The assignment is Module 7 video check-in. I have to construct a video about module nine’s assignment, which is also attached. I need no more than a two-page word document regar
The assignment is Module 7 video check-in. I have to construct a video about module nine's assignment, which is also attached. I need no more than a two-page word document regarding the questions that's presented in the Module 7 document. I will construct the video using the word document.
7/17/22, 12:02 PM MBA 645 Project Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 1/10
MBA 645 Project Guidelines and Rubric
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Manage elements of a sustainable global brand
Propose a method to market
Design a marke�ng strategy
You are the regional marke�ng director of a theme park in the southeastern United States that is part of global brand. The chief
marke�ng officer of global opera�ons has called upon you to help coordinate the marke�ng tasks related to rolling out an
emergency response to a recent safety and injury incident at one of the parks that resulted in serious injuries to employees and
customers. This theme park was closed immediately following the incident to ensure safety measures for customers and employees
and to deploy the needed safety measures.
Now, as the theme park is all set to reopen, the CMO has called you to take a lead in planning the marke�ng strategy to support the
reopening of the park. Your responsibility is to design a phased strategy for reopening all parks, with cri�cal objec�ves such as
maximum safety, crisis communica�on, customer sa�sfac�on, and profit poten�al. You must coordinate marke�ng strategy with
corporate strategy, as failed or successful planning will impact brand success and recogni�on.
You have determined the scope of work and have outlined the high-level plan. As a first step, you decided to perform the brand
analysis and iden�fica�on of cri�cal elements to successfully market the reopening of the park. Based on the outcomes, you
developed a customizable marke�ng strategy template that can be used by other theme parks under the same umbrella.
Next, you need to create a presenta�on (toolkit) to share your analysis and recommenda�ons for the proposed marke�ng support of
the park. But, as you are working to complete the final bit of the toolkit, your social media monitoring partner shares a report of the
theme park’s social media image and performance. The report shows a significant spike in nega�ve public feedback. The report
states there is the percep�on of an uncaring, careless brand forcing a reopening for profit. Your presenta�on should also include
strategies for how you will address the emerging nega�ve percep�on on social media about the theme park. You will show this
presenta�on to your CMO and other regional marke�ng directors of the park.
Part One: Strategic Brand Implica�on and Management
Record and submit a narrated PowerPoint presenta�on to share your analysis and recommenda�ons for the proposed marke�ng
support of the park. Ensure you address any feedback received in Milestone One before you submit the final presenta�on.
Brand Analysis and Implica�ons —In this part of the project, you will present the brand implica�ons of reopening the park. Your
presenta�on should include the following cri�cal factors:
1. Determine the essen�al factors which can impact the brand equity when reopening the park. (slides 1–3)
a. Describe the importance of brand equity to the organiza�on. (slide 1)
b. Provide posi�ve implica�ons (slide 2):
Safety concerns addressed and communicated
Community and local government support for reopening
MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 TM
7/17/22, 12:02 PM MBA 645 Project Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 2/10
Employee support for reopening
c. Provide nega�ve implica�ons (slide 3):
Social media nega�ve reac�ons
Employee nega�ve concerns
Opera�onal concerns for safety
2. Describe the strategic communica�on plan that should occur before and a�er the park reopens. Your responses should
address the following (slides 4–8):
a. Iden�fy three key stakeholder groups from this list:
Government agencies
b. Describe each stakeholder’s interests in the organiza�on.
c. Describe their communica�on needs.
d. Iden�fy the best mode for communica�ng with them based off their needs.
e. Describe the impact that reopening the park could have on each iden�fied stakeholder (low, medium, or high). Why?
Func�onal Departmental Roles and Responsibili�es —In this part of the project, you will iden�fy the func�onal department and
describe their roles and responsibili�es in making the reopening of the park a success. Your presenta�on should include the
following cri�cal factors (slides 9-12):
1. Iden�fy three func�onal departments, including marke�ng, which play a significant role in the reopening process. (slide 9)
Consider which departments will be most engaged in the reopening process.
2. Describe the roles and responsibili�es of these func�onal departments in the safe and successful process of reopening the
park. (slide 10)
3. Develop an internal communica�on plan that addresses the following (slides 11–12):
a. How will you take feedback from the stakeholders?
b. What could be the legal and ethical issues in reopening of the park? To understand the specific guidelines, refer to
the memo from the legal team.
c. What will be the frequency of mee�ngs with stakeholders to share relevant informa�on?
Part Two: Customizable Marke�ng Plan Template
Based on the informa�on provided to you, share a completed marke�ng plan template for the reopening of this individual park.
Ensure you address any feedback received in Milestone Two before you submit the final template.
Your template should include the following cri�cal sec�ons:
1. Determine two methods to be used for consumer research in developing the marke�ng plan. Provide ra�onales.
2. Determine three tradi�onal marke�ng methods you will use in developing the marke�ng plan and provide ra�onales. Your
response should address the following:
a. How will the iden�fied methods help in the acquisi�on of the new customers?
b. How will the iden�fied methods help in the reten�on of the exis�ng customers?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the iden�fied methods?
