Select one low- or middle-income country, and investigate the health disparities experienced by people living in that region. Identify one disparity as the to
Assignment Overview
Select one low- or middle-income country, and investigate the health disparities experienced by people living in that region. Identify one disparity as the topic for this assignment, and investigate that disparity to learn more about the contributing factors and the impact of the disparity on the health of people living in that region. Consider how this issue is similar to and different in a high income country of your choosing, and investigate interventions to reduce the disparity.
In a 10 slides PowerPoint presentation, address the following elements. Include a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See rubric AND INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED for specific, required content criteria within each section of the presentation:
- Provide an introduction to the presentation.
- Provide an overview of the selected health disparity, the factors that contribute to the disparity, and the overall impact of the disparity on the health and well-being of people in that region.
- Describe how this issue is similar and different in a selected high income country, and explain the reasons for those similarities and differences.
- Discuss at least two interventions to reduce the disparity, and explain how international health collaboration can promote health equity.
- Provide a conclusion to the presentation.
Assignment Instructions
- Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy no more than 10% PLAGIO.
- Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create the presentation.
- Each slide (excluding title and reference slides) must include detailed speaker notes.
- The purpose of the speaker notes is to expand upon the idea and document facts and information about the bulleted information points on the slide.
- Formal, scholarly writing style with complete sentence and paragraph structure should be used to create the speaker notes.
- Scholarly literature support should be integrated within the speaker notes.
- Speaker notes assure that all assignment expectations and key points are covered.
- Within the speaker notes, the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
- First person should not be used for this scholarly assignment.
- Citation and referencing of sources must be congruent with guidelines noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
- Slides are professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font utilized. Correct spelling and appropriate use of graphics/images is evident.
- Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Module 6 Assignment: Health Disparities
Guideline and Rubric
PURPOSE Global health dispari/es are the result of many influencing factors, from limited socioeconomic resources, access to healthcare delivery, and technology to environmental risks and cultural prac/ces. The goals of global health interven/ons are to reduce dispari/es that exist and to assure health protec/on and security for all people in an equitable manner. The purpose of this assignment is to explore dispari/es that currently exist, factors contribu/ng to those dispari/es, and their impact on health outcomes. Implica/ons for nursing and ac/on steps to reduce disparity will be inves/gated.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
• CO 1: Describe the rela/onship between globaliza/on, health status, and healthcare delivery (PO 3, 5)
• CO 3: Propose strategies to support health equity and improve health outcomes from a global perspec/ve (PO 5)
ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW Select one low- or middle-income country, and inves/gate the health dispari/es experienced by people living in that region. Iden/fy one disparity as the topic for this assignment, and inves/gate that disparity to learn more about the contribu/ng factors and the impact of the disparity on the health of people living in that region. Consider how this issue is similar to and different in a high income country of your choosing, and inves/gate interven/ons to reduce the disparity.
In a 10 slides PowerPoint presentaCon, address the following elements. Include a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work. See rubric for specific, required content criteria within each secCon of the presentaCon:
1. Provide an introduc/on to the presenta/on.
2. Provide an overview of the selected health disparity, the factors that contribute to the disparity, and the overall impact of the disparity on the health and well-being of people in that region.
3. Describe how this issue is similar and different in a selected high income country, and explain the reasons for those similari/es and differences.
NR 561 May 2019
4. Discuss at least two interven/ons to reduce the disparity, and explain how interna/onal health collabora/on can promote health equity.
5. Provide a conclusion to the presenta/on.
ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy no more than 10% PLAGIO.
2. Use Microso[ PowerPoint to create the presenta/on.
3. Each slide (excluding /tle and reference slides) must include detailed speaker notes.
a. The purpose of the speaker notes is to expand upon the idea and document facts and informa/on about the bulleted informa/on points on the slide.
b. Formal, scholarly wri/ng style with complete sentence and paragraph structure should be used to create the speaker notes.
c. Scholarly literature support should be integrated within the speaker notes.
d. Speaker notes assure that all assignment expecta/ons and key points are covered.
4. Within the speaker notes, the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctua/on, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly wri/ng as noted in the APA Manual (current edi/on).
5. First person should not be used for this scholarly assignment.
6. Cita/on and referencing of sources must be congruent with guidelines noted in the APA Manual (current edi/on).
7. Slides are professional in appearance with visually balanced text, font appropriate for audience reading, succinct bulleted points, and visually appealing contrast between background and font u/lized. Correct spelling and appropriate use of graphics/images is evident.
8. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
Assessment Criteria
Points % DescripCon
IntroducCon 20 10% In this sec/on you will: • Discuss the impact of disparity on global
health • Iden/fy the low-income country and health
disparity addressed in the presenta/on • Explain the sec/ons of the presenta/on that
will follow • Include Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this
sec/on • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to
support informa/on presented
NR 561 May 2019
Influencing Factors and Outcomes of Health Disparity
40 20% In this sec/on you will: • Provide an overview of the selected health
disparity • Explain the factors that contribute to the
disparity • Discuss the impact of the disparity on the
health and well-being of people in that region • Include Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this
sec/on • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to
support informa/on presented
Global Comparison
30 15% In this sec/on you will: • Describe how this issue is similar and
different in a selected high income country • Explain the reasons for those similari/es and
differences • Include Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this
sec/on • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to
support informa/on presented
IntervenCons to Promote Health Equity
50 25% In this sec/on you will: • Discuss at least two interven/ons to reduce
the disparity • Explain how interna/onal health
collabora/on can promote health equity • Include Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this
sec/on • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to
support informa/on presented
Conclusion 20 10% In this sec/on you will: • Summarize the impact of health disparity • Summarize the role of interna/onal
collabora/on to protect health and promote health equity
• Include Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this sec/on
NR 561 May 2019
Graduate-level WriCng Style
20 10% Graduate-level wri/ng style is included, evidenced by integra/ng the following standards:
• Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua/on, sentence and paragraph structure within the speaker notes
• Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides
• Clarity, organiza/on, and logical flow of ideas and informa/on on speaker notes and slides
• Alignment between informa/on on slides and speaker notes
• APA format (current edi/on) for ci/ng and referencing sources
• Congruence with APA mechanics of style (abbrevia/ons, capitaliza/on, italics, numbers)
• No direct quotes are used within the assignment
• First person is not used within the presenta/on slides or speaker notesGraduate-level
PresentaCon Style
20 10% Professional presenta/on is created, evidenced by the following:
• Slide design includes visually balanced text • Slide design provides contrast of color
between background and font used • Succinct, key points are presented on the
slides • No lengthy narra/ves are included on the
slides • Font size appropriate for audience viewing
(sized 18 or larger) • Use of graphics and/or images is professional
and appropriate for the topic
Quality of Literature Support
It is an expecta/on that a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the assignment.
If the above expecta/on is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.
Assignment Length Criteria
It is an expecta/on that the assignment is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 14 slides in length (not including the /tle or reference slides).
If the above expecta/on is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.
Total 200 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements.
NR 561 May 2019
Assessment Criteria
Needs Improvement
IntroducCo n
20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 0 Points
Dis/nguished presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Discusses the impact of disparity on global health
• Iden/fies the low-income country and health disparity addressed in the presenta/on
• Explains the sec/ons of the presenta/on that will follow
• Includes
Presenta/on of informa/on exceeds expecta/ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Discusses the impact of disparity on global health
• Iden/fies the low-income country and health disparity addressed in the presenta/on
• Explains the
Proficient presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Discusses the impact of disparity on global health
• Iden/fies the low- income country and health disparity addressed in the presenta/o n
• Explains the sec/ons of the
Presenta/on of informa/on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaCsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Discusses the impact of disparity on global health
• Iden/fies the low-income country and health disparity addressed in the presenta/on
• Explains the sec/ons of the presenta/on that will follow
• Includes Influencing Factors and
40 Points 36 Points 33 Points 0 Points
Influencing Factors and Outcomes of Health Disparity
Dis/nguished presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Provides an overview of the selected health disparity
• Explain the factors that contribute to the disparity
• Discusses the impact of the disparity on the health and well- being of people in that region
• Includes
Presenta/on of informa/on exceeds expecta/ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Provides an overview of the selected health disparity
• Explain the factors that contribute to the disparity
• Discusses the impact of the disparity on the health
Proficient presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Provides an overview of the selected health disparity
• Explain the factors that contribute to the disparity
• Discusses the impact of the disparity on the health and well- being of people in
Presenta/on of informa/on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaCsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Provides an overview of the selected health disparity
• Explain the factors that contribute to the disparity
• Discusses the impact of the disparity on the health and well- being of people in that region Global
Comparison 30 Points 27 Points 25 Points 0 Points
Dis/nguished presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Describes how this issue is similar and different in a selected high income country
• Explains the reasons for those similari/es and differences
• Includes Speaker notes
Presenta/on of informa/on exceeds expecta/ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Describes how this issue is similar and different in a selected high income country
• Explains the reasons for those
