Draft an outline of your entire plan highlighting and summarizing key points. This will be an important outline as you will now convey how you propose to structure the final deliverable
Draft an outline of your entire plan highlighting and summarizing key points. This will be an important outline as you will now convey how you propose to structure the final deliverable including what sections, sidebars, visuals and other features you will include. This should be approximately two pages in length.
Final presentation:
Creatively Visualize the idea, mock of dashboard, compare outcome
How convinces the government
Make a pitch, tell a story, the city as it was before(reference,data)why we care introduce solution, and what it could be possible: less congestion, less pollution, less noise?
This is the story in … who is already address this, what could look like,
Which China already map out,
Story of city
Solution and challenges
Story of future
Dear Mr. Rodriguez and Stakeholders at New York City,
The purpose of the memo is to propose a lane robot program for the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) that is significant in addressing the challenge of traffic congestion in New York City, especially during peak hours.
Current Outcomes
NYCDOT currently has experienced multiple challenges associated with solving the traffic congestion problems during peak times in New York City. There have been various interventions in place that they tried to adopt to reduce the congestion. The intervention includes having pedestrian and cyclists only lanes on the roads that facilitate more people considering walking and others cycling, but it has not reduced the traffic or the number of vehicles on the roads. The intervention of expanding the road network encouraged more people to acquire cars, leading to another challenge of filling the roads during peak hours. The other critical intervention is using artificial intelligence and real-time data to ensure that motorists get information about the weather, accidents, and the best alternative roads to avoid preventable traffic. There still needs to be a gap towards reducing the traffic in the city, including the peak hour’s rush that contributes to the limited flow. The success or failure of NYCDOT interventions is measured using the time the vehicles take to reach their destination using GPS tracking and compared to the ideal time (Zheng, 2017). There is also the measure of interviewing the motorists about the traffic flow during peak hours in New York, and their feedback is then analyzed to get the details of the effectiveness of the interventions. The solutions have served a few problems experienced in New York City, including reducing general traffic that is experienced, especially during the day but the peak hours traffic jam is still a challenge. Most of the plan of reduce the traffic congestion was not approve because the expensive cost. Also, because the bureaucracy, it is very slow to approve one policy or program.
Equitable Outcomes
NYCDOT executive including the commissioner has demonstrated significant maturity regarding hiring its staff and the professionalism in having leaders in place. For an extended period, the company has maintained good leadership skills where diversity in the workplace is prioritized. This has led to brilliant intellectuals who are currently determined to employ more data analytics to address the challenges in place. NYCDOT has shown the importance of stakeholder partnership and involvement, which brings about equity in valuing the contribution of all the stakeholders, including the employees, making it possible for the interventions to succeed. But the communication based on the prioritization. NYCDOT listen to the upper manager first and since they have many messages per day, it is easy to have biases. The commissioner of NYCDOT should consider putting more effort towards ensuring that the organization serves the interest of all, especially in the transport sector where pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists are not discriminated against when interventions are adopted.
Current Team
The current NYCDOT team headed by the commissioner has already started adopting the data and tech-driven approaches which would contribute to growth in traffic management in New York. According to IBM research, 66 percent of companies that use big data say it gives them a competitive edge in the marketplace (IBM Corporation, 2014). The transportation sector is experiencing similar issues requiring significant data to address the challenges experienced, including traffic congestion during peak hours. The commissioner should be flexible enough to adopt data analytics and technology to develop innovative solutions to traffic jams during rush hours. It is demonstrated that the NYCDOT in New York City benefit from implementing big data analytics into their daily operations. NYCDOT should rely on data analytics and technology in considering lane robot.
traffic intervention that is already in use in China to bring a significant change in the city (Wu & Wang, 2014). Data analytics is there to prove a point, especially since more effort should be directed toward ensuring that the lane robot technology is a success. But there are some racism biases in NYCDOT. When the employee of color applies the job, the system will automatically deny their advancement opportunities. They need to concern about reduce these biases in order to make a better team.
