Tell us about your current family (remember that if you do not have biologic members present in your life, friends as family may apply to you. Pictures of you and your family? What is t
Week 1 Discussion
Must post first.
- Introduction Thread – Help your classmates to get to know you as a person, nurse, and family member. Share aspects of yourself in a posting–For example, Tell us about your family of origin. Tell us about your current family (remember that if you do not have biologic members present in your life, friends as family may apply to you. Pictures of you and your family? What is the work of family? What are your future family goals? What piques your interest in this course and family focused nursing care?
- Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or a family you know. Describe the struggles the family experienced with the illness. Consider the biological, social, psychological, or spiritual factors that influenced the management and coping of the family. Based on your experience pose a nursing approach that may have been helpful to the family. Use your readings to support your analysis and response.
- What is your definition of family and family health?
- Describe your family health experience utilizing the 3 family health domains (contextual, functional, and structural).
- Describe your family’s health routines. Identify some barriers or challenges for families not developing or maintaining health routines
- To introduce family nursing practice and give you a background on how to care for the family unit, please watch video clips of our former nursing students caring for George Maverick in our simulation suite on the Mankato campus. Observe the similarities/differences seen between the individual focus (video 1) vs. family focused care (video 2).
- Thinking Family – Address the health inequities or health disparities: Does the basic premise of family focused nursing care hold true: When the health of one family is improved, the health of society has also been improved.
NURS 362 Summer 2022
Week |
Family Topic |
Assigned Content/Readings |
Thought/Discussion Topic |
Written Assignments/ Meetings |
Module 1 Week 1 May 16 |
Introduction Background Understandings of Family and Societal Care |
George Maverick audio Watch the three video clips in order: Video 1: Brief with Family Focus Video 2: Simulation with Family Focus Video 3: Simulation without Familiy Focus Kaakinen*, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson (2018) Ch. 1 Denham*, Eggenberger, Young, & Krumwiede (2015) Ch. 1 & 12 Bell (2011) *Reading list will just use first author name |
Individual, Family and Societal Care Foundations for Thinking Family |
Look for posted orientation video on D2L explaining basics of course syllabus, calendar, and assignments. Please ask if further questions after listening and reading documents thoroughly. Thanks! Free Write #1 regarding healthy families due May 22nd |
Group Discussion in D2L – Week 1 For each week, your initial posting is due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday and 2 responses to your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Remember to include citations and references to support your comments. 1. Introduction Thread – Help your classmates to get to know you as a person, nurse, and family member. Share aspects of yourself in a posting–For example, Tell us about your family of origin. Tell us about your current family (remember that if you do not have biologic members present in your life, friends as family may apply to you. Pictures of you and your family? What is the work of family? What are your future family goals? What piques your interest in this course and family focused nursing care? 2. Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or a family you know. Describe the struggles the family experienced with the illness. Consider the biological, social, psychological, or spiritual factors that influenced the management and coping of the family. Based on your experience pose a nursing approach that may have been helpful to the family. Use your readings to support your analysis and response. 3. What is your definition of family and family health? 4. Describe your family health experience utilizing the 3 family health domains (contextual, functional, and structural). 5. Describe your family’s health routines. Identify some barriers or challenges for families not developing or maintaining health routines 6. To introduce family nursing practice and give you a background on how to care for the family unit, please watch video clips of our former nursing students caring for George Maverick in our simulation suite on the Mankato campus. Observe the similarities/differences seen between the individual focus (video 1) vs. family focused care (video 2). 7. Thinking Family – Address the health inequities or health disparities: Does the basic premise of family focused nursing care hold true: When the health of one family is improved, the health of society has also been improved. |
Week 2 May 23 |
Background & Understandings of Family Nursing Theoretical Foundations for Family Nursing Family Structure, Function, Process Aspects of Health |
Kaakinen (2018) Ch. 2, 3 & 6 Denham (2015) Ch. 2, 3 & 7 Khalili (2007) Duhamel, Dupuis, & Wright (2009) |
Foundation for ‘Thinking Family’ Family as Unit of Care or Context? Family Nursing Theory Denham’s Core Processes Health Routines |
Free Write #2 regarding family during acute care experience due May 29th |
