Each summary and critique must be a minimum of 2.0 pages in length, 1.5- spaced, #12 font, and be mechanically and grammatically sound. ? Each paper
Each summary and critique must be a minimum of 2.0 pages in length, 1.5- spaced, #12 font, and be mechanically and grammatically sound. • Each paper will include a brief summary of the paper (1 or 2 paragraphs is fine), and the balance of the paper will be a critique of the article. • Include a full citation of the article at the end of the paper. No particular style for the citation required. Make sure you include authors, title, year published, sources, and pagination. Suggest choosing 3 or 4 items from the methods, results, and/or discussion section to critique to yield about 2 pages of critique. • Be very specific and detailed in each item that you critique. For example, if you include “the paper was well written… ,” that is too general. Or, “I liked the graphs … .” That is too general. • A good critique statement would be more like, “The sample size for each test group was only 5. A larger sample size might have resulted in disproving the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the number of infectious parasites in the treatment groups exposed to 10 mg/L versus 100 mg/L of pesticide.
Species co-evolutionary algorithm: a novel evolutionary algorithm based on the ecology and environments for optimization
Wuzhao Li1,4 • Lei Wang1 • Xingjuan Cai1 • Junjie Hu3 • Weian Guo2
� The Natural Computing Applications Forum 2015
Abstract In classic evolutionary algorithms (EAs), so-
lutions communicate each other in a very simple way so the
recombination operator design is simple, which is easy in
algorithms’ implementation. However, it is not in accord
with nature world. In nature, the species have various kinds
of relationships and affect each other in many ways. The
relationships include competition, predation, parasitism,
mutualism and pythogenesis. In this paper, we consider the
five relationships between solutions to propose a co-evo-
lutionary algorithm termed species co-evolutionary algo-
rithm (SCEA). In SCEA, five operators are designed to
recombine individuals in population. A set including sev-
eral classical benchmarks are used to test the proposed
algorithm. We also employ several other classical EAs in
comparisons. The comparison results show that SCEA
exhibits an excellent performance to show a huge potential
of SCEA in optimization.
Keywords Evolutionary algorithm � Recombination operator � Species co-evolution algorithm � Optimization
1 Introduction
Optimization is a classical topic and plays a very active
role in many fields, such as science, engineering, finance,
medicine and military [1, 2]. Even in our daily life, various
kinds of optimization problems are very common, includ-
ing minimizing charging cost of electrical vehicle, maxi-
mizing profits from our investments and reducing time cost
in path planning [3, 4]. As a feasible and very effective
approach in dealing with optimization problem, evolu-
tionary algorithms (EAs) exhibit their dramatic perfor-
mances and nowadays draw worldwide attentions to
develop the algorithms [5–7]. In EAs family, there are
many famous algorithms including genetic algorithms
(GA) [8, 9], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [10, 11],
evolutionary strategies (ES) [12], ant colony optimization
(ACO) [13] and differential evolution (DE) [14, 15]. The
algorithms have been implemented in many different areas.
They can not only show an excellent performance in
common optimization problems, but also be very effective
to specific problems such as non-deterministic polynomial
(NP) problems and multiobjective optimization [16]. Due
to the exclusive advantages, say robust and reliable per-
formance, global search capability and no or little infor-
mation requirement, the researches on them have been
developed in current decades [17].
Most ideas in EAs are proposed by simulating nature
world. Inspired from various kinds of nature phenomena,
professionals abstracted the mechanism of nature to pro-
pose novel evolutionary algorithms for solving optimiza-
tion problems. Several examples are given as follows.
Genetic algorithm (GA) simulates producing generations of
chromosomes according to the genetic mechanism in bio-
logical process. Simulated annealing (SA) is proposed by
the idea of annealing in metallurgy [18]. The essence of
& Weian Guo [email protected]
1 Department of Electronics and Information,
Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
2 Sino-German College Applied Sciences of Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China
3 Center for Electric Power and Energy, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
2800 Copenhagen, Denmark
4 Jiaxing Vocational Technical College,
Jiaxing 314036, Zhejiang, China
DOI 10.1007/s00521-015-1971-3
Received: 5 March 2015 / Accepted: 9 June 2015 / Published online: 27 June 2015
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–2024
particle swarm optimization (PSO) is from the behavior of
birds flocking [10, 11]. Ant colony optimization (ACO)
mimics the ecological behavior of ants in finding food [19].
