Renewal/Pastoral Theology/Social Psychology
1. (Original Content Only) (300 words) (Discussion Board Post) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a much)
Renewing and Transforming Churches
Dietrich Bonhoeffer proclaimed, “The church is the church only when it exists for others.” There is a distinct difference between churched and unchurched people; “the gap between the churched and the churchless is growing, and it appears that Christian communities of faith will struggle more than ever to engage the outsiders in their neighborhood, town, or city” (Barna and Kinnaman, Churchless, 29).
Why are some of these changes occurring?
What are some preliminary actions that your ministry can utilize or change to start to close the gap?
Aubrey Malphurs notes, “No genuine turnaround occurs without new birth” (Re: Vision, 48).
3. Do you agree with Malphurs and why?
Summarize: Be sure to teach us what you have learned about the subject you have chosen to address from that week’s lecture, reading, or interaction. Spend time teaching through your answers in a concise and clear manner
- Opine: What do you agree with or disagree with in this week’s lecture or reading as it relates to your chosen topic? What can you add to what has been presented from your wealth of experience and knowledge on this topic? How would you approach the topic differently?
- Apply: Your studies are all about the application of knowledge to real-world contexts to solve problems in the context of ministry. How does the topic you have chosen to relate to the real world? How does it relate to your life or ministry? How might it be applied to problems in your context of ministry?
Innovate: What new ideas can you see that emerge from your consideration of the topic and the way it might be applied to you, your ministry, or other ministries?
2. (Original Content Only) (400 words summary) (Summarize Transcript)
Renewing and Transforming Churches
All right, so this is our first penance 639 on renewal and transforming churches first zoom session i’m excited Let’s open up with prayer Gracious lord, we give you thanks and praise not only that you have Accepted us and redeemed us and rescued us through your son jesus christ But that you have called us to be brothers and sisters in christ eternally That means that that relationship begins today begins now for some of us But it never ever ends. May we always be edifying one another Wanting to exalt you and glorify you and everything we do So I pray that the conversations that we have would they be exalting for you? Would they be edifying for us and may your holy spirit illuminate us as we speak So that we can do the things that you have called us to do And just humbly submit to your call at this moment in christ name we pray amen Amen. All right.
I’m going to share my screen and we’re going to get into what we have here This is what we’re going to look at in week one. You have to start somewhere you talk about renewal or revitalization or Transformation. So where do we begin and I say Let’s lay the foundation of what we see all around us What’s some of the data that maybe we can look at but we want to answer definitely answer this question What do we mean by revitalization? It’s a loaded question and i’ll be honest with you.
- So i’ve been a church revitalizer Um, I did that for seven years. I planted two churches like I i’ve worked with Churches in associations even different denominations where they’ve called me in and helped like mergers happen and Uh, sometimes they take my advice. Sometimes they did not uh it was funny because there were times where I would see An email come in and and I used to call that guy the grim reaper because every time he would email me I knew it was a church that was about to die.
And So i’m familiar. I say that i’m familiar with this, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist To see the things in front of you and what’s happening globally if you’re if you’re viewing them, so Uh, i’m just going to give you some choices here um, and so what do we mean by revitalization doing do we remain do we mean like Well, we just want to restore the number of church people we had a number back then because the word itself revitalize Is almost a misnomer as if but the church was once vital, right? So it’s like well, we’re gonna revitalize. Well, what do you mean by that? You mean? let’s just go back and rewind and Let’s bring it back to where it was But obviously something happened That caused it to decline we have to think like Is it be is it a renewal of of spirit like a a spirit of obedience where we’re like? You know, the problem is people just aren’t obedient anymore and they don’t uh want to care for the church They don’t want to attend church Is that what we’re looking for? Are we looking for? uh conversion growth we want to see conversion growth with people not transfer growth like just Moving deck chairs and titanic as it goes down and community impact that could be what we mean by it Uh, do we mean we want to fill and we want to utilize a building for the community? right, the church is the people so that’s where it is, but we want to use our building, uh to you know, reach people in our community and Uh, we also want to utilize as much as we can.
