This paper will give you an opportunity to evaluate a failed organizational change, identify a theory that could have been used
This paper will give you an opportunity to evaluate a failed organizational change, identify a theory that could have been used to develop the change, and aapply that theory to the failed change. The paper must follow these standards:
- be 8-10 pages of content in length
- have at least three outside professional resources
- follow APA standards
A PowerPoint of the paper is attached as well as the PowerPoint and the docuemtns discussing organizational change
Organizational Change Management
Dr. Charles Poplos, PMP
Organizational Change Management
- Organized, systematic application of
- Knowledge
- Tools
- Resources of change
- To provide organizations with a key process to achieve their business strategy
Difference Between Project and Change Management
- Project Management focus is on specific project activities and deliverables
- Change Management focus is on the impact the project will have on the organization
- Project Management – the change
- Change Management – getting the change accepted
Essential Components
- Sponsor Management
- End-user Communication
- Readiness
- Training
- Coaching
- Transition Planning
- Resistance Management
Sponsor Management
- Sponsor is key
- CM team works to produce the Sponsor Roadmap
- Let the sponsor know about expectations, and
- How the sponsor can help achieve success
End-user Communication
- Permeate the gaining organization’s hierarchy with change information
- Keep them informed
- Get them ready for the impact
- Make them comfortable
- Readiness involves
- Analyzing an organization to identify
- The current state
- The future desired state,
- What is required to move from one state to the other
- Organizations need to understand
- The specific impacts the new system will have on their own internal operations
- To prepare proactively for those impacts
- Training plays a critical role in helping the gaining organization adapt the new processes, hardware, software, etc. into their operations
- CM Team performs training needs analysis
- Determines the training strategy
- Helps manage the training plan
- Identifies the skill gaps of the affected end-user community
Hardware/software changes, redesigned business processes, new or updated policies and procedures, data conversion, and security role establishment all affect how an organization works. Each of these activities requires training, and each training initiative must encompass multiple audiences, venues, and media. Although Organizational Change Management is not responsible for training development or delivery, they play a critical part in performing the training needs analysis, determining the training strategy, helping manage the training plan, and identifying the skill gaps of the affected end-user community.
- The CM team works with supervisors to ensure they are aware of the
- Project or what is being changed
- Impacts
- Expectations of them
- The coaching effort can range from
- Coaching info sheets to
- Formal meetings with managers/supervisors to advise them on how best to coach their staff
Managers and supervisors are key to all organizations. It is to the manager or supervisor that employees first look when trying to understand changes in the organization. The Organizational Change Management team looks to this key resource and works with them to ensure they are aware of the project, project impacts, and the project team’s (and sponsor’s) expectations of them. The coaching effort can range from coaching info sheets all the way up to formal meetings with managers/supervisors to advise them on how best to coach their staff.
Transition Planning
- Transition Planning involves
- Preparing the organization to support the new system once the change is completed
- The team
- Reviews the skills necessary to support the new system
- Works with individuals on the production side to develop transition plans to successfully support the new application
- Users may
- Require Training
- Require remedial training in related skill sets
- Need to acquire entirely new skill sets
- Will have job reclassification issues
Once a system implements it becomes a production system, and the project team moves on to the next project. Preparing the organization to support this new system is an essential piece of OCM. The team reviews the skills necessary to support the new system, and works with individuals on the production side to develop transition plans for them to be able to successfully support the new application. The shift from project to production is not the only concern when it comes to transition planning. In some cases, individuals using the new application will require more than just training on how to use the system. They may need remedial training in related skill sets, or acquisition of entirely new skill sets. In some extreme cases, jobs will have to be reclassified. The OCM reviews these situations and helps the sponsors, managers, and supervisors plan accordingly.
Resistance Management
- A resistance management plan is a proactive approach to managing resistance
- It is important to identify potential resistance points by defining
- What resistance may look like
- How to identify resistance
- How to mitigate the impact of resistance
In General
- Change Management
- Manages change as a process
- Recognizes that projects deal with people
- Helps people through the change with open and honest communication
- Provides awareness of the new environment
- Ensuring readiness to function competently
Preparation For Major Change
- It is important for organizations to understand
- Impacts the implementation will have on their own internal operations
- And to
- Prepare proactively for those impacts
- Organizational Change Management is concerned with:
- Managing change as a process and recognizing that people are the focus
- Providing direct, knowledgeable, and frequent communication
The Change Problem
- Change problem is
- Some future state to be realized
- Some current state to be left behind
- A some structured, organized process for getting from the one to the other
Change Answers Three Questions
- How do we make the change?
