Creative Project – Final
Oregon is a country in located in Pacific Northwest area on the Western side of the coastal region in U.S. A lot of the regions northern boundary is delineated by the Columbia River on northern boundary situated in Washington, while the large extent of eastern boundary with Idaho part is delineated by Snake river. The California and Nevada boundary on the southern part is delineated by the 42 degrees north parallel.
Before intrusion by the European traders, settlers and explorers, the land was inhabited by several indigenous tribes. The state had its first autonomous government in 1843 after which the Oregon Territory was established in 1848. It was established as the 33rd country on 14th February, 1859. Today the state has an area of 98,000 square miles, its the 9th largest nation, and has a population of 4 million people, and is the in position 27 among the most famous states in U.S. its capital city is Salem which is in position 2 among the most famous cities in the region, having a population of 169,798 people. Portland a city in the area is 26th among the popular cities in U.S. it is among those diverse nations geographically in U.S. noticeable by plenty of water bodies, volcanoes, mixed, dense evergreen forests, semi-arid shrublands and deserts. The highest point is Mount Hood with 11,249 feet. Its only single national park is the Crater Lake National Park, which is composed of Caldera, that surrounds the lake, which is united states deepest lake. The country also hosts the worlds largest organism, a fungus called Armillaria ostoyae.
As a result of its various waterways and landscapes, the nations economy is powered to a large extent by a number of factors like fishing, agriculture, and Hydroelectric power. It is also a leading producer of timber in U.S. where the timber industry formed the back born of the economy in the 20th century. Technology has also been a major booster of the nations economic prosperity, after establishing the Silicon Forest and expanding the Intel and Tektronix. Companys that produce software like Inc., and Nike have established their headquarters in the Beaverton, forms the biggest revenue earner in the area which sums up to $30.6 billion yearly.
Literature review
As the 1920s boomed in majority of the U.S. economy, in a several situations they did whimper only in Oregon. The emergence of WW1 heated the economy in Oregon facilitating production of lumber, ships, grain and other materials. Buts as a result of its wake, there was faltering of the states economy, as shipyards and lumber industry orders declined quickly and the faming slumped. There was a drop of housing starts, an increase in speculation regarding stock market, unsteady growth of banks, which compelled more than 50,000 people to leave the region.
Another great inhibitor to economic development was the nations transportation arrangement. Obviously, the nation had a well-set system of stage, railroads, and routs for steamboats, but in general the system of the road can just be termed as primeval (Aldana, B. 99). A very notable exception was the completion of Columbia River Highway, that paved way for the development of and push towards construction of modern roads allover thye nation. There was a campaign to get the state out of mud which started to pay to initiate constructions of highways like Pacific Highway and then the Oregon Coast Highway, which attracted immigration from wandering Americans and Oregonians. Temporarily, a lot of emphasis was put to enhance a system of farm to roads that link market to agricultural land using shipping and railroads resources.
Social Freedoms and an Advertising Age
As the nation experienced economic strains in 1920s, it had experiences of fears and excitements of unrestrained cultural and social decade. The alterations that were initiated by WW1 articulated themselves in the U.S. culture as ancient traditions faded (Bennett, J. R. (1998). Most of women, who were empowered by accessing their voting rights on a national scale, reduced the social strains on behavior and dress. They discarded corsets, bobbed hair, wore on flopper dresses, danced Charleston, listened to jazz music while smoking openly. Majority requested for more and easier equitable divorces together right to access birth control.
There was introduction and development of the movie industry which captivated the film audiences (Bredbenner, C. (2017). Themes from films followed typical themes which symbolized societies ideal. Another aspect is the disturbing facet of the society diminished the liveliness for many. There was increased organized crime, underground economies and depletion of government respect as a result of experiment of prohibition. There was labor strife which simmered over at steady intermissions, that at other times-initiated violence. There was increased distrust and fear among the American radicals while perceiving Bolsheviks as societys shadow.
There was the rise of ku Klux Klan, which marked a great turn of events in the region. This was an anti-Catholic racist and bigotry vigilant movement, that developed strong foothold in that nation (Hodges, A. J. (2007). This clan developed chapters in Eugene, Portland, Rosenburg, Medford among other communities in the region. The members put on robes and gathered through the streets igniting crosses while intimidating minorities and Catholics.
The state of Oregon appeared from WW1 both chastened and empowered. Veterans had gone allover the world, observing exotic and seeing new places which many had just seen in books. The war boomed the economy that led to provision of food, war supplies and ships. Majority had seen the merciless killing during the war and were got repulsed. As the war anxieties dropped in 1919. This section will examine the life of people and soldiers after the war.
