Define social classism Explain how social classism relates to both stratification and inequality
What are your thoughts on the information in the readings? Expand on the readings and critically analyze them in relation to the current cultural structures in our society and contemporary issues. Reflect on your own opinions and life experiences prior to beginning this class and how these readings may have changed or supported your thoughts on social classism.
In your post, be sure to address each of these module objectives:
Characterize social class
Define social classism
Explain how social classism relates to both stratification and inequality
Critically analyze the implication of social classism on other areas of identity such as race, gender, or sexuality
Requirements: | .doc file
186 Pttrt ‘-‘l’he I'”ccnuntics of- Rrrca, Olttss, uul C)etttlern,lro clrr lnri’a $l nrillion lrorne irr an afflrrerrt stll)tlrl) u’ill also lle able to proviclctlrcir cfiilclrcl uith supcrior schools.”‘l’lre tJ.S. public scltool svstetrr is still riggcdi1 fl66r of shrclcrrts flirn riclrer, n’hiter districts; arrcl as llcltell rcnulrks, thc [JnitcclStltcs rcrrririns “tlre orrlv nrrjor clcvckrpcd cotttrtn irr thc u’rtrlcl that cxhilliis thissharr r cfirl l)rttterl r of eclttcrtli<tr trll il r cqrl ih’.”lJob lteklntctn is a L)ollars & Serrse irlterrr.RESOURCESJrrrrrllr:ru Kozol, Savage Ineclrr:rlilies: Ohiklren in Anrcrico’s Scfir.,o/s (C)roritr i’rrblishers,lc)91).I:)dttctrtiottal Lcd<lership, l)ecetnber 1, 1993 itttetvicrl u’ith Jonatlratr Kozol'(r s rr ..CCI,”‘l’he Frrntlirg ():rp: Lou-hrconre:rncl {irrorih’stuclerrts l{cceivc h’eucr l)ollars,”‘l’hc[!clLrcatiorr’l’nrst, Irrc., (ri rvri 5 /le rrss I Ottusa rl l)ccftlt: lttctltttrlitt787ctrlccorrOrnic statrrs, lro$cVcr, irrrcl rrrost c;[rses of dcltllr, lrrrcl’ou’ll firrcl illrcss r’rd irrjrr^'(‘r “rrr.rbirlitr”l rrrcl r..rt;rritr(l( ( r(‘;tsL .Attlotlg llcoplc ltchiccrr thc agcs of 25 arrcl (r-1, lhosc riith lcss tlrrrl a hiclrsclrool cliplonrir (or cc;rrirrrlcrrt) lucl arr rrgc-a<ljLrstcd rrrortrrlitv lrtc rrrorc tharr thic,clirtrr’..llrlrl r,f 1,r’,r;ll..rrillr rr.l ltrlrl sorrrt. ,-,,11t.q,,. lt. r,[ ]il0l. l lro.t.rrillrorrl ;r ltiglrsclrool diltlrtrrrlr hacl tttttrc tltrtt triplc tlrc clclir rlrtc 1l-orrr clrrorric rrorrc6rrrrpprrica-blc.disc:rscs (c.g., lrelrt rlisr’rt.e), rrr,r11 111111 lZ tirrrcs tlrc clcrrtlr rrrte f1rr1 irrjrrrr’,allcl rrcarll sir tirtrcs tlrc dcatlr ratc frorrr I II7,ll)S, corrrp:rrccl to tlrosc ri itlr rrt lca.stsorrre collcgc. l’coltle riith ittcorttcs belori thc povcrtr lirrc ncrc rrcarli triicc aslikclr kr lravc ltrrcl att rtstltrtt:t rtttack irr tlrc prcviorrs reiar (,rur,rng tlrosc prcr.iorrslycliagrr<tsccl nitir astlrrrra)as 1tc91tle litlr irrcrtlrcs at lclst hticc t[eltorerh lirrc. lr.tirJ>cople \’clc ovcr 2Z tirrrcs rs likclr to srrffcr firrrr u clrronic “u,,.iiti,r,r