The idea of biogeography-based optimization draws from
the philosophy of island biogeography [20, 21]. In addition,
different algorithms are hybridized to propose novel
framework which combines the advantages from each
individual algorithm [22]. Due to EAs’ dramatic perfor-
mances, they now have been implemented to many appli-
cations and gain a big success. All the achievements show
that EAs are successful in handling optimization problem,
which also demonstrate that nature phenomena are feasible
and useful to supply us new solutions in the development
of artificial intelligence.
More than two centuries ago, Charles Darwin had a very
extensive experience when he collected and investigated
the different kinds of life forms during a long journey. On
the basis of his investigations, Darwin had the idea that
each species was developed from same or similar ancestors
so that the species have very similar features. In 1838, he
summarized his ideas and described the evolutionary pro-
cess which is nowadays termed natural selection. He
believed that the evolutionary process made the similar
features happen [23]. After that, Darwin published this
famous idea about the evolution caused by natural selection
in ‘‘On the Origin of Species’’ in 1859. In this book, we
know that different species are actually outcomes of con-
tinuing natural evolutionary process [24]. During the pro-
cess, there exist several kinds of relationship between
species and their environments. By direct or indirect
communication between species and environments, species
evolved and gradually fit the environments. The relation-
ship models include competition, predation and parasitism.
This can help environment keep balance of species number
and also can help species fit environments, which can be
considered as an optimization outcome. Hence, it is rea-
sonable to mimic the process and abstract the inherent
mechanism to propose novel EAs. Inspired from the rela-
tionships, in this paper, we propose a novel evolutionary
algorithm which is named species co-evolution algorithm
(SCEA). In SCEA, the relationships between species
include competition, predation, parasitism, mutualism and
pythogenesis. In future work, novel relationships can also
be adopted in design of SCEA. Since many operators are
employed in SCEA, the algorithm can provide more ways
for solutions to combine their features so that the algorithm
is very helpful to avoid local premature and stagnation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2,
we show the mathematical model for the novel algorithm in
detail. The basic idea to design SCEA is also illustrated in
this section. In Sect. 3, we established SCEA’s model and
presented the flowchart of SCEA. We employ 14 classical
and widely used benchmarks in Sect. 4 to conduct a
numerical optimization test. Several other famous EAs
including GA, ACO and PSO are employed in compar-
isons. The results are analyzed and discussed in this sec-
tion. We conclude in Sect. 5 and propose our future work.
2 Mathematical models
There exist many relationship forms in nature so that
species have different ways to communicate and interact
with each other as well as environments. The different
ways provide us new ideas to propose a novel evolutionary
algorithm. In this section, we summarize several main
forms among species in nature and illustrate the mathe-
matical models of species.
2.1 Competition operator
Competition is very common among species. Even in one
population, different individuals may fight each other for
food, water, mating, etc. Hence, competition is a feasible
solution to select winner to enjoy all resources. By assuming
that competition happens between two individuals, the
mathematical models of competition are given as follows.
dt ¼ r1N1
K1 � N1 � aN2 K1
� � ð1Þ
dt ¼ r2N2
K2 � N2 � bN1 K2
� � ð2Þ
where a is the competitive index of specie B to specie A. A large value of a means a competitive ability of B in competition with A. b is the competitive index of specie A to specie B. The larger b is, the better performance A has. N1 presents the population scale of A, while N2 is the
population scale of B. K1 and K2 are constants. r1 and r2 are
the increasing rate of species A and B to enlarge their
population scale.
2.2 Predation operator
In nature, the predators will predate their prey for survive.
From the view of energy, the prey will be killed and lost its
energy, while predator will occupy the prey’s energy. This
is also a common nature phenomenon in nature. The
mathematical models of predation are listed as follows.
dt ¼ r1N ð3Þ
dt ¼ �r2P ð4Þ
dt ¼ ðr1 � ePÞN ð5Þ
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–20242016
where N presents the population scale of prey, P is the
population scale of predator. r1 is the population increasing
rate of prey. e represents the probability that prey can escape from predator.
2.3 Parasitism operator
Parasitism is also common in ecosystem. An example is
given that in human body, parasites may be found in
intestines and stomach. In this subsection, we use Nichol-
son–Bailey model to illustrate parasitism model. For host,
the model of population scale is given as follows,
Ntþ1 ¼ FNte�apt ð6Þ
where F is the population increasing rate of host and et -ap
the proportion of population that has not been hosted. N is
the population scale of host.