The research topic
The research topic I opted for was Oregon and the Roaring Twenties after WW1. Currently taking a class of History in united State which demands a research paper. The class requirements should be that the topic be after world war 1. I have decided to write regarding the state of the nation after World war 1. After going through the class work, I really got interested to discover and find out how people and soldiers lived after the end of the war, the economic implication of the war to the state. This prompted my yearn for more research work that called for this research work. This will be a great paper that will open up our minds and inclusively cover all the aspects and features that the war introduced to this economy. It will open our minds regarding peoples wellbeing, economic growth, agricultural and infrastructural growth, political developments as well as religious beliefs and ethnicity, culture and demographic parameters. The topic will dig out for more specific and generalized developments, challenges and impacts of the changes that the war introduced in this region. It will be a detailed quality research work that is college level. It will provide a lot of information on state of Oregon after the war. The subject matter of the topic is history.
Research questions
The research questions for this research work includes;
Did WW1 impact on the way of life of the people of Oregon?
World War 1 impacted both negatively and positively on how the people in Oregon live. It has improved the living standards.
Was economic growth as a result of the war?
Economic growth was as a result of the war. War improved infrastructure developments, agricultural sector and the wellbeing of the people and the soldiers. It improved on the acting industry by promoting the film industry.
What were some of the challenges faced by the soldiers after the war?
After the war, the soldiers found it difficult to fit in the community as a result of the experience they had from the war. They had seen lots of massacre, deaths and were used to harsh environments outside there.
Which aspects of the economy were affected by the war?
Research hypothesis
Positive hypothesis
The research hypothesis is, economic growth in Oregon was as a result of the war.
The development of railroads and highways was initiated by the war.
Null hypothesis
Political stability in Oregon was not introduced by the war.
Agricultural booming did not lead to development of transport system.
Research strategy
To determine the impacts of the war to the people of Oregon
To investigate the impacts of political movements to the region.
From the research review, I know that the war created a lot of positive changes in the region as well as negative ones. The war has led to a lot of economic developments, infrastructure boom, agricultural growth, cultural changes, political movements and religious changes. (Zhou, W., & Liu, P. 2011). It has impacted on ethnicity, social setting of the community. There are no extensive researches conducted on this topic trying to indicate the consequences of the war.
In Oregon there are a lot of economic changes as a result of the war. The city has seen great changes in all the sectors and the people there both citizens and immigrants are enjoying the changes. From my class work, agriculture, transport system and the political systems in Oregon are now very developed. There has been unemployment due to ethnic differences, people have adopted new living styles as a result of being exposed to the outside world. The soldiers from war acquired reputation and political recognition after coming back.
The research will focus on primary sources like interview and questionnaire, and secondary data such as journals, videos, books and magazines. I plan on researching on all the materials which will contain the relevant information on the topic. I plan on attending and consulting the library for all the written material relating to the events that took place after the war in Oregon. Some of the articles am planning to use have photos of the ancient times before the war and after the war which will provide me more information relating to my topic.
I will also apply the skill that I have learnt in class to develop and acquire more data and information. I have placed orders for books that I will use via the interlibrary loan sections. The library homepage and the library catalogue are going to be very essential in directing me to acquire the important resources.
This topic is a major fit for the course am pursuing and will present a very realist problem that can be addressed as research topic. The research will entail the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation system. After reviewing books relating to formats of citations, I realized that APA citation is a modified system of the author for conducting citations, used in this field (Hubbuch, 2002).
Data Analysis
Analysis of the data will be done via an overall comparative analysis approach. I will develop an analytical memo, of data collection simultaneous (Miles et al., 2014), after conducting an interview. It the research will draft an analytical memo relating to each community after data collection to place a summery of the insight acquired fro0m the community on research questions and interview. The recordings of the research will be then transcribed verbatim. The next step will be to conduct a qualitative analysis of the content (Schreier, 2014; Kowal & OConnell, 2014) which will be assisted by NVivo software for data analysis (QSR, 2012) that will aid in segmenting the data. The researcher will identify quotations that will deliver the meaning regarding the research questions.
Data collection
Data collection will be initiated by conducting a background study of the history of the community demographic, culture, history and possible external stressors regarding the area of study. Important informants will be state government, members of the community, educators, business owners, identified leaders in the community. The interviewees will be chosen on with aid of ODFW basing on their role in the society, via leadership experiences, position, economic and environmental factors identified via background study on the society.
In conclusion we can deduce that, the study will cover all the aspects of the community that relate to after war implications. It will focus on the wellbeing of the soldiers and the people after the war, economic developments and social changes that took place in Oregon. The study area will be Oregon, data collection will be done through interviews, study questions, secondary sources like books, journals, library materials with relevant data. This will be an extensive research covering all the key aspects of the region.
