Describe either your best training experience, OR your worst training experience.? For your best training experience, what elements of BST were included? W
Describe either your best training experience, OR your worst training experience.
For your best training experience, what elements of BST were included? What did they do that made you enjoy the training?
For your worst training experience, what elements of BST were missing? What did they do that made you dislike the training?
In either case, to your knowledge, did they collect any measures to evaluate the quality of training? If so, what did they evaluate?
Remember to review the Reflection Paper rubric and instructions for reviewing a peer's submission in the Important Course Information module.
Additionally, please include LINKS or DOIs to any articles or books referenced outside of the assigned readings as part of your APA citation (as is required when using web-based referencesLinks to an external site.). Failing to do so will result in point deductions.
Reflection Paper Rubric (25 points) Reflection papers consist of brief responses to a prompt related to the information shared in each week’s module. Using both the assigned materials and external references, the student should thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the prompt. During the following week, students will be required to provide feedback on a peer’s reflection paper, and will be required to paste the text of their completed peer review into their own submission comments in Canvas, which will allow for the instructor to grade more easily. Reflection paper assignments will be graded as follows:
Category 5 points 3 points 0 points Reflection Length* *(excludes reference section and direct quotes from references that are longer than 5 words)
Reflection paper content was greater than 150 words.
Reflection paper content was between 100-149 words.
Reflection paper content was less than 99 words.
Grammar, Usage, and Spelling
Reflection paper contained less than 2 grammar, usage, or spelling errors.
Reflection paper contained 3-4 grammar, usage, or spelling errors.
Reflection paper contained more than 5 grammar, usage, or spelling errors and proofreading was not apparent.
References and Utilization of Outside Resources
The author used references from peer- reviewed behavioral sources in APA format and cited one or more original behavioral references, outside of the assigned readings. Hyperlinks to the cited external references are provided.
The author used references in APA format of assigned readings but did not include an additional peer-reviewed behavioral reference or did not include a hyperlink to the externally-cited reference.
The author neither utilized APA format for referenced material used nor cited an outside peer-reviewed behavioral reference.
Addressing the Prompt
The author’s reflection paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing.
The author’s reflection paper clearly responds to the assignment prompt, develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and supports them through empirical writing.
The author’s reflection paper does not correspond with the assignment prompt, mainly discusses personal opinions, irrelevant information, or information is presented with limited logic and lack of development and organization of ideas.
Application The author’s post clearly demonstrates application and relationship to the week’s assigned reading/topic.
The author’s post refers to the assigned topic/reading tangentially but does not demonstrate application.
The author’s post does not demonstrate application of the week’s assigned topic/reading.
Peer Review – Your peer review text must be copied and pasted into the comments of your own reflection paper submission to receive credit.
Completes peer-review of colleague’s reflection paper and provides well-thought- out, thorough feedback.
Completes peer-review of colleague’s reflection paper, but provides only vague, non-specific feedback or input.
Does not complete peer- review of a colleague’s reflection paper or does not copy the text into the comments section of their own submission to allow for grading.
Late reflection papers will adhere to the general submission policy found on the Virtual Course Schedule.
The Softer Side of Supervision: Recommendations When Teaching and Evaluating Behavior-Analytic Professionalism
Natalie R. Andzik Northern Illinois University
Michael P. Kranak Oakland University
One welcomed addition to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board Fifth Edition Task List and Supervisor Curriculum (2.0) is the duty of the supervisor to not only teach, but also evaluate “soft skills,” which we will refer to as behavior-analytic professionalism. With this addition, supervisors must teach and evaluate skills related to behavior- analytic professionalism exhibited by their trainees. However, findings from surveys of supervisors in the field indicate two issues: (1) Few view teaching behavior-analytic professionalism as part of their responsibilities under the current supervision guide- lines, and (2) they do not know how to teach these skills. Accordingly, we provide supervisors with a recommended training model for teaching skills related to behavior- analytic professionalism, which includes the steps outlined in behavioral skills training. We outline how to get buy in, operationally define the skills, provide multiple exam- ples, and how to ensure trainees have adequate practice so that timely and constructive feedback can be given.