SWOT Analysis about Lane Robot
Strengths Reduce human services: Reduce the human error and traffic time Safety: Safer than original reversible line because there is a physical separation More flexible than original road |
Weaknesses Convince stakeholders to invest in the long-term program need to take effort |
Opportunities Make the New York City smarter: NYCDOT increase funding thanks to the revolutionary potential of modernizing urban public transportation |
Threats If the lane robot has high complaint frequency from New York City citizen, the reputation of NYCDOT may hurt |
Early Adopters
In 1963, this technology has been used on Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, later in Florida and some cities in Mexico. In 2016, the technology has been reported to have been adopted and implemented in Shenzhen, China. The lane robot technology has been reported to have been adopted in China, and a positive reputation is associated with it. The characteristics of its implementation are that traffic police are removed from the road where the robots were effective, and a remote was just used to move the guard rails to allow a given lane or restrict it based on the data received about the traffic flow. In a direction where the traffic is high is when an additional route is allocated from the lane moving in the opposite direction being changed to clear the slow traffic. New York has an opportunity to use and update this technology and build smart road to reduce the congestion in New York City.
Stakeholder Relationship and Big Data in NYCDOT
The commissioner and managers at the NYCDOT must cater to the wants of the people who support the agency the most: its stakeholders. Incorporating big data analytics into NYCDOT operations would help management foster stronger bonds with employees. Workers, directors, subcontractors, and suppliers are all examples of stakeholders. Here, the organization should design NYCDOT apps that would aid enhance its engagement with internal stakeholders in the same way it has with external stakeholders.
NYCDOT Organization
The NYCDOT has the mandate of running the lane robot technology when New York authorities feel that its effectiveness would be of value to the problem present in the city. The NYCDOT commissioner is responsible for training the employees especially the engineer department and the traffic police on controlling the robot technology and the GIS technology that offers the data for effective traffic management. Also, they need the ‘smart’ sensors to compute the vehicles’ speed and trajectory. The data collection needs to avoid the deviation and false information.
Risks, Challenges and Concerns
1. The risks of adopting lane robot traffic are that jobs would be lost for the traffic officers on the roads, resulting in a rise in unemployment in the city.
2. Because the lane robot is remote controlled drives the isolation guardrail to reach the designated position in a short time at one time, it needs stable technology to avoid the road just move half and stop. When the lane robot works, it needs sensitive technology to insure it does not crash the vehicle.
3. Need to compute which road needs lane robot, and since New York City is big and has high population, building lane robot is kind difficult.
4. Acquiring and implementing lane robots would demand more resources from NYCDOT. The implementation would demand the involvement of many stakeholders to make it more accepted and embraced by the public. The stakeholder involvement makes the process long and time-consuming.
There is a need for the NYCDOT to partner with MTA to make sure that the infrastructure is in good condition and the robotic change of lanes becomes effective and valuable in reducing traffic during rush hours. Also, it can partnership with the robot company like Boston Dynamics which already has technology of designing specific and effective robots.
In conclusion, this lane robot program could prepare New York City to reduce the traffic congestion. It aligns with the core value and prospect of NYCDOT and use the current technology to build the lane robot.
IBM Corporation. (2014). Big data and analytics in travel and transportation. Web.
Wu, Q., & Wang, X. (2014). Design and control of a humanoid robot for traffic guidance. Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2, 743–752. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-05582-4_65
Zheng, S. (2017, April 21). 'robot' technology employed to ease China's notorious traffic jams. South China Morning Post. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2089478/robot-technology-helping-direct-traffic-southern-china?module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article&campaign=2089478
The research project will develop a technologically innovative lane robot program for New York Department of Transportation (NYC-DOT), to address the urban traffic congestion management especially in peak hours challenges in New York City. The program will let the road become remotely controlled by using robot.