that lirrritecltlreir lciirih artcl ttvcr thret tirrrcr rrs likclr lo clraractcrizc thcir orirr lrelltlr as “fair”or “poor” (ratlrer tlrirn “qr,,,d” (,r “rr g,,r,tl”), conrprrrccl kr tlrose n.ith irrcrlrrresovcr clotrlllc thc ltttvcrtv lirrc.,’fricrrrr Arrrcricrrrrs lrrrvc lrighcr clcat| rltes tlrarrttlriltr fr,,rrr ,,,,,.., r1 , iriqlrt rr. Irr..rrr’r tli:crrst. ,1. lriqlrr.r,. ,1r,,k,. ri- l,igl,,.r,. ,1i,,-bctcs (hricc as higlr). horrricidc (nrorc thurr 5 tinrcs ls high), arrcl AltjS (nrorc tharr8 tirlres rts higlr). ‘flre irrfant rrrortalitr ratc for ‘fricur Arrre ricrrrrs u’as, irr 2002-2003,tlver tu’icc as higlt as frrr rrlrite’. lrr;rll, tlrc lr,ucr vorr ure irr :r social lricrarclrr, tlre\()r(‘our’lrt’rrllir rrrrtl llrt’slrrrrlr.r’rt,rrr lift,rrrr, 1,, lrt..The Worse offthe United States Are Not Well off-E$ *if;%rF f ,dlinby World StandardsYou ofterr hear it saicl that ccl l)(x)r pcoplc irr ricli corrntrics likc thc IJrritccl Statcsarc riclr crtrttltarccl lo orclinarv pcoplc in poor courrtrics. \’lrilc that nrty bc tlrcr’hert it cotttes kr c]orrsrllllcr-goods like tclcvisiclrrs or tclcplruncs, uliiclr:rrc niclclllvailalllc evctt trt poor ltcoplc irr thc (.lrilcrl Stltcs, it’s cunltlctclv rirorrg rrl.rcl itcorrcs to lrelltlr.lrr a 1996 sttrdr prrblislrccl irr tlrc Ncu’l,,nglrlrrrl lotrntal rl Iedicine,lJnivcrsitr.of lichigarr rcscarclters forrrrcl that,fricarr-rrncricar ferrr:rles living hr aqc l5 i1Ilarlcrrr lvacl a (t57, clt:tncc of srrn’iving kr lgc 65. ‘l’hat is lcss tharr tire prirbabiliti’at llirtlr of srrrvilirrg to rrgc (r5 frrr nonrcrr irr hrcliii, uccorclinq kr 2000-2(X)5 clata.learrrilrile, llarlcrrt’s ,fricarr-Arrrerican rrralcs rr.uclrirrg agc li lrrrcl rlrlr, a 77″/r;tltrttrct’ofsrrlririrrq lo rrqt (ri. l lr;rl is lc’s, lllrrr llrt.prr,l,;rlrililr rrl lrirllr,,lrrrrririrrgkr agc (15 ftrr trtett irr IIaiti. ‘rrrong lroth,’fr-ic:rrr-,,rrrcricun rrrcrr rrrcl 11.orrrcrr, dis-eascs of thc circrrllrlorv ststctr urtcl cunccrs ncrc tlre lclrcling carrscs of clcatlr.[t takcs rrr,r,’c irrc,,,,r. i.;1q.111.,. e qrrcrr lifc crlrcctarrar]i,r, riclr courrtrr.liketlrc []rritccl St:rtcs tltarr it <locs to lchicvc thc srrnrc lrfe crpcctancv iu rr lcss rrfflrr-c_tlt cottlltn. So tlte lrighcr lnolrcv irrcorrre of u krri-irrcr)lllc l)erson in tlrc []rritcclStatcs, corriplrrccl to a rrridcllc-inc,-,,r’.1r.r.,,,, irr lr 1>oor c<lrrrrtrr,, ckres rrot llcccssilr-ilV trarrsl:rtc ittto a lottgcr life spar.’l’lrc arcr-:rgc rrcolnc pcr l)crsoll irr African-it’s a str.orrg ltct thirtirrcrclrsirrg ls statrrsCeuss oF DtrATH: INEQUALITYAlejanclro ReussInequality KillsYo1 u.orr’t see incilrralih’on a rncclic:rl chart or il corottcr’s rcport ittrtler “c:tttse <lfcleatlr.” You uon’t scc it listcci anlonq the top killers in the Urtitecl States cach vcar.All too often, lro.nve.ner, it is social incclualitl’tliat lurks behincl a lllore imrncdiatccalsc of clcatli, bc it heart cliseasc or cliabctes, accidental ittjtrrv or horrricide. F-cli’of thc top causcs of clcath arc “eclual opportunih’ killers.” Insteacl, thev terlci tclstrikc poor pcople rnclre tlran rich peoplc, tlie less cclrrcatctl tttorc thatl the higlilr’c<]rrcatccl, peoplc lon,cr on thc occrrpational laclcler trtorc thart thosc higher rrp, orpcoplc of color tttore thrttr n’hite pcople.