Considering the readings (especially Ch. 1 Introduction pdf) and the online materials below, discuss the following.? What do you think W.E.B. D
Answer this is APA Style. 1 page single spaced. Using only the sources provided
Considering the readings (especially Ch. 1 Introduction pdf) and the online materials below, discuss the following.
- What do you think W.E.B. Du Bois meant by “life within the veil”? How and why do sociologists use critical thinking, data, and socially-engaged scholarship in their work? Use concrete examples from the work and experiences of Du Bois, Jane Addams or other sociologists.
Article (W.E.B. Du Bois’s Infographics @ 1900 Paris Exposition): to an external site.
Additional sources on Jane Addams
Research Methods
Shamus Khan, Princeton University
Gwen Sharp, Nevada State College
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
Research Methods
S H A M U S K H A N , P R I N C E T O N U N I V E R S I T Y
G W E N S H A R P , N E V A D A S T A T E C O L L E G E
The importance of being wrong
Research ethics
Five common sociological methods
Choosing a method
From topic to question
Independent and dependent variables
From research question to hypothesis
Selecting a sample
Validity & Reliability
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
How do we “know” things about the social world?
What principles guide ethical research on people?
For decades, scholars knew that people who had served time in prison are much less
likely to have a job than other people are, but we didn’t exactly know why. The answer may
seem obvious, but as it turns out, there are lots of possible answers. One is discrimination:
perhaps employers just don’t trust people who were incarcerated and don’t hire them. Or
maybe people with criminal records are somehow different than other job applicants—
perhaps they aren’t very interested in working, so they don’t search very hard for jobs or quit
more quickly if they don’t like their coworkers. Maybe they missed out on getting important
training and skills while they were in prison, so they aren’t as qualified as other job applicants.
Or they might have trouble following rules, so they get fired.
Which explanation is correct? Are several of them accurate? How would we know?
Devah Pager studied this question as
a graduate student. She conducted an audit
study to look for an answer.1 She sent young
people to apply for jobs to see who was
most likely to get an interview; two people
applied for each position. She created fake
resumés for them to use with fake
qualifications that were similar, with one
exception: whether or not they had a (fake)
criminal record for a non-violent drug offense
(she also used Black and White applicants, to
see whether race mattered; you’ll learn
more about that in another chapter).
The advantage of an audit study is that if everything about the applicants is carefully
matched except one characteristic, then any differences you see must be explained by the
one thing that was different—in this case, whether applicants said they had a criminal history.
And Pager found that it mattered: having a criminal record affected the applicants’ chances
of getting an interview. Even though their qualifications were the same, applicants who
revealed their criminal record were less likely to be called back for an interview.
When Pager decided to use an audit study, she was following a particular method—a
study design that allows us to systematically investigate the world and be relatively certain
that we arrive at accurate conclusions. Sociology is a social science, and a critical aspect of
any science is that there are agreed-upon ways to generate knowledge. This sets science
apart from other ways of explaining the world, such as common sense or religious faith. At the
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
core of scientific methods is a particular research attitude: skepticism. No matter who makes a
claim, and even if it seems to make sense, the job of scientists is to be skeptical of the claim
and to try to find problems with it.
All scientific studies of the social world share a key feature: scholars work hard to find
evidence that our conclusions are wrong. This may seem confusing – don’t we want to show
that our conclusions are right? But this is how scientific knowledge advances: it’s not enough
to provide evidence that a claim is right; you must search for evidence that it’s wrong. We’re
never absolutely certain that our claims about the social world are correct, but the more times
we try to show that our claim is wrong and can’t do it, the more comfortable we can be that
our explanation is correct. Whether we’re testing subjects in a lab or wandering the hallways
of a school observing how students and teachers interact, the basic approach is the same: we
look for other potential explanations for what we observe, or any evidence that our claim isn’t
Remaining skeptical and considering other explanations can help us avoid confirmation
bias, the tendency we all have to look for and accept information that reinforces what we
already believe.2 Confirmation bias is a basic part of our psychology. We don’t do it on
purpose, and usually we aren’t aware it’s happening. But confirmation bias can lead us to
quickly accept information that matches our existing theories or beliefs, while we remain
doubtful about, or fail to notice, evidence that contradicts what we already think. The
scientific emphasis on searching for evidence that a claim is wrong can help us address this
bias in our thinking as we try to explain the social world around us.