Problem Statement
Reduced service speeds are a direct result of urban congestion in many countries. For instance, traffic congestion in the transportation sector frequently causes vehicles to overlap, increasing the risk of collisions. Additionally, many services are concentrated in major cities but that the same services, if diversified, might be provided in more remote locations, hence reducing the population concentration in major cities. There is a significant expansion of large metropolitan regions, like New York City and other regions globally, and it causes massive traffic that delays operations in the city since people fails to reach their workplaces and business on time. Traffic jam is a problem in the economy and is associated with more financial losses, and this is contributed by the rush hour culture that is present in the city of New York (Lu et al., p. 19). The city traffic problem is associated with the consequence of people's insatiable need to get where they are going, which causes daily gridlock on the world's roadways and public transportation networks. Despite the significant interventions towards the traffic problem in huge cities like New York, the traffic problem is continuously worsening. The lawmakers failed in their mandate to develop policies that guide and control the traffic problem experienced in New York, and it demands that the agencies come together and have alternative interventions that would work towards serving the interests of all. Although governments may never be able to eliminate traffic congestion entirely, there are some measures that states, and municipalities may take to lessen its impact. Every day, some too many people need and desire to move about at the same time. People must go about their daily activities, such as working, going to school, and running errands, at roughly the same time to ensure the smooth operation of the economy and the educational system. I will talk about the problem of traffic jams during rush hour, the current solution and the proposed solution that is a "lane robot" to address the problem.
Core Issue
The core issue is that "rush hour" in New York comes with many challenges to motorists that find themselves in slow-moving traffic, taking much of their time. The problem of traffic congestion has been there for a while, and various interventions have been adopted, but it continues to worsen despite the efforts. The core of the challenge is the population of people in New York because the statistics indicate that twenty million people live in New York City, and they are dispersed to different regions and counties (Asgarzadeh et al., p. 179). The high population in the city becomes a menace during rush hour when people are heading to work, school, or business activities and at the point of heading home. The NYCDOT is responsible for managing the flow of traffic in the region and the mobility of people. Their mandate includes looking at the best strategies to ease the problem. Reducing congestion and making the most of mobility needs are two of the primary goals of traffic engineering, which plays a pivotal role in the design and planning of infrastructure and the application of data analytics and technology that help address the problem in a more advanced manner.
Present Solution
Rapidly expanding regions have seen an increase in the number of roads in the area, which has increased value but has yet to decrease peak-hour congestion. The road has been expanded over the years, and there are some reversible lanes which has eased the congestion, but the increasing number of cars on the roads makes it tough to address the rush hour traffic jam. The challenge is the real-time analytics coordination that would direct drivers, but the intervention helps in opening alternative road avenues, which is why many people are against building new roads. The data analytics and real-time data have assisted motorists with their short route to their destination, but there is still a gap in addressing the problem that is being experienced. This criticism is valid for already clogged roads because of triple convergence. The massive, predicted increase in the U.S. population, especially in New York City, means we will require a great deal of additional road and lane mileage in remote areas. An appropriate ramp meter needs to be established. For this reason, a gradual expansion of freeway access is required. There have been reports of improved traffic flow on New York's freeways during rush hour, and the technology has the potential to be used on a much larger scale. Intelligent Transportation System devices have only recently been adopted and are only partially implemented to speed up traffic flows. Some examples of these aids include electronic coordination of streetlights, variable-sized signage warning drivers of impending traffic conditions, one-way street designs, global positioning system (GPS) units in cars and trucks, and radio broadcasts of current road conditions. This technology, which is already available, can be instructive for drivers on freeways and helpful on surface streets.