- .Stliisiics on nrortalitl arrd life cxpcctancv clo not proviclc a pcrfect nrap of st>cial irrcrlralih. I,’or cxarnl>le, irr 2002, the life crpectatto’frtr n’otttctr ilr ihc l.lniteclStrt”r,,16 about five r,cars krrrgcr tharr the lifc expcctanc-v fttr trtetl, clespite tlrcllllll, $avc in rilrich \,onrcli arc srrborclirratecl to nrerr. ‘l’rtkc rtrost itlclicrltors of so-I{elrrirrtccl lx Pcilrrissioil ctl L)ollars G Scrr”-c, r 1;roqrcssive cr'(,r1(‘rri( Irrrgrr/rrrc.u n t .clol I ltrslr rtlser lsc.orq
188 Part ‘-Tlrc l:lcotxtmics of llace, Oluss, ttrul ()ettclcrAtncricun lrouscirolcls ($15,200), lbr crarnplc, is aborrt thrcc tinres the per callitlinconrc of Penr. As of 2002, houevcr, the lifc expcctancr’for tfrican-Atltcricatr’rerr irr tlrc Llnitccl Statcs n’as about 6c) r’cars, less tltan as tlrc ai’craqe life cx-ltcctancv itr Pcnr.’l’hc infant lltortalih rate for,’frican Atnericans, I j 5 per 1000iive birtirs, is bct$’ccn that of LJruguai’ancl Bulgaria, both of $’irich have Per caPitairtcottres arortttcl $8,00{‘)Health lnequalities in the United states Are Not JustAbout Access to Health CareNearlr,o’c sixth of thc ti.S. populatiort ltclon,agc 65 lacks health insurallce of atlkincl, priyatc or Nleclicaicl. rirrorrg thosc n’ith irtcotrtes belou’ 1% tirlres tlie llovcrir’lirr”, or,”r 30% lack he,ilth coverage of arli’kirld, ctllilparecl to 107″ for thosc rvithirrcoilrcs lrorc than t$’icc the poverh’linc. Africati Altrericatls rrrlcler age 65 n’ercabo.t lll, timcs as iikcli. as ,,oilit”, to lack health insurartcc; l,atirlos, ttearll’ threetintcs :rs,. A,,rong those agecl 55 to 64, trDinsured people rere about I aslikelr. as insurecl p.upli to have ice,, a lrrit,trrrcare cloctor irl the last vear, ancl lessthari half as likelv to havc secrr a specialist, as of 2002-2003. Arnong \onrerl over40, abolt 55% ol’tliosc,ur,ith incorrrcs bclon’the poi’crh’lirtc hacl gottell a lll:lllllno-grarrr irr thc l:rst tuo vears, cornp:rrecl to75% of thosc n’ith incorlles over tu’ice theior,”rh, li’e, as of 2Oill. Obr,iouslr’, clisparitics itr acccss to healtir carc llrc I ttrajorhcaltlr problcni.But so :rrc enr,irorurierrtai liazards; couttnutricable <liseases; honiicicle and ac-ciclcltal cleath; atrcl sniokirlg, iack of exercisc, ancl tlther risk factors”fhesc clarigersall tcpcl to affect lttr.r’er-itrcl,,lle people ttrorc tharl highcr-irlcorrc, lcss-edircateclpcoplc utore than nrlre-eclucate,l, attd people of color nlorc thatr rvhitcs’ Africarl-Ar’crical