Capstone Project: Literature Review Assignment Instructions Overview Title – Ultihub a new design of a hybrid Cloud architecture using key cloud tech
Capstone Project: Literature Review Assignment Instructions
Title – Ultihub a new design of a hybrid Cloud architecture using key cloud technologies and Shared Security Responsibility Model, DevOps, and Zero Trust Architecture Using AI Based Techniques
The objective of the final capstone thesis project is to evaluate you on your ability to apply the program learning outcomes to a final, all-encompassing information systems (IS) or information technology (IT) thesis project. Successful capstones will follow an objective research methodology to collect or generate data that informs the analysis and design of a new computing system related to the primary domains identified by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): cloud architecture and/or computing, cybersecurity systems, databases and/or data analytics systems, enterprise architecture, information systems, integrated systems, internet of things systems, networks, platform systems, software development, user interfaces, virtual systems, and/or web and mobile applications.
You will have 3 separate Thesis Capstone projects to complete but for now just complete Phase 1
Subject Title for Capstone is Ultihub – a new design of a hybrid Cloud Architecture
Phase 1 – Capstone Project: Literature Review Assignment
Phase 2 – Capstone Project: Methods Assignment
Phase 3 – Capstone Project: Final Results Assignment
NOTE: Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be on my next assignment
Phase I of the project consists of the following main headings at the minimum:
Introduction, 375 words & 5 ref Combined with Conclusions
Problem Statement, 250 words & 5 ref Combined with Research questions
Research Question(s), with
Literature Review, 1500 words 7 ref …….
Literature Review Findings and Gaps 400 words 2 ref
References and appendixes are also necessary.
2500 words total & 20 ref total
A primary goal is to develop new knowledge and contribute this knowledge to the computing field. A subsequent goal is to work toward a Master’s thesis that could one day be published in a respectable industry or academic publication to share this new knowledge with others.
The capstone project will be based upon a feasible gap and problem in scholarly literature that can be addressed in the timeframe of the capstone course. You must be familiar enough with the problem that you are able to perform a comprehensive research design and novel prototype design to solve the problem. Thus, it should be a specific computing domain where you consider yourself to have the most expertise. You must also have access to the applications, servers, systems, networks, and/or data necessary for data collection, programming, design prototyping, and/or configuration.
The outcome of the research should contribute to a new artifact and/or statistical result. It should not be based upon and/or replicate in any form an existing contribution in industry or literature. It also should not repeat well known solutions. For example, designing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) module for finance is not an acceptable project given thousands of these ERP modules already exist. Examples of new contributions in the final rubric accepted include either new code as an artifact and testing this in some form or a statistical analysis:
· New code/script/or configuration
o New application and/or software and testing its performance, security, etc
o Development of a new algorithm, database, protocol, etc and testing its efficiency, memory usage, security, etc
o Programming a new network, security, storage, and/or system script that solves an original problem and testing its level of automation, performance, etc
· Statistical analysis
o Note, please assure you understand Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements if performing this type of capstone
o Statistical analysis using descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental and/or experimental designs
o Big data analytics and/or predictive analytics using clustering, classification, and/or regression trees
How do you know your thesis problem is novel and original? By performing a comprehensive literature review and investigating what exists in related industry!
Within the capstone, a comprehensive literature review of related and relevant concepts, theories, and research results should exist. This involves study of relevant articles pertaining to the research question within top ranked peer reviewed information systems and/or IT journals. Thorough review and comprehension of this research will lead to the identification of gaps in the literature that exist and/or future recommendations, which require further research efforts and contributions to advance the topical area of study. The research question(s) is supported by the associated gaps found in literature, indicating a solution is needed to a problem that does not yet have a solution.
A research question that is too wide in scope will overwhelm your efforts. Yet, a research question that is too narrow will not meet the minimum requirements and quality expected of a Master’s capstone project. The research question is your anchor and guide. It provides a clear objective of what your Master’s thesis project will accomplish.