Aldana, B. To What Extent Do Circumstances Determine Human Behavior? Journal of History, 99.
Bennett, J. R. (1998). From patriotism to peace: the humanization of war memorials. The Humanist, 58(5), 5.
Bredbenner, C. (2017). Power to the People: American Peace Women’s Democratic Cures for War. Oregon Historical Quarterly, 118(2), 272-281.
Haas, F. (2008). German science and black racismroots of the Nazi Holocaust. The FASEB Journal, 22(2), 332-337.
Haas, F. (2008). German science and black racismroots of the Nazi Holocaust. The FASEB Journal, 22(2), 332-337.
Hodges, A. J. (2007). Oregon Voices: At War over the Espionage Act in Portland: Dueling Perspectives from Kathleen O’Brennan and Agent William Bryon. Oregon Historical Quarterly, 108(3), 474-486.
Matzke, G. (1979). Settlement and sleeping sickness controla dual threshold model of colonial and traditional methods in East Africa. Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography, 13(4), 209-214.
Sanchez, G. I. (2006). Benjamin Read: New Mexico’s Bernal Diaz del Castillo Erlinda Gonzales- Berry Oregon State University. Recovering the US Hispanic literary heritage, 6, 24.
Smith, R., & Smith, M. (2010). B is for beaver: An Oregon alphabet. Sleeping Bear Press.
Striate, D. D. (1976). Hurrah for Garibaldi! Oregon Historical Quarterly, 77(3), 213-237.
Yeley, M. (2018). A Steadfast Soldier: The History of the Astoria Victory Monument.
Zhou, W., & Liu, P. (2011). The First World War and the Rise of Modern American Novel: A Survey of the Critical Heritage of American WWI Writing in the 20th Century.
Based on your research essay, you will construct a project that puts you in the time period and creatively tells a story from your research. It will be 7 pages total (unless you are doing a video – in which case it should be 1-3 minutes long.)
Suggestions might include:
- Invitation to a lecture by a female scientist
- Journal of a female astronaut
- Mock trial of passing the Equal Employment Act
- Recipe book for women in science
- Employment ads seeking a female doctor
- Yearbook from a woman studying science at university
- Church bulletin for civil rights activists
- Descriptive battle maps of French encounters
- Letter back home from a black soldier
- Pamphlet by NAACP outlining their beliefs and aims
- Newspaper article describing discrimination of black soldiers
- Tourism website for Houston in the 1920s
- Social media account of a WWI recruiter
- Twitter account by President Wilson
- Written Description In a one page written introduction, tell me why you chose this format and what you learned in the creative process. What software did you use to complete it? What historical examples gave you ideas for your project? (1 page, 20 points)
- Creative Portion The best part! Include images, clever formatting, and enough detail to prove your research. You can either upload a digital version or, if you have drawn by hand, take a photo and upload that. Save any digital versions (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, whatever, as a PDF so I will definitely be able to open it). Videos are great, too! Or, create a website! (5 pages, 70 points)
- Works Cited Include whatever sources you use to inform your project. This might be the same as your bibliography, but you still need to include it. If you add or subtract any sources for the creative portion, make the changes on this works cited. (10 points)
Curation ProjectCuration ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten IntroductionIn a written introduction, tell me why you chose this format and what you learned in the creative process. What software did you use to complete it? What historical examples gave you ideas for you project?20.0 ptsFull MarksAnswers 4 questions: Why? What? Historical examples? Software?15.0 ptsGoodAnswers 3 questions: Why? What? Historical examples? Software?10.0 ptsFairAnswers 2 questions: Why? What? Historical examples? Software?5.0 ptsPoorAnswers 1 question0.0 ptsNo Marks20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreative PortionContains 5 pages, demonstrates creativity, clever use of format, communicates factual information.70.0 ptsFull MarksFantastic! Contains 5 pages, demonstrates creativity, clever use of format, communicates factual information.60.0 ptsGoodContains 5 pages, demonstrates some creativity, clever use of format, communicates factual information.50.0 ptsFairContains less than 5 pages, demonstrates some creativity, some clever use of format, communicates some factual information.30.0 ptsPoorContains less than 5 pages, demonstrates little creativity, little clever use of format, communicates little factual information.0.0 ptsNo Marks70.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks CitedInclude whatever sources you use to inform your project. This might be the same as your bibliography, but you still need to include it. If you add or subtract any sources for the creative portion, make the changes on this works cited.10.0 ptsFull Marks5.0 ptsGood0.0 ptsNo Marks10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0 Plagiarism Free Papers
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