Keywords: supervision, professionalism, teaching, evaluating
The number of individuals seeking certifica- tion as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA), board certified assistant behavior an- alyst (BCaBA), or registered behavior techni- cian (RBT) is growing expeditiously. In 2019, 13,211 (i.e., 6,884 first-time takers and 6,327 repeating takers) individuals sat for the BCBA exam, and 2,439 (i.e.,1,450 first-time takers and 989 repeating takers) for the BCaBA exam (Be- havior Analyst Certification Board [BACB], 2019a). Based on the increase of test takers
since 2015 (i.e., an increase of 7,140 and 1,564 test takers, respectively), it follows that a simi- lar increase in the number of individuals accru- ing hours to become exam-eligible exists. In addition, there are 70,361 RBTs (BACB, 2019b)—all requiring supervision from a BCBA, BCaBA, or an otherwise approved and noncertified RBT supervisor (BACB, 2018a). There are just over 30,000 credentialed BCBAs who are, or can become, eligible to supervise certification-seeking trainees. This number in- cludes newly minted BCBAs (LeBlanc & Lui- selli, 2016) whose supervisory skills may not be as refined and competent as those who have supervised for an extended time period. None- theless, BCBAs who supervise trainees are re- sponsible with equipping trainees with the skill sets needed to work directly with clients, and also interpersonal, or “soft” skills.
“Soft skills” likely contribute to professional success across a number of fields. From a be- havior-analytic perspective, this skill set ex- tends beyond the technical abilities of data col- lection and designing appropriate client treatments. A more apt name for this needed skill set could be behavior-analytic profession-
This article was published Online First June 11, 2020. X Natalie R. Andzik, Department of Special and Early
Education, Northern Illinois University; X Michael P. Kranak, Department of Human Development and Child Studies, Oakland University.
It is important to note that the information contained in this article is based on the upcoming changes to the BACB task list and supervision curriculum. As the field of behavior analysis continues to evolve, we encourage readers to be cognizant of updates listed on the BACB website, as well as read all BACB newsletters.
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- dressed to Natalie R. Andzik, Department of Special and Early Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. E-mail: [email protected]
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Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice © 2020 American Psychological Association 2021, Vol. 21, No. 1, 65–74 ISSN: 2372-9414
alism. Although teaching social and interper- sonal skills is a requirement outlined in the updated BACB Supervision Training Curricu- lum Outline 2.0 (BACB, 2018b), supervisors report not feeling confident regarding the teach- ing or evaluation of these skills with their train- ees (Sellers, Valentino, Landon, & Aiello, 2019). As a result, this area of supervision ac- tivity for trainees is lacking (DiGennaro Reed & Henley, 2015; Sellers et al., 2019).
The BACB notes several skills in the Super- vision Training Curriculum Outline 2.0 (BACB, 2018b) that fall within this category of behav- ior-analytic professionalism. Supervisors must teach and evaluate professionalism related to (1) time management (e.g., measure planned activ- ities vs. actual activities, adherence to dead- lines, attendance), (2) organization (e.g., mea- sure client programming, meeting preparation), (3) prioritization (e.g., measure appropriate al- location of time toward tasks based on critical- ity), (4) social skills (e.g., evaluate posture, adaption to audience, select appropriate attire), and (5) interpersonal skills (e.g., social interac- tions, flexibility). Encouragingly, Sellers, et al. (2019) recently found that supervision-provid- ing BCBAs and BCBA-Ds (n � 284) directly measured their trainees’ interpersonal and com- munication skills (67.3%), time management (68.7%), organizational skills (67.7%), and pri- oritization skills (63.7%). Discordantly, the same group of supervisors who reported mea- suring soft skills also indicated that they felt they did not know how to measure or teach time management, organization, and interpersonal communication skills. Also, they did not be- lieve doing so was within the BACB supervi- sory requirements to teach these skills. As such, those findings indicate that responding supervi- sors did not feel confident in how to teach, track, and/or evaluate for evidence of positive outcomes each of the behavior-analytic profes- sionalism skills listed in BACB’s Supervision 2.0 document. These findings support the need to address the disparity between adequately training and supporting supervisors and calling them into action unprepared.
