Blindsight: What would you conclude about visual perception from the phenomenon of blindsight? ? When the patient known as ‘TN’ navigates around obstacles in spite of being blind, is h
Blindsight: What would you conclude about visual perception from the phenomenon of blindsight? When the patient known as "TN" navigates around obstacles in spite of being blind, is he experiencing perception? Sensation? Neither? How does blindsight relate to the normal processes of sensation and perception?
Illusions: Is there any connection between the phenomenon of "change blindness" and the techniques that magicians use to create their illusions? What do you think you have learned about the human perceptual system from examining these and similar phenomena?
Mr. Subliminal: Are you worried about being influenced by subliminal stimuli? Why or why not? Feel free to bring in other sources of information besides those in the lecture or textbook, but make sure you identify the source and critically evaluate how reliable and objective it seems to be.
First, read the following case study about evaluating evidence from published research: Learning Styles. Be sure to look at the meta-analysis that is linked there (read at least some of it), and read the whole summary article that is also linked there.
Then go to the DePaul Library website and do a search for “learning styles” in the “APA PsycInfo” database in the “A-Z Databases” section. Read the titles of the first two dozen or so articles that are returned for this search. The Learning Styles hypothesis is the idea that learning is better when the teaching method matches the learner’s preferred learning style. It turned out to be false. Do you think from reading these articles you would be able to tell that the Learning Styles hypothesis is actually false? Why or why not? What are some steps you would need to take to maximize your chances of coming to the right conclusion?
Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence
Harold Pashler, Mark McDaniel, Doug Rohrer, and Robert Bjork
Introduction106 An Overview of Learning Styles: Doctrines and Industry106 How Did the Learning-Styles Approach Become So Widespread and Appealing?107
Origin and Popularity
Interactions of Individual Differences and Instructional Methods
What Evidence Is Necessary to Validate Interventions Based on Learning Styles?108 Existence of Study Preferences
The Learning-Styles Hypothesis
Interactions as the Key Test of the Learning-Styles Hypothesis
Primary Mental Abilities: Relation to Learning Styles
Evaluation of Learning-Styles Literature111 Style-by-Treatment Interactions: The Core Evidence Is Missing
Learning-Styles Studies With Appropriate Methods and Negative Results
Related Literatures With Appropriate Methodologies113 Aptitude-by-Treatment Interactions
Personality-by-Treatment Interactions
Conclusions and Recommendations116 Points of Clarification
Costs and Benefits of Educational Interventions
Beliefs Versus Evidence as a Foundation for Educational Practices and Policies
Everybody’s Potential to Learn
Science in the
CONTENTS Volume 9 Number 3 � December 2008
About the Authors
Harold Pashler is Professor of Psychology and a faculty member of the Cognitive Science Program at the University of
California, San Diego. His main areas of interest are human learning and the psychology of attention. Pashler’s learning
research focuses on methods for optimizing acquisition and retention of knowledge and skills. In the field of attention,
Pashler’s work has illuminated basic attentional bottlenecks as well as the nature of visual awareness. Pashler is the author
ofThePsychologyofAttention (MIT Press, 1998) and the editor of Stevens’HandbookofExperimentalPsychology (Wiley,
2001). He received the Troland Prize from the National Academy of Sciences for his studies of human attention, and was
elected to membership in the Society of Experimental Psychologists.
Mark McDaniel is Professor of Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, with a joint appointment in Education.
He received his PhD from the University of Colorado in 1980. His research is in the general area of human learning and
memory, with an emphasis on prospective memory, encoding and retrieval processes in episodic memory, learning of
complex concepts, and applications to educational contexts and to aging. His educationally relevant research includes
work being conducted in actual college and middle-school classrooms. This research is being sponsored by the Institute of
Educational Sciences and the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and his work is also supported by the National Institutes of
Health. McDaniel has served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition and Cognitive Psychology and as President of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, and he is a
fellow of Divisions 3 and 20 of the American Psychological Association. He has published over 200 journal articles, book
chapters, and edited books on human learning and memory, and is the coauthor, with Gilles Einstein, of two recent books:
MemoryFitness:AGuidefor SuccessfulAging (Yale University Press, 2004) and ProspectiveMemory:AnOverviewand SynthesisofanEmergingField (Sage, 2007).