Refer to the grading rubric in order to ensure successful completion of the capstone. The minimum proposal in Phase I will include:
I. Cover Page, Table of Contents, References, and Appendixes
a. Cover page includes your title/position and “in partial completion of an MSIS”
b. Appendixes will include screenshots of all diagrams and benchmark data
II. Research from optimal and relevant journal articles
a. Each section of the capstone must be well supported with scholarly peer reviewed journal articles
b. Although they do not count toward the minimum journal articles, industry whitepapers are also often relevant to elements like the prototype design as they provide best practices for the new software or system
c. Top ranked journals can be searched through the university library by going to electronic databases.
d. Not all journals are equal or relevant to the capstone. Journal articles that identify well-supported gaps in research are often performing new research. These articles will include testing new theory, hypotheses, and/or frameworks with a parallel research design that collects data for the test. Because they are generating new information, they are great sources to find areas where new research is needed. Journal articles that perform Meta studies or large literature reviews can also be helpful in identifying where new research is necessary.
e. Whereas scholarly journal articles often focus on theory that is not yet implemented in industry, industry whitepapers will assist with elements like standards and frameworks helpful in guiding the design of new systems. Both have their place in the capstone as a result but for different reasons.
III. Introduction & Conclusion
a. An introduction and conclusion of the primary objectives and outcomes of the master’s thesis project is necessary.
b. The introduction provides the roadmap for the capstone.
c. The conclusion is the last section of the project and provides a comprehensive overview of how the study was preformed and the primary outcomes of the results.
i. This also involves synthesizing and analyzing existing results in the domain of knowledge that the project has contributed.
IV. Statement of the Problem
a. Must be in one of the ACM domains identified for software or a system
b. What is an information systems or IT problem that needs resolution?
i. An unmet IT problem is succinctly and accurately defined.
ii. It is supported by a gap in scholarly literature not previously addressed.
c. The problem can feasibly be addressed in the timeframe of this course.
d. Sufficient data can be collected or generated to address the problem.
V. Research Questions (RQs)
a. Between 1–2 research questions must be given that detail what your thesis will achieve.
b. The research question(s) must:
i. Address all capstone objectives.
ii. Test new programming code/scripting/system configurations and/or perform some type of statistical analysis through data generation or collection.
iii. Solve a problem without an existing solution per a gap in literature.
iv. Include a minimum of one measure.
v. Include a population/sample.
vi. Include the ability to address reliability and validity of the results.
vii. Have accessible data or metrics to test the RQ measure such as a log file with comparable metrics (e.g. memory usage) or a public data set.
c. RQ Example
i. Is there a difference in the CPU performance (measurement) between an ICT-based KMS feature programmed using the XYZ framework (prototype or new artifact you create/code) and an ICT-based KMS feature programmed using the ABC framework in a Southeastern U.S. College (sample).
ii. New code will be developed for an ICT-based KMS feature that has not already been programmed (new prototype or artifact).
iii. The new software can then be benchmarked against framework ABC and XYZ (hypothetical frameworks).
iv. A measure exists with data that can be collected, CPU performance from a monitoring tool that is monitoring both applications in use (e.g. automated simulations of the software instead of actual users is acceptable for testing). The CPU measure can determine which framework results in a faster system.
v. Reliability and validity is possible. The test can be run on the exact same system, in the same environment, with the same benchmarks.
vi. A sample exists, a Southeastern U.S. College, where the CPU performance data will be collected during the automated simulations on the new code created by the student.
VI. Literature Review
a. Review of related literature in one of the ACM domains defined.
b. What literature attempts to resolve your problem and research question(s)?
c. Within relevant literature, how does it address the following:
i. What has literature not resolved in regards to your defined problem?
ii. What are the primary research problems, questions, and hypotheses in these relevant articles?
iii. How does this relate to other relevant articles and your research problem?
iv. What was the population and sample?
v. What research methods were used?
vi. What were the results of the research?
vii. What were the limitations?
viii. What were the recommendations for future research?
d. Peer reviewed research must lead to an appropriate IT solution that has not yet been solved.
e. This should be exhaustive in the specific domain you are studying.
i. If it is going to be too lengthy, it is likely that your defined problem and/or research question(s) are not sufficiently narrow.
ii. If there are not sufficient articles to review in the specific domain you are studying it is very likely that your problem statement and/or research question(s) are not feasible.
iii. If either is the case, you need to revise your problem statement and research question(s).
VII. Literature review findings and gaps
a. What were the primary findings from the literature review?
b. What gaps existed in the literatures that have not been solved by prior research?
c. How will the author address these gaps in the literature?
i. Performing a sufficient review of literature on your specific master’s project topic should identify where gaps in literature exist which need resolution, the literature must justify a feasible problem statement and the development of an appropriate research question(s).
ii. The master’s thesis project should solve an IT problem that does not already have a solution in industry or existing research.
iii. The exhaustiveness of the literature review is therefore critical and will determine whether an appropriate and feasible problem exists to solve.