Board Certified Behavior Analysts must “rely on professional derived knowledge based on science and behavior analysis when making sci- entific judgments” (BACB, 2014). Although this statement aligns with the hundreds of hours of instruction BCBAs received in their prepara-
tion for the exam, applying this rigor toward less objective, behavior-analytic professional- ism represents a novel, idiosyncratic task. Find- ing empirically validated, evidence-based prac- tices related to teaching others how to refine their “interpersonal skills” or how to be “flexi- ble” can be a challenge. Thus, BCBAs may have to think outside what is comfortable and familiar when teaching and evaluating these ambiguous, person-specific skills. The chal- lenge of teaching professional and interpersonal skills is not unique to the field of behavior analysis. Professionals in other fields also need soft skills to be successful. Yet without explicit instruction and modeling, these skills can be lacking. For example, individuals in hotel man- agement rate soft skills as a priority over other technical skills, but undergraduates in hospital- ity management degree programs state their programs lack focus on teaching these skills (Wilks & Hemsworth, 2012). By taking an ac- ademic-based approach (i.e., instruction fo- cused on the principles of applied behavior analysis) versus an applied approach (i.e., em- phasis is on the day-to-day practice of the be- havior analyst), professional development could often go unaddressed. Therefore, supervisory experiences should be focused on providing support and training in settings where supervi- sion is taking place, rather than taking reiterat- ing knowledge-based content that should have been covered in coursework (Hartley, Courtney, Rosswurm, & LaMarca, 2016).
The new supervision requirements obligate supervisors to incorporate professional develop- ment into a trainee’s supervision experience (BACB, 2018b). Bailey and Burch (2013) sug- gest that a newly minted BCBA needs to quickly establish rapport by being friendly, trustworthy, and charismatic. Well-developed social skills will likely improve a behavior an- alyst’s abilities to interact with consumers, re- gardless of knowledge level. Thus, including explicit teaching of behavior-analytic profes- sionalism skills during supervision experiences would enhance the success of new behavior analysts and bring supervisory activities in line with BACB guidelines. As no widely accepted instructional protocol exists to teach behavior- analytic professionalism, in the following sec- tion we provide some recommendations based on behavioral skill training (BST) to address this shortcoming.
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Teaching Behavior-Analytic Professionalism With BST
Behavioral skills training is an empirically based training strategy that employs a rationale, description, and model of the skill prior to ask- ing the trainee to practice. Immediate corrective and/or supportive feedback follows this training (Parsons, Rollyson, & Reid, 2012). Researchers and others have used this strategy when teach- ing skills to a variety of practitioners working in the field of behavior analysis. In the field of special education, behavior change following exposure to BST-based training methods has been associated with the most consistent im- provement of implementation fidelity (Brock et al., 2017). With respect to professional devel- opment for behavior analysts, BST has been demonstrated to be effective when teaching skills that trainees will use throughout their experience and career, including conducting as- sessments such as verbal behavior assessments (Barnes, Mellor, & Rehfeldt 2014), the Promot- ing the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK) relational training system (Belisle, Rowsey, & Dixon 2016), preference assess- ments (Bishop & Kenzer, 2012), and functional analyses (FAs; Moore et al., 2002; Ward- Horner & Sturmey, 2012); implementing dis- crete trial teaching (Fetherston & Sturmey,
2014; Sarokoff & Sturmey, 2004); and estab- lishing graphing and data interpretation skills (Kranak, Shapiro, Sawyer, Deochand, & Neef, 2019; Maffei-Almodovar, Feliciano, Fienup, & Sturmey, 2017). Given the robust nature of the effectiveness of BST to teach a variety of skills to a variety of practitioners, this approach likely has utility when developing strategies for teach- ing behavior-analytic professionalism skills.