Lane Robot
A reversible lane works based on the traffic lights or signs on the side of the road. If drivers do not see it, it could feel like you were going to collide head-on with oncoming traffic. So, it has a nicknamed a suicide lane. Auckland Harbour Bridge has lane robot in the end of 1990. The Injuries from centre-line head-on collisions is 6 fatal, 5 serious, 11 minor in 1989 to 0 fatal, 0 serious, 0 minor in 1991 (Tin News). A reversible lane with a guardrail controlled by remote control robot helps traffic management in Shenzhen city, south China’s Guangdong Province and is the first of its kind in use in China. Shenzhen traffic police have stationed an army of 'lane robots' along Shennan Road. It can be a physical separation of opposite road. It can be safer. The entire lane change time can be completed within 1 minute. During the trial operation, the utilization rate of the tidal lanes on Shennan Avenue in Shenzhen city was relatively high, the traffic capacity of the east-west direction in the morning peak was increased by 12.1%, the vehicle speed was increased by 29%, and the end time of the morning peak was advanced from 10:00 to 9:00. In China, they also use the lane robot before the toll station. It is estimated that the processing capacity of the entrance and exit lane can be increased by 40% and 60% respectively. (Zheng, par. 2).
Proposed Solutions
Since the outcome for this technology did good job on the traffic congestion, I will propose this lane robot program for NYCDOT to adopt and use in order to improve the quality of life in New York City, particularly during rush hour. The Lane robot utilizes technology to manage reversible lanes, where traffic flow can be switched around based on circumstances such as peak hours. It is distinguished by the fact that the guardrail can move traffic lanes in response to changing conditions. Technology is the most effective solution for the notoriously bad traffic plagues New York City during rush hour, particularly in the morning and evening. This strategy lessens the burden placed on police officers to remain on duty for extended periods of time during peak times in the morning and evening; yet it also brings to light the threat that robots pose to jobs previously performed by humans.
The statistics have shown that the number of vehicles on New York City roads doubles during rush hours. This calls for an intervention that clears the traffic, and one that would be effective would be to use lane robot. Lane robot would allow cars to use complete lanes in the morning, and they would do the opposite in the evening. This would clear jams out of the New York central district. In order to find a solution to the problem of traffic bottlenecks that plague New York, the commissioner of NYCDOT should give some thought to the role that technology and data analytics could play. Investigating the technology makes it possible for certain scenarios in which the number of vehicles leaving the city in the morning is reduced in comparison, and most lanes moving out of the city are narrowed and replaced with cars heading into the city in order to clear the traffic and ease congestion (Zheng, par. 3). When lane robots use in the future, the process will make more efficient since the lane robots can change the direction of traffic and provide direction to drivers regarding which lanes to utilize by repositioning the guard rails to open or close the lanes.
Next Steps
The next step for the research is conducting interviews to better understand the topic of concern. The interview participants include the staff like Eric Beaton, Deputy commissioner for transportation planning and management working in NYCDOT. The intention of conducting the interview is to get to understand the strategies that the public organization NYCDOT has in place to ensure that the implementation of the lane robot is successful. The collection of the primary data is significant in giving detailed feedback about the plans that are in place to secure the interest of motorists by having lane robots on New York roads for the purpose of smooth flow of traffic during rush hour.
Interviewing is the best data collection tool that is valuable in understanding how the lane robot would be implemented and ensuring that it serves the interests of the motorists, the general public, and the traffic staff that are turned jobless. The secondary sources include getting reports from the Shenzhen traffic police in China to understand the current successes and the challenges they encountered during implementation. The other secondary sources include targeting the reports of the most successful cities globally, reviewing the intervention they adopted in managing their traffic, and looking into the challenges that come with the modern strategies to do it differently for New York City.
Future Research
New York traffic department of transport (NYCDOT), through their research team, should try and investigate details to understand if the lane robot would be a long-lasting solution for the city or if there would be other best alternatives. Looking into detail about lane traffic and researching the benefits and challenges, especially unemployment, helps make the adoption of the technology more effective.
Works Cited
Asgarzadeh, Morteza, et al. “The Role of Intersection and Street Design on Severity of Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Crashes.” Injury Prevention, vol. 23, no. 3, 2016, pp. 179–185. https://doi.org/10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042045.
