Based on your review of the articles assigned thus far, please discuss whether the healthcare issues of individuals with developmental disabilitie
- Based on your review of the articles assigned thus far, please discuss whether the healthcare issues of individuals with developmental disabilities are being met and provide support for your conclusions based on the readings and information found in other sources. Also, discuss potential barriers to effective care within the population.
Access to Care for Autism-Related Services
Kathleen C. Thomas Æ Alan R. Ellis Æ Carolyn McLaurin Æ Julie Daniels Æ Joseph P. Morrissey
Published online: 19 March 2007 � Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007
Abstract This paper identifies family characteristics
associated with use of autism-related services. A
telephone or in-person survey was completed during
2003–2005 by 383 North Carolina families with a child
11 years old or younger with ASD. Access to care is
limited for racial and ethnic minority families, with low
parental education, living in nonmetropolitan areas,
and not following a major treatment approach. Service
use is more likely when parents have higher stress.
Families use a broad array of services; the mix varies
with child ASD diagnosis and age group. Disparities in
service use associated with race, residence and educa-
tion point to the need to develop policy, practice and
family-level interventions that can address barriers to
services for children with ASD.
Keywords Autism � Services � Access
Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a
heterogeneous set of skills and deficits. A successful
treatment protocol must take into account the individ-
ual characteristics of the child and that child’s family in
order to define meaningful treatment goals and strat-
egies to move toward them (Hurth, Shaw, Izeman,
Whaley, & Rogers, 1999; Rogers, 1998; Dawson &
Osterling, 1997). Families are aware that ‘one size does
not fit all,’ and they commonly express interest in a
broad array of treatments in their search for the
one(s) right for their child (Green, Pituch, Itochon,
Choi, & Sigafoos, 2005; Carey, 2004; Gross, 2004;
Bodfish, 2004; Smith & Antolovich, 2000; Levy,
Mandell, Merher, Ittenbach, & Pinto-Martin, 2003).
Several studies have found that families with a child
with ASD experience difficulties accessing services
(Ruble, Heflinger, Renfrew, & Saunders, 2005; Kraus,
Gulley, Sciegaii, & Wells, 2003; Kohler, 2000). How-
ever, studies of child and family characteristics associ-
ated with use of services for ASD have been limited.
Children with ASD of minority race and ethnicity have
been found to receive services at a later age and
receive a different mix of services from white children
(Mandell, Listerus, Levy, & Pinto-Martin, 2002; Levy
et al., 2003). Younger children have been found to use
more services, and families were less likely to express
difficulties accessing care when children were covered
by public or private insurance (Green et al., 2005;
Kraus et al., 2003). Families with higher education,
with more than one child with special health care
needs, and those not following a major treatment
approach for ASD (e.g. TEACCH: Marcus, Garfinkle,
& Wolery, 2001; Lovaas: McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas,
1993; Floortime: Wieder & Greenspan, 2003) have
been found to express problems accessing care or use
K. C. Thomas (&) � A. R. Ellis � C. McLaurin � J. P. Morrissey Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 725 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. CB#7590, Chapel Hill, NC 27599- 7590, USA e-mail: [email protected]
J. Daniels Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
J. P. Morrissey Department of Health Policy and Administration, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1902–1912
DOI 10.1007/s10803-006-0323-7
fewer services (Thomas, Morrissey, & McLaurin, 2006;
Kraus et al., 2003). Specific relationships between
service use and child and parent behavioral health
needs have not been consistently demonstrated
(Luther, Canham & Cureton, 2005; Green et al.,
2005; Hare, Pratt, Burton, Bromley, & Emerson,
2004; Kraus et al. 2003; Dunn, Burbine, Bowers, &
Tantleff-Dunn, 2001; Hastings & Johnson, 2001; Fac-
tor, Perry, & Freeman, 1990).