3. Determine three digital marke�ng methods you will use in developing the marke�ng plan and provide ra�onales. Your
response should address the following:
a. How will the iden�fied methods help in the acquisi�on of the new customers?
b. How will the iden�fied methods help in the reten�on of the exis�ng customers?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the iden�fied methods?
4. Explain how the tradi�onal and digital marke�ng methods you have selected will work together to op�mize the brand. Your
response should address the following:
a. Which method do you think could be most impac�ul in addressing your target audiences?
b. Which method do you think could be most effec�ve in branding?
c. Can both digital and tradi�onal marke�ng support the brand and growth of the business?
5. Explain the crisis management strategies to be implemented prior to reopening. Your response should address the following:
a. How can we focus on customer expecta�ons to improve brand damage from the incident?
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b. How can we support our employees’ needs in reopening the park?
c. What possible crises could arise relevant to the incident and reopening?
6. Determine one legal and one ethical issue that could arise and nega�vely impact the organiza�on’s brand image upon
reopening and provide proac�ve steps that could be taken now to prevent them.
Part Three: Measuring Your Strategic Marke�ng Plan’s Success
Record and submit a narrated PowerPoint presenta�on to share your analysis and recommenda�ons for the proposed marke�ng
support of the park.
1. Provide a marke�ng strategy that considers the following areas (slides 1–4):
a. Digital marke�ng strategy
b. Tradi�onal marke�ng strategy
c. Communica�ons and public rela�ons strategy
d. Event marke�ng strategy
Monitoring Your Marke�ng Strategy— In this part of the project, you will explain how you will monitor the performance of your
strategy. Your presenta�on should include the following cri�cal factors:
2. Iden�fy three SMART marke�ng objec�ves and describe how they align with three of your suggested strategies (one for
each). (slide 5)
3. Iden�fy one KPI that can be used for each of the marke�ng objec�ves. (slide 6)
4. Describe the methods that could be used to monitor performance of the three marke�ng objec�ves. Provide ra�onale.
(slides 7–8)
5. Using plan-do-check-act (PDCA) methodology, provide a con�nuous improvement process for preserving brand iden�ty and
reputa�on. (slides 9–10)
6. Describe two marke�ng strategies to address nega�ve public feedback on social media. (slides 11–12)
Consider the role of public rela�ons.
Consider the role of crisis management.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
1. Strategic Brand Implica�on and Management
Submit a narrated PowerPoint presenta�on with 12–13 slides. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on.
2. Customizable Marke�ng Plan Template
Submit a 4- to 6-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Consult the
Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on.
3. Measuring Your Strategic Marke�ng Plan’s Success
Submit a narrated PowerPoint presenta�on with 12–13 slides. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on.
Note: Remember to use both onscreen text and audio narra�on or speaker notes in your PowerPoint presenta�ons to convey your
informa�on effec�vely. If, due to technical challenges, audio narra�on is not possible, precise and extensive speaker notes should be
used addressing all the cri�cal elements in the presenta�on. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists on the slide and include
detailed explana�ons in your audio narra�on or speaker notes.
Suppor�ng Materials
The following resources support your work on the project:
Organiza�onal Chart
CMO Memo
Memo From Legal Team
CMO Memo for Target Audience
Exemplar Communica�on Grid
Video: Record a Presenta�on
Use this resource to learn how to record your PowerPoint presenta�on with narra�on and video.
Resource: MBA Research Guide
This Shapiro Library resource will help you find any addi�onal informa�on you may need to complete the project.
7/17/22, 12:02 PM MBA 645 Project Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 4/10
s S ap o b a y esou ce e p you d a y add �o a o a�o you ay eed to co p ete t e p oject.