What do we want to see a movement, right? Do we want multiplication? by making disciple makers so if I were to to ask you all like just maybe in the chat a b c d or e and you can have multiple answers so i’ll give you that you can have Uh one or you could say it’s two or three or four So just kind of in the chat, which ones do you think you think all? Jenna, jenna says all of the above agreed Yeah, I think possible So i’m going to say you have to have seen Right. Yeah. Here’s the reason why The church has always been a movement The church has been a movement from the very beginning And part of our problem is the global south which now we call the majority world is Two and a half times larger in Growth than we are we’re we’re in decline and they’re growing And there’s a reason for that And you’re going to learn that throughout this course Uh, we’re going to look at One of the aspects when we’re talking about renewal Then we have to go back Um, because are we creating strategies which sometimes are good Um and programs which can be good um And and I would say and because I always like both and not either or Are we really listening to the spirit of god? You have to remember acts 1-8.
Don’t do anything, right? Don’t do anything without Without the promise from the father and I think a lot of times I’ve fallen into this so i’m just telling you from experience like first church plan I had we I can tell you everything how to do wrong. I can’t completely and that’s that’s normal. I think But we have to kind of answer these questions then look at that being like what do we really mean by that? What do we want to what do we want to see when we talk about? These things do we want to see? Disciples made do we want to see multiplication? Uh, which is what’s happening in the global south, right? That’s what’s occurring there.
I mean vibrant multiplication exponentially um, and for some reason, uh, the north the europe european sort of Traditional ecclesiology is just not working Um, and we’ll look at that right now. Remember I don’t like throwing the baby out with the bathwater So things that i’m i’m going to tell you. Um, i’m okay if you’re like, hey, I kind of disagree.
- I’m cool with that Like i’m all i’m all good. I’m My job is not to teach you what matt front will do is my job is to give you facts and then give you um, maybe some strategies and models and other things and biblical Foundations and then you make your assessment of what you like because I tell people that I can teach you how to do uh, you know Church planning movements disciple making movements traditional model you tell me what and we’re going to do it So this course sort of goes through the goes through almost A lot of those uh, and then models of church planning actually addresses all of those that course And I just tell the students you tell me which one you’re dealing and i’m going to help you do that and be successful in It and i’m fine with it But my passion though I hate to see the church in decline in any rate, right? And I think we should all kind of move in that direction So here’s um global christianity as of today this is actually Uh 2022, but I have the 2024 number link and i’m going to share this With you all so you’ll have it’s recording But i’m going to send you the powerpoint so that you have all these facts and figures and one of the reasons I do that Is because if you ever want to use any information that we talk about in the course And you want to use that for a paper or something along the sides you can cite it in the week one Zoom session one slide two. There’s the information, right? So here what we see and i’m going to blow this up for you just a little bit more so you can see it even Better, but where you see those red dots is right here So what we have in these is 2025 and 2050 the number on the left is the global north and the number Right is the global south So you see in 2025, which is next year we’re coming Um, we’ll probably be at the height of christianity in in the global north we’ve never Run over those numbers and we’re not going to We’re never going to be any higher than we will next year And then we start to come on this decline and you can see we lose about 90 million adherents by 2050 however the global south Wow, uh, they’re on a kick They almost put in another billion Right now granted someone may say What population growth? Is bigger in the global south with asia and india, but we’re taking um, the numbers that we’re taking and utilizing uh takes into consideration Number one the mortality rate in africa also the christian adherent rate in like china or it so that’s not even It’s not even an issue like it it all Works out if you if you look at it matter of fact You can I can give you links where you can look at country by country and how they develop Like here’s one right? Here’s a stat that I was looking at and so it’s you know christian population globally um This is such an interesting stat like in 1910 It shows you that the global north had an estimated 502.9 Uh, you know million people or a hundred thousand five hundred and two a hundred thousand or yeah million 502 million um Adherence to christianity, but a total world population of five eight I’ve got a seriously Question Uh that stat But you know, and so I do and when I got this information from I went back and they are putting into that number um What we would now today use as evangelical protestant and catholic and everything put together so I would normally give you more numbers that are evangelical and the reason why we use the term evangelical means a born-again christian that professes christ as savior and You know is spirit-filled and we would acknowledge those things like we used to call it born-again christian We would say Are you a christian and born again? And then we started using language the church started using the word evangelical and I think we may even shift here in a little while uh in the next few years as to Regenerated where there’s a a push for that But my point in showing you the number even if the number’s inflated We’ve only been at 502, you know, and so what you just saw was the number in the bottom figure at 856 which to hit that means You know in 110 years Almost 115 years we’ve only increased by 300 million and that where the global south is just It’s exponential So we’re seeing that they are obviously in the global south.
They’re obviously doing something A little bit different in the way that they’re that they’re growing. Let’s see. Someone had something in the chat.