Research ethics
The most essential consideration of any research project should be ensuring the project
is done safely and ethically. Research ethics are important for all research, but they are
especially crucial when you are conducting research on people, or human subjects.3
Unfortunately, scientists haven’t always agreed on what makes research ethical, and
they don’t always design ethical research projects. The most infamous cases involve medical
research. For instance, during World War II, German researchers (mostly doctors) conducted
painful and often deadly experiments on people imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps;4
the prisoners were forced to take part, and the experiments left them with burns, wounds, and
other injuries. Aside from the horrific suffering and death they caused, many of these
experiments had little or no scientific value; they didn’t help scientists cure diseases or
otherwise benefit humanity.
After the war ended, many of these researchers were criminally charged and
convicted. The international outrage at what the Nazi experimenters had done led to the
establishment of the Nuremberg Code in 1948, which outlined basic ethical principles for
research on people.5 The first, and perhaps most important, principle is that people who take
part in research must voluntarily consent to do so; they cannot be forced. The Code also
established other key ethical rules, including the following:
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
Researchers should avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury to
The degree of risk to subjects has to be justified by the likely benefit to humanity of the
knowledge gained from the research;
Subjects must be free to stop participating at any time;
If researchers discover their project poses serious risks to human subjects, they must end
the project immediately.
Despite these clear
principles, researchers
sometimes ignored the
guidelines. The Tuskegee Syphilis
Experiment, conducted in
Alabama from 1932 to 1972,
looked at how the symptoms of
syphilis developed over time if
left untreated.6 Researchers from
the U.S. Public Health Service
used hundreds of poor Black
men in rural Alabama as their
subjects. They never told the
men that they had syphilis—they
said they had “bad blood.”
Worst of all, after 1947 there was
a treatment for syphilis: penicillin
could completely cure it in the early stages. Even after the establishment of the Nuremberg
Code in 1948 and its acceptance by the U.S. scientific community, the Tuskegee study
researchers didn’t tell their subjects about the cure or offer them penicillin; they let the men’s
syphilis progress so they could see what happened. Many of the men died when they could
have been cured. Others gave the disease to their female partners, who transferred syphilis to
their children during pregnancy, leading to lifelong complications including seizures and
blindness. The study finally ended in 1972 when a whistleblower reported the project.
The Tuskegee experiment’s lingering impacts came up as a major concern during the
COVID-19 outbreak as public health experts tried to convince people to get tested and, later,
vaccinated. Doctors and others working in Black communities worried that the legacy of the
Tuskegee experiment would make it harder to convince Black Americans to now trust the
medical establishment on the best way to address COVID-19.7 The harm of unethical research,
they argued, isn’t just in the suffering of those directly affected by the study, but in the anger
at and lack of trust in scientists and medical experts that may last for decades. The
understandable mistrust Black communities may feel as a result of past unethical research
could make it harder to effectively treat health issues today. Public health officials worried that
Doctor drawing blood from a patient as part of the Tuskegee Syphilis
Study. (Source: National Archives, Atlanta, GA.)
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
this would lead to more outbreaks of COVID-19 among African Americans, which could then
lead to higher numbers of hospitalizations and deaths among them than in other racial
However, other researchers found that African Americans’ concerns about the vaccine
were driven by many of the same factors causing other groups to be hesitant—a concern
about its safety or a broader mistrust of how it had been so quickly developed under President
Trump’s administration—and that we should be careful about assuming that African
Americans’ mistrust or hesitancy about medical issues is only rooted in unethical research that
happened in the past.8 Doing so can allow us to see research ethics as part of history, rather
than confronting more recent problematic research as well as unequal treatment in the
medical system that may affect how different racial groups feel about, and how much they
trust, doctors and other healthcare providers today.
There are many other examples of unethical research.9 As a result of such ethical
failures, today federal guidelines attempt to protect research subjects.10 Though most of these
guidelines were established primarily to cover medical research, regulations also cover social
science research. A key requirement is informed consent. This means that all human subjects
must be informed about the research project, including any likely risks, before they agree to
participate. For a participant to give informed consent, they have to fully understand the risks
(and possible benefits) of the research.
While the problems with unethical medical research can appear obvious, it can be
harder to imagine how social scientists could hurt participants. But social scientists often
collect sensitive information about people, and it could be harmful if that information is
released. For instance, imagine you were interviewing married subjects about whether they
had ever had an affair. That information could be very harmful if you released it in a way that
allowed readers to figure out the identities of your participants. It could potentially affect their
reputations in the community or end their marriage, and could also be very embarrassing and
upsetting for their spouse, who wasn’t even a participant in your study. For sociologists,
protecting the privacy and identities of participants is essential; we must make sure that the
research findings we publish do not put participants at risk by releasing private information
that could hurt them.
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
What are the benefits of experiments, surveys, participant observation, historical analysis,
and content analysis?
What are the weaknesses of each of these methods?
How do we choose a particular method?