Pre-Step 1: Needs Assessment
In concert with any behavior-analytic pro- gram that involves teaching new skills, the su- pervisor should conduct a needs assessment. The supervisor should conduct the assessment with the trainee before engaging in the supervi- sory experience (Garza, McGee, Schenk, & Wiskirchen, 2018; Luiselli, 2017). The supervi- sor should start with an interview and ask ques- tions about the trainee’s indices of profession- alism to include (1) related BACB policies and all codes, (2) BACB task list items, and (3) company-specific policies (see Figure 1 for sug- gested questions). Next, supervisors should ob- serve the trainee in settings where these behav- ior-analytic professionalism skills are required. Direct observations will help the supervisor identify and prioritize target skills needing im- provement and will ensure a personalized ap-
Skill Not
Needs a
Sample BCBA Standards
Measure planned activities vs. actual activities
Adherence to deadlines
Measures client programming,
Prepared for meetings ahead of time
Measure appropriate allocation of time towards tasks based on criticality
Adjusts own posture, placement
Adapts tone, volume, cadence as it relates to the audience
Communicates with parents, RBTs, Paraeducators, BCaBCAs respectfully,
Adjusts use of jargon, uses people-first language
Sample Company or Hiring Agency Standards
Arrives on time and leaves at stated time
Business casual, closed toed shoes, no visible tattoos or piercings other than in ear
Uses work email / phone when with parents and RBTs and BCaBAs
Professionalism during client sessions (e.g., takes data, does not engage on cell phone, refers to child by name
All reports due by Friday at 5pm, data sheets uploaded by 8pm daily
Sample Interview Questions:
1. When considering your role as a BCBA, what questions do you have about how to present yourself as a professional?
2. Do you have any concerns about ethical violations (e.g., dual relationships) when interacting with parents, BCaBAs, RBTs or others that might be under your supervision?
3. What is your signature line on your work email? Do you exclusively use your work email when communicating with work-related individuals?
4. What types of clothing do you wear to an IEP or team meeting compared to when you are supervising in home, at school, or in the community?
5. Have you encountered any challenging situations yet in your career when you have had to professionally deescalate an irate parent, practitioner, or professional?
6. What is your social media presence like? Have you recently swept your online profiles to ensure you are portraying yourself in a professional way?
Figure 1. Needs assessment, which can be adjusted to capture all possible behavior-analytic skills trainees should be engaging in based on their setting.
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proach for the trainee that addresses specific settings, expectations, and other skills currently in the trainee’s repertoire (see BACB Task List Item 1-3; see Figure 1 for an optional list of items to cover when conducting the initial needs assessment).
Step 1: Provide a Rationale
Getting buy-in from the trainee is, poten- tially, one of the most important first steps when training less behavioral, more ambigu- ous and subjective skills such as behavior- analytic professionalism (Carnegie, 1998; Daniels, 2016). We suggest supervisors start the conversation with their supervisee by re- ferring to the policies and procedures outlined for a BCBA working in schools, homes, or other locations, as well as a policy or proce- dure manual related to the trainee’s current setting. Supervisors must be aware of the nuances and differences that exist in the train- ee’s current placement and where the trainee might end up after finishing the supervision hours. For example, if the trainee wants to work as a BCBA for a clinical company that provides in-home services, but is currently accruing experience in a school-based practi- cum site, the trainee’s behavior is likely to contact different contingencies given the con- trast between in-home and school-based set- tings than if their placement is in a school setting. Put another way, supervisors should consider increasing opportunities to practice the skills the supervisee will rely on when they transition to their desired context follow- ing completion of experience hours.