This study sought to expand the literature on access
to services for ASD by studying the characteristics of a
community sample of families and their child with ASD
that are associated with use of a wide range of autism-
related services. The classical Andersen and Aday
model of access to health care provided the framework
for identifying families who have limited access to care
for ASD. Family characteristics that impact service use
were divided into predisposing, enabling and need
factors (Aday, 1989; Aday & Andersen, 1975). A
number of different autism-related services were
examined in order to identify any differences in the
patterns of utilization across type of service.
The study was based on a community sample of 383
families with a child with ASD, aged 11 years or
younger, living in North Carolina. Although the sample
was based on a single state, North Carolina is widely
considered to have a comprehensive service system for
young children with ASD and can provide an under-
standing of what utilization looks like when families
have many choices. At the same time, there is variation
in service use in North Carolina (Thomas et al., 2006),
so it should provide a conservative view of the family
and child characteristics that account for variation.
The sample was recruited through a two-pronged
approach. Sixty percent of the sample was obtained
through a subject registry and the remainder through
direct recruitment. The study used the Neurodevelop-
mental Disorders Research Center Subject Registry at
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC).
The Subject Registry enrolls families served at Division
TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and
related Communication handicapped CHildren) regio-
nal centers who are interested in participating in
research on ASD. When a child is diagnosed, or
suspected of a diagnosis of ASD, either by a private
practitioner or by a state Children’s Developmental
Services Agency, the child can be referred to a
TEACCH Regional Center to confirm that diagnosis.
For those with confirmed diagnoses, TEACCH serves
as a source of training and referral for the family and for
teachers (Campbell, Schopler, Cueva, & Hallin, 1996).
The Registry sent a mailing to families; interested
families provided contact information to the study team
or gave consent to the Registry to do so. Participants
were also recruited directly through mailings to all
elementary school principals and directors of excep-
tional children’s divisions, TEACCH Regional Centers,
and state Children’s Developmental Services Agencies
within North Carolina. In addition, the Autism Society
of North Carolina and Families for Early Autism
Treatment of North Carolina (NCFEAT), two major
advocacy groups, assisted in recruitment by sharing
study information and an invitation to participate. The
referring agency provided potential participants with a
description of the study and contact information for the
study team, so that potential participants, rather than
the research team, initiated contact.
Families who expressed an interest in participating
in the study provided an address and were mailed and
returned written informed consent to participate. The
consent form was approved by the UNC Office of
Human Research Ethics. The majority (97 percent) of
respondents were mothers.
Data Collection
Interviews were conducted in two phases. Families of
children aged 8 and younger were interviewed by
telephone during the winter of 2003–2004 (Thomas
et al., 2006). Families of children aged 9–11 years were
interviewed in person during the winter of 2004–2005.
Each interview was conducted in two segments, with
the phone or in-person interview supplemented with a
self-administered segment. The self-administered seg-
ment was sent by mail to the families of younger
children. For families of older children, the respondent
was given the self-administered survey booklet during
a break in the in-person interview. These efforts
yielded a 91 percent response rate amongst families
who initially expressed an interest in participating.
All measures were derived from the survey and based
on parent’s recall and report. Thomas et al. (2006)
provides a description of instrument development.
A list of autism-related services was developed from
those described in the literature and listed on web sites
maintained by advocacy groups such as the Autism
J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1902–1912 1903
Society of America as well as various state agencies
across the country. Service use was catalogued, regard-
less of the extent to which any given therapy might be
recommended by professionals or supported in the
literature. Services were listed in groups, beginning
with those in school and those outside of school
(including diet therapies, other autism-specific thera-
pies, and general therapies not specific to ASD). The
goal was to distinguish different sources of autism-
related service use. For example, a child might receive
speech/language therapy at school, and outside school,
targeted to children with ASD, or targeted to children
with a variety of diagnoses. The survey also catalogued
parent and sibling services, child care services, and
other special service providers. These sections served
to identify any additional service use that might be
more readily identified by the type of provider than by
the name of the service. For example, after receiving a
set of services in clinic settings, a family might have
a behavioral specialist come to their home to set up a
structured learning environment for the child which
could be maintained with the help of a therapeutic
support person. Brief descriptions of the services were
offered if requested. Medication and supplement use
was measured using a modified version of the Brief
Medication Questionnaire (BMQ; Svarstad, Chewning,
Sleath, & Claesson, 1999).