chilclrel behl,eel the ages of I ancl l0lverc rtearlv hvicc as likelr to haveIracl a’ astSrra attack ip i|e last ylr,r ,,, rilrite chilclren, iurong tli<tsc pro’iotrsll’di-ag’osecl ri’itli asthura. ‘l’he frecltreno’ of attacks is lirrked to air pollutiott. Atlr<ltrg1r-.,)p1. bctwccn ages 25 ancl 6,1, tlrose uitlrorrt a high school dipirlrril llacl over fiveii,1e, t5″ cleat| r:itc fronr comrrrrrrricable cliseascs, cotttparetl t<l th<lsc rl’ith at lcastso’re college. African-,rniericatl trlett \’ere, as of 2003, tttore tilarr scvetl tiulcs aslikelr,kt lail r,ictitrr to hornicicle as’,1’lrite nrerr; Africari-Altiericillt \’olllell, 11)orethari four tilrcs ;rs likelr as ,,r,hitc *’ornerr. Pcoplc \’itliout a high school cliplorria(or ecllir,alent) ricre ncarlr,thrce tiures as likelv kr srurlke as-tllosc r’r’ith at ieast abr.hellur’, clcgrce, as of 2i)01. l’coplc u’ith irrcorrrcs belon’the poverh’litrc n’cretrcarlr, tn,icc ,i, to get tto crcrcisc as peollle rl’itll ittcortres ttver dottble thepoverh’lirre .tr,lichacl NIarnrot, :r itiorrcer in tlrc sttrclr’ of social irleclualitv ancl hcalth, trotcsthat so-callccl cliseascs uf ,fflrt.t,..-clistlr<1ers, like heart cliscasc or cliallctes’ asso-ciatccl n,ith high-crrlorie ancl lrigh-fat cliets, lack of pirysical activih’, ctc’ increasinglyltical irr ricli socictics-:rr” inost pre’n’alc’rlt alnorlg tlie -/east affllertt pcoplc inthcse societics. Wlrilc recOgniziilg thc role of stlcit “behavioral” risk factors assrrrokirrg in Proclucilg 1r,rul- ir”rltlrlhc argues, “lt is rrot strfficicrit . . – to ask $hatI5 Ilerrss I Otuse of l)eath: lnecltnlib, lflgcorrtrillution snlokirtg tnakcs tu gcncratinq the social graclient i1 ill hcalth, brrt q,enrtrst ask, rilll is therc a social graclicnt irr srnoking?’;Vlrat al)l)ear to be incliyicl-tral “lifcsh’lc” clecisiorrs oftc’ reflect a br.ucler social cpiclcnri’log1,.creater Income lnequality coes Hand in Hand withPoorer HealthNttttlcrotts sttrclies sttggcst tlrat thc nrorc llllc(lual the irrcorrre clistribLrticli irr:rcotttltrt, stlte, or cih, tlre loner thc lifc expcctancics for pcoplc at all incomc,l996stuclvprrblishcdinthc rnrcricrtrtlotLn’tctlof I’rtbLic’Ilealth,forexarrrplc,shorl’s that tJ.S. ntetrctpolit:rtr arcas uith lori pcr ca1:lit:r irrcorrrcs ancl l6n. lcyels ofiltcottte_irtcclLralitr lrarc loricr urortalih ratcs tlran arcas n.ith lrigh rneclial irrcorrresarlcl higll lercls of ittcotnc inctlrralitr. Nlerrrrihilc, fo. a gir.en-per cairrta inc6lrcrange, nortalih ratcs alriars clec]irie as incc;rralih dcclincis.R.G. Wilkinsort, pcrhaps thc rescarcltcr rrort rrrpt,rrsiblt. tor Lelatilg healthotttcotllcs to overall lcvels of irrcclrralit’,'(rathcr tharr incliriclual irrcorrre leiel.l, ar-gtrcs that grcater itlcottte irrequalih c:nlscs \’olsc lrealtlr outconrcs ilclel>c1clc1t ofits effcch otl lloverh’. \lilkinson arrcl his:rssociatcs sirggest