The assignment submission must have over 4,000 original and unique words of original student authorship that directly relate to a feasible IT problem and research question and balanced properly between the required sections that show excellent mastery and knowledge of the content and be written in compliance with the current APA format. The student must utilize the support from over 20 unique scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles from well-respected and top ranked IT journals that directly relate to a feasible IT problem and research question with at least 5 being published in the last 3 years.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via Turnitin plagiarism tool.
BMIS 690
Capstone Project: Literature Review Assignment Instructions
Title – Ultihub a new design of a hybrid Cloud architecture using key cloud technologies and Shared Security Responsibility Model, DevOps, and Zero Trust Architecture Using AI Based Techniques
The objective of the final capstone thesis project is to evaluate you on your ability to apply the program learning outcomes to a final, all-encompassing information systems (IS) or information technology (IT) thesis project. Successful capstones will follow an objective research methodology to collect or generate data that informs the analysis and design of a new computing system related to the primary domains identified by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): cloud architecture and/or computing, cybersecurity systems, databases and/or data analytics systems, enterprise architecture, information systems, integrated systems, internet of things systems, networks, platform systems, software development, user interfaces, virtual systems, and/or web and mobile applications.
You will have 3 separate Thesis Capstone projects to complete but for now just complete Phase 1
Subject Title for Capstone is Ultihub – a new design of a hybrid Cloud Architecture
Phase 1 – Capstone Project: Literature Review Assignment
Phase 2 – Capstone Project: Methods Assignment
Phase 3 – Capstone Project: Final Results Assignment
NOTE: Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be on my next assignment
Phase I of the project consists of the following main headings at the minimum:
Introduction, 375 words & 5 ref Combined with Conclusions
Problem Statement, 250 words & 5 ref Combined with Research questions
Research Question(s), with
Literature Review, 1500 words 7 ref …….
Literature Review Findings and Gaps 400 words 2 ref
References and appendixes are also necessary.
2500 words total & 20 ref total
A primary goal is to develop new knowledge and contribute this knowledge to the computing field. A subsequent goal is to work toward a Master’s thesis that could one day be published in a respectable industry or academic publication to share this new knowledge with others.
The capstone project will be based upon a feasible gap and problem in scholarly literature that can be addressed in the timeframe of the capstone course. You must be familiar enough with the problem that you are able to perform a comprehensive research design and novel prototype design to solve the problem. Thus, it should be a specific computing domain where you consider yourself to have the most expertise. You must also have access to the applications, servers, systems, networks, and/or data necessary for data collection, programming, design prototyping, and/or configuration.
The outcome of the research should contribute to a new artifact and/or statistical result. It should not be based upon and/or replicate in any form an existing contribution in industry or literature. It also should not repeat well known solutions. For example, designing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) module for finance is not an acceptable project given thousands of these ERP modules already exist. Examples of new contributions in the final rubric accepted include either new code as an artifact and testing this in some form or a statistical analysis:
· New code/script/or configuration
· New application and/or software and testing its performance, security, etc
· Development of a new algorithm, database, protocol, etc and testing its efficiency, memory usage, security, etc
· Programming a new network, security, storage, and/or system script that solves an original problem and testing its level of automation, performance, etc
· Statistical analysis
· Note, please assure you understand Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements if performing this type of capstone
· Statistical analysis using descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental and/or experimental designs
· Big data analytics and/or predictive analytics using clustering, classification, and/or regression trees
How do you know your thesis problem is novel and original? By performing a comprehensive literature review and investigating what exists in related industry!
Within the capstone, a comprehensive literature review of related and relevant concepts, theories, and research results should exist. This involves study of relevant articles pertaining to the research question within top ranked peer reviewed information systems and/or IT journals. Thorough review and comprehension of this research will lead to the identification of gaps in the literature that exist and/or future recommendations, which require further research efforts and contributions to advance the topical area of study. The research question(s) is supported by the associated gaps found in literature, indicating a solution is needed to a problem that does not yet have a solution.
A research question that is too wide in scope will overwhelm your efforts. Yet, a research question that is too narrow will not meet the minimum requirements and quality expected of a Master’s capstone project. The research question is your anchor and guide. It provides a clear objective of what your Master’s thesis project will accomplish.