Group Discussion in D2L – Week 2 1. What are the barriers/challenges described in your readings that you also face in your environments as you attempt to provide family focused nursing? (e.g. family as client, family as context, family as barrier, family as caring process, family as resource) 2. Review the power point: "Family Nursing Background and Understandings." Reflect on nursing practice that views family as the unit of care and nursing practice that views family as contextual to the individual patient. Do you believe that current nursing practice most often views family as the unit of care or family as a context to the situation? How do these two views differ? 3. Develop 5 questions focusing on one of Denham’s Core Processes. Interview a client in your workplace or within your community and describe their answers to your questions. Identify family routines and factors related to family health routines. 4. From the Khalili article, what were the most significant aspects of the illness transition for the family? What resources did the family need/want? What were the barriers and facilitators to obtaining the needed resources or supports? What may have changed in the care situation for the family if the family would have been viewed as the unit of care? 5. Using one of the family theories/frameworks described in the literature reflect on an illness experience in a family. (You can reflect on a family you have cared for in your nursing practice.) Consider how family structure, function, and process influenced the family health experience and outcomes. Analyze the experience from a family theory/framework perspective. 6. Use your reading on a One Question Question by Duhamel et al. (2009) to practice this questioning strategy with a family. Share your reflections and outcomes. |
Module 2 Week 3 May 30 |
Family Construct Share examples from the book to describe Denham’s Core Processes |
Fault in Our Stars (Green, 2012) Read The book and complete the Family Constructs Grid Post & Discuss |
Fault in Our Stars Book Discussion |
Free write # 3 regarding family in crisis or trauma experience due June 5th Complete First Family Visit Family Assessment-this is just a guideline to keep you on track-it is not literally due. |
Group Discussion in D2L – Week 3 Read Green (2012) and fill out the family construct grid in relation to Green (2012) located in Module 2. Please note, the grid is only to guide your thinking and discussion posts. Please post your grid and any relevant commentary about which family nursing concepts seem most pertinent. The focus for this week is the Fault in Our Stars book discussion by John Green. I am providing the following list of questions to jump start the book discussion. You don’t need to answer all of the questions. This is meant to be a free-flowing conversation, and I expect each of you will add your questions throughout the discussion. Each of you can tell us how you experienced the book and pick one of the questions below to answer if these help focus your thoughts. 1. John Green uses the voice of a teenage girl to tell this story. Why do you think he choose to do this? Was it effective? How would it have been different if he had told the story from a different voice? How does voice relate to family nursing practice? 2. What does the title, Fault in Our Stars, mean? 3. How would you describe the two main characters, Hazel and Gus? 4. How do Hazel and Gus relate to their cancer? 5. At one point in the book, Hazel states, “Cancer books suck.” What is she really meaning? 6. How do Hazel and Gus change, in spirit, over the course of the novel? 7. Why is “An Imperial Affliction” written by Peter Van Houten Hazel’s favorite book? 8. How many of you looked to see if, “An Imperial Affliction” was an actual book? 9. What do you think about the author Peter Van Houten? 10. Why it was so important for Hazel and Gus to learn what happens after the heroine dies in the An Imperial Affliction?
June 6
Annotated Bibliography |
Read syllabus for assignment instructions. Below are several reputable websites that explain how to prepare an annotated bibliography. |
Annotated Bibliography June 12th |
Please upload your Annotated Bibliography. Review and provide feedback for two individual's Annotated Bibliography. Incorporate the feedback you receive from your peers into your final Annotated Bibliography. |
Week 5 June 13 |
Family Chronic Illness Experience Family Construct Share examples from the book to describes Denham’s Core Processes Genetics & Genomics |
Genova (2009) Still Alice Read the book and complete the Family Constructs Grid Post and Discuss Kaakinen (2018) Ch. 10 & 11 Denham (2015) Ch. 8, 9 & 13 Svavarsdottir (2006) Alzheimer’s disease fact sheet: Bennet (2008) This is a very complex and technical article. Read through it for the general ideas presented about the history and uses of genetic mapping. |
Family Coping with Chronic Illness Family Suffering Still Alice Book Discussion |
Free Write # 4 regarding family during a chronic illness experience June 19th Complete Second Family Visit Family Intervention – this is just a guideline to keep you on track-it is not literally due. |
