A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study.? For this assignment, choose a research
A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study.
For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing (ATTACHED).
- The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, concept analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systemic review should not be used.
- Mixed-methods studies should not be used.
- Dissertations should not be used.
Your critique should include the following:
Research Problem/Purpose
- State the problem clearly as it is presented in the report.
- Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing knowledge?
- Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
- State the purpose of the research.
Review of the Literature
- Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
- Were the references current? If not, what do you think the reasons are?
- Was there evidence of reflexivity in the design (qualitative)?
Theoretical Framework
- Are the theoretical concepts defined and related to the research?
- Does the research draw solely on nursing theory or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
- Is a theoretical framework stated in this research piece?
- If not, suggest one that might be suitable for the study.
Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions (Quantitative)
- What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
- Are the operational definitions of the variables given? If so, are they concrete and measurable?
- Is the research question or the hypothesis stated? What is it?
Conceptual Underpinnings, Research Questions (Qualitative)
- Are key concepts defined conceptually?
- Is the philoosoophical basis, underlying tradition, conoceptual framework, or ideological orientation made explicit and is it appropriate for the problem?
- Are research questions explicitly stated? Are the questions consistent with the study's philosophical basis, underlying tradition, conceptual framework, or ideological orientation?
- What type of design (quantitative, qualitative, and type) was used in this study?
- Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
- State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
- Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
- State the type of reliability and the validity of the measurement tools (quantitative only)
Qualitative studies (answer the following questions in addition to those above except the last bulleted item)
- Were the methods of gathering data appropriate?
- Were data gathered through two or more methods to achieve triangulation?
- Did the researcher ask the right questions or make the right observations and were they recorded in an appropriate fashion?
- Was a sufficient amount of data gathered?
- Was the data of sufficient depth and richness?
Were ethical considerations addressed? Were appropriate procedures used to safeguard the rights of study participants?
Data Analysis
- What data analysis tool was used?
- Was saturation achieved? (qualitative)
- How were the results presented in the study?
- Were the data management (e.g., coding) and data analysis methods sufficiently described? (qualitative)
- Identify at least one (1) finding.
Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
- Do the themes adequately capture the meaning of the data?
- Did the analysis yield an insightful, provocative and meaningful picture of the phenomenon under investigation?
- Were methods used to enhance the trustworthiness of the data (and analysis) and was the description of those methods adequate?
- Are there clear explanation of the boundaries/limitations, thick description, audit trail?
- What are the strengths and limitations of the study?
- In terms of the findings, can the researcher generalize to other populations? Explain.
- Evaluate the findings and conclusions as to their significance for nursing (both qualitative and quantitative).
The body of your paper should be 4–6 double-spaced pages plus a cover page and a reference page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA guidelines.
Macular pigment changes after cataract
surgery with yellow-tinted intraocular lens
Akira ObanaID 1,2☯*, Yuko Gohto1☯, Ryo Asaoka1☯
1 Department of Ophthalmology, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan,
2 Photochemical Medicine Department, Photon Medical Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of
Medicine, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work. * [email protected]
We previously reported that macular pigment optical density (MPOD) levels decreased dur-
ing a long follow-up period after clear intraocular lens (IOL) implant surgery presumably due
to excessive light exposure. We examined changes in MPOD levels in the eyes that
received yellow-tinted IOL implant surgery.
Subjects and methods
This was a prospective, observational study. Fifty-five eyes of 35 patients were studied.
MPOD levels were measured with a dual-wavelength autofluorescence technique on day 4;
months 1, 3, and 6; and years 1 and 2 postoperatively. The average optical densities at 0˚-
2˚ eccentricities (local MPODs) and total volumes of MPOD (MPOVs) in the area within 1.5˚
and 9˚ eccentricities were analyzed.