- What needs to be changed?
- Why is it being changed?
The Change Problem
At the heart of change management is the change problem, that is, some future state to be realized (to-be), some current state to be left behind (as-is), and some structured, organized process for getting from the one to the other. The change problem might be large or small in scope and scale, and it might focus on individuals or groups, on one or more divisions or departments, the entire organization, or one or on more aspects of the organization’s environment.
Change as a “How” Problem
The change problem is often expressed as a “how” question. How do we get people to be more open, to assume more responsibility, to be more creative? How do we introduce self-managed teams to the department? How do we change over from one system to another? How do we move from a client-server environment to a web-based one? How do we get this organization to be more innovative, competitive, or productive?
Change as a “What” Problem
Change Managers also have to consider “what” questions. What are we trying to accomplish? What changes are necessary? What indicators will signal success? What standards apply? What measures of performance are we trying to affect?
Change as a “Why” Problem
Frequently chains and networks of business must be traced out before one finds the “true” reason for a change effort. In this regard, the “why” questions prove to be extremely useful.
How Do We Make The Change?
- How do we get people to
- Be more open?
- Assume more responsibility?
- Be more creative?
For example
How do we introduce self-managed teams to the department?
How do we change over from one system to another?
How do we move from a client-server environment to a web-based one?
How do we get this organization to be more innovative, competitive, or productive?
What Needs To Be Changed?
- What are we trying to accomplish?
- What changes are necessary?
- What indicators will signal success?
- What standards apply?
- What measures of performance are we trying to affect?
Why Is It Being Changed?
- Frequently chains and networks of business must be traced out before one finds the “true” reason for a change effort
- CM wants to find the ultimate purposes of functions and find new and better ways of performing them
- Why do we do what we do?
- Why do we do it the way we do it?
The Theories
- Satir’s Change Process Model
- Kubler-Ross Stages of Change Model
- Kotter’s Phases of Change Model
- Lewin’s Dynamic Stability Model
- Prosci Change Management Model
Satir’s Change Process Model
- Satir’s change model is one of many tools she invented to enhance communication and encourage growth
- “Change” is the project announcement which leads to a period of uncertainty, chaos, and productivity decreases
- As people learn more and receive training/coaching, their productivity begins to rise
- There is a period of flux until the new system becomes the status quo.
Satir’s change model is one of many tools she invented to enhance communication and encourage growth. She assisted hundreds of families make the changes they wanted to make, and it has been widely adopted for use in the OCM field. Following the diagram above, the “change” is the project announcement which leads to a period of uncertainty, chaos, and productivity decreases. As people learn more and receive training/coaching, their productivity begins to rise. There is a period of flux until the new system becomes the status quo.
Kubler-Ross Stages of Change Model
- Describes the process by which people deal with grief
- Significant changes in the working environment can bring about a form of grief
The Kübler-Ross model describes, in five discrete stages, the process by which people deal with grief. Significant changes in the working environment can bring about a form of grief. This is the familiar model where the stages are:
Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening." Project announcement.
Anger: "Why ME? It's not fair?!" (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as "responsible") Recognition of changes in the day-to-day routine, perceived (or real) loss of prestige, power, knowledge, movement to the new state where things are unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my son graduate." A sense of “just leave me alone”, or “just don’t change this one particular thing too”. Sometimes expressed as “as long as I don’t lose anything”, or “just make sure I get the training I need”.
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?" When a system first implements feelings like “this is too hard”, “this is too slow”, “this takes too much work”, and “this is stupid” are not uncommon.
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK." Once people get used to the new system, they begin to accept it, and in time will defend it as strongly as they defended the old system.
Kubler-Ross Stages of Change Model
- Five stages
- Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
- Anger: "Why ME? It's not fair?!" Recognition of changes in the day-to-day routine, perceived (or real) loss of prestige, power, knowledge, movement to the new state where things are unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
- Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my son graduate." A sense of “just leave me alone”, or “just don’t change this one particular thing too”. Sometimes expressed as “as long as I don’t lose anything”, or “just make sure I get the training I need”.
- Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?" When a system first implements feelings like “this is too hard”, “this is too slow”, “this takes too much work”, and “this is stupid” are not uncommon.