- Yeah, it is massive growth Yeah um But then we look at this right here’s the percentage of Of christians in each continent, so I said before we can break it down, right so we can come from 1900 to 2100 And when you look at europe It’s just on I mean, it’s not decline that That’s like a stock market crash, you know that that’s straight to the bottom however north america is below Europe You should recognize it And and so what what i’m kind of showing you is And to be an unreached people group Uh, what we would call it’s misogynistic what we call an unreached people group. It’s when a society or culture of That people are two percent or less Adherence to event. They’re not an evangelical christian right and so France has a 1.76 rate france is technically an unreached people group the french however, because France was once a bastion of christianity.
They even had a papal center in avignon, so um, we kind of are like well, they’ve been christianized like they’ve They they clearly were a christian nation At one point with people there But only 1.76 Of their population would declare themselves as evangelical So with that said I mean we could see within I don’t know You know, yeah, i’m pretty sure i’m hoping to hit 2050, but I don’t think i’m gonna hit 2100 but You know This is sad like there there has to be People that god is raising up and I believe he is I mean when I see What’s occurring like you look at africa in the red? That’s straight up Like I just endorsed a book that I wish and it just came out yesterday And I wish that I endorsed it. I love it. It’s uh, it’s a former muslim Who started a church plant multiple not like hundreds of churches? He’s planted in africa Uh when he came to christ, uh, and the book is called cabbages in the desert Uh, and i’m sure i’ll probably send it.
- Let me write myself a note. I can send it to you. Um, Send you a link to it It’s a phenomenal book though, man He really talks about how god was working in him and how church planning movements work But that’s what we’re seeing in these other nations.
We’re not seeing movements here What we talk about when we talk about revitalization we mainly talk about Let’s just bring more people into a facility and fill it up Right. Let’s get more people um, you know Adhering to what we’re doing or practicing even loving others, you know, yeah. Thanks.
- Actually. I really appreciate that um, and um, you know What we’re not doing though when we talk about revitalization. We’re not looking at um All right, let me start you ever hear martin luther king one and when he talks about he once Did a sermon called the one-sided approach to the good samaritan And he talks about how the samaritan actually walked on the other side of the road, too where he says that um The reality is he was just looking for temporary relief and not to fix the necessary eagles and wrongs The question basically that that martin luther king Was asking was what’s wrong with the road? No one’s asking what’s wrong with the road You know the guy got beat up and was put on the side of the road Because it’s a bad part of the neighborhood And we’re called to stand for righteousness now That’s a definite call for injustice and i’m flat on I work with humanitarian organization does things like that But my point is why aren’t we looking at like what’s wrong? Instead of continuing to try to do the same ecclesiology The same thing over and over and over again And we’re seeing the same results occur I think there’s a call there for us to be As wise as serpents and as gentle as doves and and to be the people that say wait a minute Let’s ask some questions here, how do we How do we change this? How do we come alongside the spirit of god? and um reach a community Where the spirit is already at at work and a lot of times we don’t Want to reach into what the spirit may be already doing instead we’re like no no I have this cookie cutter how it’s supposed to look and what it’s supposed to do and so um, we’re just going to go ahead with these strategies and apply them and then pray that god’s going to be working in that when he might have already Started something else now You’ll hear from me throughout the course probably about adaptive ecclesiology And adaptive ecclesiology matter of fact, I just got offered to write a book about it with william carey publishing uh, maybe maybe I will maybe I won’t but I need to because a lot of my students are like man.
There’s not enough out there on adaptive ecclesiology and really all it’s saying is that You’re aligning Orthopathy to be aligned with the holy spirit in in what he is doing at what he is at work And what also matches the culture for instance? Um, the word synagogue is not a hebrew word, right? It’s it’s a greek synagogue, right? so or synagogue and so it’s not a a hebrew word and what happened was there was no more temple for the Hebrew people to meet the jewish people to meet. So what did they do? They built these gathering places where that was the teaching and discipling centers right and for the most part Uh jewish people didn’t enter the temple anyway, only the high priest went into the holy of holies They worshiped and prayed on the outside But we view the church as the temple and the problem is we don’t have like if you look at paul like paul is discipling in like The school of tyrannus paul is discipling like outside in athens where he’s working every day. He’s bivocational uh, and so uh I say that because I think it’s both in I think we can do both in I think we can Continue probably what we’re doing, but we can also probably birth some microchurches or some other forms of ecclesiology to come alongside what the spirit wants to do I don’t think we need to throw everything out.
