In medical care, cloud technology allows hospital treatment. This research intends to evaluate variables impacting cloud-based
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Table Of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction
Background and Problem Statement………………………………………………….2
List of Tables
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List of Figures
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Chapter One
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Background and Problem Statement
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Purpose of the Study
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Research Questions
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Theoretical Framework
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Limitations of the Study
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Chapter Two
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Review Of Literature
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Chapter Three
Procedures And Methodology
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Research Paradigm (qualitative or quantitative)
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Research Design
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Sampling Procedures and or/
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Data Collection Sources
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Statistical Tests
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Chapter Four
Research Findings
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Participants and Research Setting
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Analyses of Research Questions
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Supplementary Findings (if any)
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Chapter Five
Summary, Discussion, And Implications
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Practical Assessment of Research Question(s)
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Limitations of the Study
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Implications for Future Study
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Appendix A
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Appendix B
Appendix C
Consent Forms
Appendix D
IRB Approval
Dissertation: Factors affecting the adoption of cloud computing in healthcare
Shiva Kumar Pagadala
University of the Cumberlands
Advanced Research Methods
DSRT 839
Dr. Bryian Ramsey
In medical care, cloud technology allows hospital treatment. This research intends to evaluate variables impacting cloud-based diagnostic medical alternatives by clinical staff. Regression analysis tests were employed to assess the conceptual framework and outcome findings. Based on multivariate regression tests, the results demonstrated that all control variations perceived beneficial, the relative advantage of usages, perceived risk, productivity, and availability have a numerically substantial effect apart from organizational commitment and interoperability with the reliant involved in the decision making. Findings reflect the influence and relevance of the response variable and illustrate the crucial role such parameters play in consumers' inclination to employ central data centers in the healthcare industry. These results also corroborate results from earlier relevant investigations. Findings from this study in clinical technology would give greater emphasis to these aspects.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction
Background and Problem Statement………………………………………….
Chapter Two: Literature Review
Cloud computing has intensely grown to be one of the most deployed services because of its relative benefits and advantages to firms, organizations, and enterprises. There are four main service deployment models of cloud computing, whereby the models differ according to physical and foundational infrastructure layers (Amron et al., 2017). The models include hybrid cloud, community cloud, private and public cloud. The central service model is a platform as a service, software as a service, and infrastructure as a service.
The complexity of healthcare information systems has been the leading cause of the shift from traditional to modern mobile-based technology systems, as cloud computing helps incorporate solutions to the technologies while adopting new information technology outsourcing (Amron et al., 2017). Apart from improving service quality and meeting various healthcare needs, cloud computing also aids in storing and sharing information such as electric health records and opening new horizons for patients (Amron et al., 2017).
On a theoretical framework, all cloud computing models applicable shall be examined in review on technological aspect, organization-environmental framework aspect, and technological innovation. All the currently and internally adopted technologies used in an organization and accessibility shall be reviewed (Gao &Sunyaev, 2019). The organizational context will also include organizational constructions like scope, managerial structure, and size. In contrast, the environmental context will comprise all the factors related to the healthcare facility's environment and operates as an industry and the competitors.
The various contexts will respectively present the opportunities and the constraints for technological innovation. The technological-organizational-environmental framework being the organizational-level theory, will provide a different perspective of framework that will include internal and external factors (Amron et al., 2017). The framework will classify and determine the factors. It will also provide free space for categorizing the various attributes in different contexts in a broader realm as the cofactors in every context are obtained from previous studies.
Once the literature has been reviewed, the TOE framework is combined with the various theories to identify specific factors. The framework will also be integrated with the other models that offer a more comprehensive range of constructs to have a sizeable theoretical ground for understanding different adoption attributes (Gao &Sunyaev, 2019). The two-theory study that needs to be integrated here is the diffusion of innovation and technological-organization-environmental theory. The two models complement one another in terms of knowledge of innovation attributes, explaining different inter-organizational levels instead of just individual stories (Amron et al., 2017).
The advantage of this framework is that it only allows and encourages researchers to identify many factors concerning different contexts (Ali et al., 2018). However, the most frequent factors chosen by the most empirical types of research due to its importance in the adoption of cloud computing remain the most reviewed one then it shall be followed by its adoption on the organization's top management support, barriers perceived under the healthcare facilities, and organizational readiness. In addition to competitive pressure, rules and regulations are under the environmental aspect (Amron et al., 2017).