Lu, Juan, et al. "Expansion of City Scale, Traffic Modes, Traffic Congestion, and Air Pollution ."Cities, vol 108, 2021, p. 102974. Elsevier BV, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2020.102974.
Zheng, Sarah. “'Robot' Technology Employed to Ease China's Notorious Traffic Jams.” South China Morning Post, 21 Apr. 2017, https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2089478/robot-technology-helping-direct-traffic-southern-china?module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article&campaign=2089478.
Road Zipper makes the move on the Golden Gate Bridgehttps://www.tinn.ir/Section-english-2/62258-road-zipper-makes-the-move-on-the-golden-gate-bridge
CUSP-GX 7003 Civic Analytics and Urban Intelligence
Final Report
Yinuo Zhao
1 | Page
Table of Contents
❖ Introduction 2
❖ Background & Motivation 2
❖ Assessment of the Organization and Operation 3
❖ Platform Vision 4
❖ Challenges 6
❖ Solutions to Challenges 6
❖ Future Strategies 8
❖ Conclusion 8
❖ References 9
2 | Page
The Tianjin Medical Emergency Center (TJMEC) is the only core medical emergency center
located in Tianjin, China. The TJMEC uses phone calls to communicate with hospitals about
the availability of space and doctors in hospitals. This is a very time-consuming process for
connecting patients and hospitals to dispatched ambulances. The TJMEC is accused of
having an ineffective rescue process for their slow reactions in a few emergencies. There is
an urgent need for actions to be taken to improve the situation. To solve the problem, I
propose a platform based on computer technology like smart intelligence to make the first-aid
process of the TJMEC more efficient through data sharing and management. The platform
will have access to the ambulance command system and mobile electronic medical records. It
will consistently work with hospitals in case of any emergency. Intelligent technology and
big data can help the TJMEC meet the needs of more emergency and severe cases for quality
service in today’s society.
Background & Motivation
The TJMEC is responsible for receiving all emergency calls and providing emergency services
for nearly 14 million citizens (Tianjin population, 2021) in Tianjin. It is the command center
and the central nervous system for 30 emergency stations in 7 areas of operations and provides
comprehensive Emergency Medical Services (EMS) network management. The TJMEC is on
call 24 hours a day and fully equipped with comprehensive emergency equipment. But their
coordination and command mechanism are unresponsive and outdated (Bai.L, 2021). The
traffic problems in Tianjin are serious and constrain the quality of EMS, as shown in the
following pictures.
Figure 1: Traffic in Tianjin Figure 2: Traffic in Tianjin’s Main Street
There are 3 important P’s involved in the importance of first aid (Ryser, 2019). The first one is
to preserve life by keeping the patient alive in an emergency. The second P is to prevent the
patient's condition from getting worse. The third P is promotion, in which we take the
immediate necessary action to help the situation improve. These three principal P's form the
basis of my motivation for this project. An efficient first-aid system can save many
precious lives and reduce the death and morbidity rates.
3 | Page
The Assessment of Organization and Operation
The TJMEC is co-managed by the Tianjin Municipal People's Government and the Tianjin
Municipal Health Commission. Based on various interviews and research, it would be fair
to say that there is no racial bias in the departments of the TJMEC. There are more than
56 ethnic groups in China, and 91.5% of the people are of Han nationality. At the TJMEC, 95%
of staff are Han people, and the remaining 5% are from ethnic minorities. In fact, the TJEMC
has more compromising policies for staff members of minority nationalities.
On the other hand, since the TJMEC is a public organization supervised by the government,
the average wage of its employees is lower than that of many private hospitals and
organizations. This reduces the efficiency of the TJEMC by diminishing the employees'
dashing spirits and making them emaciated. A better employee benefit plan should be
implemented to motivate employees.
The TJEMC made a public commitment to high-quality, fast, satisfactory service and the same
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