- Acceptance: "It's going to be OK." Once people get used to the new system, they begin to accept it, and in time will defend it as strongly as they defended the old system.
Five stages
Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening."
Anger: "Why ME? It's not fair?!" Recognition of changes in the day-to-day routine, perceived (or real) loss of prestige, power, knowledge, movement to the new state where things are unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my son graduate." A sense of “just leave me alone”, or “just don’t change this one particular thing too”. Sometimes expressed as “as long as I don’t lose anything”, or “just make sure I get the training I need”.
Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?" When a system first implements feelings like “this is too hard”, “this is too slow”, “this takes too much work”, and “this is stupid” are not uncommon.
Acceptance: "It's going to be OK." Once people get used to the new system, they begin to accept it, and in time will defend it as strongly as they defended the old system.
- Kotter’s change phases model deals with the phases of change
Lewin’s Dynamic Stability Model
- Refers to “unfreezing, changing, and refreezing”
- It gives rise to thinking about a staged approach to changing things. Looking before you leap is usually sound practice.
- Using Lewin’s approach as a starting point
- Most change associated with projects comes from the envisioning of some future state yet to be realized
- To arrive at the “to be” state, it is important to understand the “as is” state.
Kurt Lewin’s adoption of the systems concept of dynamic stability refers to “unfreezing, changing, and refreezing”. What is useful about this framework for OCM is that it gives rise to thinking about a staged approach to changing things. Looking before you leap is usually sound practice.
Using Lewin’s approach as a starting point, it is clear that most change associated with projects comes from the envisioning of some future state yet to be realized. To arrive at the “to be” state, it is important to understand the “as is” state. OCM, while relying on all the theories mentioned above largely revolves around developing a structured, organized process for getting from the one to the other.
Prosci Change Management Model
- Prosci
- Is a nationally recognized research and development company that specializes in bench-marking change management best practices
- Has made a significant step forward in the integration of organizational change management and project management
- Released its Change Management Process
- Following eight years of research with over 1000 organizations
Prosci is a nationally recognized research and development company that specializes in bench-marking change management best practices. They have capitalized on these best practices to develop organizational change management training programs for all levels of an organization. Prosci has made a significant step forward in the integration of organizational change management and project management. After eight years of research with over 1000 organizations, Prosci released its Change Management Process. Built into the process are scalable and flexible components for customizing OCM activities to the specific organizational change being implemented. Prosci developed the ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) system for working through change. Prosci provides tools to perform organizational analysis, and has developed templates which can be customized to aid the process of preparing organizations for change. Recently, Prosci was reviewed and approved as a Registered Education Provider of training by the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Prosci Change Management Model
- Built into the process are scalable and flexible components for customizing OCM activities to the specific organizational change being implemented
- ADKAR (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) system for working through change
- Includes
- Tools to perform organizational analysis
- Templates which can be customized to aid the process of preparing organizations for change
Selecting a Change Strategy
- Degree of resistance
- Target population
- The stakes
- Time frame
- Expertise
- Dependency
- Organizational Strategy
- Funding
Basic Change Management Steps
- Provide awareness of the change that is going to occur
- Ensure there is understanding about why the change needs to happen and the benefits of that change
- Facilitate acceptance of the change
- Act as someone who cares, listens, and responds to individual needs and concerns
- Manage people and expectations
- Assist people to use their insights, skills, and sense of values to move forward with organization/team efforts.
In Summary
- Organizational Change Management is an important part of any process implementation
- Getting the people to accept the change is essential in project success
- Organizational change management is made up of seven essential components
- Sponsor management
- End-user communication
- Readiness
- Coaching
- Training
- Transition Planning
- Resistance Management
In Summary
- Change Management
- helps answer the question “how are we going to move from this current state to the future state?”
- is drawn from the fields of psychology, sociology, business administration, economics, industrial engineering, systems engineering, and the study of human and organizational behavior
- Change Management and Project Management must work together to ensure project success and acceptance of the change brought about by new systems
Organizational Change Management Paper
Your paper MUST follow this outline:
Identify and describe a failed organizational change
Identify and describe one organizational change theory
Apply the theory above to the failed change above
In General
Strict APA formatting
Minimum three professional sources
Full use of in-text citations
8-10 pages on content
Title page
Running head
Table of Contents
Reference page
Due Date
Due by the 7th class meeting at class time
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