Refer to the grading rubric in order to ensure successful completion of the capstone. The minimum proposal in Phase I will include:
I. Cover Page, Table of Contents, References, and Appendixes
a. Cover page includes your title/position and “in partial completion of an MSIS”
b. Appendixes will include screenshots of all diagrams and benchmark data
II. Research from optimal and relevant journal articles
a. Each section of the capstone must be well supported with scholarly peer reviewed journal articles
b. Although they do not count toward the minimum journal articles, industry whitepapers are also often relevant to elements like the prototype design as they provide best practices for the new software or system
c. Top ranked journals can be searched through the university library by going to electronic databases.
d. Not all journals are equal or relevant to the capstone. Journal articles that identify well-supported gaps in research are often performing new research. These articles will include testing new theory, hypotheses, and/or frameworks with a parallel research design that collects data for the test. Because they are generating new information, they are great sources to find areas where new research is needed. Journal articles that perform Meta studies or large literature reviews can also be helpful in identifying where new research is necessary.
e. Whereas scholarly journal articles often focus on theory that is not yet implemented in industry, industry whitepapers will assist with elements like standards and frameworks helpful in guiding the design of new systems. Both have their place in the capstone as a result but for different reasons.
III. Introduction & Conclusion
a. An introduction and conclusion of the primary objectives and outcomes of the master’s thesis project is necessary.
b. The introduction provides the roadmap for the capstone.
c. The conclusion is the last section of the project and provides a comprehensive overview of how the study was preformed and the primary outcomes of the results.
i. This also involves synthesizing and analyzing existing results in the domain of knowledge that the project has contributed.
IV. Statement of the Problem
a. Must be in one of the ACM domains identified for software or a system
b. What is an information systems or IT problem that needs resolution?
i. An unmet IT problem is succinctly and accurately defined.
ii. It is supported by a gap in scholarly literature not previously addressed.
c. The problem can feasibly be addressed in the timeframe of this course.
d. Sufficient data can be collected or generated to address the problem.
V. Research Questions (RQs)
a. Between 1–2 research questions must be given that detail what your thesis will achieve.
b. The research question(s) must:
i. Address all capstone objectives.
ii. Test new programming code/scripting/system configurations and/or perform some type of statistical analysis through data generation or collection.
iii. Solve a problem without an existing solution per a gap in literature.
iv. Include a minimum of one measure.
v. Include a population/sample.
vi. Include the ability to address reliability and validity of the results.
vii. Have accessible data or metrics to test the RQ measure such as a log file with comparable metrics (e.g. memory usage) or a public data set.
c. RQ Example
i. Is there a difference in the CPU performance (measurement) between an ICT-based KMS feature programmed using the XYZ framework (prototype or new artifact you create/code) and an ICT-based KMS feature programmed using the ABC framework in a Southeastern U.S. College (sample).
ii. New code will be developed for an ICT-based KMS feature that has not already been programmed (new prototype or artifact).
iii. The new software can then be benchmarked against framework ABC and XYZ (hypothetical frameworks).
iv. A measure exists with data that can be collected, CPU performance from a monitoring tool that is monitoring both applications in use (e.g. automated simulations of the software instead of actual users is acceptable for testing). The CPU measure can determine which framework results in a faster system.
v. Reliability and validity is possible. The test can be run on the exact same system, in the same environment, with the same benchmarks.
vi. A sample exists, a Southeastern U.S. College, where the CPU performance data will be collected during the automated simulations on the new code created by the student.
VI. Literature Review
a. Review of related literature in one of the ACM domains defined.
b. What literature attempts to resolve your problem and research question(s)?
c. Within relevant literature, how does it address the following:
i. What has literature not resolved in regards to your defined problem?
ii. What are the primary research problems, questions, and hypotheses in these relevant articles?
iii. How does this relate to other relevant articles and your research problem?
iv. What was the population and sample?
v. What research methods were used?
vi. What were the results of the research?
vii. What were the limitations?
viii. What were the recommendations for future research?
d. Peer reviewed research must lead to an appropriate IT solution that has not yet been solved.
e. This should be exhaustive in the specific domain you are studying.
i. If it is going to be too lengthy, it is likely that your defined problem and/or research question(s) are not sufficiently narrow.
ii. If there are not sufficient articles to review in the specific domain you are studying it is very likely that your problem statement and/or research question(s) are not feasible.
iii. If either is the case, you need to revise your problem statement and research question(s).
