Lesson 5 Discussion (250 Words) SEE THE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS Lesson 5 Assignment (2 Pages) SEE THE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS Rea
Lesson 5 Discussion (250 Words)
Lesson 5 Assignment (2 Pages)
Reading Resources
Cognitive Assessment- https://www.alz.org/professionals/health-systems-clinicians/cognitive-assessment
CSWE Differential Mental Health Assessment- https://www.cswe.org/Centers-Initiatives/CSWE-Gero-Ed-Center/Initiatives/Past-Programs/MAC-Project/Gero-Innovations-Grant/Saint-Louis-University/Mental-Health-Course-Materials.aspx
Mental Status Examination I Definitions- http://www.columbia.edu/itc/hs/medical/psychmed/1_2004/mental_status_exam.pdf
Lesson 6 Mental Health in Older Adults
Lesson 6 Discussion- (250 words).
Reading Resources
Understanding Depression and Aging: Guidance for Social Workers- https://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/JF18p10.shtml
Older Adults and Mental Health- https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/older-adults-and-mental-health
10 Facts About Mental Health and Aging- http://www.lifeseniorservices.org/seniorline/10_Facts_About_Mental_Health_and_Aging.asp
Discover the Top Symptoms and Risk Factors of Mental Illness in the Elderly- https://www.aplaceformom.com/caregiver-resources/articles/mental-illness
Depression and Older Adults- https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/depression-and-older-adults
Depression and Alzheimer’s- https://hms.harvard.edu/news/depression-alzheimers
The State of Mental Health and Aging in America- https://www.cdc.gov/aging/pdf/mental_health.pdf
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Older Adults- https://www.sprc.org/populations/older-adults#:~:text=Suicide%20is%20an%20important%20problem,any%20group%20in%20the%20country.&text=Suicide%20attempts%20by%20older%20adults,death%20than%20among%20younger%20persons
Anxiety and Older Adults: Overcoming Worry and Fear- https://www.aagponline.org/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=anxiety
TOPIC: Lesson 5 Assessing Older Adults
Lesson 5 Discussion
Please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion response:
· What techniques would you use to engage an older adult during your first meeting?
· What areas do you need to consider relating to the Mental Status Exam when meeting with an older adult during the assessment process?
· What types of questions would you want to ask during the assessment?
· What are some ways you could assess for cognitive impairment when meeting with an older adult during the assessment process?
· What assessment tools did you learn about that could be helpful as a part of the assessment process?
Lesson 5 Assignment
Teresa is a 77-year-old, Hispanic female who has been referred by her doctor to the Orange Crest Senior Center. You are meeting with Teresa for an intake case management session. Teresa’s presenting problems including isolation and difficulty obtaining regular food/basic needs due to her limited ability to walk and drive. Teresa also mentioned it is hard for her to move around her home because of all her personal belongings and she has difficulty throwing anything away. Teresa also discussed concerns about her limited income though she thought her husband left a significant amount of money when he died. Teresa explained that her children have control of the finances and although they pay her bills, they often tell her when she asks for something, that the money has been spent for the month.
Using this vignette and the assessment form, please find a friend, family member, or colleague who can role-play this scenario with you. Please consider what you have learned about how to engage a client and complete an assessment. As the Social Worker, you will want to ask the client questions and not provide them the assessment form to complete on their own. After you have completed the assessment, please ask your role-play partner for feedback about their experience (your strengths and areas for growth). Please consider the following questions for your paper:
· What techniques did you use to engage the client?
· What assessment strategies did you use in your roleplay (what specific questions did you ask)?
· What feedback did your partner provide about this experience (your strengths and areas for growth?
For this assignment, you will submit the completed assessment form, mental status exam form, and a one-page paper with your responses to the above questions.
The paper should be approximately 1-2 pages and include high-quality writing. Please include a title page and double-check all spelling and grammar before submitting. Also, please make sure to cite all relevant information and include references as appropriate.
Please use one of the ATTACHED assessment forms. You can type in the Word document or print out the PDF form and write your responses.