Literature review
Cloud technology in health facilities is a kind of cloud computing that is used to improve patient treatment. It can solve some of the shortcomings of healthcare systems by using cloud computing (Ali et al., 2018). The capacity to access medical information from any location and at any time can significantly enhance quality healthcare. Cloud computing may be utilized to get accessibility to health information and, as a result, improve the efficiency of medicine delivery. Because cloud computing is often used in a sharing and accessible setting, it is vulnerable to criminal data theft, assaults, and data redundancy (Amron et al., 2017).
Widespread security threats hinder the adoption of cloud technology solutions in the medical sector. Healthcare professionals are wary about cloud computing because cybercriminals may obtain sensitive medical information (Ali et al., 2018). As a result, legitimate security issues exist. Cloud services service vendors should address security issues to foster more confidence between healthcare professionals and clients. According to a study, an increasing amount of healthcare institutions want to adopt cloud technology solutions to take advantage of cloud technology (Ali et al., 2018). The deployment of digitalization has, as initially stated, provided numerous implementations for the healthcare sector, particularly in terms of planning and safety. Regardless of the critical issues associated with delivering clinical attention, the hospital sector is very complicated. Healthcare involves a diverse range of participants with diverse objectives and business characteristics (Ayoobkhan & Asirvatham, 2017). As a result, cloud computing in medicine is complex, and its implementation via healthcare organizations can only be guaranteed under most conditions.
Many significant issues connected with these circumstances should be considered while establishing cloud computing systems (Amron et al., 2017). A cloud computing deployment choice made without careful consideration of the deciding variables may not only impede the effective use of cloud technology in the medical system. Still, it can also create issues for the organization.
Electronic health record cloud computing solutions are changing medicine by offering users new procedures that were not previously feasible a generation ago. According to experts, advanced online healthcare cloud computing technologies will eventually become the creative foundation of modern healthcare delivery (Ayoobkhan & Asirvatham, 2017). Highlighted the advantages of adopting e-health cloud technology platforms to improve diagnostics in various scenarios, including Cloud computing gadgets offer doctors with clinical information guidelines that help them enhance their patient's recovery time effectiveness (Amron et al., 2017).
Cloud computing opportunities in healthcare
Regarding several types of research, medical errors in the healthcare industry are primarily because of inadequate limited access and communication to patient records. CC was perceived as a possible way of improving healthcare performance and reducing medical errors, just as increasing service delivery, investment returns, and even medical research. Moreover, data can be transferred throughout several models with CC, which is recently absent in several healthcare facilities. CC could enable doctors' references, electronic health records, prescriptions, and diagnoses to get shared throughout multiple models. This is currently taking place in the radiological sector, with several facilities utilizing cloud computing to share images and save money on storage (Gao et al., 2018). CC has allowed hospitals, medical practitioners, and even pharmaceutical businesses to collaborate to share patient data, leading to more efficiency and excellent quality services.
Moreover, due to carbon emissions, the old ICT models have not been environmentally friendly. Due to cloud computing enables lower energy use based on usage, the data storage facilities are inexpensive to operate. It also needs few materials for cooling, thus being releasing fewer harmful emissions into the surrounding. This is one of major motivators for CC use in healthcare as the surrounding impact is minimized. Lastly, due to human life being valuable and the resource in medicine being limited, eHealth services match a cost-effective context where the patients along with the company benefit from the new technology through enhancing the patient service quality via a shared, powerfully integrated platform along with coordinating care, the medical process just as minimizing IT infrastructure cost of investing thus leading to a better healthcare surrounding, (Atianashie Miracle &Adaobi,, 2014.)
Benefits of CC in Healthcare
Multiple benefits accompany CC adoption in the sector of healthcare. The first benefit is that CC brings economic relevance to organizations of healthcare. It is unexpected for CC to offer economic benefits. In general, the utilization of CC is due to short-term interests in the economy. Several pieces of research such that CC has the principal merit of low cost I healthcare. CC plays the role of reducing overall IT maintenance tasks and thus aids them in preventing likely IT reinvestments. The second advantage is that CC mainly targets the clinical tasks through leveraging great scalability. Some research shows that the old health IT focused on administrative, financial, and even strategic functions instead of clinical activities. Such findings promote the urgent need to utilize CC to remedy the old health deficiencies in the context of the healthcare company's clinical activities. CC adoption has the advantage of great scalability with a focus on the clinical sectors. The third benefit is that CC supports patient-centeredness. A conservative yet well-acknowledged perception of health IT is medical staffs are critical users of IT applications, and several existing IT applications focus heavily on physicians. Yet, it has been claimed that the great potential of CC is that it realizes patient-centeredness, which is a promising upcoming trend of health IT. Moreover, several surveys suggest that CC innovatively includes patient family members for realizing patient-centeredness. It has also been noted that CC promotes service flexibility and mobility (Gao et al., 2018).