VII. Literature review findings and gaps
a. What were the primary findings from the literature review?
b. What gaps existed in the literatures that have not been solved by prior research?
c. How will the author address these gaps in the literature?
i. Performing a sufficient review of literature on your specific master’s project topic should identify where gaps in literature exist which need resolution, the literature must justify a feasible problem statement and the development of an appropriate research question(s).
ii. The master’s thesis project should solve an IT problem that does not already have a solution in industry or existing research.
iii. The exhaustiveness of the literature review is therefore critical and will determine whether an appropriate and feasible problem exists to solve.
The assignment submission must have over 4,000 original and unique words of original student authorship that directly relate to a feasible IT problem and research question and balanced properly between the required sections that show excellent mastery and knowledge of the content and be written in compliance with the current APA format. The student must utilize the support from over 20 unique scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles from well-respected and top ranked IT journals that directly relate to a feasible IT problem and research question with at least 5 being published in the last 3 years.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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Jerry L. Quarles
School of Engineering & Computer Science, Liberty University
Author Note
Jerry L. Quarles
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jerry L. Quarles.
Email: [email protected]
Table of Contents Introduction 3 Problem Statement 5 Research Question(s) 8 Literature Review 9 Literature Review Findings and Gaps……………………………………………………………17 Conclusion 19 References 21 Appendix…..……………………………………………………………………………………..26
Error in red – not booked marked correctly
Total word count needs to be 4000 words so you can use anything highlighted in yellow again to get a total of 4000 words!
DO NOT USE MARKED THRU WORDS – Rapid advancements in modern technology have changed the digital landscape and increased the demand for secure internet and communication Technology and Cloud computing is one of them. Cloud computing has grown in popularity as a study and application field (Rashid, & Chaturvedi, 2019). A growing number of technology companies and manufacturing industries have started to implement cloud-based services or are planning to do so. Nonetheless, there are a few drawbacks to using public and or private cloud technologies. As a result, quite a few institutions are already using private cloud technologies. Day by day cloud computing is in growth as many organizations adopted cloud technology, but in parallel, several security issues are raised. Each organization chooses secure infrastructures when they move its data to remote locations. According to the NIST security, portability and interoperability are the major obstacles to the adoption of cloud computing.
Can Use Highlighted words
Our motivation for creating a new design of a hybrid architecture using key cloud technologies build a new private cloud platform for Amazon Inc. that requires high data availability at a low cost. Big data approaches relying on traditional data warehouses often pose latency problems, making them unsuitable for new data use cases (Hsu, Fox, and Min, 2019). Many cloud services are provided by a trusted third party which arises new security threats. The cloud provider provides its services through the Internet and uses many web technologies that arise new security issues. This paper discussed the basic features of cloud computing, security issues, threats, and their solutions. Additionally, the paper describes several key topics related to the cloud, namely cloud architecture framework, service and deployment model , cloud technologies, cloud security concepts, threats, and attacks.
When data is stored in remote storage, the cloud user loses control over the data, at this time consumers may not be conscious of the details of security policies, vulnerability, and malware information (Singh and Chatterjee, 2017). For example, an attacker may achieve the cloud data by applying to back-channel attack and fixing a kernel-level rootkit. The community also knows about the physical level attacks such as reading the cloud-stored data. An important requirement in resource monitoring of cloud computing platforms is to monitor malfunctioning problems and/or security-related problems (Chandra & Neelanarayanan, 2017). In other words, solutions are needed that provide after-the-fact monitoring of log files for detecting problems. When these problems are not detected, issues arise such as leaking information, unauthorized access, unauthorized modification of data, creation of invalid data, and seizure of private client files by people with malicious intent.
We present a new hybrid cloud with computing monitoring software architecture designed to meet these requirements. Our software architecture employs a facade design pattern that separates the system from implementations of the underlying technologies. The software architecture is capable of both real-time and after-the-fact monitoring. The official name of the project is Ultihub Networks, which includes the full scope of the Enterprise-level capabilities represented as Ultihub AWS Cloud Core Service. The AWS Cloud represents the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) where the Ultihub Core Services are planned to be set up. Hence the names Ultihub AWS Cloud Core Services and Ultihub Core Services are used interchangeably throughout this review. The Ultihub Network provides various cloud services for its bureaus to use and intends to use the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) as a suitable cloud service to set up the Ultihub Core Services to support various workloads (such as Enterprise Case Management [ECM]).