The mean local MPOD at baseline (on day 4) was 0.79 at 0˚, 0.71 at 0.5˚, 0.68 at 0.9˚, and
0.32 at 2˚. The mean MPOV within 1.5˚ and 9˚ at baseline was 2950 and 18,897, respec-
tively. Local MPOD at 0.9˚ and 2˚ and MPOVs were slightly decreased at month 1 and
increased after that. The increase reached statistical significance in local MPOD at 0.5˚ and
2˚ and MPOVs (Tukey–Kramer test). The changes in MPOV within 9˚ at year 2 [(MPOV on
year 2 − MPOV on day 4) / MPOV on day 4] were from −0.21 to 1.18 (mean and standard deviation: 1.14 ± 0.28). The MPOV of 15 eyes increased more than 10% from the initial value, was maintained within 10% in 21 eyes, and deteriorated more than 10% in only 3
Local MPOD and MPOV tended to slightly decrease month 1 postoperatively and gradually
increased after that, but the rates of increases in MPOD levels were small. Yellow-tinted
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248506 March 25, 2021 1 / 12
Citation: Obana A, Gohto Y, Asaoka R (2021)
Macular pigment changes after cataract surgery
with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implantation.
PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248506. https://doi.org/
Editor: Alfred S. Lewin, University of Florida,
Received: December 17, 2020
Accepted: February 26, 2021
Published: March 25, 2021
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2021 Obana et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work.
IOLs that have a lower transmittance of blue light might be preferable for preserving MPOD
levels after surgery.
Visible light (wavelength: approximately 380 to 760 nm) has the potential of inducing retinal
damage [1, 2]. Especially blue light, with wavelengths ranging from 380 to 500 nm, has a high
potential to induce retinal damage because of its higher energy per photon than longer wave-
length lights. In the retina, blue light is absorbed by lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelial
(RPE) layer, rhodopsin in the photoreceptor layer, and other chromophores [3–5] and singlet
oxygen and other radical species that damage the RPE and photoreceptors are produced [6].
These photochemical or photooxidative light–tissue reactions occur with low and sustained
irradiation under the threshold value that induces thermal changes [1, 3, 7]. This situation is
called blue light hazard. Acute damage to the retina by accidentally gazing at sun light, arc
welding light, laser light from medical and industrial equipment, and light emission diodes
used in toys has been reported [8–22]. However, the harmfulness of chronic exposure to blue
light of certain wavelengths is still controversial [23–26]. Accumulative photooxidative stress
by blue light theoretically induces chronic changes in the retina, and photooxidative stress is
presumed to be one of the origins of retinal disorders, such as age-related macular degenera-
tion (AMD) [27].
The human crystalline lens becomes yellowish to brown with aging and potentially blocks
harmful blue light [3, 28–30] (Fig 1A). Removal of the crystalline lens by cataract surgery
enhances blue light exposure to the retina (Fig 1B), and this higher level of exposure may have
the potential to progress AMD via increased photooxidative stress [27, 31]. The effects of cata-
ract surgery, however, on AMD development has not been determined because of insufficient
data [32]. On the other hand, the retina has macular pigment (MP) consisting of three caroten-
oids, that is, lutein [(3R,30R,60R)-lutein], zeaxanthin [(3R,30R)-zeaxanthin], and meso-zeaxan- thin [(3R,30S; meso)-zeaxanthin] [33, 34]. The maximum absorption wavelength of MP is 460 nm [35] and MP acts as a filter by absorbing blue light (Fig 1B). It potentially protects against
light-induced oxidative damage in the retina by quenching oxygen radicals [36–38]. Thus, the
Fig 1. A. Transmission of human crystalline lens with age ranged 10 to 70 years old. The data is a personal gift from
Okuno T. Transmission shows a monotonous decrease in blue range with age. B. Transmission curves of +20 diopter
clear intraocular lens (IOL, SA60AT, Alcon Inc.) and yellow-tinted intraocular lenses (SN60AT). Yellow-tinted IOL
blocks blue light. Dotted line indicates the maximum absorption wavelength of macular pigment (460 nm). The data is
a personal gift from Tanito M.
PLOS ONE Macular pigment changes in eyes with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implants
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248506 March 25, 2021 2 / 12
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
MP is an important internal defense system in the retina. We previously investigated the
changes in MP in eyes that received cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.