ser.cral cxplarratiorrs forthis rclationsliip. First, the bigger the incorrre gap lrct*ec,r rich arcl poor, ilre lessirlclirlecl the li’ell<rff are to pa’n’taxes for public sen,iccs ther,eithcr clo por lse orrrsc irl low’proportiorr to the taxes thei’par’. l,orrcr spcnding,rrr prrirlic hospitals,schools, artcl otlrer basic services cloes rrot affect ri,e:rlth,, p.u”pl.’, iifc cxpcctancresYcrv tltttcll, but it affects ltoor pcople’s lifc er1>cctancies:i great cleal. Seconcl, t|ebigger tlre ittcotttc gap betu’eerr rich and poor, the loner thle ovcrall lc1el 9f socialcolresion. High lcl’els of social cohcsion are associatccl u,ith goocl health outcorrresfor sc'”‘eral reilsolts. F’or cx:rnrple, pcoplc irr highlv cohesi.,.c sriicties are nrore likelyto be activc in tlreir cotntrtttnitics, reclucing social isolation, a kuon.n lrealtli ririfacbr.Ntttlterotts tcsc:rrcltcrs ltrn’e criticizccl \lilkinsorr’s conclusions, arguing thattlre real rcasott ittcottrc irrcclrralih’tencls to be associatecl uith riorsc healt| opt-colttcs is that it is associatecl n’ith higlrer rates of povcrtr’. Brrt o,en if tho arc riglrtItrlcl itlcolllc _incclrralitr causes uorsc lrealth sirrrplr bv bringing aborrt greatcrllorcrh’, that harcllv rrtakcs for a clcfcnsc of incclrralih. Porerhlancl inecl.,rri-it1 ,relike Partrrcrs itt critne. “\llrcthcr prrblic policr’f,rcrric, priuiarilv on the eliririla-tiort of povcrh or on recluctiorr in irrcourc clispurih.,” argric \/ilkiirsorr critics Kg,i1l”iscclla alrtl Pcter F’rarrks, “rreitlrcr goal is likclv kr bclchicl,ecl in thc a|scrrce ofllrt,rllrt,r.”Differences in Status May Be Just as lmportantas Income LevelsJ lrcrr .iftcr ;166rrLttttittg for cliffe rcnccs irr inconrc, cclrrcatiorr, arrcl othe r factors, thellie crpcct:tttcv fcrr -frical ,’rtrcric:rns is lcss tlrll tlrat fcrr u.lritcs, LI.S. researchersarc begirlrlirlg to erltlorc the rclationslrip bctn,ecn higlr b’loocl l)rcssrrrc:r1r()1g
390 I’drl ‘-‘l ltc I”,c’ottotttics of lltrte. OIuss, trtrr] ()cttdcr,,fric:rn ,rucricarrs llnd thc nlcislli of llrc surroun(lillq sociei’. .,fricarr Articricatrstcncl to srrffcr frrrrr lriqlr blood l)rcssrlrc, a risk lackrr for circulrtton discasc, trrorcoftcrr tlrlrr rr’lritcs. lorcorcr, strrclics lravc ftnrrttl tlrlt, uhcn cotrfrorrtccl n’ith racisnr,,fl.ican Anreric:rrrs srrlfcr lurgcr.arrcl longcr-lustirrg irtcrcases iri blottcl prcssttrc thatrrtlrcn f:rccd ri itlr otlrcr strcssfrrl sitrurtiorrs. llrorrdcr srrrvcvs rehting blootl prcssrrrcirr ,lricarr ,nrericrurs to perccivcd irrstartccs of ruci:rl tliscrinrinltiotr havc ricldcdcorrrplcr rcsrrlts, clcpcnding ott sociul clltss, gcrrclcr, itttcl otlrcr fltctors.Strcsscs clrsclrclc clorirr social lricrrrrclrics urrcl llccruttttlaic atttottg tlrc lcast crn-poucrccl. l,,r’crr rcscarclrcrs f<rcusirrg on soci:rl irrcc;rrllih arrd lrcalth, Itoricvcr, lravcbccrr srrrprisccl lrr ilrc lrrrge effccts orr rnortrtliti. Orcr l0 r’clrs ago, NlichlclNl:rrrrrot and lris ussocirrtcs rrnrlcrtook ir larrclrrutrk strrclr’, knour as \Ilritclrall I, clfhculllr urrrorrg llritislr civil scn’rrnts. Sincc thc ciiil scn’:urts slrarcd tnant clt:trltctcr-istics regarcllcss of jol:l classific:rtiorr-rtrr officc nork crrrirotttttcttt, a lriglr dcgrec ofjob sccrrritr, ctc.