Reading Resources
Cognitive Assessment- https://www.alz.org/professionals/health-systems-clinicians/cognitive-assessment
CSWE Differential Mental Health Assessment- https://www.cswe.org/Centers-Initiatives/CSWE-Gero-Ed-Center/Initiatives/Past-Programs/MAC-Project/Gero-Innovations-Grant/Saint-Louis-University/Mental-Health-Course-Materials.aspx
Mental Status Examination I Definitions- http://www.columbia.edu/itc/hs/medical/psychmed/1_2004/mental_status_exam.pdf
Lesson 6 Mental Health in Older Adults
Lesson 6 Discussion
Please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion response:
• What are your thoughts after reviewing the readings? • Why is it important that a Social Worker be aware of the mental health needs of older adults? • What do you need to consider regarding suicide prevention and assessment in older adults? • As a Social Worker, what questions would you want to ask an older adult client you are working with to determine if there are any mental health concerns?
To receive full credit, you will need to fully answer the discussion questions and provide two substantial responses to your classmate’s posts. These responses should also be substantial and provide thoughtful reflection.
The discussion post should be a minimum of 250 words or one page.
Reading Resources
Understanding Depression and Aging: Guidance for Social Workers- https://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/JF18p10.shtml
Older Adults and Mental Health- https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/older-adults-and-mental-health
10 Facts About Mental Health and Aging- http://www.lifeseniorservices.org/seniorline/10_Facts_About_Mental_Health_and_Aging.asp
Discover the Top Symptoms and Risk Factors of Mental Illness in the Elderly- https://www.aplaceformom.com/caregiver-resources/articles/mental-illness
Depression and Older Adults- https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/depression-and-older-adults
Depression and Alzheimer’s- https://hms.harvard.edu/news/depression-alzheimers
The State of Mental Health and Aging in America- https://www.cdc.gov/aging/pdf/mental_health.pdf
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Older Adults- https://www.sprc.org/populations/older-adults#:~:text=Suicide%20is%20an%20important%20problem,any%20group%20in%20the%20country.&text=Suicide%20attempts%20by%20older%20adults,death%20than%20among%20younger%20persons
Anxiety and Older Adults: Overcoming Worry and Fear- https://www.aagponline.org/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=anxiety
CLIENT ID # Intake Date
Brief Intake – Assessment
Referral Date Referred by:
(Date Referred to Case Management Program)
Last Name First Name M.I.
Does client prefer to be referred to by any other name?
Street/Apt. Number
State _______ ZIP
Phone ( )
Cell phone ( )
Emergency Contact Number ( ) Name/Relationship
Is Emergency Contact aware of client’s HIV status? Yes No
Client can be contacted (check all that apply)
At Home By Mail By Phone
Is discretion required?
(i.e. Advocacy, Intensive Case Management, Housing, Food, Support Groups)
Agency |
Contact Person |
Phone |
Service |
Are case management services provided through another agency? Yes No
Case Management Standards Brief Intake/Assessment 3.9.06
Date of Birth: Age:
GENDER: Female Male
Transgender-ID as Female Transgender-ID as Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic? Yes, specify: No
Race: Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
White American Indian or Alaska Native Other:
Relationship Status: Single Single-living w/partner Married Divorced
Separated Widowed
Person describes self as: Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Transgender
Primary language spoken:
English: Read? Yes No Write? Yes No
Other Language: Read? Yes No Write? Yes No
Does the client have difficulty understanding English? Yes No
Does the client have difficulty using English to navigate the health and social service systems? Yes No
Citizenship/Immigration Status:
Is the client an undocumented U.S. resident? Yes No
Does the client have pending immigration issues? Yes No
Living Situation:
On street Shelter Transitional Group Home Drug Treatment Residence
SRO (specify) 28 Day Permanent
Rental Own Home
Living Arrangement:
Relations/Friends Alone
Temporary Permanent
Does the client have temporary, unsafe, and/or inadequate housing? Yes No
Number of people in household (including client):
Name |
Relationship |
HIV Status (+ , – or unknown |
Age |
Aware of Client’s HIV+ Status? (Y/N/NA) |