Doug Rohrer is Professor of Psychology at the University of South Florida. He received his doctoral degree in Psychology
fromtheUniversity of California, SanDiego, and hewas a faculty memberat George Washington University before moving to
the University of South Florida. Before attending graduate school, he taught high-school mathematics for several years.
Most of his research concerns learning and memory, with a recent emphasis on learning strategies.
Robert A. Bjork is Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. His
research focuses on human learning and memory and on the implications of the science of learning for instruction and
training. He has served as Editor of Memory &Cognition and PsychologicalReview (1995–2000), Coeditor of Psycholo- gicalScienceinthePublicInterest (1998–2004), and Chair of the National Research Council’s Committee on Techniques
for the Enhancement of Human Performance. He is a past president or chair of the Association for Psychological Science
(APS), the Western Psychological Association, the Psychonomic Society, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the
Council of Editors of the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Council of Graduate Departments of
Psychology. He is a recipient of UCLA’s Distinguished Teaching Award, the American Psychological Association’s
Distinguished Scientist Lecturer and Distinguished Service to Psychological Science Awards, and the American
Physiological Society’s Claude Bernard Distinguished Lecturership Award.
Learning Styles Concepts and Evidence Harold Pashler,1 Mark McDaniel,2 Doug Rohrer,3 and Robert Bjork4
1University of California, San Diego, 2Washington University in St. Louis, 3University of South Florida, and 4University of
California, Los Angeles
SUMMARY—The term ‘‘learning styles’’ refers to the concept
that individuals differ in regard to what mode of instruc-
tion or study is most effective for them. Proponents of
learning-style assessment contend that optimal instruction
requires diagnosing individuals’ learning style and tai-
loring instruction accordingly. Assessments of learning
style typically ask people to evaluate what sort of infor-
mation presentation they prefer (e.g., words versus pic-
tures versus speech) and/or what kind of mental activity
they find most engaging or congenial (e.g., analysis versus
listening), although assessment instruments are extremely
diverse. The most common—but not the only—hypothesis
about the instructional relevance of learning styles is the
meshing hypothesis, according to which instruction is best
provided in a format that matches the preferences of the
learner (e.g., for a ‘‘visual learner,’’ emphasizing visual
presentation of information).
The learning-styles view has acquired great influence
within the education field, and is frequently encountered
at levels ranging from kindergarten to graduate school.
There is a thriving industry devoted to publishing learn-
ing-styles tests and guidebooks for teachers, and many
organizations offer professional development workshops
for teachers and educators built around the concept of
learning styles.
The authors of the present review were charged with
determining whether these practices are supported by
scientific evidence. We concluded that any credible vali-
dation of learning-styles-based instruction requires robust
documentation of a very particular type of experimental
finding with several necessary criteria. First, students
must be divided into groups on the basis of their learning
styles, and then students from each group must be ran-
domly assigned to receive one of multiple instructional
methods. Next, students must then sit for a final test that is
the same for all students. Finally, in order to demonstrate
that optimal learning requires that students receive in-
struction tailored to their putative learning style, the
experiment must reveal a specific type of interaction be-
tween learning style and instructional method: Students
with one learning style achieve the best educational
outcome when given an instructional method that differs
from the instructional method producing the best out-
come for students with a different learning style. In
other words, the instructional method that proves most
effective for students with one learning style is not the most
effective method for students with a different learning
Our review of the literature disclosed ample evidence
that children and adults will, if asked, express preferences
about how they prefer information to be presented to them.
There is also plentiful evidence arguing that people differ
in the degree to which they have some fairly specific apti-
tudes for different kinds of thinking and for processing
different types of information. However, we found virtu-
ally no evidence for the interaction pattern mentioned
above, which was judged to be a precondition for vali-
dating the educational applications of learning styles. Al-
though the literature on learning styles is enormous, very
few studies have even used an experimental methodology
capable of testing the validity of learning styles applied to
education. Moreover, of those that did use an appropriate
method, several found results that flatly contradict the
popular meshing hypothesis.