The results showed that MP levels in the eyes implanted with a clear IOL deteriorated 1 and 2
years after surgery, whereas MP levels in the eyes with a yellow-tinted IOL implantation had
no change. The mechanisms underlying the deterioration of the MP in eyes with a clear IOL
are unknown, but we speculated that a high transmission rate of short wavelength components
with a clear IOL might induce higher exposure of blue light to the MP and cause high con-
sumption of MP carotenoids [39] (Fig 1B). We considered that a yellow-tinted IOL has advan-
tages in preserving the MP. While in contrast, Nolan et al. reported increased MP optical
density (MPOD) levels in the eyes with yellow-tinted IOL implants and unchanged MPOD
levels in the eyes with clear IOLs [40]. Therefore, the changes in MP in the eyes that received
IOL implants are still controversial. In our previous study, we used resonance Raman spectros-
copy (RRS) to measure MP levels, and Nolan et al. used heterochromatic flicker photometry.
RRS is a highly specific method that can measure MPOD levels because this method directly
measures the Raman signal from the MP that is specific to carotenoids. However, RRS allows
counting the total Raman signals from the MP within a diameter of 1 mm of the central fovea.
Actually, the MP was distributed more widely in the macular region, and the importance of
measuring the total amount of MP at the macular region is proposed to investigate the protec-
tive effects of MP [41]. Heterochromatic flicker photometry has been widely used for the inves-
tigation of MP for a long time, but its subjective nature needs subjective cooperation and may
induce some bias. Heterochromatic flicker photometry also measures the MP at limited lesions
of the retina. In contrast, a dual-wavelength autofluorescent technique is an objective tech-
nique. With this technique, not only MPOD at any location of the macular area but also a total
volume of MPOD in the area within any eccentricity can be obtained. A module on the Heidel-
berg SPECTRALIS with MultiColor (Spectralis-MP, Heidelberg Engineering Inc.) equipped
with a dual-wavelength (486 and 518 nm) autofluorescent technique was developed recently,
and the reliability of this device was validated [41–43].
In this study, we measured MPOD levels in eyes implanted with yellow-tinted IOLs 4 days
to 2 years after surgery using the dual-wavelength autofluorescence technique to verify our
previous results.
Subjects and methods
Fifty-five eyes of 35 patients (18 men and 17 women) who underwent cataract surgery at Seirei
Hamamatsu General Hospital between September 2016 and September 2018 were included in
the study (Table 1). Patient ages ranged from 41 to 86 years, and the mean and standard
Table 1. Demographics of the patients.
Male Female
patients 18 17
eyes 27 28
Age range (years) 56–86 41–85
Mean age (SD) (years) 69.0 (8.4) 71.1 (10.3)
No. of eyes implanted the following IOLs
SN60WF 14 19
XY1 9 7
YP2.2 2 2
PCB00V 2 0
SD, standard deviation; IOL, intraocular lens
PLOS ONE Macular pigment changes in eyes with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implants
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248506 March 25, 2021 3 / 12
deviation was 71.2 ± 9.6 years. All surgeries were performed by three experienced surgeons (AO, YG, and HS) using the same phaco instrument (Infinity, Alcon Inc.) and operating
microscope (OPMI Visu210/S88, Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). The operating technique
was the same reported in the previous study. IOLs were implanted in the capsuler bag in all
eyes. The products of IOLs that were implanted were SN60WF (Alcon Inc., Fig 1B) in 33 eyes,
XY1 (HOYA Corporation) in 16 eyes, YP2.2 (Kowa Company, LtD) in 4 eyes, and PCB00V
(AMO Japan K.K) in 2 eyes. All eyes were free of disorders that could have affected the MPOD
measurements, including corneal and vitreal opacities, and retinal disorders such as vein
occlusion, multiple drusen, and pigment abnormalities in the macula. There was no severe
inflammation postoperatively.