Proficient presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Describes how this issue is similar and different in a selected high income country
• Explains the reasons for those similari/es and differences
• Includes
Presenta/on of informa/on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaCsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Describes how this issue is similar and different in a selected high income country
• Explains the reasons for those similari/es and differences
• Includes Speaker notes for the slide(s)
IntervenCon s to Promote Health Equity
50 Points 46 Points 42 Points 0 Points
Dis/nguished presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Discusses at least two interven/ons to reduce the disparity
• Explains how interna/onal health collabora/on can promote health equity
• Includes Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this
Presenta/on of informa/on exceeds expecta/ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Discusses at least two interven/ons to reduce the disparity
• Explains how interna/onal health collabora/on can promote
Proficient presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Discusses at least two interven/ons to reduce the disparity
• Explains how interna/onal health collabora/on can promote health equity
• Includes Speaker
Presenta/on of informa/on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaCsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Discusses at least two interven/ons to reduce the disparity
• Explains how interna/onal health collabora/on can promote health equity
• Includes Speaker notes for the slide(s) in this sec/on Conclusion 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 0 Points
Dis/nguished presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Summarizes the impact of health disparity
• Summarizes the role of interna/onal collabora/on to protect health and promote
Presenta/on of informa/on exceeds expecta/ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Summarizes the impact of health disparity
• Summarizes
Proficient presenta/on of informa/on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Summarizes the impact of health disparity
• Summarizes the role of interna/onal collabora/on to protect
Presenta/on of informa/on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaCsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Summarizes the impact of health disparity
• Summarizes the role of interna/onal collabora/on to protect health and Graduate-
level WriCng 20 Points 18 Points 16Points 0 Points
Graduate- level WriCng Style Dis/nguished
graduate-level wri/ng style is evidenced by mee/ng all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total:
• Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua/on, sentence and paragraph structure within the speaker notes
• Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides
• Clarity, organiza/on, and logical flow of ideas and informa/on on speaker notes and slides
• Alignment between informa/on on slides and speaker notes
• APA format (current edi/on) for ci/ng and referencing
Graduate-level wri/ng style exceeds expecta/ons as evidenced by mee/ng the following criteria with 2-3 errors total:
• Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua/on, sentence and paragraph structure within the speaker notes
• Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides
• Clarity, organiza/on, and logical flow of ideas and informa/on on speaker notes and slides
• Alignment between informa/on on slides and speaker notes
• APA format (current
Proficient graduate-level wri/ng style is evidenced by mee/ng the following criteria with 4-5 errors, total:
• Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua/on, sentence and paragraph structure within the speaker notes
• Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides
• Clarity, organiza/on, and logical flow of ideas and informa/on on speaker notes and slides
• Alignment between informa/on on slides and speaker notes
Graduate-level wri/ng style needs improvement as evidenced by mee/ng the following criteria with 6 or more errors, total:
• Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua/on, sentence and paragraph structure within the speaker notes
• Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides
• Clarity, organiza/on, and logical flow of ideas and informa/on on speaker notes and slides
• Alignment between informa/on on slides and speaker notes
• APA format (current edi/on) for ci/ng and
Graduate- level
20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 0 Points
level PresentaCo n Style
Dis/nguished graduate-level presenta/on style is evidenced by mee/ng all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total:
• Slide design includes visually balanced text
• Slide design provides contrast of color between background and font used
• Succinct, key points are presented on the slides
• No lengthy narra/ves are included on the slides
• Font size
Graduate-level presenta/on style exceeds expecta/ons as evidenced by mee/ng the following criteria with 2-3 errors total:
• Slide design includes visually balanced text
• Slide design provides contrast of color between background and font used
• Succinct, key points are presented on the slides
• No lengthy narra/ves are included on the slides
Proficient graduate-level presenta/on style is evidenced by mee/ng the following criteria with 4 errors, total:
• Slide design includes visually balanced text
• Slide design provides contrast of color between background and font used
• Succinct, key points are presented on the slides
• No lengthy narra/ves
Graduate-level presenta/on style needs improvement as evidenced by mee/ng the following criteria with 5 or more errors, total:
• Slide design includes visually balanced text
• Slide design provides contrast of color between background and font used
• Succinct, key points are presented on the slides
• No lengthy narra/ves are included on the slides
• Font size Quality of Literature Support
0 Points Deducted 4 Points Deducted
A minimum of 4 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, current within 5 years, are integrated within the
The assignment fails to meet the requirement noted for quality of literature support.
Assignment Length ExpectaCo ns
0 Points Deducted 4 Points Deducted
The length of the assignment meets the criteria:
Minimum of 10 slides in length;
Maximum of 14 slides in length.
(Not including /tle or
The assignment fails to meet the requirement for length.
- Purpose
- Course Learning Outcomes
- Total Points Possible: 200 Points
- Assignment Overview
- Assignment Instructions
- Assignment Criteria
- Grading Rubric Plagiarism Free Papers
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