As you plan your research project, you will decide how to collect your data and what
types of data you’ll collect. Data generally fall into two categories: quantitative and
qualitative. Quantitative data come in the form of numbers and reflect quantities or amounts.
Qualitative data aren’t numbers; they usually reflect general themes and might include
transcripts from interviews, survey questions that ask people to explain something in their own
words, or detailed notes from visiting a particular place to observe it. Each of the methods we
review below can produce both quantitative and qualitative data. While some researchers
prefer one or the other, in reality many use a mixture of both.
Five common sociological methods
At the beginning of this chapter, we described Devah Pager’s audit study. Audit studies
are one type of experiment, a research method in which characteristics or behaviors are
carefully controlled. By controlling the environment, researchers can isolate the impacts of the
one characteristic that changes. Perhaps we want to know whether people feel more anxious
after looking at their friends’ social media accounts. We might bring people into a lab and
give them a short survey to measure how anxious they are. We could then have them scroll
through their friends’ social media accounts for 15 minutes and give them the anxiety survey
again afterward. Since nothing else happened during the study, if we find they’re more
anxious after looking at social media than they were before, we can presume that viewing
their friends’ posts increased their anxiety.
Experiments can be extremely useful because they allow us to carefully study the
impact of one thing at a time. Because we can control what happens to subjects, we can
make sure that the only thing that changes is the item we’re interested in. But there are
downsides to experiments, too. Especially for those that take place in a laboratory
environment, researchers may wonder whether the situation was realistic. Would we see the
same effect in the “real world” outside of the carefully-controlled lab? It’s possible that a
relationship that appears in an experimental setting wouldn’t work the same way in our
everyday lives, where we’re never affected by just one factor at a time. Finally, because
experiments give researchers so much control over subjects, it’s especially important to think
about ethical issues when designing them.
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
You may never have taken part in an experiment. But there’s a very good chance
you’ve participated in surveys, or sets of questions that subjects answer. They may be
conducted in person or sent through the mail, but increasingly surveys are completed over the
phone or online. During the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign, you may have received phone
calls asking you to rate how concerned you were about different issues or how likely you were
to vote for a particular candidate. Or maybe you’ve been asked to complete a satisfaction
survey after contacting a customer service office, rating your feelings from “very satisfied” to
“very unsatisfied.” Because so many groups use surveys today—including social scientists,
marketers, political campaigns, companies, and more—you’re likely to encounter them
Surveys are a very common
method because they’re a relatively
cheap and quick way to get lots of
information from large groups of
people. That can give us a good
idea of widespread patterns, as well
as differences between groups (for
instance, we might get different
survey responses from men and
women). But surveys can have
problems, too. A common issue is
low response rates; that is, only a
small proportion of people you try to
contact complete the survey
(perhaps because they’re frustrated
from receiving so many requests to complete surveys!). Another problem is wording issues.11
The way you write questions can affect the answers you get. For instance, one group of
political scientists found that people responded differently when asked about “gay or lesbian”
rights than when asked about “homosexual” rights;12 because people tend to feel more
negatively about the word “homosexual,” using it can change how they respond on surveys.
As you read other chapters in this text, you’ll encounter several descriptions of
participant observation.13 In this method, the researcher spends time among a group, directly
observing and participating in that social world. This can mean moving to another country to
live among a different culture, but you can also do participant observation closer to home. For
instance, as she describes in the book Class Acts, sociologist Rachel Sherman worked at the
front desk of two expensive hotels in the U.S. to study how the hotels ensure that their wealthy
guests feel pampered.14
The benefit of participant observation is that it allows researchers to collect a lot of
extremely detailed information about social life in a particular group; we can learn what
people do, how they interact, and what they think about those interactions. Sherman learned
Researchers may visit public places and collect survey responses on
the spot. (Source)
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
about the tactics hotel employees engaged in to create a “luxury” experience. For instance,
room service waiters took notes on how hotel guests like their food served and gift store clerks
kept track of any special requests from guests. This information was entered into a computer
database, allowing one guest to receive her papaya cut exactly the way she wanted without
having to ask each time and another to have his favorite cigarettes waiting in his room on
future visits, though the hotel didn’t normally stock that brand. Observing and actively
participating in life at the hotel allowed Sherman to understand the intricate ways hotel
employees attended to the needs and preferences of their wealthy guests, making the guests
feel valued and effortlessly pampered.