We conclude therefore, that at present, there is no ad-
equate evidence base to justify incorporating learning-
styles assessments into general educational practice. Thus,
limited education resources would better be devoted to
adopting other educational practices that have a strong
evidence base, of which there are an increasing number.
However, given the lack of methodologically sound studies
of learning styles, it would be an error to conclude that all
possible versions of learning styles have been tested and
found wanting; many have simply not been tested at all.
Address correspondence to Harold Pashler, Department of Psychol- ogy 0109, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093; e-mail: [email protected].
Volume 9—Number 3 105Copyright r 2009 Association for Psychological Science
Further research on the use of learning-styles assessment
in instruction may in some cases be warranted, but such
research needs to be performed appropriately.
The term learning styles refers to the view that different people
learn information in different ways. In recent decades, the
concept of learning styles has steadily gained influence. In this
article, we describe the intense interest and discussion that the
concept of learning styles has elicited among professional ed-
ucators at all levels of the educational system. Moreover, the
learning-styles concept appears to have wide acceptance not
only among educators but also among parents and the general
public. This acceptance is perhaps not surprising because the
learning-styles idea is actively promoted by vendors offering
many different tests, assessment devices, and online technolo-
gies to help educators identify their students’ learning styles and
adapt their instructional approaches accordingly (examples are
cited later).
We are cognitive psychologists with an interest both in the
basic science of learning and memory and in the ways that
science can be developed to be more helpful to teachers and
students. We were commissioned by Psychological Science in the
Public Interest to assess, as dispassionately as we could, the
scientific evidence underlying practical application of learning-
style assessment in school contexts. This task involved two
steps: (a) analyzing the concept of learning styles to determine
what forms of evidence would be needed to justify basing ped-
agogical choices on assessments of students’ learning styles and
(b) reviewing the literature to see whether this evidence exists.
Our team began this undertaking with differing—but not pas-
sionately held—opinions on learning styles as well as a shared
desire to let the empirical evidence lead us where it would.
We start by offering the reader a brief overview of the learning-
styles concept, including some of the publications and entre-
preneurial ventures that have been developed around the idea.
Next, we analyze the learning-styles concept from a more ab-
stract point of view. Here, we grapple with some potentially
confusing issues of definition and logic that in our opinion re-
quire more careful consideration in connection with learning
styles than they have so far received. We argue that this analysis
is a useful, and essential, prerequisite to organizing and ap-
praising the evidence on learning styles. Finally, we describe the
results of our search of published literature, draw some con-
clusions, and suggest lines of future research. We should em-
phasize, however, that the present article is not a review of the
literature of learning styles; indeed, several such reviews have
appeared recently (e.g., Coffield, Moseley, Hall, & Ecclestone,
2004; Kozhevnikov, 2007; Sternberg, Grigorenko, & Zhang,
2008). In brief, we sought to determine what kinds of findings
would provide sufficient evidence for the learning-styles con-
cept, as detailed in the following sections, and then we searched
for evidence that satisfied this minimal criterion.
As described earlier, the concept of learning styles encompasses
not only a large body of written materials but also what seems to
be a thriving set of commercial activities. The writings that touch
on the learning-styles concept in its broadest sense include
several thousand articles and dozens of books. These figures may
seem surprisingly large, but one should keep in mind the sheer
number of different schemes or models of learning styles that
have been proposed over the years. For example, in a relatively
comprehensive review, Coffield et al. (2004) described 71
different schemes, and they did not claim that their list was
The commercial activity related to learning styles is largely
centered around the publishing and selling of measurement
devices to help teachers assess individual learning styles; typ-
ically, although not always, these devices classify the learner
into different style categories. Testing has been recommended
by organizations at all levels of education that might be pre-
sumed to base their recommendations on evidence. For exam-
ple, the National Association of Secondary School principles
commissioned the construction of a learning-styles test that it
distributed widely (Keefe, 1988). Similarly, the Yale Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences (2009) currently maintains a Web
site that offers advice for Yale instructors; the site informs vis-
itors that ‘‘college students enter our classrooms with a wide
variety of learning styles.’’ The site goes on to recommend that
instructors determine their own ‘‘modality of learning’’ as well as
assess their students’ learning styles and make their instruc-
tional choices accordingly.
