Read Chapter 22 in Alligood (2022).? Describe some difficulties you have experienced with patients you think are related to
Read Chapter 22 in Alligood (2022).
Describe some difficulties you have experienced with patients you think are related to cultural differences.
Read Chapter 22 in Alligood (2022).
Describe some difficulties you have experienced with patients you think are related to cultural differences.
What strategies can you use to support cultural sensitivity in your practice?
How has Leininger's theoretical perspective influenced professional nursing practice?
Reference your posts in APA format and be sure to answer all questions posed in narrative form. Please use Rubic
Alligood, M.R. (2022). Nursing theorists and their work (10th ed.). Elsevier.
NUR – 600Discussion Forum Rubric
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50 pts - Full Credit Information clearly relates to the main topic and adds new concepts, information, it includes several supporting details and/or examples |
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Professional Language and Writing |
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2 pts - Partial Credit Professional vocabulary, correct grammar, and correct spelling are consistently used when commenting on another student’s response |
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Total Points: 100 |
22 Vadeleine M. Leininger:
Or Culture Care Diversity and
Universality Madeleine M. Leininger (1927-2012)
Marilyn R. McFarland*
are is the essence of nursing and a distinct, dominant, central
and unijying focus.
Madeleine Leininger (Leininger &McFarland, 2002, p. 192)
CREDENTIALS AND BACKGROUND nursing at this university' Vith the Therapeutic n Psychiatri Nursing Center at their hospital. In 1960, she
bte one oi OF THE THEORIST
g ent was pub-
in Nursing, which lished in 11 languages (Hofling & Leininger, 19601
the first basic psychiatric irsing texts with Hofli
tled Basic Psychiatric Concepts Madeleine M. Leininger, the founder of transcultural
ing and a leader in transcultural nursing and human care
theory, was the first professional nurse with graduate preP- aration in nursing to hold a PhD in
cultural and social
anthropology. She was born in Sutton, Nebraska, begin-
ning her nursing career after graduation from St. Anth0
ny's School of Nursing in Denver, Colorado, and the U.s.
Army Nurse Corps with a diploma in nursing. In 1950, she
earned a bachelor's degree in biological science from Bene-
dictine College in Atchison, Kansas, with a minor in phi-
losophy and humanistic studies. She then served as an
instructor, staff nurse, and head nurse on a medical-surgi
cal unit and opened a new psychiatric unit while director
of the nursing service at St. Joseph's Hospital in Omaha,
While working at a child guldance honme in the .
staf 1950s in Cincinnati, Leininger discovered that ths lacked understanding ot cultural factors influencia ng the behavior of children. Among these children of diverse cul tural backgrounds. she observed difterences in responses to care and psychiatric treatments that deeplycon concerned
her. Psychoanalytical theories and therapy strategies d not seem to reach children who were from diverse cultund
backgrounds. She became inereasingly concerned that her nursing decisions and actions, and those of other staf, did not appear to help these clhildren. .eininger posed ques.
tions to herself and the about cultural differences
among children and therapy outcomes. She found few staf members who were interested or knowledgeable abou
cultural factors in the diagnosis and Ireatment of clients. A short time later, Margaret Mead became a visiting proles
sor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincin nati, and Leininger discussed with Mead the potental
interrelationships between nursing and anthropol0gy
During the 1950s and 1960s, Leininger (1970, 1978) tden tihed common areas of theory interests and researcn u
between the disciplines of nursing and anthropolog), w
aided her in formulating transcultural nursing concep
theory, principles, and practices. As a doctoral student, Le
In 1954, Leininger obtained her master's degree in psy-
chiatric nursing from the Catholic University of America
in Washington, DC, and was then employed by the College
of Health at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, where she
developed the first masters-level clinical specialist pro-
gram in child psychiatric nursing. She initiated and
directed the first graduate nursing program in psychiatric
*This chapter is dedicated in memory of Dr. Madeleine Leininger.
Dr. Madeleine Leininger on a visit to Madonna University, Livonia,
MI, circa 1999. Source: The Madeleine M. Leininger Collection on Human Caring and Transcultural Nursing, ARC-008, Photo 03, Ar- chives of Caring in Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton.
nger studied many cultures. She found anthropolog terest to
nating and believed it was an area that should be Or Inc
adeleine M. Leininger: Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universaity CHA
ER 22 Made 335
on the iadsup people ot the astern nternational Society tor lluman Caring in 1978 0 hely nirses toeus on the study ot human care plhenea Leininger. 1988a, 19ssh, 199), She was the tiust tull tine president ot the American Association ot Colleges ot Nins
ng and one of the tirst members ot the American Acaley ot Nursing in 1975.