For parasite, the model of population scale is given as
Ptþ1 ¼ FPtð1 � e�aptÞ ð7Þ
where P is the population scale of parasite.
In above equations, the value of a often can be obtained by experiments or statistic:
a ¼ 1=pð Þ lnðN=SÞ ð8Þ
where S is the population that has not been hosted.
Although there are far more relationships between spe-
cies and environments in this nature, it is not feasible to
exhibit by mathematical models. Hence, related parts will
be explained in next section.
3 Species co-evolution algorithm
We summarized that there are mainly five living modes in
nature. They are predation, parasitism, competition,
mutualism and saprophytes. First, we consider the situation
that the fitness of two species is overmatched.
3.1 Predation
If one creature is much superior or stronger than another
one, the weaker may be preyed by the stronger. For
example, for lion and rabbit, we consider lion can prey
rabbit. Then, we think the weaker’s feature will be replaced
by stronger’s. In optimization algorithm, we consider the
stronger as the individual with high fitness and the weaker
with low fitness. Let A be the stronger and B be the weaker,
and then, we can get the following pseudo-codes. If the
predation occurs, then
B:feature = A:feature
3.2 Parasitism
In some cases, although the finesses between two species
are quite different, the weaker can survive by some par-
ticular methods, such as parasitism. For example, although
worms are lower organisms, they can live in human being’s
intestines. Worms can absorb nutrient from human and
excrete the excreta to human beings. So this is an inter-
changeable progress. In this process, by assuming that A is
the stronger one, while B is the weaker species, we present
the operator of parasitism as follows,
Swap ðA:feature, B:feature)
where swap operator means to exchange the individual
In addition, we consider that the fitness of two species is
almost near. In this case, there are mainly following two
living conditions.
3.3 Competition
Two strong species will fight for food, spouse and region.
Since they have the near fitness, they are counterparts so
that it is difficult to distinguish which one is better. So in
this case, we usually adopt probability to decide which
specie can win in fight. Stronger a specie is, more likely it
can win and vice versa. Let A be the stronger and B be the
weaker. A.fitness presents A’s fitness, and B.fitness pre-
sents B’s fitness. As well, we define ‘pa’ as the probability
that A can win. ‘Pb’ is the probability that B can win.
Therefore, we know
pa = a:fitness/ a:fitness + b:fitnessð Þ ð9Þ pb = b:fitness/ a:fitness + b:fitnessð Þ ð10Þ
We define ‘rand’ as a random number between 0 and 1. If
‘rand’ is less than pa, then we decide A wins. B will be
preyed by A. If ‘rand’ is not less than A, then we decide A
loses. A will be preyed by B. Hence, in this process, we can
deal with competition as follows,
IF rand < pa b.feature = a.feature ;
ELSE a.feature = b.feature ;
3.4 Mutualism
If two species are both low organisms, maybe they cannot
survive by themselves. Hence, they usually will cooperate
with each other, but not fight. In this case, we consider the
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–2024 2017
two species can generate two new species by interchanging
their features. If the two new features are stronger than
older, then we think the older two species will be replaced
by the two new species. Otherwise, the older ones can
retain. In this case, we define A’ as the new specie gen-
erated by A and B’ as the new specie generated by B. Then,
we know if mutualism occurs,
[A’,B’]=Swap(A.feature, B.feature) IF A'.fitness > A.fitness
A = A'; END IF B'.fitness > B.fitness
B = B'; END
3.5 Pythogenesis
In the former subsections, we investigate four relationships.
In competition and predation models, death bodies will be
appeared. These bodies can be handled by saprophytic
creatures. All the discarded features will be used by these
saprophytic species at some probabilities. Let ‘rand’ be a
random number between 0 and 1. And we set ‘decision’ as a
small fixed number between 0 and 1. We define A as
saprophytic creature. Then, we design this model as follows,
IF rand < decision A.feature = death body
3.6 Design of SCEA
Based on the modeling above, we design species co-evo-
lution algorithm as follows:
Step1: Generate a population. Set parameters including
population size N, threshold value for decision in
evolutionary process (D is to decide whether a
difference between fitness is large. H is used to
decide whether the species are high species),
termination conditions and so on
Step 2: If the termination conditions are satisfied,
terminate the algorithm. Otherwise, go to Step 3
Step 3: Randomly select individuals in pairs. After that,
the population will be divided into N/2 pairs
Step 4: In each pair, do the comparisons of species’
fitness. If the difference between two species is
larger than D, go to Step 6. Otherwise, go to
Step 6
Step 5: Generate a random between domain [0,1]. If the
random value is larger than 0.5, do predation
operator. After that, the loser species will be
handled by pythogenesis operator. If the random
value is not larger than 0.5, do parasitism
operator. Go to Step 7
Step 6: In a pair, compare the fitness with H. If the
fitness is larger than H, the two species are higher
creatures and do the competition operator. The
loser in competition will be handled by
pythogenesis operator. If the fitness is smaller
than H, the two species are lower creatures and
do the mutualism operator
Step 7: Based on Step 5 to Step 6, a new population has
been generated. Go to Step 2
The flowchart of SCEA can be found in Fig. 1. There
are total five operators in SCEA, which can help algorithm
enhance the adaptive ability in dealing with different
optimization problems. Figure 1 is only a basic design of
SCEA. However, in future, many other strategies can be
combined in this algorithm to enhance its optimization
ability such as elitism strategy.