MPOD levels were measured with a SPECTRALIS OCT with MultiColor equipped with a
dual-wavelength autofluorescence technique. The actual measurement was performed in the
same manner as described in previous studies [44–46]. The reference plateau for assumed
absence of MP was set at 9˚ eccentricity. The measurements were performed in eyes under
mydriasis induced by 2.5% phenylephrine hydrochloride and 1% tropicamide. The average
optical densities at 0˚, 0.5˚, 0.9˚, and 2˚ eccentricities (local MPODs) and total MPOD volumes
(MPOVs) in the area within 1.5˚ and 9˚ eccentricities were analyzed. The RRS technique
obtained total Raman counts in the central area with a 1-mm diameter. In order to adjust the
RRS measurement, MPOVs in the area of 1.5˚ were analyzed. Patients were examined on day
4; months 1, 3, and 6; and years 1 and 2, postoperatively. Patients underwent usual ophthalmo-
logical examinations including visual acuity testing and measurement of intraocular pressure
at every time point. Posterior capsule opacification was evaluated with slit-lamp biomicro-
scopy, and no eyes had clinically relevant opacification that could have caused loss of visual
acuity and light transmission for MPOD measurements. It was confirmed verbally that no
patients started to take supplements containing lutein and/or zeaxanthin after surgery.
These prospective case series were approved by the institutional review board of Seirei
Hamamatsu General Hospital (IRB No. 2199). The protocol followed the tenets of the Declara-
tion of Helsinki. All patients provided written informed consent at enrollment.
Statistical analysis
The values of local MPODs at 0˚, 0.5˚, 0.9˚, and 2˚ eccentricities and MPOVs in the areas
within 1.5˚ and 9˚ eccentricities were compared at day 4; months 1, 3, and 6; and years 1 and
2, using a linear mixed model with patients as a random effect (because one or two eyes of a
patient were included) and the Tukey–Kramer test, which considered multiple comparisons.
The linear mixed model is equivalent to an ordinary linear regression in that the model
describes the relationship between the predictor variables and a single outcome variable. How-
ever, standard linear regression analysis rests on the assumption that all observations are inde-
pendent of each other. In the current study, measurements were nested within subjects and
hence were dependent on each other. Ignoring this grouping of the measurements will result
in underestimation of the standard errors of regression coefficients. The linear mixed model
adjusts for the hierarchical structure of the data, modeling in such a way that measurements
are grouped within subjects to reduce the possible bias derived from the nested structure of the
data [47, 48]. Subsequently, these analyses were iterated using only eyes that were subjected to
measurements both at day 4 and year 1 and day 4 and year 2.
In addition, the change rate of MPOV within 9˚ on year 2 was calculated as (MPOV on
year 2 − MPOV on day 4) / MPOV on day 4. The change rates were compared between SN60WF and XY1 using a non-paired t-test.
PLOS ONE Macular pigment changes in eyes with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implants
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All statistical analyses were performed using the statistical programming language R (ver.
3.6.1, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria); StatView, version 5.0;
SAS statistical software (Cary, NC); and Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS) soft-
ware, version 26 (IBM SPSS, Chicago, IL); p < 0.05 was considered significant.
The MPOD levels were measured in all eyes on day 4 postoperatively, which was defined as the
baseline value of MPOD levels in each eye. Some eyes failed to receive MPOD measurements
at some time points, and the number of eyes that received MPOD measurements was 49 at
month 1, 51 at month 3, 47 at month 6, 48 at year 1, and 39 at year 2. Local MPOD levels at
four eccentricities and MPOV within two eccentricities for all time points are shown in
Table 2. The differences in local MPOD levels and MPOV between day 4 and year 1, postoper-
atively, were analyzed statistically in 48 eyes of 29 subjects who received MPOD measurements
at year 1 (Table 3). Local MPOD levels increased significantly at year 1 at 0˚, 0.5˚, and 2˚
eccentricities and MPOV within 1.5˚ and 9˚ eccentricities increased significantly at year 1. The
differences in local MPOD levels and MPOV between day 4 and year 2 postoperatively were
also statistically analyzed in 39 eyes of 23 subjects who received MPOD measurements at year
2 (Table 4). A significant increase was observed in local MPOD at 0.5˚ and 2˚ and MPOV
within 1.5˚ and 9˚ eccentricities.