But I do think we need to really reconsider how we’re impacting and reaching and making disciples So here’s a stat that you’ll see Like if we’re if you’re going to look at maybe sometimes you’ll hear Oh, they’re you know, america’s like 76 percent christian and You and I would probably doubt all of that because when you look at these numbers what they’re telling us is only 16 percent You know are are really um evangelical these look at these are these are What we would say the white protestants where they’re like, oh, these are the christian nationalists, right? And they would tell you like oh, there’s like 76 but in reality Are they really solid believers or are they not really only 16 of them? and this is I have these broken down by race, but I only chose the white one because the white one is the one where people always jam up and they’re like Well, you know there’s christian nationalism. I was like, you know, there is sort of christian nationalism and it is a problem It is a big dilemma that we have in the country, but um I think when we get down to it There really isn’t that many That are committed Uh to following truly following christ and laying down their life I serve my country. I I still work with um A lot of spec ops guys and in especially in virginia beach area um, and um, and I always say look guys If the gospel doesn’t come first, then it’s last Nothing can come before the gospel.
And so that that’s imperative and and um You know laying down your life for for your country and others is awesome um But we also should remember that serving christ comes first in all in all things we do Uh, this is why so many other religions are working to evangelize america. You don’t see america is actually becoming synchronized Syncretistic now if you look at the fall of rome, there was like a lot of different factors, right? It wasn’t one factor Uh, one of them we could say well they were overtaxed because they’re the roman empire was trying to rule the world Yeah, sounds familiar. Um, and then you had roman every every single country that’s ever really um lost its identity gave up its initial religion and uh took on religions of other cultures and so america has uh, not just And because it’s a good thing that that we I mean i’m all for freedom of religion Uh, because then it allows me to have freedom of religion.
So I I love it Like for me i’m like you want to put up a mosque next to a church? Awesome. Fantastic. I’m gonna be out there too Talking to everybody during the day.
Um, but the main part is is uh, there’s so much inclusivity um that we have lost identity and there’s and there’s even the fact of Christians so to speak, um Don’t know the bottom They don’t know what they believe and why they believe and we’re gonna we’ll look at that and I think that has more Of a sense a matter of fact. Well, this is an old stat like this is 2019 pre-covid Um, it’s even worse now. I mean the pre-covid numbers that was 2014 There were four thousand, you know four thousand openings 3700 closures then 2019 just before covid we had 4500 it was reversed But now it’s even worse like it’s like six thousand closures that happen per year Uh, and by the way, this stat Is looking at 34 different denominations It’s not you know one denomination.
So it’s a it’s a big picture but um Here’s some things that we get and this I think answers some of your your question. Um Jesse and then we can also I can ask for your input here, but i’m going to get just break down six things that I see Um, this isn’t exhaustive. These are six I think Really good observations of one of the reasons why we’re seeing this decline one The church has shifted from the center to the marketplace, right? Or I could say culture shifted to the marketplace if you remember any old western or any old Show that you ever saw when you’re down a little bit older I think we’re all in that age group now where you can say like the older shows that you used to watch Um, they would have like the church in the middle of town, right? And then everything was built around that Um, it’s not like that anymore.
Matter of fact, everything is about consumerism and it’s also this shift to the marketplace. So western society Uh once viewed the church as center and it no longer does that anymore Matter of fact in 1920 when I was doing my doctoral work. I was looking through that in 1920 Um a lot of towns in america required you not sort of required Um, but if you didn’t if you didn’t belong to a church, you really didn’t get a loan from a bank Uh, really really interesting, um because they want to make sure you are upstanding citizen in in the community So I don’t know if the numbers that we saw from 1910 are really expressing Numbers that you and I are looking at like evangelical numbers.
It could be just a nominal Uh as it is, you know in name only Uh, yeah social programs. I mean the church was like a country club for a lot of people, right? Uh, but lifeway research they did a study and 23 Of churchgoers were forced to they say they’re forced to work on sundays So let’s think about them for a minute if 23 percent of believers Are required to work on sunday and they can’t attend the gathering of the believers How in the world do we think we’re going to reach unreached people by sticking to this the sunday motif? That’s traditional ecclesiology. It’s like yeah, we’re gonna open up our doors and they’re gonna let you see There we have to start to look at you know, even the apostle paul was like he went into The you know to the areopagus daily And reason with them and i’m not calling you to be a street preacher or any of that But I am saying think about it, you know, what does what does god want to do with you, right? Like i’ve set up non-profits to serve.