Step 2: Provide a Checklist
Many aspects comprise behavior-analytic professionalism, so we advise the supervisor focus on those outlined out by the BACB (BACB, 2018b) when engaging in a BST ses- sion with trainees. Supervisors should focus on one skill at a time when training and should keep sessions short, ideally less than an hour (e.g., 15–20 min; Nigro-Bruzzi & Sturmey, 2010).
The supervisor should work with the trainee to operationally define targeted skills needing intervention. For example, “You need to im- prove upon your social skills” is slightly vague and nonbehavioral. Instead, the supervisor
might include a checklist of categories that en- compass social skills, including (1) attire (e.g., ironed clothes, closed-toed shoes,), (2) atten- dance (e.g., on time, acceptable absences), (3) social greetings (e.g., calling clients and care- givers by name, inquiring about a personal de- tail such as “How was the family reunion last weekend?”), and (4) interactions through e-mail (e.g., use formal greeting, professional signa- ture, complete sentences, lack of jargon or slang).These selected skills can come from the needs assessment cited earlier, but may also arise during natural conversations or during for- mal/informal observations of the trainee.
Although some professionalism skills (e.g., arriving on time, social greetings) are ubiqui- tous across settings, some specific components of skills may depend on the setting in which one is practicing (Ross, 2007). For example, train- ees who work with individuals who engage in severe problem behavior will have entirely dif- ferent clothing requirements than trainees at- tending meetings. It may be necessary for train- ees assessing and treating severe problem behavior to refrain from wearing piercings of any kind as a safety precaution. It may also be acceptable for trainees working with severe problem behavior to wear comfortable clothing (e.g., t-shirts, denim jeans) to allow for imple- mentation of intensive behavioral assessments such as FAs. In contrast, trainees working with individuals whose families may have expressed specific cultural or religious beliefs may always have to wear clothing that covers tattoos (if applicable).
Supervisors should decide on one specific skill to target at a time within each brief BST session. It is very important for this targeted skill to be trainee specific. For example, BCBAs often dress in “business casual” (Bailey & Burch, 2010). Although this might work for most, it certainly would not be an appropriate outfit choice when working with very young children or supporting students with self-care needs in the bathroom. It is almost never ac- ceptable to wear sheer or excessively loose clothing. However, again, when considering de- finitive rules about professional attire, the su- pervisor and trainee should agree on the degree of attire. Being aware of one’s working envi- ronment and the acceptable clothing for that environment could even be considered a part of the interpersonal skills required to engage in
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evidence-based practice (Slocum et al., 2014). Although it may be difficult to undergo a tradi- tional BST approach for selecting appropriate attire, one option may be to use an analog to in vivo situations (e.g., Neef, Iwata, & Page, 1978). Put another way, a supervisor could have a trainee select the most appropriate attire from an array of exemplars. Then, at the next possible opportunity, the supervisor could provide feed- back on the trainee’s chosen attire for that day.
Figure 2 is an example of a checklist used during a BST session related to one behavior- analytic professional skill, interpersonal skills. Bailey and Burch (2010) highlight interpersonal communications as one of the 25 essential skills of a behavior analyst. Although there are many individuals the trainee will need to exercise appropriate interpersonal skills with, BST ses- sions should be focused and short. For that reason, we have selected interpersonal skills with the client for this hypothetical BST ses- sion. Arguably, this could also span seven dif-
ferent BST training sessions, but we listed all stages for reference.
Step 3: Demonstrate/Role-Play
Supervisors should be aware that the behav- ior they model during supervision could be im- itated by their trainees. Thus, if supervisors use profane language or text during meetings, it is possible that trainees will imitate these behav- iors. Trainees are likely to take on similar qual- ities they observed in their own supervisor, and thus, supervisors have a responsibility to model appropriate behavior-analytic behavior (Sellers, Alai-Rosales, & MacDonald, 2016). These pro- fessional behaviors might require role-playing to ensure the trainee understands the concepts prior to expecting them to practice those behav- iors themselves. Although sometimes awkward, s Plagiarism Free Papers
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