functional solution
The method will expose severe ergonomic and cognitive problems, but it is not dedicated to capture details o f this type.
Supportive analytical method for data acquisition methods that generate textual data, such as some open questionnaire methods and interviews (individual and group interviews).
This is used when no other realizable possibilities e x i s t – for instance, when:
�9 The organization does not have the necessary time or expertise
�9 There are no formalized methods �9 There is not something tangible to assess yet.
Measurement o f the e f f e c t – that is, the consequence or impact in its broadest sense – o f an IT-based solution, with or without the original objective as a frame o f reference.
This is in particular suited for elucidation o f individual opinions, attitudes, and perceptions regarding phenomena and observations.
Optimization o f the outcome o f a long-term development project, based on a set o f user or customer/client defined value norms and objectives.
Measurement o f development trends, including the effect o f an intervention.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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Questionnaire (nonstandardized)
RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk Assessment
Root Causes Analysis
Social Network Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Technical Verification
Think Aloud
User Acceptance and Satisfaction
Questionnaires are used to answer a wide range of questions, but its main area of application is (qualitative) investigations of subjective aspects requiting a high level of accuracy.
Verification of efficacy – that is, that the IT s y s t e m – under ideal conditions – makes a difference to patient care. In particular used for studies of decision-support systems and expert systems.
Identification and subsequent monitoring of risk factors, making it possible to take preemptive action.
Exploration of what, how, and why a given incident occurred to identify the root cause of undesirable events.
Assessment of relations between elements within an organization (such as individuals, professions, departments, or other organizations), which influence the acceptance and use of an IT-based solution.
Assessment of stakeholder features and their inner dynamics, aiming to identify participants for the completion of a given task, problem-solving activity, or project.
Situation analysis: establishment of a holistic view of a situation or a model solution.
Verification that the agreed functions are present, work correctly, and are in compliance with the agreement. This may take place, for instance, in connection with delivery of an IT system or prior to daily operations, and at any subsequent change of the IT system (releases, versions, and patches).
An instrument for gaining insight into the cognitive processes as feed-back to the implementation and adaptation of IT-based systems.
Assessment of user friendliness in terms of ergonomic and cognitive aspects of the interaction (dialogue) between an IT system and its users.
Assessment of users' opinion, attitudes, and perception of an IT system at daily operation.
Brender, McNair, Jytte, and Jytte Brender. Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from waldenu on 2022-03-04 00:20:40.
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WHO: Framework f o r Assessment o f Strategies
Monitoring and documenting as a means of analyzing how work procedures and user activities, respectively, are actually carried out or for investigation of complex patterns of interaction.
Assessment of different (development) strategies either individually or as a comparative analysis.
6.5 Other Useful Information
T h e r e is certain information that c a n n o t be c a t e g o r i z e d u n d e r ' m e t h o d s ' but that s h o u l d be included n e v e r t h e l e s s b e c a u s e an u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f these issues is valuable. In general, the areas o f application outlined in the table b e l o w are valid for all p h a s e s within the life cycle.
Documentation in an Accreditation Situation
Measures and Metrics
Areas of application
Planning of assessment activities in connection with the purchase of a 'standard' IT system when the user organization is or considers becoming certified or accredited.
Measures and metrics are used throughout evaluation, irrespective of whether it is constructive or summative. Planning of an assessment/evaluation study includes the conversion of an evaluation purpose to specific measures and subsequent establishing metrics for their measurement.
A number of de facto and de jure standards exists, which each defines a series of issues such as the contents of a User Requirements Specification, verification of an IT system, quality aspects of an IT system, as well as roles and relations between a user organization and a vendor in connection with assessment.
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