Consider discussion around the elements of community resilience. In this discussion consider the elements of community resilience and their significance to managing pote
Consider discussion around the elements of community resilience. In this discussion consider the elements of community resilience and their significance to managing potentially traumatic events and supporting students who have experienced or are experiencing trauma.
Creating Trauma-Informed Schools for Rural Appalachia: The Partnerships Program for Enhancing Resiliency, Confidence and Workforce Development in Early Childhood Education
Sherry Shamblin1 • Dawn Graham2 • Joseph A. Bianco2
Published online: 29 January 2016
� Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Abstract Poverty lack of resources and pervasive
adversity threaten the healthy social and emotional devel-
opment of many children living in rural Appalachia.
Despite these traumatic stressors, however, Appalachian
residents have proven surprisingly resilient and responsive
to intervention. This article describes the twin efforts of the
Partnerships Program for Early Childhood Mental Health
and Project LAUNCH, a community-university-state ini-
tiative, to transform school systems by establishing
enduring partnerships within and across schools and
agencies, pooling and disseminating critical resources, and
strengthening the skills, confidence and capacity of the
early childhood education workforce. This article describes
the three-tiered framework of services implemented at the
schools, with special emphasis on its trauma-informed
training for educators combined with trauma-specific
mental health interventions delivered on site. Despite a
modest sample size, results indicate significant pre-im-
provement/post-improvement in teacher confidence and
hopefulness in positively impacting challenging child
behaviors; a decrease in the negative attributes of the
preschool learning environment; and increased teacher
ratings of child resilience as measured by the Devereux
Early Child Assessment. Program limitations and future
directions for creating trauma-informed Appalachian
schools are discussed.
Keywords Trauma-informed care � Schools � Partnerships � Resilience � Early childhood mental health
From birth to age five, children undergo unprecedented
neurobiological development. During these early childhood
years, the ‘‘architecture’’ of the brain and central nervous
system develops and consolidates, laying a lifelong foun-
dation for social, emotional and cognitive development
(Perry, 2004). Environments that consistently expose
children to adversity, trauma and chronic toxic stress can
irreparably alter brain physiology and place them at risk of
poor academic, mental health and medical outcomes
throughout their lives (Anda et al., 2006; Briggs-Gowan,
Carter, Clark, Augustyn, McCarthy, & Ford, 2010; Perry,
2004). Exposure to functional environments and supportive
attachment figures, however, can buffer the effects of
childhood adversity. Strong preschool systems staffed by
knowledgeable, trauma-informed personnel can supply the
relational protective factors that may be diminished or
absent in a child’s home environment. Preschool teachers
can promote emotional regulation and help children control
behavioral impulses that could later interfere with learning
(Buss, Warren & Horten, 2015; Phillips & Shonkof, 2000).
Unfortunately, regional disparities can prevent some
school systems from fully promoting the healthy social and
emotional development of the children they serve. In poor,
underserved and resource-challenged regions such as rural
Appalachia, teachers are typically stretched beyond
capacity. In the rural Appalachian counties of Southeastern
Ohio, for example, approximately 29 % of children live in
poverty (Ohio Department of Education, 2014). In addi-
tion, rates for various mental illnesses range from 24 to
41 % compared to national averages of 16 %. Substance
abuse rates among adults are 30 % greater than non-rural
& Sherry Shamblin
1 Behavioral Health, Hopewell Health Centers, 90 Hospital
Drive, Athens, OH 45701, USA
2 Department of Social Medicine, Ohio University Heritage
College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH, USA
School Mental Health (2016) 8:189–200
DOI 10.1007/s12310-016-9181-4
parts of Appalachia (Zhang et al., 2008). An estimated 3 %
of children in the region have documented and substanti-
ated cases of child abuse (Ohio Department of Health,
Despite the pervasive poverty and health disparities
Appalachian residents face, access to mental health ser-
vices is severely limited. The region’s 1:3333 ratio of
mental health providers to residents classifies it as a fed-
erally designated shortage area (Robert Wood Johnson,
2014). In addition to a scarcity of providers, access to care
is often impeded by limited or unreliable transportation,
minimal childcare options, lack of health insurance or cash
for co-payments, a cultural preference for self-reliance over
help seeking and pervasive concerns about stigma and
privacy (Zhang et al., 2008). These barriers challenge
service providers to identify non-traditional, culturally
consonant delivery models that minimize cost and maxi-
mize outcomes.