Name |
Relationship |
Sex |
School Grade |
Aware of Client’s HIV+ Status? (Y/N) |
Aware Of Own HIV+ Status? (Y/N/NA) |
/ / |
M |
F |
/ / |
M |
F |
/ / |
M |
F |
/ / |
M |
F |
/ / |
M |
F |
LIVING OUTSIDE OF HOUSEHOLD (partners, children, other close supports)
Name |
Relationship |
HIV Status (+ , – or unknown) |
Age |
Aware of Client’s HIV+ Status (Y/N) |
Whereabouts |
Do household members, children or close supports have needs that impact client’s ability to access or maintain treatment or care? Yes No
Are there disclosure issues that can be assisted by case management? Yes No
Does the client have a functioning support system? Yes No
Indicate all that apply:
Medicaid: Number with Sequence # ( ) Is there an exception – 35? Yes No
Is there a spend-down? Yes, in the amount of No
Medicaid Managed Care Medicare Private Insurance HMO/Managed Care
ADAP PLUS Self Pay Military Other:
SECONDARY INSURANCE None or Yes, (check below)
Medicaid Managed Care Medicare Private Insurance HMO/Managed Care
ADAP PLUS Self Pay Military Other:
Effective Date of Secondary Insurance:
HASA # (NYC only)
Does the client need assistance with insurance for medical care? Yes No
MEDICAL (This section is optional in medical settings where this information is readily accessible to the case manager.)
A. Primary Medical Care
Provider Name:
City: State: Zip: Main Phone:
Case Manager/Social Worker: Phone:
Primary Physician: Phone:
Recent Hospitalizations:
Last time saw doctor: CD4 Count: Viral load:
B. Other Medical Conditions
C. Pharmacy (Specify):
Client restricted to us of a specific pharmacy? Yes No
D. Medications (List all taken currently, e.g., HIV, TB, HCV, Psychotropics, etc.):
Does the client have difficulty keeping appointments or problems taking medications? Yes No
Are there debilitating symptoms requiring assistance (i.e., homecare, home delivered meals)? Yes No
Employment |
HIV/AIDS Service Administration |
Social Security |
Short Term Disability |
Survivor Benefits |
Rent Supplement |
Child Support |
Veteran's Assistance |
Public Assistance |
Pension |
Disability Ins. Inc. |
Long Term Disability |
Alimony |
Unemployment Insurance |
Food Stamps |
Total Personal Monthly Income:
Additional monthly income from household members:
Total monthly household income:
Annual household income (for URS) :
(Monthly income x12)
Does the client have a regular source of income? Yes No
Does client have difficulty meeting monthly expenses? Yes No
Is the client linked to income sources they are eligible for? Yes No
Does the client need assistance/advocacy in accessing entitlements? Yes No
Is client currently receiving mental health counseling? Yes No
Clinician: Phone: Has client ever received mental health counseling? Yes No
When For how long?
Ever hospitalized for a psychiatric condition? Yes No
Most recent date: Where? Reason:
Does client mental health treatment include medications? Yes No (if yes include on medication list – pg 5, Section F)
Client’s assessment of mental health/emotional support needs:
Does client have a need for mental health services? Yes No
Does the client have difficulty keeping mental health appointments? Yes No NA
Does the client have difficulty taking psychotropic medication as prescribed? Yes No NA
Has the client ever been in an abusive relationship? Yes No – If yes, explain
Does client feel safe in current living arrangement? Yes No – If no, explain:
Does client ever feel that they or a family member/partner would resort to force when interacting? Yes No – If yes, explain:
Does the client have needs related to current or recent domestic violence? Yes No NA
Does client have a history of drug/alcohol use? Yes No Is client currently using? Yes No
If Yes, how long? days/weeks/months/years
Drug(s) of choice:
Frequency of use: Is client currently in SU treatment program? Yes No
If Yes, how often? Per day/week/month/year
Program Name:
Contact Person: Phone:
If not in treatment, is client interested in SU treatment, syringe exchange, other supports? Yes No Does client want assistance to quit smoking? Yes No
Is the client experiencing problems as a result of alcohol or drug use? Yes No
Is the client seeking treatment for alcohol or drug use? Yes No
Does the client need assistance obtaining Nutritious food? Yes No Appropriate clothing? Yes No Transportation? Yes No
Legal services? Yes No
Education/training/employment? Yes No
Summarize client status, presenting needs, and assessed needs. Elaborate on any questions in the shaded boxes indicating unmet needs.