We used a measure we developed to identify the
major treatment approach for ASD used by the family
(Thomas et al., 2006). After piloting the instrument,
parents recommended that we distinguish between this
‘major treatment approach’ and routine autism-related
services. The major treatment approach was assessed
with a set of questions about approach utilization
(referred to by approach name(s) and acronym). The
survey asked about Applied Behavior Analysis (or
ABA, but not the Lovaas approach), Defeat Autism
Now (DAN), Floor Time (or Greenspan), the Denver
Model, Lovaas and TEACCH (or Treatment and
Education of Autistic and related Communication
handicapped CHildren). In this way, familiarity was
assessed based on name recognition.
Family stress was measured with the Questionnaire
on Resources and Stress (QRS), using the short form
developed by Friedrich and colleagues (Friedrich,
Greenberg, & Crnic, 1983). The survey contains the
subscale on Parent and Family Problems. This is an 18
item scale of true/false questions which provide a
summed score. The norm for children with mental
retardation is around 6. The short form of the QRS has
a high correlation (q = 0.997) with the long form and internal and external validity (Rousey, Best, & Blach-
er, 1992; Friedrich et al., 1983).
The instrument assessed health insurance coverage
of several different types: private, Medicaid, Health
Choice (North Carolina’s state children’s health insur-
ance plan), coverage from any other public program, or
none. Families were asked to code all that apply, so
that any secondary coverage could be noted.
ASD diagnosis was based on parent’s report of
Asperger syndrome, classical autism, or pervasive
developmental disorder not otherwise specified
(PDD-NOS). The instrument also asked about Rhett’s
and childhood disintegrative disorder, but responses
were too few to distinguish, so they were combined
with the classical autism category.
Racial and ethnic minority status was measured
from report of race (up to five separate races could be
identified) and Hispanic culture. All families who were
not white and all who were Hispanic were categorized
as racial and ethnic minority.
Nonmetropolitan residence is based on Rural-Urban
Continuum Code (RUCC) a classification scheme that
distinguishes metropolitan counties by the population
size of their metro area, and nonmetropolitan counties
by degree of urbanization and adjacency to a metro-
politan area (USDA, 2004). RUCC codes are devel-
oped at the zip code level and applied to each family
based on address of residence. (USDA, 2004)
Statistical Methods
Chi square tests (df = 1) were used to measure the
difference in sample demographic characteristics and
use of major treatment approach by age group of the
child with ASD (4 years or less, 5–8 years, and 9–
11 years). Logit models were used to measure the
predisposing, enabling and need characteristics associ-
ated with use of each autism-related service obtained
outside school. This allowed us to see variation in the
factors associated with use of each type of service.
Findings are presented only for those services used by
at least 10 percent of families (n = 38) and models that
produced a significant fit (according to a change in the
likelihood ratio statistic, a = 0.05) in order to assure their robustness.
Sample Characteristics
Table 1 presents characteristics of sample families and
their child with ASD. In comparison to North Carolina
and national populations, the sample was slightly less
likely to be of minority race or ethnicity, had slightly
1904 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1902–1912
higher education and income, and was more likely to
have health insurance. In North Carolina, 21.6 percent
of families are African American and 4.7 percent are
Hispanic (U.S. Census, 2001). Seventy-eight percent of
individuals aged 25 or over in North Carolina have a
high school degree or higher (U.S. Census, 2000). The
state median income in 2003 was $46,000 (U.S. Census,
2003). Among children, age 18 or younger in the
general population, 56 percent have private health
insurance, 23 percent have Medicaid, and 7 percent
have no insurance (national estimates from the Med-
ical Expenditure Panel Survey in 2002; Rhoades &
Cohen, 2004).
The older elementary children (9–11 years) were
more likely to have a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome
or mental retardation, compared to younger children.