Taken together, the economic constraints, limited
resources and pervasive adversity in rural Appalachian
regions place children at risk of poor outcomes later in
life. Successful service paradigms for rural and Appa-
lachian areas include ‘‘one-stop shopping’’ models, such
as behavioral health services integrated within primary
care medical clinics and community-based outreach
program. For school-aged children and their teachers,
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC)
models hold particular promise for rural and impover-
ished regions (Brennan, Bradley, Allen, & Perry, 2008;
Perry, Allen, Brennan, & Bradley, 2010). Supportive
services that build capacity and confidence in teachers
and contribute to trauma-informed school environments
are key.
In this paper, we argue that the unique needs and cul-
tural values of some rural and Appalachian regions
necessitate a departure from traditional approaches to
trauma-informed care. These regions are already ‘‘trauma-
informed’’ in the literal sense; their everyday realities are
shaped by chronic economic hardship, pervasive psy-
chosocial adversity and fragmentation of services. From
this perspective, creating trauma-informed systems
involves more than generating trauma-awareness or pro-
viding trauma-specific services at first. Instead, the basic
developmental needs of the organization must be assessed
and made whole. Creating collaborative, flexible and
responsive relationships between service providers and
schools provides the nurturance, support and healthy
attachments required for ideal learning environments for
teachers and students alike. We assert that the key to
developing this relational foundation lies in adapting the
principles and practices of ECMHC.
Theoretical Framework: ECMHC as the Foundation for Trauma-Informed Schools
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) is
a problem-solving, capacity-building intervention imple-
mented within a collaborative relationship between a pro-
fessional consultant with mental health expertise and one
or more caregivers, typically an early care and educational
professional and a family member. Instead of direct inter-
vention aimed at individual children with problems, ECMH
consultants focus on building the capacity of early child-
hood staff and caregivers who then go on to work (Cohen
& Kaufman, 2000). The primary goal of ECMHC is to
‘‘strengthen the capacity of teachers to promote positive
social and emotional development as well as prevent,
identify, and reduce the impact of mental health problems
among young children’’ (Kaufman, Perry, Irvine, Duran,
Hepburn, & Anthony, 2012, p. 2).
Although models of ECMHC vary, the key character-
istics of the most successful programs include individual-
ized interventions tailored to the unique needs and
strengths of participants; comprehensive scope of services
at a variety of intervention levels; coordinated services
encompassing multiple child serving systems; focus on
developmental needs; and focus on enhancing strengths
such as skill development and promoting resiliency, rather
than identifying and fixing deficits (Simpson, Jivanjee,
Koroloff, Doerfler, & Garcia, 2001).
The Partnerships Program for Early Childhood Mental Health (The Partnerships Program)
As Fig. 1 demonstrates, we characterize trauma-informed
school systems as those in which children are resilient in
the face of stress and adversity, equipped with skills to
regulate their behavior and feel safe enough in the class-
room to learn rather than to act out. Teachers in trauma-
informed school systems are confident in their abilities to
meet children’s needs, even when those needs are chal-
lenged by external stressors and adversity. Moreover, they
embody and model healthy, attuned and responsive rela-
tionships with their children.
This article presents a model of an integrated, trauma-
informed school program that applies the relational,
capacity-building practices of ECMHC with trauma-
specific workforce development interventions. More
specifically, we discuss the methods, process evaluation
and short-term outcomes of the Partnerships Program, a
version of Hopewell Health Center’s ECMHC Program. At
its core, the Partnerships Program views relationship
190 School Mental Health (2016) 8:189–200
building as both a guiding principle and a method of ser-
vice delivery. Consistent with ECMHC principles, the
Partnerships Program rests on the assumption that the
partnership process catalyzes trauma-informed systems of
care. Accordingly, the case study presented below focuses
heavily on the process and outcomes of strategic affiliation
between the Partnerships Program and the workforce
development arm of community-university-state child
health initiative (Project LAUNCH).
Program Description
Partnerships for Early Childhood Mental Health, an Early
Childhood Mental Health Consultation program, collabo-
rated with Project LAUNCH. The Partnerships Program
utilizes embedded consultants in schools to increase
capacity and positive supports for teachers combined with
on-site mental health interventions delivered to children.