-tlrc rcscirrcllcrs crpcctccl to firrcl onlv nroclest helltlr cliffcrcrrccsar)rong tlrcnr.’l’o tlrcir srrrprisc, tlrc strrdv rercalccl a slltrp irtcrcase in nrortalihuillr clclr stclt doun tlre job lriclrrclrr’-cvcu froln the ]riglrcst grlclc to tlrc secoticlhiqhest. Ovcr tcrr vcrrrs, crrrplovces irr tlrc lori’cst grrrclc nere thrcc tirrrcs as likelr,to clic rs thosc irr tlrc lriglrcst qraclc. Onc [rctor nas tlrat pcople in loucr gratlcsslrrxlc<1 a highcr inciclcrrcc of rrrarrr'”lifestrle” risk flrckrrs, likc srnoking, p(x)I cliet,ancl lrrck of crcrcisc. l,lrerr rilrcrr tlrc rcsc;rrchcrs contiollccl f<rr srrclr lactors, hori.evel, nlorc tlrarr lralftlic rriortrlitr gap rerrrlirrccl.lannot notccl tlurt pcoplc in ihe lower job gtrclcs n’crc lcss likclr b clescribetlrcrrrsclvcs as havirrg “corrtr-ol ovcr tlrcir urrrkirrg lives” or beirrg “srrtisficcl nith tlieirnork sitrratiorr,” conrparecl lo thosc lriglrcr up. \Ilrilc peol>le in higher iob gratlcs\ere lnorc likclr kr rc1>ort “lraving to nork:rt u lrst pacc,” lo\’cr-lcre] ciiil sen’attts\’crc nlolc likelr kr rcport fcclirgs of hostilitr, the nuirr strcss-rclatcd risk factor forlrcrrrt discasc. N’lannot conclLrilcd tlr:rt “psvcho-social” factors-thc psrclrologicalcosts of be irrg loncr irr tlrc lricrarchr’-pl:riecl arr irrrpurtrtrrt rolc irr thc lllrepl:linednrortalitl gap. Nl:rru of rrs llrvc prolubli’said kr orrr-sclres, aftcr:r trvirrg dav on thejob. “‘l’lrcr’rc’ killirrq rnc.”‘l’rrrns orrt it’s rrot jrrst rr figurc of sl>cech. hreclrrrlitr’kills-arrcl it siurts rt tlrc lrotkrrrr.RESOURCESI lealtlt, {lttited Statcs.2005, l.’itlt Clnrtbook rnt’l’rerttls irt the llealth ol Anrcricrrris, Nit-tional (le rrte r firr I lclltlr Stltistic s (rnui .cclc.gor’/rrclrs).Ilatrltlt. (lritcd Strttcs, l99E. r”itlt Socioacottonric.stalus rnxl Llcaltlt Oltttrtlxnl<. rttiorral(lerrtcr frrr llelltlr Stltistics (ull.cclc.gor’/rrclrs).Ilturttrtt l)et’clopnrcrtt leport 2005. UN Dc’r’clo1;rrcnl l)rogr:trrrre ( L)u’clopnrcrrt Iapul 2000, IJN l)crcloprrrcrrt l)rcgrututre (\’ orl tl I ) ct’ a I r 4t r u c t t t I r uli c a tt t rs 2 0(10, \’orl d B:r r r k.J,isa Bcrkrrlrri. “socr:rl Ireclu:rlities:rrrd ltcalth: Five Kcv Poirrts for I’olicr’,lakers toKrrou.” l,cl>rrrerr’ ;. 2(X)1. Kcrrlcclr Sclrool of (lovcrrtrtrcnt, I Ian’lrrd l lrrir crsitr’.l(t Pu.tcs I lrrtrrtigrulicttt,s Altenntttlt l9llclriro Kr$aclri’ Brtrcc P. Kcrrrrcclr’, anrl Riclr:rrd (1. \’ilkirrsorr, erls..’