Factors influencing CC adoption in healthcare
Identification of factors affecting adoption in cloud computing innovations in deploying HIS has obtained insufficient attention in academic literature; thus, there is a lack of rigor and systematic analysis studies. The following are factors affecting the perception towards using eHealth:
System integrity domain factors
In the system integrity domain, system features have been known to affect the way persons manage tasks. This is usually featured through the personal perception of a model to finish specific task demands. Regarding Hsiu-Fen, establishing the successful utilization of innovations needs examining model features as outside variables for adopting with regards to driving a belief of its usefulness and effectiveness. The first system characteristic can be compatibility which refers to how the modern model fits the personal existing values and current needs. The research postulates that determining the fit of HIS and personal needs is essential for structuring the utilization behavior of the model (Meri et al., 2017). Compatibility is another essential aspect to be considered when examining the current innovation adoption. With regards to Jen-Her, compatibility of HIS vitally affects approval by professionals of healthcare.
The next factor, compatibility, refers to the degree to which innovation is viewed as hard to understand and employ. It has been known that using CC in the healthcare domain can lead to some issues for people lacking technological expertise, just as IT specialists. This is due to the ease of integrating cloud HIS into healthcare sectors, leading to higher utilization chances. Nevertheless, the complexity of new roles and services in cloud HIS can be challenging for professionals lacking expertise in technology. The model's complexity is linked with how persons view innovations to be relevant to their experiences. Moreover, it gets correlated with the mental efforts of users needed to utilize the system.
In addition, there is data security and privacy as another component of the system integrity domain. The continuous increase in using trending innovations in healthcare practices led to the modulation of conventional approaches to handling patient data. In current healthcare practices, healthcare experts with various privileges require accessing patient data through any device at any moment in the cloud. Thus, various documents have shown the relevance of security focusing on users using CC. Security vulnerabilities get defined as a threat with concerns of destruction, data modification, and denial of service just as disclosure, fraud, waste, and abuse. Users have been warned not to trust the current security measures. With CC security focus is more feasible, thus having the security of cloud HIS positively affects physicians' approval of CC (Meri et al, 2019). Besides the system integrity domain, there are other factors needed for considerations, they include;
Hardware and software modularity
In the context of hardware modularity, there are multiple limitations of present hardware in the healthcare organizations that recourses generalization of using the HIS. Ensuring that there is enough hardware modularity can enhance healthcare application's scalability by embedding critical devices for developing and debugging various health-associated issues from a department to several ones (Meri et al., 2017). Thus, giving healthcare employers enough hardware equipment that vitally elevates their confirmation of the effectiveness to handle along with communicating healthcare data over departments. In software modularity, the process linked with performing multiple tasks within a system can somehow be associated with modularity for tailoring process development just as comprehensibility.
Several research asserted that the effectiveness of regarding the factor when it
turns to CC adoption where there is assurance that the previous platforms can manage cloud application could elevate the acceptance of healthcare employees to use cloud services. Moreover, the organizations need to ensure that their software is up to date to aid in maintaining the correct innovation with regards to flexibility of the IT infrastructure that conforms to means that applications get reconfigured with fewer efforts. Ensuring modularity of software and hardware can impact the worker's view in a positive way; thus, employing CC in healthcare is much efficient (Meri et al., 2017).
Internet network
It has been noted that the lack of connectivity in internet networks like one of the determinants limiting using the adoption of innovation. Network refers to the infrastructure of telecommunication needed for connecting multiple healthcare areas and the users in a state. However, the workers still face more difficulties in sharing and communicating the health-linked data throughout departments because of the limited accessibility to enough basic infrastructure. Several researchers suggest a need for excellent network quality to influence the adoption of CC positively. According to Steinbart and Nath, computer network refers to a critical element driving company management (Osplabs, 2018). Thus, network factors can positively influence users' usage experience because they shape IT use decisions.