I still serve the global church on a non-profit an ngo um and I teach people how to do that and break that or how to You know plant churches in what we call shared spaces and areas that are Really sociologists call them third spaces Just where society goes together think of the the show cheers. That’s a third space, right? You go where everyone knows your name and so It’s sort of like that, but but our society has shifted to the marketplace number two I think is definitely the busyness of life More and more parents have their children in sports that are playing on sundays than ever before Uh, it’s just a fact and it’s not going to go away anymore um, you know, there are just so many extracurricular activities plus like When I was planting we decided to go for the fitness area And so we knew that there were people that that crossfit that considered that their church They basically said that they were getting more of community and more love in their crossfit than they did in Church, and that’s a sad commentary, but it’s a true Uh true statement and the busyness of life as well goes with the bivocational part Like I said before janice like i’ve i’ve um, you know, I was bivocational for 15 years up until last year But about 45 percent of americans have americans have a side hustle But the millennials which is what who we want to reach Uh, the millennials are way over 50 Like that’s a big thing and it’s a growing growing trend that we’re seeing. Uh heightened I think they don’t want to be like sort of proverbially landlocked in a Position somewhere good for them.
Um, but we’re looking at things that we’re seeing That are that are some observations to why you know people aren’t really, you know doing that. Yeah Um, we look at a lack of gospel witnessing. So it says faith sharing um, six and ten Christians Were stated in in a recent poll, uh that they haven’t even talked to anybody about their faith Uh in the last year, uh barna stated in 1993 That about 89 percent of christians believe it was their duty and responsibility To share their faith today.
It’s only 64 It’s a 30 decline all right, so uh, I think western churches have just relegated disciple making and evangelism to the clergy like um, you know someone if you bring if you Are working alongside the spirit and someone comes to faith by you Uh talking to them and sharing the gospel with them, uh, you’re probably going to go Hey, why don’t you come to my church and get baptized instead of being like, hey, why don’t we get why don’t I baptize you? That’s grow that’s multiplication But we don’t we don’t do that. We don’t want to Jump into that right? And so the but that’s what’s happening in the global south It is baptizing people man, and then they’re gathering and yeah, and we’re seeing explosiveness Uh four is enculturation en Uh, if you if you look at uh, I and there’s two different words that are here Enculturation in is when the gospel influences and impacts society Uh to be saturated and culture en is when culture, uh starts to force behaviors and norms and values on a society right and and so culture each strategy for lunch according to peter drucker And it’s true. So it’s almost like putting if you want to You know boil a frog you can’t throw them into a boiling pot of water, right? Jumps right out.
So you put them in cold water and then you turn on the heat and It boils slowly That’s what’s happened. We’re being enculturated Right. So, uh, the church needs to understand this is a gradual process that’s been happening to us For years, you know in the 80s the church didn’t worry about this in the 80s And the church was declining in the 80s and 90s But it didn’t seem that way because the attendance was high And so they they weren’t looking at any of the numbers because they weren’t concerned they were like, I don’t I don’t care like, you know, our churches are full and people are there but but society started to Shun a lot of things and there was a big push toward, you know The religious right and a lot of other things that that pushed us in there and is it wrong? No, I think the church has a prophetic voice and and it should and um Speak into things when there’s injustice But I don’t think we should piggyback on to us
3. (Original Content Only) (500 words) (Discussion Board Post) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a must)
Christian Theology
Explain the importance of theological method. What is it? Does everyone have a theological method? What role (if any) does it play in how you do theology? Support your claims (i.e., footnotes).
4. (Original Content Only) (Discussion Board Post) (2 paragraphs) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a must)
Social Psychology
Since so much of social psychology depends upon scientific research, it would be good to review the methodology and check yourself on your understanding of a very common research error: concluding that two things that are correlated cause one another.
In a brief, two-paragraph essay, explain what is meant by the term “correlation does not mean causation,” and provide a link to a news article in which the headline implies causation, when in fact only support for correlation is given.