New Gunnea:
living alone with these ndige
th vears, she undertook an ethno She
to tUsCNÍ
on the (
irsing study in the villages (leininger
hserved the unique teatures of the cl
lber ot nmarked ditterences between 1West.
in tern cultures related to caring. health, and
i es. Fron her in-depth study and tirst
the iadsup. she continued to
einger's book, Nursing and Anthropologr: Tvo Worlhis
to Blend (1970), laid the toundation for developing the fiell of transculural ursing. the culture care theory, and eu turally based health care. Her next book, Tanseultra s: Concepts, Theories. and Practice (1978), icdentilied major concepts. theoretical ideas. and practices in transe tural nursing and was the first detinitive publication on
transcultural ursing. During tlhe next o0 years. Leininger established, explicated. and used the culture care theory lo study many eultures in the United States and worldwide. She developed the ethnonursing research method to lit an to be used with the theory and to qualitatively discover the
insider or emie view of cultures (1cininger. 1991: 1cininger &Metarland, 2002, 2006: Mctarland & Wehbe Alamah. 2015b, 201isb). lhe ethnonursing research method was the
frst open inquiry research method designed tor nurse
researchers to study and discover culture care phenomena
from the perspective of human science philosophy an through the lens of qualitative analysis (Leininger, 1978. 1985a. 1991, 1995; Leininger & Meliarland. 2002, 2000; Mclarland &Wehbe-Alamah, 2015b, 2018b).
ricnces with
er theory
ot culture
are theory)
and the.
re care diversity and universality
ethnonursing researeh method
1978 1991. 1995 Her esearrh
and theory have ditferences i
ents understand cultural
ealth, and illness. Sh was the major
iet to endOUrAge
Nnim ients and taculty to0 education nd practice. Her
Ndder to
Tute nursins
interest in developiung the tield ot transeul
a human care tocus sustained her tor
arsing with
than six decades.
in transeultural nursing was ottered in
the l'niversity ot Color. where leininger had
amointed Protessor ot Nursing and Anthropology.
he turst
course in
itiatei the Commi on Nursing and Anthropology
the American AnthropologUal Association in 1968
ed as its chair tor several vears (Leininger, 1991,
Leininger also initated and served as the director of
st Nurse Scientist Program (PhD) in the United
s when. in 1969, she was appointed Dean and Profes-
T o Nursing and Lecturer in Anthropology at the Uni-
NiY of Washington, Seattle, where she remained until
There she established the first academic nursing
nartment on comparative nursing care systems to sup-
urt master's and doctoral programs in transcultural nurs-
ng She initiated several transcultural nursing courses and nentored the first nurses in a PhD program with a tocus
m transcultural nursing. Under her leadership, the Uni-
Ersity of Washington was recognized in 1973 as the out- Sanding public institutional school of nursing in the nited States.
ln 1981, Leininger was appointed Protessor ot Nursing
and Adjunct Protessor of Anthropology and Director of Transcultural Nursing and also Director ot the Center tor
Health Research at Wayne State University in Detroit until her seni retirement in 1995. Dr. Leininger developed sev- eral transcultural nursing courses and seminars tocused on
caring and qualitative research methods tor baccalaureate, master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral nursing and nonnurs-
ing students. She also mentored many students and nurses
in transecultural nursing tield research and continued these
endeavors at various universities in the United States and
worldwide. In 1989, Leininger launehed the Journal of
Transcultural Nursing, serving as its tirst cditor until her In 1974, Leininger was appointed Dean and Professor ot ursing at the College of Nursing and Adjunct Professor of Athropology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
S institution, she initiated the first master's and doc- rograms in transcultural nursing and established the Octoral program offerings at this institution (Leini-
Leininger wrote or edited more than 30 books in her
lifetime and published more than 200 articles and 45 book
chapters plus numerous tilms, videos, 1DVDs, and research
reports focused on transcultural nursing; human care and
health phenomena; the tuture of nursing: and related topics
relevant to nursing and anthropology. During her career,
Dr. Leininger served on eight editorial boards and refereed
several publications and was actively involved with the
Transcultural Nursing Scholars Group and the development
of and contributions to her own website (www.madeleine She has remained known as one of the
oter Substantive courses focused specifically on transcul- nger, 1978). These prog ograms were the first in the world to
974, nger founded the 1ational Transcultural Nursing and remained an active leader in the orga-
R ng She also initiated and was director of a new nfacilitation office at the University of Utah. In
nroughout her lifetime. She also established the zation
theory, research rch, onsultatio UNIT IV Theories
and care writings,
nost crcative, productive, innovative,
and futuristic
research-based nscultural nursing content
and ideas to
honors for her lifetime professional
plishments, including
include an LHD from
Kansas; a PhD from the University of
a DS from the University of Indiana.