Group Discussion in D2L – Week 5 1. Svavarsdottir conducted an integrative review about Nordic families with children who are chronically ill. Three exemplar family cases were described. How can nurses be empathetically connected to these families? In Figure 1, Svavarsdottir (2006), shows how family daily activities, family relations and family health are interconnected. Describe how the family’s quality of life is affected if one or more of these 3 factors were hindered. What may be some suggestions to help these families boost their quality of life? Feel free to share any experiences in your career where you were empathetically connected to a family and helped boost their quality of life. 2. From your readings and your own experience, identify and discuss five needs of families during a crisis experience. 3. Develop a three generation pedigree to assess your personal family history information using the following website The pedigree should represent three generations (student, parents, grandparents). Complete your family history, save it, and view your history grid and genogram. Share your insights into your family health with your group (you do not need to post the pedigree itself). 4. The Bennet article is a helpful resource for pedigree and genogram symbols when you start diagramming genograms in Module 3. 5. Read the genomics case study and Alzheimer’s fact sheet. |
Module 3 Week 6 June 20 |
Family Assessment & Interview |
Denham (2015) Ch. 4 & 5 Review Kaakinen (2018) Ch. 5 & 8 Duhamel, Dupuis, & Wright (2009) Family System Strengths Stressors Inventory pdf on D2L |
Family Assessment and Interview |
Family Assessment and Interventions in Practice Complete Third Family Visit Family Evaluation -this is just a guideline to keep you on track-it is not literally due. |
Group Discussion in D2L – Week 6 1. What is your perspective on key elements of family assessment, based on your text readings? Develop and post the family interview guide you plan on using for the family interview. What underlying framework supports your interview guide (Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM), described in Wright and Leahey A Guide to Family Assessment and Intervention, Family System Strengths Stressors Inventory (FS3I)? See PDF attachment on D2L 2. Discuss family assessment in your groups. Discussion may include why family assessment is important or how assessment approaches and structure may differ across settings. Discuss barriers, personal or institutional, to engaging in family assessment. 3. Create and upload the Family Nursing Tools: Genogram, Ecomap, Circular Conversation, and Attachment Diagram. {Make sure the name of your family members are changed to protect their identity. |
Module 4 Week 7 June 27 |
Family Assessment and Interventions in Practice Family Interventions |
Review Kaakinen (2018) Ch. 10 & 11 Denham (2015) Ch. 11, 14 & 15 Wiegand (2008) Review Video in Module 1: Simulation SEE Model Video: Debriefing SEE Model with Family Constructs and Family Nursing Actions Refer to the following chapters to identify nursing interventions: Kaakinen (2018) Ch. 12-17 Denham (2015) Ch. 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14 |
Family Level Nursing Approaches |
Upload draft Family Nursing Project into discussion thread this week |
Please upload your Family Nursing Project. Review and provide feedback for two individual's Family Nursing Project. Incorporate the feedback you receive from your peers into your final Family Nursing Project paper. |
Module 4 Week 8 July 4 |
Family Nursing Policy |
Review Denham (2015) Ch. 12 |
Family nursing interventions and approaches |
Family Nursing Project due July 10th July 10th is the last day to submit graded assignments. |
Group Discussion in D2L – Week 8 1. 2. 1. Based upon your readings and your family interview paper experience, what policies (community, institution, statewide, nationwide, global, unit-based, etc.) would you want to put into practice to support the use of the family nursing interventions? 2. 3. 2, Consider your readings and discussions this semester (textbook, personal annotated bibliography, articles, postings, etc.). What family nursing interventions/approaches do you propose to support the family health and illness experience and advance family nursing practice? Post at least 5 nursing interventions/approaches (include citations and references). 3. 4. 3. Choose a policy at your institution and review it from a family friendly perspective. What did you see? Are there improvements you could suggest? 4. 5. 4. Contact your risk manager or quality and safety nurse to learn whether or not family is used as an indicator within your institution. If yes, find out why and how the institution is measuring the family indicator. If no, propose why the institution needs to focus on family and how a family focused nursing practice could be implemented. |
N362 Family and Societal Nursing for RNs
Discussion Board Guidelines
The Group Discussion provides you with an opportunity to participate in scholarly discussion about the readings and content for this course. Each student will be assigned to a Discussion Board (DB) Group. All students are expected to participate in each assigned group discussion. Your initial posting in your group discussion should be posted by 11:59pm CST on Wednesday to receive maximum points; this allows your group members enough time to read and respond to your initial post. Your response posting in your group discussion should be posted by 11:59pm CST Sunday to receive maximum points.
Initial Postings
Your posting should be no more than 2 pages (single spaced). Compose your post initially in a word document, then copy/paste it directly onto the discussion board. Please do not post word documents as attachments, as this requires other group members to download, read, and respond to material that cannot be seen directly on the discussion board. You are encouraged to share personal experiences and insights that you are comfortable sharing with the instructor and your peers.