Client ID#: Client Name:
Case management recommended? Yes No
Model? Supportive CM Comprehensive CM
(Explain recommended model to client)
Case Management accepted? Supportive CM Comprehensive CM Declined
If not case management at agency, where referred?
IMMEDIATE REFERRALS MADE: (include contact name)
Hospital/Clinic: For: Agency: For: Agency: For: Internal: For: Internal: For:
CM Consent form signed? Yes No Given copy of “Client Rights”? Yes No
Intake/Assessment Completed by: Date:
Reviewed by: Date:
Mental Status Exam
© 2013 Therapist Aid LLC Provided by TherapistAid.com
Client Name Date
OBSERVATIONS Appearance □ Neat □ Disheveled □ Inappropriate □ Bizarre □ Other Speech □ Normal □ Tangential □ Pressured □ Impoverished □ Other Eye Contact □ Normal □ Intense □ Avoidant □ Other Motor Activity □ Normal □ Restless □ Tics □ Slowed □ Other Affect □ Full □ Constricted □ Flat □ Labile □ Other Comments:
MOOD □ Euthymic □ Anxious □ Angry □ Depressed □ Euphoric □ Irritable □ Other Comments:
COGNITION Orientation Impairment □ None □ Place □ Object □ Person □ Time Memory Impairment □ None □ Short-Term □ Long-Term □ Other Attention □ Normal □ Distracted □ Other Comments:
PERCEPTION Hallucinations □ None □ Auditory □ Visual □ Other Other □ None □ Derealization □ Depersonalization Comments:
THOUGHTS Suicidality □ None □ Ideation □ Plan □ Intent □ Self-Harm Homicidality □ None □ Aggressive □ Intent □ Plan Delusions □ None □ Grandiose □ Paranoid □ Religious □ Other Comments:
BEHAVIOR □ Cooperative □ Guarded □ Hyperactive □ Agitated □ Paranoid □ Stereotyped □ Aggressive □ Bizarre □ Withdrawn □ Other Comments:
INSIGHT □ Good □ Fair □ Poor Comments:
JUDGMENT □ Good □ Fair □ Poor Comments:
Jean Galiana & William A. Haseltine
Solutions to the Most Pressing Global
Challenges of Aging
Aging Well
Aging Well
Jean Galiana • William A. Haseltine
Aging Well Solutions to the Most Pressing Global
Challenges of Aging
ISBN 978-981-13-2163-4 ISBN 978-981-13-2164-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2164-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018962361
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2019. This book is an open access publication. Open Access This book is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adapta- tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this book are included in the book’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the book’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Cover illustration: Halfpoint
This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore
Jean Galiana Vital Research Los Angeles, CA, USA
William A. Haseltine ACCESS Health International New York, NY, USA
This book is a product of ACCESS Health International (www.accessh. org). ACCESS Health is a think tank, advisory group, and implementa- tion partner dedicated to assuring that everyone, no matter where they live and no matter what their age, has access to high-quality affordable healthcare. ACCESS Health works in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. In high-income countries, our focus is on care of older adults and those with dementia. This book identifies and analyzes policies and practices in the United States that serve as models of excellence in elder care and optimal aging. We chose the title Aging Well because we believe that well-being should be the number one focus of all aging care, sup- ports, and interventions. A companion book Aging with Dignity exam- ines similar topics in Sweden and several Northern European countries.
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