many aNards and and academicand dynamic
addresses. She received
authors in nursing who provided new
and substantive
several hono Benedictine
N degrees ha
College in Achisn advance nursing as a discipline and a professi1On. n addition to theory development
and transculurd
nursing. Leininger had many lifelong areas of interest
CpertisC, including comparative cducation and adminis
ration; nursing theorics; politics; ethical dilemmas or
rsing and health care; qualitative research
methods; the
uture ol nursing and health care; and nursing leadership
As a certihed transcultural nurse and rescarcher,
studied 15 individual and unique cultures; mentored or
superised approximately 200 master's and doctoral
es focused on transcultural nursing. human caring/care,
and related areas worldwide: and consulted with many
opio, Finlads a Indianapolis. In 197% aue and sigpi And and 1995, she was gnized for her he American Asse
of Nursing as its first all-time president.i the Russell Sage standing Leadership
Anthropology So ciety, fellow
iation of C eininger r
cant contribution to the
recevetin 19 and was a fellow in the American Acaderard of iursing, a fellow of the
Society for Applied Anthropology, and a fellow o e Royal
College of Nursing in Australia. Other affliatliationsGamma, and Scandinavian College of Sweden. She
served as a
included Sigma Theta Tau; Delta Kappa
Caring Science he in Stockhrrescarchers and institutions, especially those using her
culture carc theorv. Her culture care theory is used world-
Wide and continues to grow in relevance and importance
Tor the discover of culture care phenomena about diverse
distinguished visiting scholar lecturer at 85
universities in the United
World.wide and was a VISiting professor at n and
overseas w
Wayne State Univer.universities. While at the Board of Regents Distinguished aculty Distinguished Research Award
in Teaching, and the Outstanding Graduate
tor Award. In 1996, Madonna
igan, honored her with its dedication of the I
Collection and a special Leininger Reading Ra outstanding contributions to nursing and the
ences and humanities. Leininger was honored as Legend of the American Academy of Nursing in 1998
Dr. Leininger's last works on the culture care the heory were publications in peer-reviewed professional Durnals. She co authored an interview for Nursing Science O
terly (Clarke et al., 2009) in which she discussed the hit
sity, she eceived Leiningcr lectured to anthropologists,
physicians, social
workers. pharmacists, and educators, and conducted research
with colleagues. She remained active in two disciplines and
contributed to nursing and anthropology at national and inter-
national transcultural conferences and association meetings.
Award, the the Presidents Excelence aculty Men- iversity in Livonia, Mich.
ger Book ing Room for her
Leininger worked to persuade nursing educators and practi-
ioners to integrate transcultural nursing and culture-specific
care cocepts based on research findings into nursing curri-
cula and clinical practices as critical for the future of all
aspects of nursing. Across seven decades of the discipline,
numerous nurses with doctoral degrees and many master's
and baccalaureate students have become certified in transcul-
SOcial sc
tural nursing. using Leininger's culture care theory through- out their work (Leininger, 1991, 1995; Leininger& McFarland, 2002. 2006; McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015a, 2018b).
Leininger established transcultural nursing courses and
programs to educate, conduct, and facilitate research about
transcultural nursing and health phenomena. As interest in
transcultural nursing and health care grew, Leininger (M. R.
McFarland, personal communication, 1996) delivered key-
note addresses annually and conducted workshops and consultations both nationally and internationally through- out her career. Her academic vitae included nearly 600 conferences, keynote addresses, workshops, and consultant services in the United States, Canada, Europe, Pacific Island nations, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Nordic countries.
Educational and service organizations continued to request her consultation on transcultural nursing, humanistic car
ing, ethnonursing research, the culture care theory, and futuristic trends in health care worldwide.
Dr. Leininger gained international recognition in nurs- ing and related fields through her transcultural nursing
tory and future of transcultural care, the irsing
profession, and global health care. In 2015, she te
about her retrospective comparative study conducted in 2011 about three Western and one non-Western culture
(Old Order Amish Americans, Anglo Americans, Meai can Americans, and the Gadsup of the Eastern Highlands
of New Guinea) to obtain in-depth knowledge abou father protective care beliefs and practices with the god
to use that knowledge to provide culturally congruent
care (Leininger, 2015). She reported on culture care deci- sion and action modes of similar and diverse care findings
discussed with the informant fathers as potential ways they might integrate their cultural values and care prac
tices to help their sons. Leininger then began work on d
new culture care construct, collaborative care, which sik
Co-presented with Marilyn McFarland via a keynotevu
eocast at the 37th Annual Conference of Transculturi
Nursing Society in October 2011.