For your initial post, the goal is to answer/respond to your assigned topics, applying what you have found in your assigned readings or other relevant sources. Clarify the content and major points in the readings, and help your peers understand the topic/issue you are posting about. You must cite your reference(s) below your posts, using APA format. At least one reference must be used to get a 10/10 on the discussion.
Responding to group members’ posts
Read and respond to your group members’ postings with meaningful, substantive comments to stimulate their thinking. Whenever possible, offer relevant examples, making connections between the posted topic and your own or others’ experiences. You must cite your reference(s) below your posts, using APA format. At least one reference must be used to get a 10/10 on the discussion.
Weekly discussions will end on Sunday at 11:59 pm CST. For grading purposes, only posts and responses that occur during the designated week for that module discussion will be graded.
Family and societal issues often raise strong opinions and controversy. We want to have a stimulating discussion, and group members may have differing views on many of the issues. Remember to keep a professional tone to the discussion, and to state your differing viewpoints respectfully. When you state your views, please back them up with facts and data related to family nursing. Science is the father of knowledge but opinion breeds ignorance. Hippocrates.
See the Group Discussion Grading Rubric below, to understand the criteria on which you will be assessing yourself. A total of 10 points are possible for one discussion board grade.
Discussion Board Grading Rubric
Grading criteria for discussion board post
Discussion Grading Rubric
Please note: Initial weekly discussion posts are due by 11:59 pm CST on Wed. and a response to at least one other person is due by 11:59 pm CST Sunday. Any discussion posts after this time will be given zero credit. Students must actively participate in the discussion forums. Each student is expected to read all weekly discussion posts of their group, contribute one discussion post weekly, and contribute discussion responses to at least two other student’s post in their group. 10 points are possible for each discussion. Please read and understand the entire rubric below, this will impact your discussion grade:
Points Possible |
Spelling, Grammar and Sentence Format. |
Sentences are well organized, complete and free of spelling and grammar errors. (Composed in a word document and used spell and grammar check for errors before posting to help ensure this) |
2 |
Sentences are well organized and complete but some grammar and/or spelling errors (2 or less per paragraph)-i.e. did not use spell and/or grammar check |
1.5 |
Sentences are complete and comprehensible, but organization needs improving to present a coherent argument or statement and/or has grammar and/or spelling errors (3 or more per paragraph) |
1 |
Sentences inadequate organization/structure, several grammar and/or spelling errors; run-on sentences |
0 |
Discussion Participation Timeliness and Interaction |
Makes postings on at least two different days (Wed initial post due by 11:59 PM, Sun. response to two other people due by 11:59PM). Responds to at least 2 peers’ postings and reads all posts in assigned group |
2 |
Late first post and/or posts everything 1 day only. Responds to at least 2 peers’ postings and reads all posts in assigned group |
1.5 |
Responds to only 1 peer’s posting |
1 |
Does not reply to or provides minimal comments and information to other participants |
0 |
Content of Initial Posting |
Initial posting is clear and concise, completely addresses all parts of the discussion, and demonstrates that the course content was reviewed, analyzed, understood and well synthesized. Content was applied through use of relevant examples. Posts by 11:59PM Wed. |
2 |
Initial posting reasonably clear and concise, addresses most, but not all of the discussion, and demonstrates sufficient understanding, analysis and application of the content through use of examples. Posts by 11:59PM Wed. |
1.5 |
Initial posting shows superficial understanding and analysis of the content, or is limited to substance that could be derived from others’ postings, and/or late initial post |
1 |
No initial posting, or discussion was not related to the content. |
0 |
Content of Responses to Others’ Postings |
Response to others’ postings advances discussion such as: critical analysis or another interpretation of posted idea, provide example(s) to illustrate post, provide additional information/explanation on the topic, provide additional resources (e.g. a journal article or URL), reflect on the content in the context of your practice, discuss how you might apply something you learned in the post to your practice, share a related experience from work or life |
2 |
Response to others’ postings incomplete (i.e. less than 3 sentences) and/or superficial |
1.5 |
Response to others’ postings limited to agree or disagree |
1 |
Does not respond to others’ postings |
0 |
APA Format for initial Posting |
Provides evidence-based, scholarly resources to support one’s position on the posed topic or idea for the initial posting; resources are correctly & accurately presented in APA Format as cited in text and referenced at the bottom of the discussion |
2 |
Provides evidence-based, scholarly resources for the initial posting, but uses incorrect APA Format in text citation and/or at the incorrect APA format for referencing at the bottom of the post |
1.5 |
Does not cite sources within the initial post, but does provide scholarly references at the bottom of the post. |
1 |
Provides no scholarly reference to support position in the initial post |
0 |
Weekly Discussion Post Example: Delaine Frasier
Posted May 14, 2022 12:01 AM
Delaine has given permission to share the Week 1 Discussion post with the class. Please notice how she incorporated the professional literature (not just the textbooks) into the post. She also uploaded the articles referenced into the initial postas well. In addition to providing evidence for the inital post, Delaine also Did something with the content . . . review the table for Question 4. This answer not only shows the content of the question, but that Delaine was able to properly apply the content! This is the level of Thinking Family that I am looking for and preparing you for graduate school.