Consultants employ a relationship-based approach to
training, team building, modeling and wellness activities
for teachers so they are better able to promote healthy
social–emotional development in their students. Through
Project LAUNCH, the Partnerships consultants and par-
ticipating teachers were able to leverage university, state
and national resources for comprehensive workforce
development focused on implementing trauma-informed
practices and trauma-specific interventions designed to
increase resilience and buffer the effects of early adversity
by increasing the competence and confidence of teachers to
form supportive attachment relationships with the young
children in their care. The interaction of Partnerships
Program staff and school personnel via the Project
LAUNCH workforce development activities created an
evolution of the model from a simple focus on health
promotion/prevention to incorporate components that
would also reduce the impact of trauma.
Because the development of resilience in children is
interconnected to positive caregiver relationships, two broad
goals guided the Partnerships Program’s efforts to create a
trauma-informed school system: (1) increasing teacher
competence and confidence in meeting the social–emotional
needs of students and reducing challenging behaviors in the
classroom; and (2) increasing resilience in children in the
form of increased initiative, attachment and self-control.
Fig. 1 Logic model for creating trauma-informed schools in rural Appalachia through Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation services
(Partnerships Program) and trauma-specific workforce development (Project LAUNCH)
School Mental Health (2016) 8:189–200 191
Contributing Partners
Hopewell Health Centers
The Partnerships Program developed out of Hopewell
Health Centers (HHC), a 501-3-(c), nonprofit and a Joint
Commission accredited Federally Qualified Health Center.
HHC has sixteen sites across 8 counties in Southeast Ohio
and serves 30,000 patients a year. HHC’s CARF accredited
Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) sites provide
individual/group counseling, case management and psy-
chiatry services to approximately 6000 clients (2400 of
whom are children). HHC has developed extensive part-
nerships with schools by providing on-site services for 20
school districts representing 31,861 students.
Project LAUNCH
Project LAUNCH (Linking Action to Unmet Needs) is a
SAMHSA-funded multi-year community-university-state
partnership program consisting of several cross-disci-
plinary initiatives designed to promote the wellness of
young children from birth to age eight. Services offered
through LAUNCH include a Family Navigator program, an
Interdisciplinary Assessment Team, School Outreach Ser-
vices, Co-located Behavioral Health and Primary Care
providers, and, in conjunction with the Partnerships Pro-
gram, ECMHC services. While LAUNCH encompassed
many overlapping initiatives, the current paper focuses on
the interventions and services that intersected with the
Partnerships Program to promote a trauma-informed cul-
ture within school systems.
HAPCAP Head Start
Hocking-Athens-Perry Community Action Agency oper-
ates Head Start Centers in three counties in Southeast Ohio.
As part of their federal requirements, they must have a
mental health specialist make classroom observations and
provide recommendations for teachers to support healthy
social–emotional development and for individual children
who may need follow-up services. Hopewell Health Cen-
ters and HAPCAP Head Start have worked together for
over 13 years with HHC early childhood consultants pro-
viding these classroom observations and consultation ‘‘by
request’’ for challenging classroom situations and individ-
ual children who need follow-up interventions.
Scope of Service Delivery: Consultation Services
and Workforce Development
In the Partnerships Program’s comprehensive model,
trained consultants offer three tiers of early childhood
mental health services—universal consultation, targeted
consultation and intensive services in tandem with work-
force development trainings provided by Project LAUNCH
(see Table 1).
The first tier, universal consultation, focuses on strate-
gies that help teachers support the healthy social–emotional
development of all students in their classrooms. The goals
at this level of service are to implement a social–emotional
curriculum that meets the resilience needs of the children
in a class and to support the professional development of
teachers. The consultant works to build the capacity of the
teacher through training/mentoring and delivers a social–
emotional curriculum to the children. Consultants help
teachers understand trauma-informed care principles and
teach them an evidence-based practice based on Parent–
Child Interaction Therapy, called CARE skills. The con-
sultant also works with the teacher to implement an evi-
dence-based curriculum—either Second Steps or the
Incredible Years—based on school resources and
The second tier, targeted consultation, provides strate-
gies that teachers can use for individual children who
present with challenging classroom behaviors. The goals of
targeted consultation are to decrease challenging classroom
behaviors for identified children who have not responded to
typical classroom interventions and to initiate home–school
communication strategies. Toward this end, the consultants
and teachers jointly develop behavior plans to support
positive classroom experiences for individually identified
children with challenging behaviors. For a child who has
experienced trauma, the consultant can work with a teacher
on specific strategies to support the child in the classroom
The final tier, intensive services, addresses mental health
issues that need individual follow-up. The consultant/spe-
cialist provides on-site mental health assessment and
treatment to children and their families in order to identify
specialized behavioral needs of children with mental health
disorders. Based on the assessment results, consultants will
work with families to provide suitable evidence-based
treatment on or off site. For children who have experienced
trauma, the consultant will implement Trauma-Focused
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and/or Parent–Child Interac-
tion Therapy based on the individual circumstances of each
Workforce Development
Since its inception, staff and coordinators from Project
LAUNCH had been working closely with Hopewell’s
ECMHC director to determine mutual goals for leveraging
shared resources and partnering formally to support the
needs of preschool teachers and children. Workforce
192 School Mental Health (2016) 8:189–200
development activities occurred at various times through-
out the year, depending on availability of trainers and other
logistical factors, and were available to preschool teachers
as well as other child service providers. Trainings included
the Georgetown University Model of Early Childhood
Mental Health Consultation; Parent–Child Interaction
Therapy (PCIT); DECA administration training; the Child
Trauma Academy’s Neurosequential Model of Therapeu-
tics (NMT) training, taught by Bruce Perry, MD; and
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT).