MPOD levels were measured at all time points during a postoperative follow-up period of 2
years in 35 eyes of 22 subjects. Fig 2 shows changes in the mean local MPOD levels in these
eyes. There were no significant changes in local MPOD at 0˚ and 0.5˚ between any two time
points. The local MPOD at 0.9˚ at month 1 was lower than that at day 4, month 6, and years 1
and 2. Local MPOD at 2˚ at month 1 was lower than that at day 4, month 6, and years 1 and 2,
and the differences between month 1 and month 6, year 1, and year 2 were significant. Local
MPOD at 2˚ at year 1 was significantly higher than that at day 4 (Tukey–Kramer test). Figs 3
and 4 show changes in MPOV within 1.5˚ and 9˚, respectively. MPOV within 1.5˚ at year 2
Table 2. Local MPOD levels and MPOV at four eccentricities at all time points.
Day 4 Month 1 Month 3 Month 6 Year 1 Year 2
0˚ Range 0.37–1.39 0.31–1.38 0.44–1.30 0.44–1.48 0.39–1.26 0.45–1.33
Mean (SD) 0.79
0.5˚ Range 0.21–1.12 0.25–1.24 0.21–1.21 0.27–1.24 0.24–1.27 0.32–1.24
Mean (SD) 0.71
0.9˚ Range 0.21–1.12 0.22–1.05 0.21–1.04 0.25–1.05 0.24–1.05 0.34–1.04
Mean (SD) 0.68
2˚ Range 0.06–0.74 0.08–0.68 0.06–0.71 0.09–0.71 0.08–0.72 0.12–0.68
Mean (SD) 0.32
MPOV within 1.5˚ Range 846–5352 977–5073 846–5051 1084–4992 1013–5014 1397–4950
Mean (SD) 2950
MPOV within 9˚ Range 4948–42810 4842–71142 4948–41430 5886–42042 7026–42980 7118–37789
Mean (SD) 18,897
SD, standard deviation
PLOS ONE Macular pigment changes in eyes with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implants
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was significantly higher than that at day 4 and months 1 and 3. MPOV within 1.5˚ at month 1
was significantly lower than that at month 3, year 1 and 2. MPOV within 9˚ at year 1 was sig-
nificantly higher than that at day 4. MPOV within 9˚ at month 1 was significantly lower than
that at month 6, and year 1 and 2. (Tukey–Kramer test).
The change rate of MPOV within 9˚ at year 2 was from −0.21 to 1.18. The mean change rate and standard deviation was 1.14 ± 0.28. We divided change rates into three categories: +1.1 and more, lower than +1.1 and higher than −1.1, and −1.1 and lower. Fifteen eyes had an increased MPOV of >10% from the initial value. The change rates of 21 eyes were within 10%,
and only three eyes had a deteriorated MPOV of more than 10%. The mean change rates of
each IOL product were 0.09 ± 0.02 with SN60WF, 0.23 ± 0.18 with XY1, 0.08 with YP2.2, and −0.04 with PCB00V. There was no significant difference in the mean change rates between SN60WF and XY1 (p = 0.478, non-paired t-test). Statistical analyses were not performed in YP2.2 and PCB00V because of the small number of eyes that were implanted.
The present results showed that MPOD levels in the yellow-tinted IOL-implanted eyes tended
to be slightly decreased at month 1 postoperatively and gradually increased after that. The
increase in local MPOD reached statistical significance at 0˚, 0.5˚, and 2˚ at year 1 (Table 3)
and at 0.5˚ and 2˚ at year 2 (Table 4). MPOV within 1.5˚ and 9˚ also increased significantly at
years 1 and 2 (Tables 3 and 4). Twenty-five eyes (64% of the eyes measured MPOD at year 2)
showed higher MPOVs within 9˚ at year 2 than those at day 4, and among them, 15 eyes (38%)
increased the MPOV >10%, whereas only 3 eyes had a deteriorated MPOV of more than 10%.
Table 3. Comparison of MPOD levels between day 4 and year 1 postoperatively.