Furthermore, the learning-styles concept is embraced in a
number of current educational psychology textbooks. For in-
stance, Omrod (2008) wrote, ‘‘Some cognitive styles and dis-
positions do seem to influence how and what students learn. . . .
Some students seem to learn better when information is pre-
sented through words (verbal learners), whereas others seem to
learn better when it’s presented through pictures (visual learn-
ers)’’ (p. 160, italics in original). Thus, educational psychology
students and aspiring teachers are being taught that students
have particular learning styles and that these styles should be
accommodated by instruction tailored to those learning styles.
Some of the most popular learning-style schemes include the
Dunn and Dunn learning-styles model (e.g., Dunn, 1990), Kolb’s
(1984, 1985) Learning Styles Inventory, and Honey and Mum-
ford’s (1992) Learning Styles Questionnaire. The assessment
devices that have been developed in relation to the model
of Dunn and Dunn are particularly popular and extensive.
106 Volume 9—Number 3
Learning Styles
Customers visiting the Web site of the International Learning
Styles Network ( are advised that
Learning style is the way in which each learner begins to con-
centrate on, process, absorb, and retain new and difficult infor-
mation (Dunn and Dunn, 1992; 1993; 1999). The interaction of
these elements occurs differently in everyone. Therefore, it is
necessary to determine what is most likely to trigger each student’s
concentration, how to maintain it, and how to respond to his or her
natural processing style to produce long term memory and reten-
tion. To reveal these natural tendencies and styles, it is important to
use a comprehensive model of learning style that identifies each
individual’s strengths and preferences across the full spectrum of
physiological, sociological, psychological, emotional, and envi-
ronmental elements. (International Learning Styles Network, 2008)
As of June 2008, the company sells five different assessment
tools for different age groups—ranging from the Observational
Primary Assessment of Learning Style (OPAL) for ages 3 to 6 to
Building Excellence (BE) for ages 17 and older (at a cost of
approximately $5.00 per student for the classification instru-
ment). The vendor claims these assessments ‘‘measure the pat-
terns through which learning occurs in individual students; they
summarize the environmental, emotional, sociological, physio-
logical, and global/analytic processing preferences that a stu-
dent has for learning’’ (International Learning Styles Network,
2008). A summer certification program is also offered in con-
nection with this approach (the basic certification program costs
$1,225 per trainee, excluding meals and lodging, with a higher
level certification for conducting research on learning styles also
offered for an additional $1,000). The Dunn and Dunn assess-
ment instrument for adults asks respondents to indicate, for
example, whether they learn best when they hear a person talk
about something, whether their desk is typically disorganized
and messy, whether they would say that they normally think in
words as opposed to mental images, and whether they would
characterize themselves as someone who thinks intuitively or
objectively (Rundle & Dunn, 2007).
Kolb’s (1984, 1985) Learning Styles Inventory is another very
popular scheme, particularly within the United States. It con-
ceives of individuals’ learning processes as differing along two
dimensions: preferred mode of perception (concrete to abstract)
and preferred mode of processing (active experimentation to
reflective observations). The Learning Styles Inventory classi-
fies individuals into four types on the basis of their position along
these two dimensions: divergers (concrete, reflective), assimi-
lators (abstract, reflective), convergers (abstract, active), and
accommodators (concrete, active). The self-assessment requires
people to agree or disagree (on a 4-point scale) with, for ex-
ample, the idea that they learn best when they listen and watch
carefully, or that when they learn they like to analyze things and
to break them down into parts.