Studies of the rates of classical autism compared to
Asperger syndrome are sparse, but Fombonne suggests
a mean ratio of classical autism to Asperger syndrome
of roughly 4:1 (Fombonne, 2003). The rate was 3.5:1 in
the study sample. However, this rate was higher (5.5:1)
among younger children (4 years old or less), but much
lower (1.1:1) for older children. The sample prevalence
of mental retardation was much lower than the median
prevalence of 70 percent reported in a review of the
literature (Fombonne, 2002).
The study sample appears similar to those of other
epidemiological studies of ASD with respect to gender.
The proportion of boys in the sample was very close to
the mean ratio of boys to girls with ASD of 4.3 to 1 (or
86 percent boys) reported in a review of epidemiolog-
ical studies (Fombonne, 2003).
Major Treatment Approach for ASD
Three quarters of the families of the youngest (4 or
younger) children and two thirds of remaining families
reported using one or more of the listed major
treatment approaches for ASD (Table 2). No families
reported using the Denver model, so it was dropped
from the analysis. Thirty percent of the families of the
youngest children were using more than one approach;
use of multiple approaches diminished to 11 percent of
the older children. Just over half (55–62 percent) of
families used a TEACCH approach. One quarter to
one third of families said that they did not use any of
the listed major treatment approaches for ASD.
Service Use
Families were using a broad array of services. Table 3
lists the 56 services included in the survey instrument,
grouped by whether they are received in school or
outside school, and by category of service. The table
gives the percentage of families who were currently
using each service at the time of the survey by age of
the child (4 years or less, 5–8, or 9–11 years old).
Altogether, families were using 46 of the 56 services
listed. Families with children in the middle age group
(5–8 years old) were using a wider range of services (44
out of 56) compared to those with older (9–11 years
old) children (35 out of 56) or younger (4 years old or
less) children (31 out of 56). Cells with fewer than 3
families are reported as zero.
Predictors of Service Use
Table 4 shows logit models of any use for 16
different services that families use outside school.
Table 1 Sample characteristics: Child with ASD and family
Characteristic Percent Mean (SD)
Child characteristics: Age in years – 7 (2.4)
Age 4 years or less 26 Age 5–8 years 52 Age 9–11 years 22
Male 87 Race
White 76 African American 16 Other race 5
Hispanic 4 Autism diagnosis
Asperger syndrome 21 Classical autism 71 Pervasive developmental
disorder not otherwise specified 8
Mental retardation 20 Insurance coverage
Private insurance only 58 Medicaid but no private insurance 21 Medicaid and private insurance 8 Public insurance
(other than Medicaid) only 7
No major treatment approach 32
Family characteristics: Household composition
Two-parent household 77 Single parent household 22 Extended family household 9 Siblings – 1 (0.8)
Education Less than high school 1 High school degree 37 College degree 35 Graduate degree 27
Annual household income Less than $35,000 28 $35,000–$49,999 20 $50,000–$74,999 26 $75,000 or above 26
Well-being Family stress score – 10 (5.5)
J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1902–1912 1905
Each model had a significant fit according to a
likelihood ratio test (a = 0.05). Table 4 omits models for 4 services (after school care, psychiatrist, parent
support groups, and occupational therapy) used
outside school by over 10 percent of the sample
because the overall fit was not significant or the
model did not converge.
Predisposing Characteristics
Racial and ethnic minority families had half the odds
(OR = 0.48) of using a case manager, and only a
quarter the odds of using a psychologist (OR = 27),
developmental pediatrician (OR = 28), and sensory
integration (OR = 25). When parents had a college or
graduate degree, families had 2 to nearly 4 times the
odds of using a neurologist, the Picture Exchange
Communication System (PECS) and hippotherapy/
therapeutic horseback riding. When parents had higher
levels of stress, families had slightly higher odds
(OR = 1.1) of using a number of services: summer
camp or respite care, a case manager, medication and
supplements, PECS and hippotherapy/therapeutic
horseback riding. When families did not identify any
major treatment approach for ASD, they had between
one half and one fifth the odds of using care from
family or friends, PECS, parent training classes, sen-
sory integration and casein/gluten free diets. When
families were living in nonmetropolitan areas, they had
lower odds of using summer camp (OR = 0.33) and
respite care (OR = 0.21).