Day 4 Year 1
Mean Standard deviation Range Mean Standard deviation Range P value Local MPOD
0˚ 0.77 0.21 0.37–1.39 0.82 0.21 0.39–1.26 0.0104
0.5˚ 0.70 0.22 0.21–1.19 0.72 0.22 0.24–1.27 0.0252
0.9˚ 0.67 0.22 0.21–1.12 0.69 0.21 0.24–1.05 0.0924
2˚ 0.32 0.17 0.06–0.74 0.34 0.17 0.08–0.72 0.0029
MPOV within 1.5˚ 2936 1012 846–5352 3042 1005 1014–5014 0.0045
MPOV within 9˚ 18,767 9591 4948–42,810 19,707 9374 7026–42,980 0.0036
Significant values were shown in bold.
Table 4. Comparison of MPOD levels between day 4 and year 2 postoperatively.
Day 4 Year 2
Mean Standard deviation Range Mean Standard deviation Range P value Local MPOD
0˚ 0.77 0.21 0.37–1.39 0.80 0.22 0.45–1.33 0.313
0.5˚ 0.69 0.22 0.21–1.19 0.72 0.21 0.32–1.24 0.0204
0.9˚ 0.65 0.21 0.21–1.12 0.67 0.20 0.34–1.04 0.135
2˚ 0.29 0.15 0.06–0.74 0.31 0.14 0.12–0.68 0.0188
MPOV within 1.5˚ 2817 973 846–5352 2951 917 1392–4950 0.0086
MPOV within 9˚ 16,991 8504 4948–40,224 17,886 7628 7118–37,789 0.0408
Significant values were shown in bold.
PLOS ONE Macular pigment changes in eyes with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implants
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Nolan et al. measured MPOD at four eccentricities, i.e., 0.25˚, 0.5˚, 1˚, and 1.75˚, with
flicker photometry at 12 months after surgery in 11 eyes with yellow-tinted IOLs. They con-
firmed the increase in local MPOD levels at 0.25˚ and 0.5˚. The increase in MPOD levels at 1˚
and 1.75˚ did not reach a significant level, but the mean MPOD of these four eccentricities
increased significantly at months 3, 6, and 12. They speculated that the mechanisms for the
increased MPOD were as follows: yellow-tinted IOLs have a lower transmission in the blue
light region than clear IOLs, but the transmission was still higher than that in the human lenses
of elderly people (Fig 1), and the increased visible light irradiation of the retina after cataract
surgery could stimulate enhanced retinal capture of circulating lutein and zeaxanthin, perhaps
due to a mechanism involving increased isomerization of the MP constituents under light
exposure [7]. Because the living human body generally has an autoregulatory system, it seems
reasonable that the increase in MPOD can prevent retinal damage caused by increased short
wavelength visible light intensities and correspondingly higher oxidative stress.
Fig 2. A change in the mean local macular pigment optical density (MPOD) levels in the eyes that had all
measurement data during a postoperative follow-up period of 2 years (35 eyes of 22 subjects). Asterisks indicate a
significant difference (p < 0.05) in local MPOD levels between two time points.
Fig 3. A change in macular pigment optical density volume (MPOV) within 1.5˚ eccentricity in the eyes that had
all measurement data during a postoperative follow-up period of 2 years (35 eyes of 22 subjects). Asterisks indicate
a significant difference (p < 0.05) in MPOV between two time points.
PLOS ONE Macular pigment changes in eyes with yellow-tinted intraocular lens implants
PLOS ONE | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248506 March 25, 2021 7 / 12
The present results also showed increases in MPOD levels after surgery at some eccentrici-
ties and MPOV, but the increased rates were quite different from those reported in a study by
Nolan et al. In the study by Nolan et al., the increased value of MPOD was 0.16 at 0.25˚ and
0.123 at 0.5˚. The initial MPOD levels at 0.25˚ on week 1 ranged from 0.07 to 0.52 (mean ± SD, 0.28 ± 0.17), and then the increased rate in the mean MPOD at 0.25˚ was 57%. In the present study, the increased rates at year 1 were 6% at 0˚ and 3% at 0.5˚. One possible reason for the
difference in change rates is the different levels of the initial MPOD. Our initial MPOD levels
were high (0.77 at 0˚ and 0.7 at 0.5˚) compared with those of Nolan’s study (0.28 at 0.25˚).
Optical density of 0.7 represents a transmission rate of 17%, wherea
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