Aoleine M. Leininger: Iheory of Culture Care Diversity and Un cHAPTER22 Ma
nger died peacefully on August 10, e Leininger.
ohraska. She continued to work until
002, 2006; McFarland & Wehbe- Alamah, 2015a, 2018D) ninger predicted that for nursing to be meaningful ana Terevant to clients and other nurses in the world, transcu al nursing knowledge and competencies would be impe Ve to guide all nursing care decisions and actions To
Cective and successful health outcomes (Leininger, 199
1996 Leininger & McFarland, 2002, 2006; McFarland
maha, Nebra
Ilaborating with colleagues on eoreher strbons lo seve eral projects
and publications in ongoing
legacy is her work prog-
on the einingers
re diversity and universal and in the
nursing that will continue to transcultural
of culhurec
yiet those
m she has mentored taught, and influ- m ijine of
accomplished career. & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015c, 2018b).
inger (2002a) distinguished between transcultural g and cross-cultural nursing, The former refers to
nurses prepared in transcultural nursing who are prepareuand committed to develop knowledge and practice n ranscultural nursing, whereas cross-cultural nursing rerers O nurses who use applied or medical anthropological con- Cepts instead of developing transcultural nursing theory and research-based practices (Leininger, 1995; Leininger & McFarland, 2002, 2006; McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015a, 2018b). She also identified international nursing and transcultural nursing as different. International nurs- ng occurs when nurses travel to or have nursing practice or service-learning experiences in other nations or coun- tries; however, transcultural nursing involves multiple cul- tures and has comparative theoretical and practice base foci (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, 2018). Leininger described the transcultural nurse generalist (now known as certified transcultural nurse-basic or CTN-B), as a nurse prepared at the baccalaureate level who is able to apply transcultural nursing concepts, principles, and practices that are generated by transcultural nurse specialists (Leini- nger, 1991, 1995; Leininger & McFarland, 2002, 2006; McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, 2018). The transcul tural nurse specialist (now referred to as a certified trans-
cultural nurse-advanced or CTN-A) is prepared in graduate programs and receives in-depth preparation and mentor- ship in transcultural nursing knowledge and practice. The CTN-A has acquired competency skills through post bac-
calaureate education by having acquired research-based knowledge about selected cultures in sufficient depth to provide high-quality, safe, and effective transcultural nurs- ing care (McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, 2018). The transcultural CTN-A therefore serves as an expert practi- tioner, teacher, researcher, and consultant with respect to select cultures. The CTN-A specialist values and uses nurs- ing theory to develop and advance knowledge within the discipline of transcultural nursing, the field Leininger pre- dicted must be the focus of all nursing education and prac- tice (Leininger, 1991, 1995; Leininger & McFarland, 2002,
aer's theory
was derived from the disciplinesof
ology and. 2002, 2006; Mckarland & Wehbe-Ala- and nursing
Leininger, 1991, 1995; Leini-
2015a, 20186).
She described
nursing focused on the comparative studv
fdiverse cultures and subcultures worldwide
transcultural nursing as
of r
e to their caring values, expressions, and health sth respect te and patterns
of. behavior. e of the theory is to discover human care
ness beliets a
he purpose
.and universalities in relation to worldview, cul- d ial structure dimensions, and then to discover
turally congruent care for people of to providecultur
frent or similar cultures
to maintain or regain their
ing or health or to face death (Leininger, 1991,
e: Leininger
& McFarlan 2002, 2006; McFarland & Alamah, 2015a, :018b). The goal of the theory is to
oVe and to bvide culturally congruent care to people
is beneficial and will ft with and be useful to the client,
mt: or cultural group (Leininger, 1991, 1995; Leininger afarland, 2002, 2006; McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, .2018). Transcultural nursing goes beyond an aware- state to one of using culture care nursing knowledge
ractice culturally congruent and responsible care
McFarland&Wehbe-Alamah, 2015c, 2018b).