The Learning Styles Inventory is distributed by the Hay Group
( and sold in packs of 10 booklets for
approximately $100.00 (as of June 2008). The Hay Group also
distributes an informational booklet called ‘‘One Style Doesn’t
Fit All: The Different Ways People Learn and Why It Matters’’
(Hay Group, n.d.). According to the booklet, the practical ben-
efits of classifying individuals’ learning styles include ‘‘placing
them in learning and work situations with people whose learning
strengths are different from their own,’’ ‘‘improving the fit be-
tween their learning style and the kind of learning experience
they face,’’ and ‘‘practicing skills in areas that are the opposite of
their present strengths’’ (Hay Group, n.d., p. 11).
These three examples are merely some of the more popular
and well-advertised products within the learning-styles move-
ment. Readers interested in a more comprehensive view should
consult Coffield et al. (2004).
Origin and Popularity
The popularity and prevalence of the learning-styles approach
may, of course, be a product of its success in fostering learning
and instruction. Assessing the extent to which there is evidence
that the approach does indeed foster learning is the primary goal
of this review. However, there are reasons to suspect that other
factors—in addition to, or instead of, actual effectiveness—may
play a role in the popularity of the learning-styles approach.
Most learning-styles taxonomies are ‘‘type’’ theories: That is,
they classify people into supposedly distinct groups, rather than
assigning people graded scores on different dimensions. One
can trace the lineage of these theories back to the first modern
typological theorizing in the personality field, which was un-
dertaken by the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst C.G. Jung
(1964). Jung’s ideas were explicitly incorporated into a psy-
chological test developed in the United States, the Myers–Briggs
Type Indicator test. This test became very popular starting in the
1940s and remains widely used to this day. The Myers–Briggs
categorizes people into a number of groups, providing infor-
mation that is said to be helpful in making occupational deci-
sions. The assumption that people actually cluster into distinct
groups as measured by this test has received little support from
objective studies (e.g., Druckman & Porter, 1991; Stricker &
Ross, 1964), but this lack of support has done nothing to dampen
its popularity. It seems that the idea of finding out ‘‘what type of
person one is’’ has some eternal and deep appeal, and the suc-
cess of the Myers–Briggs test promoted the development of type-
based learning-style assessments.
Another, very understandable, part of the appeal of the
learning-styles idea may reflect the fact that people are con-
cerned that they, and their children, be seen and treated by
educators as unique individuals. It is also natural and appealing
to think that all people have the potential to learn effectively and
easily if only instruction is tailored to their individual learning
styles. Another related factor that may play a role in the popu-
Volume 9—Number 3 107
H. Pashler et al.
larity of the learning-styles approach has to do with responsi-
bility. If a person or a person’s child is not succeeding or ex-
celling in school, it may be more comfortable for the person to
think that the educational system, not the person or the child
himself or herself, is responsible. That is, rather than attribute
one’s lack of success to any lack of ability or effort on one’s part,
it may be more appealing to think that the fault lies with in-
struction being inadequately tailored to one’s learning style. In
that respect, there may be linkages to the self-esteem movement
that became so influential, internationally, starting in the 1970s
(Twenge, 2006).
Interactions of Individual Differences and
Instructional Methods
As we argue in the next section, credible evidence in support of
practices based on learning styles needs to document a specific
type of interaction between instructional method and assess-
ments of an individual’s learning style. Basically, evidence for a
learning-styles intervention needs to consist of finding that a
given student’s learning is enhanced by instruction that is tai-
lored in some way to that student’s learning style.
Naturally, it is undeniable that the optimal instructional
method will often differ between individuals in some respects. In
particular, differences in educational backgrounds can be a
critical consideration in the optimization of instruction. New
learning builds on old learning, for example, so an individual
student’s prior knowledge is bound to determine what level and
type of instructional activities are optimal for that student. Many
research studies (see, e.g., McNamara, Kintsch, Butler-Songer,
& Kintsch, 1996) have demonstrated that the conditions of in-
struction that are optimal differ depending on students’ prior
knowledge. Later in this review, we summarize some of the ev-
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