4 Analysis of numerical simulations
To investigate the performances of our design, we conduct
the numerical comparisons. In this comparison, we employ
14 classical numerical benchmarks. In addition, we also
employ several well-known evolutionary algorithms to
compare with SCEA. As given in Table 1, we present the
function names, dimensions and domains of each bench-
mark. In addition, the characters of the 14 benchmarks can
be found in Table 2. According to Table 2, we know that
the benchmarks have different types so that the comparison
results are feasible and reasonable to reflect algorithms’
optimization ability. Other details including the mathe-
matical modeling of the benchmarks can be found in paper
In comparison, genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm
optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), dif-
ferential evolution (DE), evolutionary strategy (ES) and
population-based incremental learning (PBIL) are
employed in comparisons. The parameters of each algo-
rithm are setting as follows. In GA, we employ single
crossover operator. The crossover rate is set as 0.8, and the
mutation rate is 0.05. The roulette wheel selection is
employed. In particle swarm optimization, we set inertial
constant as 0.2. The cognitive constant is 1, while the
social constant for particle communication is set as 1. For
PBIL, the learning rate is set as 0.5. The elitism parameter
is 1, while mutation rate is 0. For ACO, the initial
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–20242018
pheromone value is set as 1e-5. The update constant and
decay rate for pheromone are set as 15 and 0.2, respec-
tively. For DE, the weighting factor is set as 0.5, while the
crossover rate is 0.5. For ES, the standard deviation is set as
1 for solutions to change. For SCEA, the value D is set as
0.7 and the value H is set as 0.5.
The numerical comparison results are shown as in
Tables 3 and 4. In comparison, we run 50 Monte Carlo
End Is Termination
Condition Satisfied?
Randomly Select Species in Pairs
Fitness Difference Large?
Predation or Parasitism
Predation Operator
Are the Individuals higher creatures?
Generate New Population
Yes No
Fig. 1 Flowchart of species co-evolution algorithm
Table 1 Benchmark functions Function index Function name Dimension Domain
F1 Ackley’s function 20 [-30, 30]D
F2 Fletcher–Powell 20 [-p, p]D
F3 Generalized Griewank’s function 20 [-600, 600]D
F4 Generalized penalized function 1 20 [-50, 50]D
F5 Generalized penalized function 2 20 [-50, 50]D
F6 Quartic function 20 [-1.28, 1.28]D
F7 Generalized Rastrigin’s function 20 [-5.12, 5.12]D
F8 Generalized Rosenbrock’s function 20 [-2.048, 2.048]D
F9 Schwefel’ problem 1.2 20 [-65.535, 65.535]D
F10 Schwefel’ problem 2.21 20 [-100, 100]D
F11 Schwefel’ problem 2.22 20 [-10, 10]D
F12 Schwefel’ problem 2.26 20 [-512, 512]D
F13 Sphere model 20 [-5.12, 5.12]D
F14 Step function 20 [-200, 200]D
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–2024 2019
simulations for each benchmark, and in each Monte Carlo
simulation, the limited generation is 100. In Table 3, we
present the best results for each algorithm, while in
Table 4, the mean results are shown. The best result is
collected by the best performance of each algorithm in the
50 runs. The mean result is an average value of 50 best
results for each algorithm. For convenience, for each
benchmark, we use bold font to mark the best performance
in Tables 3 and 4.