Leininger stated that, over time, there would be a new nd of nursing practice that reflects diverse nursing prac-
is that are culturally defined, grounded, and specific to lide nursing care provided to individuals, families, groups,
ad institutions. She contended that because culture and e knowledge are the broadest and most holistic means to
cptualize and understand people, they are central and mperative to nursing education and practice (ILeininger, 91, 1995; Leininger & McFarland, 2002, 2006; McFarland Nehbe-Alamah, 2015c, 2018b). In addition, she stated anscutural nursing had become one of the most impor a1, relevant, and highly promising areas of formal study, 5arch, and practice because people live in a multicultural
UI(Leininger, 1988a, 1995; Leininger & McFarland,
2006; McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, 2018). Leininger (1996) promoted a new and different theory
from traditional nursing theories that defined theory as logi- cally interrelated concepts and hypothetical propositions to be tested for the purpose of explaining or predicting an event,
338 UNIT IV Theories and Grand Theories tory, and the evironmental
ehomenon, or situation. Instead. Lcininger defined theory
as the s'stematic and creative discovery ol knowlcdge about
a domain of interest inmportant to understand or account for
SOmc unknown phenomenon. She belicved nursing theory
must lake into accoun creative discovery about individuals,
1amilics, and groups, and their caring. values, cxpressions,
belicts, and act ions or practices based on their cultural life-
71 to providc eltective, satislfying, and culturally congruent
care (1 cininger. 1991. 1995; Icininger & McFarland,
O6: Allarland & Wehbe- Alamah, 2015a, 2018b).
I cininger (199) developed her theory of culture care
divcrsitv and universality bascd on the belief that people of
dilerent culures can intorm and are capable of guiding
protessionals to receive the kind of carc they desire or need trom others C1lture is the pattcrned and valued lifeways of
people that intlucnce thcir decisions and actions; therefore,
the theor is directed toward nurses to discoverand docu-
ment the world of the clicnt and to use their emic (insider) icpoints, knowledge. and practices with appropriate etic
(outsidcr). as bases for making cullurally congruent profes- sional care actions and decisions (Leininger, 1991, 1995).
The culture care theory can be both inductive and
deductive and is derived from both emic and etic knowl-
Contex abstract and practice dimensione that can
Tho he theay Ch tematically to achieve culturally congruent be exanine 2015a,c, 2018b). It is the onlv focused on culture and care of
three theory-based culture care
acceptable care comes (McFarland & w it is possib care becaus
derived fro
Wehhe in nur ethnonUrsi
heoare ou
peoAiyerse and what is
culluremodes ol deciiactions that are rectly applicable in clinical reaching beneficial and satisfactory lifeways ultimately discover care-what is sally related to care and parative focus to discover different
nursing care practices
document, through he
generic an
to support of the
pracliceebeng, e thcory health-and has an
integrate or contrastin with specific care based carin nursings co ory with the onursing method has ramalconstructs iep
na beneficial care
tease out in-depth infor
information. Thus, these enablers tural health care assessments.
eration of new knowledge in nursing:
nant emic data and healh
he enablers first reason
ment, and s- the human
reason 1S to
construct or
sed also be u
. The theory can at culturally congruent, neaningful, and t
uide he d health care t edge and th-
ferent cultu
(Leininger, 1
McFarland & knowledge i
promote the
or disability,
over time (Le
hat care For more than six deca Leininger held
dominant, distinc cdge (1991. p. 33). Leininger (1991) encouraged nurses and others to obtain grounded emic knowledge fronm the pe0-
ple or ulture because such knowledge is more credible.
The theory is ncither a middle-range nor macro theory but
must be viewed holistically with specific domains of inter-
cst. Leininger bclieved the terms middle range and macroo
to be outdated in theory development and usage (Leini-
nger. 1991, 1995; Leininger & McFarland, 2002, 2006;
McFarland & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015, 2018). Indeed, the culture eare theory is the broadest holistic nursing theory, because it takes into account the totality and holistic per-
spective of human life and existence over time, including
the social structure factors, worldview, cultural history and values. environmental context (Leininger, 1988b), language
expressions, and folk (generic) and professional care pat-
terns. These are some of the most critical and essential
essence of nursing and the
ve, and ing feature of nursing (Leininger, 1970, 1988b.nger& McFarland, 2002, 2006; McFarland Nehbe that care is comnpleoften embedded in social structure and other 2015, 2018). She stated
fession needs
holistic cultuz
ture (Leininger, 1991; Leininger & McFarland held that diferent forms, expressions, and Dat were diverse, whereas Some were universal ( s f Leininger & Mckarland, 2002, 2006). Leinino
meanings of a
1991, 1995;
land & Weht
1995) found
often embedd
quali 1990; Leininger & McFarland, 2002, 2006) usei
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