//rc socictt LrrtclPopttlatiut IIeriltlr Rettder, ,iuntv l: Int.,,tttc. Ittt.qtrtrlitt ttnd Ilattltlt, I()r)L).Nlichacl Nlarrrrol, “social Diffcrcrrccs irr lort:rlrtr: ‘tlrc \.lritcirall SIuclics, irr.l:rrr I).[‘opez, C)razic]la Clasclli, irrrd ‘l’aPani Virlkoirerr, eris.. ,{r/rilt Ilortttlitt’ itt l)cvLopc4 (ktLttt-tries: ltront [)escription b l,)xplunatiotr, l9c)5NIiclHcl NIarrrrol, “‘l’he Social l):rttcnr of licaltlr rrrrcl l)isc:rsc.” ir l)rrr.icl lllrrrrc, l,,ricBrttrttrer’ arrd Ritllarcl \’ilkirtsorr, c<s., llettlth trn<l Socitrl’l’rnrttrds tr IlcrtltltI’olict, lrr tlte ‘l’u,etttt.-liirst Cuthtn, lr)L)6.,’rlinc’l-. (lrortitlrtts et:tl., “l’ccrr t[,rrlrlih ,nrong I]l:rcks rrrrl \’lritcs irr tlrc tlrritctlStalcs, ‘I’lre New l:ngldtul Inunt,tl ,tl ,l,.rlic.ittc., 3i iq 2 1 1, ,,,.”,,,1r.r 21, 199(r– Natrcv Kricger, Plr.D., ancl Stcphcrr Siclrro, l.l)., “11.:rci:rl l)isc.rir11i11ti6p elrl Bl66clPrcssttrc:’lhe (],ll’DL’ Shrrit ,,f .r111c ]l,l 1.1 rirr.l \’lrilc,rlrrlts.” Artctictut lortrrttrl rl pttb-lic lle ultlt. E61 I 0 ). Octobcr I 99(r-g dr’ :& jj?# F*ltiii ji df.*,.-.*,. ….-*.. ,IvvtcRAltoN’s Ap’IERMATHAlejanclro PortesIt is ricll ktlovn’tr ltv tton’that irrrniigratiorr is charrqirrg tlre llcc of .,urcric1. -l’hc[1.S. Cerrsrrs Btrreatt reports that tlre]runrber of f,rre,igr,1l,,,rn p.rr,,,’s i,, thc [.lrritcclSlatcs surgccl to 2lJ ntilliorr in 2000 arrcl rrot’r-.1rr”r”r,t, 12 peicerrtof thc krtll p.p-rrlatiorr, tlre lighcst figrrres in:r ccrrtrrrr’. hr Ncir York (litrl. 54 pcrccnt r,f tlrc p’p-rriatiorl is of forcigrr, irrrrrigrrrrrts :rrrcl clrilcircn of irrrnrigrrrlts. ‘l’lrcllgure’irrcrcascs tcl (t2 ltercertt in thc l,os Angclcs rrrctropolitarr urclr arrcl t9:1r arlrrz-illg 72 l>crccrit irr li:trrri. ‘ll arorrrrcl rrs, irr tlresc citics ancl clsculrcrc, Ilrc soLruclsof fore ign. larlgtragcs arrcl the siglrts of a klle icloscopc of crrltrrrcs ;rrc rclrliir’ ;rppar-ctt. IJrrt tlre l.rg-tcrrr collscquclrccs are rrr.clr lcss rie ll krr,*.rr.A clriVirrg fcrrcc belrirtcl todar”s iurrnigrarrt trrve is tlrc lrrlror rrcccls ef tlrc,rrrcr-icart ccrlttotllr’. \/hilc tlrttsc ncccls “r,aur,,1rrs lr substrrrrtial rlcrrlrrrcl ftrr.rrrurrrgrarrtctlgirtcers arrcl coltrlltttcr J)rogranulrcrs irr lriglr-tcclr intlustrics, tlrc r’:rst rrrlj6rih 6ftrlclar”s irrltltigrlttlts arc errtplurccl irr rncrriai,ior,-p,rrirg jolrs.’l’lrc rcasolls \.lly cr1-pl0rcrs irr agribrrsirrcss, corrstnrction, lanclsc’api,,g, r”itr,,11rts, lretcls, r,,.t i,rr,,,otlicr scctors $arlt this frxeigtr labor arc rltritc irrrcl-crstrrndrrblc. hrrrigr-rrrrh 1rr,,ri,l.Ittt allttltclatlt’ cliligcrlt, docije, r’trlrterublc, rrncl lon.cost lulr,rr po,,l-rihcrc rrativcllclrrirtlccl rritlr Pcrrrission fiorrr’r’/re Antcrittilt pntsftctt. rol. lr. rro. -..|ri1 E, l(x)1. r. ,r lrc:rucricrrn l)rosPcct, II Ilcirtrirr Strccr. Stritc r]]0. r]ostrirr. r.. 0r0s. ir ,iqr,t, rcscnccr. Plagiarism Free Papers
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