However, participant observation can be
time-consuming and expensive (especially if you
have to move somewhere specifically to do your
research). It may take years to earn the trust of a
group and feel confident that you truly
understand the social world you’re studying
(especially if there are language barriers). And
you’ll only gather data on a small number of
people; you can’t realistically get to know and
talk to thousands of people. This can lead to
questions about whether your findings apply
outside of that small group.15 Finally, two related
methods are historical analysis and content
analysis.16 These methods involve analyzing
existing sources (such as historical records, media stories, or episodes of TV shows) to find key
themes. Sociologists Erin Hatton and Mary Nell Trautner completed a content analysis of Rolling
Stone cover photos, looking at how men and women were sexually objectified by the
magazine.17 Analyzing nudity, poses, and the focus of the photography, they found that
sexualization of both men and women has increased over time, but that women are still
sexualized more often, and to a greater degree, than men. In his study of suicide, Émile
Durkheim used historical death records from towns across France to see how frequently suicide
occurred.18 Content analysis can help us identify recurring themes that are hard to see when
we look at just one instance (for example, we can see patterns in objectification of women by
looking at magazine covers over many years that might not be evident if we looked at just
one example). A weakness of both methods is that you’re stuck with the data that exists,
whether or not it includes all the information you’d like. Maybe you want to look at differences
among racial groups, but you’re using historical documents; if those documents don’t indicate
the person’s race, then you can’t study that topic, no matter how interesting it might be.
Participant observation involves taking detailed
notes about every aspect of the environment.
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
Choosing a method
So which method is right for your research project? There’s no simple answer. Any topic
can be studied with any of these methods (and with others; we’ve only covered the most
common here), and every method has strengths and weaknesses.
If you want to understand how thousands of people think about an issue, or what
behaviors they engage in (say, whether cigarette taxes have reduced the number of teens
who smoke19), a survey is likely the best method for your project. On the other hand, maybe
you want to study smoking, but you’re interested in how teens view anti-smoking campaigns
and how interactions with friends and peers affect their decisions to smoke. Then you might
conduct a participant observation in a high school;20 a survey probably won’t get you the
detailed information you need to fully capture how teens navigate the sometimes conflicting
signals from friends, parents, and teachers about smoking. Participant observation might
provide richer, more informative data. Another researcher might want to know how smoking is
portrayed in movies; a content analysis of how often women are shown smoking, particularly
in films aimed at young audiences, would provide insights into how smoking is represented in
pop culture.21 Finally, if you want to see whether those representations in pop culture affect
attitudes about smoking, you could conduct an experiment where you show a scene with a
famous actor smoking and then ask subjects whether they would date someone who smokes.
Each of these studies could provide you with valuable information about smoking.
None of them are automatically better than the others. You have to consider what question
you want to answer, what research skills you’ve developed, and what resources you have
access to. If you don’t have the time or resources to spend months or even years getting to
know people and hanging out with them to observe their interactions, the participant
observation study won’t be realistic for you. If you don’t enjoy using statistics to analyze
quantitative data, or haven’t developed that skill yet, then collecting a large amount of
survey data won’t help you find meaningful patterns.
Every sociological study you read about was designed based on the skills, resources,
and limitations that the researchers faced, as well as what method they thought would best
get at their question. Instead of thinking of a study on its own, it’s helpful to think of it as one
piece in a bigger puzzle, each contributing a small piece to completing the puzzle.
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
What kinds of data can we collect to study the social world?
What elements do we include when stating a hypothesis?
What are the benefits of different types of sampling?
While the exact steps of a research project may vary somewhat, in general you can think
of a research project as following several steps: 1) choose a research question, 2) state your
hypothesis, 3) gather data, 4) analyze your data, and 5) use the results of your analysis to
come to conclusions about what you found. We have already discussed methods you might
use to gather data; in this section, we explain other key elements of research design. However,
we won’t discuss the analysis stage in detail; you will learn more about if you take a research
methods or social statistics course.
From topic to question
Once you’ve identified a research topic, you’re ready to turn that topic into a research
question. Reading previous studies about the topic you’re interested in will let you see what we
already know and what you might add with your own research.
Your research question must really be a question. “I want to show that people from
different cultures have different ideas about ‘the family’” isn’t a question. Who would disagree
with you? Most people would probably agree that ideas about family life probably differ
across cultures. A research question has to have more than one possible answer or outcome;
the point of your study is to identify the answer that seems most accurate.
Research Methods (Fall 2021 Edition)
There’s another problem with this example: “I want to show” is the wrong attitude for
research. It sets up the project to find an answer you already have in your mind rather than a
true question. Your goal isn’t to have a point you want to show; your goal is to have a question
you want to answer. And remember the problems with confirmation bias. The logic of science
is to try to find evidence that your claim is wrong, not to show that what you already believed
about the world was right.
Once you have a question, you have to decide what you actually want to observe—
your unit of analysis. Sometimes we’re interes Plagiarism Free Papers
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