Training availability
Training refers to access resources that companies give workers to achieve the expertise required for operating and using innovation. The workers are aided by training availability through boosting their confidence in utilizing the cloud technology in the model, like understanding each capability of the provided innovation can make them approve it more. With regards to Eley and his colleagues claimed the relevance of delivering such resources for taking advantage in telemedicine innovations within care and management of the patient. It is also known that the lack of training resources can lead the users to have opposing views on the innovation expectations, (Meri et al., 2017)
The impacts to the adoption of cloud computing in health care
Like any other new technology, cloud computing needs to be thoroughly tested since it is widely used (Ali et al., 2018). In the perspective of both potential and difficulties, just several doctoral dissertations have comprehensively investigated the influence of cloud technology on care services information technology. Considering the views of administration, infrastructure, and safety, this research seeks to find the challenges that affect the incorporation of cloud computing into the health sector and the recommendations on the steps to be carried out to help overcome these challenges, the influence that clouds computing has to the health sector and the methods of facilitating the acceptance of cloud computing into the health sector so that considerable improvements can be seen (Amron et al., 2017).
Administration challenges of cloud computing
The key issues are the absence of consumer confidence in safety and confidentiality issues in the data sector of the organizational lethargy, lack of accountability, and adherence by doubtful vendors (Dauwed et al., 2018). Challenges occur when their crucial information and expedition programs shift to cloud services, whereby vendors might not assure their data protection with safeguards' efficiency (Govinda, &Ramasubbareddy, 2018). Societal opposition to information exchange and conventional operational environments is a typical cloud service administrative difficulty. A sales contract may not be binding to enable the customer to audit their data in certain situations (Gao &Sunyaev, 2019). Records management breach might have a severe effect on the tactics of a data center and hence on the ability to fulfill its purpose and objectives.
Technology challenges of cloud computing
Numerous cloud-related technological issues involve assets fatigue, operational volatility, information shut, memory management, constraints, and defects in vast and complex cloud environments. Due to heavy rivalry, significant suppliers crowd the marketplace, and many cloud vendors overextend computing power to lure consumers (Shepherd, 2019). To sustain income, the moral framework cut shortcuts so that they may, for instance, block connectivity to cloud assets, employ outdated virtualization, or install older Processor architecture.
This disparity among consumer expectations and what the supplier can realistically supply is a significant technological issue for the cloud client to give maximum support to their users (Osplabs. 2018). Mobile check is also a significant problem in certain circumstances; cloud customers may need to relocate information or capabilities to another supplier or return to the technology system. If the supplier stops commerce or function, software clients may notice a transmission power congestion due to limited actual network infrastructure. Another particular technological concern is flawed in massive data centers (Sharma et al., 2020). Relative to IT platforms, the mistakes in these enormous dispersed architectures are harder to troubleshoot.
Security challenges
IT usage has various data security threats, such as hacker assaults, network outages, natural catastrophes, partition breakdown, urban planning, functionality, improper cryptography access control, and misuse of privileges (Shepherd, 2019). Isolation breakdown, governance functionality, bad cryptographic critical administration, and authority misuse are particular threats to cloud technology. If somehow the supplier does not isolate the services, it might pose significant safety problems.
In the illustration, a client wishes to remove data stored in a computing server; as with other web browsers, this would not instantly lead to genuine data erasure. The information is still stored on the drive but still missing (Sharma et al., 2020). Other clients utilize physical hardware in numerous tenancies. In this situation, a foreign entity might obtain removed data from another client. These pose a more significant risk to internet clients than underlying servers. Improper access control may lead to loss of cryptographic algorithms, exposure of private keys or credentials to hostile persons, or illegal verification usage.
Despite the benefits of cloud computing in e-health services, information security is questionable. Security problems have turned more complex in cloud models and need additional investments to deploy data management policies. For each predictable event in health care cloud computing, primary data need to be registered and accepted by the important people to propose and take the required measures. The data kept in cloud virtualized surroundings can be accessed via several people; thus, healthcare cloud computing has multiple issues and concerns involving data transmission and access control. Meanwhile, when users keep and transfer the information on the cloud, the integrity of the data set and issues associated with moving data is quite a difficult task. However, when health information is stored in the cloud, patients lose physical control of their private information (Mehraeen et al., 2017).
Achieving security along with privacy within e-health is very crucial in obtaining the aims of utilizing modern technology. This is necessary as digitizing health-associated data along with sharing them can lead to various kinds of attacks. Various government health institutions have developed a framework for ensuring an excellent level of safety and privacy. For example, the HIPAA was put across by US Congress in 1996 as federal law applies for the US healthcare industry. Following HIPAA guidelines, a combination of valuable security and privacy requirements must be put to effectively utilize e-Health, (Azeez & Van der Vyver., 2019).
As noticed, the safe exchange of e-health informatio Plagiarism Free Papers
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