1. Hello! My name is Delaine Frasier. I have some experience in adult home care as a CNA but all of my RN working experience is in pediatrics. I worked for one year at a pediatric hospital in Las Vegas before moving to Minnesota and have worked at the same hospital in the Twin Cities for 15 years. Currently I work on an observation/ short stay unit but have many years of experience in pediatric hematology/oncology, neurosurgery, epilepsy, behavioral health, and general med/surg. I am a wife and working mother to three young children. My children and husband are the things that matter most to me in this world. My goals are keeping them all happy and healthy. I am the youngest of three children. My brother and sister are much older than I am and were out of the house before I started elementary school. My parents, siblings and their families all live in Nevada, so it is difficult to see them often. I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge in family focused nursing care to be able to enhance my practice in pediatric nursing.
2. Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or a family you know. Describe the struggles the family experienced with the illness. Consider the biological, social, psychological, or spiritual factors that influenced the management and coping of the family. Based on your experience pose a nursing approach that may have been helpful to the family. Use your readings to support your analysis and response.
When my daughter was about 18 months old she had to go to the emergency room for croup. It was scary for me even though I was a nurse. It was hard to keep her calm so that her stridor didn’t worsen. Luckily, I was able to leave my older child and my baby at home with my husband, however they were both sick too. It was a difficult and scary time even after the emergency room visit because her illness didn’t end there. My husband and I both had to take time off work to be home with our sick children. We share parenting and household responsibilities, and we were able to take turns tending to the kids and taking care of household chores, but it was difficult. Should a family nurse have assisted us during this time, they may have offered support to conduct our normal routines in order to help us feel a sense of normalcy during a stressful illness. According to Denham (2016) as cited by Kaakinen et al. (2018) nurses can help families experiencing an illness by assisting in establishing new routines in order to provide structure while still meeting the needs of the family.
3. What is your definition of family and family health?
My personal definition of family is our nuclear family. As I am reading and learning I believe I subscribe to the definition adopted by our textbook which defines family as a “dynamic, changing state of well-being, which includes biological, psychological, spiritual, sociological, and cultural factors of individual members and the whole family system” (Kaakinen et al., 2018, p. 5). This definition combines all aspects of life for individual members as well as for the whole family.
4. Describe your family health experience utilizing the 3 family health domains.
Table 1 describes my personal family’s health experience using definitions and examples from the text (Kaakinen et al., 2018).
Table 1
Delaine’s Family
Contextual Aspects |
Functional Aspects
Structural Aspects |
· Three children, husband · Educated adults, husband has law degree, self-employed, husband works from home · No supporting family close-by but close friendship networks · No chronic illnesses in immediate family. Extended family with some chronic conditions. · Family values are be kind to each other, encourage independence in tasks. · All family has been home together quite a bit due to Covid-19 · Live in small community in metro area where schools are located within .5 miles from home, shop and have friends within the community. · Have health insurance, use health insurance mostly for well-checks.
· Husband and I communicate openly with one another · Easy going people · Positive outlook · Incredibly cohesive with one another · Have had to set boundaries with extended family · Family is main priority over work, social life and school · Children are close in age but we encourage them to take part in their own activities, makes their own friends
· Parents act as equal partners. · One parent takes lead on task at hand and communication is open about what needs to be done. · Individual health prioritized with mental health breaks and regular exercise · Indiv Plagiarism Free Papers Are you looking for custom essay writing service or even dissertation writing services? Just request for our write my paper service, and we'll match you with the best essay writer in your subject! With an exceptional team of professional academic experts in a wide range of subjects, we can guarantee you an unrivaled quality of custom-written papers. Get ZERO PLAGIARISM, HUMAN WRITTEN ESSAYS Why Hire writers to do your paper? Quality- We are experienced and have access to ample research materials. We write plagiarism Free Content Confidential- We never share or sell your personal information to third parties. Support-Chat with us today! We are always waiting to answer all your questions. All Rights Reserved Terms and Conditions |