Problem Statement
Nowadays, organizations widely utilize cloud computing as a novel technology to achieve promotion by involving a value from data while reducing the cost (Varghese and Buyya, 2018). Data processing and sharing can be changed under the influence of the cloud. Sharing information with different users becomes easy by keeping data on cloud storage systems (Zheng et al., 2018). End-users gain many advantages through cloud services. First, cost reduction is the main benefit of cloud services for users. Immediate computing and accessibility to storage resources for any user is another one. Furthermore, the available resources should be adapted to users' needs; they can add resources if necessary (Hung et al., 2012). Cloud computing has progressed due to all these qualities.
Over the last decade, with the expansion of a range of cloud services over the Internet, finding and proposing highly efficient and most accurate services based on users' specific requirements has become a controversial issue (Pourghebleh et al., 2020). In this regard, numerous studies have been conducted, and diverse approaches have been developed to assist cloud users in making appropriate choices. These mechanisms mainly aim at solving two main problems. The need for standard interfaces and specification formats of cloud services is the first problem. Efforts are made to build a commoditized market infrastructure for the trade of services among different types of Internet users. To address this problem, cloud market systems have been designed to provide a uniform platform to publish services for providers and locate services for service users. Choosing appropriate services based on decision-making techniques is the second problem (Sun et al., 2014a, b). Cloud computing services are an exponentially growing field of business in the modern world. Many companies around the globe are utilizing it for many purposes like storage, extensive data analysis, disaster recovery, as a platform, etc. Hence, it has been able to sustain itself, grow, and diversify its technology in several directions over the years.
Different service resource types are provided by cloud computing; the industry will be divided into three service categories: platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) (Pan, Xu, Cai, Wen, and Yuan, 2021). There are many open issues are present that is needed to be solved for providing secure cloud infrastructure. The first and more important open issue is to design an extensive and integrated security solution that may fulfill all major security requirements in the cloud.
The workloads of social computing are tremendous, burst, and unpredictable. A hybrid cloud, which combines a private cloud and a public cloud, is a promising solution to processing the workloads. (Liu, Luo & Niu, 2017). Most corporations, leverage one public cloud. However, with fierce competition among public cloud providers, public cloud services change frequently, which may lead to service unavailability and a less cost-effective hybrid cloud solution. As a result, leveraging multiple public clouds in the hybrid cloud is a potential solution. The private cloud, which is supported by dedicated datacenters or server clusters, can provide enhanced security and ultimate control. However, the private cloud has a limited capacity and low scalability. When workloads increase, it is difficult to address the overload problem with the private cloud. As the public cloud can provision elastic computing resources. It can help the private cloud process excessive workloads flexibly with low costs. Hence, a hybrid cloud, which combines a private cloud and a public cloud, is a promising solution to processing the burst and tremendous workloads generated by social applications. The state of the cloud report from Right Scale points out that, among all the enterprise respondents, 55 % of them expect to use hybrid clouds (Web End, 2015).
Cloud computing also needs a security solution against insider threats. There are many solutions are available and still applicable to the cloud. But the available solutions are not sufficient to solve the insider threat. In these phenomena identification of the insider attack in cloud computing is an open area of research. In this scenario, develop an indicator that helps to find the insider attacks. This indicator will increase the potential of securing the cloud system. Similarly, another open issue is to identify who is the normal user and who is the malicious user, still have a problem in a cloud environment. Some security and privacy concerns, such as data manipulation, data loss, and theft, arise from using any device to load and retrieve data from the cloud providers’ facilities (Islam, S.M.J.; Chaudhury and Islam, S. A, 2019).
New cloud capabilities also open new cost-savings strategies as long as these opportunities are recognized, incorporated into daily practice, and displace more expensive practices (Kahn, Mui, Ames, Yamsani, Pozdeyev, and Rafaels, 2022). The cost difference between the 2 ETL designs is significant, but cost savings were only realized after the new design was analyzed, approved, and implemented and the old design was retired. Cloud-based resources are usually charged on a pay-as-you-use basis. Services can be turned on as needed, but also can be inadvertently kept active when not in use. Many services use different metrics to determine usage charges.