Enabling Characteristics
When children were covered by Medicaid or other
public insurance, families had from 2 to 11 times the
odds of using services that could be considered
medically necessary (medication) as well as therapeutic
support services (respite care, case manager, PECS,
speech/language therapy) compared to families whose
children were covered by private insurance. Con-
versely, when children were covered by Medicaid or
other public insurance, families had only one quarter
the odds of using supplements. When children did not
have health insurance, families had much higher odds
of using a case manager (OR = 4.94) and a develop-
mental pediatrician (OR = 16.60). When children did
not have health insurance, families did not have lower
odds of using any other services. Families that had an
annual income above $50,000 had higher odds of using
a developmental pediatrician and speech/language
Need Characteristics
Families of children with Asperger syndrome had twice
the odds of those of children with classical autism of
using medication and one third or less the odds of using
PECS or casein/gluten free diets. Families of children
with mental retardation had twice the odds of using
respite care, a case manager, and sensory integration
therapy, and one quarter the odds of using a psychol-
ogist. Families of children 4 years old or less had at
least twice the odds of families whose children were
5–8 years old of using services that help define a
diagnosis and plan of treatment (case manager, devel-
opmental pediatrician), that help with communication
(PECS, speech/language therapy), as well as supple-
ments. They had half the odds or less of using services
for school-age children (special summer camp) a
psychologist, medications, and social skills training.
Families whose children were 9–11 years old had over
twice the odds of using respite care and a third or less
the odds of using PECS and sensory integration.
Table 2 Major treatment approaches for ASD
Age group:
£4 years 5–8 years 9–11 years
Approach Percent usinga: Anyc Alonec Any Alone Anyc Alonec
TEACCH 55 36 59 44 62 51 Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)b 22 5 16 3 9 4 Floor Time 17* 5* 7 0 5 0 Defeat Autism Now (DAN) 13 0 7 0 5 0 Lovaas 11 0 5 0 0 0 None of the above 24 na 35 na 33 na
a Percents do not add to 100 because families may use more than one approach; cells with fewer than 5 families coded as zero b Any approach based on ABA other than the Lovaas approach c v2 test of difference in percent of 5–8 yr olds using given approach compared to younger and older groups, df = 1, * significant difference a = 0.01
1906 J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1902–1912
In sum, families and their children with ASD used a
broad array of services; the breadth of services used was
highest for children aged 5–8 years. Access to care was
limited for racial and ethnic minority families, those with
low levels of education, those who were not using a
major treatment approach, and those living in nonme-
tropolitan areas. Family use of a major treatment
approach or multiple approaches for ASD was lower
for older age groups of children, although the majority of
families of children in the older age group (9–11 years
old) still used one approach. When parents had higher
levels of stress, the odds of service use were higher.