Program Evaluation Goals
The goals of this program evaluation were to assess the
impact of consultation services and the workforce devel-
opment activities toward meeting the identified outcomes
in our logic model: (1) improved confidence, self-efficacy
and capacity to support social–emotional development for
participating teachers and (2) increased resilience for par-
ticipating children.
Program Evaluation Methods
Program Evaluation Procedures
Although both Project LAUNCH and Hopewell Health
Center’s ECMHC program had been delivering services to
schools since 2009, the procedures and outcome data
reported here represent a single academic year
(2011–2012) of activities. This year was selected for a
variety of reasons. First, in 2009, Hopewell began offering
ECMHC services to preschools through a HRSA Outreach
Grant but Project LAUNCH was just beginning. The
Table 1 Partnerships program assessment and intervention procedures by tier of service
Tier of
Stages of service
Assessment stage Planning stage Intervention stage Evaluation stage
Teacher completes: Teacher
Opinion Survey (TOS),
Classroom DECA’s, Interest
ECMHC completes Preschool
Mental Health Climate Scale,
(PMHCS), DECA Profile,
Consultation Report
Consultant and teacher review
consultation report and write
annual consultation plan
Plans made for consultant’s
implementation of social skills
curriculum. Teacher self-
identifies consultation requests
as needed, plan updated as
Weekly: Consultant conducts
social skills curriculum and
provides follow- up materials
for teacher
Monthly Conduct teacher
training/skill building on
teacher-selected topics
Daily: respond to teacher
Spring: Change
in DECAs
Spring: Teacher
Child identified by score on
classroom DECA. Teacher
concerns or parent concerns
Parent, teacher, and consultant
meet to review classroom
behavior assessment and write
targeted consultation plan
Social skills training/coaching by
Spring: Change
in parent and
teacher DECAs
DECA completed by caregiver Plan is reviewed/updated mid-
year or as needed based on
child’s progress on identified
Special classroom materials for
teacher (i.e., Social Stories and
Schedule cards)
Spring: Parent
Consultant completes classroom
behavior assessment
Behavioral supports for parents
to use at home to provide
consistency of behavioral
Completion of
goals on plan
Monthly progress report for
teacher/parent completed by
Consultant and parent complete the
Hopewell HHS Diagnostic
Assessment. Additional
assessments as needed. Review
relevant assessments from
school/other providers
Consultant and parent with
teacher input complete TCMHC
Individual Service plan
treatment services: Parent–
Child Interaction. Therapy.
Trauma-Focused CBT. Parent–
child psychotherapy.
developmental individual
differences relationship floor
time, applied behavior,
Incredible Years
Completion of
goals on
treatment plan
School Mental Health (2016) 8:189–200 193
ECMHC services to additional schools through Project
LAUNCH did not begin until 2010. Choosing the
2011–2012 school year ensured that all schools receiving
services had worked through the challenges of an initial
‘‘start-up’’ year. This allowed the program evaluation to
analyze the results of schools funded through the HRSA
Outreach Grant (who had received 2 previous years of
service) with the Project LAUNCH schools (who had only
received 1 previous year of service). By the 2011–2012
school year, the combination of services offered and the
cumulative achievements of the Partnerships Program and
LAUNCH during this year constitute the ‘‘purest’’ form of
our logic model for a trauma-informed, rural Appalachian
school system (see Fig. 1). Moreover, the intersection of
the Hopewell ECMHC program and Project LAUNCH was
greatest in this year; the integration of services and eval-
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