Lastly, the legal aspect related to SLA is still an open unsettled issue in cloud computing. The issue of auditing, whether the service level is met as was promised in SLA or not, needs to be explored. Run time assurance mechanisms provide a facility to deliver the services as per requirement. The current auditing mechanisms provided by the CSP itself might not be a satisfactory option for many cloud users. Moreover, the pricing of the usage service depends upon the CSP. The work in this area will greatly help the user to the adoption of the cloud.
Research Question(s)
Organizations have various technologies involved in cloud computing, cloud-based change and configuration management is one the companies do not have the people, processes, or tools to effectively perform technical cloud change monitoring operations to manage technological change and configuration management activities. Backup and recovery operations in cloud environments are also very important, such operations are vital to protect critical data and ensure continuity of operations; Businesses are finding issues with backup and recovery and don’t have the means to integrate backup and recovery activities across a hybrid-cloud environment; such a capability will be needed to ensure backup and recovery operations can seamlessly occur between on- and off-premises components of the hybrid clouds.
· What are the various technologies involved in cloud computing? What are its multiple uses?
· This question aims to address the different cloud technologies and procedures depending on the metrics of the particular cloud environment setup.
· How can we enhance data security and maintain privacy in cloud computing environments?
· This question aims to address issues with security and privacy and maintaining both in a cloud environment.
· How do you provide migration support/ backup and recovery (data, design, and architecture) from existing solutions?
· This question aims to assess technology support with the cloud infrastructure.
· To resolve security and privacy challenges how are security policies applied across the cloud infrastructure?
· This question aims to look into security and privacy policies to see challenges and address them.
Literature Review
The services of cloud computing are scalable to the needs of the users (Maryam, Sardaraz, and Tahir, 2018). There has been a rapid growth in the cloud computing industry since many businesses recently have been turning to them. However, there are several cloud computing service providers available in the market presently, and hence, for businesses, it becomes a significantly tough job to select among these and choose the most suitable one for their particular needs. This paper has tried to solve this problem by providing a neuromorphic multi-criteria decision analysis (NMCDA) approach for the decision-making process for businesses to evaluate the many cloud computing service providers. This approach is usually used for estimation processes where ambiguity and inconsistency exist among the users, and hence a productive model of decision-making evolves through the same.
The evaluation of cloud computing services has become a significant issue for the common public and businesses, mainly because of its rapid growth and expansion. As a result, there are hundreds of cloud computing services available in the market, and enterprises face considerable difficulty to choose among these. Cloud services are based on user requirements, a user may require Quality of Service (QoS), usability, data storage, the complexity of applications, middleware, scalability, programming language, etc. A single cloud cannot meet all the requirements. The term multi-cloud, states that just like a cloudy sky has different colors and shapes, similarly cloud computing shouldn't be finalized with a single cloud which leads to different implementations and administrative domains. Multi-cloud is the usage of autonomous cloud platforms with one interface which may clue to different administrative and implementation domains (Imran, 2020). Multi-cloud computing accumulates the usage of stand-alone, multiple cloud environments, which assume no prior agreement between cloud providers or third-party owners. The particular study was conducted to formulate this problem as Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem and aim at developing a decision-making model based on Aggregated Sum-Product Assessment (WASPS) and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) Weighted methods. The model structured through the study consisted of 9 primary and 30 secondary evaluation factors. The model ultimately helps to evaluate and rank the various cloud services.
Multi-tenancy provides a sharing environment in cloud computing that enables the sharing of resources among multiple users. The sharing environment in cloud computing may pose new security threats. Security and privacy of the multi-tenancy in the cloud are still one of the most open security issues. The privacy of the computation is another open issue in cloud computing. In the storage, most of the data are in an encrypted form. But, in the storage, all the operations are not performed over the encrypted data . Most of the operations required plain text data during computation. The memory is assigned to the within or outside processor used for storing temporary data that may be the target of attack.
· Trust Factors in selecting a cloud service
Authors (Chiregi & Navimipour, 2018) have a similar perception of the evaluation process of cloud computing services. According to the authors, as much as the confusion to choose the best-suited cloud computing services is an issue for businesses, the problem of trusting them is equally shared, regardless of the strong security policies provided by the service providers. Hence, the study analyzes trust evaluation state of the art mechanisms that have been used in the cloud environment to date. Their comparison was based on integrity, security, reliability, dynamicity, Plagiarism Free Papers
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