Medicaid and more family income also increased the
odds of use. When children did not have any health
Table 3 Autism-related service use: In school and outside school by age group
Age in years Age in years
Service Percent using b : £4 5–8 9–11 Service Percent usingb: £4 5–8 9–11
In school a
Speech/language therapy 91 79 65 Occupational therapy 60 66 42 Social skills training 29 28 46 Physical therapy 9 11 6 Adaptive physical education 4 13 16 Music therapy 6 8 6 Audiologist 0 2 0
Outside school Child care services Social therapies
Care from family or friends 64 58 55 Social skills training 6 16 24 Special summer camp 6 16 24 Hippotherapy/therapeutic riding 7 13 7 Respite care 14 10 22 Play therapy 16 7 6 After school care 0 12 13 Music therapy 8 6 0 Day care 12 3 0 Holding therapy 0 2 0 Residential placement 0 0 0 Dog therapy 0 2 0
Dolphin therapy 0 0 0 Other specialist providers Aversive 0 0 0
Case manager 41 24 35 Neurologist 15 18 16 Sensory/motor therapies Developmental pediatrician 20 10 9 Sensory integration therapy 22 22 12 Psychologist 5 13 23 Occupational therapy 21 11 11 Psychiatrist 0 14 24 Auditory integration 0 3 4 Behavioral specialist 9 8 5 Physical therapy 4 0 0 Therapeutic Support Person 0 6 9 Craniosacral trt, myofacial release 0 0 0 Personal Care Assistant 0 4 18 Squeeze machine 0 0 0 Audiologist 0 2 0
CAM therapies Medications & supplements Casein free diet 19 9 6
Medication 36 52 68 Gluten free diet 18 7 6 Supplements 26 13 15 Feingold diet 6 2 0
Specialized eye glasses 0 3 5 Communication therapies/systems Enzyme potentiated desensitization 0 2 0
Picture exchange communication 35 18 10 Immune system therapy 0 0 0 Speech/language therapy 29 15 10 Secretin 0 0 0 Facilitated communication 0 2 0 Acupuncture 0 0 0 Fast for word computer program 0 2 0 Cranial electrical stimulation 0 0 0
Flexyx neurotherapy system 0 0 0 Family services
Parent support groups 36 29 31 Parent training classes 7 12 15 Family counseling 0 6 11 Sibling support groups 0 0 4
a n = 85, 186, 81 children in preschool or school ages £4, 5–8, 9–11 years respectively b Cells with fewer than three families rounded to 0
CAM = complementary and alternative medicine
J Autism Dev Disord (2007) 37:1902–1912 1907
insurance, the odds of their family receiving services that
facilitated entry into the system of care was increased.
The mix of services families use varied with the child’s
ASD diagnosis and age, and findings indicate a higher
rate of Asperger syndrome in older children. These
findings are consistent with prior work (Ruble et al.,
2005; Kraus et al., 2003; Birenbaum & Cohen, 1993;
Birenbaum, Guyot & Cohen, 1990), but expand the view
of access to incorporate a wide range of autism-related
services. Disparities in service use associated with race,
residence and education point to the need to develop
policy, practice and family-level interventions that can
address barriers to services for all children with ASD.
This study was based on a community sample of
families in North Carolina which is widely considered
to have a comprehensive service system for young
children with ASD. This service system is supported by
Division TEACCH which provides assessment and
referral services through nine regional centers across
the state. TEACCH also provides training for parents
and teachers. To the extent that TEACCH facilitates
access to ASD services, analysis of access to care in
North Carolina may hide certain barriers to care that
are important in non TEACCH environments. From
this perspective, this analysis provides a conservative
view of barriers to care for ASD. On the other hand, it
is important to note that about 40 percent of sample
families reported that they were not using TEACCH.
Some of these families were using other major treat-
ment approaches, but most were not using any
approach. Study recruitment with the help of schools
and state assessment agencies was effective in bringing
in families outside of TEACCH. Although these
families may have benefited from TEACCH influence
throughout the state, they provided variation in the
parent perspective on major treatment approach and
how that approach impacts decision-making about
patterns of service use.
It is important to keep in mind that these findings
were derived from a sample of families who volun-
teered to participate and were identified because of
their use of services or connection to ASD information
resources. These were families who had the time to
devote energy to completing a survey. Reports from a
treated sample are likely to overestimate the use of
services compared to the general ASD population.
This sample was likely to be missing families with few
disposable resources, families who might be unsure if
their child had ASD, who were not well-connected
Table 4 Factors associated with use of services, by service
Variable C a re
f ro
m F
a m
o r
F ri e n d s
S p e ci
a l S
u m
m e r
C a m
R e sp
ite C
a re
C a se
M a n a g e r
N e u ro
lo g is
D e ve
lo p m
e n ta
l P
e d ia
tr ic
ia n
P sy
ch o lo
g is
M e d ic
a tio
S u p p le
m e n ts
P ic
tu re
E xc
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