According to Table 3, we know that for F1, F2, F3, F7,
F8, F9, F10, F11, F13, F14, SCEA outperforms than other
algorithms. For F4 and F12, ACO performs the best. SCEA
is arranged second and fourth. For F5, GA performs the
best, and SCEA performs the second. For F6, DE performs
the best and SCEA performs the second as well. To sum
up, we know SCEA performs the best in most cases of
these benchmarks.
According to the results in Table 4, we found that SCEA
wins 13 times except F5. For F5, SCEA performs the
second best. Since in 100 runs, the mean results demon-
strate an average performance, we can draw the conclusion
that SCEA has an excellent performance in dealing with
optimization problems.
5 Applications in mechanical design
To show the ability of SCEA in applications, we employ
several classical mechanical design problems as
5.1 Design a gear train
The first application is to design a compound gear train
arrangement which is shown in Fig. 2. The gear ratio for a
reduction gear train is defined as the ratio of angular
velocity of the output shaft to that of the input shaft. The
overall gear ratio between input and output is shown as
ratio ¼ xoutput xinput
¼ TdTb
TaTf ð11Þ
where xoutput and xinput are the angular velocities of the output and input shafts, respectively, and T denotes the
number of teeth on each gearwheel. The ratio should be
designed as close as possible to 1/6.931. The number of
teeth in each gear should be an integer and lie between 12
and 60. This problem can be described mathematically as
F Xð Þ ¼ 1
6:931 � TaTb
� �2 ¼
6:931 � x1x2
� �2 ð12Þ
Subject to:
12 � xi � 60
where i 2 {1, 2, 3, 4} and xi 2 Z. Z represents integer set, and X ¼ x1; x2; x3; x4½ �T¼ Ta; Tb; Tc; Td½ �T .
Table 5 shows the comparison results. In this table, we
use the previous work in comparisons [28–34]. It is obvi-
ous that the results in paper [30] and SCEA have the same
best performances. The two algorithms outperform others.
The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm
SCEA is competitive in dealing with practical problems.
5.2 Optimization in pressure vessel design
Pressure vessel design is a classical optimization problem
with constraints. In this subsection, we use this problem to
test SCEA’s ability to deal with constrains. For the design
Table 2 Characters of each benchmark
Function Multimodal Separable Regular
Ackley’s function H H
Fletcher–Powell H
Generalized Griewank’s function H H
Generalized penalized function 1 H H
Generalized penalized function 2 H H
Quartic function H H
Generalized Rastrigin’s function H H H
Generalized Rosenbrock’s function H
Schwefel’ problem 1.2 H
Schwefel’ problem 2.21
Schwefel’ problem 2.22 H
Schwefel’ problem 2.26 H H
Sphere model H H
Step function H
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–20242020
of a cylindrical pressure vessel, both ends should be cov-
ered by hemispherical heads. An illustration is shown in
Fig. 3. The variables are also marked in the figure. The
optimization target is to minimize the total cost including
forming and welding cost, materials cost. To archive this
goal, it is necessary to optimize the thicknesses of the shell
and the head, the inner radius and the length of the cylin-
drical section. The mathematical models are shown in (14),
where the parameters Ts, Th, R and L shown in Fig. 3 are
described by x1, x2, x3 and x4, respectively.