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement
(55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Brand Equity Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Describes the importance of brand equity and provides posi�ve and nega�ve implica�ons on the organiza�on's brand when the park reopens
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include the descrip�on of brand equity or the posi�ve and nega�ve implica�ons on the organiza�on’s brand when the park reopens
Does not a�empt criterion
Strategic Communica�on
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies three key stakeholder groups, describes their interests in the organiza�on, the impact reopening might have on them, and the best mode of communica�ng with them based on their needs
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include sufficient details concerning descrip�on of stakeholder interests in the organiza�on or the impact reopening might have on them or iden�fica�on of the best mode of communica�ng with them based on their needs
Does not a�empt criterion
Func�onal Departments
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies the three func�onal departments, including marke�ng, that play a significant role in the reopening of the park
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include iden�fying the func�onal departments that are involved in reopening the park
Does not a�empt criterion
Roles and Responsibili�es
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Describes the roles and responsibili�es of the func�onal departments in the safe and successful process of reopening the park
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include the roles or responsibili�es of each of the func�onal departments in the safe and successful reopening of the park
Does not a�empt criterion
Internal Communica�on
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Develops an internal communica�on plan in alignment with the brand which includes stakeholders’
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may
Does not a�empt criterion
Project Rubric
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crea�ve manner stakeholders feedback, legal and ethical issues, and daily informa�on sharing
improvement may include iden�fying the internal organiza�onal communica�ons needed; considering stakeholder feedback, legal and ethical issues, and informa�on sharing frequency
Methods for Consumer Research
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Determines two consumer research methods to be used in developing the marke�ng plan and provides ra�onales behind the choices
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include iden�fying appropriate consumer research methods or providing sufficient ra�onales
Does not a�empt criterion
Tradi�onal Marke�ng Methods
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Determines three tradi�onal marke�ng methods to be used in developing the marke�ng plan and addresses how these methods will help in acquisi�on of new customers, how these methods will help in reten�on of exis�ng customers, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include exploring and iden�fying various tradi�onal marke�ng methods suitable for reopening of the park; sta�ng how these methods can help in acquisi�on and reten�on of customers; sta�ng advantages and disadvantages of tradi�onal marke�ng
Does not a�empt criterion
Digital Marke�ng Methods
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies three digital marke�ng method to be used in developing the marke�ng plan and addresses how these methods will help in acquisi�on of new customers, how these methods will help in reten�on of exis�ng customers, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include exploring and iden�fying various digital marke�ng methods suitable for reopening the park; sta�ng how these methods can help in acquisi�on and reten�on of customers; sta�ng advantages and disadvantages of digital marke�ng
Does not a�empt criterion
Tradi�onal and Digital Marke�ng
to Op�mize Brands
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Explains how the selected tradi�onal and digital marke�ng methods work together to op�mize
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may
Does not a�empt criterion
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g p the brand, explains which is the most impac�ul method for the target audiences and most effec�ve method for branding, and describes how both methods support the brand and business growth
p y include iden�fying the target-audience- based marke�ng methods and explaining the alignment between iden�fied methods of marke�ng; explaining how the iden�fied methods are impac�ul for target audiences and effec�ve for branding and supports the brand and business growth
Crisis Management
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Explains the crisis management strategies that address customer expecta�ons to improve brand damage, support employees, and an�cipate crises related to the incident and reopening
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include planning for crisis management pertaining to brand damage, employee support, and an�cipated crisis impac�ng brand image and success
Does not a�empt criterion
Legal and Ethical Issues
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies one legal and one ethical issue which can occur, referring to the memo provided by the legal team, and provides proac�ve measures to prevent them
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include comprehending the memo from the legal team, iden�fying any of the legal and ethical issues related to reopening, and providing measures to prevent them
Does not a�empt criterion
Marke�ng Strategy
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Provides a marke�ng strategy that considers digital, tradi�onal, communica�ons and public rela�ons, and event marke�ng strategy
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include providing a marke�ng strategy that considers digital, tradi�onal, communica�ons and public rela�ons, and event marke�ng strategy
Does not a�empt criterion
SMART Marke�ng Objec�ves
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies three SMART marke�ng objec�ves and explains how they align with safety, customer expecta�ons, and profitability
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include the explana�on of the alignment of safety,
Does not a�empt criterion
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customer expecta�ons, and profitability in rela�on to the SMART marke�ng objec�ve that were iden�fied
KPIs for Marke�ng Objec�ves
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Iden�fies one KPI that can be used for each of the marke�ng objec�ves
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include iden�fying one KPI for each of the three marke�ng objec�ves
Does not a�empt criterion
Monitoring Results Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Describes the methods that could be used to monitor performance of the three marke�ng objec�ves and provides ra�onale
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include iden�fying suitable method to monitor the performance of the three marke�ng objec�ves
Does not a�empt criterion
Con�nuous Improvement
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Provides a con�nuous improvement process for preserving brand iden�ty and reputa�on using PDSA methodology
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include the con�nuous improvement process following PDSA methodology
Does not a�empt criterion
Method to Address Nega�ve Public Percep�ons
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Describes two marke�ng strategies to address nega�ve public feedback on social media considering the role of public rela�ons and crisis management
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include providing appropriate marke�ng methods to address nega�ve public feedback on social media, considering how public rela�ons and crisis management can help address this issue
Does not a�empt criterion
Ar�cula�on of Response
Exceeds proficiency in an excep�onally clear, insigh�ul, sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstra�ng an understanding of audience and purpose
Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, nega�vely impac�ng readability
Submission has cri�cal errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preven�ng understanding of ideas
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Total: 100%
7/17/22, 12:02 PM MBA 645 Project Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 9/10
7/17/22, 12:02 PM MBA 645 Project Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 10/10
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7/17/22, 11:47 AM MBA 645 Module Seven Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 1/3
MBA 645 Module Seven Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric
In this course, the learner-faculty connect video assignment will be used for reflec�on as well as to discuss your preparedness for
upcoming weeks. This is a private conversa�on between you and your instructor, and you are encourage Plagiarism Free Papers
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