5. (Original Content Only) (Discussion Board Reply) (2 paragraphs) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a must)
Social Psychology
Correlation and causation are often studied together. While there may be a connection between the two terms, they are certainly not synonymous. Causation highlights cause and effect, while “correlation refers to a tendency for one event to be associated with changes in [another]” (Branscombe & Baron, 2017, p. 27). Correlation can be useful to an academic study, but should not be taken as the cause for any events that are related. “Just because two factors are correlated does not necessarily mean that one causes the other” (Barrowman, 2014, p. 25). However, correlations can sometimes be relied upon in studies. “The stronger the correlation between two variables, the more accurate [of a] predication can be made” (Branscombe & Baron, 2017, p. 28). Although a prediction is not a scientific theory, it can provide insight into what may be possible to test or create a thesis upon. Yet, it can create confusion.
“A source of confusion about causation is that news reports about research findings often suggest causation when they should not” (Barrowman, 2014, p. 26). TMZ published a news article earlier this year that was very much on the subject of correlation and causation. A former Playboy model died of a drug overdose. However, the title of the article only mentions that she was once a Playboy and Maxim model. This creates the false assumption that her modeling caused her death, rather than drugs (Playboy Model Dead, 2024). The correlation became the causation, even though her drug habits had nothing to do with Playboy or Maxim companies.
Barrowman, N. (2014). Correlation, Causation, and Confusion. The New Atlantis, 43, 23–44.
6. (Original Content Only) (Discussion Board Reply) (2 paragraphs) (APA citations) (in-text citations are a must)
Social Psychology
Causation and correlation both describe a relationship between two or more variables. In addition, both describe how variables respond to specific actions or changes (Hensley Law Office, 2023). However, there are differences between the two types of relationships. Correlation is a relationship that describes how variable A relates to variable B. Correlation establishes a connection between two or more variables. Some underlying causal mechanisms may even be present between the two variables, though cause and effect cannot be determined. This is because a correlation between variables, does not automatically mean that the change in one variable is the cause of the change in the values of the other variable (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2024). “The act or event might be related to a particular outcome, but it does not mean the outcome was a direct result of the act or event” (Hensley Law Office, 2023). Correlation is more of an indirect relationship between two or more variables than a causation relationship.
Causation is the relationship where variable A causes variable B. “Cause and effect are the defining elements of causation” (Hensley Law Office, 2023). Causation implies that one variable is the result of the occurrence of the other variable. According to Hensley Law Office (2023) “it is a relationship between an act or event (cause) and the outcome it produces (effect); the effect is the consequence of the cause.”
Correlation and causation can coexist, though correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. According to Isager (2023) “causation implies correlation, but correlation does not necessarily imply your favored causal relation, or even any direct causal relation.” As you can have a strong correlation between two variables without a causal relationship. For example, “there is a correlation between eating ice cream and getting sunburned because the two events are related, but neither event actually causes the other; instead, both events are caused by something else, sunny weather” (Madhavan, 2019). We simply cannot assume causation just because we have made a correlation between two variables. This is what is meant when one says correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. Just because two variables seem closely related, they may or may not be dependent on one another. Correlation and causation have overlapping similarities which at times make the two hard to differentiate between. However, establishing the differences between the two is critical to understanding the relationship between variables.
After doing some research on articles that claim causation, but in fact only establish a correlation; I found the above article. However, I came across many such examples, seems like it is a pretty prevalent issue. In the above article they claim that taking a bath is good for your heart (less likely to have a cardiovascular disease as a result). However, the study that made this determination was based on loose science at best as no controlled experiment was conducted. The relationship between baths and a good heart is only a correlation, as no causal mechanisms were established. The better heart health established in the study could be a result of many other variables than the bath. Future studies incorporating a controlled experiment would need to be implemented to determine causation and to add validity to the previous study.
My question for the class, can causation exist without establishing correlation?
Madhavan, A. (2019). Correlation vs causation: understand the difference for your product.
Amplitude. Correlation vs Causation: Understand the Difference for Your Product | Amplitude
7. (400 words) (admission Essay) (Explain how a literature degree can assist me in starting a non-profit to assist refugees)
*Degree I am seeking: Master of Arts: Literature
Admissions Essay
As you complete this essay, we encourage you to share with us some personal insights about those experiences and influences that have shaped you.
Write a personal statement indicating how you think your desired degree or certificate will enhance your career plans. What impact would you like to have on your colleagues, organizations, and the world? What experiences have you had that form the foundation for these goals? Try to be as specific as possible in answering these questions.
Your statement should be between 400-500 words, double-spaced, and typewritten in Microsoft Word format. Save your document once complete. The online application includes a section to upload your statement. Plagiarism Free Papers
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