F Xð Þ ¼ 0:6224×1; x3; x4 þ 1:7781×2; x23 þ 3:1661x 2 1; x4
þ 19:84×21; x3 ð13Þ
Table 3 Numerical comparison in 100 Monte Carlo simulations of SCEA, PSO, PBIL, ACO, DE, ES, GA for best results
Benchmarks SCEA PBIL PSO
F1 1.03E?01 1.93E?01 1.61E?01
F2 7.14E?04 4.18E?05 3.71E?05
F3 8.80E?00 2.69E?02 9.53E?01
F4 4.73E?03 8.18E?07 2.50E?06
F5 6.08E?04 3.13E?08 1.73E?07
F6 3.82E-01 2.29E?01 2.07E?00
F7 4.37E?01 2.35E?02 1.69E?02
F8 1.55E?02 1.48E?03 8.77E?02
F9 6.18E?02 5.33E?03 4.67E?03
F10 3.69E?03 7.69E?03 9.63E?03
F11 9.90E?00 6.25E?01 4.09E?01
F12 5.04E?01 7.12E?01 4.24E?01
F13 1.66E?00 6.68E?01 1.61E?01
F14 8.75E?02 2.42E?04 1.05E?04
1.46E?01 1.31E?01 1.91E?01 1.60E?01
6.46E?05 1.57E?05 7.76E?05 2.77E?05
1.30E?01 2.35E?01 1.01E?02 4.14E?01
6.88E?02 1.87E?04 4.31E?07 5.38E?05
3.00E?08 9.90E?05 1.81E?08 3.20E?04
8.68E-01 3.40E-01 1.37E?01 8.21E-01
1.59E?02 1.42E?02 2.14E?02 1.06E?02
2.12E?03 1.98E?02 2.44E?03 5.42E?02
1.09E?03 2.78E?03 4.06E?03 1.27E?03
9.07E?03 1.09E?04 1.47E?04 1.04E?04
5.35E?01 2.12E?01 8.27E?01 3.42E?01
4.08E?01 5.55E?01 6.79E?01 5.03E?01
2.70E?01 3.74E?00 6.52E?01 7.34E?00
1.45E?03 2.41E?03 1.71E?04 2.92E?03
Table 4 Numerical comparison in 100 Monte Carlo simulations of SCEA, PSO, PBIL, ACO, DE, ES, GA for mean results
Benchmarks SCEA PBIL PSO
F1 1.24E?01 4.87E?01 2.34E?01
F2 1.02E?05 7.90E?05 5.43E?05
F3 1.21E?01 5.09E?02 1.34E?02
F4 6.79E?03 1.56E?08 8.55E?06
F5 7.45E?04 6.09E?08 6.45E?07
F6 5.64E-01 5.53E?01 3.80E?00
F7 6.15E?01 3.14E?02 4.02E?02
F8 3.43E?02 5.82E?03 1.84E?03
F9 9.42E?02 8.43E?03 7.53E?03
F10 5.37E?03 9.48E?03 1.94E?04
F11 1.58E?01 7.33E?01 6.54E?01
F12 6.17E?01 9.21E?01 8.45E?01
F13 2.50E?00 9.71E?01 3.41E?01
F14 1.12E?03 4.21E?04 2.18E?04
3.28E?01 2.44E?01 3.61E?01 2.64E?01
9.47E?05 4.64E?05 8.54E?05 9.43E?05
2.03E?01 2.41E?01 3.42E?02 5.91E?01
8.47E?03 2.49E?04 7.37E?07 6.87E?05
4.15E?08 1.93E?06 2.17E?08 5.15E?04
1.84E?00 6.45E-01 2.58E?01 1.89E?00
8.38E?01 2.67E?02 5.32E?02 3.55E?02
5.35E?03 3.88E?02 5.54E?03 6.98E?02
2.34E?03 4.24E?03 6.95E?03 3.64E?03
1.32E?04 3.54E?04 2.43E?04 2.33E?04
8.53E?01 4.85E?01 1.39E?02 5.83E?01
8.45E?01 6.22E?01 8.91E?01 6.44E?01
5.23E?01 6.46E?00 4.23E?01 9.09E?00
2.61E?03 5.21E?03 2.35E?04 4.45E?03
Fig. 2 Compound gear train
Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31:2015–2024 2021
Subject to:
g1ðXÞ ¼ �x1 þ 0:0193×3 � 0 g2ðXÞ ¼ �x2 þ 0:00954×3 � 0
g3ðXÞ ¼ �px23x4 � 4
3 px33 þ 1296000 � 0
g4ðXÞ ¼ x4 � 240 � 0
where the domain of decision variables is designed as
0:0625 � xi � 6:1875; ði ¼ 1; 2Þ
10 � xi � 200; ði ¼ 3; 4Þ
where x1 and x2 are the integers multiples of 0.0625, and
the x3 and x4 are real numbers.
To deal with constraints, we employ penalty function to
calculate the violation. For each constraint, we do a nor-
malization of the violations to avoid bias. Then, for each
solution, its fitness is combined by both optimization
objective and the sum of violations. Then, we obtain the
results shown in Table 6.
It is noted that for this problem, Fu and Loh once present
the optimal value 7197.7 in paper [29, 35]. Nevertheless,
there are no details about decision variables in that paper.
Hence, we do not cite the results in this paper. In addition,
in paper [36], Sarvari and Zamanifar published their results
7195.99. However, the description of the optimization
results is very inaccuracy, so we do not cite it at all. The
numerical test results are shown in Table 6, where we also
employ some previous work. By comparisons, we find that
SCEA performs the best which validates that the proposed
algorithm is very competitive in dealing with optimization
problems as well as it can be well implemented in engi-
neering optimization problems.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we
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